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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10438760 No.10438760 [Reply] [Original]

First NijiEN and Hololive collab incoming.
This is gonna open the floodgates.

>> No.10438987

literally who?????????

>> No.10439050

Is this and Ollie X Selen collab or an Ollie X Selen X whoever the fuck this guy is collab?

>> No.10439085

Don't you know rpr? It's rpr!

>> No.10439136

A huge Towa fan who is an Apex player.

>> No.10439138

ESL chama one is ollie and another is selen

>> No.10439186

are you sure this isn't "I will collab with Ollie, THEN Selen" it's two different messages, meaning it's more likely a list, right?

>> No.10439214

He literally collabed with Towa already do you holofags even watch your own streams???
He's one of the highest ranked apex players in the world

>> No.10439220

Is rpr the new Connor? Been seeming more of him recently.

>> No.10439234

It could go either way, even if it wasn't split into two different messages.

>> No.10439264

It is. OP is just an autist or trying to bait.

>> No.10439277

>Towa already getting NTR'd
>by Ollie no less
Its over... the leechqueen won...

>> No.10439279

That's Templexx

>> No.10439347

No-one watches apex streams. Hence Matsuri.

>> No.10439386

He's no stranger to playing in groups of 3 and neither are the girls, it very likely could be a double collaboration.

>> No.10439388

So fucking cringe. Literally delete every person that collabs with that autist both from my youtube and from my brain. Also OP has the reading comprehension of a 5 year old.

>> No.10439414


Why i am not surprised...

>> No.10439429

What's next, expecting me to know who took the biggest shit by diameter in the northern hemisphere?

>> No.10439436

He probably means that he has a collab with Ollie and a different collab with Selen. No way Hololive would let their idols colab with Selen and let Selen poach their viewers.

>> No.10439439

you mean Selen and Ollie will collab together with this dude? It's not clear for me from this discord message but I guess it can be fun, I rather have Holo/Niji collabs than with vshojo + leeches

>> No.10439550

I give it around 5% chance.

>> No.10439567

This guy looks like Nick Avocado.

>> No.10439633

1. Literally who
2. It's Ollie, she collabs with everyone

>> No.10439730

>man who isn't a vtuber is gonna play apex
Wow I can't wait.

>> No.10439881 [DELETED] 

How do I make my own keyboard?

>> No.10439992

Oh thank god, thought you meant a relevant branch and streamer for a second.

>> No.10440006
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Laugh at this individual

>> No.10440230

Honestly, it was probably me.

>> No.10440241

It's fucking Ollie. Bottom tier Holo who whores to anyone who is willing to take. Only floodgates that are opening are Ollies tears after people shit on her once again for this.

>> No.10441021

That guy has already collabed with a bunch of jp apex vtubers from different companies. Wouldn't suprise me but it's probably not together.

>> No.10441739

Holobronies are virgin incels

>> No.10443138

You retarded op? One of his collabs is with Ollie, the other is with Selen. Niji/Holo EN will never collab.

>> No.10443218

He already collabed with Matuli. He's doing the rounds of APEX chuubas

>> No.10443246


>> No.10443269


>> No.10443574

Holo ID is basically EN lite

>> No.10443964

Are you implying that Towa is from irrelevant branch and bottom tier holos? because he did collab with Towa many times.

>> No.10444060

Towa is a whore and her fans are massive cucks. I do not assosiate her with Hololive anymore.

>> No.10444093

>Niji/HoloEN will never happen
Thank god for that

>> No.10444192

Kill yourself

>> No.10444270

>Only floodgates that are opening are Ollies tears after people shit on her once again for this.
It's nothingburger, Towa collabs with him many time and its still fine.

>> No.10444360

Interesting that he's collabing with this those 2 considering that Ollie's not that good at Apex, and Selen doesn't sweat, but it'll be cool to see their interactions I guess

>> No.10444435

ID delusions.

>> No.10444567

You have to go back, cucks, you're not welcomed here.

>> No.10444573

ollie should be liquidated

>> No.10444597

split posters don't watch streams. they just vtubing as shitposting fuel.

>> No.10445837

You do realize HoloID is just HoloEN on crack right?

>> No.10445892

Of course it's the leech

>> No.10445966


They fear Selen?

>> No.10446140

I hope Ollie gets kidnapped and sold by a muzzie rape gang

>> No.10446186

He has a cute accent

>> No.10446273

I'm guessing Templex vouched for him considering Selen said her guests vouch for one of the next guests, I dont think Bora would vouch for him

>> No.10446297

Only after I look this guy up that I realized APEX's tournament prizes are low as hell compared to DOTA2. For someone who was champion in 6 and runner up in 2 out of 14 tournaments he attended, only getting 118k$ seems a bit low (or maybe DOTA's prize pools are just too big and top-loaded)

>> No.10446695

and Pomu. Otherwise they wouldn't keep blocking the Pomu/Kiara collab that both of them can't shut up about wanting to do.

