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File: 433 KB, 608x605, fauna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76068959 No.76068959 [Reply] [Original]

>says she wants to play HC minecraft
>makes a huge deal about "not getting invited"
>gets invited anyway
>doesn't play
What the fuck is her problem?

>> No.76069274

She's a vegan. She needs to feel persecuted.

>> No.76069454

>inb4 samefagging

>> No.76069585

This is the prime example of a woman moment. She was clearly annoyed about not being invited because HoloEN managers are fucking retards. She thought it was a private event due to being pekora thing once she found out her manager was a stupid incompetent retard who couldn't asked peko because it was an open event so she can get the discord link the her woman moment is that after kicking a fuzz and finding her manager failed her she changed her stance and decided she "doesn't want to join" anymore.
Jp autism at side why jp is always getting these events? When are the holoen and holoid girls will have their events. These two branches are treated like second class despite pulling their weight and bringing money in. Seriously fuck jp and the bootlickers who sold their heritage to become Japanese for a chance at Japanese fish odor pussy

>> No.76069669

white girl drama
white girl drama

>> No.76069671

ESL nonsense

>> No.76069731

learn the language

>> No.76069862

>why jp is always getting these events?
Because the JP girls put them together. This is not a Hololive event, it's a Pekora event; she put the idea together, and has been in charge of it. If the EN and ID girls want events like this, they have to put in the effort to host them

>> No.76069878

>why is jp always getting these events
because half of EN doesn't like working, let alone streaming for fun
anything they do will fall flat because there isn't unity. only advent does, they're cover's only half decent gen

>> No.76069925

>Jp autism at side why jp is always getting these events? When are the holoen and holoid girls will have their events.
When they organize them?
This entire Minecraft hardcore event was entirely thought up and organized by Pekora. None of the EN members take initiative like that.

>> No.76070130

I was wondering why Minecraft autist like Kronii & Fauna didn't get invited so not everyone can play the event?

>> No.76070140

EN hardly ever ever streams let alone care about or participate in events like these.
We have Kiara and bijou paricipating and that's fucking it.
Mori, Ame, Gura, Fauna, Mumei, and FuwaMoco aren't even streaming at all lately, although I know Mori and FuwaMoco are sick.
Still, half of EN doesn't stream at all. Fuck EN. Most of them are lazy whores.

>> No.76070183

*Kiara and Ina
Not bijou. My bad

>> No.76070241
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>more bait threads than seats filled
sisters...your priorities are all out of whack

>> No.76070355

All the last samurai and Ken Sama doing damage control for covers xenophobic view of foreigners and defending their racism while shitting on niji talents for being racists too the fucking irony.

>> No.76070655

>She thought it was a private event due to being pekora thing once she found out her manager was a stupid incompetent retard who couldn't asked peko because it was an open event so she can get the discord link the her woman moment is that after kicking a fuzz and finding her manager failed her she changed her stance and decided she "doesn't want to join" anymore.
Are you having a stroke?

>> No.76070744

sisters are having to rapid fire deflect from seatyab, they don't have time to run their chinese through proper translation software

>> No.76071238


>> No.76071834

the last samurai is black now you bigot

>> No.76072266

>>makes a huge deal about "not getting invited"
Never happened

>> No.76072465

yes this thread is 98% headcanon

>> No.76072790

>once-a-year opportunity to show JP's that EN's aren't completely worthless sacks of shit
>pulls an EN moment anyway

>> No.76072965

Literally only the first thing is true

>> No.76073849

this post gives off real 'co-prosperity sphere' vibes

>> No.76073889

I like how no Sapling has an actual excuse for why she's not playing

>> No.76074056

oh is this why the nijikeks are so uppity?
dead corpo, get fucked roaches

>> No.76074095

Thats okay, normally Biboo would have joined too.
HoloEN is basically just Kiara, Mori, Bae and Biboo. Cover should really start being more picky when it comes to hiring.

>> No.76074114

But anon that requieres effort and EN whores just want an easy paycheck!

>> No.76074267

the goku vs vegeta memes for this flop are going to make the sisters unperson

>> No.76074343
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>> No.76074426

She didn't say she wasn't invited, she said she didn't have access. Which was true, because Kiara had to get her in. Also there's like a non zero chance she got her period which is always fucking bad for her and has incapacitated her before. Go search through the archives, someone posted a list of links.

>> No.76074491

Is kurosanji genuinely dead?

