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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78629039 No.78629039 [Reply] [Original]

>*flops her tits around for 2 hours while eating out your ears*
>”Umm, ackshually it’s not porn I’m heckin’ wholesomerino, and my fans would NEVER jack off to me!”
Why are women like this?

>> No.78629186

Those anime are pretty wholesome though.

>> No.78629253

It's slop

>> No.78629329

I don't care what she is, why does she hate good anime?

>> No.78629367

I like all those anime

>> No.78629369

>Only a woman would complain about another woman complaining.

OP, cmon.

But in all honesty, based, anime studios need to stop making boring wholesome anime.

>> No.78629421

she bleeding down there

>> No.78629437

>wholesome anime

>> No.78629450

she probably knows she’s a whore and doesn’t want to go mask off lest it attract the attention of whoever runs the platform she streams on

>> No.78629495

I really wanted to fuck that redhead and mc from the anime in the right

>> No.78629599
File: 1.89 MB, 1240x1754, __ame_chan_needy_girl_overdose_drawn_by_sanmanako__66b43f9558816e90dd382e24a6a02743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman whores herself out
>realizes what a pathetic slut she is
>uuuuuuh ackshully you just misunderstood my art
a tale as old as time itself

>> No.78629650

>eating out your ears
Nah, she kisses them.

>> No.78629712

>>*flops her tits around for 2 hours

>> No.78629720

Almost as funny as when Vox said "i actually don't want to be a manwhore anymore, I will be le hecking creative genius now, it's totally not because the chinks left me or anything"

>> No.78629741

I enjoyed season 1 of Villainess. Those other two are dogshit.

>> No.78629854

Perish in hell coomer

>> No.78630149

3000 USD made from last night's stream

>> No.78630238

clearly she's doing something right to mindbreak you this hard, this is the 3rd thread seething about this random 3view today kek. giving faunaschizo a run for his money

>> No.78630313

When did brownfeet become a Nene anti?

>> No.78630333

They are some of the most wholesome isekai anime made in the last decade. Nene couldn't have picked worst anime to randomly insult especially when she is mostly known for coomerbait ASMR.

>> No.78630352

>ESL doesn't know what porn is

>> No.78630395

I think you’re in the wrong hobby

>> No.78630415

>isekai trash
Based Nene, instantly membered.

>> No.78630549
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>> No.78630557

isekai anime do suck though
it doesn't have anything to do with them being wholesome or not

>> No.78630786

>while eating out your ears
She doesn't do this, she says ear licking is beneath her. Doesn't mean her fans don't jack off to her weekly 2 hour kissing ASMR streams though.

>> No.78630923

The villainess one is actually good! NENE HATE

>> No.78630936

>le wholesome isekai trash (for girls)
Based Nene.
Imagine going from Escaflowne and 12 Kingdoms to this.

>> No.78631030

Because shes a retarded whore and cucks her fans for comiket ojisans and hoop king

>> No.78631107

hating bakarina is enough to make me an anti

>> No.78631115

so much this

>> No.78631175

Why are all these Nene anti posts popping up suddenly? Her ASMR isn't anything new nor is this post about her not liking those anime.

>> No.78631478

Dang, she got dabbed on by some twitter nobody

>> No.78631624

apparently pkg has a giga no lifer schizo or something

>> No.78631877
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I'm beyond tired of hearing redditfags complain about isekai. Yea we fucking get it, Japan makes a lot of it. Almost like its extremely popular and easy to mass produce, this isn't new with anime. Before isekai it was hundreds of battle school harem anime every season. Get over it.

>> No.78631905

/vt/ told me Nene was a nice girl and to trust her...

>> No.78632038
File: 62 KB, 392x770, IMG_4465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does THIS look like a nice girl to you?

>> No.78632081

Lol such a condescending and passive aggressive reply that she ends with pretending to be wholesome. Are all women like this?
>Its ok that the stuff you like is complete fucking garbage, all of us like terrible shit sometimes!

>> No.78632122

"Wholesome" and "trash" are not mutually exclusive descriptors. There's quite a lot of overlap, in fact.

>> No.78632131

i don't get the post, i agree with her, those anime are trash, same goes for those slice of life shit like bocchi et similia

>> No.78632135

Small corpos have the most schizo fanbases.

