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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77415085 No.77415085 [Reply] [Original]

> Staff confirmed the network problem came from Phase side
> The "miscommunication" is about whether they should continue this poor network quality stream or not
> The Twitch Offkai mod that made comments in stream is fired
> Admitted that they got asked whether staff got any problem with certain VTubers
> But they INSISTED that Offkai is welcome towards Phase Connect and they made sure Phase members have the best experience, despite what outsiders say about them

Your verdict /vt/ ?


>> No.77415125

I'm not giving this faggot a view, but wheres the proof

>> No.77415131

I don't fucking know, but they have to lynch that fucktard Gustavo or something.

>> No.77415226

Based. I knew it was Phase's fault solely and entirely. Bunch of incompetent morons staffing that shitpit.

>> No.77415322


>> No.77415423

Pippa said this out loud on her stream?

>> No.77415463

I won't believe them until they invite Kirsche back.

>> No.77415488

False confirmed that Gustavo did get fired because of this, so at least there's one W.

>> No.77415562

look you gotta give me something to be mad about

>> No.77415616

Be mad that /vt/ stopped doing their own research and now tune in to False for the latest drama

>> No.77415623

Sure why not.

>> No.77415661


False is the closest dramatubing ever gets to semi-legitimate journalism.

I'll take it.

>> No.77415673

/vt/... Lied?

>> No.77415683

Well no shit dude. You shouldn't assume it's sabotage when tech breaks. It's like thinking that when your car doesn't start, it must be because your roommate poured sugar in the gas tank.

>> No.77415794

because of my job I frequently have to deal with hotel wifi in convention halls and ballrooms, and let me tell you it is the most shitty unreliable connection you'll ever have, doesn't matter what hotel it is. the worst part is they charge out the ASS for it

>> No.77415798
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>this board and other dramatrannies were fooled by the fatfuck fox

>> No.77415850

>not killed
so still at large then

>> No.77415982

>this board
It was entirely Phasekeks and pcg pushing the Punished Pippa narrative. It was just all the Z-list Phase orbiters that went on a spergy about it on Twitter.

>> No.77416137

As a PhasePhaggot it would be nice if we could get some communication from the corpo instead of having to get it through drama channels.

>> No.77416147 [DELETED] 

buy an ad, faggot.

>> No.77416225

By fooled you mean the discord raid?

>> No.77416283

Kirshe isn't Phase

>> No.77416303

But we like false here tho

>> No.77416327

Yeah and then dizzy and fishman become the enemies because "they're in on it".
Maybe try not chimping out next time, it'll remove the need for the corpo to tell you to stfu.

>> No.77416380

he has connections all over the place, so he get the scoops fast. By the time something appears on the board it's already old news and less accurate.

>> No.77416401

Pippa said much the same. They do need to do a better job making sure overt antis aren't modding companies streams, but on the whole seems like a bit of a nothingburger.

>> No.77416493

Hes also viewed as trustworthy so people are more willing to go to him to leak private stuff, and thus far he hasn't screwed any of his sources over yet.

>> No.77416501

I'm well aware. But she was kicked because the volunteers kicked up a fuss, when False's source said the volunteers had been pre-vetted to make sure they didn't have issues with any of the featured streamers.

Them sucking up to Phase because Fish throws fuck-you money at them doesn't mean the problem is fixed.

>> No.77416522

Pretty much. She said there are a lot of people who are saying they are her fans, but really they don't watch streams and are just looking for drama to virtue signal behind. She said if people want to actually help OffKai, instead of boycotting they should go volunteer. And she said that most of the people at OffKai were wonderful. I think overall everyone at Phase had a pretty good time this year. Besides maybe Tenma who is probably dead

>> No.77416556

>he has connections all over the place
Correct, it means he gets "exclusives" (leaks).
>so he get the scoops fast. By the time something appears on the board it's already old news and less accurate.
Totally untrue you will get news way faster /here/ or even on twitter.

>> No.77416597

>pretty much
if its pretty much lets hear her say it then, not false

>> No.77416627

Yeah well she's totally burned those bridges now by leaking her DMs with them and then going on a personal crusade to destroy the con, spreading Alex Jones conspiracy theories about the organizers, she will be lucky to even be allowed as an attendee next year and frankly does not deserve it.

>> No.77416681

Maybe Sakana thought it was funny seeing the Grxit guy going on a witchhunt and shitting on random OffKai volunteers for the way they look.

>> No.77416682

Go watch her stream then dumbass. You're part of the problem. Threadreading but can't be bothered to do anything so much as watch a stream. You're the exact people that Pippa called out. You just want drama that suits your agenda and you don't support anyone. You are as bad as an sister who would rather chase drama than tune in for their oshii.

>> No.77416718

Only thing I'll disparage OffKai about right now is that they really need to get those tech issues sorted. Last year was bad and this year was too. If they wanna stay in the game, they need to step things up and hire some dedicated tech staff.

>> No.77416724

no, I want you to post the source faggot, I am not digging for anything nor am I spreading any information, I'm just watching as shit goes down.

>> No.77416811

>she said that most of the people at OffKai were wonderful
>most of the people

>> No.77416826

No way!
My Chinese toy manufacturing forum would never lie to me

>> No.77416861

>>77416597 see >>77407904
I want you phasefags off my board by tomorrow

>> No.77416890

The fox hag is about to drop something juicy and she's got recordings and everything.


>> No.77416917

>Offkai investigated themselves and found no wrongdoing

>> No.77416934

Dont be such a faggot and do your reps fag

>> No.77416937

>I want you to post the source faggot
Go watch the stream!

>> No.77417006

What stream, what timestamp, I don't watch pippa or any phase connect person for that matter, and I will not give a drama faggot a view either so false is off the table.

>> No.77417029 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.35 MB, 500x500, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fh3p3pl.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chimping out next time

>> No.77417039

Watch Pippa's stream

>> No.77417085

amazing, which one, what timestamp, you know that youtube has a way you can link that right?

>> No.77417097

I expect all vtubers to have jiggle tits but why are hers to elastic? This is my first time ever seeing her but the slightest move takes them from 0 to 100G then back to 0 in half a second.

>> No.77417124
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this is gonna blow your mind

>> No.77417173

cool, I'll just click her debut stream
oh nothing there, cool guess she never said anything about it

>> No.77417252

>don't watch pippa
>don't watch any phase connect
>just wants to dramafag
Why do you care at all if you're not just dramafagging? Just watch False if all your monkey brain cares about is drama.

>> No.77417299

That guy is such a fucking faggot. I don't know why the girls keep associating with him.

