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10826972 No.10826972 [Reply] [Original]

Mr Koro is sick and tired of you overseas fags!


>> No.10827049


>> No.10827064


>> No.10827216

She got the coof

>> No.10827246

menopausal coof

>> No.10827686


>> No.10828890

aight otakfagori you can stop shilling yourself, you're just waiting for that final takedown notice to put you into the ground for good

also might be good time to taking some notes from the Narukami case, your turn will come

>> No.10829442

Because it's retarded.

>> No.10829688

What's retarded in caring for someone's well-being?

>> No.10829770

I still think okakoro are the best casted in regards to their animals. Korone has genki dog energy and Okayu is the perfect smug cat bully.

>> No.10830168
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My favorite fucking thing is Korone seeing Mike Butters for the first time

>> No.10832601

30+ year old woman doesn’t want idiot EOPs dictating when she goes to bed, seems fair.

>> No.10832686

Hag and old enough to be your mom. You still want to treat her as a child

>> No.10832742

Ask me how I know you were raised by a single mother.

>> No.10839353

nannybros it's over

>> No.10839465
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>> No.10839887

She takes horrible care of her health and pulls all nighters playing vidya as a mid 30s adult. She recently broke/sprained her leg and I'm not sure if that is 100% again. Korone is acting like Western women that don't want to be told anything to do yet lack the discipline to make better decisions. It's the same with Mori and her excessive drinking or Gura with her poor eating habits. Just kiddos in adult woman bodies.

>> No.10839928

>She takes horrible care of her health and pulls all nighters playing vidya as a mid 30s adult.
Isn't that what 99.9% of famous Twitch streamers do nowadays?

>> No.10839934

She's a strong independent female dog.

>> No.10839999

I do that and I'm not a twitch streamer.

>> No.10840758

>Grown woman being nagged to death about shit she already knows about
What do you think? Are you 15?

>> No.10841643

EOPs spamming about health in chat will only make her more averse to changing because it will seem like she listened to them. Stop it

>> No.10841743

It doesnt matter how unhealthy she lives, annoying her about it will do more bad than good. Find a way to make the concerns actually convincing or be quiet.

Uhh, Bayeuxed department?

>> No.10841890

Meanwhile you have Choco who repeatedly claims to have slept upwards of 20 hours to the extend of missing whole days and you have people play it off as cute and relatable when it seems like a genuine medical concern.

>> No.10841957

That shit can't be healthy for the body. 27 hours of no hydration or anything

>> No.10841979

Yeah, and your point?
Korone is contrarian anyway so she won't change .
Yeah, it's not normal to sleep 30 hours and just casually be like "yeah Mio, I guess I missed Friday".

>> No.10842098
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I see that in Hell you have access to internet, virgin loser.

>> No.10842494

Seethe harder, womanchild.

>> No.10842755

>wagie thinks people in their 30s all go to sleep at 8pm to be fresh and ready for work work work at 6am
Now that's funny. Have a good life

>> No.10843300

>korone wants to play game for 9000 hours
>management says it's ok
>some turbo autist comes in chat to tell a grown person to stop having fun
Worry about your real friends and family

>> No.10843493

She can dance well into her grave then. If she wants to end up like Old Yeller, then it's up to her.

>> No.10844077

"Worry about your real friends and family"
I doubt if these incels have one...

>> No.10844106

People who tell streamers to go to bed are absolute faggots. I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.10844150

She's 30 not 80, there's nothing wrong with pulling all nighters

>> No.10844254

I don't think anyone on this website and certainly not this board has the right to lecture anybody on the proper way to live their life. She's a fucking adult and can do whatever she wants.

>> No.10844353

go to bed

>> No.10844458

She's a retarded country dog plz andastand.