>> No.76074926

She doesn't need an excuse. OP is a fag who lied about her "making a big deal" about the invite. She was only invited very last minute and she probably had irl plans for a bit. Are we really to the point we're trying to dramafag over not playing a video game fast enough?

>> No.76074972

their tactic has always been to deflect and focus on humiliating anons with the most kek-bait replies

>> No.76075119

sisters...this is humiliating

>> No.76075226


>> No.76075348

When it ends in 2 days, yes.

>> No.76075386

nijikeks taking L's will never not be hilarious

>> No.76075435

kill yourselves krokeks, you're not deflecting from Kronii's subway seethe

>> No.76075493

>says shes not your friend
>saplings still try to be her friend
why are sapcucks so parasocial?

>> No.76075556


>> No.76075850

Then it ends and she doesn't take part. Just like a bunch of other Holos. How fucking worm brained do you have to be to find this drama worthy?

>> No.76075988

Sisters, there's enough room left for you to get double seats for your fat asses, why aren't you supporting your corpo?

>> No.76076822

>one of her fans goes to another channel and sends a superchat that makes her uncomfortable
>kiara does the invite without asking pekora
should she reward people for that kind of behavior?

>> No.76076948


>> No.76077133

Also all the streams are way out of her normal stream time even Ina is streaming super early

>> No.76077199

kiara doesn't deserve anything

>> No.76077243


>> No.76077269

white woman behaviour

>> No.76077449

>makes a huge deal about "not getting invited"
She didn't tho? It was just some schizo running to bithch to Kiara with a supa..

>> No.76077472


>> No.76077507

Ok, that one made me chuckle.

>> No.76077788

AX will just give free pass on-site
you guys are running shill ops for free lmao

>> No.76077949

>AX will just give free pass on-site
You think that's a good thing?

>> No.76077959


>> No.76078015

No one was invited by default since it was a Pekora event. Pekora announced the event internally and whoever wanted to join had to send her a message - either directly or through their managers. If Pekora is ok with it, she'd send back a reply with the Discord link for all the details.
If Kronii and Fauna weren't invited, chances are they simply never contacted Pekora or her manager to begin with (Fauna claimed it was her manager's fault and Kronii probably was too autistic / busy with her Poland trip to join).

>> No.76078078

Where did Fauna say it was her manager's fault?

>> No.76078109

it doesn't matter what I think
payed shit is payed shit
laughable is running gotchas for people that find rejoice in useful idiots

>> No.76078113

ennacuck status?

>> No.76078123

Any proof, timestamps, or clips where she said she wasn't invited and made it a big deal??? Genuinely intrigued.

>> No.76078168

She didn't, but it was implied, because Fauna never would've directly asked Peko since she is both crippingly shy and doesn't speak Japanese. So her only avenue is to ask her manager to do it for her.

>> No.76078174

seething so hard the roachsis outs xerself KEK KEK KEK

>> No.76078199

Literally just this https://x.com/ceresfauna/status/1790448586691416350

>> No.76078228

you can stop bumping your shill thread now

>> No.76078250

Bratty kirin needs correction

>> No.76078294

Reminder Kaela thought it was JP only until her fans had to tell her otherwise until it was a day late.

>> No.76078325

total nijikek death

>> No.76078355

>Somehow got translated on not being invited and making a big deal out of it.

Where is the proof?

>> No.76078387

He made it the fuck up.

>> No.76078396


Fucking esl moment

>> No.76078401

It's a sister bait thread there is no proof

>> No.76078417

She said she asked her manager to get her access to the server a day before (in the stream she talked about it), but hadn't gotten any reply yet. Said she'd play it if she got access so people believe that she didn't get reply / access from her manager before her forklift stream.
She didn't blame her manager, though, more of a matter of fact / "that's what's going on" tone

>> No.76078489


>> No.76078491

Yeah, can't believe I got baited into jumping in twitter.

>> No.76078538

>Fauna sweet angel princess could do anything wrong
Okay buddy

>> No.76078643

Niji is dead. Good.

>> No.76078784

fauna unironically hates hololive

>> No.76078833

why are the retarded sisters attacking the top holos instead of going for weak links like mori

>> No.76078977

>When are the holoen and holoid girls will have their events
when they get their own Pekora to organize the events

>> No.76079018


>> No.76079074


>> No.76079134

If they don't post their timestamps, they've got nothing.

>> No.76079159


>> No.76079295

Kiara might be annoying as hell but she's definitely the only one in EN who ever bothers to get people together for anything.

>> No.76079409
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>> No.76079493

Guys what is a Niji?

