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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78315409 No.78315409 [Reply] [Original]

Impending doom approaches...

>> No.78315491

Kek, this is going to get taken down

>> No.78315574


>> No.78315603

Nijisis… you have some explaining to do!

>> No.78315697

Considering he let Sayu's lawyers make her own contract, I have a feeling that he's not really a threat in any way and likely doesn't have nearly as much sway as he says he does.

>> No.78315702

>as far as I can tell at least this clip is probably meant to be at least partially satirical
Jesas, the apologists are quickly coming out.

>> No.78315746

Chinese culture is literally about maintaining face. They talk big because it is considered dishonorable to admit that you're wrong

This guy is talking out his ass

>> No.78315762

Increasing their hopes, so that when holomems disagrees the fall will be greater. This sounds like political maneuvering to me or emotional manipulation.

>> No.78315772

>Does HoloCN agree? HoloCN, I didn't ask them for their opinions.
Is this post from October of 2020?

>> No.78315828

to your brain retardedanonchama? hachama apologizing, might as well say earth is flat.

>> No.78315864

i think it mean does Cover agree to make holoCN again.

>> No.78315885

This, if you been around chinks long enough they will never admit to being wrong.

>> No.78315952

Haachama just tweeted Winnie the Pooh

>> No.78315964

>You can send them a SC to ask about it
Send Cover a SC to ask about holoCN?

>> No.78315971

"Impending" and "approaches" is redundant btw

>> No.78315974

I think my dad might be chinese

>> No.78315977

>Most of the replies called this guy a schizo
>The few ones that went "even if this is true" still didn't think there would be any problem and that this guy is fucked
Eh, if his cope couldn't even trick leddit, I doubt it'd work anywhere else. Wasn't that clip / stream already linked and laughed at /here/ earlier?
The whole
>Did Haachama agree? Wow she agreed really quickly
>Shirakami was the first or second to do it. Also her cooperation level was the highest
killed his credibility

>> No.78316104

cmon now anon, sisters are desperate to deflect the recent twisty vanta drama, so they had to do this.

>> No.78316126
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>he calls holomems "livers" due to bad english

>> No.78316132

just simple question, why no other stream now yet? the fill the form or something alr. they want to stream so much. but no one do now?

>> No.78316184

>Two refused
>One ID and one EN
Probably unironically Ollie from the ID side

>> No.78316206

>I'll do the translation

>> No.78316262

for EN side maybe Gura? Because taiwan collab stuff thing (IPass)

>> No.78316293

Seriously, that's on the level of Kson quitting vshojo to rejoin as Coco to stream and apologize lmao.

>> No.78316317

This retard sounds very unprofessional. Also why would EN stream on a platform no one in America watches?

>> No.78316330

Even if he's lying, he's lying as the CEO of Metishon, a company that runs Kobo's official channel on Bilibili
and that's bad.

>> No.78316381

>he calls holomems "livers"
typical. still nijishitters at heart

>> No.78316382

I think any ties between Hololive and China need to be completely rejected.
The US is pivoting towards war with china, any roots you plant there will soon be cut. Better not get invested there

>> No.78316398

>on a platform no one in America watches?
Or the rest of the world for that matter, B2 is a dogshit site for chinks exclusively

>> No.78316407

Isn't that Sayu's new boss? I still have no idea what she's doing, but for what I know he's helping cover with the b2 streams, so he probably knows his stuff (perchance)

>> No.78316408
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>> No.78316471

I really hope she's not signed over anything important. This guy is profoundly unserious and radiating scammer vibes

>> No.78316535
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>this is what Sayu signed up for

>> No.78316551

It not being posted on the Hololive subreddit itself is a bit fishy.

>> No.78316607

Contracts mean shit in china.
The company I work at had a contract about a delivery of 316 stainless steel, when we tested it we found out it was 304, which is missing molybdenum. This makes it useless for our intended use. So we dispute the claim in china with our contract and the chinese court told us to get fucked and that it's our fault we didn't test in china before it got delivered. You can't even visit the steel works because of their fucking rules.

>> No.78316628

This asshole is 100% /here/, probably a /#/fag too, looking at his post history.

>> No.78316659

So cover made a contract with a guy who is now (most likely) slandering the talents and lying about the company?
Good move Yagoo.

>> No.78316692

Breaks my heart that Rita's getting tied into this. She deserves better than getting hoodwinked by these louts.

>> No.78316703

Even this bug wouldn't be so bold as to call Gura "someone you haven't even heard of"

>> No.78316741

Hololive still has an automod, and you can't post there without enough karma.

>> No.78316771

I think it used to be uploaded there but probably got removed by mods

The subreddit has been monitoring the China topic real hard when some Redditors decided to "boycott" Kobo and spawned loads of "nasty" threads

>> No.78316772

100% nerissa for EN
she has no presence + pretty much unknown in china

>> No.78316807

>accept working with China after they begged you
>they immediately spit in your face and mock you
How many more times will people need to learn this lesson? Never work with China. I hope it gets worse so Cover cancels the event.

>> No.78316840

Yeah, but in this case it means they likely can't fuck anyone over for backing out if it turns out they're worthless.

>> No.78316851

Lmao. They gonna lost hololive perms again If they keep at it.

>> No.78316863

Massive props to the members who refused.

>> No.78316892

Ok I looked it up and apparently this is from an old old video and he has apologized and never spoken about hololive again after the chinese fans ripped his ass open for this.

>> No.78316898

Ollie is known in China thanks to her bold antiques. Iofi on the other hand...

>> No.78316905

>1 week into collabing with bugoids
>They're already talking shit and breaking nda because of how arrogant they are
Would be a shame if more people found out about this guy's statements.
Could lead to fan backlash and cancelling of his contract if he refuses to apologize.

>> No.78316910

This guy seems to think not disagreeing means you're 100% on board.

