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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76115826 No.76115826 [Reply] [Original]

>complains about her fans being horny and always talking up her boobs
>replies to horny fanart of herself
Why is she like this?

>> No.76116093
File: 440 KB, 800x903, 1716073298785991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76116105

fuck off

>> No.76116199

She replied because you dramafags kept twisting her words by claiming she is anti-booba and arts like that one would be in her "blacklist"

I wouldn't be surprised if some retarded kronies reported Daaku art to her and asked if that shit is allowed

>> No.76116230


>> No.76116231

She reminds me of my mom

>> No.76116325

Is your mom thin, busty, with deep voice?

>> No.76116337

She’s just horny now. NOW. Being the keyword.. she’s not horny reading super chats because it’s too much work

>> No.76116338

She wasn't complaining about her fans, she was complaining about greys and clipwatchers.

>> No.76116384

more like bi' boobas

>> No.76116408

Im going to fuck your mom anon

>> No.76116734

>Kronii is bipolar
Worse, she's a woman, and a korean one

>> No.76116774

more like bpd

>> No.76116960

You don't understand what bipolar disorder is, it's not having a split personality like you seem to be suggesting. It's cycles of depression and mania.

>> No.76116998

okay nijisister

>> No.76117068

That's not bipolar.

>> No.76117295

It was then when OP understood there's a time, place, and way of doing things.

>> No.76117411

>It's cycles of depression and mania.
That's our Kronii alright

>> No.76117458

All those seats? Purchased by me.

>> No.76117751

She never hated her boobs, she hated people spamming about them when it's irrelevant. Just like Ina with her back

>> No.76117835

I'm not taking a side on whether she is bipolar or not, just pointing out that it's not the same as (or even close to) dissociative identity disorder (split personality) which OP and some people seem to think it is.

>> No.76117941


>> No.76118159

you're just mad your oshi isn't personally looking for and showing you lewds of herself on your feed

>> No.76118215

We mindbroke her in record time.

>> No.76118497

Isn't that the same thing?

>> No.76118882

No, BPD is borderline personality disorder.

>> No.76119570

Ogey sister

>> No.76120278

Anon is autistic
>complains about vtubers incessantly
>doesn't understand context or social norms

>> No.76120345

she's trolling

>> No.76120422

not even close

>> No.76121218

And you are a faggot

>> No.76121855

many people are horny at some times and not horny at others, and they may feel uncomfortable if horniness is pushed upon them when they are not currently choosing to be horny themselves

>> No.76122405

BPD is when you tend to switch from high and low emotions quickly. The person might have quick bursts of what seems like mania or depression, but it doesn't last more than a day.
Bipolar is when your hormones fluctuate between high (mania) and low (depression), each lasting a few days or longer. A good example of this is Mikeneko. She'll do something outrageous during a manic episode (e.g. hinting at being with a guy knowing it will upset her audience) for several days, which is then followed by a depressive episode (e.g. threatening suicide and ghosting). She can't stop doing this because her hormone levels get out of wack, and it happens on a predictable basis.
Your brain uses hormones, especially dopamine, to decide if an idea is good or bad: too much, and you'll think everything you do is right and you're invincible (mania); too little, and you'll think everything you do sucks and you're the worst person ever (depression). Some people get mania or depression after trauma, but for bipolars the body is just doing this on it's own regularly and the person has little to no control over it.

>> No.76123896

Too bad that's the majority of her fanbase nowadays.

>> No.76128834

Holy embarrassment

>> No.76128944

like clockwork

>> No.76129028

I got another one for you empty anon >>76128003
put this in the bottom and you'll have the double wammy

>> No.76129056

the amount of goalpost moving and mental gymnastics coming from kronies really rivals nijisisters

>> No.76129070

How can you people not see that this was CLEARLY a corporate or at least manager mandated tweet to try and save face?????????????

>> No.76129090

Greynames should draw fanart instead of spamming tired memes in chat.

>> No.76129143

Hey fellow holochuds, all these kronies are really dumb am I right?

>> No.76129972

the fact that you're attempting this bullshit without knowing that kronies are the nijiniggers of hololive is really telling

>> No.76130531

Anon doesn't understand what "a time and a place" means

>> No.76130542

If you actually were into the holo circle you would know that actual kronies aren't even a thing anymore and wouldn't even start this bait, also the "this talent is actually a niji" has been overused for like 90% on EN

>> No.76130710

She's the next one that's going to graduate isn't she?

>> No.76130784

>time and place
It's always the time and place to talk about Kronii's tits. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a white knighting homosexual, plain and simple.

>> No.76130913

Time yes but if you sc a chuuba "hurr nice tits" don't be surprised when she tells you to fuck off

>> No.76130943

She isn't anti-booba she's a lesbian. Of course she likes tits.
Her actual issue is she hates men. She pretends her whole chat is just a bunch of lesbos

>> No.76130960

Kronii appreciates booba like every sane person. But there is a time and place for everything, but clip watchers don’t care about that here like you are.

>> No.76131050

There is a time and place for watching kronii, I have yet to find it

>> No.76131102


>> No.76131150

Why is she like this?>>76115826

>> No.76131209

she's really retarded and easily hateable

>> No.76131226

What Kronii shows in stream is more than 50% boobs... Remove that and you are left with a mentally ill starving for subway Korean

>> No.76131316

From life I hope

>> No.76131377

This. She's making herself more hateable.
Which might actually be a good strategy honestly, hate watchers are extremely dedicated viewers

>> No.76131468
File: 49 KB, 402x187, holy boobers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you sc a chuuba "hurr nice tits"
Except it wasn't.