>> No.10447016

thank god my oshi doesn't play apex. this cancer inserting himself somewhere he doesn't belong

>> No.10447037


>> No.10447076

yes? if you don't watch the yabai fish are you even into vtubers???

>> No.10447517

EN with none of the expectations of success so they the freedom to do what they want, for better or worse.

>> No.10447594

Towa is basically more vspo and more niji than hololive

>> No.10447675
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>a man

>> No.10447703

the weak should fear the strong

>> No.10447776

Pro apex players are always playing with vtubers. This isn't news. This guy has already played with 2 hololive members, Kanae from nijisanji and a bunch of vpso girls and indies.

>> No.10447884

rock paper rock?

>> No.10448170

Towa, Matsuri, and Ollie are known to often collab with males and Ollie will collab with just about everyone. She's already collabed with Gundou and several NijiIDs, Amai Hiyo, and a few literal who indies.

>> No.10448256

It's so dumb. No one's numbers will be hurt on Holo's side or Nijisanji. If Cover really feels that way abotu their talents' ability to retain viewers then it means they have little faith in the talents' themselves. Maybe it's Ao being a cunt again.

>> No.10448464

Ame has stated multiple times she does not want to collab outside of Hololive (or really collab at all). So Ollie would have to get someone from ID or JP since Ame is the only APEX player in EN.

>> No.10449068

So, is he better than Cannur and his fags?

>> No.10450071

>Ame has stated multiple times she does not want to collab outside of Hololive (or really collab at all)
When has she said this? I don't watch much Ame, maybe a bit of a vod every now and then but it's weird that she won't collab. Is she self conscious or too shy?

>> No.10450160

rpr stands for raper

>> No.10450166

He's an actual fan of the vtubers and he's a Kenzoku. Connor just leeches and has openly stated he doesn't like Holopro's idol image and rules.

>> No.10450277

No. Just one more leech trying to ride the vtuber wave. He will drop vtubers as soon as he finds next hot thing.

>> No.10450399

Maybe from her experience she's just disgusted at the two-facedness of many of them where 1K view streamers will completely ghost 200 view indies but suck up to and try to cheekily banter with 8-10k view streamers.

>> No.10450556

Nobody here cares about apex

>> No.10451537

>Ollie and Selen
That has to be the most obnoxious collab that I never thought of.

>> No.10451867

It's simple, you look at what they produce.
From a vtuber's point of view, a collab partner is beneficial if their viewers will be pleased with watching them - improving stream quality and retaining viewers - or if it will eventually or immediately draw new viewers to them. A collab partner is a leech if it turns their current viewers off, or sucks viewers away from them.
What do people like ZUN, Sugita, kokorobeats, etc, produce? Something completely different from vtubing. You don't leave vtubing when you consume their work. And their work has to stand on their own merit intead of audience popularity; even for the closest thing to an e-celeb, Sugita, very few people say "oh my god I HAVE to watch this because Sugita is in it", if they even know it. So there's no leeching there, but quite some prestige and content.
What do other vtubers produce? Well, yes, they are competition. But it is a calculated risk. You can share fanbases. Casual viewers who only watched one might start spending more time on vtubers and become more committed to the medium. As long as they are a vtuber, you're likely going to keep running into them. They can keep helping you produce content over the years and retain your viewers.
What does rpr produce? Only high skill Apex. Do people really watch Ollie, or really, any vtubers, for Apex skills? Not really; they are attracted first, perhaps, to the branding, and then watch for the personality. At the same time, you're guaranteed to do well with him on your team. So he does actually help to produce good content, people like to see their vtubers do well and pretend it's partially because of their skill instead of the carry. It retains viewers and he's not a strong competitor.
Now, Connor. What does he produce? What does he compete on? That's right, branding and personality - the same arena as all variety streamers. He himself is the product. He offers no particular skills. His viewers won't become yours because you're just another one in a long line of variety content for him to use. When the next fad comes along, you can't count on him not to ignore you for the next hottest thing like he has done to all his past topics. Even as a streamer, he isn't a vtuber, so he doesn't keep viewers in the circle. They're more likely to spread out to the rest of twitch instead of filtering back to you, watching you less and less.
There's really no contest.

>> No.10453078

Stop peddling bullshit and go shill your masterful Apex leech somewhere else.

