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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10600830 No.10600830 [Reply] [Original]

In a few days, the Japanese invasion of the hololive en minecraft server will commence. What can we expect? And most importantly, which holo will you be watching as they try to interact with the whites? The en server is still a 3rd world country, I feel like they will be judged by the japonic masters.

>> No.10600916

This is literally pearl harbor all over again.

>> No.10600955

Ayame and Pekora loaded with TNT flying elytrya's into every structure over 4 blocks high

>> No.10600964
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I've no idea. But I want Omegatroon to force Ame to play it while they are on.

>> No.10600971
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Fuck the Japanese. I hope the en girls go to war with them. I want to see modern day pearl harbor in minecraft.

>> No.10601205
File: 147 KB, 1251x815, childlike wonder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tora!tora!tora! holo watchalong when

>> No.10601207

pearl. fucking. harbor

>> No.10601408

I mean when portal opens probably most of the ENs will be on and most of the active MC JPs to greet each other, and that'll be a thing for a day or two, but beyond that who knows. They really don't know each other well as seen from the festival and would pretty much just say hi and smile at each other and not much more.

Probably a couple of EN server tourism streams where random JPs (solo or like 2-3 at a time usually) will come in and wander around for an hour or two and that's it. I think this actually will be more of something the JPs will use for some numbers collabs to buff themselves than the ENs will get out of it for interactions. If ENs do bother to come greet them and mess around then yeah it could be fun, it just sounds unlikely unless either side makes an effort to reroute from their usual streaming times to do it. For example Gura and Shion could finally meet up more and so on. Out of EN2 it feels like mostly just Hakos would actually maybe geek out over the JP server, also Irys probably would get along fine with them because she's fluent in JP.

EN girls are only rarely on the server at prime JP hours, the only one who could easily greet them would be Mori except Mori hardly plays the game and probably knows not much more about the server than where her own house is, so would not be a great guide. However, the JP server has a lot of things figured out - TTT is the real deal vs PPP, they have an enderman farm, (working) gunpowder farm, much bigger wool farms, guardian farm, an actual trading center etc. Basically ENs won't be lacking for certain construction materials anymore if they want. ENs can definitely get more out of the JP server in the long run, and if the JPs primarily want interaction/entertainment from the ENs themselves (as opposed to the things built on the server) that'll probably take some arrangement to get to happen easily just because the time zones are so fucking different.

>> No.10601488

JPs will "accidentally" annihilate Ina's house, collapse all the nether tunnels and steal irreparable resources that they inevitable die and lose. EN's will retaliate by building a giant flying TNT dispenser that razes the JP server to the ground, and fight to the bitter end to defend it until most of Holovillage is destroyed.

>> No.10601526

>What can we expect?
Mass deforestation and flattening of terrain

>> No.10601535
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>every structure over 4 blocks high
They're still using iron tools so there's not a ton of those. Power Point Tenshi confirms.

>> No.10601554

>EN's will retaliate by building a giant flying TNT dispenser that razes the JP server to the ground

>> No.10601616


>> No.10601617

EN and JP will see each other the way ID sees them. They won't be celebrities to the other anymore. They'll get bored and will willingly separate.

>> No.10601634

Gura had better join Akukin officially considering she's gonna be hogging up everything out Aqua's guardian farm to build Atlantis. She will have infinite prismarine and lanterns though so yeah maybe now we'll finally see it take shape.

>> No.10601654

Maybe someone should commandeer a large plot of fenced off land and start a tropical jungle nature preserve slash resort with architecture mostly built from plants.

>> No.10601663

>steal irreparable resources that they inevitable die and lose

Kek. But is this something they do?

>> No.10601671

This is what will actually most likely happen, sadly

>> No.10601675

While we're on the subject of structures, what on EARTH is wrong with their XP farms? Literally just do a kelp smelting xp farm you get to level 100 in 10 minutes. It's like nails on a chalkboard seeing the en girls grind to level 30. Does the kelp xp cooking not work on java (i play on bedrock)?

>> No.10601696

>EN's will retaliate by building a giant flying TNT dispenser
They can't do a TNT dispenser since they don't have a proper monster farm for gunpowder nor are any of them capable enough to build a duper.

>> No.10601750

Cover should create an anarchy server instead of a HoloID server.

>> No.10601841

Literally nothing will happen except few sightseeing streams and that's it. You guys are hyping your selves just to be disappointed.

>> No.10602107

I did forget however that Baelz/Sana actually could manage the JPs themselves if they wanted without much issue, and I think Irys is in Japan too (not certain as I'm not an iristocrat).

However none of those really feel like qualified tour guides vs any of the Myth girls. Really only Ina or Ame should be the ones showing them around and out of those maybe Ina's earliest times might overlap with the very latest JPs.

>> No.10602212

If you give women an anarchy server, it'll devolve into a shitshow and be abandoned within a week.

>> No.10602536

Anarchy server would be a rrat generator like no other, I don't ever see it as happening. Even if you explained to JPs it's like The Purge and there are no consequences for killing/stealing everyone's stuff, these are not mischievous teen boys, they're fucking Japanese still at the end of the day, Japanese women no less, one of the most polite populations on the planet. They will at most steal like half a stack of food from each other and a day later give back 10x that amount with a sorry note with kisses on it. That is just how they are. EN girls having fun being rude and killijg them / blowing up stuff would just make EN look bad to them.

>> No.10603556

What they could do is give each branch their own anarchy server. The last thing we need is Christian wigger Mori accidentally suicide bombing the indos' shrine to the prophet Mohammed, no matter how absolutely fucking kino that would be.

>> No.10603698

We can expect LAG!

>> No.10603958

I unironically really hope that Miko won't get to play on the server. Her personality truly is garbage and she can't do shit in minecraft.
