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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 454 KB, 481x471, 1676B557-7A8F-4545-8E24-BA1A7B77BB11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10009217 No.10009217 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10009252

their japanese is more complex than the girls and it filters me out

>> No.10009255

I'm an EOP and there is far less subbed material.

>> No.10009257

I don't speak japanese
If there was an EN homostar id watch

>> No.10009269
File: 204 KB, 352x353, 1630236268438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do watch my winning son

>> No.10009309
File: 206 KB, 650x350, Clint-Stevens-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i wanted to watch a male streamer id watch pic related, because he speaks english and isnt an ultra zoomer. if holostars EN existed id give them a try.
t. EOP

>> No.10009341

Astel isn't gay enough and plays too much APEX.

>> No.10009360

It's iPhone posting hours from this faggot again huh

>> No.10009405

When was the last time Roberu changed his background? When was the last time he played a long? When was the last time did he make a good thumbnail? Does he care about streaming at all? Does he care about HIMSELF at all? He spends all his superchat gibs of gacha instead of food.

>> No.10009437

>he played a long?
long game*

>> No.10009480

Tamaki, get off 4chan.

>> No.10009587

if you were actually a regular you would know that roberu lives and dies for streaming and he cares about it more than anything. you would know he has miso soup every morning and that he's constantly working and organizing collabs with his genmates and friends. stop talking shit.

>> No.10009724

>When was the last time he played a long?
If you like him you would not ask for this. Also good job on revealing you're not even a clipfaggot but a thread-only

>> No.10009804
File: 436 KB, 637x899, Kira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kira graduated...

>> No.10009841

i hope he got on meds and is living his best life

>> No.10009857

Mostly cause they stream at the same time as the girls.
When it's an interesting stream, like Astel's karaoke, Aruran's DJ, Roberu's kusoge, or whatever the fuck Oga was doing with that picture of Yagoo, sometimes i tune in.

>> No.10009916

I didn't search anything about him after graduation, maybe some anons do know what's he is up to

>> No.10009976

He is fine and streaming, his health thing wasn't serious like everyone shitposts about it's just being frail plus he was damaging his throat with the voice so he wouldn't have lasted long streaming as Kira anyway

>> No.10010082

he's streaming on a roommate now?
....is it hard to find?

>> No.10010264

>I’m an EOP
>I sometimes watch their clips
>If I wanted to watch a man, I would be watching youtubers
Now convince me about why I should watch Holostars, I think they’re funny but I’m not really interested

>> No.10010268

men simply aren't as funny or interesting

>> No.10010273

I miss Kaoru.

>> No.10010324

i really wish we knew why he got fired. he was on track to outpace rikka and bring the stars to heights so he must have really fucked up to get fired so suddenly

>> No.10010400

Boring, and their fans are horrible.

>> No.10010470

if you are a fan of gura or pekora your opinion is invalid

>> No.10010469

If he fucked up, Oga and Shien wouldn't mention him so fondly and so often. Meanwhile Pikamee admitted to developing depression over Magnet's graduation circumstance.

>> No.10010617

I need information anon

>> No.10010632

Still valid then.

>> No.10010695

My taste in male anime characters is incredibly niche and highly refined. Cover will literally never accidentally debut a holostar I'd watch so long as they're targeting the fujoshit market.

>> No.10010773

they...they don't really target fujoshit though. they target otome obsessed women.

>> No.10011282

boring, all of them play boring shit and for me if you want me to watch your content do actual interesting games or streams. I hate apex too, and guys don't have the cuteness girls have to backup boring content.

>> No.10011385

They aren't female

>> No.10011542

I'm sexist.

>> No.10011629

>he hasnt seen the stream where roberu made up english songs on the fly for hours

>> No.10011702

they play boring games. /ourboy/ streams at bad times

>> No.10011806

Same reason I don’t watch Hololive JP, I can’t understand them. The few times I do watch them are apex or games where you expect them to scream a lot

>> No.10011859

the only male I'll gladly be gay for is red-kun

>> No.10011876

their japanese is a bit harder to understand than the girls

>> No.10011878

Men are better at the job and don't need an avatar, there is no benefit to watching a male vtuber. If I wanted to watch a guy I would just open twitch.