>> No.10453349
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Getting closer

>> No.10454473

>thread about apex dude
>don't talk about apex dude
I never said it was good that he's collabing, but he is better.
Face it, there is a ceiling to the number of external collabs, and I'll rather it be filled up with the more inoffensive ones. Because what you're signalling to vtubers when you equate them isn't that Connor is as bad as them, it's that he's as good as them.

>> No.10455019

If true, I don’t know why anons would be mad this
Look, I tend to shit on Ollie a lot for interacting with individuals like Cuntnor and SodaFag, but I find this to be perfectly fine. It may not be people working for the manga/anime or videogame industries, but I’ll take pro Apex players over anitubers and clipniggers
Not to mention, having a collab with NijiEN could open multiple gates if this goes well, like those on HoloEN

>> No.10455659

It is indeed mystery why this thread about this faggot still exists. I am signaling that they are all equally shit leeches and should stay on their lane.

>> No.10456026

Silly anon, no one here actually watch Towa.

>> No.10456534

Ollie already whores around, and her Thurs for esports ecelebs is well known.

He and Selen will probably hit it off as fellow FPS fags, which doesn't threaten me because I don't care about Apex or mind her fulfilling her dreams of being true esports. I'm just in it for her nostalgic 90s gamer girl attitude. I remember the 90s. They were nice. Glad to see Selen is able to find people to carry her thicc tail all the way to pew pew glory.

>> No.10456630

>He spends his entire day locked up in his room watching vtubers and crying about holofags on 4chan
I remember you, are you on disability or do your parents cover your living expenses?

>> No.10457149

What the fuck is "apex"

>> No.10457496

holoID has been dying to get close with NijiEN for ages now since any interaction with holoEN recently are too prone for holofags war, so don't be shocked if holoID especially ID1+Ollie would collab more with NijiEN than holoEN by next year unless Council can approach those indogs

>> No.10457603

I literally cannot name a single pro gamer. E-"sports" are cringe.

>> No.10458483

She's said it a while ago and she reconfirmed it when she was at some con where some dumbass asked for outside collab and she said no. She understands just how people looking for clout treat you as a stepping stone.

>> No.10458605

I'm legitimately looking forward to Selen and Ollie bantz. I'm so fucked up...

>> No.10458683

I saw a clip of him talking about possibly collabing with ollie and astel. He is possibly referring to that.

>> No.10458980

well at least dude's a real fan of vtuber

>> No.10459259

Ah yeah I remember that, but I wonder if Astel gonna join it since holostars is in 3D frenzy leading up to their upcoming event, it's gonna be interesting if he'll join rpr for his own training purposes

>> No.10461965

Why is that better? I wouldn’t want a vtuber obsessed male to collab with my oshi. I would rather have someone disconnected from the scene.

>> No.10465262

Your nightmare

>> No.10465705

>you're just another one in a long line of variety content for him to use. When the next fad comes along, you can't count on him not to ignore you for the next hottest thing like he has done to all his past topics.
This, pretty much sums it up. The Trash Taste guys talked up vtubing early on but once HoloEN debuted and they couldn't actually get closer to the girls other than the one Mori interview, they basically moved on. Connor, looked for other EN chuubas to leech and latched onto Vshojo's Ironmouse. He outright said he's not even interested in vtubing but he likes to collab with the vtubers. Why, because they are content to him.

>> No.10465743
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You will learn soon enough young one.

>> No.10465833

>Why, because they are content to him.
A longtime anime fan likes collaborating and playing with anime girls, it must be solely for the content

>> No.10466006

Too late. Towa and Matsuri are already "tainted" by men so who cares?
>A longtime anime fan
He isn't though. He hasn't seen a lot of anime and has a much lower power level then his TT companions. He's only read less than a dozen manga and acts some twitter sjw with anything ecchi in anime. Connor is a normie that latched onto Black Butler because it got him views on Youtube. He even admitted he doesn't really like the series. Motherfucker is fake as they come.

>> No.10466106


>> No.10466221

That’s not what i said. I said that Connor would be better for a collab than him.

>> No.10466247

Meant for >>10466006

>> No.10466327

>/vt/ holofags
>actually watching streams
pick one

>> No.10466344

Nobody gives a fuck about apex brainlet

>> No.10466637

And that's an incorrect opinion.

>> No.10466789

The most retarded take I've ever seen on this board.

>> No.10467094


>towa collabs with a literally who apex e celeb
As soon as i heard about it
I immediately went to the Towa general and gave them a scorching cuck post of a lifetime even their wives sons will feel it in the afterlife.

>> No.10467344

