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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79443882 No.79443882 [Reply] [Original]

Does she appeal to Saplings?

>> No.79443923

No she streams in the middle of the night.

>> No.79444118

Completely different vibe imo. I'm sure saplings watch her as do all the other fanbases.

>> No.79444881

Yurop sapling here, nope, not at all.

>> No.79445228
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My wife could never appeal to saplings

>> No.79445343

>does she appeal to /ss/fags
yeah sure

>> No.79445486

what color are your feet?

>> No.79445494


>> No.79445578

Gives off whore vibes, so no.
t.The first sapling to exist

>> No.79445686

I'd put her somewhere between Ina and Irys.

>> No.79445712

ive already dropped fauna

>> No.79445779

If you're not shitposting, what does Cici offer which made you jump?

>> No.79445878

No, she complains too much.

>> No.79445993

They're both green and autistic, so I guess so?

>> No.79446013

funny thing is, its been revealed that a part of her growing fanbase have been confirmed to be Saplings. So make of it as you will

>> No.79446070


>> No.79446942
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>> No.79447362

Idk about saplings but she's the most appealing to me in Justice

>> No.79447649

As a sapling she doesn't, needs to be more gamerish and competitive

>> No.79447812

Fauna wasn't either of those after the first week. I feel like cici will calm down a bit and become more fauna-like over time. She's still in the phase of showcasing her talents.

>> No.79447863

Eh, no. Not a comfy ASMR cinnamon bun. Not vegan. Not into memes. Doesn't ramble about science and cats. With Fauna I feel like I'm chilling with my girlfriend. Don't get that vibe with Cecilia.

>> No.79447981

I hope not, I want saplings to stay far away

>> No.79448448

Didn't watch a single stream of hers, or her debut, but I wouldn't mind if she collabed with Fauna.

>> No.79448919

>I wouldn't mind if she collabed with Fauna
It's never going to happen. Fauna doesn't know how to initiate anything and might have retarded insecurities about another green woman and Cici also doesn''t have the confidence to contact Fauna. You'll get a group collab at most, probably Fauna, Cici, Mumei and Beeboo.

>> No.79449167

Not at all. I like Kiara though, and CC just feels like Kiara 2.0

>> No.79449229

Better green

>> No.79449246

She's German, what did you expect?

>> No.79449344

I can't trust anyone who unironically uses FL Studio as their main DAW.

>> No.79449395

How the fuck do I read this shit

>> No.79449479
File: 284 KB, 1080x1076, Fauna Milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She streams 3-4h b4 FST and im enjoying her streams so far a lot so far so yes

>> No.79449491

>Muh Green
Fauna and CC aren't even remotely similar and all you can say about her is color? What kind of retarded rrat is this

>> No.79449682

>Liz has the highest overlap with homofans and NijiEN, lowest with HoloEN and JP
Least surprising news ever.

>> No.79449809

I agree. People have forgotten about debut Fauna. A lot changed in 6 months.

>> No.79450214

The only thing they are similar in is their accent, shitposter-kun.

>> No.79450284

Not even Fauna appeals to saplings nowadays. CC needs to get into ASMR.

>> No.79450379

Not exact, but she gonna be my oficial Fauna waiting room.

>> No.79450523

I wonder if CC knows a bit about Sound Design and Synthesizers. It could be ASMRish Stream where she is making Beeps and Boops that feel good.

>> No.79450617

I hope not. Saplings are the most insufferable fanbase on /vt/.

>> No.79450696
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wuffians... we are forgotten...

>> No.79450856

I was actually debating also putting in Ruffians as the ones who have by far the worst threads but I judged it more by behavior of fanbases outside of their generals - and in this aspect Saplings are worse.
t. saddened wuffian

>> No.79450942

That's just because Advent fans stay in their splits a lot more than myth and council fans

>> No.79451061

>forgetting KFP

>> No.79451083

Fauna loves trees
Ceci is made from trees

>> No.79451106

>Ceci is made from trees

>> No.79451320

>Ceci is actually a plastic sexdoll that came to life as a result of being cummed inside

>> No.79451465

there must have been some magic in that ojisan's semen

>> No.79451656
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Among other things.

>> No.79453861

Hagling here, I prefer Raora.

>> No.79453942

no, but i do think her and fauna would have a fun dynamic in collabs. both very intelligent and silly

>> No.79454393
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Fauna makes me laugh constantly while CC is just background noise to me

>> No.79454491

>newsap who didn't witness debut Fauna

>> No.79454662

I witnessed it, Fauna just didn’t click with me early on. She more than any EN got better over time.

>> No.79454792

CC is a cute lil' rookie and i've enjoyed her streams, but fauna is all-star, 1st-string.

>> No.79454922


>> No.79454929

That's my point, you're witnessing debut Cecilia right now.

>> No.79455081

Why are saplings so fucking dumb?

>> No.79455225

Wtf? Are they actually watching her just because green woman?

>> No.79455300

very ironic post

>> No.79455339

Similar timeslot
Shondo roots

>> No.79455538

Holy shit, pebbles are such fucking whores.

>> No.79455661

IRySfags really like the pink pussy

>> No.79455677

I like her but i already watch fauna, biboo and panko

>> No.79455686

Meh, not the same. Fauna did have some good early streams like Pokemon Unite and Spore that showed off what she would be, but then fell in to a rut with her content choices for a while that tuned me out, and also her streaming times were all over the place. CC’s content choice has actually been great in her debut week, but like I’ll pay attention for 20 minutes and then just get bored. I never gave Fauna nearly as much of a chance as I have been giving CC,

>> No.79455700

It's because Biboo streams 24 hours a day, so pebbles are always active to watch stuff. You can see Kaela there too for the same reason.

