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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10461774 No.10461774 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about vtubers that play a lot of FPS and/or compete in FPS tournaments (Vspo, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (CR, KNR, 芸人旅団, etc.) is also on topic.


>7th APEX CR Cup
9/25 Team members announcement
10/3~ Scrims
10/9 Tournament day

Previous thread: >>10306264

>> No.10462027
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>> No.10462136

CR cup teams & points adjustment

>> No.10462169

Arisaka and Daruma with no friends again

>> No.10462243

and then it's selen smile

>> No.10462363
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>> No.10463702

Ratna joined Uruha in epe

>> No.10465524
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>> No.10465960

yo wtf, what a whore, he's showing skin

>> No.10466022

Wow, (s)he should retire

>> No.10466054

Is he married?

>> No.10466073

>master 14 pts for azur
>pred 14 pts for other teams
this is not fair

>> No.10466131

Holy fucking shit. I've been trying to keep my SEX thoughts of Bora at bay but this just mind broke me.

>> No.10466165

it's on his right hand

>> No.10466513

Why doesn't Reid do teetee... he'd be so cute with anyone.

>> No.10466557

Imagine how soft her tights

>> No.10467125

How is Matsuri eight points, but Kanae six?

>> No.10467486

Are you prepared to see your oshi getting dislike bombed by vtuber antis?

>> No.10467502

>Not asking how Met is 8 and Nose is 6.

>> No.10467554

Bringing Jun is ルール違反

>> No.10467560

The cutest who and my favorite who is trying to reach diamond before the deadline

>> No.10467608

Jealous, Hoshikawa gets to be touched by those hands

>> No.10467636

This is just estimated points, based from previous CR Cup. He'll update it once the members themselves announce their points.
It's the other around this time. Met is 6 whilst Nose 8

>> No.10467712

So what you're saying is that last CR Met was 8 and Nose 6?

>> No.10467741

You can send superchats to Ema now

>> No.10467767

yep. She performed poorly :( so Ojiji reduced her points now.

>> No.10467832

Did she ever overperform to get 8 points?
Isn't that like master point level? With Dia being 6?

>> No.10467879

>nose is 6 points
>chihiro is 8
rigged as fuck

>> No.10467952

She was D1/D2 so 8pt. Also afaik it was her first CR Cup, so Ojiji had no data on her and just give her the base points.

>> No.10468003

Has anyone else tried the password for Beni's twitcast from today? It isn't working for me.

>> No.10468313

i imagine some of the smaller vspo members have more mixed emotions about this

>> No.10468857
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Yeah, it must be tough

>> No.10469058

i mean, it happens with every growing vtuber group to a certain extent but with vspo's explosive growth over the last 6 months it's a really stark difference. i'm not a numbers guy but i just want everyone to have enough views/superchat that they can continue streaming if they want to

>> No.10469878


>> No.10469992

i wondered why the 5ch vspo threads were moving at the speed of light, taking me ages to catch up

>> No.10470057

it's timing out, what is it?

>> No.10470098

Basically this

>> No.10470119

They're graduating Beni for smurfing in Valorant

>> No.10470185

lol at this akasupacha nose just got

>> No.10470244

Beni, CR ex-pros and the CR owner were allegedly smurfing (pre-made full party with ex-pro sub acc) in valo
and JP fanbase has been flaming
this tweet is the official acknowledgement and apology from the Vspo management team

>> No.10470293

>Jun in same tourney as Chii-chan
wew lad

>> No.10470359
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>> No.10470649
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Do you forgive her?

>> No.10470662

I forgive anything she does.

>> No.10470727

it's over.

>> No.10470732

she read my chat comment once so I'll forgive anything she asks me to
it's just smurfing for content, not a huge deal anyway

>> No.10470776

it's double over.

>> No.10470805

well if only smurfing...
now comes alleged boosting


>> No.10470824

i don't get how they identified the smurf accounts as what, rion and francisco?

>> No.10470865

>Whoring herself to Valo pro all the time
Yeah no, she deserved it

>> No.10470897

Like what? Smurfing on stream or something else?

>> No.10470928

isn't this much worse than boosting and actually saying someone is playing for her?

>> No.10470986

oh sorry i thought it was the definition of boosting
>someone is playing for her

>> No.10470989

But how did they find this out.

>> No.10470999

Her boyfriend is playing for her. A CR valo pro

>> No.10471002

as per francisco, i got this from a twitter reply
>"2oydrb" ってキーボードでかな打ちすると "ふらんしすこ"になります
>If you type "2oydrb" with the keyboard, it will become "Fransuko".

>> No.10471022

ah yes drama incoming. his fanbase loves stirring shit up.

>> No.10471033

Yeah, like I haven't heard that one before.

>> No.10471038

Play a game, get rekt, who the fuck are these people???, check match stats, names show up. That's just my guess though and probably the most likely thing to happen

>> No.10471078

Because the keybind on her agent ability is different on stream and off stream.v

>> No.10471109

lol, actually i think you might be right. i was just about to reply that i had misunderstood as i thought boosting was like getting carried by someone with a much higher rank rather than them playing on your account. if they can prove that someone was actually playing for her i think she's completely fucked

>> No.10471114

i will protect benisexsama

>> No.10471137

I thought only 12 year olds do it.

>> No.10471152

I was playing for Beni. And I won't stop.