>> No.77417328

Look at her fucking channel. She's only done 1 stream since Offkai ended. GEE I WONDER WHAT STREAM SHE TALKED ABOUT HER EXPERIENCE AT OFFKAI THIS YEAR IN

>> No.77417340

Just caught up with the offkai stream.
I'm so fucking done with pippa.
>just volunteer bro
She fucking knows that management of offkai were just deferring to blaming the volunteers as an excuse, when they really are just hyper liberal californians who chomp at the bit to screw over "le alt right" internet personalities that they are deluded over. She knows this but she still tells you to support them (and let them pocket the revenue while you work for free, paying themselves large salaries and hiding behind non-profit status in typical convention grift fashion). She knows this but she played the standoffish:
>don't talk about it
>it's YOU causing the drama by talking about it (not them doing it in the first place)
>I'm hiding the chat because I don't want to respond
>I'm muting you for caring that vtubing is slowly getting ruined by lefties like every other goddamn hobby
>"You're just hungry for blood you don't represent the fanbase, they don't even watch streams"

Pippa, the only people who care about any of this, are literally the ones who care about you and phase connect most out of anyone. They're your goddamn CORE audience. The ones who actually pay fucking attention.

The takes have gotten so goddamn awful, and at this point it's just expected that they will continue to be awful in the future. It's impossible to support someone who doesn't want to be supported. I'm done dude. I'm touching grass. This girl has turned milquetoast.

>> No.77417374

I dont want to dramafag, I want proof of things, how is it dramafagging to get proof of shit you retard, I will not give false a view because he IS dramafagging

>> No.77417414

>they really are just hyper liberal californians
Okay /pol/.

>> No.77417445

>I don't know why the girls keep associating with him.
they think he funny

>> No.77417454

post source faggot, and in regards to offkai sabotage and not to the kirsche banning
>you can't because it doesn't exist

>> No.77417489

>they really are just hyper liberal californians
idk bro, most people who get involved in the organizational level of anything are lefty types looking to enforce their ideology, she's actually right about this one. if you don't want that then you gotta be the one to step up and help maintain at least a facade of neutrality

>> No.77417498

You've never needed your meds more than you do right now.

>> No.77417515

>next year for offkai
okay troon

>> No.77417534

Phasecuck pulled the victim card and tried to throw offkai under the bus. Typical nigger behaviour

>> No.77417551

>vtubing is slowly getting ruined by lefties
dude 90% of vtubers are lefties, the other 10% are liberals

>> No.77417567

>staff claims they aren't criminally liable for what their staff and endorsed volunteers did
>you must beleeb it

>> No.77417630

>if you don't want that then you gotta be the one to step up and help maintain at least a facade of neutrality
For some reason lefty types can do it but the anti-woke people cant (No wonder they always lose to lefty types)

>> No.77417674

Pippa has been like this for a long time, people are only noticing now that she's fully jumped the shark. She realized that to get big in vtubing you need to appeal to more than an extremely niche audience, just having schizos watch her isn't going to make her rich.

>> No.77417676

Obvious lie, if there was no sabotage there was no reason to fire anyone, plus pippa have no credibility, the same goes for fish and any in the company because they were part of the problem, if anything it looks like fish is trying to control the narrative like he usually does, even more so now that those in offkai are trying to save their reputation.

>> No.77417682

PROOF that "next year" means the same convention?
What's that, you have no proof and you're a retard? That tracks.

>> No.77417730

you want proof of shit that you only care about because you're a dramafag. You have no horse in this race, why do you care besides drama?

>> No.77417736

Go cry about it in your hugbox

>> No.77417752

so you can easily post a link and timecode where she absolves the marxist volunteers?

>> No.77417764
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>apply for volunteer
>"what are your socials?"
>link my twitter
>only followers are bots
>no posts, only retweets of oshi lewds
>"you're hired, anon!"

>> No.77417773

Ah, more the reason to not believe it.

>> No.77417803

>people are only noticing now
what? this is old news, do you even watch Pippa?

>> No.77417838

>lefty types are good at lying to your face while planning to attack you
Yes we know, retard.

>> No.77417863

I just think people, all people, should post sources to any claims. False could be making all this shit up, unless there is verified evidence that an actual person is giving him this information instead of "trust me bro it's a good source"

>> No.77417891

OH WAIT ! that didn't happen in fact they'll be back next year which means your narrative has been busted

now the burden of proof is on you that offkai was terrible for phase

>> No.77417896

>hosts a big party for everyone
>does it for free
>even overall the thing probably loses money
>but their tech is in shambles
>and they insulted a fat tub of lard
>attacking you

>> No.77417920

>Yes we know, retard.
if you know why they keep winning?

>> No.77418008

>person is saying they just changed their mind about her now
Huh, I wonder why I said people are only noticing now. If you actually watch her yeah you'd have realized by now, but even normies that never watch her are figuring it out.

>> No.77418016

>feigns ignorance like a typical leftard

>> No.77418080

Wouldn't it be because they showcased a nasty attitude and fueled the flames? I would definitely tell them to never volunteer again. It means their screening needs to go a bit harder next time.

>> No.77418098

This is exactly what Nyanners did lmfao. People were calling her Nyanners 2.0 two years ago when she started inclining, even predicted that she'd turn on /here/ fags once she got popular enough. Looks like /vt/ was right once again.

>> No.77418102

I'd say it's better than actual righty ignorance but at least you guys seem happy, kind of.

>> No.77418144

Its a functional moral issue of 'are you okay with intentionally polluting existing environmental systems to no longer serve their designed purpose' which one side is okay with and the other side isnt.

>> No.77418279

narratives destroyed
dramafags that don't even watch streams seething

>> No.77418291

Of course they're lying
What the fuck do you expect them to come out and admit they fucked with one of the sponsors? Nobody would join next year

>> No.77418292

>I will not give false a view
ah here you go bro I got you

>> No.77418310

I thought this was a Mongolian basket weaving forum..

>> No.77418332

>they keep winning

>> No.77418398

>believing a serial grifter
lmao, even

>> No.77418405

Offkai firing the mod proves they did something wrong. Why fire an innocent man? First the volunteer creeping on vtubers an now this? Relying on unpaid labor from anyone who will show up isn't the best idea.
Pippa and the rest of Phase got told how to talk about this publicly from fishman. I'm sure fishman talked to the actual organizers behind the scenes. That's why they fired the rogue volunteer. Both sides have an interest in letting the drama die. Fish paid for whole artists rows to help with the con, he's got a stake in the two parties working together going forward. Even if Kirsche drops some good receipts about rogue actors on the volunteer staff, expect this controversy to die out quickly.
Anyone just looking to protect Offkai's reputation and viability has a huge motive to lie. I don't think the organizers would sabotage anyone they invited, but rogue volunteers were a problem with them last year.

