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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77359994 No.77359994 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the girls so touchy?

>> No.77360124

That's pretty funny. Didn't know he was that autistic.

>> No.77360220

They're not supposed to really be autistic. He found out the hard way.

>> No.77360627 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 1024x976, 1688004135931594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmm yes I'll have one footlong sub with Holy Boobers and Chair Seasoning please

>> No.77360686

Vesper was just too based to be an idol

>> No.77360706

I wonder who it was.

>> No.77360806


>> No.77360867

I bet it was Kronii

>> No.77361006

I fully believe the autism allegations now.

>> No.77361118

Theres a whole ass audio queue on mori farting on youtube that anyone can listen and watch to. I'm pretty sure it was mori who farted ngl.

Also if youre going to audibly fart and get mad at it, then like dont fart while on camera, i mean yoire gaming for like 4 hours a day and we dont hear you fart, cant you hold it in for a 10 minute meeting or something? Woman baka.

>> No.77361291


>> No.77361390

>Theres a whole ass audio queue on mori farting on youtube that anyone can listen and watch to
The fact you know this is sad.

>> No.77361463

This was at his prior normie job, you retards

>> No.77361531

>Someone farts
>Take a deep over-the-top inhale
>Get fired for """"harassment""""
Man, these women have no sense of humor.

>> No.77361599

It's also fake

>> No.77361605

Why does he say "like" a lot. Is he a ESL fag?

>> No.77361641

He's a fag

>> No.77361699

So who was the brapqueen that got mad?

>> No.77362376

>conference room
Why would hololive girls be in a conference room for holostars?

>> No.77362422

shitty if true. I dont even like his randon shit but feel bad for em. he was funny as shit on that ttrpg stream and didn't seem like a weirdo
yeah after hearing her piss and moan about the sub joke, she's definitely whiny enough to pull that shit

>> No.77362484

Because Cover is small company, please understand

>> No.77362529

It was his job before cover

>> No.77362739
File: 250 KB, 1079x696, 1690116007448483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets a fancy new 2.0 model and really happy about it
>Allegedly loses phone at some convention
>The next day they are just stealth terminated with no goodbye

The mystery of the Vesper/magni stealth termination will never be solved. The gigayab that happened behind the scenes will never be leaked since holo hide their fuckups really well.

>> No.77362769

You mean holobronies cover up their yabs pretty well

>> No.77363650

>Allegedly loses phone at some convention
This is the dumbest, stupidest rrat out of this, together with "oh they were suspended because uuhhhh Magni's music producer who he hired through the company got exposed"

>> No.77363826 [SPOILER] 
File: 204 KB, 500x500, Shee laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... is this what sent him in the neet life?
oh oops sorry, Kek hat a based oji!
pls updoot sisters!

>> No.77363872

This was his former office job
The same job where I think he would leave to go biking without telling anyone

>> No.77365410

He is autistic

>> No.77365524 [DELETED] 

Oh so that's why they suspended him for the first time huh? Current zoomoid males really don't belong in professional settings.

>> No.77366994

so true sis!

>> No.77366996


>> No.77368465

damn he is a weirdo even by /vt/ standards
he is still in his teens mentally

>> No.77369173

I still say the whole social anxiety shit is nothing but LARPs and lies. He seems like a Niji-tier sociopath behind the scenes, just completely spite driven.

>> No.77369258

I think he's a stoner who got dragged into a foreign country by people he wasn't super close with.

>> No.77369779

"Sup Kronii, you get your tits chopped off yet?"

>> No.77369799

I only watched a bit of him, but "spite driven" is the completely opposite impression I got. I get the feeling that he was way too laid back for the corpo life.

>> No.77370030

I think Magni is the spite driven one, but Vesper unironically just didn't want to do most of the things that were seen as benefits and didn't want to deal with managers and perms. I think honestly, He would still be down to play golf with Yagoo and Yagoo probably would be down with it.

>> No.77370191

>"oh they were suspended because uuhhhh Magni's music producer who he hired through the company got exposed"
I don't remember that ever being the theory, though. It was that there may have been potential secret, opsec, and security risks as a result of the producer situation that needed to be handled ASAP, and that may have been a factor in the way those two's suspension was being handled, which was extremely unusual.