>> No.10471183


>> No.10471252

Yeah, but this time they have definitive proof >>10471078. It's over

>> No.10471317

so all they need to do is not use their real names?

>> No.10471320

Maybe she was just playing around with different binds.

>> No.10471329
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>> No.10471347

And how do they get access to that info?
From her own uploaded clips?

>> No.10471353

Even if she was, it's too late, she apologized already, everyone's going to think that's admission of guilt

>> No.10471376

For playing with smurfs, yeah

>> No.10471467

playing with smurfs is survivable but i don't see how 代行 would be

>> No.10471490

Matsuri got carried to Master and Kanae wouldn't put in the time to grind past diamond. CR doesn't base pt on ranks anymore but Ojiji probably still weighs them with some importance.

>> No.10471502

>From her own uploaded clips?
Yes... clips and twitter pic on her own
well alleged boosting is not 100% proved, of course
she only admitted smurfing

>> No.10471569
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Yeah, she posted twitter clips from where there are different binds to her binds on stream, also, Jett games are outliers

>> No.10471575
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>> No.10471605

>30 kills
oh come on this is fucking obvious that someone is playing for her that game.

>> No.10471620

>>10471569 (You)
Got this from here

>> No.10471628

So in short Beni was supposed to be good at Valo but someone else was playing her account? What's the extent of this pro playing on her account

>> No.10471710

It's not a matter of whether Beni was good at Valo or not, you could see how good she was through her streams, which I'd say is above average, but her rank was getting boosted by someone else playing on her account. As per this tweet and Google translate of this tweet, goes back as far as the previous act(season)


>> No.10471749

i can sort of believe beni might be this dumb but wouldn't the pros boosting her know it would fuck her career and potentially theirs when it inevitability got found out? like look what happened to sio

>> No.10471752


>> No.10471769

playing with smurfs? the heat will go away for maybe a week or so. Kuzuha played with 2 pubg pros smurfing in gold to get him to d4 during season 4, he got shit on so he solo ranked to d4 and it was back to normal again
but if someone was playing for her? she might actually get a suspension or termination like what Rogue esports did to wraithella

>> No.10471809

pretty sure that most teams or CR organizers won't be announcing team and member points this time. That tweet is just made up numbers and you shouldn't be referring to it as the truth

>> No.10471812

I mean even their millionaire owner is in the sane game, doubt they even consider getting caught like this.

>> No.10471824

They actually might just be that dumb

>> No.10471878

Sex makes men’s brains turn to mush and valorant was never a wrinkled brain game to begin with

>> No.10471883

I don't understand how they can all be this retarded, the more I read on it the more shocked I am

>> No.10471900

They probably didn't even think it was a problem. Just playing with friends.

>> No.10471985

well, that's one way to incline

>> No.10472051

Man, what a farce. The guy who created this whole drama won the game, but still brought it on twitter to out them. I can understand if he lost, and felt unjust. But won, and made them kneel like this? Based as fuck.

>> No.10472083
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>> No.10472151

That's hilarious.

>> No.10472207

>apex doesn't have a smurfing problem
kuzuha is getting streamsniped by smurfs every game now. Also try playing in one of the bronze games at the last few weeks of rank split and you will find that each team has at least 1 smurf

>> No.10472236
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>> No.10472294

It's really bad for the bigger APEX streamers, wish people could behave.

>> No.10472320


>> No.10472350

What does the Vspo statement says? it's not loading for me.

>> No.10472363
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Towa will just turn off dislikes and turn on 1 month sub only mode again. She is super sensitive during competitive play so she is ready.

>> No.10472425


>> No.10472426

Don't worry, the biggest APEX streamers do it too.
Remember solo bronze to masters?

>> No.10472483

>jun in a vtuber tournament

>> No.10472535

The streamsnipers are more annoying.

>> No.10472601

It's a grey area and I seriously do not know where to draw the line. I want to think it's fine if they just smurf all the way to plat first off stream like kinako did 2days ago.

I just wish Respawn were more competent and actually make it lv50+ to rank and add sbmm to bronze games so smurfs vs smurfs.

>> No.10472626

Well yes.
Although tbf if you're ranking getting hit by smurfs becomes less of a problem.
And in casuals your MMR should put you out of reach anyway.

>> No.10472653

That's not smurfing unless it's a new account I think

>> No.10472734

smurfing in valo is far more disliked than in apex
game style and cultural difference

>> No.10472738

>Smurf to plat off stream
That kinda ignores the bigger problem in favor of something irrelevant.
They should just make an official challenge mode imo.

>> No.10472791

I see pros and big streamers dust off really low level smurfs for ranked climbs a lot. It's not a huge deal, at least not in the west.

>> No.10472924

stop...she's already dead.

>> No.10472930

How else are you going to get to bronze?

Probably cause APEX matchmaking is a meme.
I mean that's a consequence of being a 60 player BR but that doesn't discount it's kinda shit at times.

>> No.10473002

Matchmaking is a meme in every game. Its worse in Valo because its more similar to League.

>> No.10473021

no, that's what I hate about west apex streamers. Thoughtless and inconsiderate, some of them are

>> No.10473089

Fair enough, and it's not like they're doing it every single day boosting other people. That doesn't seem to be the case with this Beni issue though...

>> No.10473125

But a 60 player BR where you can't tell who's actually good in a straight fight and who's good at CR and 3P makes things even more of a mess.