>> No.76079535

They will never be Japanese. Last Samurai.

>> No.76079559

I didn't mean to reply to that post haha

>> No.76079569

And even then, her events are mid.

>> No.76079570

Because there is no excuse for this she just had a woman moment, Fauna doesn't like to show discontent to her fans she has said so many times, hence the best way to know she is mad about something is when she gets silent about it or just dissapears.

>> No.76079620
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>> No.76079704


>> No.76079712
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Since you fags don't seem to understand how painful and intense Fauna's periods are.

>April 17th-20th
>very sick, took 4 days off

>March 17th-19th
>took 3 days off and tweeted 2 days late for fes

>took a week off but she also moved and upgraded her setup

>January 17th-19th
>was already sick from flu during OW streams, started streamed a few days later than she said that she would

>December 16th-18th
>sick, took 3 days off

>November 20th
>only a day

>October 21st-27th
>very sick, took a week off, was also stressed about it because she didn't do anything special for her favorite Halloween month

>sick, got covid after coming back from japan, puddle stream

>> No.76079752
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Oh fuck. My sides.

>> No.76079785

Why the fuck are you blaming JP for EN's lack of initiative, not their fault half of EN are lazy fucks that just collect paychecks.

>> No.76079848

Oh damn. That's consistant as fuck. Sasuga mother nature I guess.

>> No.76079998

like i said, woman moment

>> No.76080057

All right fair, I'll give in this time.

>> No.76080078

She probably realized there are like 0 EOP's participating and got scared she wouldn't be able to communicate

>> No.76080090


>> No.76080091


>> No.76080165
File: 149 KB, 900x900, 1693814550050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could those bitches not invite my oshi to their birthday party?

>> No.76080177

I was actually worried about no signs of life and I didn't even think of periods, I hope she's ok

>> No.76080201


>> No.76080415

Doesn't fauna know periods are optional?

>> No.76080548

How do we fix women?

>> No.76080622

She’s female

>> No.76080643


>> No.76080717

vegan momento

>> No.76080778


>> No.76081077

NGL, I can't laugh. I feel bad for their livers.
I guess it's all self-made.

>> No.76083478

each time i see one of these posts where someone has wasted time compiling things like this i feel a little better about myself.

>> No.76083698

I mean, technically. But for some reason, you tell a woman to just have her uterus removed or something and she'll act like you're the crazy one.
It's like, hey, don't complain if you don't actually want to solve the problem.

>> No.76083923

I was gonna tell her to get pregnant

>> No.76084192

>making events
Ohnononono hahahahaha. The funny part is that even 2-bit agencies like Phase and Kawaii make events. HoloEN is especially lazy

>> No.76084263

yet any single hololive talent is more relevant than the entirety of flayon connect

>> No.76084432

Yes, that's part of the point. HoloEN is carried by the brand which is HoloJP. Girls like Pekora, Miko, Suisei, and other workhorses dont exist in EN

>> No.76084448

i thought vegan woman had light peroids

>> No.76084576

We really have her cycle down, this is fucked but also good to know for future reference LOL

>> No.76084784

>i thought vegan woman had light peroids
You are retarded. Vegan women have iron deficiency and Fauna also struggles with it a lot. They cannot replenish the iron loss during periods and it hurts bad.

>> No.76084916
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>> No.76084945

Fauna is behind that post. She’s /here/ in this thread right now. Lurking…

>> No.76084981

>When are the holoen and holoid girls will have their events. These two branches are treated like second class despite pulling their weight and bringing money in
This is how the average enshitter thinks, how sad.

>> No.76085074

based archivist, i kneel

>> No.76085079

Try comparing advent to the others once they've streamed for a year or two at least

>> No.76085139

Based menstrual cycle scholar

>> No.76085141

I don't like her but Calli

>> No.76085202
File: 179 KB, 480x480, 1714988889386864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuuuuuuuuu I miss you Fauna!

>> No.76085230

it's not rocket science. most of them don't like their job so they do the bare minimum. that means no organizing events.

>> No.76085588

EN just doesnt have anybody that organises events and is social enough to lead them, unlike JP who has multiple people that do both. Ame is a great organizer but terminally autistic

>> No.76085636

Thank you for making me imagine Fauna saying "since you fags don't seem to understand how painful and intense Fauna's periods are" because its hilarious >>76084916

>> No.76085876

A life style change, such as not being a vegan would fix that.