>> No.78316911

>picking the one person whose whole thing is how much she wants to breed a football team
There's a literal mandarin speaker in Advent and you chose her?

>> No.78316962

I mean, Calli used to have a mixer who then slandered Fuwamoco and collabed with a musician who then slandered her after believing Twittards. I even bet none of you anons knew who Lefu is until this thread

You couldn't know the dark secret behind a person until it's exposed to you, so the least we can hope for is either backing out, or finding another more professional Bili dealer if they want to stream on bili that much

>> No.78316976

Alice refused

>> No.78317063

Not replying is akin to saying "No" without any of the consequences, yes. Though this shit is 90% fake and made up anyway, don't know why though, since there's nothing to actually gain here. Maybe it's some cry for attention

>> No.78317077

>after the chinese fans ripped his ass open for this
What ? You are telling me even the fucking chinks hate this guy even when he was trying to hype up b2 importance ? Man that guy is going under for real

>> No.78317084

I'll love China if they give Muse Dash perms back so Gura can stream it again

>> No.78317090

What happen to “most holomem do not show interest, only 1-3 interest” in previous statement? Now most agree, only 1-2 refuse

>> No.78317110
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Oh hey, it's the "DO NOT LEARN MANDARIN" guy himself! I see that the chinks are still fucking you over industrial steel.

>> No.78317123

well shiori is known in china, same goes for fuwamoco and bijou. only nerissa doesnt really have any presence there that's why sayu's CEO said that the EN who disagree is very much unknown in sinosphere

>> No.78317138

The chinese HOLOLIVE fans hate/distrust him, the general b2 user wants to suck his cock.

>> No.78317155

Holobros... you told me the chinks kneeled to us... what is THIS?

>> No.78317256

Kill chinks. Behead chinks. Stir fry chinks in a wok. etc. etc.

>> No.78317258

Did this guy just "literally who?"-'d Gura? lol

>> No.78317271

Now watch as Hololive does a funny and have a Kson/Fubuki collab.

>> No.78317278

>old old
>from 26 May 2024
not even a month old

>> No.78317324

>some chink manager posted on 4chan and showed proof
The fuck? Why isn't anyone even talking about this? Is this just pure fanfiction?

>> No.78317323

>>78317278 (me)
*21 May 2024
my bad

>> No.78317342

looks like bullshit 2bh, but i am not going to be surprised if holojp decide to stream there again, bilibili do have some jp audience (the ones afraid of westerners, pretty much everybody outside tokyo) and they are not reaching it.

>> No.78317350


I love Chinese fraud stories like this

>> No.78317376

Now that I think about it maybe my boss is chinese too.

>> No.78317385

fuck off

>> No.78317389

NTA but like, a third of the material processing in the world sources from China. His story isn't that uncommon, the /biz/ copypaste really is just a template of the average business transaction.

>> No.78317433

i honestly think alot of the rrats are corporate warfare over a saturated market. all the negative rrats are likly a move by niji since they got dropped by billi.

>> No.78317447

could be true, which is unfortunate. Sorry anons.

>> No.78317597

Now I know it's bs

>> No.78317738

>doesn't know any of the ENs
>not even Gura
Thats how you know he's talking out of his ass.
Taiwanese and the mainland entertainment industries are fairly similar in trends due to geographic proximity and also similar cultures, there is no fucking way a fucking CEO in the online entertainment business has no idea who Gura is(when Gura just sold record sales in Taiwan).
Besides, if one is trying to get Hololive back into China, the first thing to do is to keep themselves up to date with current Hololive trends and events, INCLUDING who are the big talents. Not even knowing Gura is a clear red flag.

>> No.78317807

why do you think they're begging on all fours for literally everyone to stream on bing bing chilli

>> No.78317846

As a child of chinese parents, not once have I remembered a time where my retard parents ever admitted they were wrong or even apologized when they were proven wrong, sometimes with undeniable proof.

>> No.78317897

If they do that as soon as Nijisanji goes under, I will kneel so hard it'll break the earth.

>> No.78317903

did you even read the image? he said that the one person disagrees from EN and ID are very unknown and has no presence in bilibili. this thing only falls into Nerissa and Iofi

>> No.78318037

It's fake and gay, though he said "literally who's", to chinks, from ID and EN. So it literally can't be Gura, since every Vtuber fag on the planet is vaguely familiar with her. Most likely some chuuba, who isn't omnipresent interms of appeal, who has no connection to chinks, like others said Nerissa and probably Lofi / Ollie

>> No.78318175
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>> No.78318195

Must suck to have asian parents. Not even a white people thing to have good parents, since i'm a Kurd / Jew mutt and my parents were always loving and supportive

>> No.78318196

I don't want anyone working with this guy, but the scandal that is predictably coming is going to be hilarious. Filian getting vtubing banned in china will also be a hilarious double act.

>> No.78318209

this is unironically the reddit board

>> No.78318235

> Filian getting vtubing banned in china
Based, hopefully emperor Winnieh Poo bans Vtubing so we can be free of chinks

>> No.78318443
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>Filian getting vtubing banned in china

>> No.78318484

>Filian getting vtubing banned in china
If she actually manages this I will legit sub to her for the rest of my life just as a thank you.

>> No.78318554

>FBK is eager"
>"Who the fuck are the EN members?"
>"It's because of Genshin" despite Hololive practically making theirs RN
>"Yeah, I know my stuff, believe me"
DYRBI?, sounds like sister fanfiction of the highest caliber.

>> No.78318568

ow my fucking eyes

>> No.78318581

This amount of bullshit hasn't been seen since Microsoft showed their Scorpio bullshit on E3 years ago.

>> No.78318585
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god I hope so.
That reminds me. Anyone remember that time China tried to have official vtubers and the chinamen told them to fuck off and stop wasting money on useless crap?

>> No.78318602
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>> No.78318612

Once again leave to a chinese to remind us all making deals with chinks is morally, economically and objectively wrong.