>> No.10473239

Matsuri got alot better based on vtuber cup. Kanae has low points because they want to put him on the team. PR Cup bruh

>> No.10473293

Smurf for content =/= smurf to boost someone rank. The second one is illegal.

>> No.10473361

yeah, we've been through all this before when respawn brought in the option to report smurfing. pretty sure there's an official tweet saying new account for solo master/pred etc is fine

>> No.10473519

I'm sure it wont be long before someone finds a pro that uses those specific key binds

>> No.10473650

Not only has she been saying boosting/smurfing is bad, She's been doing it for nearly two acts with professional players and also the potential of someone playing on her account in certain games.

She's fucking done for unless she comes clean, Fuck CR, I wish they never got involved with VTubers.

>> No.10473702

>Fuck CR
she has been

>> No.10473760

is CR getting flamed too? i dont have twitter

>> No.10473838

Not really checking, I glanced at the owner's tweet all of them have comments turned off and one reply was just #ZETAWIN and I spat my water out.
CR won't give a fuck they come across like Faze Clan, They could have 20 fuck ups and people will still follow them.

>> No.10473877

I just watched her clips of her in value when she mutes her teammates for being creep yesterdayy and then this happens now

>> No.10473963

Can someone make a more simpler explanation for people who don't really understand Valorant? I see all the screenshots and the red circles but I don't really understand the significance and shit.

>> No.10474019


>> No.10474111

Is there any relation between CR and CR cup. I'm confused as fuck.

>> No.10474131
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>> No.10474160

CR's too big to fall. TSM of JP APEX.

>> No.10474173

like that one anon said itt, it's still a pretty grey area because smurfing is still smurfing no matter how much you pretext it under "challenge" but it's not like these preds are gonna stay in bot lobbies for a long time so sure it's not that big of a deal compared to boosting

>> No.10474180

CR cup is arranged by Ojiji the owner of CR

>> No.10474208

they organize the cr cup and have their pros participate, what's so confusing about it?

>> No.10474212

It's just valo

>> No.10474222
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the tourist dramafags are here is there anything we can talk about oh here hinano and co are doing a mahjong drinking stream

also sena hoshikawa collab in a bit

>> No.10474266

CR is the org, cups are the tournies they're hosting

>> No.10474273

>also sena hoshikawa collab in a bit
It has already been going for 40 minutes

>> No.10474316

fuck i got found out im not watching any of the streams since im rushing my assignment sry

>> No.10474328

Beni plays Valorant ranked as a full party with CR management and VALO pro players, which do not belong in her rank bracket, some of them on new unranked accounts. Beni posts Valorant highlights on twitter, and they have different binds to what she usually uses on stream, there might be someone playing on her account to boost her rank. Her match history shows 2 Jett games where she had a KD of 2.0, when she usually has a KD of 0.7-0.9, insinuating that someone did infact play on her account, using the Jett character.

>> No.10474366

>No. This is intended for players that abuse the system and create new accounts consistently to farm lower level lobbies. >Having one smurf to do a grind like that will not get you banned
can't believe i had to go and dig this up again

>> No.10474486

I'm a newfag so I wasn't sure whether they were two different entities or not. I will lurk more in the future.

>> No.10474542

Well as far as I can tell, none of the CR guys bind their main weapon to 2. Who even does that?

>> No.10474547

Aren't they retired Valo pros tho?

>> No.10474629

Me, Beni's lover

>> No.10474640

watch gorilla and calm down

>> No.10474713

Okay, I guess, retired Valo pros, anyway yeah

>> No.10474805

No, fuck CR, fuck CR Cup, and fuck people who say they won't participate but participate anyway.

>> No.10474899

I do want to fuck Kanae...

>> No.10474905

it's a jett binding, Laz has primary on 2

>> No.10474916

the fuck are you talking about

>> No.10475027
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>> No.10475038

You can't turn down when someone much higher up wants you there bro. Like Kaida having to jump in for KanaKuzu in the recent vtuber cup.

>> No.10475044
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I really want to fuck Bora

>> No.10475079

So the binding thing is a non-issue then, and the only problem is that her clip was too good for her?

I can see Beni being lucky enough offstream to get two amazing games. But to do those as the same character then never play it again? That's weird.

>> No.10475088

ive been saying all along that bora is a sex machine and im glad she's finally getting the attention for it

>> No.10475097


>> No.10475137

But were you saying that before APEX reaallly popped off in JP and Bora got more attention?

>> No.10475172

i was only saying it after she got her new costume and those thighs came out

>> No.10475228

not skill binding but weapon binding
and resolution difference is also pointed out
of course it is just allegation though

>> No.10475243

It's jett too, which isn't exactly the easiest character to just pick up.

>> No.10475248

> Like Kaida having to jump in for KanaKuzu in the recent vtuber cup.
nah it felt more like nijisanji management didnt want a literal who the fuck like saki masaki to team up with the all popular chronoir. So they told shibuhal that saki masaki has to GO for anyone else in nijisanji for a proper collab to get that niji to be more popular also clearly not true and im making shit up

>> No.10475313


She has different binds for Jett here compared to the twitter clip

>> No.10475404

I am unmembering as I type

>> No.10475451

Think anon were mentioning cr apex competitive group. Selly mention that he won’t participate but he change his mind last min. Far out of Selly has just make his mind from the beginning he would have team up with my waifu and get the w

>> No.10475520

Speaking of VALORANT, my favorite FPS VTuber Shiromiya Mimi of 774 inc. is streaming it right now

>> No.10475551

Anon...remember all the sex...