>> No.76086096

Having someone to organize events is one thing, now try making a bigger event when your branch is only 15 people (and that's if you split FWMC into 2).
Imagine Fauna wants to do her 5v5 DOTA. That's 10 people needed: you have some that are never around, some that have no idea what DOTA even is, some that simply suck at games (especially like that), some that would have to wake in the middle of night to participate because timezones, and possibly some that just happen to be sick around that time (all those girls are fragile as fuck, or you often hear someone having a surgery). Suddenly it's hard to organize anything even if you add ID, no matter how motivated the organizer is. Meanwhile having 10 people in JP event is less than 1/3 of the branch, and everyone shares the same timezone.

>> No.76086504

>This is the weakest sapling

>> No.76086819

Aren't there birth control options that either ease your period or let you skip it? Without resorting to hysterectomy.

>> No.76086985

are you retarded or are you implying she should get pregnant

>> No.76087040

Yeah, me, etc

>> No.76087067

I swear I saw a waiting room for Mincraft. Am I tripping?

>> No.76087261

>Jp autism at side why jp is always getting these events?
Because Kiara was the only one that organized big cross branch events in EN but everytime they happened EN fans shat on her because of some imagined slight towards their oshi so she stopped doing it. (See for example the shit show after every among us collab). Now you have 0 big cross branch events organized by EN.

>> No.76087273

>says she wants to play HC minecraft
she was clearly lying

>> No.76087293
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They have become Japanese and so have I. Maybe you should try it, anon-san.

>> No.76087314

>EN fans shat on her because of some imagined slight towards their oshi

>> No.76087393


>> No.76087482

Advent my beloved

>> No.76087676

Bullshit. It's supported by management. EN never gets support when they ask.

>> No.76087845

Name the last EN organized event that had all three branches in it, had at least 10 people and wasn't organized by Kiara.
I'll wait.

>> No.76087922

EN girls got nothing out of organizing their own events. Mostly because the other EN’s are retarded and need to be tardwrangled to hell and back to get anything off the ground.

>> No.76087941

I can't because management never gives EN events.

>> No.76087964

90% of the EN girls are only here for the money, especially the lying whore Fauna

>> No.76088017

It's the only thing you have to offer the world, Anon.

>> No.76088290
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>> No.76088456

wow a holoEN anti thread
how fresh

>> No.76088947

>No one was invited by default
Almost all the JPs who are on the server were invited directly.

>> No.76091407

>putting down based autism because you're a massive faggot
Go back

>> No.76093297 [DELETED] 

According to this divining chart, she should be having a blast as we speak!

>> No.76093302

Her schedule has been fucked for months. She's got something going on in real life that is super distracting, or she's just really fucking tired of her only accomplishment in life being a babysitter for autistic adult men.

>> No.76093385

>bumped from page 11
How desperate are you?

>> No.76093412

page? this is a website not a book retard

>> No.76093445

back to r*ddit fag

>> No.76093493

Maybe it's because she's the only EOP person joining? ID girls have each other's backs atleast, I don't know about EN. I noticed Fauna in particular hasn't been collabing with anyone recently unless it's advent or mumeI, I think that's a factor too. As a person who watches streams and isn't in any of the circle jerking, I can honestly say the vibe with Fauna is very weird recently.

>> No.76093600

Read the thread, retard.

>> No.76093722

>She was clearly annoyed about not being invited because HoloEN managers are fucking retards
I feel like we're projecting about Nijisanji with this... especially given how ESL the rest of this post is.

>> No.76093766

I mean she has little chemistry with most of myth and rest of promise. She’s also probably not that eager to play games with others desu and thus limits to mumei who doesn’t really care either and doesn’t have strong personality to force on others. Bae and irys are jp hours focused and their stuff would leak over and use very shared interests with fauna. Kronii is just a loner.

>> No.76093784

>wow a holoEN anti thread
ltierally 90% of them make it very easy to make one

>> No.76094096
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It really was her period wasn't it?

>> No.76094154
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>Ohhhh myy gaaawwwwd Stacy did you see she didn't stream for 2 DAYS? Oh em gee WHAT a BITCH

>> No.76094170

She needs friends but unfortunately doesn't want any

>> No.76094235

what a fake bitch

>> No.76094235,1 [INTERNAL] 

I've seen this thread going around and what about it? She's not the only woman who gets her period.

>> No.76094474

Events are organized by the hosts. The times management does get involved, they always enforce a heavy anti-JP bias but the JP's still have to do all the work. That's how you end up with events completely set-up and run by JP's while all the people at it are non-JP's. Also, ID does do their own Minecraft event. Only EN is worthless shit and it will stay that way because EN's are just a bunch of randos who live all over the world that are supposedly bound together by geography (since that's what binds together the other branches).