>> No.77418417

If you're saying that liberals tend to be miserable and diagnosed with mental disorders, then you're correct.

>> No.77418440

What the fuck did you use to record this a damn gramophone?

>> No.77418463

>If you actually watch her yeah you'd have realized by now
1 month after her debut

>> No.77418464

he says it at the beginning the audio is fucked for this one

>> No.77418474

what falmes?, there was no sabotage so there was no flames, remember?, you are pretty much saying they fired someone for no reason.

>> No.77418489

>I don't think the organizers would sabotage anyone they invited
then you still don't understand their mental illness called marxism.

>> No.77418519

I'm suppose to care about the peons?

>> No.77418522

Then why didn't he re-record it? What a fucking unprofessional retard.

>> No.77418528

He seems like the kind of fag who would cry that the "girls have gone woke" if they do.

>> No.77418556

I dunno he could've used that adobe voice synthesis thing it probably would've saved it

>> No.77418566

all you /pol/faggots need to go back to your containment board jesus christ
bunch of braindead retards that have to turn every fucking facet of society into an us vs them issue
kill yourselves

>> No.77418568

I thought you fags didn’t want politics in vtubing?

>> No.77418567

anon, I dont think you understans marxirns either

>> No.77418587

Another thing that would have saved it is if he didn't make it at all, the audio quality would have been perfect then

>> No.77418657

You sound like a retard, anon.

>> No.77418707

Nobody wants politics in vtubing. But the only way to push out lefties is by supporting those who are willing to call them out on their blatant subversion of the medium and stop them from peddling their faggy narrative. So whose side on you on? The troons'? Or those who want to preserve the culture?

>> No.77418718

Kirsche was uninvited due to ideological motivation, this much is clear. There is too much money and clout on the table to fuck with big guests that people have paid to come see. Depending on the contracts signed for Pippa's appearance there is a strong claim for civil liability if sabotage occurred. Offkai has minimal at best vetting and control over volunteers, the con is a disorganized mess. I have no doubt that the saboteur was fired and Offkai and Phase made up. Probably some agreement about getting a trusted volunteer or staff to run Pippa's events next year.

>> No.77418759

It's 4chan inbreeding

>> No.77418772

Everything is political. Cry about it.

>> No.77418773

>but the anti-woke people cant
I think it's just that when the anti-woke people do it, there's no drama and no issues so nobody notices they exist.

>> No.77418774

Gatekeep or be gatekept, same as it always has been. You can throw out bad actors or wait for them to do it to you.

>> No.77418784
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>So whose side on you on? The troons'? Or those who want to preserve the culture?
Did you really just type this out unironically

>> No.77418792

>Kirsche was uninvited due to ideological motivation, this much is clear.
Is being objectively correct an ideology? She's basically everything bad people say about Pippa but worse, an outright negative on the scene with zero redeeming qualities.

>> No.77418797

There's a difference between rrats and news, and the whole problem with getting them here is that there's no way to verify if the leaks are actually leaks or a shitposting anon. Remember the whole "offkai staff are actually sabotaging phase on purpose" came from a rrat post here

>> No.77418823

/pol/fags get the rope too. Get the fuck out.

>> No.77418831

>he says this as he supports fucking Pippa
It has to be a anti skinwalking as one of her fans
It has to be

>> No.77418832

I'm not going to let my rrats be dictated by fact-checkers.

>> No.77418859

I'm not saying you should believe any "leaks" /here/ but that you'll get news way faster than waiting for a dramafaggot to make a video about it.

>> No.77418870

While they're crying about it you should go neck yourself.

>> No.77418892

Troons it is then. Enjoy your DEI mandated slop.

>> No.77418914

It's more like when the anti woke people do it they can't help but sperg out about the liberals destroying society or whatever, just like how when antifa get in they can't help but sperg out about the neo nazis that are around every corner

>> No.77418915

You don't even watch Pippa. Fuck off, tourist.

>> No.77418916

> Admitted that they got asked whether staff got any problem with certain VTubers
Which didn’t work as we know with the mod and the fact that volunteers were bitching about Kirsche
>mod was fired
Which contradicts Offkai’s excuse of how they can’t just fire people who have problems with the attending guests

The details surrounding the alleged sabotage don’t seem to be wrong but some details don’t line up, like above, so I’m still critical of this entire thing

>> No.77418945
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everyone around me is a troon for not wanting to shit on and rrat about a vtuber con that all the vtubers loved

>> No.77418964
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Oh, you're serious.

>> No.77418966

Pippa is a ultra leftie grifter. She supports those troons you want out more than any other vtuber

>> No.77418969

Kirsche is right to shit on the freaks and has never said anything bad enough to get in trouble with Twitch or sponsors. Mariana directly participated in the hate campaign against Pikamee and still gets invited.

>> No.77419030

Stay in /pol/faggot. You've never supported a vtuber in your life.

>> No.77419031

The fags you're replying to will never get it or are directly a part of the problem. If you don't actively keep the activists away they will do it to you as soon as they can.

>> No.77419054


>> No.77419079

I hope everyone involved in this drama, including the people here talking about random bullshit, all get their hands severed so u no longer have to deal with any of you in my hobby.

>> No.77419146

I agree with this guy. >>77418916. There's something fishy about all this. First the leaker comes /here/ admitting there's sabotage, and suddenly OffKai fire one of their volunteers, which they stated earlier they couldn't do. Pippa went from shitting on the con to suddenly defending it. Is she being paid hush money to keep quiet? I wouldn't be surprised if (((they))) have infiltrated the OffKai leadership and struck a deal with Sakana to muzzle the Phase Girls in exchange for more benefits at the next con. There are too many inconsistencies that don't add up.

>> No.77419154

What even is "the culture"? I don't remember Kizuna Ai calling people faggots or troons.

>> No.77419161

People like you aren't welcome here and I'll be happy to push you out. Already got the fag who sabotaged Pippa fired from Offkai.

>> No.77419173

>3dpd cosplay whore in video
Credibility ruined

>> No.77419189


>> No.77419215

This thread is proof the culture war faggots have invaded the hobby and that Kirsche and her band of merry faggots should have been gatekept harder.

>> No.77419216

false is based

>> No.77419240

the leaker is some fag who made it up, like every other leaker in the history of this shitty board

>> No.77419252

Nobody wants either of you faggots. Go rope.

>> No.77419262

Is this satire?

