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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 16 KB, 2035x393, Wactor_production_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1042963 No.1042963 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1045259

I swear to god, if I get one more fucking ad of one of them reading kana from a teleprompter

>> No.1045314

>not using a browser that blocks ads by default

>> No.1045368

I have adblock on my computer, it's juat that every single time I watch something on my phone I get a fucking WACTOR ad

>> No.1045392

>not using an app that blocks ads by default

>> No.1045418

On a phone, even with vanced, you'll at least see the ads that are like banners, and Wactor is always there for me.

>> No.1045489

It's so fucking surreal how this Wactor gals are trying to appeal to Latin america of all places and i fucking live here

>> No.1045556

>they are STILL more popular than your regular MEXICAN or LATAM vtuber
How do they do it bros?

>> No.1045640

Listening to a jap shut-in doing a cute anime voice and talking in spanish is kind of recomforting and arousing to me.
Makes me think one day I'll marry that warm jap girl with no social skills.

>> No.1045641

They don't stteam on fucking Shitbook, to begin with.

Also, obligatory Fuck you Nimu

>> No.1045669

Hey, speaking of which https://youtu.be/MToIwbdNj9g
Piyoko 3D live now

>> No.1045671

Aside from Nimu on FB, the rest of the vtubers stream in twitch. Yet all of the wFACTOR girls have bigger numbers than anyone that I know.

>> No.1045709

>streaming on facebook
Why the fuck do they do this?
Not only it's somehow more limited than youtube, spics have turned streaming on fb into a fucking mafia.

>> No.1045964

>watching ria spanish study stream
>she starts doing kiss noises into the mic

>> No.1048234

Is Hana retarded or something?
She spent like half a stream just saying "I'm a rabbit".

>> No.1048570

These girls will use the mexicans for subs and then once they get big enough they'll start speaking english.

>> No.1048618

that's the most retarded thing I've ever read

>> No.1048717

They went into the spanish-speaking beechubba gimmick because both Japan and America/Europe/Anglosphere/EN are saturated but it could change when they realize LATAM is full of poorfags. They would also be filling the vacuum left by actual LATAM vtubers that got ratio'd out of a job over stupid shit like not paying good enough for their models after the fact, not playing ball with the facebook mafias, or "plagiarism" which spics love throwing around at the drop of a hat.
Lia gets a decent amount of superchats, though, so it might work.

Also, >>1048618.

>> No.1048735

Largest concentration of normalfags and unlike youtube, once you pay money to shill your shitty stream, it will appear everywhere in people's facebook feed whether or not it's relevant to the interest of the users, and even if you don't cough up the money, you can just easily shill it by creating multiple throw away account then go on to different group and spam sharing, and people have to watch that shit because streams and videos there automatically run when you scroll past it. Also, exclusive deal to stream on fb

>> No.1048773

I tried to look up any information on this wactor group and the only notable thing I can find is something on a wikia that some got fired because they deleted vtuber files on a server or something.

>> No.1048871
File: 59 KB, 350x482, pikamigos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're gonna realize that latinos can't supacha consistently because they live in a third world country where sex ed is practically nonexistent, they already had unexpected kids and have to spend most of their money on beer and diapers.
Then they're gonna leave the community hanging or just straight up graduate.
A better alternative is being Nenechi's husband or join the Pikamigos force.
Lia is talented and very fucking hot though, I wanna see her succeed the most

>> No.1048931

>implying they know english
se van a quedar con su comunidad japonesa e hispana para siempre

>> No.1048932

Didn't facebook stop allowing the creation of throwaway accounts?

>> No.1048977

>the only vtuber that got nervous during GTA's NIGGA cutscene
Pikamee se puede ir bien a la mierda

>> No.1049096

Grow up or kill yourself, retarded-ass nigger.

>> No.1049210
File: 125 KB, 1129x883, mexicansarepoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mexican market is not worth the effort.

>> No.1049211

whats this about the fb mafia? i keep hearing about it but idk much

>> No.1049299

It really ain't.
Some of the girls at Wactor are genuinely entertaining though.
When they graduate, I hope one of the bigger companies recruit them

>> No.1049346

It means fucking nothing.
Americans have worms in their brains and can't recognize context for shit.

mexibros... ¿somos pobres?