>> No.78632150

To be honest I stopped watching anime around 2017 and then started reading only Isekai manga since 2019. So that's 5 years of me reading nothing but Isekai manga and absolutely nothing else, no other genre. I've read so much Isekai manga that the stories all blend together in my head and can't even tell em apart anymore and I never even remember the names either because they are always so fucking long.

>> No.78632154
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Brownfeet did a reverse Oshihen recently. Stopped posting his shitty fauna bait threads and decided to widen his horizons. Firstly it was Pillow but now it's literally every single GFE chuuba. You can literally see which GFE chuuba he discovered recently by his shitty bait posts. I find it hilarious, honestly.

>> No.78632387

>eating out your ears
I wish man...she's also right, those are bottom of the barrel anime

>> No.78632461

>3rd Nene bait thread on the catalog after 2 last ones failed

>> No.78632482

>I'm not telling you not to like something!
>please stop making this
Why are women like this?

>> No.78632490

To me this looks like you are Kaito coming here to cry after breaking one of the simplest vtuber/streamer rules there is.

>> No.78632575

This can be just standard /pkg/ schizo that constantly has been spamming the general for the last whole year

>> No.78632578

Those anime are all objectively garbage.
She is correct. This isekai bullshit needs to die so we can get some actually good fantasy anime back.

>> No.78632587

She's sensitive about producing soft core porn and can't even hold her ground about wanting anime she doesn't like to cease being made. It's not a massive yab or anything but it is kind of funny.

>> No.78632614

Phase happened

>> No.78632616

He's been around for literal years though

>> No.78632995

>please stop making anime like this
>my personal
this bitch has tits in place of a brain, its not personal if she wants them to stop doing these animes so that NO ONE can watch them anymore
also, she is a 2d whore, why is she denying this?

>> No.78633135

The one on the right is good, the op is really fucking catchy.
My nigga!

>> No.78633319

These tweets are literally a year old, what the fuck set the schizo off to bait post about a small harmless chuuba like Nene of all people. Is he actually Kaito?

>> No.78633361

No, the /pkg/ schizo rarely goes outside of the general and his talking points about Nene are not the same as bf and his eternal jihad against haram ASMR or whatever. That plus IMG_

>> No.78633581

This bitch is half japanese and doesn't read LNs?
Slime and Villainess are highly rated LNs in Japan.

>> No.78633671

>Isekai trash
she just like me fr fr

>> No.78633812

shes not at all japanese

>> No.78633984

The only thing I know about this girl is that she likes Umineko. And looking at this, I can see that she dislikes shitty anime! Based!

>> No.78634029

They're just boring. I watched the Villainess anime and it could have been an interesting plot but all conflict is solved immediately, so the rest is just filler.

>> No.78634221

Yes consoom more of the flavour of the decade so we can have 10 more years of this stale, creatively bankrupt trend, bottom feeder.

>> No.78634730

>so we can get some actually good fantasy anime back
Dungeon Meshi and Frieren just came out recently to high acclaim retardo.

>> No.78634879

I don't watch much Isekai, I just think you're an annoying faggot for constantly bitching and repeating the obvious and not just watching the hundreds of other high quality anime that aren't isekai.

>> No.78635877

She's a VN stacy.
She's also about as Japanese as FWMC

>> No.78636012

>that SEAnigger flag
>loves isekai self insert shit
OP is this you, you giant faggotron?

>> No.78636470

We get it, you are too cool to care about isekai, and that makes you cooler than everyone who has a problem with it. Congratulations on being a double-contrarian.

>> No.78636837

And Bioshock Infinite is a highly rated game, what's your point?

>> No.78637008

>hundreds of high quality anime
I wish, i would be fine with 200. The truth is even though there is THOUSANDS of anime shows out there only 1% is actually palatable, and those also cant be called "high quality". At some point in the early 2010s anime producers just accepted that there job is to animate light novels (worst form of writing in existence). IDK when was the last time an original anime (no source material).

I dont know what I am ranting about, anyway isekai is trash, anime as a whole is made for teenagers and has shit writing, anime peaked when i was in highschool :P

>> No.78637212

You act like reading LNs is a good thing, LNs by their nature are trash, and being highly rated as an LN just means you appeal to retarded teenagers and guys looking for escape while on the way to or back from work.

>> No.78637273

She's an actual hafu that was (born?) raised in Japan. FWMC are just turbo weebs. Nene left Japan to escape her OL life and her controlling Nip mom.

>> No.78637502

She's right though, what's the problem? Are you going to have a meltdown just because she has different preferences in anime?