>> No.77419278

Your kind will never belong in this space. Now run along and take your HRT injections, maybe one day you'll pass. Probably not though.

>> No.77419292

>Known holoshill false shifting blame towards rival corpos again
Imagine moi shock!

>> No.77419303

Kizuna Ai never engaged in this shit you fucking idiot. Fuck off you larping faggot.

>> No.77419292,1 [INTERNAL] 

>be me, browsing /vt/ for the 5th hour today instead of touching grass
>another OffKai thread pops up, this time with EXTRA SCHIZO
>mfw Phasefags screech about being SABOTAGED by LE EVIL LIBS
>meanwhile, OffKai defenders are like "IT'S JUST HOTEL WIFI BRO, GET GOOD"
>can't tell if anyone in this thread has ever interacted with a human being outside of Twitch chat

yeah, maybe I am, but at least I'm not delusional enough to think this shit actually matters

>inb4 jannies nuke the thread for being "too political"
like this goddamn board wasn't already a political dumpster fire lmao

>> No.77419292,2 [INTERNAL] 

>be me, browsing /vt/ for the 5th hour today instead of touching grass
>another OffKai thread pops up, this time with EXTRA SCHIZO
>mfw Phasefags screech about being SABOTAGED by LE EVIL LIBS
>meanwhile, OffKai defenders are like "IT'S JUST HOTEL WIFI BRO, GET GOOD"
>can't tell if anyone in this thread has ever interacted with a human being outside of Twitch chat

yeah, maybe I am, but at least I'm not delusional enough to think this shit actually matters

>inb4 jannies nuke the thread for being "too political"
like this goddamn board wasn't already a political dumpster fire lmao

>> No.77419319

back to your containment board cretin

>> No.77419322

Neither of you watch Pippa. Go larp elsewhere, retards.

>> No.77419351

Offkai realized that it was sabotage and acted quickly to put out the fire. They fired the saboteur and are now moving to let the whole thing blow over. Fishman cut a deal with the organizers and now the Phase girls have been told to drop it.
Fags like you will get shit on and bullied out wherever they are found. The Hogwarts shit made even normies hate people like you. It's easy target and isolate leftists now.

>> No.77419361

I'm sure this was a really popular topic for JP vtubers! Drown yourself.

>> No.77419398

Your kind will be the first to go.

>> No.77419409

You have never watched Pippa a day in your life, faggot.

>> No.77419449

>Retard doesn't even know Pippa's own positions.
Oh no no no. You've been found out, tourist.

>> No.77419463
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Either you have tech issues and are are deliberately sabotaging my corpo or you don't know you have tech issues which I'm afraid is even worse

>> No.77419505

Metokur brought me into her community. She escaped 2 view hell by laughing at lolcows and antagonizing troons. No one would know about or care about her if she hadn't built her brand on this shit.
They'll do it to themselves eventually. Troons live online in the mean time. it's no wonder they can be found every time there is some sort of drama.

>> No.77419531

yeah vshojo were there so of course some people weren't going to be wonderful.

>> No.77419547

Krampus was right about everything. Every single goddamn thing he said would happen happened. it's fucking uncanny.

>> No.77419572

>Ignorant faggot can't even pretend to have a mask.

>> No.77419689

Why should Fishman negotiate with the con for more benefits given Offkai has screwed up three times in a row and to the public has screwed Phase twice in a row? Unless he got the deal of the century which would be partial ownership and being able to dictate how the con is run going forward, there's no reason Phase couldn't just proverbially throw the Offkai staff under the bus professionally which would be understandable and then do minimal involvement and try and find another organizer with better track records to try and get a competing con going. Backroom dealings are the worst especially when there's no honesty in public and we know things went down there.

>> No.77419715

The people who are her fans are mad about the fact that an original song that was live streamed was cut off. Either for sakana being Chinese and wanting to put it on spwn or antis working the tech.
Either way it's worth being mad. Anyone saying otherwise is a tourist or an anti. Pippa went pants on head retarded.

>> No.77419719

Bruh she stopped engaging with that shit in early 2022 when she was a low 3view. She didn't become a 4view until like 7 months after the metokur stream. Her biggest stream ever was her showing off her feet. 80% of her content is playing games badly, the remaining 20% are normalfag react streams. She constantly talks about lesbian shit and femboys. She has been saying since her first anniversary that Phase Connect is her number one priority, that she "just wants to grill", just wants to have a good time with her friendetc. How in the fuck did you manage to delude yourself for 2 fucking years?

>> No.77419808

> Staff confirmed the network problem came from Phase side
No shit, once you get their current IP address (which is trivial for stuff insider), you simply DDoS their ass.

>> No.77419851

I love that the only thing he worked out for that role is his biceps. Fuck huge jacked arms, and flab everywhere else

>> No.77419852

Don’t use me to shitpost faggot. Yes there’s some inconsistencies which are suspicious but that’s no need to go full schizo

>> No.77419906

Delete the thread, if we could see IPs it's just two threadshitting retards arguing with each other like we're on twitter

>> No.77419907

She still panders heavily to the edgy 4chan crowd. Most big vtubers won't joke about some of the shit she does. She dove head first into the Hogwarts drama last year. It's true that since then she has toned it down, she doesn't post shit to twitter that could cause a problem anymore.

>> No.77419914

ironic post

>> No.77419952

it was over once the kirsche worshipping /pol/fags entered it

>> No.77420034

What edgy jokes does she even make anymore besides the occasional Walmart thing?

>> No.77420074

Niji was right

>> No.77420077

As opposed to kiwifarms worshipping phasefags?

>> No.77420079

There is nothing ironic about it. It's a direct dickpunch to everyone already subscribing. People are already paying for the content content. A con is an entirely different thing.

>> No.77420224
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Even if it was sabotage no one will be held accountable for their actions just like everything else in the US

>> No.77420498

And who are the faggots that are arguing with these supposed kirsche worshipers? It takes two people to have an argument, retard. Don't act like it's just one side causing this.

>> No.77420611
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>She still panders heavily to the edgy 4chan crowd.
Most of her 4chan fans just want her to be the funny schizo rabbit vtuber and don't care for the drama shit. That was always the kiwifarms part of her audience and they have been steadily losing influence for the past two years. /pcg/ was literally celebrating when Pippa told niggas to stop being slacktivists and just fucking volunteer if they have a problem with how things are run.

>She dove head first into the Hogwarts drama last year
She didn't though. She tried to avoid engaging with that shit for as long as possible and only announced the stream when Pikamee(who she probably talked to at that point) announced her graduation. Also, do you even remember how that stream went? She did a personality quiz, bought plushies and then played the game for like an hour without saying anything about the twitter trannies.
Also she didn't complain about management posting pic related on her twitter.