>> No.78318627

Lmao sayu now colluding with the enemy since she's signed to Noa. Aimee goddamned she's cursed she can't catch a break.

>> No.78318649

He said they were unknown, but he's Chinese. He needs to save face by claiming that the ones who disagreed were nobodies, even if it's a bold faced lie. Really I think it could be any of them, or even most of them.

>> No.78318690
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>can she say no? They all agreed
Wtf they’re holding holos on gun point. Literally

>> No.78318713
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ah, much better
thank you anon

>> No.78318725
File: 17 KB, 112x112, sayuwupat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>joins Nijisanji
>gets Zaioned
>slowly recovers and gets a 3D modeler
>her 3D modeler beats his fucking cat while her face is plastered all over the screen
>joins another company, uses lawyers to make sure she's safe
>this happens

>> No.78318735

yes the person(1 from EN and ID) are unknown to them and only Nerissa and Iofi are pretty much unknown to bilibili

>> No.78318791
File: 22 KB, 220x167, xi kiss my ass club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They never understood who was always in command. China being typical China will demand an apology from cover or they will cease their business dealing again holozhangs will cope and find every excuse to deflect from the fact that they sucked chinks dicks this entire time to own the sisters for nothing.

>> No.78318807

This is very much a chained dog behind the fence barking at people walking down the street. Most of it reads as just blatant lying in tone and cadence, almost bordering on sarcasm; desperately trying to show power to those wanting to listen. Im sure fbk wants to risk her chat overrun with bots for another 20 months and haachama totally forgets and forgives the incredibly wholesome fans from B2 in 2020. What can one expect from a major shareholder of a corpo with a ton to gain and clout to chase, though?

>> No.78318829
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>> No.78318846

Pretty sure that's just a translation choice

>> No.78318890

That's some delicious communist dictatorship propaganda, jesus. lol

>> No.78318904

If Gura refused he would say "literally who"

>> No.78318921

Is her general aware of this? If anyone has a duty to stop their oshi doing dumb shit it's them

>> No.78318935

Terraria reference btw

>> No.78318952

Because chinese fans want Hololive back and this guy acting unprofessional could jeopardize it even if what he said was true. This isn't some nobody talking shit but the CEO of the company that's acting as Cover's partner to operate in China.

>> No.78318975
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>twitch thots will save us from the bug menace

>> No.78319008
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We know. And she knows we know. At the same time she says she's safe from this shit, so all we can do is trust her that she's learned enough by now with her lawyers that they can protect her from any nastiness that might blow up on her.

>> No.78319032

People actually believe that utter BS? Shows that IQ in these boards is really low.

>> No.78319038

sounds like your mother is dead zhang

>> No.78319041

Did they invite Lumi or Veibae yet?

>> No.78319043

filian is known for having edgy humor, no filter, and completely ignoring twitter warriors and internet drama. shes probably the most hated EN vtuber by twitter/niji sisters. if they dont force her to do a pre recorded stream, theres a really good chance she says something stupid and gets canceled by china

>> No.78319049
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>the boy's name roughly translates as "red flag flutters freely", while his sibling is "rivers and mountains are beautiful"

>> No.78319062

your mom is dead and a whore

>> No.78319079

Cope sayucuck why is your oshi always caught in the middle of drama or somebody else's drama. She's cursed.

>> No.78319087

doesn't matter if it's true or not, the problem is >>78318952

>> No.78319090

Erm according to rule 1 publicly available information is dox. Reported.

>> No.78319094

You're still thinking he's telling the truth, and logically deducing who that would be. I'm saying he's lying through his teeth and there's more than 2 people that disagreed and they're not unknown. He's trying to save face.

>> No.78319114

nope. he is telling the truth
chinese people don't lie

>> No.78319118
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>her 3D modeler beats his fucking cat while her face is plastered all over the screen
I beg your pardon?

>> No.78319130

you forgot the part where the retarded rules only apply when it benefits hololive

>> No.78319137

In that case godspeed and pray for minimal Chinese fuckery

>> No.78319160

Seriously, even Americans pull that "literally who?" card when they know exactly who the person is. It's not even that uncommon, chinks are just 200x more extreme about it because the breathe and shit bluster so hard it makes Trump look down-to-earth.

>> No.78319166

Why are you even entertaining what this guy said? He has every incentive to lie about how much holos want to stream on b2.

>> No.78319173

anon, wtf are you talking about, sayu is and always will be an american prochink by choice, you are fooling nobody.

>> No.78319182

Just popping into this shitfire of a thread with no context to ask all anons to look at this comment. Look at this comment and realise you're spending your time arguing with this. Be best, as they say. Your reply will not be viewed or responded to. Thanks. Be Best.

>> No.78319191

>lands in a reeducation camp
>never seen again
oh no no no no

>> No.78319199
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>Filian getting vtubing banned in china will also be a hilarious double act.
Elaborate retard, I need the fucking context for why despite a gorillion menheras fucking up really bad, it might be fucking Filian the reason why VTubing gets completely obliterated from China.

Honestly, if you take the text and switch his statements for the opposite, it all clicks. Too much actually.
>They (Holos) don't want to return to BiliBili (they begged them to go back)
>Go watch Aqua and stop asking questions plz, i can't say shit without breaking NDAs
>We had to promise them initially Genshin perms or else they weren't even bothering with a negotiation
>FBK wasn't eager to return (understandable)
>Suisei barely agreed in-time for the BiBBIDIBA video to go up (otherwise it was over)
>Haato didn't agree fast, and doesn't want to apologize (because she already did way back and it didn't work)
>Okayu disagreed initially
>Trying to make it look like the vast majority of EN and ID didn't disagree and the ones who did were nobodies when likely the big ones from the non-JP branch disagreed alongside almost everyone else in them save for one or two members (likely Kobo and IDK about the EN side but I suspect Kiara or Bae for naive reasons)
>Everyone had to agree in the end because corporate and investors pushed for it or else (Was Mel canned for refusing to go with this?, that is a Selen-sized oof)
>"Trust me, Pekora and Marine defo didn't say anything against it, definitely, yeah, right..." (lol)
>Dude tries to avoid talking about the extinct HoloCN (which makes sense, they are all not Holos anymore or MIA like Yoghurt)
It's all save-face statements to not get canned by the viewers of his stream who only want to hear good things and also while trying to not get legally fucked by saying something he can't say or confirm.

