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10577882 No.10577882 [Reply] [Original]

"Lets study English" streams in Holo JP are now totally dead, and none of them take any English lessons either. You EOPs were desperately pushing the narrative that Holo JP members are gonna pander more and more to EOPs and bend the knee to the American globohomo market but it didnt happen after all. What are you feeling now?

>> No.10577912

don't care didn't ask plus you're SEA

>> No.10577953

Just like "I'm gonna study Japanese" promises by HoloEN. Get a grip on reality, fag

>> No.10577963

>none of them take any English lessons either
He doesn't know kek

>> No.10577976

>what are you feeling now?
Nothing, I stopped watching JP long ago

>> No.10577977

Marine and Aqua still take english lessons. Sounds like the place Marine went to was pretty shitty though

>> No.10577983

Imagine watching HoloJP

>> No.10578080

im sure marine stopped it. she was saying she stopped going there due to covid or the teacher who cant speak japanese at all or something, on a stream. ive never heard that she restarted it again since then.

>> No.10578629

I am going to learn Japanese, teach her English, then make her pregnant and she has to retire.
Thank you for supporting my future wife and me financially.

>> No.10578899

Coco died, that's what happened. Now Hololive is back to being strictly segregated between JP and EN. There are still bridges like Kiara's Holotalk, but Kiara being Kiara will of course make everything about herself

>> No.10579022

Imagine watching

>> No.10579140

Studying English became pointless the moment EN became a thing. Especially with people like Gura around, the EN audience now has their own virtual anime girl who's actually in touch with the EN culture and memes.
Add to that the graduation of Coco and the absolute English attempt failures that Miko & Haachama did, now the JP branch and viewers now have literally no reason to learn English.

>> No.10579250

OP will never be japanese no matter how much he pretends.

>> No.10579356

Native-English ESL teachers never speak the local language outside of universities and private schools, so wouldn't be surprised at all if the teacher couldn't speak Japanese

>> No.10579387

I feel like chillin with my oshi and throwing money at her to read my name

>> No.10579626

The people saying they would kneel to the black ships were 100% right though, as others stated the death of Coco and the growth of EN meant there was no longer a "in" to the market. If the ground opened up and swallowed all EN members I can gurauntee the JP girls would be back on that shit like within a week.

Holochads are missing out though as they will never get Stars branches in other countries.

>> No.10579716

A lot of times in KR, JP, and CN the english teaching jobs are basically white monkey jobs, the agency hiring the tutor don't care if they can actually teach or not as long as they look like a typical white person and speaks english and those people are typically sjw expats taking on the white man's burden of spreading liberal culture to the ignorant minorities. If the english is informal even better because that means you really mastered it. Pretty sure this is the type of teacher Marine and Aqua got because their teacher is a foreigner. Unfortunately this means they're actually pretty shit at teaching the language and the curriculum is just doing some workbook and attempting a conversation for 10~30 min. Used to be male teachers basically get paid to hang out with young asian girls while getting admired as a "sensei" and possibly hookup with the student before leaving the country because visa expired. Don't attempt this now btw, those countries have started to crack down and will put your ass in jail for minimum 2 to 10 years now.

>> No.10579941

I know some people that taught English in Japan Schools, it also doesn't help that their Japanese colleagues are beyond helpless in English even though they are supposed to teach it.

>Don't attempt this now btw, those countries have started to crack down and will put your ass in jail for minimum 2 to 10 years now.
Why should they jail me if I date someone my age?
I would also not hook up with anyone but Marine, I am not that thirsty for some asian pussy.

>> No.10580067

I just assumed anon would get the idea to tutor 12 yr olds. Weird that ppl used to get away with it. Legal age adults shouldn't be a problem, unless they accuse you of rape in which case police will 110% side with the native person and still throw you in jail. Marine would probably be okay with hooking up.

>> No.10580276

Additionally, a lot of those teaching jobs get taken by Filipinos since a ~20k salary is way more palatable to them than someone from the U.S., the U.K., Australia, or Canada

>> No.10580459

learning japanese on my own gets a lot of youtube recommended to me about japanese-english language learning.
Every. Single. Bilingual japanese ESL person says the english classes is Japan are absolute crap. I've watched at least ten different videos that had this lesson somehow sandwiched into their cultural commentary.

>> No.10583868

>Just like "I'm gonna study Japanese" promises by HoloEN. Get a grip on reality, fag

>> No.10583993

You don't learn a language with Duolingo. Every Duolingo stream was content creation, not learning.

>> No.10584240

Just because they're not spiggin it doesn't mean they don't bend the knee to EN

>> No.10584343

I think you misinterpret EOPs. EOPs don't want their oshi to be fluent in English. They want the white noise of Japanese spoken to them without learning the language themselves to feel a weird connection to them.

>> No.10584372

>What are you feeling now?
Laughing at their declining numbers mostly.
