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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 457 KB, 1080x1317, Screenshot_20210228-120136_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1066790 No.1066790 [Reply] [Original]

The deer got suspended for "spam" bros...

>> No.1066925

Good. That'll show femnoids intruding on my based and redpilled traditional communities

>> No.1067092

ahahahahaha get fucked

>> No.1067388

now they can both be statistics together

>> No.1067513

Was it the autist one?

>> No.1067539

every vtuber is an autist moron

>> No.1067957

What is the second picture meant to imply?

>> No.1068122

I guess it means she used to be a complete bomb arguing everyday and she moved on into a more relaxed state

>> No.1068170

If that twitter poster is sad about it then whoever it was deserved it

>> No.1068221

who and what happened

>> No.1068256

She said nigger once about half a year ago.
Theres rrats of both doxes and cp floating around though

>> No.1068272

Good riddance.

>> No.1068333

Every single vtuber is autistic, except for (MAYBE) Sora, Mirei and Towa.

>> No.1068363

>Implying Towa is not autistic
Are you sure about that?

>> No.1068393

Towa has Stacy vibes.
Sora is just a voice actress who found a nice secured income.
Mirei is a bisexual ChadStacy.

>> No.1068413

Quick run down?

>> No.1068484

>X got suspended
>Doesn't give context at all

Anon, the fuck is this, who's this deer?

>> No.1068489

She said nigga
And those are true. People brag about seeing her cp and say she deserved it. It's all on twitter.

>> No.1068522

Twitter purge happened recently and she got suspended with thousands of others for "spam" she said in her discord. The op twitter user posted the discord.
Athena Bambina. Actually a wholesome streamer

>> No.1068697

>not autistic
Did you see her latest stream? I have never seen a better example for high functioning autism than that. And I fucking loved it.

>> No.1068894

>People brag about seeing her cp and say she deserved it. It's all on twitter.

Wait what?, how does Twitter suspend the girl who was in that media but not the asshats who share and claim to have watched the STUFF publicly wtf???

>> No.1068939

merely pretending

>> No.1068946

Saging because fuck Athena

She's a drama queen who masquerades as a "wholesome vtuber". She tries to act based and red pilled, but then cries nobody will collab with her. If people don't follow her or they unfollow her, she'll publicly call them out for it. Nothing if value was lost.

>> No.1068954

The one account who spread it got suspended but a whistle-blower said people in a discord are buying it from her old abusers. The server got suspended. No one knows where they are now but sometimes they show up in her chat with links to her cp and she bans them.

>> No.1069008

I don't like western chuubas but you DEFINITELY are SEETHING here.

>> No.1069067

There's rrat is that it's not even cp and she just says it for sympathy points. Any time someone calls her out for starting drama or acting like a bitch, she brings up her "cp" and said how nobody likes her.
This thread is probably a self post from her, trying to make herself look better.

>> No.1069098

>how does twitter suspend the girl who was in that media but not the asshates...
Twitter allows the MAP community, groomers, and people that share irl cp pictures to roam scott free on their site. And that's not including any and all of the genocidal goreposting that goes on.
They don't do shit.

>> No.1069111

She the artist from the second image?

>> No.1069176

Doubt it's fake cp. She always brings up how she hates pedos and wants to do a charity stream for abused children. Stated if it was legal she wouldn't care but the fact it's cp makes her really sad. Even if you hate her you gotta agree it's fucked up.
Shes also stated her manager made her block vt because it affected her mental health.

>> No.1069210

Probably just implying she was a mix of wholesome but redpilled

>> No.1069244

Yes, because nobody lies on the internet! Give it up, you type like a woman, Athena.

>> No.1069313

>Shes also stated her manager made her block vt because it affected her mental health.
>She visited /vt/
>She expected this place to not be negative in a way or more

I gotta agree, blocking this site to avoid a mental breakdown was a good idea but why even visit this site if you are that sensible?

I like 4Chan and /vt/ a lot but unless you can stomach light to medium shocks it is not a good idea at all to navigate this place, specially if you have issues or are certified schizo.

>> No.1069471

>her manager made her block vt because it affected her mental health
>her manager believed she will not visit this site anymore by just blocking it
>her manager believes she is not here anymore
>her manager doesn't know.