ALSO, Pippa doesn't hate anyone, if you want to have fun and shitpost with her you are welcome to do that. She didn't tell anyone to leave, all she is asking for is to not be retarded spergs. Based on everything she said and tweeted offkai was the best time in her life, stop trying to ruin it for her by pushing this drama shit she clearly has no interest in.

>> No.77420677

>doxxes kiara
>doesn't hate anybody

>> No.77420841
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now we are entering the next phase

>> No.77420901

kiara doxes herself.
show toes.

>> No.77421209

Pippa said on later about trying to extend the olive branch to the troons that it didn't work and she won't do it again. I want her to stay the schizo yabbit with edgy humor that I watched two years ago. There is a difference between starting drama or diving into it and staying quite when someone tries to sabotage you. Nobody likes the spergs and her telling people not to cause problems for her is nothing new.

What is new is her 180 on the people running Offkai. This sudden change tells me fishman talked to the organizers, they fired the saboteur, and the Phase girls are told to drop the issue. People will move on in a few weeks.

>> No.77421346

Mask off so soon eh?

>> No.77421349

Pippa voted democrat in 2016 and 2020

>> No.77421409

>unnamed source familiar with the events
Trust me bro

>> No.77421413

Nobody cares about your schizo narrative, retard.

>> No.77421456

And I voted for the Kenyan twice before I stopped being an idiot.

>> No.77421484

>What is new is her 180 on the people running Offkai
bruh we literally had the same situation last year. Last year there were also tech issues and she also defended them back then. Maybe I missed something, maybe there are some tweets out there where she complains about the staff or whatever but afaik nothing really changed on Pippa's side of things.

If it makes you happy, every now and then she goes doomer mode and laments her bad decisions in her first few months.

>> No.77421510

>Fired a sabateur after the damage is done
Gosh, that sure means a lot. We're good now!

>> No.77421584

Don't worry you're still an idiot

>> No.77421698

Was the same "saboteur" manually playing phase connect ads over other corpos streams?

>> No.77422705

Why the fuck do leeches have any right to moderate who is coming and who isn't to a con? If you are a volunteer you don't get to tell the con who they can let run a panel and who can't. Its a quid pro quo, you hand out some lanyards and papers, help some people around and you get free entry to the con. That is it. Not more, not less.

>> No.77422888

phase leeches think they were special

>> No.77422979

>Tries to attract tranny audience
>"Lol, just kidding I always hated trannies"

Did this actually happen?

>> No.77423593
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But Kirsche wasn't banned, they even gave her her own trashcan to dig food out of.

>> No.77423755
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>vtubing is slowly getting ruined by lefties

>> No.77423881

Thanks Kirsche

>> No.77423889

Offkai investigated itself and found it was not to blame. DYRBI

>> No.77423924

Yeah, I'd be fuming too if I was Kirsche

>> No.77424043

Kirsche kneeled to OffKai by still doing the meet and greet, and it also proves she wasn't blacklisted.

>> No.77424146

>Rightwingers are bluepilled

>> No.77424377

Better dead than red. Empathize with another living creature and stop masturbating at the idea of playing the victim like every other conservative and the war on christmas that you've all been whining about since the 18th fucking century. Take your meds. Everything "conservative" you value and idolize is a grift from some snake-oil grade-school drop-out.

>> No.77424466
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Funny how Kirsche fans always find a way to self report when they're trying to scapegoat Pippa for all the shit Kirsche was responsible for.

>> No.77424530

>Your verdict /vt/ ?
Offkai troon started it by playing the blame game either way, so they lost in my eyes from the start.

Pretending now its somehow phase that started any rumors is insane, if those narcisistic troons could shut the fuck up for 5 minutes there would be no confusion.

>> No.77424586

Your loose grasp of the English language means that sentence could be read as 'bad people are the ones talking shit about Pippa and Kirsche'.
Seems like her biggest 'redeeming quality' is upsetting people like (You) and everything else is just gravy.

>> No.77424617

Can't they like apologize for being shit and do better next time? Is that too hard?

>> No.77424687

You are knowingly obtuse just to be an asshole and you know it.

>> No.77424831

>false - "Hey, I heard that there were sabotages at offkai"
>offkai saboteur - "I can comfirmed that offkai did not actively sabotage Phase"

>> No.77424840

>Voting against Trump is a bad thing
Go back.

>> No.77425622

Its crazy since we have satements made by that faggot blaming phase out of nowhere, nobody even had any idea who he is, suddenly this random fag in charge of phase booth says phase fucked up.
How the fuck were people not to react?

>> No.77425756

ye its pretty funny how people call her a rightwinger, when up until 2021 she would post how much she loves BLM and how its time to save democracy from Trump
maybe she will rethink it in 2024 but i doubt it, she got to this crowd through Metokur, who is a tim pool tier fence sitter, enlightened liberal

>> No.77425835

He didn't imply it either way. Just how Pippa voted democrat.

>> No.77425903

False is a moron. Always has been. The sooner more people wake up to it the better. Dramatubers have contributed nothing good to the scene and have entirely screwed up the Youtube algorithm with their trash.

>> No.77425918

Lia and Uruka got their Offkai taken away from them by their own company’s incompetence
Pippa at least got to do her tone deaf singing and cripple “dancing”

>> No.77425920

Dramafags have completely ruined this board. I'm at 39 filters and counting.

>> No.77425949

He isn't trustworthy. Stop shilling yourself False.

>> No.77426099

It's not really funny at all. Nobody takes American politics seriously, not even Americans. It's treated as kayfabe wrestling matches, and I can't think of a single truly conservative policy anyone has discussed in over a decade. By saying she's right-wing it's more accurate to say she's aligned herself with a particular group in the outrage olympics. That makes it far less funny and more just sad.

>> No.77426115

Pippa and her genmate Lia literally made out this weekend and she talked about it last night, so of course Phase supports troons

>> No.77426207

Anon coping
>they hate Pippa and what she does so they ruined it
Also anons coping
>nobody hates Pippa, you can't prove it, her reputation is impeccable

I dunno man, one of these has got to give.

>> No.77426225

Lia made out with flayon though, was he with them?

>> No.77426247


>> No.77426263

i cant believe vtubing was made woke by allowing lgbt

>> No.77426298

dramafags don't watch streams, they don't even watch clips, they watch twitter.