>> No.10475587

she had good thighs in her original outfit too

>> No.10475598

nta but this is what the anon was referring to when he wants to fuck kanae regarding this cr cup

> anon were mentioning
was* mentioned* changed* esl

>> No.10475659

Yes I was referring to this, which explains his lower points too.

>> No.10475670

smurfing in apex is not even new, pros and streamers do it all the time. one popular apex streamer on twitch did a bronze to predator in 1 stream challenge just a month ago and there wasn't any problem.

>> No.10475713

What Beni clip are people even referring to? Was it removed from her twitter?

>> No.10475832

Um yes you are pulling shit out of your ass, the reason the guy was pulled out was even publicly stated, and it wasn’t even Saki Masaki lol

>> No.10475871

one of the odanobu kiss club guys. whatever

>> No.10475889

they weren't obvious or rather she didnt really show them off until the new one

>> No.10475896

Smurfing is done in everything and people have to live it. But its worse in non-BR like in League because you just lose points when you lose, you don't get points from killing randos or from ratting and getting a higher position, you don't get to run away from the smurfs or hope to 3rd party them. You lose, you don't climb. Its a normal thing that isn't going to go away but people will always be mad at it.Boosting is much worse so don't admit to that.

>> No.10475931

IIRC the reason was not even followers/subs yea? They couldn't boost him fast enough like Odanobu.

>> No.10475947

agreed especially since the boosting would literally be an attack on vspo's very identity

>> No.10475952

>fuck people who say they won't participate but participate anyway.
Is there really something so wrong about this? I guess it would be annoying as a fan who wasn’t expecting him to participate though

>> No.10476109

no?? why and how do you get this easily baited

>> No.10476119

This is why people are thinking she had someone playing for her? Clearly not a jett main

>> No.10476203

I unironically do it in APEX, because its closer to the w key when I need to whip it out.

Who knows. My 2 games in duos in APEX were both wins and I technically have a 100% win rate there. And I never touched it again either. Weird shit happens.

>> No.10476257

Play doesn't matter, the binds do, and so does the match history>>10471569

>> No.10476273

Valorant sucks anyway, I'll continue watching my Beni sex.

>> No.10476286

I don't even know why you'd post something like this, not even shitposting anymore this thread is turning straight up retarded

>> No.10476306

People gonna be questioning and scrutinizing the girls more like Hinata back in the days.
Meant to say "not enough"
APEX is a BR. Alot more luck and RNG involved in a BR.

>> No.10476369


>> No.10476425

>attack on vspo's very identity
exactly, it taints the whole group. people who don't know better will be suspicious of all members. if there's any further evidence at all that someone else was playing for her i think she has to graduate really. even with just playing with smurfs her comments/chat are gonna be unusable, she'll get stream sniped every game etc.

>> No.10476433

Yeah, a lucky win sure, but I doubt you had twice the kills you usually do on all your wins though...

>> No.10476549
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Selen will do that before and after their Apex collab tomorrow.

>> No.10476568

Wasn't it the guy who gave Kuzuha shit for an outfit saying he ripped it off, when it's one of the most generic outfits. Literally a turtleneck sweater.

>> No.10476689

i mean, talking about literally anything else to stray away from the current escalating beni drama is already better but i agree, that is retarded

>> No.10476715

Where are people even seeing the match history?

>> No.10476754

you can tell this guy doesnt watch bora because bora is the one that turns apexchuubas into kimchi hungry bitches

>> No.10476812

Niji getting international. When's VSPO EN?

>> No.10476851

Blitz.gg, among other websites.

>> No.10476883

Hmm, are they having collab tomorrow? Anyways Bora has a few much closer friends to have sex with.

>> No.10476890


>> No.10476904

but her profile has been private for a long time

>> No.10476933

Aside from jun anyone that kill that yamada will prob get flame as well wont they

>> No.10477011

im still waiting for the bora noah towa menage a trois

>> No.10477054

Yamada's fanbase seems pretty peaceful. I think it will be fine as long as no girls get too close to him. Things will get really bad if something like the Amatsuki/Hikakin scrim drama thing happens tho but Yamada's not a noob at APEX like Hikakin.

>> No.10477112

his chat seems relatively fine to me...? I can't imagine her fangirls flaming

>> No.10477233

Well that’s good then. As for jun…

>> No.10477241

His fangirls should be fine. He's not a young idol either. But that also means he might have more old-school fans so better to just avoid female interaction.

>> No.10477306
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Yes. It would have happened last week, if the Apex servers didn't shit the bed. They've been wanting to Apex each other for a while now.






>> No.10477421

hope all of this shit never happened, just fucking why, she has been getting solid viewership regardless whether she's a bad or not. that m5 m4 x is neth's ability binding

>> No.10477451

nothing good can result from this collab.

>> No.10477456

Think one of bora stream mention it will be with temp as well. Not sure how the communication or ping would work out though

>> No.10477480

You're worried too much. Hal fucking murdered him and Yufuna a year ago to win the tournament, and his fan didn't freak out as much as predicted before. They might drop by to dislike the stream, and spam 加藤純一最強!But that's about it

>> No.10477500

agreed, hopefully it goes over quickly and quietly and bora's chat can remain free of EOPs

>> No.10477506

I also don’t want to see this happen too

>> No.10477566

If it was chichan…

>> No.10477589

does anyone know why qu never seems to stream rank? not that i doubt her ability but doing anything behind the scenes seems to give a lot of potential fuel for antis etc

>> No.10477598

???? i was in the tournament twitch chat watching the shi kanji ascii art rolling by..

