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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10604330 No.10604330 [Reply] [Original]

Was she just really bad at making decisions? Why would people even harass her otherwise? She didn't even last long enough to make enough interest to warrant what happened.

>> No.10604566

>Was she just really bad at making decisions?
Actual sperg with horrible family setting
>Why would people even harass her otherwise?
Unicorn antis are idpols about idols
>She didn't even last long enough to make enough interest to warrant what happened
See previous

>> No.10604816

>Was she just really bad at making decisions?
It was manager that fucked her over desu
That test stream should been deleted the instant it was over

>> No.10604850

bf, definitely her bf. incels using every other shit as excuse to graduate her, but i'm sure it was because of her being in a relationship

>> No.10605065

>bf. incels
She was a massive whore.

>> No.10605099

>She was a massive whore.

>> No.10605128
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I can't believe this happened a year ago now.

>> No.10605207


>> No.10605226

She literally has aspergers and should have been filtered out in the application process.

>> No.10605972
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mental problems, only good thing about her is that her departure made gen 5 bond stronger than ever

>> No.10606024

>Why would people even harass her otherwise?
Assholes get bored and like to see people destroyed. It happens here everyday.

>> No.10606100

>Was she just really bad at making decisions?
You could argue Chris-chan was just really bad at making decisions. Why would people harass him otherwise?

>> No.10606106

It wasn't incels you fucking idiots. It was nijiniggers going after her because someone clipped her talking shit about nijisanji during a paywalled stream she did with her model offsite to fans of her roommate.
Using her model for that stream is also why she got suspended for a week.

>> No.10606973

> paywalled stream she did with her model offsite to fans of her roommate.
aloe model? wtf she did that?

>> No.10609193

No, the retard is mixing up 2-3 separate incidents, she did an authorized test stream using the Aloe model but but didn't delete it afterwards, this is why she was originally suspended for, during the suspension the antis dug up old an old stream where she was parroting 5ch narratives about a graduated Niji and nijiniggers went ballistic and started sending death threats.

>> No.10609373

True, they are all whores

>> No.10609481

To this day nips make fun of EOPs for protecting this turbo whore, people link that Veibae clip, but no one wants to link the dick sashimi pics and she talking about condoms and sex on twitter.

>> No.10611243

Wasn't the thing about Chitose leaving because of a stalker true? Why'd people get angry about her bringing that up?

>> No.10611777

I do find it strange how Delta has received basically no harassment afterwards. Are EOPs really that strong?

>> No.10612048

No one gives a fuck about Delta, they just wanted the whore out of holo. It's like Coco.

>> No.10612435
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She definitely got some, she took at least one dude to court it was a highschooler lmao.

>> No.10612575

So she's basically Japanese Veibae?

>> No.10612952

>she did an authorized test stream using the Aloe model but but didn't delete it afterwards
There's more to it than that. The stream was privated, but Twitcast had a database leak around that time which is how the antis found it. Also Aloe didn't know she was supposed to delete it. Her manager should've told her to, but didn't. It really wasn't her fault but she was punished anyways

>> No.10615179

I dunno why people keep downplaying or ignoring the fact that JPschizo Holofags put in as much if not more effort than Nijifags and the twitcast but this is the Holoboard after all.

>> No.10619272

>no harassment

>> No.10619376

Was this the girl that tried flying off a building without wearing an elytra?

>> No.10619402

We manotomos hate cover and they will pay for this...
also fuck kusodad, I hope he dies soon

>> No.10619938


>> No.10620077

Everything is forgiven because she isn't a westerner.

>> No.10620887

Actual undiagnosed Autism pretty much explains every thing on her end. Her harassment was a classic example of dog piling you see every so often. Basically she was just an easy target for Unicorns, Niji Gachis, and Vtuber Antis. Then people who otherwise never would have gotten involved started joining in and harassing her.

It is a frustrating situation that should have never happened.

It's always weird to think what they would have been like with her still around. Like would she have been what people want to think she would have been or would she have been an Ayame and her constant hiatus would have had people forget she is even part of Gen 5 sometimes.

She confirmed it wasn't a highschooler.

>> No.10621601

That was an alibi decision. They wanted to get her out and it was a reason. Which tells me that cover is a black company, and they will shit on the people they employ the moment they see it necessary.

>> No.10622585

was this the same manager that pretty much actively tried to ruin gen 5, by saying lamy didn't mesh with anyone and shouldn't collab

>> No.10622669

Cover is a black company but like most things they are really incompetent in being a black company. Their talents have all been in soft rebellion ever since they found out Coco was graduating. Gen 5 have a body count of managers that they started to pile up. They've basically had their hand tied up by the talents and fact the talents that graduated are making A LOT of money without them which then puts Cover in a worse position then they started at.

Strongly believed to be that manager. They also made Lamy and Polka apologize for the Janitor nothing burger.

>> No.10623041

Fucking incompetent managers, why the fuck cover takes such a big cut if they do close to nothing for the girls.

>> No.10623433

It all goes into tech development and talent scouting.

>> No.10623614

you say that, but it's nene and polka's fault that she got doxxed.