>> No.77426300 [DELETED] 
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Who's politics are taken seriously?
Canada's? Germany's? The UK? Sweden's? Ukraine's? Australia's?
Do you realize every fist world country once considered white is suffering from the same disease, right? Or are you one of those NPC retards with no internal monologue and self awareness?

>> No.77426357

>start rambling about Leftists while Pippa is literally kissing women all weekend

Just end it already bro. This works isn’t for you, never was.

You got muted by Pippa. That’s so embarrassing.

>> No.77426386

Pippa actually grew up after some success and understanding what it’s like to have a platform.

You never did.

>> No.77426440

I'm of the belief that she matured and became happier once she actually got friends who care about her. Her gaining a platform is also an aspect I think.

>> No.77426490


>> No.77426506

Pippa’s real friends were with her in the room when shit was hitting the fan on Saturday. Tenma, Lia, Uruka, Sleepy, Lisa, etc. They got thru it together.
Where was Kirche? Sitting on a trash can trying use Pippa a d Phase to spread more rrats.
Kirsche isnt a friend.

>> No.77426525

Pippa CLEARLY gave a very "democratic" answer, considering that she doesn't want to start shit.
"Many volunteers were great. Most of them are really nice people" etc. etc.
Implying that SOME OF THEM are assholes.

Yeah I'm waiting for Kirsche and the release of recordings she has to prove OffKai has some problems, even higher up. She is much deeper into it and doesn't need to "save face" as much as pippa does. The blessings of being independent.

>> No.77426526

And look how well that has gone for us...

>> No.77426556

It’s friends yeah but when she talks about the other girls and her “kohai” it’s clear she feels a level of responsibility to not crash their careers with hers. She has taken responsibility for something seriously for the first time in her life and you can tell by the way she behaves (and openly talks about it.)

Pippa recently saying she considered an-heroing live during year 1 was an awesome admission. She’s in such a better place now mentally and physically. Good stuff.

>> No.77426573
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>They're your goddamn CORE audience
I don't think you know what "core audience" means. Pippa's core audience are the people who show up to her playing part 3 of some mildly interesting game or cute girl collabs where she mostly ignores chat. It's the people who go to some shitty convention to talk to her in person. Her core audience doesn't need her to be LE BASED AND REDPILL, her just being Pippa is enough. Retards who just want to shit-fling off her back and can't even be bothered to read her fucking twitter are definitely not her fucking core audience.

>> No.77426591

Jakposters should be perma'd on-sight

>> No.77426598
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California won

>> No.77426652

Anybody that voted for a senile old man with alzheimer that can barely even talk or walk should be shot in the back of the head. You are a danger to society. If Trump won in 2020 most of the shit happening right now like the war in Ukraine and Israel and the mass migration and insane inflation would have never happened. But women I tell, is no joke when said they shouldn't be allowed to vote or make any decisions. Women are the sole reason Kikes have it so easy to manipulate the system against us because they are incapable of seeing the big picture and fall for propaganda every time.

>> No.77426715



>> No.77426835

I would be more willing to listen to the seething election tourist faggots and their autistic /pol/ soliloquys about offkai and how so and so are ruining vtubing, if they also weren't all kiwifarms/tva/bvtm dramafags that shit up twitter and the catalog, and habitually raid every general on the board for every reason under the sun. You faggots are the cancer ruining vtubing and everything else is a common cold by comparison. I hope kirsche has a house fire because she'll be too fat to escape it, and I hope phase connect goes under just for enabling you as long as they did.

>> No.77426853

>Phase Connect had a good time at offkai
>Pippa literally tells people to stfu and volunteer if they have a problem with how things are run
>this fat retard is still going at it
I don't understand, what's even the objective here?

>> No.77426915
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Grxit, legal griftset, bvtm gator all need to fuck off and die. The sad girl company do not want them around if they're gonna dramafag and cause problems.

>> No.77426946

>pretend to be retarded
>get surrounded with retards
something something consequences

>> No.77426960

If Kirsche continues on trying to drag Phase’s name in the mud, it shows her true colors.

>> No.77426977

>the enemies are at the gates!!!!
>donate to me to fight for the cause!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the same objective it literally always is

>> No.77426987

True. Pippa already shat on them yesterday but there will have to be more considering >>77426715

>> No.77427081

>Pippa said most Offkai staff were nice
>implies not all of them were
>clearly is now mature enough to not drag companies into the mud that works with the company she is employed with
I dunno anon, seems like you can't put 1+1 together

>> No.77427102
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Great crowd they've attracted. These are the kind of people you definitely want to see in vtubing.

>> No.77427246

Thanks Kirsche

>> No.77427272

Jesus you cucks are really desperate aren't you? Time to accept Pippa is a normie who actually likes people and isn't a terminally online failure like you anymore

>> No.77427330

He's definitely large

>> No.77427416

>Pippa is a normie
>Pippa is normie enough to know that she can't lash out against a company that is working together with the company she is employed with
But sure, you are the real fan. The one that doesn't care if OffKai (and not only volunteers) doesn't want her (specifically her) at the convention. Let's forget that they tried to not have her before and only thanks to Fishman she was allowed there.
What a true and good fan you are.

>> No.77427446

All jew occupied countries divide their society among the same social lines, its not just US. Canda, us, germany, france, or even developing countries like poland or ukraine have the same divisions.
The point is to call anybody right of stalin a right winger, so you end up with a zionist socialist milionaire like Trump representing the american "right wing" populism, when both parties are far left, both want to give full power to the state and both have the same tax programs. Vote who ever, most your money will be stolen in taxes that will go to fund war and gibs.
Pippa is a typical shitlib, like the guy who she takes most opinions from Metokur, he has no answers, he just likes to shit on anybody and thinks voting is underneath him since he will drop dead anyway, so he will leech taxes like the parasite he is.

I wonder what at the level of a meltdown if anybody truly on the right, someone closer to a Nick Fuentes would become a vtuber, if pippa is already literally hitler, wonder what that person would be.

>> No.77427556

>The Twitch Offkai mod that made comments in stream is fired
This part caught my attention. If nothing wrong happened why fire someone?

>> No.77427622

Nah, it's just the US. Other countries have real political parties and real elections.

>> No.77427671

This. There were many pushing the sabotaging narrator to virtue signal including the more drama seeking news v-tubers. So there was plenty of motive to exaggerate and rely on 4-chan rrat.

>> No.77427688

>a fucking drama channel has more integrity than an actual corpo
The absolute state of "largest small company" or whatever shit phasecucks like to claim.

>> No.77427697


>1 (one) source
>name redacted
>not official
Yeah, great journalism there buddy. Stop shilling your shit here.