>> No.10477682

>and his fan didn't freak out as much as predicted before
what the fuck are you talking about, that tournament is the whole reason most people know how insane his fans are.

>> No.10477746

PR Cup will invite anyone for a bit of publicity, Cup is dogshit.
Waiting for the next V Saikyou.

>> No.10477843

Selen already confirmed it will be her and templex. going by the rule that previous guest will vouch for someone to be the next

>> No.10477895

I watched the whole tournament on Hal channel. They dropped dislike on the VOD, and spammed in chat after the game but no one gave a fuck because they won. They don't harass him on twitter, dox him or anything malice. Just bitterness

>> No.10477923

Watch reid's streams from earlier this week when he didn't have stream delay on and you will understand.

>> No.10477928

i have a hunch that its going to be selen bullying templex 95% of the time while occasionally saying something in poor korean while bora just shouts the five or six english words she understands at random occasions

>> No.10477973

my girl…

>> No.10478046

That's certainly the most likely thing to happen.

>> No.10478101

not even EOPs, selen fans specifically.

>> No.10478176

Pachimon with Sumire instead of Beni

>> No.10478244

Worst thing to wake up to. I don't even follow Beni but it's going to be SUPER awkward for the other girls with her around now. Just graduate her and be done with it. There's no coming back from having someone play your account (although it seems like that's still easily deniable).

>> No.10478257

no i wouldn't because loads of preds manage to stream ranked with more viewers than qu gets. ghosting is way less of an issue at that rank but just switch servers or add a delay like they all do if it's a problem
this is not a criticism or doubt of qu - i'm interested if anyone who watches her more than me knows if she has said anything about it. like, i think she would grow a lot more if she did stream rank occasionally

>> No.10478285

Maybe this was all planned. Ema can take her place.

>> No.10478325

So who's the Valo Queen of chuubas now?

>> No.10478360

Shiromiya Mimi

>> No.10478408

i watched it on the rage openrec then twitch channel and hal's pov a bit. it was mostly 4444444 and shi ascii art spam. personally i think that's pretty bad, but if you don't fair enough. it doesn't escalate as far as actual anti shit though, that's true.

>> No.10478421

green dot is replaced with a violet one......

>> No.10478523

It's bad and retarded but it's nothing that the guys can't handle.

>> No.10478571

Haachama knew this was coming and dipped her toe in the water in preparation...

>> No.10478586

>although it seems like that's still easily deniable).
How so

>> No.10478592

ofc sniping isn't that bad when you have 3 stack pred team that can roll over top tier lobby. Reid is nowhere near that level and qu still has some distance...

>> No.10478661

its been rough for even some of the three stack preds recently.

>> No.10478670

Makes me wonder who else within the group knew what was going on

>> No.10478707

>qu still has some distance...
why even respond when you don't know what you're talking about?

>> No.10478740

he's not wrong.

>> No.10478782

haachama.. the japanese female s1mple of valorant.. onegai kamisama it's my only wish..

>> No.10478845

I'm inclined to believe that they were all stupid enough to not even consider it smurfing

>> No.10478918

trying to think of the most amusing possible vspo haachama collabs. i think hinano could handle her well but noah would probably die

>> No.10478929

would it be fair to say that most of chi-chan's antis are from jun's fanbase?

>> No.10478939

Akasupa for this? Really?
Based on Nose's posts lately there have been some trolls riling her up for not collabing with Reid. I think it's some kind of reverse trolling to get her fed up with collabing with him.
Besides, the coaches are part of BIG too.

>> No.10478952

Not really.

>> No.10478991

Played Jett for the first time. Looked up pro keybinds because you heard she isn't like most characters. Have 2 amazing games and never touch her again.

>> No.10479006

I can't believe I missed this stream
BobSappAim vs Kawase Omurice


>> No.10479030

just go hiatus for a month and then come back with a tweet saying I've reformed or some shit. As long as she can tank the initial wave of antis it will be fine for her and vspo.

>> No.10479058

Beni I beleeb in you

>> No.10479080

Kind of random but happy to see Donut in a tournament https://twitter.com/VALORANTjp/status/1442419473051381760

>> No.10479100

but templex's chat says otherwise. Jun's fanbase is flooding to his chat rn

>> No.10479117

I wanted to post it but I didn't think it fit on this board

>> No.10479136

and they seem to be spamming in chat and shitting on chi-chan in templex's chat

>> No.10479196

jun probably adds some, but she doesn't need any help getting antis.

>> No.10479224

maybe, but there is a fair share of homegrown niji anti in there too.

>> No.10479490

Maybe they all knew, maybe none of them knew, maybe some of them knew. We will probably never know, and they should all just act as if they were oblivious regardless.
Pretty much this, just let the shit storm blow over.

>> No.10479501
File: 391 KB, 1766x1594, E--9G28VQAMu9S5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is pretty much the only "jp apex" thread...? Don't think there's anywhere else that talks about knr or cr guys aside from twitter. I was watching it too and it's funny to watch sapp's inept cooking skills

>> No.10479513

>Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (CR, KNR, 芸人旅団, etc.) is also on topic.
I'm going to say it's allowed here. Plus, most vspo watchers seem to watch and understand japanese FPS streamers too, so this is the only place you can talk about them on 4chan and get a conversation going.