>> No.77370882

>got dragged
He actually tried to get some Holopussy in Japan.

>> No.77371059

>Half the thread has zero context and is just regurgitating rrats and impressions from other drama threads.
There is not a single board on this site that is worse at piecing together information and events, and I can only assume it's malicious.

I would sooner trust /b/ to deduce the true events of a presidential assassination than /vt/ to deduce what a chuuba had for breakfast after they'd tweeted pictures of cooking and eating it.

>> No.77371187

Nah he was definitely spite driven, he just knew how to hide it well. In fact he literally outright said his go-to MO for dealing with trolls is to act like nothing bothers him and he doesn't care.
But his seethe leaked out quite a bit because at the end of the day he has a shitposter brain.

The weird ghosting / anti-tempus spergout he had also definitely wasn't just because of being stoned, nor was it because of social anxiety.

>> No.77371563

He doesn't have social anxiety, he has full blown autism and can't comprehend social cues and other people's feelings

>> No.77371564

He couldn't have said "JUST TRYING TO LIGHTEN THE MOOD, GUYS!" right after so people wouldn't misunderstand before banishing him into a corner???

>> No.77371609

>In fact he literally outright said his go-to MO for dealing with trolls is to act like nothing bothers him and he doesn't care.
Are you new enough to the internet to think this is a bad thing?

>> No.77371733

he was pretty unhinged towards the end of his holo career. he raided kiara to piss the “incels” off for example

>> No.77371758

It's not but it also doesn't mean shit when you can't even hide it that well and your passive-aggressive seethe slips through the mask all the time

>> No.77371815

This was so wild watching it from the other side
Kiara clearly was so fucking confused and baffled.

>> No.77371989

>towards the end
He was unhinged pretty early on.

>> No.77372237

Only by HololiveEN standards. Probably the most actually yabai thing he did was say "she has a huge cock" as a provocative pun, and build a phallic tower. Compare that to the rest of the EN vtubing sphere, or even HololiveJP. People would have crucified him for saying a fraction of the things Marine has.

>> No.77372294

>towards the end
He holds the record for fastest suspension in all of holopro anon...

>> No.77372525

I can only imagine how uncomfortable Mori and Kronii got but brushed it off until it got too much too ignore. After all, Kronii made a big scene of collabing with whoever she wants, so she had to stick to it. Now even Mori completely ignores EN homos.

>> No.77372619

>The mystery of the Vesper/magni stealth termination will never be solved
This. People always say "why do you still bring this up 1 year later, rent free etc." but it's because everything from Vesper's menhera arc, the Tempus "rift" and the eventual termination/graduation is a genuine, bona-fide mystery. The rrats are numerous. The speculation will always be enticing.

It doesn't help that Magni's RM has continued acting like an utter dipshit about it since leaving, proving there still is sore feelings.

>> No.77372807

Magni legitimately believe he could have been Selen before Selen

>> No.77372879

How is it a mystery when everything he was doing wrong is out there
From talking about moris PL, to bitching about management, to lying what he was doing, to his mental breakdown in japan, from his unhinged shitstiring with holostars vs hololive, ignoring his own genmates to collab with mori/kronii
How fucking clueless are you people that you cant do 1 hour to do your reps. They very clearly told him they dont want him in holostars if he continues doing this and he fucked off

>> No.77372935

Vesties continue to prove themselves the most autistic fanbase ever for thinking anything that quitter did was 'based'. So glad you fuckers are gone.

>> No.77373171

Anon,he is literally autistic

>> No.77373299

Selen never willingly abandoned her fanbase,unlike Magni kek

>> No.77373351

>Didn't know he was that autistic.

>> No.77373395

Probably, he was so fucking stupid he took them for granted and thought they would just follow him to his fleshtuber bullshit. Fucking narcissist
I still remember how he became public enemy no1 in /MANS/, those sisters fucking hated him more than Vesper after that stunt

>> No.77373414

Are Hololive girls even TRYING?