>> No.78637688

We get it, isekai is generic and is mass produced. You can shut the fuck up about it anytime.

>> No.78638433

It depends I'm an asmrfag that hates the horny shit, but for some reason the youtube algo loves her and on an average night of trying to find a new stream with the right triggers for me it will try to recommend me one asmr vid from her for every 4 vids I scroll. Of those 3/4 of them are horny bait and the typical "Look at my $10,000 USD setup!" you see a lot of the bigger ones do in their title. But remaining 1/4 are just normal ASMR.

I imagine based on her content that she does membership or patreon asmr that's much hornier than what she posts similar to Noel.

>> No.78638700

You imagine incorrectly then.

>> No.78638780

Then what the hell does she stream on her Patreon?

>> No.78638986

She teaches website development with React.

>> No.78639175

Kawaiis are forbidden to do coomer ASMRs

>> No.78640317
File: 392 KB, 727x301, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My criteria for coomer asmr versus relaxing pseudo meditation asmr is pretty low honestly, like pic related I definitely consider coomer bait for my personal tastes (though I do recognize not everyone will agree).

>> No.78640550

>could have chosen a lot of trashsekai anime
>picked the ones with girl MC
she should stop engagement farming, it's bannable on twitter

>> No.78642444

I didn't know girl MC make isekai less trash

>> No.78642636

>Twatter drama
I’m not even angry with you, I’m angry with the Janny so retarded to allow this on the board now.

>> No.78644134

>highly rated
oh wow, good thing the average person has really really good taste and doesn't enjoy total garbage

>> No.78644225
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nene is not a hafu

>> No.78644296


>> No.78644378

Those anime are pure fucking garbage that only the most brain dead slop enjoyers consume. She has said nothing wrong

>> No.78644397

Since when so many Vtubers are popping up from pizzaland recently? Even Holo is not immune, did they foubd out Italians can actually joke?

>> No.78644858

Women will get gangbanged on OnlyFans or shove 3 dildos up their asses on Chaturbate and go "um actually it's not porn" and then pull out some retarded explanation for why prostituting themselves over the internet isn't porn.

This is just the logic they operate on.

>> No.78645041


>> No.78645311

this, the middle one especially.

>> No.78645913

>Dungeon Meshi
Actually good fantasy anime.
FOTM slop. Forgotten in 2 days.
Those are just 2 anime compared to hundreds of isekaishit. Return to /a/, mongrel.

>> No.78646069

Is wholesome a word to describe asinine and boring these days?

>> No.78646084

Found the guy who spammed the anti frieren/oshi no ko thread a thousand times.

>> No.78646146

>cute and sexy with me
>utterly cutthroat with the people I dislike
Yeah? You’re making her look awesome.

>> No.78646620

She's a woman.

>> No.78647015

I like isekai but ngl these were kinda boring, cute but boring.

>> No.78647164

>complaining about a woman complaining about a woman complaining
Is this what this board has come down to?

>> No.78647275

I love Nene but her taste in anime is so fucking normie, the way she sucks off Vinland Saga is so annoying

>> No.78648213

It's a good start. I'm sure we would have more if there wasn't so many "I Died While a Kissless Virgin From Being Bullied by Middle School Girls And I Got Reborn In Another World Where Everyone Has Superpowers But Mine Is Really Bad But It Turns Out To Be Super Abusable With A Tiny Bit Of Thought Applied And Now I Have A Harem"

>> No.78649736

The right one was pure isekai slop. I still don't know why I wasted my time watching all of it.
Middle one was funny and an interesting idea when it came out. Now we have hundreds of otome game isekai.
Left one was okayish slice of life isekai but the only notable thing for me was the VA of the MC. She hard carried the show for me.

>> No.78650948

wholesome? they are just yuri bait with no ecchi.

300 Slime- Aoi Yuuki carried that shit.
Villainess- Just a reverse harem, with some yuri bait as filler.
Average abilities- Isekai with op MC, thats it.

>> No.78656998

>seething about Frieren this hard

>> No.78658323

ASM aRt is real art you chud

>> No.78658718
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She's right though?

>> No.78658895

>engagement farming [...] bannable on twitter

>> No.78659067

>4chan incel says isekai is slop
>yes so true brother
>vtuber whore says isekai is slop
>uhmm akshually isekai is hecking big chungus 1000 keanu reeves wholesome
you need to go back >>>/a/