>> No.10479559

>Pretty much this, just let the shit storm blow over.
Or fan the flames for engagement metrics

>> No.10479655

I thought temp was considerate enough to not play with jun considering how close he is to vtubers and especially chiichan. There goes my trust I guess. You really can't beat that 100k viewercount.

>> No.10479698
File: 105 KB, 1106x776, EGeMgJSVUAAESZn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things are different then and now. When VSPO was just LVG trying to get by through the merit of exciting and strong gameplay and the eventual shift to entertainment.
The Nazuna, Toto, Nose and Sumire of pre-VSPO and even 2020 are so different from today's.

Toto has less reason to play APEX because of how Lifeline is plus her playstyle of hanging back and sniping isn't as viable, Nazuna burnt out hard on APEX and can't really stream CS:GO without issues.
Back then it was probably just play PUBG, Splatoon 2 and have fun, do your best.

Just my 2 cents but Nose and Sumire benefited greatly from APEX' format, longer TTK and emphasis on attacking to say nothing of their ability to grasp the opportunity better than others.

Maybe one day we'll have the gang back together in a game that captures all of their strengths and can highlight their play styles.

>> No.10479704

yeah, I get euriece and that it was natural for him but temp is mostly in for the clout and attention like he usually is

>> No.10479707

>>10479117 >>10479501 >>10479513
we were briefly on /jp/ but got kicked off so it has to be here. plus doesn't bob have an l2d now?

>> No.10479729

He found other toys to play with now, he wasn't playing with her for anything other than recognition

>> No.10479757

I don't even understand how you can be close to japanese vtubers when you don't even know japanese.

>> No.10479777

>cuts the chicken first
>starts cutting from the skin
>not holding the knife properly
>finishes cutting chicken
>doesn't wash his hands, the knife, or the board
>immediately starts cutting onion
>chat goes crazy spamming "WASH"
Bob: I'm not even looking at the comments

I'm just 6 minutes in please tell me it gets better I'm losing my mind

>> No.10479793

watch the comments admin and niru are just laughing their asses off in there

>> No.10479877

yeah, it's weird. the 5ch vspo thread also appears to have a dedicated reid presence which isn't exactly trolling but gets a lot of "make your own thread" responses when no one from vspo is involved. it's one reason i quite like that this isn't just the vspo thread as there's so much overlap between other vtubers

>> No.10479990

very true, the overlap picks up a lot of the tubers on the periphery

>> No.10480043

isn't sniping viable now? g7 was also always a good replacement. noah was sniping her way to masters.

>> No.10480156
File: 285 KB, 1200x1800, E9o1LxlVgAMNw_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because some of Qu's viewers will hotdrop and punch out her team(it's a meme) and that's not fair to Kohaku or her other teammates who actually want to climb.

Also just because ghosting isn't "severe" doesn't mean that the streamer shares the same sentiment. it could easily be the most tilting thing for them, if not Qu then one of her team members. Imaging playing a game with a streamer and you're unaware, have to deal with stream snipers and if you mess up badly you suddenly keep getting weird DMs and friend requests just to grief you.

It's a personal preference but if you are curious, you can just ask her on stream.

Added bonus:

>> No.10480160

Yeah, but ring always gets smaller, unless you can follow through with your infighting, you're always going to lose the last circle.

>> No.10480238

hinano last minute rank

>> No.10480250

oh, does she have issues with that? if it's a carrying issue, then maybe right now is the time to play since you can just be rampart.

>> No.10480291

thanks, i was waiting for the qu anon

>> No.10480304
File: 117 KB, 1402x2048, EeQW49oU4AEPrTr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Marsmanfag, it's extremely viable and I've been messing with the 3030 since it was available. The issue is that for old-style FPS players, it's gonna be annoying having to land more than 2 shots.

Toto and Nazuna glued into Wingman because of this since when they were active, Sentinel was a pita and Longbow was ????. Toto still tries to go for the Charge Rifle when she can(and Kraber).

As a previous Watt/Caustic main, I'd like Nazuna to rediscover the joys of just sitting in a house comfy. Same goes for Roboco because watching her try to adhere to aggressive gameplans with Octane and Path is a bit upsetting.

>> No.10480557
File: 356 KB, 1920x1080, Ezwhx3TVcAMw590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem, she's usually quick to respond to questions as long as you send them in during lobby time.
I'm also the Totofag and my spelling and grammar is absolute dogshit after playing too much trying to catch up on this shitty event. I don't even want the Wingman skin, looks like a toy gun.

Anyway with the way things are, I hope more vtubers try marksman and sniper rifles now. Besides Toto, I only know Kanae who adored the triple take.

>> No.10480626

I would assume none for the same argument one anon used during the converter discussion. The managers would've known this would cause issues and make her knock it off

>> No.10480672

Do you guys think there will be chuubas playing the mobile version when it releases?

>> No.10480724

advertising? yes. Playing it fr, no.

>> No.10480857

i see, i tried the 3030 but i don't like the reloading compared to the g7. i come from cs, but don't have good first bullet accuracy so i'm used to spraying people down. i just went to rifles immediately because they were really easy.
i wonder how many vtubers would improve massively using g7/3030/longbow and playing defensively?

