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1032239 No.1032239 [Reply] [Original]

Why there is so much nijiniggers inside of hololive? Is Matsuri a spy?

>> No.1032269

i can
1. you are a shizo kys yourself
2. maturi is allowed to have friends outside of hololive.

>> No.1032301

those snacks look good though

>> No.1032304

This is your brain on corporate America.

>> No.1032309


>> No.1032407

The only corporate bootlicker in hololive is Gura who obeys every command from management like a slave.

>> No.1032438

take your meds

>> No.1032503


>> No.1032550

You know the "war" between nijisanji and hololive only exists in a very small subset of fans in places like this, right?

>> No.1032618

Menhera, but I would buy l*l*'s merch too

>> No.1032666

oh no Hololive is never gonna financially recover from this

>> No.1032674

Do I see males???
Matsuri is a traitor and a slut.

>> No.1032709 [DELETED] 

Matuli was never the same after the Tokyo ghoul punch kill.

>> No.1032915

Matsuri will do a reverse moruru

>> No.1033056

At least she has good enough taste to buy Lulu merch.

>> No.1033151
File: 1.81 MB, 1546x2000, cc3a2077e005b0521735a932936e1ebc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's always had the hots for Niji livers.

>> No.1033227

do it OP, seriously

>> No.1033659

>meiji restoration-brand chocolate
do the japanese really

>> No.1033739
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>> No.1033762
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>> No.1034716

>instead of fighting one another hololive and nijisanji team up to dominate vtuber market

i kneel

>> No.1034946

Fuck off, let her love the things she loves.

>> No.1035022

She likes being abused.

>> No.1035125

Festival does whatever she wanted to do, no one can restrict her

>> No.1035194

It's like most vtubers in Tokyo know each other in real life.

>> No.1035234

Someone should send this to Kiara

>> No.1035259

she's a bigger simp than most viewers

>> No.1035309

I literally have a coworker who refuses to go to KFC and Taco Bell because they have Pepsi and not coca cola.
Imagine being that autismo.

>> No.1035320

Like others have said, ignore the schizo its most likely the sperg from vyt trying to start shit.

>> No.1035321

Matsuri is literally showing Cover what merchandise she is willing to spend her money on. Market research.

>> No.1035359

She lives rent free in your head at all times huh

>> No.1037154


>> No.1037215


>> No.1040449

Matsuri has always talked about how she is constanly clashing with management, apparently she isn´t doing this for the money so she doesn´t care if she gets fired.

>> No.1041022

Man I want Ago coffee

>> No.1041093

women always betray their tribe, it's in their genes, what's new?

>> No.1043332

It's not just about Hoshikawa.

>> No.1043381

pepsi tastes like shit though, I usually have a coke lying around that just have that instead when having kfc.

>> No.1043865


Because she's Japanese. Everyone in Japan wants to become like NIJI. She does EOP shilling because it's what draws in the views but she always want to be able to collab with males and do all the things that NIJI livers can do.

>> No.1044039

how new?

>> No.1044422
File: 726 KB, 685x960, lulu pray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lulu merch
All is forgiven.

>> No.1044450

this is a red flag and she should be fired. No major figure in a company should showing off her love for competitor product, imagine Tim Cook showing off he's using a newest Samsung smartphone or Phil Spencer showing off his collection of PS4 games, it's a bad PR. Not saying they have to hate the competitor and completely refuse to use their product, but just dont show it to the mass that you use your competitor product.

>> No.1044481

I feel bad for her, I think she'd be happier on Niji. You think she auditioned? I haven't done my roommate reps

>> No.1044723

she didn't

she wants to remain "only fan" of nijis

>> No.1044735

Cover and Niji do communicate and cooperate a lot. Not only do the Holos and Nijis know each other, one Holo was originally a Niji. They also work together to keep their schizo fans in check these days.
The only thing to hate are the schizo fans, which is why Holofags and Nijiniggers hate each other. The both fandoms have some cancerous schizos. Matsuri herself is a menhera, but members of both companies do support each other. EN on the other hand has a gag order, but I guess we'll see how they interact with NijiEN if ever.

>> No.1045657

>having brand loyalty
fuck off, she's simply a fan. You can be both. Hell Niji is constantly collabing with Hololive

>> No.1045752

They should start commanding her to not be lazy with her schedule

>> No.1046117

She should be fired and work in Nijisanji

>> No.1046635

that analogy doesn't really make sense. they're entertainers. this is more like if a band or single artist posted merch of another band. and that happens quite a bit

>> No.1046739

Bad example because most Hololive and Nijisanji talents know each other.

>> No.1046745

Anon, Matsuri being Nijisanji fans is old news.
I guess EoP really just know this fact, especially with just Hoshikawa.

>> No.1046981

It is a little weird to show off your competition's merch on your work account though. This bitch tweets a lot though holy shit.

>> No.1047017

She's an idol otaku and likes that side of Hololive.

>> No.1047043

Is NijiEN still a bunch of Indians or did they make a real one?

>> No.1047068

To you, but to her it's her friend.

She's joining when Holo wasn't a Idol group, also she's just fans of Vtuber in general.

>> No.1047079

She will never fuck matuli

>> No.1047132

It is her competition. There is a limited pool of money to go around, doesn't matter if they are her close personal friends or not.

>> No.1047211

No, retard. Expanding your network is what brings in money for streamers.

>> No.1047290

That's what happen before,Sadly Holofans these day prefer the girl that already have tons of friend to being isolated.

>> No.1047315

Everyone who knows of hololive knows of niji. There's a point where you just start canibalizing each other viewers and that's not the only method in which they make money. A sponsorhip that goes to niji is one that does not go to hololive.
the only market they are not in competition over is the one cover exited. China.
stop being retarded, it's a business.