>> No.78319212

This guy also said in his latest stream that Hololive will focus on Bilibili instead of Youtube for this 2nd half of the year which means more stream in Bilibili and lesser stream in Youtube

>> No.78319237

cope jailbird. your oshi is unknown in china

>> No.78319250

Shonzo, the guy who was working on her 3D model, got cancelled for beating his cat on stream. He was working on her 3D model at the time, so her face was on the screen as well as the WIP model. She was still in the "Twitter fucking hates me and every time I get brought up I'm worried about receiving a pipe bomb" phase, so she had to drop him immediately to distance and protect herself.

>> No.78319259

I wish all of hololive was unknown in China.

>> No.78319286

we chinese saved hololive when japan didnt care about them

>> No.78319289


>> No.78319305
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Which operator are you with?

>> No.78319328

Maybe if you support half as much anti-ing ex-livers, your shitstained company might have livers that are higher than 1 finana. Nice larping paki-chan.

>> No.78319346
File: 118 KB, 238x216, 1708616993418128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayu and Fool's Gold Contracts, truly the OTP

>> No.78319347

Everyone is missing the point about what was said. Ceo is deploying ccp tactics. He is literally calling the girls that want nothing with them who vtubers and basically gave the how dare you refuse to stream for us! Complaints this is only the beginning for hololive productions. They signed a deal with the wrong devil for money and look where it lead them back to the same situation 4 years ago.

>> No.78319416

This is what the chinese b2 guy commented in this reddit post

"as a Chinese and Bilibili user, firstly, this is old, was before the planned and cancelled matsuri stream, and later he apologized for everything and never talked about anything about holo since.

in China, many people don't trust him too, even among the holo fans in China, many people don't trust him could bring holo back, that's why he said things like these, he tried to prove himself.

as a result, i believe the holo members are probably okay with return but not as he said eager to stream asap.

>> No.78319433

I fell for this bait right now. Real hard.
Take the (You). Deserved.

There's no way to reset the clock, nobody make a fucking Kronii joke, so it's time to just wait until the Yab happens and try to put out the fires (again) and then account for our inevitable losses, be it talent or business oportunities (again). Worst case scenario?, COVER has a NijiEN moment somehow, I cannot imagine how tho.

>> No.78319459

also this was his apology after the stream OP was talking about

>> No.78319498
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fubuki? hahaha in the end she bowerd down to the superior chinese yuan

>> No.78319503

Nah I welcome it

It's not like the zhang-saga was necessarily a 'bad' thing for Hololive. It's one of the big reasons Hololive ended up conquering the EN market. 'Nyiiiggggaaa~', 'GOOD MORNING MOTHER FUCKERS', and '目抱但訴澡加文封候壯上!' were all major contributions. This could very well lead to another outpouring of support from other regions should it really result in another boxer rebellion

>> No.78319509

NTA, but I thought that "beating the cat" was some local synonym for beating the meat

>> No.78319535

I saw the video and it was pretty unclear. It just sounded like he was doing that slap-patting thing some pets like, not actually hitting it. I'd say since Sayu has so many antis they saw he was the modeler and decided to cancel him for it.

>> No.78319540

idk why is this dugged up again but the CEO already apologized

>> No.78319584

Assuming this isreal it's astounding to me Cover actually tried to reach a hand out to the chinks only to have them slam their fingers in the car door lmao
Dumb fucks should have never allowed the retard Kobo to touch it and kept snubbing the snakes.

>> No.78319588

Combine it with the fact that cover's stocks continue to freefall, it's no wonder holoniggers are seething and deflecting all across the catalog.

>> No.78319598

Genuinely, why are Chicoms like this?

>> No.78319601

zhang cope. maggots chew on your mother.

>> No.78319636

the guy already apologized. he said it was just an impulse of him thats why he said that.

>> No.78319642

You sound Chinese.

>> No.78319644

Right now China and Russia are in some fucked up /pol/ tier bs (RL so Hololive going in now could get them in a heated situation so it might actually cause them to catch a second wind of support if they get forced to retreat or flat-out kicked from China.
These things will happen in this same year. It's gonna be fucking wild when we get near the last 2 quarters of the year.
I hope Marine doesn't get any hate. She's my Oshi.

>> No.78319649

I mean if you are going to have state run vtubers at least hire fun academic people ala Raden, like give the alcoholic master/phd student in Chinese a vtuber model and let him/her talk about chinese literature with interspersed gaming streams where he/she shits on the writing. As a government program it wouldnt even be noticeable on the treasury because who the fuck cares about funding like, at most, 10 people that are working to spread interest in culture shit to the young chinks in a country of 1.4 billion people.
And to make it not seen as a government program just hide it behind some vtuber agency
Please send consultancy fee in USD and not yuan, thanks Xi

>> No.78319652

No he hit his cat until it made sad noises because it kept interrupting his stream.
The 15 second clip that got spread everywhere had Sayu's face in the background so she was getting dragged in.

>> No.78319679

>He's sorry he got found out
Good to know. Still a grubby little chink.

>> No.78319707

willing to bet that the roommates of these vtubers were summarily executed for offending the feelings of chinese people.

>> No.78319725

Lmao, fucking chinks can't help themselves

>> No.78319747
File: 350 KB, 728x442, 2020-07-20-5-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he calls holomems "livers" due to bad english

>> No.78319754
File: 22 KB, 842x254, ESL fwmc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT pagpag and bugs

>> No.78319764

So because he apologized that makes it all okay? As you can already tell by his reaction to women not wanting to stream on b2 the man obviously have a short fuse and communist pride. This won't be the first and last you'll hear from this guy. You see the more he keep making headlines in china the more people will end up seeing his shit over there and is going to turn into a fucking snow ball going down a hill.

