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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10749061 No.10749061 [Reply] [Original]

so what happened with zen anyway??? did anything happen on the last stream?

>> No.10749078

Hopefully 41%'d

>> No.10749249


>> No.10749310

nobody knows
He's cis so this doesn't apply

>> No.10749504

Apparently his D*scord server mods said he'd be back in a few days.

>> No.10749610

He got kicked from Vshojo

>> No.10750307

>He got kicked from Vshojo

>> No.10750349

he just changed his twitter name to not have "VShojo" in it, everything else still says hes a member.

>> No.10750376

Literally none, most of the VShojo members including the founder responded well to Zen's (or the one making the announcement on Zen's Twitter, likely his girlfriend) Tweet about taking a mental health break.

>> No.10750398

>See that people don't want to collab with you anymore since you suck at doing good collabs despite that being the only thing you ever do
>Have a mental breakdown

>> No.10752119

Basically this. He's trying to gain sympathy so when he comes back people would get on their knees begging for a collab. It's kind of scummy when you think about it, his original tweet about no collabs wasn't gaining the attention he wanted so plan B: stage a mental breakdown.

>> No.10752238

Wait, Zen is a MALE?

>> No.10752266

Trannies have some crazy suicide attempt rate like 50%. Almost all of them are completely nuts and should probably be institutionalized.

Is Zen any different? Probably not. Probly just snapped and tried to off himself. 50/50 chance that he ever comes back.

>> No.10753166

Female Zen left Male Zen a few months back, probably because he got snuffy pregnant

>> No.10753459

No. Faggots are just obsessed with the idea because of text to speech

>> No.10753552

Probably something to do with that twitter rant a week ago about everyone refusing to collab with him more than once

>> No.10755837
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>> No.10756231

to be honest anon, that may have just been one part of their breakdown that they ended up publicly talking about.
its just as likely multiple other things caused the break down and the collab thing was just the only thing they ended up tweeting about.
usually when i break down for example, i only end up bring up my insecurities when i talk to people and it tends to be the ones i feel the most secure telling others about.
now whether or not they were doing it to get sympathy, probably.
having a mental breakdown usually results in you trying to get validation that what your feeling isnt true.
validation is a powerful medicine as shown by reddits upvotes and this places (you)s

>> No.10760403

while it's true zen is two people


the part where snuffy is pregnant is a troll to connect snuffies current unknown medical issues to zen's known one

>> No.10760671

I thought people knew, Zen is Omega from HoloEN.

>> No.10760730

Kson punched Nyanners in front of Melody

>> No.10760867

I happened to see the last stream Zen did before almost an heroing. >she was talking about graduating and how her fans should make friends in the community discord because she'd be gone eventually. Outside of that nothing notable happened.

>> No.10761139

huh. Do you think >she had burnout? I tend to see her in a lot of collabs.

>> No.10761919

>He doesn't know
And no it's not le hidden info nor exhaustive searching info

>> No.10762066

who cares...?

>> No.10762474

i wasn't talking to you schizo, take your meds

>> No.10764966
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Your turn faggot

>> No.10765117
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This happen
i like zen, its fine whatever she/he is or both, but it better if they atleast use their real voice

>> No.10765287

>hey can you explain X
>Yeah sure

>Third party jumps in and goes What? What? Who cares dude? because they don't like what's being said
Go suck "her" cock dude, that'll feel better than defending their vtuber avatar over the internet.

>> No.10768462

The reality that he'll never be a woman is finally catching up. He's also one hashtag mefirst fiasco away from getting ousted out of Vshoujo. As domestic violence survivor Johnathan Depp pointed out, no man is safe. I give him a month before the vultures smell blood in the water and make up false claims as an excuse to figuratively rip him limb from limb for clout and profit.

>> No.10768507

I hope he an hero on stream

>> No.10768567

Why does this jackass have to have such a sexy model?

>> No.10769520

it's based on his girlfriend duh

>> No.10770612

I would suck her cock dry because I love cocks and cum.

>> No.10774568
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>japanese vtuber has a model based on his wife
>everyone loves him and his streams
>western vtuber has a model based on his girlfriend
>nothing but constant screaming about trannies and retarded nonstop seethe
What's wrong with westerners, again? God I wish I was Japanese.

>> No.10774794

>What's wrong with westerners, again?

they refuse to take meds thinking it will give them scales or something

>> No.10774938

>Zen rebranded from Commy Mommy to Dragon lady, scales included.

Does it means that he/she/whatever in fact took his/her/their/fuck meds?

>> No.10775183

>had a mental breakdown literally a few days ago
I don't know anon, you tell me.

