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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76309038 No.76309038 [Reply] [Original]

She loves hololive so much bros... Look at all that merch. A dedicated fan that loves the girls.

>> No.76309082

Why do phase fans HATE Hololive so much then?

>> No.76309130

Everyone knows that Pippa is a Holo fan

>> No.76309145

The one million dollar question

>> No.76309157
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These three nousagi should collab

>> No.76309185

Elaborate Orange woman anti thread

>> No.76309206

She may be a dedicated Hololive fan, but that does not excuse her for some of her uncouth actions that she will need to live with the consequences of.

>> No.76309276

I will be honest, I don't even watch Pippa but I wish one day she will be forgiven by kiara

>> No.76309348

every single "phase fan" you see shitting on hololive is a hololive fan pretending to be a phase fan, same for every other fucking corpo, we all watch hololive ffs you just want to feel important, i bet 90% if post nowadays are holo fans fighting each other.

>> No.76309391

She's a Watamate, phasecuck, but neat try.

>> No.76309412


>> No.76309459

Anon I have a bridge to sell you

>> No.76309492

This, tribalism is what keep this board going without it the retards tribal shitflinging monkeys who loves to stir shit on this Mongolian fisherman hut of a site would not have a reason to come here.

>> No.76309542

just another grift. Leech from the best by pretending to be a huge fan, so their fans become hers too.

>> No.76309637

>Pfft look at those Marvel-loving normies with their walls full of Funko Pops, absoutely pathetic how they mindlessly devote their living space to (popular thing)
>More Hololive merch? Don't mind if I YABBA DABBA DOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.76309650

>She loves hololiveJP
FIFY pippa has no problem spreading the kiara doxx and EN hate otherwise

>> No.76309651

Pippa even follows one of the biggest Holo-antis on X. It's so weird.

>> No.76309696

>She loves hololive so much bros
>Making up narratives about how Fauna and Vesper are friends

>> No.76309700

Post her vshojo haul stream too

>> No.76309716

A lot of Phase fans come from SEA and places like Indonesia have the highest rate of schizophrenia in the world. Just thought it was an interesting fact.

>> No.76309717

Holojp is the branch that matters.
HoloEn HoloID are like the adopted childs they don't get the same love and care that their biological child holojp does.

>> No.76309823

>he says most sea have schizophrenia ignoring whites always turning this board into /pol/.
Ogey kensama.

>> No.76309867


>> No.76309887
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Because they're just kiwiniggers who want someone to say "le based and redpilled" shit, same as homobeggars but on the opposite side.

>> No.76309912

She's just like me fr fr (minus the mod) >>76309391
Bruh do you even watch Pippa? She collabed with the bunny fucker already before he got le canceled

>> No.76309978

Her biggest clippers especially

>> No.76309981

>every single "phase fan" you see shitting on hololive is a hololive fan pretending to be a phase fan
Hololive viewers are too concerned with their Oshi's next concert, grinding cash for merch, or watching giga collabs like the minecraft shit, I don't think they need to falseflag as a bunch of doxxfags

>> No.76310060


>> No.76310063

Yeah holo fans 100% start harassment campaigns on holo talents, holy fucking stupid cope for your shitty community. Every single person knows they are wannabe edgy retards that love to start bait on the popular company to farm reactions, but are the first to start bitching for mods when people talk about them.

>> No.76310108

Sure they are as 95% of threads outside of generals here are holotribalmonkeys shitting the board with their /v/ console wars.

>> No.76310149

Further proof pippa's a grifter whore

>> No.76310164

Is this the best you have after being called out /pol/cel?

>> No.76310204 [DELETED] 

is that why people sending anti superchats to holo members have been reavealed to be phasefags falseflagging a dozen times now?

>> No.76310296

She's mentally ill

>> No.76310343

Is the truth? Cover corps is in Japan their jp talent are promoted and advertised better. They get to be in radio shows cup noodles sponsorships TV ads while the other two branches are neglected and are just cash grabs for the eop who don't speak Japanese. You can call me a sister all you want since I'm already anticipating all sorts of npc responses from you, but facts are facts seethe all you like.