>> No.77427967

Sorry you couldn't grift off v-tubing for your internet brownie points. Back to /pol/ or Nick Rekieta for your hug box and personal demon fighting.

>> No.77428126

Moonshine's video with Kirsche's sneaking into Offkai was the first vid Pippa showed in last night's stream. It was during that video where she mentioned that not everything was perfect but that most volunteers were nice. "Fuck Offkai" and "Fuck the people who say 'Fuck Offkai'" both have the extremes Pippa has a problem with. If you really care about what Pippa said, don't step that far deep into either side of the spectrum just for a drama/hate drug fix. Note also how you mentioned Lisa and how she was also highlighted Pippa's stream, but before some people were trying really hard to say they hate each other just because they weren't actively interacting online often. Trying to pit Pippa against her friends because an outsider wants something negative generally isn't doing her any favors.

>> No.77428157

Mexico just had an election where the 3 main candidates are commies, and the winner is the representative of mexican communist party, while 40 candidates in this election cycle were literally assassinated. Yes thats not a typo, 37 people killed, but worry not, thats "only" one more than in last cycle, where 36 were assassinated. Ukraine just suspended elections while Zalenski made himself king. Putin is on his fifth? term or something, Poland is trying to start war with Russia to drag NATO in as their new ruling party makes a violent takeover of all government institutions. Cadana ruled by a coalition, does China even elect their leader?

US really isnt that special, i wont even get whats going on in Haiti since thats a literal hellhole.

>> No.77428183

Hey dramafag they are going back next year >>77426598

>> No.77428250

>they are going back next year
I would have hoped so. I don't want OffKai to stop existing. I just went them to stop trying to get my oshi thrown out or canceled. Like, just pick your volunteers a bit better.
Are we already forgetting that Pipa almost wasn't allowed one time?

>> No.77428286

>I know, I'll own them by comparing the US to a third world shit hole
Don't let me stop you.

>> No.77428360

You know, everyone knows America is a special clown show because of people like you just proving the point. You can't even look at the rest of the world normally, you think it's all just like you, but nowhere else is such a practical joke and produces people like you.

>> No.77428706

So Phase shat the bed with their side of tech preparations, they shut the fuck up, to divert the blame to OffKai.

>> No.77428771
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"People" are still fuming Pippa shat down them yesterday. Good good. Total dramafags death can't come soon enough.

>> No.77428807


>> No.77428844

the joke writes itself

>> No.77428911

Why? They boosted her by making her a pariah like that. They even let her roleplay out her fetish for being the underdog. If she was funny she would do this every time for every con she attends as a joke.

>> No.77428964

>They boosted her by making her a pariah like that
She should've just embraced the "too hot for offkai" persona more. Still going and doing a meet-n' greet near a trashcan while pushing for "wait for my receipts to drop." makes you sound like a cheap 3rd rate anime villain.

>> No.77428983

We need more wojak vtubers.

>> No.77429029

most demented post ive seen in the history of this board

>> No.77429105

I don't think you know what that word means.

>> No.77429189


>> No.77429248


>> No.77429317

Anon that's basically her entire gimmick outside the "right wing" grifting. She wants to be metokur without any of the gayops or effort to mirror his cult of personality.

>> No.77429326


>> No.77429360

Can you sensitive faggots stop bringing up this literal nothing burger every time anyone mentions Pippa? You can't doxx someone with a mild reference to a video that's publicly available on the internet. Fucking hell you're retarded.

>> No.77430170
File: 18 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sources said that volunteers had been screened to make sure they didn't have issues with any of the featured streamers

one week later

>sources confirmed offkai did not actively sabotage Phase

Jeez get better sources False. Fool me once shame on you etc

>> No.77430438

Try asking fishman and the phasegirls then. The girls praise it and fish is going back next year.

>> No.77430457

>calls others faggots
>insists on being spoonfed
the only thing I'll spoonfeed (You) is more pagpag

>> No.77430500

>and I will not give a drama faggot a view
better not look in the mirror then, retard

>> No.77430556

Last year it was RJ this year Gustavo, what a blunder

>> No.77430571


>> No.77430637
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>> No.77430732
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>> No.77431137

>>sources said that volunteers had been screened to make sure they didn't have issues with any of the featured streamers
Only posts from the staff i saw was how much they hate phase connect. I mean dramafags didnt even have to dig anywhere, same guy who blamed phase posts on twitter how much he hates them.
Also he went out of his way to say it and claimed authority as offkai representative, nobody asked him to do it, but he went out of his way to shit on them.
Seems open and shut case to me.

>> No.77431414

This just goes to show once again that /pol/fags are no different from the SJWs they hate; both groups want to infect and take over hobbies and sub-cultures to push agendas that have nothing to do with the thing they're infiltrating.

They're two sides of the same coin; vtubing (and the world) would be a better place if they all killed themselves.

>> No.77431525

>someone sabotages your show
>you ask who
>"stop asking questions, you are just as bad!"
oy vey
just do nothing like a good goy

>> No.77431549

Wait what? Am I getting gaslit here? I don't remember many people directly attacking Offkai, the only thing people kept attacking was the volunteers and the fact that offkai bent the knee to them kicking out kirsche.
Also I don't think anyone at least anyone I would see thought that Phase would somehow drop offkai for that reason. It was mostly about how offkai failed to provide a good experience and how it badly reflects on the sponsor because of it. You don't drop an event or sponsor because of a small fuckup or not being prepared especially when you are still growing your event.
But holy shit if you have volunteers that can actually boss around the event runners then absolutely fucking de-volunteer them.

>> No.77431598

>phase girls said they had fun at offkai, fishman said they will be there next year
>do not read between the lines
>everything fish and phase girl say is absolutely and 100% what it is written

>Pippa watches Kirsches appearance on offkai and reacts positively to it
>you have to read between the lines
>nothing is that is said by her is what it seems

Okay. Just gotta know the rules. I can adjust.

>> No.77431624

Just imagine being this retarded

>> No.77431633

China does elect their leader. And for a while he has a absolutely blemish free vote turnout with 100% of the parties voting for the same person. Just shows that when its not about ego and trying to grab power for themselves and the primary objective is the good of the people, then the political parties can in fact elect the most capable person. :^)

>> No.77431677

>But holy shit if you have volunteers that can actually boss around the event runners then absolutely fucking de-volunteer them.
What if the event runners also kind of, sort of wanted certain individuals out?
What if this wasn't the first time they tried this?
What if some volunteers were the scapegoats that were sacrificed for the mistake of making it to obvious?