>> No.10623938

>tech development
Even that is a stretch. Nijisanji still mogs them at 3D and VTube Studio mogs them at 2D. Yagoo is just lining his pockets while staying complacent

>> No.10624165

You're gonna need to provide proof for that shit, m8.

>> No.10624236

Her own voice doxxed her. She was known on NicoNico and 5ch before she ever joined Hololive.

>> No.10624288

This is fucking true, though. If he had kept his mouth shut, he would have never been talked into becoming a tranny and a rapist.

>> No.10624386

The stalkers got mad they were being called out. After they were finished with Aloe, they went after Lulu.

>> No.10624472

Kill youself, chinky. Otherwise when the US invades your pathetic 3rd word;d shithole I'm going to make you wish you had. That's if you survive getting fucking nuked.

>> No.10624695

nah, they found her personal twitter because Nene's roommate liked her drawings, that's how the dick sashimi came into light, and Polka was following all of gen 5 too.

>> No.10625723


>> No.10625842

She deserved it, whores with boyfriends don't belong in hololive.

>> No.10626183

>He doesn't know

>> No.10626250

I kno, rite?

>> No.10626317
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Trust me anon, I know. I know everything.

>> No.10626570

Oh yeah? What's the color of the panties I'm wearing right now?

>> No.10626985

20 inches long

>> No.10627775

Then you should know there are married holos who get dick at least once a week

>> No.10627817

Yeah, from me.

>> No.10628267

So what'd she do?

>> No.10628388

She was sassy because her character was a succubus.

>> No.10628405

she did sex

>> No.10628517

Sounds in-character.
With who?

>> No.10628578

Her boyfriend

>> No.10628592

>With who?
That butchdyke gf of hers that she also streamed with since then, Iota or Sigma or something.

>> No.10628599

>With who?
me of course

>> No.10628606

Nene and Polka are so stupid...

>> No.10628653

>about a graduated Niji

>> No.10628808

She fucked him on-stream or something? I mean Ollie got fingered live in a collab, so..?
Was it just the fact that she had a boyfriend that got her booted? Hardly seems like a yab that big to me, especially since she was in Hololive what, a day? No one way to even begin GFE like that.

>> No.10628835

Dude, she streamed about two times, including her debut and a singing stream. What do you think?

>> No.10628867

Neck yourself niggerfaggot trannykike normalfag so'yboy furfaggot xcuck so'ychugging chud cumbrain coomer vermin supreme.
China is based and redpilled.
Go back to >>>/pol/ to cry about it.

>> No.10628968

No from theirs husband and boyfriend's that are real.

>> No.10629012

Poor girl. Nips are ruthless.

>> No.10629023

Once again, literally me.

>> No.10629025

I still dont understand how people got so attached to someone who had 2 hours of content at best
The design is mediocre too

>> No.10629051

You will never be Japanese

>> No.10629071

She was a whore like Coco roommate.

>> No.10629094

Speak for yourself. I think it was one of the greatest Hololive designs every made. So great that Towa and Nene copied it

>> No.10629108

sex is the only reason a man needs

>> No.10629154


>> No.10629339

Chitose, she also got bullied out of nijisanji. Aloe specifically states she talked with her about the issue

>> No.10629465

Shoo, incel.

>> No.10629983

Ahem.... Thumpnail was leaked not content inside

>> No.10631869

She was both retarded and a confirmed whore. The confirmed part is what killed her career because Hololive panders only to idolfags, and idolfags cannot handle their idols not POSSIBLY being pure. The fact that it got confirmed she was not pure did her in, which was her own fault for not hiding it well enough.

>> No.10632299

Fucktard. Chitose aka EMA Dustcell said herself that she change from Nijisanji to Dustcell because she want to focus 100% on being a singer.
Now kill yourself you rrat huffing Holobrony.

>> No.10632454

No. The stalkers thing already happened before she even join Nijisanji when she was an utaite. By the time she joined Nijisanji, it's already solved. Probably by the help of Anikara. She quit Nijisanji to join Dustcell because she want to be a full-time singer. Here the statements from her.

>> No.10633200
File: 607 KB, 790x643, 1632325093984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, we aren't denying that our JP schizos did not harrass the poor lass but we're only simply stating that they weren't the only ones. If anything, I see the opposite. Nijifags have been sweeping their contributions under the rag for over a year now.

>> No.10633523

This is the most annoying part of it. People keeps on parroting the Aloe incident like she's an established part of Hololive when she's barely even there. What happened sucks but she shouldn't have as many fans as she does because she has done nothing.

>> No.10637183


It'd be better if there was 5, HoloFive forever!!!

>> No.10637254



>> No.10637285


lol fucking incel kys

>> No.10637330


Her design was arguable the best among Holo5, way better than Nene's original CHINK pandering design. Glad she ditched that and went bear mode

>> No.10637398

it puts into perspective how resilient towa's mind is compared to hers

>> No.10637402



>> No.10637642

anon please, nene basically doxxed every gen5 member before they've even debutted
I think she followed their roommates on twitter and something about her artstyle being really recognizable and neet detectives working from there

>> No.10637731

Giving a link to text in Japanese to a holoEOP is like giving a calculus problem to a 7 year old.

>> No.10639781

Go ride an escalator