>> No.76310399

No, there are just a lot who hate Hololive and migrate to the best next option. They went to 'VISHOUJO IS THE BEST THING SINCE FIREEEE!!!' Then they went 'NIJIEN IS THE BEST!!! HOLOLIVE IS TRASH, THEY ARE GETTING MOGG!!!' Then when NijiEN started to suck, they moved to Idol and Phase, and now they are shilling Phase because it turned out that Idol wasn't that wonderful either.

>> No.76310407

>2nd Phase catalog thread
>Both try to promote unity
>Catalogfags using any chance to bitch and scream
Sad when you think about it

>> No.76310515

Nijisisters really hate unity for some reason. I thought NijiEN cared for making people feel together

>> No.76310845

Pippa is a salty bitch and she broke down crying on stream after admitting it hurts her feelings to know that she's too toxic for hololive. She hates holos out of jealousy. Typical woman.

>> No.76310922


>> No.76311004


>> No.76311152

>Nijisister hate unity
The irony of the fanbase who doxxed pomu tits over an ALL OUT WAR discord message

>> No.76311198

>doxxes holomems
>i need to go watch tempus now
>vesper and fauna should totally collab

>> No.76311426
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It's pipnigs. I don't see anyone shitting on holos in the various phase threads besides /pcg/, and even that is mild.

>> No.76311498

>>doxxes holomems

>> No.76311755
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>wonder why there are so many phase threads deflecting today
every time

>> No.76311798

Well Fauna does like green Vesper

>> No.76311900

This. I only come on the catalog when I have a break and there’s no one streaming. I can’t believe eople itt actually fall for those false flags. Dramafaggots don’t watch anyone. Their oshi is /vt/

>> No.76311914

not again...

>> No.76312068

Homobeggar should die

>> No.76312113


>> No.76312207

Flayon is an honorary Phase member at this point.

>> No.76312240


>> No.76312262


>> No.76312267


>> No.76312504

The realization that her grift backfired hard

>> No.76312691

Only /vt/ would turn crying about getting birthday wishes from your oshi into a bad thing

>> No.76312714

>loves holo
>shits on Kiara
Remind me why does catalog hate her?

>> No.76312838

She literally talks that she isn't the creator Watame would be proud of in the video, what are you on

>> No.76313036

bro the thing is its pippa schizo fans are forcing themselves onto hololive which i have a big issue. Actually see the clip of it, watame doesnt even know who pippa is or for the most part 99% of EN stuff.
this, basically the video not really a birthday wish.

>> No.76313519

kek, makes sense

>> No.76313841


>> No.76313972


>> No.76314074

>when you realise you have to sleep in the bed you made
get fucked grifter

>> No.76314112

She also says that striving for the validation of someone you never met before is stupid.

>> No.76314136

Phasebros it's happening again...

>> No.76314188

>Literal cope
Yeah, sure thing, bud

>> No.76314260

This man goes hard on the Phase pussy

>> No.76314270

>Everything i don't like is cope

>> No.76314384


>> No.76314411

A quarter of the fans spawned from the kiwi threads, I watched it happen. Kiwifags think they're better than everyone else and that because 'BASED PIPPA' can meme a little more freely than the corpo girls, that anyone who likes Hololive is a simp faggot. That core base formed what the casuals who followed were like making Pippa, and by association Phase, filled with the same subhumans who consume Bannedfromvt and that other fag who makes videos of /vt/ posts.

>> No.76314505

>anyone who likes Hololive is a simp faggot
I mean not everyone, but Chumcucks? yeah their spineless, i think we can all agree on that.

>> No.76314621

Projection from the faggots sending superchat to legal mindset to keep shitting on every other corpo except their precious hololive

>> No.76314655

>>>unicorning Lia

>> No.76314691

If Phase ever has an event bigger than some shitty mahjong tourney than I hope Gura overlaps it just to catch some of the SEAthe.

>> No.76314739

That's not an accurate description of what she does in the video.
She looks up to Watame. If you look up to someone you should want to make them proud. Pippa in that video is essentially regretting that she didn't make choices to make Watame proud.