>> No.76094505 [DELETED] 

Why are cukclings so fucking retarded? Can't they admit their whore is in the wrong for once in their worthless life?
Also ENwhores are spineless cunts who can't do shit by themselves, obviously they would never be able to host actual events(and you delusional always feel the need to deflect to other Holomembers somehow???).

>> No.76094672

She is shy and has a hard time initiating collabs, if anything she's been collabing on average more than ever lately by joining watchalongs and organizing some open invite collabs. Otherwise everyone is either busy or there is no idea what to do.
Gura - mostly gone, but we got SNOT
Ame - mostly gone, no common ground
Ina - another loner
Mori - ironically she is the one acting autistic around Fauna like she has a crush on her, wanted to invite her to something for like a year now, but is afraid to commit
Kiara - timezones, they are friendly otherwise
Mumei - they are the closest, but Mumei is often gone
Bae - part of sweaty gamers, otherwise busy with her projects, but likely to join
Kronii - they had a fight? or something? lately seems like Kronii doesn't like Fauna
IRyS - for a long time joined little collabs herself, now interested in JP side more
FWMC - similar to IRyS prioritizing JP
Biboo / Nerissa / Shiori - very likely to either invite or accept invitation from Fauna as long as there is something interesting to do
And from ID Kaela and Reine would join things.
So it's not terrible, generally no reason to spam collabs if she enjoys doing things at her pace and spending time with her chat.

>> No.76094727

I'd really like a competing corpo to come along that is just hololive without the idol concerts, but retaining idol culture. Immediately I'm in the process of getting shit by about half of /here/ for suggesting such a thing, but I'm really just around for the gaming streams and the fact that half of EN doesn't stream (ostensibly) because of the idol shit bugs me to no end.

People would probably then point to other corpos for this, but they're all garbage in some way or another. Niji is a slopswamp, phase is le edgy pickme. I like the multiple passes of the personality sander that get applied to hololive talents. I don't want politics, edgy bullshit or 3DPD in my vtubing. Kawaii is maybe the closest but is also a radioactive GFE groomercord shithole.

Having a corpo of vtubers (who are actually vtubing) that regularly stream and collab frequently with the corp backing to put together events would be sick. My favorite stuff to come out of HoloEN has been stuff like GOI Trials or the myth TTRPG. The fact the talents can't even be fucked enough to stream consistently let alone actually collab more than once every three bloodmoons is dumb as hell.

A corpo like this probably couldn't exist in current year though. The time for something like that to come together was probably 2020.

>> No.76094805
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This turns out to be false.
It was an ironic joke by her at a later part of the monday morning zatsudan because 1. she already addressed it much earlier in that stream and also when talking to pemaloes in the live chatting lounge not-actually-waiting-room stream frame, 2. she had to exert a lot of effort explaining her plans for playing since it involved her health (which she immediately throw out the window because she's a junkie and she doesn't actually believe that thought process), 3. it was an Indonesian chatter that asked it, 4. somehow the comment section timestamper emphasized and italicized the later ironic reply instead of the earlier sincere one, 5. It can be hard to distinguish irony from sincerity with Kaela since her personality is quite jaded so she kinda sees a lot of things as ironic
I have my biases against Kaela and my fellow Indonesians which might color this explanation rrat.
But other than that, I have no data on Fauna's situation.
Maybe she's just burnt out from grinding for her tree (big shocker wow uuu), and joining hardcore might effect her efforts there and because of sunken-cost fallacy, she wishes to isolate the two?

>> No.76094839

Fauna just isn't very likeable
your cope is funny though

>> No.76094848

I like the way you think.

>> No.76094853

women moment

>> No.76095129

holy shit anon calm down with the 200IQ retorts

>> No.76095548

I now have data on Fauna's situation >>76079712

>> No.76095743

>Mumei - they are the closest, but Mumei is often gone
With how Mumei decided to join the Shiori/Iofi/Nerissa Twilight watchalong instead of completing it with Fauna, I'm inclined to think that Fauna just didn't care about completing it with Mumei. I don't think they're that close.

>> No.76095982

>didn't care
You talk like you have no idea how many various collab ideas from all the girls die for months for a variety of reasons, mostly scheduling conflicts.
>Mumei decided
They both decided, seeing how the other girls started their watchalong, and it would be a good time to continue.