>> No.10480886

Wait till you get to the egg part of the omurice lol

>> No.10480896

kek is there any switch gyrochad apex chuuba?

>> No.10480902

>Master = 10pt
>Being a girl = -2 pt (bora doesn`t get the discount, because she was deemed as good as the other master male players)
>DiamondIV-II = 6 pt
That has been the rule since the 4th or 3th cup, nothing weird here. Can't remember if chii was worth 8 pts before or not, and I don't know why Fuwa is only worth 4, when he was diamond before.

>> No.10480999

I had hopes for Kawase. These two idiots are going to get salmonella.

>> No.10481037

Not in japan. Their eggs are superior (or so they say).

>> No.10481083

Aren't they using some arbitrary point system that isn't based off of rank or was that for something else?
I don't think salmonella cares how good the eggs are. But I'm not a mathematician so what would I know?

>> No.10481086

Idk how they do it in Japan but you generally don't start cutting the chicken then everything else on top of not washing the raw chicken off the knife

>> No.10481090

>Being a girl = -2 pt (bora doesn`t get the discount, because she was deemed as good as the other master male players)
Idk where you get this info, but it's bullshit.
She still get a -2 like other girls, otherwise her current CR team would be over max points.
>and I don't know why Fuwa is only worth 4, when he was diamond before.
Ojiji does a lot of 'pity minus points' to players so they can fit into a team.

>> No.10481191

>Idk where you get this info, but it's bullshit.
She still get a -2 like other girls, otherwise her current CR team would be over max points.
I think he's getting confused by the fact that some masters are 10 points while others are 8. Though Bob did say something about their team being under point limit.

>> No.10481233

fucked up the greentext

>> No.10481341

>She still get a -2 like other girls, otherwise her current CR team would be over max points.
They're max pts, Kanae's team is over too, the teams that are max pts need to do some cooking shit to get a -2 discount, every cup has shit like that, last time they had to write summer memories or something.

>> No.10481362

Yes, they changed the rules now, but till the last cup that was the pt rules.

>> No.10481366

all this talk about bora and eggs is getting me overly excited

>> No.10481450

I know why, but in no fucking world should Matsuri be worth more points than Kanae.

>> No.10481485

itd be kind of disrespectful to drag her down, i'd agree with making kanae 8 points though.

>> No.10481487

I don't watch Matsuri, but she got to master on stream, she can't be that bad.

>> No.10481537

she didn't actually get to master on stream though, and she was playing with two preds.

>> No.10481553
File: 84 KB, 845x1023, E0XCJmbVIAE5Ike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold heavy mag, best mag. But also you don't have to be too defensive with it, it's quick to crack shields, convert immediately into a push kind of like how decent Crypto players roll.
If you think of it more like a Mastiff it becomes more comfortable to use with the added benefit of being able to actually start reloading while changing position, taking a jump pad etc.

For vtubers that might benefit from these weapons. Roboco for sure and anyone that transitioned from PUBG days. Uge loves to camp but if her Wingman is already strong, not much need to swap(although I prefer G7 over WM).
Choco-sen could also use some training just so she's more used to the foreplay of tickling other squads at range instead of pushing in. VSPO's Mimi used to be really strong with WM but I think she'd be stronger with Longbow, same with Sena but the issue with the VSPO girls is they're chasing the aggressive meta. When was the last time Ashumi played her husbando?....

>> No.10481554

honestly she was playing better than expected in the vsaikyou, they even got a champion and i dont think anyone was anticipating that

>> No.10481565

she should get excommunicated from hololive for being boosted

>> No.10481570

And her team did well at Vsaikyou without playing with two preds. She's better than people here want to give her credit for.

>> No.10481571

I'm sure you can source those 2 preds right?

>> No.10481650

>she didn't actually get to master on stream though
What's the point then?

>> No.10481775

She didn't play badly, and she did a lot better in the tournament than she did in scrims, but vasaikyou isn't exactly the paragon of competitive apex.
check the comments under her masters tweet

>> No.10481838

Comments from who?

>> No.10481886

I like the face-value implication that the organizers genuinely believe in Matsuri's potential but that Kanae is a massive jobber.

>> No.10481895

Ah, true. There are a lot of masters that get point reductions this time around..

>> No.10482070

I mean it's true, I can't think of the last time he didn't choke

>> No.10482236

Kanae's too busy to rank to Master and he hates smurfing/boosting even more so I think he'll remain in Dia rank for the time being unless he really takes the time to grind rank. If based on the CR cup point system, it's just right that he's worth 6 points and Matsuri is 8 points

>> No.10482350

Ojiji is a numberfag. He will do anything to get large numbers. A team of Hal/Kanae/Yamada Ryosuke is illegal, but it will make the fangirls wet so he vetoed it.

>> No.10482403

Repeating again.
that tweet is not official from anyone or cr organizers. I believe only shibuhal revealed their team points but no other team have done so. Ojiji already said that they won't be revealing the member points this cr cup so you shouldn't be assuming and taking that tweet at face value

Matsuri did not mention what her points is for this cr cup so it might be 6 or 8 you won't know

>> No.10482408


>> No.10482413

Nah, If they gave him the 8pts he wasn't going to join.

>> No.10482417

>but it will make the fangirls wet so he vetoed it.
Fangirls be damned, Kanae alone is making me wet.

>> No.10482597

Being real here, I do feel that this tendency is at least part of the reason he's received such leniency so many times.