>> No.76314742

>$1000 GFE donothon ASMR

>> No.76314791

Believe whatever you want retard, I was there when people first started watching Pippa in those threads and the slow turn of it from basically corpo to Phase/Pippa almost exclusively.

>> No.76314909

Not beating the super chatting allegations are you?

>> No.76314933
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This is worse

>> No.76314953

If she didn’t make those choices she wouldn’t be as popular as she is now, Pippa being retarded and doubting herself isn’t something unique for her.

>> No.76315055

I don't have a clue what retarded lolcow shit you're talking about. Who the fuck is legal streamer you keep talking about?

>> No.76315181

Sometimes streamers regret the fanbase they’ve cultivated over the years. I wonder how Pippa feels about hers?

>> No.76315190

That's the exact point though, she chose to grift 4channers and kiwifarm trannies instead of being a good entertainer and now she's upset that Hololive probably won't acknowledge her.

>> No.76315219

Playing stupid won't get you holobronies out of this

>> No.76315252

But they did acknowledge her

>> No.76315351

Mori acknowledges her and she's EN suisei which means as much most mori antis will hate to admit having mori support is enough. Because if pippa were to graduate your boy would use her nepo hire to get here in since milky doesn't want it.

>> No.76315352

I don't get this thread, was Pippa ever not a big Holo mark, it seems like this goes back to past lives even

>> No.76315423

What sort of black fantasy is this?

>> No.76315427

Yeah is doxxmonkeys posting pl shit that had nothing to do with her content as pippa

>> No.76315436

>finally get recognition from hololive
>its mori
real monkey paw shit there.

>> No.76315486

I believe this is correct: >>76310399

>> No.76315544

Mori is a real idol and an important and valuable asset to Cover whether you want to admit it or not impotent raging unicorn.

>> No.76315559

It makes me laugh because the same fags who love her content, especially the old shit, are the same ones who would have shit on her if she was in Hololive instead.

>> No.76315594

idle hands are the devil's playthings
and no one's hands are more idle than chumbuds'

>> No.76315638

lmao making shit up I see, post clip or stfu

>> No.76315720

Fauna as well, not sure why being acknowledged by Mori is a bad thing, i guess being a phasefag means the catalog thinks I’m supposed to hate her but I don’t really get it.

>> No.76315743

Read the thread u faggot

>> No.76315787

>>She hates holos out of jealousy.
>spends thousands of dollars on merch of them
This makes no sense, stop trying to make up shit for the sake of drama. You're a grown ass man, act like it.

>> No.76315906

Why do phasefags want valitation from hololive so badly?Especially when so many of them harass and shit on the holo girls that they dont like

>> No.76315976


>> No.76315988

source on that harassment?

>> No.76316009

yeah so that clip doesn't say the schizo rambling you're on about, tldr pippa loops this shit every two streams, she feels like personally she would taint her love for her oshi if she looked beyond the veil and she's talking about her level of content in terms of what she does on stream,
stop being so fucking brown

>> No.76316074

I can bet he's seething about a twitter meme page

>> No.76316095

>He's so focused on trying to keep the shit stirring going that he misspelled a simple ass word.
Kek give me links of the discord so I can shitpost and get paid for it too.

>> No.76316200
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We uh, we don’t

>> No.76316228

>she broke down crying on stream
>shows clip of her saying she wants her content to be better to make her oshi proud, no trace of said "breakdown"

>> No.76316261
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>> No.76316359

So she's a fan of vtubers who the fuck cares are you monkeys really that desperate for a yab?

>> No.76316431

once a grifter, always a grifter

>> No.76316460

How the fuck is this grifting?

>> No.76316465

Some nijiniggers became phase fans and spread their old hate for Hololive.

>> No.76316491

>We uh, we don’t
They don't believe you since the strawman they have built up in their heads over the years doesn't match reality anon.

>> No.76316519

Holofags are not very bright.

>> No.76316531

>likes hololive
>also likes vshojo
What do you call this mental illness?