>> No.76131491
File: 60 KB, 724x1024, 1715489933138933m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually unsubbed from Kronii yesterday. First HoloEN girl I've unsubbed from since debut. She has become insufferable and I now only hope she quits and disappears from the internet.
I'll be watching better chuubas.

>> No.76131514

2 sisters talking in discord: The thread

>> No.76131542

Yeah, you and me, haha~

>> No.76131578

>random fan
NPC drone, just a number
>fan artist
Human being worth attention

Learn your place random NPC chatter

>> No.76131729

>Saying all that
>Using a Kaela image

>> No.76131755

>Human being worth attention
Haha yeah, if only Kronii was as smart as you and didn't give the gray name some attention.

>> No.76131849

How can she hate men when she's trans

>> No.76132043

She's not, she's "non-binary" which in reality just means she's a confused lesbian who wants to be special

>> No.76132078

Because a streamer's job is to get (You) to talk about them, and she's pretty successful at it.

>> No.76132090

>all that
It was like 4 lines, take your ADHD pills zoomer faggot

>> No.76132187

Believe it or not using the term "all that" does not have to refer to a large amount of something, hope you start watching Kaela so you still get stuck having to watch Kronii every week or two lol

>> No.76132288

you have terrible taste if kroni is only just NOW the first person youve unsubbed to

>> No.76132322

The way you said it implied the post was too long for your small brain, which is fine. I'll keep my posts short just for you.

>> No.76132370

Not that anon, but Kronii is better in collabs because there's at least someone else to keep her retardation in check.

>> No.76132392

Nah, I don't watch everyone I sub to, I just keep it there for a bit of support and to keep a sub streak (which I am confident yt will add at some point just like twitch follow age)

>> No.76132534

...So she DOES browse /vt/. Weird, because here I thought all the posts saying that HoloENs don't come here and nothing posted here would EVER make it back to them so it doesn't matter. Interesting.

>> No.76132578

Wait, is clip watching a derogatory thing? I would consider myself a pretty big fan of certain vtubers and hardly ever do I watch full on streams, even of my oshi. Sometimes if I catch it, but mostly just clips and highlights. Am I now considered trash here? Who has time to watch every single stream of every vtuber live? Like, most of them aren't even consistently funny. I have to wait like one hour into the stream for the bitch to say something that gets half a chuckle out of me.

>> No.76132617

Pretty sure shes openly wanted to be a man

>> No.76132803

Is it odd that it pissed me off too, but now that its so ever present here that I am starting to get attracted to her in a new and different way. Is this what they mean when they say "I can fix her"?

>> No.76132820

Don't take it too seriously Mr. Newfag. It's a meme, people pretend to "watch streams" and shit on clip watchers for a joke but most people do watch clips because no one but NEETs have infinite time.
And if they are NEETs then they can't support their oshis so they can't have it both ways.

>> No.76132891

>retard anon doesn't understand context
actual autism

>> No.76133029

>Am I now considered trash here?
On /vt/? Very much so.

>> No.76133055

I'd like to see her saying that if you have it but all I know of is some cap of her on twitter saying she's "non-binary"

>> No.76133263

Clip watchers usually only know about topics out of context and like to spread the shit they saw from the clickbait video

>> No.76133410
File: 95 KB, 1024x1023, 1715500768057425m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true but that's also why the hate should be directed at the shitty clippers instead of the clip watchers.
Imagine if instead of the gay little rule that's stickied to the board there was a list of untrustworthy clippers and dramabaiters. That would actually be useful.

>> No.76133498

>troons don't hate genuine gender-havers

>> No.76133622

>That would actually be useful.
Which is why the mods will not do it.

>> No.76133714


>> No.76134029

Both are hated equally, one doesn't exist without the other

>> No.76134196

You're confusing her for the ftm nijitranny who actually said that on stream.

>> No.76134211

She probably realized she may have seriously overreacted to two words from a gray name

>> No.76134522

It's literally the same thing dipshit

>> No.76134745

>vs random ass comment from an irrelevant gray
>the same thing
You're not very bright, I see.

>> No.76134808

>appropriate: a red superchat that says "PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP GET PREGNANT GET PREGNANT"
>inappropriate: a greyname comment that says "holy boobers"

>> No.76134885

That's woman rules, not specifically chuubas. If you have money, women will let you get away with much more than some broke guy doing it (grab em by the pussy)

>> No.76136612


>> No.76136644

>says not to be horny on stream

>> No.76137094
File: 876 KB, 1169x768, 1661029633042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"slow down with the booba posts"
>she realized her dumb fans might've taken it as if booba jokes are now forbidden
>also the only reason why anyone would still be watching and if she takes it away she's got nothing left
>"haha actually boober jokes funny haha"

>> No.76137234

That's a life rule, if you're going to be retarded you need to have money first. I thought that you had to be 18 use this website and not a clueless pre-teen

>> No.76137666

I'm so sorry

>> No.76137775

She took the chuds meme and made it her own
Yass Kronii slay

>> No.76137913

No can do clocksucker, gotta have something to do while I eat my sandwiches.

>> No.76138005

Now if only that fat tiddy perma-grumpy dumbass could figure the same thing out.

>> No.76138071

>How dare people have opinions about the fictional cartoon character I voice act for that don't align with my self-image.

>> No.76138236

She's a couple fucking days too late if she did, and doing the thing she just had a melty about sure as fuck isn't going to help her out any.

>> No.76138320

Kronii made it clear how she feels about the booba jokes but management wanted her to backtrack since coomers buy merch. Hololive talents are corporate employees and they can be forced to run damage control if that is what their employer wants.

>> No.76138458

This anon is on a warpath, btfo'd them again. Fpbp.

>> No.76138995

I thought that was a shitpost