>> No.10015996

only one i find endearing is roberu and his japanese is sophisticated so its hard to watch his zatsudans for a casual low tier listener

>> No.10016183

I don't understand Japanese in the slightest, and only got into watching Vtubers because they started coming out in English. If any Wapanese shitters want to come at me for that, they can get fucked.

>> No.10017389

Because they Leeching to nijisanji, so fuck them

>> No.10017429

So do people who only speak English really watch Japanese streams, just sitting there dumbly with a smile on their face while someone babbles in a language they can't comprehend at all? based if true

>> No.10017620


There are usually translators in the chat.

>> No.10017962

i mean, japanese people also do that, it is all part of the appeal

>> No.10019011

Alnost every holo did the same in the past, what do you watch? Indies?

>> No.10019674

I don't think Hololive would hire someone with such a problematic racist past (and present)

>> No.10019779
File: 104 KB, 592x860, based nakirium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh anon, you poor, poor fool

>> No.10019818

I was wondering how a man would be affected doing that voice for so long

>> No.10020188

Which of the homos are actually homo

>> No.10020280

I hardly watch the girls anymore nowadays except my oshi, let alone the boys

>> No.10020322

Astel could be like Kuzuha except Yagoo is a fucking retard, it's too bad for him.
>Apex like Kuzuha
>can sing like Kuzuha

>> No.10020331

hating dogs isn't problematic, it's just common sense

>> No.10020668

The more you fags beg the least people are inclined to watch them, you guys come off incredibly insecure and desperate for validation.
At least bother shitting up the thread when they play something good like dwarf fortress

>> No.10020984

why not just advertise for him on every corner of the internet
be the change you want to see

>> No.10021064

they don't even have another kuzuha in nijisanji, stop saying xyz can be kuzuha

>> No.10021226

source? that sounds entertaining as fuck

>> No.10022137

The delusion.

>> No.10022538

Nice self own

>> No.10027285

I watch vtubers to see cute anime girls I wanna fuck. If I watch a male I'd rather watch a regular streamer honestly, no need for the avatar since I don't want to fuck men.

>> No.10028139
File: 1.88 MB, 1197x901, her4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because getting a girlfriend I like is too complicated for someone like me on top of all the everyday drawbacks of real girlfriends as you have to spend a decent part of your day on things you don't care about and aren't allowed to be lazy.
That's why I watch vtubers instead, while it's not like an actual GF of course, it still provides to my brain the idea I'm interacting with a girl for hurs a day and that she cares about me (even if it's not the case).
I'm not gay so male vtubers don't provide that.

>> No.10028199

im straight

>> No.10028334

Because I don't understand Nihongo

>> No.10028337

Too many streams to catch up to, but I'll definitely watch Tenma's 3D and all the others when they have another collab

>> No.10028475

I do watch them. They're better than any Hololive or Nijisanji but they're not popular because of their brand. Vtuber fans are fucking retarded consoomer

>> No.10028720

Astel has said he's bisexual. Shien is suspicious. Izuru doesn't seem to be gay but he wants to be a cute girl.

>> No.10031451

Does anyone remember Roberu doing a Mario Party stream with 4 other versions of himself or was that just a fever dream? Shit was golden

>> No.10032104

only watched the 3d collabs and stuff, pretty fun
but his normal streams seems meh

should play more fun multiplayer games and collab with the likes of gatchman etc.

>> No.10032807

Because I do not understand Japanese. SImple as.

>> No.10033493

I don't understand japanese, hence why I only watch Astel's Apex stream. Also, there's no English-fluent Holostars at this moment. I'll unironically watch HolostarsEN and HolostarsID if they debuted. Right now, NijiID (and soon will debut NijiEN) boys are enough for me. You should make this thread on 5ch Anon... If anything they need more japanese fans rather than some ESL and EOP autists who like to messed up the chat. 4chan autists think collab begging the hologirls will make the boys incline. Or will blame HolostarsEN if JPboys views decline. Their fans are toxic as hell.

>> No.10035467

Shien may spend too much time holding hands with a 2D man with amnesia, and pant over TWST boys, but he proudly restated his love for ass in the latest Watchastars to the point of saying he loves it when it's summer and girls wear hotpants so he can see the crease between the cheek and the thigh

>> No.10035942

But I DO watch them, I just rarely watch them live because time zone and there's simply not enough time in the day to catch up on VODs.
It wasn't a fever dream.