>> No.10775483

he removed the artist and riggers credits from his bio so his name is fucking dirt now. That's something you dont do no matter what, he has burned his bridges

>> No.10778877

She's been having a very rough year in personal ways. She was bad back in May, stressed out about moving to a new house in August / September, and then this happens. Nobody knows what sent Zen over the edge, but all indications are that it is more personal issues; something IRL and has nothing to do with collabs thing. The collabs thing was more likely a frustration she was venting because she was already stressed and taxed, and when you're like that you tend to basically find negativity in anything. Zen has issues, and has for years.

>> No.10781431

Isn't Zen dating Silvervale?

>> No.10782288
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>Dude she's still in V-Vshoujo!!
>I-I mean why else would they reply to her? It's not like it would look AWFUL if this tranny did what tranny;s do and killed itself after something bad happening

>> No.10782339

>le cis
kys tranny
This desu

>> No.10782357

Sonic the Hedgehog?

>> No.10782426

yea there's some pretty good evidence online, look it up

>> No.10782475

For what other reasons would you bother using TTS?

>> No.10782537

Unattractive voice? Speech defects? Mute?
At least that was the copium I was taking before i found his old videos

>> No.10782811

Did that jap tweet about lefty shit? Exactly you retard take your trannyloving ass back to basedtown.

>> No.10784034

He fails to accepts the only reason he has an audience is by knowing the right people early on, and riding along. He likely convinced himself he was here from his own effort and talent while it couldn't be more wrong, and expect to be treated as such.
No hate here, he simplies doesn't have much going for him : tts, nothing standing out in term of content, no particular creative ability, personality is forgettable. Without the network, he would be at 5 views like everyone else.

>> No.10784168


You will never be Japanese or a woman now take your meds (HRT)

>> No.10785048

>it's the retarded /pol/tourists again
I should've known. Doesn't /r/thedonald have its own vtuber forum or something where you can go talk about redpilled chuubas?

>> No.10785212

This is dumb. Why do you think his thousands of viewers stick with him?

>> No.10785251


>> No.10785308

People stick with anything they get used to, and it's all people from the peripheral audiences of other Vshoujo members. Every of his viewer watch another Vshoujo or more.

>> No.10785826

You’re an idiot who’s completely unfamiliar with Zen’s fan base. He streams sometimes when 4 other Vshojo girls are on at the same time and still gets 3-4K. That’s fewer than some of the other girls but the point those are the loyal fans who are there for *him* specifically and many of them have been fans since before Vshojo days. He is their first choice on twitch.
Zen and mouse and silver were very well known twitch VTubers since befor vshojo.

>> No.10786477

honestly zen should just use his real voice, i wouldn't even mind it. this tts gimmick has clearly run its course, specially in collabs.

>> No.10786561

Newfagchama, you're trying too hard....

>> No.10786820

Proof that men shouldn't be allowed to be vtubers.

>> No.10786901

Not a fan of zen because they're kinda boring and TTS sucks desu but they're based just for making the /pol/tards here seethe.

>> No.10787011

VShojo isn't really like Hololive, anon, the girls kinda have their own fanbases. I don't watch Zen, Vei, Hime, Froot or Silvervale, and a lot of Vei fans don't watch Nyanners, a lot of Froot / Zen fans don't watch Mel etc.

Also, Zen does about as well as Froot and much better than Silvervale or Hime. Granted, Hime never streams and has a 90% anituber ironic weeb fanbase, but still.

>> No.10787212

His fans like it. I don’t think that’s really an option. Also I don’t think his “severe mental breakdown” was related to his job, although it did lead to added stress while being a streamer (i.e., his weird sad posts about collabs were a symptom not the cause of his breakdown).

>> No.10787402
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I think the TTS is starting to become difficult to deal with. Its hard to collab with a lot of people when you use TTS. Even though it has come a long way its still just awkward to have to wait for TTS to come through and react to someone speaking. It breaks the flow of a natural conversation. Recently Zen was talking about how people dont want to collab with them after they do it one time and I mean I dont blame them. Its kind of annoying and difficult to talk in a group chat with someone who is using TTS.

>> No.10787570

That is one ugly avatar and why the fuck do people watch TTS tubers? Sad

>> No.10787876

I watched his last collab before “breakdown”. Saruei and Haruka and Zen. There really is no lag. There’s this myth that zen has to stop what he’s doing and frantically type messages at the keyboard while people wait for his messages to come through, but anyone who’s seen even one of his streams knows he uses hands free speech to text to speech with almost no delay. That’s why his TTS is always garbling his words (and it’s why we call Haruka “how to car”).
Maybe some people are more perceptive than me and pick up on that half second delay while StTtS is still processing but to me his collab steams look like he is speaking in real time.

