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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10617258 No.10617258 [Reply] [Original]

How come not a single of these cunts has actually put enough effort to grind out the language barrier?
It takes work sure, but there's like fucking 50 of them, have really none of them ever bothered to grind out a single language?

Or am I being a turbofaggot and missing someone who actually did.

>> No.10617290

Towa became fluent in Korean

>> No.10617478

korean isn't a real language though

>> No.10617504

There might be some 2views that have. But most big JP viewers would understandably rather cater to their JP audience. Learning a language can be like a part time job if you want to learn and retain anything, and most don’t have that much time to dedicate

>> No.10617576

Miko and Luna learnt Japanese.

>> No.10617611

1 year in rabbit hole
I become N5 now but my English's skill degrade a lot because Elite English.

>> No.10617749

there's no point learning a language to use only in collabs.
faggots here love complaining about Bae or Kiara speaking Japanese all the time so in the end knowing another language is kinda useless

>> No.10617812

Coco's japanese vastly.improved.

>> No.10617822

azki and a-chan are probably the only holos who actually took the effort to learn english, other holos are just lazy as fuck or don't give a shit

choco is also good at english but she doesn't want EOP's

>> No.10617899

She didn’t start at 0, but Coco showed massive improvement in her JP skills during her career.

>> No.10617959

> korean
i thought EOPs saved her, why she's still noob at english?

>> No.10617986

This, actually. The difference between debut Coco and graduation Coco is striking.

>> No.10618112

Towa is fluent in both Korean and English, she's still learning Japanese though.

>> No.10618162

haachama slowly unlearned english

>> No.10618205

There is literally zero reason to do so.
>Have to talk with management for permissions, meetings and such
>Have to test games before streaming and with some bad ones spend time trouble shooting them to smooth out the streaming process and that still doesn't mean they won't have problems
>Has to stream
>Has to do various projects the company wants
>Dance and singing lessons
>What ever personal errands they have to do
Not only that they often get 5k+ viewers, no need to speak two languages.

So if it's so easy why don't you learn Japanese? You certainly have the time since you're posting on 4chan. That'll solve your inability to understand them.

>> No.10619612

I think it's telling that Marine studied english seriously (not duolingo but an actual teacher with conversational practice) for months in order to be more comfortable with speaking internationally

Then what happens in UMISEA?
>Marine speaks japanese the entire time
>She speaks japanese in the UMISEA Shorts and it's translated to english in the subtitles
>She speaks japanese the entire time in the UMISEA minecraft/mario party collabs
>Her english knowledge is the same bare minimum that every other Holo JP knows from school

The unique English skills of Marine that actually help her career and increase her views and likability with foreign audiences amount to "IM HORNY~!" and "BASED!!SUPRELIT!! DOPE !!" and her cute voice fumbling aka "Maringlish" and all of that comes from her normal personality/voice anyways and not any amount of english studying

>> No.10619690

The fabled 2view holos

>> No.10620120


>> No.10620161

Temma studied English for 53 days

>> No.10620528

And I've never heard a single Holo EN ever mention his name

>> No.10620813

That's an oddly specific number.
Do they ever mention any of them? I think someone in HoloCouncil mentioned Roberu in their debut, but aside from that I'm pretty sure not even Calli has ever mentioned any of them outside of those two collabs she did, and when talking about those collabs.

>> No.10620990

Temma mentioned Calli and said he thinks her rap is really cool during one of his study days as the topic was writing a rap.
He was trying to do it regularly in the morning but then he couldn't do morning streams anymore for a while then it got dropped.

>> No.10621139

Akirose is prolly the best english speaking jp girl now, and she sisn't even use duolingo

>> No.10621280

We have braindead EOPs that prefer to watch a stream that they can't understand over someone that actually speaks their language who works in the same group. Why would a successful JP member ever have to learn another language? There's also clips and live translators as well.

>> No.10621345

Unironically some of the Holostar guys learned to improve their english, by rather impressive amounts (compared to what you're used to from the average japanese).
Sure, they're not native level, but could probably hang with a EN collab conversation better than most of the female HoloJPs who were supposed to "learn english" (and then never actually did seriously anyway).