>> No.78319770

>no u

>> No.78319788

unclear if he was actually beating it or just doing something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtAGxKrj3Qs

the actual nail in the coffin was his reaction to some black vtuber wanting to comission a model from him https://twitter.com/SunKenjiVT/status/1753902154656760230

>> No.78319790
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78319814

considering how half the thread is going “chinese don’t ever apologize”, it’s better than nothing

>> No.78319849

So you aren't beating the being chinese allegations Chong Yung Tsun?

>> No.78319894

That's not better at all. You're supposed to cut cancer before it spread.

>> No.78319926

bugmen gonna bug

>> No.78319956

No wonder haachama revived he personal account and got a new design model and became active on twitter and youtube
Hololive sold out

>> No.78320025

Apology is meaningless when that's the character of the CEO, Cover should blacklist his company.

>> No.78320040

He could've said that about anyone to mock them

>> No.78320108

What I don't get is that it's obvious that chinese liked hololive in the early days with their subtitled clips and videos. Why would they turn on hololive completely over showing taiwan in statistics? Why didn't they defend hololive from bad actors in china? That one chinese that subbed the coco aqua raft stream even turned on them. Where were the balls on the good chinese?

>> No.78320123

For me, the funniest part is that cover literally sucked china's cock to let them back in.

>> No.78320157

call me zhang all you want but your mom is still dead and a whore. we need a second tiananmen square for the likes of you.

>> No.78320220

Why was Hololive commenting on internal Chinese affairs?

>> No.78320249

it's just how china is. Everyone needs to prove how they're more patriotic than the next guy because if you're not, you'll be the next target by the hate mob yourself for not being as loyal to the country as everyone else is. It just keeps escalating until people start getting sent to reeducation camps.

>> No.78320260

communism brainrot, if one person starts yelling that a person/company isn't licking CCP boot hard enough then they'll all abandon it for fear of getting gulag'd

>> No.78320268

Probably because you use a taiwan vpn to watch youtube.

>> No.78320272

Communist China as a group is incapable of anything but mindless jingoistic arrogance.

>> No.78320276

I'll explain a bit

Essentially, the same way here in the west we have a problem with performative progressivism (i.e. Streamer calls a friend 'gay' or something, and everyone on twitter shits themselves and climb over each other to criticize the guy as if he was Hitler) China has a problem with performative patriotism, greatly exacerbated by the fact that any critique of that performative patriotism can be interpreted as 'bad think' by the CCP. So imagine twitter reactionaries SANCTIONED AND SPONSORED by their AUTHORITARIAN GOVERNMENT

>> No.78320280

Is that real? How do I find her?

>> No.78320299

>good chinese
literally all bugmen are indoctrinated to lash out the second you even hint towards their country being a festering pile of shit

>> No.78320301

to be fair statistically they have the tiniest microweiners YAGOO prob used his left nostril and it was still quite loose

>> No.78320312
File: 154 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucked is she?

>> No.78320319

Shut up li go eat your yellow batsoup.

>> No.78320332

in your dream, congrats falling for sister dumb rrat

>> No.78320342
File: 86 KB, 1024x638, IMG_2631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cover sucked china's cock
>invites fucking FILIAN
China sucked cover's cock and is sucking every fucking 4view's cock they can find in a desperate attempt to get ANYBODY to use their platform.
Why was china watching youtube and bitching about youtube's analytics? Why weren't they attacking google who put up the charts in the first place instead of coco or haachama for just reading it? Fucking cowards who weren't even legally allowed to watch that stream in the first place to get mad at it.

>> No.78320345

>implying its not the same in the west
Government is going to start sanctioning the left soon. They're already trying to do it by dismissing dissidents as "Deplorables" and "Chuds".

>> No.78320346

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.78320360

台湾是一个国家 台湾是一个国家

>> No.78320381

As always, Sayu has doomed herself to another stretch of time where she will get the wonderful opportunity to be 'strong'

>> No.78320411

Colonial Settlement Boston Massacre Boston Tea Party Declaration of Independence Constitution of the United States of America Louisiana Purchase Battle of New Orleans Monroe Doctrine Era of the Common Man Dred Scott Decision Battle of Gettysburg Battle of the Little Bighorn Haymarket Riot Breakup of Northern Securities Sinking of the Lusitania Stock Market Crash Great Depression World War II Post War United States Korean War Space Race Cold War Cuban Missile Crisis Vietnam War

>> No.78320412

Care to show that "comment" by hololive?

>> No.78320417

nigger there ARE no good chinks, they are all like that just some have no job so they anti harder. Even the fucking holoCN girls were revealed to be snakes who supported the harassment

>> No.78320434

What musician backstabbed Mori like that?

>> No.78320442

she's braindead if she thinks any western-written contract will have any weight in china

>> No.78320446

Yes, real chinese fans, not nationalist faggots. Those can fuck off into the sun for all I care.

>> No.78320474

If a guy that either talks out of is ass or leaks internals is her CEO (if he's lying it's the former, if he's telling the truth the latter).
Very, because it's an indicator for lack of professionalism either way.

>> No.78320480

>Why didn't they defend hololive from bad actors in china?
they cant. once someone gets labeled as an "enemy of china," anyone who defends them can suffer real world consequences. the problem is that any random retard can signal boost a minor issue into a political conflict and a fuck ton of drama vermin tourists will jump in to prove how patriotic they are or whatever. any reasonable fans they might have wont be able to do anything

>> No.78320482

Once a bugman, always a bugman lol

>> No.78320494

the real fans are chinese we were here way before you cumskin homeless transvestittes arrived we made hololive and we can break them if we want to

>> No.78320496

china bad any non chinese will eventually be cancelled and force to leave/graduate.