>> No.79455711

The homobeggars aside, why does Raora have the lowest overlap with other Holo fanbases? Where is she getting her viewers? She wasn't even that popular of a /lig/ger

>> No.79455854

Look, far be it from me to dictate your choices, but my point is that it's too early to tell what CC will be like 6 months from now.

>> No.79455872

Personally yes, can't really articulate why though. She can't dethrone or replace Fauna but she's a solid second, so far anyway.

>> No.79455956

She's streaming in a very isolated timeslot. That's the only thing I can think of.

>> No.79456179

No, I don't like her humor or her voice or just about anything of her outside of her design.

>> No.79456335

Timeslot skews things and she already has a JP cult following. What Watame is for EOPs is what she is for JOPs it seems.

>> No.79456440

I think her filling the hag niche that HoloEN didn't really cater to before also contribute with that.

>> No.79456499

ESTchads love Raora

>> No.79456598

Is she a hag though? Or is it just the voice?
Her model is no more haggy than Kiara or Nerissa.

>> No.79456802

Eh, CC's only .1% different for them.

>> No.79456884
File: 65 KB, 1024x569, IMG_3831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People seem to misinterpret the notion that saplings watching CC means they’re switching oshis. I like CC as well as many other holos aside from my oshi, but if I had to pick between the 2, it’s Fauna no contest.

>> No.79457063
File: 178 KB, 504x600, 1703890957617454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, at this very moment there's no contest. But that's just because Fauna is the GOAT. Unfair comparison really.

>> No.79457371

What's up with the ruffians gravitating towards Gigi? Second only to the saplings watching Ceci

>> No.79457415

Fauna is a kirin, not a goat.

>> No.79457495

Some people really like animal ears on their girls.
Also, she streams during JP times and can understand very rudimentary JP.

>> No.79457594
File: 367 KB, 674x720, 1652038594056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G-good joke sapling...

>> No.79457797

robo clit

>> No.79458937

She has a wide appeal and Saplings checked her out due to green, so it looks like she has outsized Sapling fans

>> No.79460877

Yes. She appeals to me, at least. I think she's really cute and (genuinely) funny, which I didn't even know was possible for a German. Her humor kinda reminds me of Shiori's with the tameness/wholesomeness of Fauna.

>> No.79461989

I will watch those only if she can give me a good BWOOOOONG to reverberate through my brain and dick hard enough to lobotomize and sterilize me

>> No.79462349

>which I didn't even know was possible for a German
What happens on April 30th?

>> No.79463224
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I hope all these faunafags and other hopefuls who think she is perfect fuck off the first time she has a mediocre stream.
I want her chat and threads to be slower.

>> No.79463314

>Minecraft speedrunner
>enjoys Hitman
Definitely on the spectrum

>> No.79463439

I like both Cecilia and Fauna.
I think they are both very boyish, but Fauna is boyish in a feminine way and Cecilia and boyish in a masculine way.

>> No.79463870

Which one do you use?

>> No.79463899

What are the similarities?

>> No.79464295

>Highest with niji
>Same as GG
>0.1 point above CC

>> No.79464352

How did you get these numbers?

>> No.79464442

>Green hair = Fauna
I swear the level of intelligence behind these posts are akin to the same people who freak out when they see a random animal and link it back to a certain vtuber

>> No.79464664

Yeah, I oshihened because I like her shade of green more than Fauna’s.

>> No.79465415

Besides being green and enjoying Tod's slop what else do they even have in common/makes them competition with each other?

>> No.79465670

it's a faunaschizo thread, guessing this is his new angle? who knows

>> No.79466289

Good, SEA filtered

>> No.79466734


>I think they are both very boyish, but Fauna is boyish in a feminine way and Cecilia and boyish in a masculine way.
This sentence makes absolutely no sense to me. Are you sure you're just not just judging by their tone of voice?

>> No.79467157

She is nothing like Fauna. I knew of her before she was in Justice and never watched her because she is so boring and her accent sucks. Now take someone like Fauna who a lot of people say is boring but I enjoy. That tells you all you must know of her.

>> No.79468018
File: 1.67 MB, 660x660, angry.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79468373

Not at all. She's more of a KiarAme amalgamation. Good stream ideas and game choices but her personality doesn't retain my interest. Also her jokes are trash, Fauna at least makes me giggle from her reddit jokes.

>> No.79471980

>Ina and Irys
I do watch both as often as often as possible and Ceci seems like the most interesting Justice to me so far.

>> No.79474733

nope, I prefer YUY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYtea9-HHm0

>> No.79479589

she appeals to my hurt heart after my previous oshi betrayed me

>> No.79479929

Not really, her murder intent is pretty high. Mommy always conscious when she takes lives, this woman has no remorse. Fauna is more comfortable to be with

>> No.79480039

She is the Mio Mamma with Towa-sama's voice of EN, at least that's what JPs are calling her and EN Chattini agree with

>> No.79480124

very cyuyte

>> No.79480185

No she has too much personallity

>> No.79480280

Hardworking LATAMchads waking up early to prepare for work also love Raora

>> No.79480818

Retarded thread

>> No.79481288

Saplings don't care about Fauna they only care about who they think is the most popular. Its only natural for them to move on to their next shiny toy

>> No.79481382

no she actually has a personality and doesn't just cosplay Northernlion's streams and bits from the last 2 weeks

>> No.79481676

Should note CC PL did a lot of hitman stuff also.

>> No.79484761

She is green fauna so kind of.

>> No.79484883

She appeals to vesties

>> No.79485151

She's entertaining, and doesnt give a fake GFE like that pathetic tree does