>> No.1069478

anon this place reeks of normalfags
what are you talking about

>> No.1069483

Ignore the rrats.

Twitter changed how it's algorithm detected 'spam' as a result it deleted a bunch of people as 'spam'. The implications of that are quite interesting and I can't wait for the first accidental genocide at the hands of corporate AI.

>> No.1069564

Redpill me on this bitch

>> No.1069604

Did it conveniently only falsely hit people who weren't of certain political views?

>> No.1069633

She said nigga and gatekept pokimaine. People don't like her cause she used to be a drama queen. Her cp got leaked and she got doxxed. Domo blocked her. Onlyfans wbores attacked her. Too much to even type.

>> No.1069651

Just another drama whore.

>> No.1069656

It supposedly banned conservatives because Trump is giving a speech today but Twitter says its just spam.

>> No.1069660

Not american, I don't use Twitter but I know it is apparently run by the American political left so maybe it is biased.

>> No.1069759

Oh, that explains it, they got butthurt or something.

>> No.1069772

As an actual autist, Athena probably doesn't even understand why the things she wrote catch so much flak.
In a nutshell, she's a /pol/tard that keeps getting deplatformed everywhere.

>> No.1069845

I still don't support deplatforming, that shit is basically giving up on other solutions and plain out silence people, and I am not a /pol/tard.

>> No.1069876

> she said nigga once
> is now considered a /pol/tard

>> No.1069879

Dont know who it is but get fucked

>> No.1069959

Was friends with Domo but had a fit when he said she couldn't be on his show

Will publicly call out people who block her

Harasses people who unfollow her

Uses the "nigga" thing, her autism, and cp leak as a copout for her bad behavior

Nobody wants to work with her besides right wing losers like flamenco (a literal who podcaster)

>> No.1070028

There's receipts that explain Domo blocked her because she told him another girl he was interviewing blocked her. The dms are out online. He was going to interview her anyway despite the controversy.

>> No.1070069

Wasn’t this bitch a femgosling for Negative XP?

>> No.1070313

I'd believe the girl to be actually autistic. But the social media life is not the life for her. For that matter in just how it works and operates, it's the perfect grounds for doing and trying shit just to get either views or whatever. But "woke" twitter is a battleground of calling eachother out and backstabbing one another. It'd be better if she remained off

>> No.1070431

She talked about it all in an interview, I'm taking her word on it

>> No.1070440

This is beyond fucked

>> No.1070592


She was a trad whore

>> No.1070762

I don't know why Twitter would get so mad at that image, that's basically what happened to male Nazi scientists after WW2 once they swore allegiance to the URSS or the US.

>> No.1070814

She never posted that image. Pretty sure op just means that's what her personality was.

>> No.1070823

>english vtubers
never EVER even once

>> No.1070859

commas make all the difference
unless you meant to call them morons

>> No.1071231

This “wholesome” drama whore and her fans are annoying. The EN vtuber is trash because of people like this.

>> No.1071613

If she were actually wholesome, she would not be getting suspended for online statements.

>> No.1071711

She got suspended for spam. There was a Twitter purge yesterday.

>> No.1071957

Don't spam. Better yet, don't post anything. Better yet, don't use Twitter at all. Then it won't matter if you're banned.

>> No.1072920

https ://help. twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/platform-manipulation
Looking at this, this "policy" that was enacted just last year is an open hole for exploitation for anything they can't think of a good reason for getting rid of someone.

>> No.1073016

>don't use twitter
I agree but when you're an eceleb you need to use social media to help build a fan base and network with other creators

>> No.1073509

isnt fake. she quote tweeted an account that was sharing it a while back asking for people to block it, was fucked up

>> No.1073544

She posted nudes online, she's an ordinary slut.

>> No.1075554

Link or bs

>> No.1075589

It's cp, you fucking nonce.

>> No.1075601

Police state now, invest in PLTR and FB.

>> No.1075639

How am i supposed to know this is literally the first time I've heard of this rando

>> No.1075693 [SPOILER] 
File: 343 KB, 720x715, 1614548806190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do not belong here.