>> No.76316559


>> No.76316569

You can only like one or the other according to tribalists.

>> No.76316642

Pippa bait threads are full of bizarre made up schizophrenia and retards who literally have not seen a single minute of her streams

>> No.76316765

>retards who literally have not seen a single minute of her streams
This is true. They still don't know that Panko is the racist culture warrior in Phase not Pippa.

>> No.76316899

They don't even watch panko and when they do is mostly cunnyfags. They only know what they peddle and read on /vt/

>> No.76316962

its cute in a femcel way that pippa buys vtuber merch, shes unironically that weirdo smelly femcel that you see from time to time at anime conventions, its charming to witness from a distance

>> No.76317136

pippa was once asked if she'd ever join vshojo, she said no but that "theres plenty of desperate girls out there willing to take the spot", never showed any interest in interacting with them before but suddenly henya joins and she and her shit chat have been spam collab begging henya for attention so much the kettle's ghosted her since, and now she's trying to get her attention again by pulling this shit

>> No.76317243

Based, fuck vshitshow. Henya is the only good one and you tranny lovers is why she had to graduate in the first place, Pippa's right.

>> No.76317339

grifter. hololive is the easiest vtuber group to grift

>> No.76317363

>kiwifarm trannies
those are 2 different groups that hate each other
makes me think perhaps some of you don't know a lot about the things you post and seethe about

>> No.76317451

Pikamee was planning of graduating before the wizard game scandal happened /pol/fag. Most which was shit stirred by false flaggers like yourself.

>> No.76317512
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i don't care if you like vshojo or not but its a fact that pippa's a grifter by trying to pretend to like them now so she can leech off henya, keep begging tho the kettle will continue to ghost her

>> No.76317519

Panko is not the racist culture warrior, she's just italian.

>> No.76317537

>Most which was shit stirred by false flaggers like yourself.
Ah yes, the trannies did nothing wrong (tm). Once a Froot apologist always a Froot apologist.

>> No.76317546

Flaygod I kneel

>> No.76317600

>the kettle will continue to ghost her
You don't even watch streams is the funniest thing here, retard.

>> No.76317675

>It's the Vshitshow fags starting anti Phase hate campaigns.
Ah, interesting to know this for the future.

>> No.76317739 [DELETED] 

nah pippa made a joke as pippa about kiara's rm
thing is holobabs are so fragile they keep blowing it out of proportion to try and get the rabbit canceled
it went from being a joke at kiara, to hating kiara, to wishing death on kiara and then to full doxxing kiara. holonigs love rewriting history

>> No.76317755

Wait a second, I was told they hated each other after the one collab! You mean the strangers on the internet were wrong?

>> No.76317869

do you live in opposite world?

>> No.76317898

>Panko is the racist culture warrio
Now you're just being retarded

>> No.76317917

no shit i dont watch phasecuck streams, i do watch henya's tho and she collabs more with froot than your whore

>> No.76318079

other way around retard

>> No.76318217

I think this sums things up

>> No.76318250

>bringing in people out of nowhere because he can't admit pikamee made her decisions months ago before "le harassment campaign by le troons"

>> No.76318288

>henya collabs with people in her company more than people outside her company

>> No.76318377

>he doesnt know how many open trannies have a long history on kiwifarms
Sounds like you dont know what you're talking about, already forgot the entire Smorky and Wings threads?
This would never happen.
In fact I can't see any kind of corpo hiring her in the event she left, and thats coming from a casual fan of pippa.

>> No.76318399

Yeah that's suppose to be some sort of own that's that's a /pol/fag like this faggot >>76317537 or perhaps the same anon. Do not engage.

>> No.76318442

>"le harassment campaign by le troons"
Wow, still denying it this hard huh? Not a good look for you or Vshitshow that you defend them this hard. Almsot like you need to defend them or your company looks bad for effectively tkaing their side.

>> No.76318525

Next time write this in buzzwordless english, retard.

