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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76213817 No.76213817 [Reply] [Original]

It's literally bijouver for HoloID they are required to do a face verification now hopefully it won't turn into one like china where you can see their face lol

>> No.76214195


>> No.76214334

the china one wasn't public anon, the picture you saw getting spread around was some guy who somehow got access to that information and posted the ones that had the most antis to give them fuel. I can tell you, if the information was really publicly available, people would've posted Civia and Artia when it happened, or would be able to point to where you could find it yourself, but nobody has.

>> No.76214356

Internet becoming mainstream was a mistake

>> No.76214375

Time to use my dick to give ID girl a proper natianality. It's for that reason i was born, this is the reason of my existence.

>> No.76214556

i doubt it would be public, chill. some random govt excelfag intern would have access of the id of your oshi but what are they gonna do? leak it on facebook?

>> No.76214882

>Korean ISPs throttling Twitch out of their country
Why are Asian regulators absolute chimps

>> No.76214929

UK is doing the same thing.

>> No.76215043

all governments want more control of the internet

>> No.76215079

After all the internet allows ideas to be spread and the politicians and corpos want to control information, free thought and ensure everyone's in chains

>> No.76215161

>Be American
>Excited to meet other nationalities online
>Watch them bend themselves into a pretzel trying to censor everything
>Watch as they try to impose their opinion on you
I remember being so excited too. Dang. Hope they realize the internet doesn't have to be serious business

>> No.76215419

Phones were a disaster for the internet and mankind, sad affair.

>> No.76215565

yeah i've never met any americans on the internet who try to impose their opinion on me, nor any advocating for censorship. and americans make up a large portion of the english speaking internet

it would be like finding a unicorn

>> No.76216251

control and corruption. they will probably profit off of the change somehow.
>blame someone for being american in very early morning america.
learn when burgers are active.

>> No.76216331

If you kill the boomers this will stop.

>> No.76216365

The difference is 'americans' like sneedlon musk fight for freedom against the pajeets who censored twitter.

>> No.76216423

who cares

>> No.76216524

And then you have Texas and Virginia...

>> No.76216662

artia did get facedoxxed

>> No.76216673

The girls are already brown tho

>> No.76216733
File: 383 KB, 1280x720, 1677593904287410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they can try

>> No.76216872

Shit, man, I used to enjoy the hell out of my state not collecting sales tax for online orders

>> No.76216927

This will just make the ID members go a step further from collabing with the homos and straight up marry them for a greencard

>> No.76217150

>The china one is someone who basically hacked and leaked as soon as the law was made.
Absolutely grim not gonna lie, these countries with no expertise to fight hackers trying to collect info saying they will keep them safe.

>> No.76217208

Watch out brother. There are states that might move from censoring books to censoring your state's internet.

>> No.76217219

This isn't the 90's the soul of the internet is as black as /b/

>> No.76217340

Wasnt something much worse supposed to be out already in Japan doxxing anyone that was an anonymous content creator

>> No.76218153

but Kaela...

>> No.76218387

One thing that hasn't been brought up itt is the fact that Cover is a JP company so the ID girls might not need to abide by this new law

>> No.76219310

least intelligent post of all time

>> No.76219792


>> No.76219925

it didn't happen in the end, jp are smart enough to stop it before its the law.

>> No.76221363

Do you believe indog government are that competent?
Believe me, they are not that competent and the fact a ton of people already complain on fb(don't judge me) didn't help either

>> No.76221479

ID girls are the most heavily doxxed chuubas already. It really doesn't matter.

>> No.76221509

Hey biboo

>> No.76221661

You'd think they'd put more recourses into investigating the human filth running online CP/sex trafficking groupchats instead of trying to control every major social media app with an iron fist.

These third world countries have criminals who very easily get away with distributing self made CP in fucking facebook/whatsapp groups, but fuck it lets just take away our nations privacy rights online kek.

>> No.76221757

I would give Kaela a green card without hesitation.

>> No.76222102
File: 70 KB, 800x600, hary_tanoesoedibjo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these BS law proposals are being orchestraed by this pig. Dude wants control of the internet because less people are tuning in to watch his TV station and more people are watching Youtube, Netflix, etc.