>> No.77431696

Case in point. A resonse no different than some twitterfag screaming racism or transphobia at anything they don't like. You're the same annoying faggots, you just picked a different team.

>> No.77431723

>Pippa, the only people who care about any of this, are literally the ones who care about you and phase connect most out of anyone.
Sure, but how the fuck does complaining and stirring vitriol online help in any way shape or form? Im with pippa on this. Volunteer if you want to see change. Being an ass and starting rats and rumors online won't help anyone, and will just shit up the community.

>> No.77431771

fishman too retarded to realised he got scammed by these fucker, wasting money only to get sabotaged by them, well if fishman smart enough he invest that money to pay actual staff not for venue.

>> No.77431837

huh, why would he get fired if there wasnt a sabotage

>> No.77431968

I'm skeptical False got the whole story. Given the drama that was stirring why hasn't Phase or Pippa or anyone said they were having tech issues?

Why is it that the pre-recorded bits that Offkai had included *part* of a Pippa/Tenma skit? Not even the full thing, just part of it.

Why is this clarification that it was totally Phase's fault and Offkai was doing the best they can coming from an anonymous insider letting Offkai tell a story that completely favors them without having any legal risk attatched if Phase feels they're lying?

This smells like a cover story that's being spread around to anyone they can't just ignore. Maybe the Insider is one of the people spreading it, maybe they're someone who was fed this story, either way it doesn't add up to me.

>> No.77432027

>False got intel
So... it's basically false intel. Got it. :3

>> No.77432059

Hope they sue him

>> No.77432071

Rev fag directly attacked them on twitter.

>> No.77432114

All your questions get their respective answer in the video. You didn't even watch it.

>> No.77432121

I am a bit skeptical on this one since if he told the truth then firing him over just spilling the beans feels a bit too far especially since they've already gone on record saying that they need every volunteer they have.

That said though, in fairness we've seen the volunteer contract and this dude could have been fired for not disclosing he was such a Pippa anti on top of basically leaking the information that Offkai and Phase apparently don't want anyone to know. There's reasonable explanations for the firing that fit with the story False was told.

>> No.77432136

replying isn't an attack, but surely you will link the "attack" any second now.

>> No.77432201

You gotta love how conspiracy brained this place can be
>There HAS to be a targeted effort against Phase
>Human error does not exist
>Everything is calculated
>They HAD to know they hired a Pippa anti

>> No.77432211

>There's a difference between rrats and news
Unfortunately I’m not so sure anymore

>> No.77432295
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I mean sure. Feel free to explain how this is not an attack on offkai and not just on the volunteers.

>> No.77432310

I absolutely did, and that's *why* I have these questions. Did you watch the video? The story False was given is that Phase was having connectivity issues, so they decided to run ads over all the parts except the pre-recorded parts in order to not show a bad stream and it was all Phase's decision.

This doesn't explain why no one other than this anonymous Insider (and the mod who was fired) even hint at this explantion.

This doesn't explain why *part* of a Tenma/Pippa skit was pre-recorded but not all of it (Tenma's song being pre-recorded and starting things off does make sense).

This doesn't explain why even though we've gotten some people from Phase referencing the Drama, no one from Phase or Offkai have put out anything more than, "Sorry the stream wasn't good. :( "

>> No.77432439

>This doesn't explain why *part* of a Tenma/Pippa skit was pre-recorded but not all of it
I assume you never watched an holofes in your life. Which is not surprising.
>This doesn't explain why even though we've gotten some people from Phase referencing the Drama, no one from Phase or Offkai have put out anything more than, "Sorry the stream wasn't good. :( "
This doesn't make sense. What do you want them to say? Offkai said technical issues and an unwanted stream on their official profile. Phase didn't reply implying that's the official version.
>This doesn't explain why no one other than this anonymous Insider (and the mod who was fired) even hint at this explantion.
See above. Offkai official Twitter.

>> No.77432483
File: 14 KB, 320x187, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feel free to explain how this is not an attack
explanation is image related
glad I could help

As a further example:
>You are mentally unwell and decide to read between the lines of one comment, while not doing it with others. This shows your clear bias.
is more of an attack than what you posted, you idiot

>> No.77432562

This is not an attack.
Cringe gloating? Yes.
Attack? Hardly.

>> No.77432598

>Was worth tanking your credibility and reputation
>Criticize something in a strongly or hostile manner
You posted a self own.

>> No.77432666

>companies not shitting on each other on twitter means everything is good
It will all make sense in the next couple of days. Feel free to screenshot this, so you can apologize to me.

>I unironically see this as an attack
I was only memeing with the mentally unwell. I'm sorry that you are actually having mental issues. I hope you seek help and find the help you need.

>> No.77432754

>strongly or hostile manner
>asking if it was worth it is strong or hostile

>> No.77432826

This passive agressive gay shit is definetly hostile.

>> No.77432844

>we investigated ourselves and found no proof of any wrongdoing

>> No.77432864

>Using 2 weeks unironically

>> No.77432976

Please anon, whoever is trying to give it to you, say no to HRT.
You are worth more than you think and you are surrounded by people who love you.

>> No.77433029

Ogey. You need to get your mouth off rev cock tough.

>> No.77433049

>phasecucks lied
Imagine my shock.

>> No.77433262

I thought Phase sponsored this con and made it their own con lol

>> No.77433636

>But holy shit if you have volunteers that can actually boss around the event runners then absolutely fucking de-volunteer them
Glad to see some critical thinking. Consider:

How do you prove that was because biases alone? Kirsche had her only fans among those same volunteers who would of supported her. Why waste the time to do the background check at all if it was already decided from the get go with Kirsche's name? Did the background prove Kirsche was a brand risk? If you have another v-tuber who was very public about questioning why there should even be an MLK day or who is open about thinking Sandy Hook is fake; doesn't a company or an convention have a right to deny them? If Kirsche being denied is a problem why wasn't it a problem the other dozens and dozens of times before or when Niji. was involved?

The issue is more gray than people think.

>> No.77433755

desu maybe the phase girls shouldn't have been vagueposting on twitter if they didn't want to feed the rrats.

>> No.77434253

Rev is not showing any professionalism here. Yeah I know he's dramatic in a lot of his video stuff but there's no standard period with this.

A publicly posted insult insinuating and broad stroking everyone who worked at a convention can be seen as an attack yes. People have been fired from their jobs for lesser PR mistakes.

>> No.77434563

Honestly I believe him.
If Offkai really did sabotage Phase, the people in Phase would have said something instead of just making sad tweets

>> No.77434585

Oh. Also that tranny volunteer got fired so he(male) doesn't get to powertrip anymore.