>> No.10035944

He didn't specify girls when he said that. To be honest the moment he mentioned hot pants I thought about how much he likes Izuru.

>> No.10035981

I can't understand nihongo

>> No.10036077

>Astel has said he's bisexual.
Was that just keyfab or was he being serious? I assumed Cover would ban direct discussions of sexuality.

>> No.10036263

Men don't have fat enough asses for that but maybe things changed in Japan.
>I assumed Cover would ban direct discussions of sexuality.
Lol. He said he's dated 8 women and 2 men, his kayfabe discussion is very very rare and he was talking about dating anyway.

>> No.10036295
File: 76 KB, 726x800, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same reason I don't watch JP, I don't speak japanese

>> No.10036378
File: 1.52 MB, 933x981, 1626348738463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual manwhore, only staying with my pure men

>> No.10036441

if i want to watch males ill just watch regular streamers

>> No.10037224


>> No.10037301

just put his Kanji name in google and look at the autofill searches. you can do this with just about every vtuber

>> No.10037368

>I assumed Cover would ban direct discussions of sexuality

>> No.10037420

I'm still 3 streams behind on my oshi. Why would I watch some homo talk in moonspeak?

>> No.10037471

nihongo wakaranai

>> No.10038045

>or streams

>> No.10038148

I wish he'd do his goddamn thumbnail reps

>> No.10038238

Niji dudes are better. Watch Holos for chicks and Niji for dudes.

>> No.10038262

I like the Holostars but I like the Nijiboys more so I don't have much time to watch Holostars nowadays.

>> No.10038275

It depends. I don't like Zatsudans a whole lot in general and they do a lot of that. I watch every single Astel utawaku i catch though.

>> No.10038291
File: 872 KB, 953x532, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tamaki roasted him live on her channel about how bad his thumbnails are even after she taught him a while ago

>> No.10038619

Because there are better males to watch. They are not what i see as funny and they all got doxxed to show that they are literally just orbiters of the hologirls. Also please stop fucking Polka for a day! Flare could need a friend right now.

>> No.10038666

Because I can't even keep up with the girls already.

>> No.10038844
File: 1.28 MB, 1000x1288, Bonnivier_Pranaja_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too busy watching pic related put off going to the hospital to play APEX.

>> No.10039943

Not enough time in a day to watch everyone I want to watch...

>> No.10039978

I presume going to a less damaging voice would drop the tone so much it'd be jarring. Presumably further than the Suisei and Towa drops?

>> No.10040489

Should've used a voice changer like Tomari Mari.

>> No.10040563

You can easily find ENG subbed clips of his real voice he would drop it sometimes, it is extremely jarring yet this post took 3 fucking captcha expiratons to actually post and I can't open Youtube.

>> No.10041071

Thumbnails aren't even hard to make though? How is he so bad at them lol

>> No.10041102

Half of his brain capacity is used to poorly attempt to clamp his bladder tight every day

>> No.10041369


>> No.10041566

I'm having trouble processing what the hell you're even trying to say. Does he piss a lot on stream or something?

>> No.10041615

Yes, he even has to go pee during 3D streams

>> No.10041651

I am not gay

>> No.10044349

He probably allocated more time for toilet than eating.

>> No.10044546

The Ayame of speedrunners.

>> No.10045817

they actually speak japanese instead of cutey anime noises and I'm not prepared

>> No.10047120

I will be filming the Bae and Roberu sex tape

>> No.10047450

Lmao I gotta get off this boars I don’t want to end up like you. Holy fuck

>> No.10047622

i know the talents themselves aren't homo but their chat certainly is, and I don't like to associate with homosexuality

>> No.10048759

I don't even watch JP streams in the first place.
I only listen to karaoke of Pekora/Marine/Suisei and that's it.
Why the hell would I inflict myself with guys who have not so great voice, play fps half the time for some of them, and aren't even cute ?

That + now we have ID and EN1 and 2. There's no need for them.

>> No.10050670

>not so great voice
Astel sings better than all 3 of the jp girls karaoke you listened to.

>> No.10050729

Finally, a rational explanation.
Plus Kansai is hard and Roberu speaks it.

>> No.10051373

still have a male voice.
Fuck that.
If I want to listen to a male singing I go for metal not shitty jpop.

