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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10426082 No.10426082 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Pikamee decline so hard?

>> No.10426143

That’s what happens when you take an unannounced break for a whole month dayo. The world moves on without you dayo

>> No.10426201

Gyari mismanaged his whole project. He could have been big.

>> No.10426254

because she was always shit

>> No.10426343
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>525K subs
>regularly makes the daily top SC earners list
>one of the most beloved vtubers on /vt/
>moving into a luxury apartment with a $20K soundproof booth to stream in/put her comic LO in
God I wish I could decline like Pika

>> No.10426467

fuck russians
you can't even stay out of a vidya personality election

>> No.10426503
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This is why

>> No.10426529


Isn't Pikamee one of if not the most successful Indys?

>> No.10426648

pika isn't indy

>> No.10426791

I fucking hate it.

>> No.10426796

Why did they do this to her, it was so cute before

>> No.10426858

I hate this

>> No.10426861

VOMs are all independent, gyari runs it like a doujin circle. He designs their characters and then each person gets the money they earn personally. Gyari get $0 unless it's merchandising, which he designs and markets by himself.

>> No.10426868

other chuubas debuted
it's hard to stay relevant for a long time
i'd say the average lifetime of a chuuba will be under half a decade because of this

>> No.10426908

Fine, she has a jazz musician manager that lets her do whatever she wants alongside 3 other shutins. Obviously the same as Hololive.

>> No.10426987

Gyari mismanaging the company doesn't make his talents indies.

>> No.10427048
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>> No.10427208

That's weird. I didn't know indie vtubers got a ton of extremely high quality art out of nowhere without needing to commission. It's almost like she's part of a group. Really boggles the mind.

>> No.10427246

Damn Kronniggers are still seething

>> No.10427261

I'm trans btw

>> No.10427310

Tbh it has more to do with a lot of companies and indies taking the emergent market, it happened already with classic Youtubers who had +1M subs but somehow they faded away

>> No.10427446

Thanks for sharing. What are you pronouns?

>> No.10427549

Wrhon, Blarg and choing

>> No.10427641

What part of "GYARI supplies everything and then fucks off" do you not understand?

>> No.10427669

Stunning and brave.

>> No.10427784

I wouldn't say irrelevant. More like stagnant. She's in her own corner doing her thing but hasn't really grown that much like in live viewers. They've stayed relatively the same. Nothing visible like Ina's growth, though hers is in one area.

>> No.10427787

So she's not indie, since she got help. Glad we're on the same page.

>> No.10427875

>massive multimillion dollar company with thousands of employees
>one dude who doesn't even take a cut of Pika's profits

>> No.10427944

I love you Pikamee but this design is revolting

>> No.10427967

>Every indie who has a model they didn't make isn't actually indie
at least try anon
>inb4 "but she didn't commissions it"
the cost of the model is paid for in the agreement that pika has no commercial claim to the character, Gyari gets to monetize the character any way he wants and made his money back off that.

>> No.10428104

Maybe taking like 3 big breaks in a row hurts your social media numbers. Not blaming her, obviously were all emergencies she couldn't plan for.

>> No.10428107
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ayy lmao

>> No.10428126

Ok, so the talents of Cyberlive, Prism Project, Phase Connect etc are all indies according to you since they're not signed by multimillion dollar companies with thousands of employees?

>> No.10428482


>> No.10428547

>holobrony can't understand the difference between a company where talents sign on and give a cut of their profits, and a group of friends who each take out what they put in

>> No.10428635

She just needs friends.
With more HoloENs and NijiENs out there, I really hope she gets more collabs going. She and Ina had good chemistry, I think she'll be good.

>> No.10429146

unironically the magnet thing is what soured me on VOMS as a whole
people keep trying to say "VOMS isn't a corpo!" but if you're gonna have the shitty backend aspects of being corpo without the useful frontend aspects then that's arguably even worse

>> No.10429193

Jesus christ, you're actually retarded. You set the retarded logic parameters of the argument, and when I use the same retarded logic against you you start seething. You're so fucking autistic it's not even funny.

>> No.10429247

Yes. I dropped her after this.