>> No.1075793

The account is right-wing

>> No.1075892
File: 151 KB, 414x385, 346346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This website depresses me more than triggers me or makes me want to kill myself desu. It makes me have little hope for our species because it shows truly how stupid most people are

>> No.1075897
File: 315 KB, 300x168, laughing elves.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomer book
Ishiggydiggy hope you fucking don't

>> No.1075946

Twitter dumbfounds me at overturn. Its management doesn't seem to just be incompetent, but actively malicious. It genuinely boggles the mind how the website even runs

>> No.1075966

Anon as someone who had the misfortune of nearly marrying one of these "trad" women you need to understand something, every one of them is a massive whore who wants to be rid of their past where they fucked at least double digit guys but feel no true remorse for it, they will lie as much as they have to in order to make themselves out to being the victim when they chose to take all that dick. I'm not saying she definitely wasn't underage at the time (although I doubt she was) but she was 100% a whore who willingly sent those nudes to someone she thought would be the latest dick she could take in her rotting snatch and take as advantage out of as much as possible before finding some moron of a guy who would settle down with her now that she's "found God" and "renounced her past"

>> No.1076174

so from what i understand "she" is a right wing italian tranny who got "her" nudes leaked of when "she" was underage?
"she" is also diagnosed with autism and bpd?

>> No.1076206

Shes not a tranny I don't know how you came to that conclusion if you watch her streams. She only has autism. Borderline retard desu

>> No.1076244

I’m suspicious of anyone that calls themselves ‘wholesome’. Pretty much guarantees they are doing something illegal on the side.

>> No.1076272

You do realize the op rwitter user isn't Athena?

>> No.1076444

A lot of people got purged from Twitter, seemingly for no reason. Like many predicted the silicon valley purge is ramping up.

>> No.1076512
File: 168 KB, 349x427, 719b7b96c64743a4f60844c3f1683d665d3c09ae897abb04d991e3602a487ac9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I apologise then if that is the case. With twitter I just assume the worst.

>> No.1076525

Fuck right wingers lmao

>> No.1076689

i don't know if i can believe what (you) are saying Athena

>> No.1076752

Yet you are the immigrants who invaded the website and failed to understand its original culture. Curious.

>> No.1076870

>literally who vtuber
>has a manager

>> No.1076967

What are you going on about? In any case, all political activists don't belong here, stay in /pol/, /lgbt/ or whatever political containment board you retards belong on.

>> No.1077002

It's just her bf who monitors her chat and what she posts etc who is helping her with merch she stated.

>> No.1077083

holy based

>> No.1077300

someone link to some of her stuff i want to see why everyone is so upset.

>> No.1077312

It's her /pol/tard groomer abuser, that one schizo girl that makes the dog comics on /co/ has one too

>> No.1077389

She blocked all her abusers because they posted cp and she found a religion boyfriend stop rrating.

>> No.1077401

Athena antis have some wild rrats, god damn.

>> No.1077754

Her twitter is down. She streams on DLive but said she's restreaming to YouTube tonight if you want to know about her.. Uploads some vods here.
Her discord is this she has a verification system however.

>> No.1077885

like jim jones?

>> No.1079420

massive double standards prudefag yikes
go incel on the incel boards anon

>> No.1079592

nta but being gay isn't political activism you fucking reactionary retard.

>> No.1080403

Cope, faggot

>> No.1082017

She's going live on dlive and youtube soon she posted in discord.

>> No.1082205

thanks, dropped a dislike

>> No.1087008

>implying she learned her lesson
>implying she deserves pity
What a moron

>> No.1087243

>caring about /pol's resident VTuber

>> No.1089492

"LGBT" definitely is political, that's why right wing gays don't identify with it along with "pride" and such.

>> No.1089530

Wrongly diagnosed

>> No.1089837

Are you the same stupid nigger that dropped the discord invite link? I don't know how retarded you are thinking you're doing but stop with the fucking retarded posting. Is this a thread about deer tuber getting banned on twitter or a shitty shill thread for said deer tuber?

>> No.1092958

It really does

>> No.1093694

So she posted her own cp for validation and now we're supposed to feel sorry for her?

>> No.1096870

You mean the weird dlive one? Yes. It's not the dumb canadian moose.

>> No.1097039

She was "groomed" into doing it when she was a helpless "child" (17-year-old) you monster

>> No.1097210

Good! Keep your terminally ill western degeneracy away from us.

>> No.1097613

No one fucking cares, he said Link or bs