>> No.76096316

>fauna's time of the month
>she sounds happier than usual, very womanly and soft
>doesn't need to take a break at all, in fact, she starts streams consistently
>keeps talking about children for some reason
>changes her diet

>> No.76096734

Kaela already said she thought the hc server was jp only so she decided to do hc in her own solo world as was discussed in prechat. After she saw the confusion on her fans, she built up the courage to ask Pekora and then postpone her plan to do solo hc to join the server.
Idk how the fuck you came up with this retarded rrat about her being ironic

>> No.76096978
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>> No.76097540


>> No.76097641

>ESLchama rant
Serious answer?
Because from an early age, Japanese people are taught (at school, at home, and by friends) how to plan and organize events to the last detail.
It's the reason why a Japanese person will invite friends out for a drink weeks in advance, with a detailed text message with bullet points (I'm not joking) with the exact time and place they will meet, what cafe they will go to, and so on. Everybody will reply with either yes or no, and then when the day comes, the people who had agreed will materialize in the correct spot at the correct time (or rather 15 minutes before). They will go and have fun at the designated place, and then as soon as the event is over, they will clap their hands (or similar gesture) and everybody will just leave and go home.
In the Western world, you call a friend the same day: "Hey, are you free? Wanna hang out? Let's meet somewhere downtown. Call me when you're there."
Either side gets a culture shock when exposed to the other. It's quite funny. But the Japanese way has its merits when it comes to organizing work events like these collabs.

>> No.76097721

Based esl

>> No.76098010

you sound like a real weaboo praising the japanese and thinking they live in a perfect world

>> No.76098093

I don't. I could not live like that. But I lived there for a year and I can attest that most of them plan events like this, even for the most trivial meetups.

>> No.76098236

>I have my biases against Kaela and my fellow Indonesians which might color this explanation rrat.
Are you a fellow indog?

>> No.76098360

Sounds like you hate the japanese and believe that west is the best and EN is being "oppressed".

>> No.76098382

>screenshot during first minutes of sale
Nice, you caught a lot of fishes.

>> No.76098408

they live in a perfect world because they made it a perfect world senpai

>> No.76100115

>I want a bunch of people in suits to control what a bunch of women do based on their idea of what they think will get them money

>> No.76100709

>When are the holoen and holoid girls will have their events.
When they fucking organize them, just like how JP (And ID too really, since they have girls that aren't too shy/lazy/scared/whatever to take some initiative) gets theirs.

>> No.76100832

post the current one, then

>> No.76101079

>makes a huge deal about "not getting invited"
[citation needed]

>> No.76101318

I take my insults back, sorry you have to deal with that.

>> No.76101520

Kronii isn't going to stream on her Poland trip and probably won't in Korea too.

>> No.76101584

We love autists here

>> No.76101701

Kronii does collabs way more often than Fauna.

>> No.76102003

EN has no unity.
Simple as.
Couple that with things such as schedule and timezone differences and even if someone was willing to organize no one else would be willing to put their part.

>> No.76102011


>> No.76102023

her womb must be so fertile

>> No.76102057

Birth control meds can heavily fuck with your moods and even make you depressed. My girlfriend had to go on BC meds because she passed out in the bathroom once from her period, but the meds would cause massive mood swings.

>> No.76102308

Her womb yearns for my seed

>> No.76102832

Would be extremely hot

>> No.76103057

fucking kek, so when is she ovulating?

>> No.76103761

because pekora watched spic youtubers that make this shit every 2 months with big numbers.
I think Ironmouse got invited and then kicked from one of those

>> No.76107490

She's vegan, you can't trust vegans

>> No.76107647

>Seriously fuck jp and the bootlickers who sold their heritage to become Japanese for a chance at Japanese fish odor pussy
Why are KFP like this?

>> No.76108575

Anon, she wanted the invite she didn't actually want to play Minecraft in a language she didn't understand.
>But why did she want the invite then?
Because she is a petty woman.

>> No.76108811

a significant portion of women crazy moments that people complain about are caused by birth control
turns out that haphazardly circumventing and inducing hormonal processes your entire mind and body are designed around comes with some trade-offs

>> No.76109795

This is the ONLY reason I wish for trannies got their wish granted

>t. Anon with a sister having periods this bad since ever

>> No.76109953

I mean, I volunteer for >>76083923

>> No.76111393


>> No.76111952

Pretty much. Minecraft is the easiest game in the fucking world to do this, and look at EN.
Advent gets a pass cause they're in Japan.
But of the other 10, only two of them joined!