>> No.1049412

A meme crypto coin is worth more than our fiat currency in less than a month.
Of course we are poor

>> No.1049538

>Americans have worms in their brains and can't recognize context for shit.
The fact that you can recognize this and yet you STILL seethe at the fact that she didn't say "nigga" leads me to believe that you're a bigger retard than I originally thought.
Yes, some of the idiots can't recognize context for shit, hell you can see some of them constantly warping the real context so that they can push their own beliefs and have plenty of people to blindly support them, and that is exactly why she made the right choice by not saying anything at all.

>> No.1049664

Bear with me for a second.
The case I know about is from the cursed land of Peru and it involved a group of obscure but well connected fb streamers that had basically flagging troops they would sent to ratio and report streamers that didn't share the money they made with them into oblivion. They took down THE only good DOTA 2 streamer in the country and he blew the lid on it all, but in the end pretty much fucking nothing happened because they happened to have connections with a caster that's on the payroll of a local ISP

Now, DOTA 2 already deletes what little humanity peruvians have but the thing is that people in most countries on the region are greedy and immoral and will do absolutely everything to leech off a somewhat profitable business.into the ground.

It's late over here and I'm about to go to sleep but if this thread is alive tomorrow I'll try giving a better explanation after rewatching the videos on the whole drama.
I'd post but I don't think anyone here knows enough spanish.

>> No.1049787

Why play le funny negro game if she knows she'll have to kneel, apologize, whip her back raw, and tattoo a black spade on her ass for bearing witness to a video game character saying nigga.
She knew damn well why every vtuber was getting attention for playing GTA and it's because something as simple as an anime girl saying nigga it's a release valve for you people.

You are all fucking sick and she is a retard for walking into it.

>> No.1051145
File: 8 KB, 128x128, Suisei aaaah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until companies and indies stop pandering to LATAM?

>> No.1051235

Not for long
See >>1048871

>> No.1051443

Android? Use NewPipe instead of the official app.

>> No.1057572

They are actually cute, is something that local e-thots won't get and won't know how to do it

>> No.1058089

bros they're genuinely entertaining, but pandering to Latam won't be wortk... are they gonna graduate anytime soon? I hope they stick with a jp audience at least

>> No.1064893

ID somehow paid off, I don't get why you are all so worried about this LATAM pandering.

>> No.1064898

Nah they ain't
Unlike their other misadventures with pandering to other languages before, this time it seems like it actually worked decently enough, and even though they are going for a very poor (In general) population of netizens they just need to keep the ball rolling long enough to be naturally picked by the YouTube holy algorithms and start making some bank.

>> No.1064937

Because NijiIN was also a thing, and that one isn't exactly the healtiest thing around.

>> No.1064986

They probably had bigger numbers beforehand because of their japanese audience, if it is not the case however then my only guess is that they are more attractive because of the genuiness of them being an actual Japanese girl that know how to attract weebs by acting like a genuine anime girl, most latin american chuubas don't really know how to emulate this

>> No.1065438
File: 72 KB, 1024x622, 1613520211200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those numbers
I laughed at first, and then I started crying once I remembered I get paid that money for a month of work.

>> No.1065937
File: 111 KB, 220x220, 1613196080085.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she plays GTA like everyone on the fucking planet does
>she knows english, so she behaves like a well-adjusted person and doesn't say the no-no word
>that somehow means she's a coalburner now and a white genocide activist
Anon, I would advice you to take your meds, but I forgot we don't get those here in Latam.

>> No.1066212

>mexibros... ¿somos pobres?

>> No.1066244

>stretching what i said this far
Sounds like you're actually in need of some meds.

>> No.1066262

What is this?

>> No.1066457

Jap purodiusah that's shilling their beechubbas on Latinamerica by having them talk about Latinamerica and learning spanish on their streams.
They have banner ads all over youtube.

>> No.1066504

Found their wiki and half of their talents are retired kek

>> No.1066801

previous poster here, im still here if youre gonna talk about it

>> No.1067884

>they retired all their ladyboys
Pretty based if you ask me.