>> No.76318649

Find proof of me defending anybody I'll wait. You're just coping with the hard facts. Just like scarle receiving hate for over a coffee and pantries while your precious hololive loves their Starbucks machialattos and somehow got away from criticism unscathed. Sure /pol/fag keep spreading your /qa/ schizo theories I'm sure there's others imbeciles /pol/warriors like you waiting to double and triple down on stupidity.

>> No.76318690

Phasefags are ashamed of how much their girls worship homo cock and project it on us.

>> No.76318714

>Find proof of me defending anybody.
Every post where you downplay the troon mob thta harassed streamers over a stupid Wizard game. I accept your concession.

>> No.76318735

Seething this much because I'm not allowing you to keep stirring shit lmao these are the consequences of when you can't win argument and the next thing you do is dig deep inside of your ass to find shit so you can throw it and see if it sticks

>> No.76318737

Is there a reason why i see so many VT schizos hating on Pippa? Personally i like her Tenma and Panko. Don't really know anyone else tho.

>> No.76318777

>project it on us.
Yeah sure, but Mouse and Connor forever, right faggot?

>> No.76318834

You just failed the buzzwordless challenge at the first word, kek. Try again.

>> No.76318886
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check into pcg, we never discuss or care about other talents, i myself started with holo but pretty sharply turnt towards phase over 2022 and mostly watch phase now. why would i hate holo? i still like the holo girls, rarely tune into some streams, if there are new ones i check them out, but you people are so outside our mind, its only a huge ass schizo strawman you numbertards have been building and projecting.

>> No.76318911

They're busy jerking off to cunny

>> No.76318921

>not accepting my /pol/ narrative means you lost I don't think you know how a debate works and Socrates would be disgusted by this display of unadulterated copium.

>> No.76318959

>First to openly admit to being a different agency vtuber
Wow all that grift money le EX DEE

>> No.76318988

This is what all your supas go to.
Why not just buy the merch for yourself?

>> No.76319009

NTA but you’re arguments are based on objectively false information, if you can’t even argue in favour of reality anymore because it might make the troons look better, then you’ve officially been mindbroken by /pol/ autism.

>> No.76319029

>Fan of


>> No.76319041

>Greentext makes my shit take seem much, much better.
Hah, you tried I guess.

>> No.76319320

Listen to what she said during the clip. Or ask someone who actually knows English to do that for you and then translate it into your pagpag garbospeak so you can finally understand what the clip talks about.

>> No.76319374
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This seethe effort sounds familiar.

>> No.76319473

lmao you brown fag, you can't even understand the clip you sent

>> No.76319479

Making fun of chumbuds should be something every team can be unified on.

>> No.76319512

<Phasefags are Chumbuds and Ruffians.

>> No.76319541

She doesnt even create anything

>> No.76319571

This has always baffled me and the replies to this post still don't make it make more sense. If you go by the posts on this board, phase connect fans seem to DESPISE and spend most of their day upset about Hololive and then you have Pippa who is such a fan and has thousands in merch and multiple streams showing the hololive merch and talking about Hololive.
I think Pippa chilled out a lot compared to the past, but her fans seem to still all be really toxic and angry still. Pippa admitted she has mental issues and even though they are still stoping her from being totally healthy, at least she acknowledges it. Why cant her fans do the same for themselves???

>> No.76319725

You’ve been reading too many bait threads dude…

>> No.76319831

Creates content, how stupid are you anti retards?

>> No.76320431

Honestly dont know, i love Holo and Phase. As an EU this covers pretty much the whole day so i have something to watch whenever i want to

>> No.76321048

Very much this. If you watch Phase the only beef you would have are generally numbers or sisters who shit the catalog up. Sure there are antis for individual talents as well but if you watch certain girls you'd realize their connections are all over the indie scene. If you support Phase you tend to check them out as well.
>>76310399 sisters have trouble integrating in Phase due to the average nigger / tranny remark. The sisters that lurk are just antis starving for attention. i.e they don't watch vtubers anymore

>> No.76321193

You have a tonne of larpers using Phase to shit post but if you don't research any of the generals you are going to get taken for a ride.