>> No.78320497

Chinks are also not a hivemind. The regular people were just not louder than their equivalent of a twitter cancel mob.

>> No.78320517

>we made hololive and we can break them if we want to
i want to say this is a falseflag but this really seems to be reflective of CCP entitlement and is the exact reason why even giving these fags the smallest bone is a mistake.

>> No.78320553
File: 612 KB, 939x745, bug-extermination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bug are unwanted, and normally exterminated on site. Now we have a nation of bugman crawling and shitting everywhere.

>> No.78320560

>idk why is this dugged up again
You know exactly why anon, they have a quota of retarded hololive seething threads to keep up
This will be bumped from the bottom of page 10 until it reaches bump limit and then a new, equally retarded replacement will be posted

>> No.78320573

Love that pasta because it exposes the chinks as the filthy bugs they are

>> No.78320577

sounds like a horrible and hostile environment that will absolutely bite anyone in the ass if they choose to stream there, then, and the smart move for anyone not looking to get stung would be to completely stay out of the hornet's nest, and any "good hornets" can leave their nest if they want to enjoy that content.

>> No.78320595

Will Hololive still get to do events in Teipei?

>> No.78320614

That's like saying this board is 100% shitposters. There are some good anons that just love their oshi.

>> No.78320625

didnt knew there was a based pasta

>> No.78320632

but the muuhney

>> No.78320638

chink nationalists are the most pathetic
imagine being nationalist for a country you fled from
there's not a single chinese IP in this whole thread yet they'll still tell you how they're the best lol

>> No.78320654

your mom is dead chink

>> No.78320659

Taipei is part of China so of course they will

>> No.78320704
File: 209 KB, 571x374, 1717349637738065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are these baits still a thing?

Lets spitball the idea that Hololive would actually make a grand return to B2
One week rolls by, half of them are banned for making inappropriate jokes on stream, rest are only a matter of time

now what?
Explain this to me; what is the fucking point of all this constant begging?

>> No.78320706

Not even the chinese want those militant wheelbarrowers, didn't NGA kick them out after Coco's graduation?

>> No.78320716

Correct. It's the current capital of the Republic of China

>> No.78320721

If this leads to Hololive pulling out of China again, good.

>> No.78320731

I almost bought into his rrat until he mentioned that FUBUKI and HAACHAMA of all people desperately wanted to lick chink boots, the two Holos that were attacked the hardest by the bugmen, wanted to go back there? PLEASE.
I'd honestly find it much more believable and possible if he mentioned Aqua and Suisei INSTEAD of Fubuki and Haachama.

>> No.78320744

the recent twisty or whatever her name drama deflection

>> No.78320747

Reminds me the fubuki rrat from china when the taiwan debacle happened.
Anyone has it?
It was a ppasta about fubuki being mad ina meeting or something.

>> No.78320775

wait isreal? Jesas, Sayu... She survived a black company that pandered to the chinks, ONLY to join a chink company later on??

>> No.78320826

A real fan doesn't piss his pants over a demographic.

>> No.78320830

I might be wrong, but isn't Gura massive popularity wise in CN, or was that KR?

>> No.78320839

Tell that to the goddamn Investors who for some reason still holds some power within Cover. Its widely known that those soulles greedy fucks are the ones who wanted Hololive to return to the Chinese market the most, because Money Money Money~

>> No.78320880


>> No.78320916

>we can break them if we want to
Reality proved otherwise, you're nothing more than a stepping stone, now sit down and know your place or else Hololive can just leave again and you can do nothing about it

>> No.78320929

>wants Hololive to fully sell its entire soul to China just so his favorite shark can play a specific game

>> No.78320936

Sayucuck seethe.

>> No.78320957

Because when you have a country of 1.3 billion even 0.00001% of them are numerous enough to cause trouble.

>> No.78320966

yes. That's just a tiny glimpse to their sheer arrogance

>> No.78321028

yet they are here again begging us for our money crying because america is a 3rd world country that cannot provide them the support they need

>> No.78321060

it IS fanfiction. You telling me the two Holos that got hurt the hardest by the Great Chink Attack (FBK and Haachama) are the ones DESPERATELY WANT TO RETURN to China? That's utter bullshit. If he said its Aqua and Suichan instead then it would've made some sense.

>> No.78321064

The hero we need.

>> No.78321083

funny thing is, iirc these two didn't even lasted a week and the whole thing was shut down.

>> No.78321085

Why fight China? Coco’s mother is dead. Just embrace China the money will help Hololive reach a new height and quality never before seen

>> No.78321088

who the fuck is this faggot to call my wives organs

>> No.78321100
File: 460 KB, 3840x2160, 1000001890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AH! you fucker, I fell for that.

>> No.78321145

Protect your oshi at all costs. This is China we're talking about, all kinds of serious fuckery can happen without notice.

Protect Sayu, she's been through hell already.

>> No.78321180

>he said it was just an impulse of him
Very glad Cover chose to work with professionals like him. Fucking christ...

>> No.78321185

>escapes chink reeducation camp
>successfully returns to vtubing
I'd kneel so far the planet's core will be shattered

>> No.78321236

Just fyi wondering if this is some satire, no it isn't. The zhangs notoriously do not understand satire, irony, or sarcasm. Also wasn't Noa the agency that included Sayu in the roster in the leak? Looks like this is going to be a prolonged massive shitshow, stock up on popcorn.

>> No.78321259

sure but did you know? 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.78321273

>begging for money
AHAHAH, deluded chink, free money is free money, it's already proven that Hololive can just say fuck you and fuck off, you can do nothing and despite Hololive already hurt your Chinese feelings you will just suck it up and give your money like a good paypigs and that unironically your only worth

>> No.78321277

>desperately calling this fake after all the previous leaks proving to be true
When you learn that acting like a retarded ostrich is not going to make any of this go away?