>> No.1069234

>mexibros... ¿somos pobres?

>> No.1069306 [DELETED] 

she's making more than others https://playboard.co/en/channel/UCfol9ZU2HpEajyBDj-EbiOQ/videos
I wonder how many people are actually going to show up to her VR anniversary event... https://cluster.mu/e/04dee8e5-e39c-4227-95c6-79d5e9983aea

>> No.1070225

No seas retrasado y toma tus pastillas para la oligofrenia, como esperas que diga nigga si ella entiende el contexto de la palabra? no se disculpo ni tampoco se arrodillo ante nadie solamente ignoro la palabra y ya esta

>> No.1070793

Okay. Sorry, I was kind of busy.

Short rundown in a human language.
>facebook gaming peru gives contracts to decently popular streamers
>this allows them to get paid and be promoted by its organizers as they are making money for fb gaming
>big streamers start offering deals behind fb gaming's back to promote small streamers
>usually their friends or just people they like personally
>in exchange, the small streamers will give the big streamers a percentage, usually half, of what they make once they are hired by facebook gaming
>at the same time, they talk to fb gaming's higher ups to convince them to get rid of or give less exposition to streamers they don't like
>they use their fans to help them do this as well
>also, allegedly, some of them can hide streamers/casters they don't like to benefit the ones they like
>the country's only good dota 2 streamer gets tired of getting reported for fucking logging in and accuses them live before he gets banned again
>audios and screencaps get leaked
>retards were offering to promote streamers on facebook's chat
>eventually, some of them are let go but not much else is done

I'm not informed on whether or not this happens on other countries but peruvians love, and I mean L O V E, to self-flagellate about corruption and pretend as if they are the only country in the world where this happens; It's a weird kind of reverse exceptionalism that lets them lament the state of the country while doing absolutely nothing, because, hey, they are in the vanguard of corruption world wide, who can even fathom how to deal with this?
Either way, you see complaints about this kind of corruption on institutions from all over the region so it's very likely that this happens on other levels as well.

>> No.1070849

i see, thanks anon

>> No.1070971

So you're just going to accept that this is perfectly normal and it's acceptable that people get their lives destroyed for saying a word leftists don't like?
She didn't just ignore it either, she was uneasy as fuck while the cutscene played out. Then, when the chat asked her if she was going to, idunno, seductively sing nigga like every other vtuber, as a joke mind you, she freaked out.

Do you really think it's fine for people to live in fear like this? At least show opposition on an anonymous betta fish raising forum, you fucking coward.

>> No.1071057

Pikamee esta

>> No.1071165

A lo mucho puedo mandar 50 pesos por stream, si somos pobres

>> No.1071193

and they will fail. most spics end up going into the amerimutt industry and never leave. i dont think theres a workable spic market out there.

>> No.1071769

>in exchange, the small streamers will give the big streamers a percentage, usually half, of what they make once they are hired by facebook gaming
What makes it so they can't just tell them to fuck off once they are hired since this is all behind Facebook gaming's back?

>> No.1072304

peruvian anon just explained that big people had the power to mass report small streamers they didn't like, plus contacts with facebook big ups

>> No.1073106

>mexibros... ¿somos pobres?
Si tu lengua materna es el español hay un 90% de probabilidad de que si

>> No.1073345

Man, the Spanish Empire was the richest in the world until the eternal *nglo mordor-ified their own country to frogleap into modernity over their citizens poisoned corpses. Then the fr*nch destroyed it with the democracy meme and nowadays every former territory of it is a wasteland, including Spain itself. Did you know former chieftains and nobles from conquered lands had their titles recognized and integrated into the Viceroyalty under the Spanish Empire? *nglos wouldn't even recognize the fucking Irish as people, and they lived like a block away from them.
How could it all go so wrong?

>> No.1073520

It do be like that. Also it's not like LatAm was going to be the next Europe after being colonized by spaniards, most Conquistadores and/or their men were just bottom of the barrel scum that were sent on a mission with uncertain outcome just because it was less ugly than convicting them on their own land.

>> No.1073854

Nah, man. Some of them like Pizarro were legit.
You also had guys like Toledo who did such a good job herding the peruvians that the country started falling apart after the bureaucracy he built was disbanded.