>> No.76222244

>Excited to meet other nationalities online
You deserve to feel bad for being such a faggot.

>> No.76222584

local laws are local, unless they move to japan it doesn't matter who they work for.
Kaela is the one least likely to move. family means lot to her.

>> No.76222589

>retard thinks he can bypass his countries laws
>calls others retarded

>> No.76222929

>this mf
ah yes, it's a same dude who ruined Indo Futsal...

>> No.76223018

Can't wait for Kaela's face reveal.

>> No.76223183

You are 2 years late.

>> No.76223237

Only specific versions. You still have to deal with ideological zealots who are too retarded to understand why giving the government infinite power to enforce their pet ideals is a society-ending mistake, of which there are many among millennials and younger.

>> No.76224551

>Kaela is the one least likely to move. family means lot to her.
I will just marry them too

>> No.76225119

>having your picture taken for literally any job, driving licence, etc.
>having your picture taken for youtube
I don't get it. It's obviously not going to be public so why would anyone care?

>> No.76225446

Anya being Yagoo daughter totally going to be exposed now

>> No.76225979

I would sponsor her family. I don't think you appreciate how hard I simp for Ela.

>> No.76226701

When things like that happen, it's because the government is directly involved. Every single time.

>> No.76227103

America is in Asia?

>> No.76227143

She streamed in her irl self

>> No.76227408

The creation of iphone under the apple brand is the beginning of the end. You can't rewind time.

>> No.76229370

It should be noted that China's systems do not function, and that anything in a government database should be considered "Public knowledge if you pay the right person to look the other way".

>> No.76229567

is any of them white? or kinda?

>> No.76230379

Kaela and Zeta are fair skinned

>> No.76230546

It's depend on if the data collector sell their data or not. Well, Reine family will do something

>> No.76230908 [DELETED] 
File: 1013 KB, 2000x1669, p7-chellaney-a-20171117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In his book about Trump, "The Big Cheat", David Cay Johnston says that Tanoesoedibjo "calls himself the Trump of Indonesia" and that he says he "expects to become President of Indonesia in a few years". Johnston also states that "Tanoesoedibjo's MNC Group is in serious debt to the Chinese government" - another troubling similarity to the Trump organisation, and Johnston also infers that Tanoesoedibjo is as corrupt as his American role model.

>> No.76230942

Anon, low level government employees cannot be trusted with private information. Do not give your mailman the three digits on the back of your credit card. Do not give the youtube broadcasting checker access to your real name and address.

>> No.76230986
File: 1013 KB, 2000x1669, p7-chellaney-a-20171117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In his book about Trump, "The Big Cheat", David Cay Johnston says that Tanoesoedibjo "calls himself the Trump of Indonesia" and that he says he "expects to become President of Indonesia in a few years". Johnston also states that "Tanoesoedibjo's MNC Group is in serious debt to the Chinese government" - another troubling similarity to the Trump organisation, and Johnston also infers that Tanoesoedibjo is as corrupt as his American role model.

>> No.76231276

Just don't be a islamic shithole

>> No.76231407

why the rice farmer hat though

>> No.76234892

They're asian, that's what they do

>> No.76235372

That's just their lightning/filters at least for Kaela

>> No.76235898

>uh it wasn't public so its fine
lmao retard
you think government is run by godly beings that can do no wrong?

>> No.76237691

the point wasn't that it was fine, people just make it sound like China made a website for people to look up their favorite vtuber's face and personal information, when it was just leaked by someone instead.

>> No.76239447
File: 43 KB, 799x212, 1704279016725063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these related?

>> No.76239581


>> No.76241926

This or she's just visiting another Holo in other town

>> No.76242041

I'm willing to sacrifice the rest if it gets rid of Ollie and Kobo.

>> No.76242598

The "any time soon" phrasing makes it sound more dire, usually if you are just visiting someone you can give a more specific time frame e.g. "a couple weeks"

>> No.76243345

they're Chinese Indonesians

>> No.76244519
File: 326 KB, 818x848, Hitomi Anya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No.... Anya, the Honorary JP...
Kaela, the honorary EN...
Reine, the indog hater...

>> No.76245832

being specific makes it easier to doxx. vague posting is better if family comes over or she is visiting an event or whatever