Just shows again that men > dumb bitches

>> No.10621450

Calli and Rikka did a song together; they did a full stream reviewing fanmade content based around spiral tones

The MoRikka versions of God Knows https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kS7hDmaTnok and Uchiage Hanabi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oimpweBU8Y
Are some of my favorite karaoke songs ever done in hololive, very very soulful

Ollie and Astel are imouto and oniichan
Bae called out Roberu as one of her favorites during her debut stream

It kinda feels like a waste that Tenma has done such consistent EN learning streams and yet has earned not even a single mention from Holo EN

>> No.10621587

Speaking of not using Duolingo, I'll never forget it when Sora just whipped out a dictionary and started flipping pages right next to the microphone.

>> No.10621677

Subaru uses it frequently. Not spoken though, but rather she makes lists about the subjects she talks about during her zatsudans so EOPs know what she is talking about. It's pretty cute broken English, but at least she tries.

>> No.10622006

Because they don't need to when retards like me exist, that has been learning this shit language over the course of 2 years just to understand the mumbles of a bunch of fucking autists. I don't even watch much anime, read manga or like that NEET shithole pretending to be an actual country that much. Then there are the ultimate imbeciles, that will still watch JP streamers without even understandimg them only to hear some fucking noises or whatever. Bunch of schizophrenic freaks.

>> No.10622137

Some of the HoloJPs (and not JUST "unsucessful" ones, where you'd rationalize it like this) really did some english learning, either onstream (duolingo etc., EOP-pandering interaction like "hey guys...", "sexy overseas..." etc.) or offstream (mentioned taking/wanting english classes).

But that was all awhile ago, and nothing really came of it.
Whether it was just a cynical ploy to pander for EOP views (and dropped as soon as it was unnecessary /became inconvenient), or some impulse reaction from the success of EN (some Holos mentioned wanting to "get fit for EN collabs", but as soon as they realized 3 out of the 5 Myth girls could speak varying degrees of japanese anyway, and from the other two the blue one doesn't collab much anyway and you can have your Apex-collab with the detective one in broken gaga-googoo speak at least, they dropped that motivation/excuse again), or they really earnestly wanted to learn english but just gave up because they were too busy at best or too lazy/dumb at worst, is anybodys guess.

>> No.10622184

Nenechi has sadly learned western internet lingo.

>> No.10622326
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>EN tubers pandering to Japanese bad, JP tubers refuses to pander to gaijins bad

>> No.10622645

EN market > JP market
The potential population of each market alone should be enough motivation.

>> No.10622842

The EN market for Vtubers specifically isn't necessarily bigger.
Isn't Pekora like the biggest Vtuber in the world, in terms of views?

>> No.10622999
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Who do you think will buy her physical album and concert tickets more? Exactly.

>> No.10623000

eh, the looking SC will tell you a different story.
Or just look at Coco who can speak English fluently but gets most of her money from Japan

>> No.10623332
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Peko's English is rather limited but her pronounciation is good for a Nipp.

>> No.10623589

Duolingo is kinda garbage for actually learning the language. You'd be far better with getting an actual teacher to learn the basics, then just consume the media and try to talk with people. It's pretty easy for English at least.

>> No.10623620

That was for the best.

>> No.10628984

I want both
its cute for JP and I want EN girls to do their fucking reps if they haven't to encourage their audience

>> No.10629341

For vtubers, at today's date, no, JP market is bigger.

>> No.10629758
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Kek. There are MANY more English speakers than Japanese but you'd need English speaking weebs so that instantly makes it a niche market, then you need ones that want to see anime avatars stream. Then you have the fact that they live in JAPAN thus their schedules will naturally be geared towards there than NA. It is usually 2/5AM when the earliest JP is on (depending if you're on the east or west coast).

It's why having EN branches make sense.

>> No.10629768
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>Nenechi has happily learned western internet lingo.

>> No.10631821


>> No.10631980

If they actually tried learning a new language seriouslyevery holo girl would stream like Ayame, only way you will pick it up and still be able to perform your job regularly would be if you were in the country of the language you were trying to learn.

>> No.10632094

Absolutely retarded take anon. Pretty much everyone to have ever picked up a language has done so with a schedule more packed than 90% of Holos, even if it was packed with goddamn elementary or middle school classes.

>> No.10632246

There's no actual reason for them to learn English. Fubuki and a bunch of other OG holos were learning Chinese for the longest time. They could greet and say simple sentences and everything. Then in less than a single cour anime they lost it all and their reason to continue the language. The same will happen with English like all you stupid faggots that unsubscribed when Fubuki mentioned she was a furry. One little mistake and all of you will abandon your oshi. In a couple of months Hololive will turn to learning Spanish and then Portuguese

>> No.10632560

USA often has foreign language as a three year requirement. Unless the kids parent speaks another language or they already knew another language before coming to the USA then they still have little to no proficiency with that language. It literally amounts to "Yo quiero una cerveza". I don't know how long foreign language courses are in Europe.

