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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10819410 No.10819410 [Reply] [Original]

>You know what I did? I think I wasted your time for like 20 minutes.

>> No.10819508
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Sorry, who got destroyed

>> No.10819865

Anyway, more importantly, I was wondering why Kronii's minecraft name is "ourkronii" instead of "ourokronii"? There's no way the name was taken because it's pretty unique, unlike Mumei who has a name that a Japanese person plausibly could have come up with on their own, or Kiara who unfortunately shares her name with a famous porn star. Does "ourokronii" inadvertently spell some banned word in Minecraft, like some gold selling website or something.

>> No.10820041

Why is Gura's name GauGura?

>> No.10820058

Well that's how it's pronounced.

>> No.10820089

Why is Bae's name whatabae?

>> No.10820269

I don't know. I was going to ask about that one next. Do you have any more distractions from the mystery at hand or are we going to keep this little song and dance going for a while longer?

>> No.10822258
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>> No.10822971

damn, was she THAT salty? fucking embarrassing.

>> No.10823105

A lot of Hololive doesn't know when to let a joke go and actually kills the other person in Minecraft. I'm not sure what they're thinking, it can be funny to act menacing and smack them a few times but actually killing them just wastes their time and annoys them. It's a dumb move.

>> No.10823185

Nah, Mumei tried to go airport security of Kronii and take her diamond pickaxe, Kronii wasn't going to take any of that shit.
Also Mumei stupidity retaliated rather than just take her lumps so Kronii went for the kill.

>> No.10823273

Because whenever she does something, her colleague will one up her, so she's having an identity crisis, and thus what a bae?

>> No.10823338

I'll do you one better, WHY a bae?

>> No.10823513

why are you lying anon? I looked for this moment just now and she never asked for the pickaxe, she told her to leave "the plane"
or even worse, you don't actually watch streams and you just read threads? disgusting.

>> No.10823670

Well congratulations. You got myself caught. What's the next step of your master plan?

>> No.10823730

kek, based retard

>> No.10824099


Kronii is a straight up bitch

>> No.10824205

That said, even the vtubers themselves don't watch people's streams. Like they even admit on stream, "I only watched a little bit" or "I watched a clip." I don't know why people get so smug about having watched an entire stream when the person they're watching probably doesn't even watch entire streams. Name one person who you know is actually there for the entire stream.

>> No.10824491

You can see that clip is out of context and edited right? If we go to the stream and watch it, that clip is actually 30 minutes where they all. talk. A lot. Mumei does her gaslighting, Gura instigates and Bae is seiso.

>> No.10824611

I don't know what to think of Bae, she seems like she has humor potential but she just goes back and forth between mumbling and straight up not paying attention to whatever is going on. She is in this weird place where she has an outgoing personality but is not that good at collab streams and performs better solo.

>> No.10825266

She's clean, cute, and not everyone watches streams for memes or thots. I read a comment that she's like Pekora, but with no punchline.

>> No.10825303

Unlike everyone else, she really got fucked by her character lore. She has to try to play a character that's nothing like her actual personality and she sucks at it, she knows she sucks at it and is embarrassed about it, and rude commenters from other fanbases keep bullying her about it every time she shows up on a collab so she's become incredibly self-conscious and reserved when collabing because other people's fans shit on her every time she opens her mouth.

>> No.10825579

Well based on Miko's personality change over the years it seems like Hololive doesn't mind if people gradually abandon the lore and start behaving more like their actual personality so hopefully they'll let Bae do that as well after a while.

>> No.10826636

>Miko's personality change

>> No.10827386

When Miko started out they were still playing it safe with VTubers so she was just this boring polite "idol-ish" anime girl. Then over time she revealed her real personality and became cool.

>> No.10827466
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Why do they have the strongest bond out of everyone in council? Are they resonating with each other's brand of autism?

>> No.10827490

Pretty sure those names were taken the moment their names were announced, and they aren't required to make a minecraft account for being in Hololive nor does Mojave have to reserve or reallocate the account name to them. Besides, what's the possible harm when they whitelist each other anyway and anyone watching their streams should know their handles.

>> No.10828109

I would guarantee that they make a Minecraft account at the same time they make their Twitter account because it is just a given they are going to end up playing Minecraft at some point. Name one person who hasn't.

>> No.10828410

Are you serious? They seem to hate each other, they're always arguing openly. I've never seen anyone in Hololive do that. Inb4 some dingus tries to tell me it's just banter.

>> No.10828423 [DELETED] 

it's just banter

>> No.10828427

it's just banter
get some friends my dude

>> No.10828622

it's unironically just banter. you have autism.

>> No.10828818

Do you really expect me to believe that someone posting on /vt/ at 1 in the morning has friends? Maybe you have people that you think are your friends. That's as much as I'll give you.

>> No.10828976

>everyone lives in the same timezone

>> No.10829202

you're my friend uwu

>> No.10829802

She started getting "rapey"

>> No.10829856

The literal SECOND that their names are announced, there are autists making Minecraft accounts with those names. Stop underestimating the power of people with nothing better to do.

>> No.10829887

...Which is why they make it at the same time they make the twitter accounts. Which is before the name was announced. You fucking dumbass. You were in such a hurry to sound smart that you didn't even bother to read the post.

>> No.10830076
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>Inb4 banter
Jesus christ. I refuse to believe that you actually have a penis.

>> No.10830104 [DELETED] 

It's just banter.

>> No.10830141 [DELETED] 

it's just banter

>> No.10830197

I thought it was a play on words hour > our and bae is what a babe

>> No.10830201


>> No.10830252
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I thought bae's was a play on this

>> No.10830788

Ouro means gold, I'm not sure why that is Kronii's last name.

>> No.10831560

Ouro means tail not gold this isnt hololive spic. Its from ouroboros. Esl need to go back

>> No.10835200

Speaking of ESLs...

>> No.10835814

Haven't seen this posted in a while. Thanks for the giggles.

>> No.10841387

DAMN i remember this

>> No.10843335
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>They totally HATE each other. Have you HEARD how they are ARGUING all the time? Like, oh my god.

>> No.10844689


>> No.10844974

but that was off camera...

>> No.10845559

it's like 8 pm here dude and mother is my only "friend"

>> No.10846075
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>> No.10846642

They're frenemies, female.

>> No.10849519 [DELETED] 

It's just banter

>> No.10849561

You can boil every single discussion involving people down to this if you really wanted to.

>> No.10849633

it's just banter

>> No.10850719

Have you ever interacted with a normal human being?

>> No.10850815

>what a bae?
sugma bae lmao

>> No.10853634

Well people say this bullshit for Korone and someone else I forget but suddenly it's someone you like and it pisses you off, interesting.

>> No.10854771

I'll mock anons gossiping like the worst kind of woman, doesn't matter about whom. Are you confusing me with the other gossipposters? There's at least two or three.
