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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10031904 No.10031904 [Reply] [Original]

Given that the only upcoming news anyone even has is Indonesia Gen 3 regarding new talents and with Council seemingly not able to grab the balls of the internet as Myth did, are we seeing the death of the hype of all time?
Do you feel it's even worth it to drop 5 people gens anymore when you could just plop an Irys out every once in a while or start doing what ID does in the main branches (JP, EN) and only debut 3 people from there on?

>> No.10032229

Meanwhile shitsanji gets 4 views each stream rumao kusa kek wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

>> No.10032332

Vtubers were never meant to be famous or enjoyed by a large amount of people.
Thinking that vtubers could be like twitch streamers is wrong because those who watch twitch streamers/youtubers are normal people meanwhile those who watch vtubers are anime bandwagoners who are also autists/social outcasts. Only the scum of society watch vtubers because they are the only ones who need someone using a 2D avatar to not get triggered over real people sharing their life.

>> No.10032844

>those who watch twitch streamers/youtubers are normal people

>> No.10033314

Hyping up debuts is retarded
The debut is literally the least experienced time and yet its usually their biggest viewer streams and its what people use to judge them as a streamer.

People really treat vtubers like gacha characters instead of streamers.

>> No.10033604

People are dumb to hype up and speculate about debuts in the first place desu. It's almost always setting yourself up for disappointment since you pile on expectation after expectation.

>> No.10033899 [DELETED] 
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>sunday in SEAnigger land
>dramafag and shit flinging threads start up
Every time. No one from your part of the world will ever be something of merit and your only a net negative to the human expirience.

>> No.10034767
File: 34 KB, 278x557, rrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same content same time slot

>> No.10035022

The only debuts I'm intrested in are the haachama debuts that mock the real debuts after they air.
The Godchama debut was absolutely jokes

>> No.10037710

Don't really think Hololive has to worry too much about this. As long as Hololive retains its brand recognition, then even the dead weight members will still be relatively successful.

>> No.10037817

Normal poops dont watch twitch anon.

>> No.10038346

Council is only performing so low because of the boyfriend debuff

>> No.10038505

Given the chink coof although not ended yet but slowly declining, people start to go outside more, i can see their numbers go down more or stagnated,

>> No.10041233

The vtuber bubble is just going to burst.

>> No.10041336

>slowly declining
Until it's not, because the cult that runs the government forgot (read: dismisses) what "endemic" means.

>> No.10041404

>those who watch twitch streamers/youtubers are normal people

>> No.10041625

ITT: Faggots who didn’t watch sex debut last night.

>> No.10045075

SEA rangeban WHEN

>> No.10045123

Hololive is actually dying company. Not even Pekora can get the views she used to. Its time to jump ship before it goes under.

>> No.10045144

if hololive is dying then everything else is dead

>> No.10045666


>> No.10050546

Maybe then we'll get more actually talented people instead of some menheras who hate "real" office "work" (jp) or washed up has-beens who failed to impress without anime makeup (en)
>muh so talented look Iofi speaks 5 languages
Great. You can't build a fucking career out of that. There's a reason Music stars don't just perform every single day but vTubers are somehow expected to dish out "creative" "content" on the daily
Wait, why the fuck am I here again?

>> No.10055782

