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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10062961 No.10062961 [Reply] [Original]

Post clips of Kiara that will change peoples opinion of her:

>> No.10063259


>> No.10063344

Kiara is shit

>> No.10063665

Maybe this will change your mind

>> No.10063823

>tight asshole, super straight and superior race in one clip
ok, he's a clipnegro

>> No.10063915

The whole point is to post clips of Kiara in the best possible light

>> No.10063963

>change peoples opinion of her:
Won't happen, she is a cringy, unfunny, tryhard that is clearly not having fun with her place anymore and nothing can change this fact. I wish she would graduate already.

>> No.10063968

yeah, I'm just saying the clipper is based

>> No.10064003

graduate yourself

>> No.10064006

Watch this then tell me what you think

>> No.10064034
File: 6 KB, 243x237, NIGGAS [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4zgnz3.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem

>> No.10064055

I still get annoy by that expression, so no

>> No.10064119


>> No.10064282

I'm unironically cringing.

>> No.10064356


>> No.10064386
File: 971 KB, 1011x1088, 1622449054662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate her for being menhera and then get upset that clips like this make me feel bad for her since she's clearly kind of dumb.

>> No.10065089
File: 54 KB, 599x450, 1555121160525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus and this turbo autist browses this board? How long until he uploads something that turns his own target audience against him? I give him 2 weeks.

>> No.10065212

Where's that one Kira muslim clip, the one about the borders in Papers Please

>> No.10065735

1 week

>> No.10065768


>> No.10066172

God she is insufferable

>> No.10066478

>KFP have an opportunity to show everyone their oshi isn't so bad
>Can't even muster up one clip that doesn't make her look like an unhinged menhera
Really makes you think

>> No.10067499
File: 221 KB, 660x467, 1626296479638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope I can get through to some of you. I don't want to be a kiara anti, I personally don't enjoy kiara, and I would rather just not watch her content, and leave her out of my mind. But I can't do that, if I go watch some 30 viewer vtuber on twitch, I see some fucking retard there with KFP in their name. They're constantly shitting up chats, shitting up threads, and bringing this chicken up in places she doesn't belong. It's not just kiara's shitty voice, personality, and solipsism that make me anti her, it's her insufferable audience.

>> No.10067610

How can she be so absurdly out of touch

>> No.10067744

She did collab with Huke though. Kiara also has a habit of dragging her personal collabs onto the HoloEN minecraft server which is stupid.

>> No.10067928

But you can say that about literally anyone's audience in hololive.

>> No.10068004


>> No.10068043

No you can't. You really think Hoshiyomi or Koronesuki are as cancerous as KFP?

>> No.10068052 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10068056

I've never seen anyone from any other holo fan name themselves "Ame's investigator janitor" or "Gura's chumjar inspector" or shit like that. Sure, there's always gonna be some retards that shout about their oshi in some chat but they don't have these 500 character long names like KFP retards.

>> No.10068114

This can’t be real…

>> No.10068219

>kiara cries when fan asks why she self-dubs in japanese

>> No.10068285
File: 244 KB, 667x1002, 1625866639963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I love Kiara now

>> No.10068299
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>> No.10068425
File: 86 KB, 689x719, 1613655500180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel bad for laughing

>> No.10068524

so it was just kiara shilling herself the whole time?

>> No.10069590

Shit editing but the effort is there

>> No.10072315


>> No.10072588

Her fans said it was fine, reddit said it was fine, hell her manager said it was fine and now you fucking bring it up when he is busy with the new anime why are you such a fucking cunt!
Don't put pressure on the man when he is actually busy right now

>> No.10074843

No clips exist that make Kiara look decent

>> No.10075140


>> No.10075219

Her shrill, high-pitched, painfully cringe, fake voice is not something that you can change an opinion on. Otherwise I would watch her, I like her personality but god damn man.

>> No.10075295

>you're a phoenix just like MEMEME
Holy shit Kiara you're talking to someone who's dying of cancer and you still manage to make it all about yourself.

>> No.10075443

the voice isn't fake, unfortunately.

>> No.10075548


>> No.10075712

Not him but the voice is literally fake, she forces it way too much. Go watch her old channel and her old content, she speaks properly without the ear bleeding high pitched harpy voice.

>> No.10075892

>I like her personality
How? She's a complete shrew

>> No.10075986

She is the attention seeker. She'll do anything from playing victim to being a bully to get what she want. All ME ME ME

>> No.10076039

i hate kiara

>> No.10076062

What's it like being so based?

>> No.10076072

Ok you did it, you sucefully shilled this chicken. I still think she is kinda annoying, but at least she is authentic, and that's enough for me. Will give a chance to her future streams.

>> No.10076101

>the people who constantly spam side threads, wojaks, and old rrats of mine, are not me. they are from a discord server. most of them speak german. im pretty sure almost everyone of them is a euro. they "raid" this place every day. its mostly one very salty dude but others help him to.
>they are the ones spamming these /qa/ tier threads. every single day.

>> No.10076454

Who is that and why should I give a shit

>> No.10076672 [DELETED] 

I didnt know she voiced this. It made me regain my repect for her, to be honest.

>> No.10076776 [DELETED] 

I didnt know she voice acted this silly cartoon. It really shows how mature she really is.

>> No.10076869

I didnt know Kiara voice acted in this silly cartoon. Makes you think how talented she really is.

>> No.10077041
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>> No.10077958

Her roommate was using her fake voice during her birthday stream, probably doing something similar to Coco where she'd post a vod on her roommate's account as a bread crumb trail for her impending graduation.

>> No.10078305

She "accidentally" called herself Kiara

>> No.10078727

As much as I hate her I don't think that was intentional. If that's so then she's a great actress.

>> No.10078855


>> No.10078909

t. Cuckbeat

>> No.10078971

Why are deadbuds like this?

>> No.10081257

it is fake
she's acknowledged that it's a turn-off for some (lol) people but she's too invested in it to turn it off now.

>> No.10082020


>> No.10082353

I really think I'd dislike her a little bit less if at least she toned it down a little bit.

>> No.10082400


>> No.10082533

It is by far her biggest turn-off for me. I don't like the pity baiting either but the voice grates on me too much to keep watching her.

>> No.10084476


>> No.10085969

kiara is trash

>> No.10086041

Try hard.

>> No.10086286


>> No.10086468

>https://youtu.be/pB9yv6M_FxI [

Kiara is not that bad, but I wish her voice should be natural. Like she spoke high pitched all the time