>> No.10482645

Fucking Hal inviting Kanae when he already turned down the leader position because he wasn't planning to join.
This team is giving me a lot of anxiety because of the potential for flaming from Yamada's large fanbase

>> No.10482785
File: 386 KB, 1536x2048, E2u1SPfVEAMoV5T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Was ShibuHal just a stepping stone for Sara to get into Ashumi's panties??

>> No.10482813

Hoshikawa is going to fuck every chuuba, be they male or female but not Matsuri, and all we can do is sit her and watch.

>> No.10482844

nta, and not that it matters because she's just as much a master as e.g. uge and has improved a lot since then anyway, but they weren't preds

>> No.10483099

That fucking laugh.

>> No.10483191

That reminds me that the new girls still have to do this

>> No.10483224

Is playing with Master level players still considered boosting? Should you strictly play only with people the same rank or lower as you?

>> No.10483302

Asking this again
all the comments on the post are just people saying tskr, but the password for the twitcast on the 27th isn't right

>> No.10483382

Doesn't change much for me. 6 points for Matsuri would be underranked, and 8 points isn't undeserving at all.

>> No.10483506

Tried now, the password is definitely wrong.

>> No.10483595

i love this comfy pachimon -be** +su-chan rank stream

>> No.10483685

i'm sure there are some freaks who think that but if that's the case you might as well solo master as currently it appears to be a lot easier if reid is anything to go by

>> No.10483951

good to know it isn't just me

>> No.10484019

This thread needs to lighten up a bit me thinks.


>> No.10484137

good, fuck smurfs plat apex ranked feels like masters right now

>> No.10484242

im going to smurf and snipe the shit out of beni.

karmic justice.

>> No.10484338


>> No.10484341

I found this one in the indie thread

>> No.10484501
File: 1.21 MB, 1254x1771, 90316954_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this idiot.

>> No.10484683

Arisaka and radaa are a great pair

>> No.10484833

radaa's chat makes it a lot more fun to watch too. I can watch this pair all day

>> No.10484909

sad, su-chan just got aped on. Thought it would be a natural reaction to immediately void as soon as you hear the jumppad sound

>> No.10484934

petition to rename Vspo to Smurfspo

>> No.10485071

you mean Boostpo

>> No.10485347
File: 135 KB, 1073x333, what the fuck anons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am disappointed in all of you

>> No.10485408

This thread is less than a day old and she hasn't streamed.

Is today's threads one of the quickest so far? Even tournaments usually don't get this much discussion.

>> No.10485512

dramafags love to spam their shit

>> No.10486332

Cute Met

>> No.10486946
File: 2.41 MB, 1768x2500, 90176978_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Complains about no one mentioning Qpi
>Doesn't actually write her name himself either

>> No.10487252

got you to post a qti so I'm calling this a win

>> No.10487304

I'm even repping her in this dox bait thread that is sure to get nuked any second now.

>> No.10487670

it's prob the best chuuba cosplay I've seen
good taste anon

>> No.10489218

Despite my serious case of yellow fever I’m not the biggest fan of Enako, that Qpi cosplay is hot as fuck though.

>> No.10489604

Calm down, Yamada has played with Kanae already off stream and talks about him in a good way. Fangirls aren't there to see him wreck everyone in Apex, they just want to see the guy himself. VCC was received very positively. Kuzuha and his commenters also remarked that newcomers to his chat were polite. Male idols are not treated the same as female idols, yes there's crazy gachikoi, but you're all overreacting.

>> No.10489774

It deserves discussion when vspo's reputation is on the line. Face it, this affects the girls not just in terms of how fans engage with them, but with each other.

>> No.10490588

And now, hal and jun is playing together, is this their first time collab?

>> No.10490794

Sumire is only 207 points away from Master

>> No.10490799

why is it bad for vspo to smurf but it's ok for hal and templex to do it to boost jun?

double standard?

>> No.10490934
File: 143 KB, 706x1000, 1606959781437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10490962

apex over valorant,
and japans most popular streamer over some anime woman they all want to hatefuck.
Also to us, well me anyway, vtuber antis are more noticeable because I pay more attention to vtuber circles.

>> No.10491015

smurfing is smurfing. it's not worse in one game and better in another. arguably it's worse in Apex cause ranked split is right now.

>> No.10491273

Because Beni got put on vtuber m*tome

>> No.10491279

have you tried using your head for 30 seconds to think through a little? One is an entertainment company that has a reputation and the other is a retard rallying retards. Of course he doesn't give a fuck

>> No.10491314

no, it's definitely worse in valorant because of how the ranked system works, and the nature of 5v5 and battle royale. and the accusations against beni are boosting, not just smurfing, which is definitely way worse in valorant.

>> No.10491501

CR cup points are based on your rank. How is Valorant worse than Apex smurfing?

>> No.10491550

everyone smurfs in apex so it matters less.

>> No.10491597

Well Beni wasn't doing the smurfing, at least

>> No.10491607

It's interesting that the favorite vspo girls here (Qpi and Beni) are the ones that were involved in drama. I guess we're no different from the rest of the board after all. What will Qu's inevitable incident be I wonder?

>> No.10491663

the accusation is that she was getting boosted.

>> No.10491676

So being hard on vspo is hypocrisy if you're going to just flat out smurf on stream in Apex. Hal also runs tournaments too.

I get it, it's easy views, but you can't say "smurfing is bad" then do it yourself. Boosting is boosting.