Keep this in mind. Before December thread quality was fast and Phase hardly had any antis just people who would spout BVTM bad shit which was a year ago. Meanwhile these trolls aka number sisters would parade around in their doxx site doing actual doxx shit. They would always come to vent to shit on Phase for the late half of 2023. Then when it was January the Fire nation attacked them.

>> No.76321808

Pippa is a KF chuuba. Lumi is a 4chan chuuba.

>> No.76321974
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Bvtm still exists and is thriving dude, get your head out of the sand. They are still making edgy memes of holo/idol/vsj/niji. Dude actually has 10+k follows already and always hits the algorithm with his "memes". Harassment is still going on and will never go away, thank Pippa for that. You even have another bvtm like account that got followed by your "top talent"

>> No.76322216

I liked Pippa and would occasionally watch a stream here and there. She herself is not bad. The core of her fanbase right as she was blowing up on the other hand was comprised of people I really dislike. For months, they spent time on here shitting on Kiara because Pippa was an idiot. A few autists until the great move used to negatively reply to any and all Kiara posts. That core fanbase that built her is full of KF fags that I do not like. I also don't like when she went heavy on react content and pretty much stopped watching her then.

>> No.76322900

lol doesn't hololive literally have an ID branch while phase does not? isn't Kobo one of the largest hololive talents?

>> No.76323013

proof doko?
just making shit up? usually you see the opposite, holobronies in numbers shit on phase all the time

>> No.76323054

>one of the biggest talents in hololive

>> No.76323118

yeah thats what cover said in their shareholder report so its true. Number 1 indonesia vtuber

>> No.76324856

Cool revisionism, bvtm

>> No.76325745
File: 2.64 MB, 400x480, myviewersbutbored[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffyg2u3.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76326363

Litterally isnt true. All the Phase watchers ive met also watch Hololive talents. Only Nijiniggers pretending to be a phase fan hate Hololive.

>> No.76326579

React content isn't content.

>> No.76327221

There is literally proof in this thread that phasefags do that, funny, isn't it? You guys even have a dedicated phaseshill account on twitter who attacks everyone who isn't a phase member, even doxxposts some of them(bvtm). You can't be THAT dellusional

>> No.76327228

>holonigs love rewriting history
I agree. They even pinned all the harassment that kronii and mori suffered at the hands of seething holocorns for collabing with Tempus on nijisisters they even used to raid /MANS/ to shit on the homos. It fucking saddens me because ever since kurosanji drama with doki happened they started shielding themselves behind her and labeling anybody giving fair criticism of cover as a sister. Holochuds are the biggest drama starves whores of this board even before all the drama happened they were shitting on vshojo and phase and tribalfagging on the catalog. But as you said they love rewriting history and the whole selen drama gave them the opportunity to implement a new fucking boogeyman to deflect from all the bullshit they've done on this board.

>> No.76327581
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small dog syndrome
sense of inferiority

>> No.76328972

Stopped reading there

>> No.76328976
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kek, /2mw/ poster mogging phasecucks every time cracks me up

>> No.76329026

>Grifter connect

>> No.76329934

Your previous thread got deleted so I will answer what you asked here:
I do not hate Pippa. But she has been sold to me as a /here/ chuuba. Zoomers would call her pickme, others would say she goes out of her way to appeal to the 4chan/kiwifarm users.
And every single time I get such a recommendation, be it for a youtuber, streamer, game/game dev, musician and now chuuba, they have an atrocious sense of humor and the pandering is unbearable.
That's why I'm not watching Pippa, ever.

>> No.76329956

same reason they're all /pol/tards when pippa is a lib

>> No.76332102
File: 244 KB, 1076x1077, 1635524952245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine shitting on a watamate with top form watamage bending reality in the vtuber scene like crazy

>> No.76332444

>If you go by the posts on this board
Now reread this sentence and hopefully you realize how retarded that idea is

>> No.76333113

>those are 2 different groups that hate each other
you would be surprised

>> No.76336193


>> No.76336881

Oh hey, she's doing another merch hololive stream.

>> No.76337074

phasecucks got AWFUL quiet when proof of them being holoantis dropped
how sad