>> No.10787924

Due to heterosexuality. I know it’s mindblowingly ironic given that he’s a guy. But the model is sexy.

>> No.10787987

He's trying to get sympathy points for a "big return" and hopefully a ton of more support. It's a huge trait of EN Vtubers/Streamers since they can't gain audiences naturally.

>> No.10788039

Yeah I mean I know he is still speaking but there is still a noticeable delay. Whenever someone I like collabs with Zen I cant stand it for more than 10 minutes. Its just not great on the ears. Zen by himself is fine I guess but I'm not into hours and hours of Apex from someone who is above average at it.

>> No.10788352

It's noticable anon.
>Someone says a joke
>Someone makes a statement
>Zen's sentence finally processes where he reacts to the first person
>Someone continues on a previous statement
>Ad infinitum
The delay isn't the input, the delay is how it breaks the flow to the point you can tell it's not completely natural.

>> No.10788392

Watch out. The fag jannies will ban you for 24 hours for saying that as "off topic".

>> No.10788491

I'm glad someone else thinks this because I dont understand how thousands of people watch collabs with Zen and dont get annoyed. TTS gimmick has run its course if Zen really wants to do more collabs he needs to use a real voice.

>> No.10788517

Is it that implausible, if you’ve been watching Zen for a long time and understand his tendencies, that he had an actual mental health crisis?

>> No.10788593

And yet every day still see references to the tranny trying to type while gaming or claims that it’s 2 people, one person gaming, one person typing

>> No.10788807

It's not implausible, it's like:
>Twitch Thot wears low cut shirt, complains she gets comments or "sexualized", but very clearly knows what she's doing and just trying to get asspats and in turn more viewers.
We know there's legit problems underneath everything, but the western/en community more often than not like to saviorbait hardcore. The problem is regardless of who/what zen really is, unlike for example JP vtubers/babinikus, the west does it to deceive or hide, JP plays into it, so it IS plausible to see this kind of thing eventually taking a toll, especially when the atmosphere changes in general to the point people like zen aren't attractive for working with anymore.

>> No.10789111

are vshojo fans really this dense?

>> No.10789467

they are, have you seen the shit they watch? lel

>> No.10789507

>>le cis
You're cis, you fucking retard.

>> No.10789605

and you aren't cis, ywnbaw

>> No.10789706

The mega cope.... I've watched Vshojo streams and numbers anon, I recommend you to do it too.

>> No.10790013

So you know Zen has his own unique audience of several thousand each stream. Smaller than Nyan but bigger than silver and extremely loyal?

>> No.10790149

men shouldn't broadcast to the world about their mental illness. suffer in silence.

>> No.10791306

is there a place where i can download zen's MMD? i wanna use it for.. "research"

>> No.10791496

And I know when his peers come up his numbers go down, same with melody when mousey comes online. Face it anon, everyone cannibalizes on each other.

>> No.10791782

I can tell you what didn't happen, a mental illness because everyone knows for a sane person a few baaaaad meeeeeean comments on the internet would drive them into a mental breakdown! It's a totally normal thing! Last week I went to my therapist because I read some mean words on a passing billboard. Happens all the time among those who are healthy mentally

>> No.10791961

Of course they do but anon was originally suggesting that Zen's audience would be gone and that mostly consist of viewers are happy to watch any vshojo, no matter who it is.
my point is that AFTER her numbers drop due to cannibalization she still is good for several thousand. Anon made it sound like those core viewers are not there specifically to see Zen, which is patently untrue.

>> No.10794500

the old 3d was even more fucking sex, despite being lower quality

>> No.10796167


>> No.10796358
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>> No.10796398

I watched him in that big collab with Niji EN and the TTS is an issue, at least in a collab of that scale. He'd always come in a few seconds after whatever given topic or joke had run it's course. One on one you can compensate by just waiting for the reply. In a smaller group, with people trained how to deal with TTS timing, it would be workable too, but those have to be Vshoujo or Haruka that works with it a lot.

>> No.10796407

The tts thing is fine for clips but obnoxious in real time collabs for actual conversations, I really don't know what the fuck he expected. Who would want to have to put up with that more than once?

>> No.10796494

If he was just an indie meme vtuber who knew how ridicolous the concept was then it would be fine, but actually trying to be mainstream with such a clunky schitck was dumb. Seeing the twitter post ruined immersion too, I like the robotic voice stoic dragon with gap moe physical expressions not a literal mentally ill tranny

>> No.10796543


You can very easily tell it's a dude just by the mannerisms and comedic timing, women don't do that sort of funny

>> No.10797975

>women don't do that sort of funny
Touch grass

>> No.10799080

It is true and no cope will change it, redditor.