Unlike most of the English colonies, Spain actually cared for the Viceroyalties and Peru was where they invested the most.
It's unbelievable these days but Lima was called since that time "The City of Kings". Even the retards that make anti-colonial propaganda had to hold onto that title as to regain some pride because Lima today is like a sewer with christmas lights hanging on the wall.

>> No.1073915

She sounds like a retard for not being able to handle a scene in a game without freaking out. If you can't cope with being in the spotlight then fuck off and get a cuck job like everyone else.

>> No.1074174

I guess perception differs depending of the country

>> No.1075955

the institutions spain set up in their colonies to extract as much wealth as possible back to europe made the current endemic corruption among all those former colonies inevitable.

>> No.1077481

Are you guys watching Lia in 5 mins?

>> No.1077681

>to extract
It was all the property of the empire so it also went to the viceroyalties.

>"b-but they didn't give it back!"
Well, you guys aligned yourselves with the French. What did you expect to happen?

>> No.1077826

That's just the fb business model

>> No.1077920

hearing these chubbas trying to speak spanish is just cringe, is this how jp bros feel when we try to speak broken japanese?

>> No.1077962

pretty much
it's also how anglos feel whenever you try to write in english, they don't call out ESLs at every opportunity for nothing

>> No.1078559

The only one freaking out is you. Take your meds, Pancho.

>> No.1084340

Call me a macaco, but "Chica anime habla español" Just lights up my neurons like nothing else

>> No.1084557

I Feel it's ok if you have patience but it is not for everyone definitely, i personally don't give a fuck if i hear someone speaking broken spanish or english

>> No.1091001

If EFLs can stand JP trying to poorly speak English then you sure can stand this gals

>> No.1095633

All the latino-pandering girls should do a collab imo.

>> No.1096342

Brazilians aren't any better. Even with the whole market to herself and 140k subscribers, Kiara Mimi still gets bread crumbs in superchats. Like the indie I follow with not even a tenth of her audience has already earned half of Mimi's superchat earnings.


>> No.1096819

Si y tacaños

>> No.1100291

Based and leyenda-negra-pilled

>> No.1102796

too poor to superchat more than a couple bucks

>> No.1107038

you mean have having several japanese girl trying to communicate in spanish? could be fun

>> No.1107514

Imagine the clusterfuck.
Realistically, they'd probably retreat to Japanese 5 minutes in, but whatever.

>> No.1108482

we as spanish speakers can give them big numbers , just look at who has the record of the biggest live audience on twitch , i think it was grefg or something like with 2million views, but money that's another subject

>> No.1109119

Can I get my DBZ ESP dub level voices for by vTubers that go on and on about fucking powerlevels?

>> No.1109388

>15,200 friend bucks
I would MURDER to make that kind of money for just streaming one day.

>> No.1109439

wactor has its days numbered Kasocombo has just appeared, which is bigger than wactor despite starting, its presentation reached one million visits and 60k subs in 3 days while almost all of wactor's already stalled in visits and subs except lia

>> No.1109564

Lia is the only entertaining one, sadly.

>> No.1109639

Spanish bros...
Puto el que lo lea

>> No.1110473
File: 852 KB, 1920x1800, vtubers español.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is the best speaking spanish?

>> No.1110553

You're missing Aria Kurokiri in there.

>> No.1110597

I'd say Miu and Kureha.
I think Kureha already knows Japanese, English and I think Indonesian, so it'd be natural for her to have a good grasp of Spanish too

>> No.1110750

She has a beautiful voice

>> No.1114505

The very last song she sang is the best imo.

I'm a musiclet so I don't know how (un)refined her voice is, but I hope she's taking courses or something instead of just wasting it by ERPing with some spics on the internet.

>> No.1114600

I'm actually surprised we got such a talented and funny chuba as her just pandering to our community.
Not that I hate it or that I'm ungrateful about it, but she deserves more

>> No.1114600,1 [INTERNAL] 

Man if had just not went for med school only to be kicked out and just went on to be at least a fucking engineer, I'd already have a job and make enough money to donate something at least. fuck