>> No.1047351

Can't even imagine how much of a toxic shit show the entire vtuber community across all social media platforms would be if the people on top of niji and holo thought like this.

>> No.1047678

Chuubas can have Chuubas, too

>> No.1047706

Even if that was somehow the case the Japanese market is still the most important to both companies and with Nijisanji having more connections and being more known they would be the ones "losing" so if anything you have to thank Matsuri for helping Hololive there.

>> No.1047739

She don't even care about any of that shit. She just want to have fun with vtubing. Not everything in life is about money.

>> No.1047791

Can you imagine what would happen if two accents overlapped? Thank god management is there to stop problems like that from happening.

>> No.1048183

Lisa Su and Jensen Huang are family (he's the uncle or something) but doesnt mean Jensen should/could tweet about AMD graphic card, that's not professional

>> No.1048314

I guess she's didn't care about being "Professional" at all.
She's has been doing this all the time.

>> No.1048405

Imagine Tim Cook listening to this cover without vibing

>> No.1048407

Talents are not managers.

>> No.1048460

Isn't Phil sucking off Sony and Nintendo a lot

>> No.1048582

Lulu and Gibara are fucking based though you fucking fag.

>> No.1049224

Just watch this. Also fubuki is just like matsuri.

>> No.1049363

all the early gens are like that like fubuki. she collabs more with non holo vtubers than holo ones. also flare does with patra frequently. also hololive doenst have merchs like those. they sell their merchs as an independent seller on japanese diy-ish site like etsy

>> No.1050123

> kys yourself
Kill yourself...yourself?

>> No.1050217

you only die twice

>> No.1051613

Agreed. No hololive should give anything to nijiniggers.

>> No.1051916

How is she an idol otaku when she barely talk about idols?

>> No.1051946

>drinking the liquid niggerjew

>> No.1051952

Yeah, it would be like if the manager harassed a vtuber.

>> No.1051958

fpbp and based

>> No.1055555

Have you been living under a rock when it comes to Vtubers?

Matsuri is one of the most active members in Hololive to collab with other Vtubers that are outside of the company. Her unrequited love for Hoshikawa Sara has been a well known fact for nearly a year by now.

>> No.1057463

Do a flip tribalist cuntstain. Many Hologirls collab and are good friends with Nijis and other chuuba companies, there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.1057548

Do you want a /s/ next time I post obvious irony, redditor?

>> No.1057563

do I need to remind you what nijifags did to Aloe?

>> No.1057589

Please understand Cover small company give us money

>> No.1057762

>Anon can't tell the difference between Nijisanji (the company) and the viewers.
You're hardly worth replying too anon.

>> No.1057853

Why does that matter for Matsuri, she's didn't stop gushing over Hoshikawa and visiting Yashiro and Mayuzumi?

>> No.1057861

Aloe's roommate talked about wanting to become an utaite to get loads of dick.
If Nijifags really did have anything to do with her leaving, then they did Holofags a favor.

>> No.1057957

Meant for >>1057563

>> No.1058169

Why do clipniggers think they know shit about vtubers?
So many homos collab with nijis, they even hang out off stream.
It's not just hololive and nijisanji, there's also 774 and indies.
>Suisei with inui toko
>Matsuri had collabs with like a dozen nijis
>Fubuki collabed with pretty much every vtuber on earth
>Sora and azki have quite a lot of collabs with other singing focused vtubers
>Korone in debi's 3D reveal
And the list goes on.
Not to mention that people usually like the vtuber they're watching and give zero shits about the company, as long as sid company doesn't cause problems for the vtuber.

>> No.1058229

Matsuri would quit Hololive the instant Hoshikawa asked her to.

>> No.1058331

Care to explain your narrative SEAnig?

>> No.1058371

Aloe implied Ichikara was black company and nijiniggers doxxed and stalked her (calling her home phone etc)

>> No.1058492
File: 10 KB, 225x225, Dekinai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. Not even 5ch takes that narrative to shitpost

>> No.1058671

it's not a narrative, ask delutafags about it

>> No.1058840
File: 1.44 MB, 1214x790, FlarePatraDebi2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Patra is good friends with Flare and Noel. She's also 35p.
>Choco regularly collabs with indies and chuubas from all companies.
And the list goes on.
Holo/Niji/774 pic related.

>> No.1058848


>> No.1059057

It's mostly nijifags and holofags on the boards who hate each other.
The vtubers themselves are friendly with each other.

>> No.1059655


>> No.1061674

If something doesn't get clipped it didn't happen

>> No.1061709


Marine collabed with Mary at the start of Gen 3. There was the drinking collab with Noel/Flare/Matsuri/Pekora/Rushia too.
I'm pretty sure Fubuki and Patra collabed last year.
Izumi and Mel are probably friends behind the scenes.
Suisei did the songs with Mico and Ikasumi.
Choco-sensei joined collabs hosted by Mary and Ichika. She even showed up in Mico's chat in new year.

If anyone has pulled up the ladder it's Gen 4/5.

>> No.1063424
File: 202 KB, 946x881, watch?v=5cRTl40XJ9k 00:00:18.566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't say much about one on one collabs, but Gen5 do participate in group collabs, like HoloNiji Among Us.

>> No.1063530

>If something doesn't get translated it didn't happen

>> No.1065276

sara broke her anon

>> No.1065676

Its Americans who are so brainretarded that they are loyal to brands.

>> No.1065969

And if it did get translated, it get's taken as pure fact without any scrutiny/background consideration whatsoever

>> No.1067013

She takes pity on those less fortunate than her, what a good soul.

>> No.1076087

better than american puke chocolate