>> No.77373462

Okay, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't have tried to make the tried and true professional move in the first place. It just means he fucked it up.

>> No.77373475

>he raided kiara to piss the “incels” off for example
Anon, he IS the incel. Or volcel, if you will. He raided because he is autistic and knew people would be mad about it.

>> No.77373553

Nobody ever claimed he shouldn't have tried retard-kun, all I said is that he was spite driven

>> No.77373641

It was implied by the flow of your statements that taking that course of action was itself driven by spite. If that wasn't your intention, then nevermind.

>> No.77373691

Nah I still think the only reason he applied is because his twitch friends wanted to fuck some holos but got hard filtered by cover except for himself. And when the main target gura ghosted them as homos he gave up and has been salty ever since.

>> No.77373826

>only reason he applied is because his twitch friends
I would say to watch streams, but you haven't even watched popular clips.

>> No.77374300

Mori obviously

>> No.77374381

Sure sure the pathological liar is telling the truth this time for sure.

>> No.77376618

Mori would say it herself.

>> No.77377193


>> No.77377951

Nah, people were speculating at the time that it was Tachibana related, it was probably one if the reasons they were fired.

>> No.77378177

no, the tard was probably that office's diversity hire. the woman could only sit there and cry because of this

>> No.77378842

The truth is Vesper hit on Kronii when Kronii just saw him as a friend, he got pissed after getting cast into the friendzone.

>> No.77380087

it's more likely he had his own holy boobers moment. it doesn't really matter if he was trying to flirt or just being autistic. it might not even matter if it was directed at kronii or someone else

>> No.77380567

>And when the main target gura ghosted them
anon he has hinted multiple times as lando that the main target was always a collab with marine and pekora to increase his "weeb clout"

>> No.77381104

lol, that's fucking hilarious though

>> No.77384600


>> No.77385228
File: 34 KB, 340x225, 20 meters Watamelon splash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think the thing that angers me is not that he was autistic (because who isnt in holo really) or that he wanted to rebel against management (because plenty of talents did)

Its that he shoved people who didnt deserve it under the bus. He ruined Tempus stuff, put axel and altair (who he might have or might not have hated but were serious about this stuff) in the spot and then fucked over pako and some girls.

Like say any anti rrat you wanna say but the fact that some girls were willing to take a hit to associate with him and he threw all of them under the bus its wild. Dont exactly know the details but it was either him or magni who left Bae with a half done cover, essentially throwing that money down the drain (and she turned that illustration into a members only wallpaper)

TLDR: i get if you dont like the idol stuff. That's fine.
Just dont be a dipshit

>> No.77385669

which magni friends wanted to fuck which holo

>> No.77386167

I'm inclined to believe that that was magni because the representative color was deep purple and that was more his deal

>> No.77386399

Why is there so much bait about 2 homos that left a year ago? Is the Twisty yab really that bad?

>> No.77386464

It's really not that much of a mystery. There was no gigayab it was just a culmination of the two of them being insufferable behind the scenes and having huge egos. They repeatedly ditched Holostars EN events and collabs and then immediately tried to latch onto the girls or network with Twitch whores. It's very likely they just burned through all their chances and Cover got sick of their shit.

>> No.77386567

>I think I did like 3 of these
If the first one of these "jokes" falling flat didn't tell him to ease up, there was no saving him.

>> No.77388597

Based, he took the attention from her, she may seem him as a villain but he saved her from further embarrassment

>> No.77389413

Should’ve added the main target for his twitch friends was gura. For magni I never watched the guy even before holo to know what he wanted.
Call me Carson I think that’s his name was always showing up on gura tweets begging. I don’t pay attention to twitch to know the others.

>> No.77389457

why would Carson wanted to befriend Gura or fuck her
Why her specifically what did he want from her

>> No.77391281

Actually funny tho

>> No.77391550

wasnt he the one who got caught flirting with underage fans?

>> No.77391565

Okay that was pretty funny

>> No.77391828

i'd laugh because of how awkward it would be after saying that in public

>> No.77392618

he was never idol material to begin with, non of the holostars is, just like all the nijis and indies.

>> No.77396535