>> No.78321375

Niggersanji reposted this too

>> No.78321379

can`t wait for another chink out
subhuman bugmen and cover never fucking learns

>> No.78321420

>his previous prediction came out true so we must ignore the other 15 times he prophesized shit
kek this was the same guy that also tried to spread the aqua is going to quit hololive and go back to china and holofes 4 will have an exclusive b2 event

>> No.78321441

zhang cope your mom is a whore.

>> No.78321496

She's bad at math anon, please understand (or being part of genshin was a bait too good to ignore for her)

>> No.78321524

>only two outright disagreed with China pandering
No wonder the guy is bolstering this hard. In Zhang language, this is interpreted as everyone but these two agreeing. Doesn't matter if they gave a weak "no", a "maybe" or even outright ghosted the chinamen.

>> No.78321541


>> No.78321554

then why is hololive moving to bilibili and leaving youtube. They will start doing exclusive content and less and less content on youtube eventually they will return to their original fandom and leave the homeless transvestites behind

>> No.78321601

Keep calling it all fake just as you did before. I'm sure it will all go away if you do that :)

>> No.78321602

Surely you have a proof for holo leaving youtube, right? I mean, you wouldn't want to disgrace your country by making up blatantly false shit, would you?

>> No.78321634

lol retard
he literally apologized for making shit up for THIS EXACT VIDEO
fuckers dug it out for drama (cause original summary had no names etc)
he didn't say shit since (and matsuri still didn't stream on b2)

>> No.78321669

but it was fake... he literally apologized for it

>> No.78321673

this old from before the matsuri leak that got canceld/was made up

>> No.78321678

Nah, it's a hivemind.

>> No.78321685

He didn't apologize for making shit up tho he apologized for leaking shit and being unprofessional.

>> No.78321690

hololive kneeling down and kissing our feet only one shameful here is you denying reality you cannot stop inevitability soon even your leaders will bow to us and you will be paying our taxes

>> No.78321691

not a hivemind btw

>> No.78321706

a billion people can suck my dick

>> No.78321709

>leaving youtube
now this is some outlandish cope. YouTube is still bigger than B2. Ain't no way in hell Hololive will shift from Youtube-centric activities into Bilibili-centric activities.

>> No.78321738

They aren't, the ones who aren't just can't say it anywhere lest they get dogpiled for being unpatriotic.

>> No.78321740

western homeless transvestites like you already cut off dick. You cannot bare children you are impotent

>> No.78321777

cope chink. your mom is dead and a whore.

>> No.78321783

china is biggest country in the world we control everything even google we want something they will obey our history is 100000 years before you unevolved cavemen even existed

>> No.78321792

All that word salad and sti zero proof.

>> No.78321798

You don't even control a functioning sewage system. Sit your ass back down. The first world countries are talking.

>> No.78321802

You are fat have no house and have sex with men

>> No.78321809

I truly want (you) to really believe this. It would be so much more entertaining than some shit tier shitpost.

>> No.78321823

They just showed a statistics screen you fucking bugman. Your nation will forever be treated like a joke as long as you continue maintain that hollow moon sized ego made of glass

>> No.78321839

you cannot even afford housing whiteman go home and have sex with father it is great american pastime

>> No.78321880
File: 6 KB, 306x164, China....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China huh...

>> No.78321886

there is not even proof that dude is ceo of anything. take not how all the anti china rrats showed up shortly before niji got dumped by billi.

>> No.78321887

You can't even invade a "renegade province" called TAIWAN on your own. You literally had more than 50 years to accomplish that and yet nothing.
Eat shit chinktoid.

>> No.78321934

It was posted here first a day ago but thread was 404'd.

>> No.78321947 [DELETED] 

why invade a province that is already ours? we already invaded america and control your president there is nothing you do you pay taxes to the CCP

>> No.78321968

My boss is a nigger but acts like chinese

Kek just like what Em describe in Houdini

>> No.78321970

>already ours
I don't see the PRC national Flag anywhere on Taiwan, buddy.

>> No.78322018

Taipei is part of china it has surrendered it sovereignty you are only brainwashed by american propaganda and meddling in our local affairs. We do not stop and meddle you fron wearing the rainbow and having sex with your father

>> No.78322023

>Was Mel canned for refusing to go with this?
The Banpire got the boot for blabbing about Hololive revenue cuts to another chuuba, who then ratted her out out of jealousy. Cover had to kick her since an NDA breach is an NDA breach.

>> No.78322038 [DELETED] 

sure Ching Chong whatever helps you cope in the reeducation camp

>> No.78322053

no he did mention how he was spreading unconfirmed info

>> No.78322064

I accept your defeat and surrender homeless albino transvestite

>> No.78322082


>> No.78322105

independent nation of tawain btw

>> No.78322178
File: 73 KB, 588x617, 1718582339176816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haachama says hi to commie the pooh

>> No.78322180

Okay everyone should know this was way before Kobo actually streamed in there and he had to apologize for talking too much. He hasn't streamed ever since. Even chinks don't believe most of what he says, he does specialize in bringing vtubers over to b2 because of his connections but not known for being a... Sincere person.

>> No.78322190 [DELETED] 

chink you mom is dead and maggots chew on her corpse, spreading lies on 4chinz wont bring her back.

>> No.78322197

Obviously true post, that Korean guy in the bilibili video who I've never seen before in my life is my Dad
I'm also the translator who only speaks Spanish

>> No.78322206

What was fake? He said Kobo and Matsuri will be part of BMl and you called it fake because Cover is obviously anti-China. Don't try to rewrite history now.

>> No.78322228

>bottom right

>> No.78322236 [DELETED] 

as I said, eat shit (literal shit) chinktoid.

>> No.78322272

What's the point of posting this? This is a phrase used by officials who desperately want everyone to be offended about the same things.
By this logic all Americans are on board with tranny kids and funding the war in Ukraine because government officials said so.