>> No.10429374

you're gay

>> No.10429415

>a group of friends
A group of "friends" who only met because of the company they were in and fired their close "friend" Magnet and replaced her with two new members who are also "friends" I guess. Do you just not have any actual friends anon? Would explain all the confusion over the term.

>> No.10429542

she simply was never that high at the first place

>> No.10429593

>any non holo is an indie

>> No.10429642

>logic parameters of the argument
>you're so autistic
anon I think you're the autistic one

>> No.10429666 [DELETED] 

she declined because of Iofi. they had a conversation about pedophilia

>> No.10429767


>> No.10429895

Her english speaking skill has always been overhyped by her fanbase. She never bothered trying to make her grammar sound native and it is annoying to listen to over long periods of time for many people who would otherwise probably watch her.

>> No.10430069

It's great though
Her original design is shit

>> No.10430079

The head is fine but the body proportions are distracting

>> No.10430095

Honestly this. It's such an off putting design and yet it's still better then the menhera Tomoshika one. That said while her growth may have stagnated she's still doing really well for herself.

>> No.10435177

Haha Pikamee is litteraly a knuckle dragger

>> No.10436209
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Meanwhile, at VOMS headquarters...

>> No.10436335
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Damn, I have a nice house.

>> No.10436405

Fucking preach.

>> No.10436458

He's not wrong though.

>> No.10438764

People heard she likes 9 year olds and dropped her because they are 3-4 times older than that and therefore would not have a chance.

>> No.10438873

She's a lolicon and we've moved on to more wholesome streamers who aren't lolicons like Gawr Gura.

>> No.10439002

>>>moving into a luxury apartment with a $20K soundproof booth to stream in/put her comic LO in

When did she say this?

>> No.10439084

Then why hasn't Monoe resurfaced somewhere?

>> No.10439215

Way to out yourself as a troll faggot

>> No.10439555

Are you saying she has? I was asking a legit question.

>> No.10439623


>> No.10439681

All of NijiEN is her harem basically going by how they interact on Twitter. They just need a collab that isn't a 12 person Gmod clusterfuck featuring Vshoujo and Vshoujo adjacents

>> No.10440415

Her views are 40k, low compared to hololivers. But her sc is quite good

>> No.10441770

>VOMs are all independant
>But they can fire one of their talent

>> No.10442400


>> No.10443531

a contract is just a legal binding document that can be done between individuals. in this case Gyari made a contract with a person giving her rights to use his character design and affiliate herself with his circle. When that person violated a clause written in the document he had right to revoke the contract preventing her from any further use of the character.

Also for something to be call corporation or company it has to be legally registered as such and for someone to work for a company implies a contract is made with some monetary compensation in exchange for works is written which VOMS has obviously stated many times that they have no such thing. VOMS members get 100% pays from youtube monetization while Gyari keeps all profits from merchandise he made.

hope this clears things out a bit for you

>> No.10443555

Serial killer or a sex freak hahahaha gotta love pikamee

>> No.10444686

where is VOMs incorporated anon?

>> No.10445212

you cannot debate this

>> No.10445839

Also, how would she be an indie if she can get fired by the guy that made her art? This doesn't make sense

>> No.10445900 [DELETED] 

You guys really don't get it do you? She's squatting with her knees in her hoodie so that she's eye level with the loli

>> No.10445929

>pikamee is copyrighted to GYARI and not voms

>> No.10445981
File: 775 KB, 1772x1772, 4e590b9428f0e80f6fd739b7da24ce9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys really don't get it do you? She's squatting with her knees in her hoodie so that she's eye level with the loli.

>> No.10446206

I feel like her strong suit was that she was a vtuber who could speak English fluently enough to interact with westerners while still being cute and awkward. Like so many other vtubers she really blew up with GTA. Since then, she hasn't really played to many interesting western games. Like many of the hololive girls it feels like she is doing the same old thing.

>> No.10447460

>retard thinks copyright is incorporation
remind me again where is VOMs incorporated?

>> No.10447709

My numbers are doing great. Stop making things up, loser.

>> No.10452044

Only Migo & Kaichou can escape this

>> No.10456950

Thanks for your fake concern. She's doing fine