One year is Jack shit, and there is very little incentive to hop onto a new language when chance are it'll take them five years to really communicate in what ever broken manner they can. Only people that immerse themselves in it like Subaru will have any gains because it is part of her interests with movies and comics. Language is something that needs to be constantly reinforced and brute forced for the super majority of the people. Outliers aren't the rule.

>> No.10632621

Except they would learn faster if they studied grammar and vocabulary for an hour each day, then just collabed with an EN member twice a week. They could literally learn English and do their job at the same time.

>> No.10632646
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You dont realise how few free time work leaves you with

>> No.10632734
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>Cover announces that every Holo chuuba will now be learning another language based on their Youtube analytics
>they all end up learning Tagalog/Indonesian/Malay

>> No.10632751


fuck off globohomo, if you want to understand them, learn japanese yourself you dumb mutt

>> No.10632779

the only way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in a situation where you hear it all the time and do your best to speak it

How Mori has stayed in japan for years and failed to learn more nihongo will always confuse me.

>> No.10632778

It sucks. The only branch that needs someone who speaks English is Holostars. They all understand some of it but not enough. My boy Temma was our best shot but he needs to fix his sleep schedule before he can listen to his fans, who are asking for more English streams all of the time.

>> No.10632815

Before Coucil the only really feasible person to collab with was Kiara. Ina is in Canada and Mori is socially inept by just seeing the Korone collab. Time zones matter, and making one or the other side either having to get up way too early or stay up too late isn't very good.

>> No.10632822

>like all you stupid faggots that unsubscribed when Fubuki mentioned she was a furry.
I'll take things that never happened for five hundred

>> No.10632835
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>ctrl+f 'subaru'
>only two responses
>only hololive JP to make a concerted effort in maintaining her minority EN audience
She deserves better than you faggots, except for

>> No.10632861

duolingo might suck but the stories part is pretty good and they just added the English-Japanese stories very recently

>> No.10632965
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>Have ID which a decent amount of them cater to English speakers
>A year now with HoloEN
>All those other EN corpos and indies
>Want this other section of people to cater to you as well
Stop sticking to JP and actually explore people in your language.

>> No.10632979

I don't watch Subaru but I do blast rope to porn of her.

>> No.10633002

>Whether it was just a cynical ploy to pander for EOP views
it's this and I'm surprised there's someone who refuses to accept it

>> No.10633066

It's so obvious that no one except Marine and Temma actually gave a fuck

>> No.10633093

the duolingo streams are top tier cuteness, I can't think of anyone it wouldn't pander to.

>> No.10633179

Calli did say in one ASMR stream that she knew some of the Holostars were learning English. This is my own rrat but I want to believe she was talking about Temma, since none of the others were doing regular duolingo streams.

>> No.10633604


>> No.10634542

I feel like even the vtubers that do duolingo know it's not that good, but they still do it because it's one of the few ways to game-ify language learning and has it's clipable moments

>> No.10635116

based pizzadad even studies memes from chat

>> No.10635199

>superchat analytics
>"you girls will be learning...Spanish and Canadian?"

>> No.10635812

The only vtuber i know, who had limited understanding of English and took her reps seriously is Pochi.

>> No.10635953

It's pretty impressive how they get taught English throughout school and still manage to suck so much at it and struggle to improve as adults

>> No.10636037

Tenma considerably imrpoved at English over his 2 months of daily study. Ollie considerably improved in Japanese since her debut. Pizza Papa learned a fair bit of English but he was already in the top tiers of understanding (not necessarily speaking). Towa speaks some Korean due to Bora but I don't know Korean to be able to register her improvement or fluency. Marine mentioned lessons but I really haven't noticed that much improvement. That's essentially it I think, unless I'm forgetting anyone. The rest (whether ok at English or Japanese) are essentially the same level as at their debut & basically just learned a few new slang from chat by osmosis at most.

>> No.10636604

Hachama with the accent

>> No.10637087

Subaru and even Pekora learned some better english

>> No.10637095


>> No.10637143

JOPs can't learn English

>> No.10637147

Tenma....... Subaru....... lofi....