>> No.78322275


>> No.78322285

As someone who knows his reputation. He is fake. He has a tendency to exaggerate and act like he knows everything, chinks made fun of him when he had to put an apology up. Yes, he is the middleman, but he does not have access to whatever Cover and the girls might have spoken about when making the deal, and if you believe it I will just categorize you as a dramafag

>> No.78322292

Kinda funny saying this, 'cause some of the hottest crossplayers selling gay content come from China. lmao

>> No.78322327

Just more proof that zhangs are gay

>> No.78322338


>> No.78322349

>Yes, he is the middleman
That's all I need to know. Fuck him and fuck Cover for working with this doodoo when no fans wanted this.

>> No.78322350

roboco put her up to this.

>> No.78322351

And yet hololive has returned to China just like he said and you called it all fake.

>> No.78322353

Baby's first communist propanganda... If 1% is true then 100% is true. Because that's just the way it is.

>> No.78322364

ive yet to see that dude is ceo of anything. until then its some chink schizo trying to sour holo/the west relations with billi. dont know why but i assume its money

>> No.78322382

Hopefully if enough of a stink about this is made some autists will piece together the puzzle and present it in a digestible format. But until then the rrats run rampant

>> No.78322405

You forgot to mention that Impending Doom Approaches Inevitably.

>> No.78322410


>> No.78322424

Didn't the leak happen before he said anything?
I remember seeing the leak but only the image

>> No.78322437

hes connected to hoyoverse thats why sayu joined his corpo immediately

>> No.78322439

Kamishiro Rita, the former Prism girl. She's in the same new corp Sayu is.

>> No.78322442

I must clarify that he is the CEO, not even the one actually handling everything. His company also will be handling Sayu, Mikeneko, Mythic talents, etc. He pretty much has a monopoly there.

>> No.78322470

soon that prostitute will be down as China pulls down her hair and force her to shave it all off

>> No.78322478

I can only hope they were unaware before they signed up. I'd feel extremely regretful if I was bound to this guy by contract for any length of time.

>> No.78322493

just saying that doesnt proof it retard try again

>> No.78322501

I dunno why you are (You)ing me, even his chinks didn't believe him and I personally don't care. I watch Hololive because I like their girls and I have a good time with them.

>> No.78322510
File: 18 KB, 702x157, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another schizo doing vagueposting which already didnt materialize

>> No.78322509

So he's straight up lying?

>> No.78322522

He might be just a fake hype man for them for all we know tbqh.

>> No.78322536

How the fuck do you monopolise foreign vtubing in China? Can't they find a better person to manage them instead of this dramamongering faggot?

>> No.78322549

all everyone that buys them are americans because american woman looks like man and your men liked fellow men

>> No.78322564

What he has said has now turned out true. I don't understand what the point of continuing to call it fake is other than cope. Hololive is back in China just like he claimed. It doesn't matter one bit how many people thought it was fake when it happened just like he said it would.

>> No.78322573

So fucking based.
Excellent work Chamers!

>> No.78322578

Y e s. Literally chinks know this guy is only the CEO because he has too much money and bought the majority shares, he does not have any permission to actually interact with the members and chinks also know 99% of what he says is fake hype for himself.

>> No.78322592

The usual then.

>> No.78322604

Mooooooooooneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! He is upper class Chinese, so unless someone else with more money comes in and takes away all his connections, most vtubers coming to b2 are under that company.

>> No.78322647

Okay, you have to be retarded. I already explained that yes, he is the CEO of the middleman company, so he is able to know there will be a deal for content, but HE IS NOT ABLE to know anything the girls might have spoken to Cover about it or their personal feelings. Get it now? Any futher than this needed to be explained and I will recommend you get yourself checked for down syndrome.

>> No.78322673

Doesn't make the gay manwhore any less Chinese. Chinese men are selling themselves to white men for gay sex. 10000 years of Chinese history pinned down underneath an overweight white man getting fucked in the ass for the pleasure of America.

>> No.78322687

Bingo! Chink saying shit only to prop himself up? Constantly having to get their social credit messes up with their mind.

>> No.78322686

I don't ever believe a single thing that comes out of a Chinese person's mouth

>> No.78322865

He already knew that Kobo and Matsuri will come back and you called it fake.

>> No.78322899

nta but he's the dude that said Holofes will have an exclusive B2 portion which ofc wasn't true. And Chinks are well known for their bs

>> No.78323091

Don't talk to me again, you down syndrome kid.
Thank you for giving me some faith that there are people with braincells in this thread

>> No.78323309

But you're the one with down syndrome. You're currently coping and claiming that no one else will go back to bilibili while more abd more holos are appearing there just as he claimed.

>> No.78323447

someone post some proof that that guy is the CEO of Metishon. otherwise all of the above is fake and gay. also OP's mother is dead and a whore.

>> No.78323562

Why does that matter at all? He was the one who leaked that Kobo and Matsuri will join an event on bilibili.

>> No.78323654

What cope? I don't care if they come back to b2 or not, I am here giving insight on the guy and why a lot of people don't trust most of what he says. AGAIN and ONE LAST TIME: He is able to know there is a deal with Cover. He is not able to interact with the members in the way he is claiming, nor he is able to know any inner talks between Cover and the talents.

>> No.78323679

I believe BML guests were leaked before this man said anything

>> No.78323708

Yes. They were.

>> No.78323765

The leak came from him.

>> No.78323834

He knows who's coming back and who isn't. He doesn't need a direct line of contact to know that.

>> No.78323956

And yet in his apology he said:
'>These pieces of information were uncertain and unofficial. Please refer to official announcements for accurate information.
>I apologize for any worry caused to fans of the related content. We are explaining the situation to those involved and ensuring that future information is accurate and verified.

He got bonked and chinks made fun of him.

>> No.78324119

That doesn't make the information fake, retard. You have alraady seen that it's all turning out to be true.