>> No.10844602

Japanese fans do this too. Even more so actually. In general Jap fans act like little bitches always being way too considerate and babying the girls. I also hate when they all act like pure little girls trying to make streamers be as pure as possible "Ah! What you just said could be vaguely misconstrued as lewd!!! You Cnat say that uwuwuw!!!!!!!!" "Go to sleep!!!!" "No pwease dont say the English nonowords you cant say ASS subaru that isnt what girls sayyyyyy!!!!!!!!"

>> No.10844643
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>> No.10845085

I'm saying she's not young anymore and it's more draining on your mind and body.
I'm in my thirties and it feels way different staying up all night now than it did at 18-20.
She can but I can also do what I want and lecture her.
Those EN comments are from SEAniggers.

>> No.10845135

>Those EN comments are from SEAniggers.
No unfortunately that is what the Japanese fans are saying. People who think the Japanese are somehow less shit in chat are wrong. They are just bad in a different way.

>> No.10845282

Acting like someone in their 30s is inherently incapable of pulling an all nighter now and then is the fattest fucking admission of your own lack of health. Fix your diet and hit the gym.

>> No.10846882

So, she's her own person. Go baby someone else

>> No.10849038

Ogey. (-__-)

>> No.10849652 [DELETED] 


>> No.10852304

Because she's not 13 years old and you're not her guardian. She's a grown ass hag and can make her own fucking decisions. Let her do whatever the fuck she wants to do.

>> No.10855647


>> No.10856573

women never mentally mature past the level of a child

>> No.10857330

it's weird how charming that shitty game is

>> No.10858629

none of your business what she does with her life commie

>> No.10861451

If I marry Korone and make her pregnant do I get to tell her to take care of her health?

>> No.10862237

She's a fucking adult retard, she can do whatever the fuck she wants. It's not like her job requires her body to be in 100% peak human shape. She's fine, i doubt anyone on this site of all places has any right on giving grown women life advice.

>> No.10868934

>newfags doesnt know she did this shit multiple times now

>> No.10869163

All of these replies are twitter tier. I understand you though bro

>> No.10869546

You're not le ebin oldfig.

>> No.10869835
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>open up chat
>"Korone. Bed. Go."

>> No.10869886

If I'm the one paying I get a voice on her work. Pussy

>> No.10870116

Thanks. It's like when you tell a woman you're concerned about her because you actually give a shit about them and they lash out at you for "judging them". Yeah, I'm judging your behavior and advising you to do better.

>> No.10870447

>I appreciate that they care for me

>> No.10870497
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Though to be fair, if she wasn't streaming, she'd probably be smoking. If anything, streaming might be MORE healthy for her if it keeps her away from the deathsticks.

>> No.10870680

What makes you think she doesn't smoke while she does these endurance streams? She been doing this so long that she could easily mute when she uses a lighter. Of course, Koro-san has to hide it but chuubas like TMSK can be openly heard lighting up on stream and has even excused herself to go smoke.

>> No.10870954

Less than 1% of people can have a healty sleep with less tha 6 hours.

>> No.10871213

Mpk...please...I'm still outside...open the door!

>> No.10872010

Literally me

>> No.10874641

We hate her also.

>> No.10874874

She's misunderstanding us. When we say go to bed we mean with us.

>> No.10874886

Do you also think Professional Wrestling is real?

>> No.10876510

Mr. Koro…….

>> No.10879234

She's showing what lack of good dick does to a bitch

>> No.10879305

Literally this. What the fuck are these retards on about

>> No.10879829

I'm so glad he don't get as high views as he used to

>> No.10879898

Bitch no you don't. You just get thrown out for being an ass. Imagine being in a theater and someone in the back flips his shit because he found the dialogue inappropriate. People like you are just a laughing stock and your opinion is worth fuck all.

>> No.10883001

Fuck off

>> No.10884225

every fucking time

>> No.10887156

t. OtakMori

>> No.10888267

She gets paid more than you do wageslaving by doing it, so why wouldn’t she?

>> No.10888482

Stop aping other faggots, redditscum.

>> No.10890330
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>> No.10890407

Well if she's tired she should go to sleep