>> No.10051639

Then watch Roberto since his chat filled with couples. A mother complained that her child start to speak like him is the most funniest chat interaction ever.

>> No.10053987

I'm EOP enough to not enjoy full JP streams, even though they seem pretty fun based on what I've seen from clips. Anime boy noises just won't keep my attention the way anime girl noises will.

>> No.10054031

Pizza dad stopped doing his English streams :(

>> No.10054255

A lot of their devout EOPs are women, not homos. Also, since most people find out about Holostars through Hololive and anime girl pngs don't attract homos, there really aren't many homos in the chat besides fujos LARPing as men.

>> No.10054261

homobeggars deserve the rope

>> No.10054861

There is a limited amount of time in my day, and if I spent any more of it on VTubers, there wouldn't be enough of it for me to do some much more important things.
I checked some streams of most of the homostars and, while some of them can be somewhat entertaining, they simply aren't entertaining enough to warrant me splitting the aforementioned limited time in my day on 'entertainers' of their caliber.
To be clear, they aren't the only ones who receive this sort of treatment from me. I have only around 4 Holos who I actually regularly watch, almost the whole rest I barely watch at all - clips included.

TL;DR: they're shit and should git gud at being fun to watch

>> No.10055207 [DELETED] 

who do you watch

>> No.10057778

Glad to know that him and I are one in the same. Now just left wondering if it's a medical thing

>> No.10059097

Go see a doctor already then.

>> No.10059163

Same reason I don't look into the toilet bowl when I'm taking a shit. I already know it's shit, I don't have to see it.

>> No.10060068

I watch Nijimales and have no problem with Japanese, but the way their live2d moves kinda filters me.
I watched aruran's collabs with naruse and air and also the code name collab, they seem like nice people but not enough to get me to subscribe. I'm more into pretty boys/ikebo type

>> No.10060421

For the longest time I didn't even know they existed. For example, until recently I thought OP's pic was from Nijisanji. It's so damn autistic the way Holostars and Hololive rarely interact.

>> No.10060534

In other words, you're uncultured AND biased.

>> No.10060763
File: 106 KB, 1325x484, holostars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am

>> No.10061025

Fine, I'll do it myself. Let's have a partially complete breakdown so we don't have this thread anymore. But first, let's get the obvious part out of the way :

Holostars cannot work as well as any kind of female vtubers.

Let's first see it from a male population's perspective. Guys just looking at girls being cute or failing at video games work, regardless of the quality of the content. That's one key point here. A girl can be eating food live, brushing her hair live, or even as proven earlier fucking vacuum her room, all of those WITHOUT AN ACTUAL VIDEO FEED SO IT'S JUST NOISES, and guys would still be there. The main point is, it doesn't matter what the girl does, guys will always find a reason that benefits them for watching them. Horniness? Loneliness? Memeiness? Who knows, it just works.
Now translate this to holostars. As a guy, why would you want to hear some other guy eating food, or doing any mundane shit? That's not the reason why you'd hang out with another guy, you're mostly looking to hang out with a bro OR watch him as a pure entertainer. This is where things start to differ. Their avatar is actually completely pointless, most people can spend hours talking about how cute Elira is or how bigs are Sana's sanas, but a holostar avatar is just going to make you go yeah sure he's cool once and never talk about it again.

The key point is, the kind of content that is quietly expected from a male vtuber is just completely different from a female vtuber.

Of course, I'm going to take into consideration the minorities to do this properly, which are the female viewers and the trannies that might be interested in those. But what can be said about them? They're literally just that, minorities. Their whole existence is barely enough to even bring the most popular Holostar to some good *numbers*. And they're also extremely fickle.

>> No.10063217

>having my own taste is uncultured and biased
This is why no ones likes homofags.

>> No.10063487

Not bashing you or anything, are you perchance an EoP that watch vtuber for cute noises?

>> No.10063714

>And they're also extremely fickle.
Doesn't that apply to most vtuber fans in general though?

>> No.10064130

Did you take that as an insult to your favorite or what? You completely missed the fact that a good amount of people watching the girls for cute noise is not mutually exclusive of them being able to produce content.

>> No.10064485

it's the opposite anon, I just asking for confirmation because
which is shame since one of vtuber charm is anime but interactive. Robe for example compared to other vtuber with more than 200k subs or 1k live viewer are really easy to talk to. He even respond to a google translated chat, same with other holostars member.

Maybe hololive fans are foreign to a concept where you can interact with vtuber without paying any money

>> No.10064767
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x1080, arugun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aruran's 3D was one of the best 3D streams of all time. OF ALL TIME.

>> No.10064792

I get what you're saying but it's moving goalpost, even if you're doing it unintentionally.
I gave a few known examples because they're recent, notably Gura and her cleaning vaccum which yes happened *off-screen*, understand without her avatar being there.

But the main point here isn't about if a female vtuber can do her job or not, the point is that most of her fanbase, at least for the popular ones, are not necessarily here for the content but mostly for the noises and memes.
You can easily find a guy spamming PEKO PEKO during a 3hour livestream without actually caring, or even understanding, what the girl is actually talking about. You can't really translate this with, say, a Roberu stream.

And again, those are just examples to illustrate the point.

>> No.10065091

>You can easily find a guy spamming PEKO PEKO during a 3hour livestream without actually caring, or even understanding, what the girl is actually talking about.
is this supposedly to be a good thing? that would be like treating a vtuber like watching circus or a freakshow

>> No.10065235

You talk as if there's almost no female viewers when that's not true. Just look at Enstars, Dream, kpop groups, etc. There's definetly a public for cute boys groups specially in the west.
>It's still a small public compared to the male audience.
Yes it is but is big enough for companies to make profit out of it. In the same way we can say that weeb audience is smaller compared to normie/mainstream audiences.

>> No.10065273

I'm a heterosexual man

>> No.10065555

If you want to actually interact with vtubers, just watch indies.

>> No.10065598

>is this supposedly to be a good thing?
Depends on where you stand. A retard giving views still is a subscriber. But the bottom case here, that's still the point. A female vtuber just gained another viewer just by using noises.

>no female viewers
>Enstars, Dream, kpop groups
You can't just put kpop groups and holostars on the same scale of content. That's a completely displaced comparison.
Of course Kpop groups will have a huge amount of female viewers, just like standard Idol groups will have a huge amount of male viewers. Their content is literally just adjusted for it.

>Yes it is but is big enough for companies to make profit out of it.
I've never said the opposite. Again, I don't understand why you guys think I'm devaluating the people or audience I'm talking about. I'm just explaining why female vtubers are, usually, just bigger.

>> No.10066457

Damn Cover this shit is ugly

>> No.10066525

Because I don't speak Japanese, most of them barely speak English (and even if they can, they don't), and they barely get clips because clippers care more about their own views than trying to bring exposure to smaller talent.

>> No.10066721

Same reason I don't cover my body with ticks. I don't like parasites.

>> No.10067529

why not both? talking about gundam with Oga and asking Robe if he has a vtuber oshi is really fun
>A retard giving views still is a subscriber
ah you're the type that really care more about numbers, you do you then

>> No.10068277

>care more about numbers
So you missed the whole point or didn't bother to read the chain of discussion.

>> No.10070480

Too bad astels design is shit.

To spite you.

>> No.10070555

>missed the whole point
I mean your whole point are basically
>holostars doesn't work because they're male
when is proven that Hal and Kuzuha beat hololive numbers time to time. Holostars aren't big because a lot of bad circumstance outside their content output. For examples : Cover mismanagement (at least on the beginning), Hololive fan and antis want them to disband, and the biggest debuff : Reddit Dragon (no clip, can't play games, losing their biggest audiences at least at that time, etc)

>> No.10070586

i cant believe clint is skipping streaming to fuck his boyfriend...

>> No.10070594

I don't understand Japanese.

>> No.10072110

>Holostars existing makes Hololive worse because of homobegging
>Holostars members are better off without the brand
I don't want to give them views so they all will graduate already

>> No.10072647

>blaming coco
I know this retard.

>> No.10075644

I rarely even watch Hololive.
>having your own taste
That's certainly a positive way to view yourself.

>> No.10075685

>Tournament organizer and big name in JP Apex
>outlier in an outlier company
Name any other non Niji males who do well (by your fags standards since if someone gets 2k viewers that's apparently graduation tier)

>> No.10076895

lot of amerimutt cope in this thread

>> No.10077247

i only watch astel because i want to fuck him
