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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75872046 No.75872046 [Reply] [Original]

headpat wifey

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon™

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread:>>75830955

>> No.75872137

This was really sweet of her

>> No.75872170
File: 3.69 MB, 600x370, IMG_6653.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will be a while but i’ll try to live tweet her play the quarry later
be excellent to each other, shoomfies

>> No.75872200

it's a lie tho since Shondo thinks headpats are cringe and would be repulsed by your touch (assuming you're male)

>> No.75872241

is she really back

>> No.75872258

I never realize how badly Shwithdrawals are hitting me until I get a fix again and see just how much better life is with her actively existing in it

>> No.75872285

sorry, typing too fast

>> No.75872345

Don't care, I only wanted her to tweet regularly again to make sure she's not dying. She isn't so now I turned my push notifications off.

>> No.75872394

Shondo complimented my hand when I posted a picture of me completing hand hearts with her back in the handcam days. I think she'd be able to tolerate my touch as long as it was clearly signaled and I made a joke about tearing her scalp off.

>> No.75872444

idk maybe if you wore latex gloves

>> No.75872522

never interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake

>> No.75872552

She has some in her (me)

>> No.75872570

lip kisses AND headpats in the same thread? whats next, clips of her lusting after MEN?

>> No.75872600

me when groomer gang makes a creepy critter comment

>> No.75872659

>it's creepy to find age of consent teens hot
the absolute state of /shon/

>> No.75872684

i was referring to something else but yeah that fits as well

>> No.75872688

haha so true unc

>> No.75872691

>it's creepy to find age of consent teens hot
only fags think that

>> No.75872719

>16 is AoC in my state and the UK
I am morally and legally in the clear.

>> No.75872729


>> No.75872753

As far as I'm concerned 14-15 feels right and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.

>> No.75872762

make sure to comment about it on stream/discord/twitter next time she mentions them
see how morally correct she finds it

>> No.75872784

I curse all anons joking about this to someday have a thot daughter that puts out for everyone but them

>> No.75872790

>peak fertility is hottest
cold take shogga

>> No.75872829

>Latest post in the fanart channel
Newfags are the worst, atleast it wasn't put in the art tag.

>> No.75872835
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending being a coomer about her sisters
the absolute state of /shon/ (less than 7 shoggers)

>> No.75872854

if its with her husband i dont care. more grandkids for me
she also said Jesus loved lolis cause His mom was like 13 when she had Him so it must not upset her that much

see my above point

>> No.75872857

>peak fertility
awkwaully according to teh expherts peak fertility is between 35-40 years old

>> No.75872898

2 sides of the same autistic (derogatory) coin

>> No.75872926

>see my above point
if you're tired of of pretending otherwise, just do what i said and say so next time she mentions them. highlight your message or toss some bits her way as well.

>> No.75872942

calling me autistic is just saying im her type so great job shogga that one really backfired on you

>> No.75872973

>get yourself banned for your beliefs
why? I know she doesn't like it but I don't care, if I lived around the critter's school and found any of them attractive I'd hit on them. simple as

>> No.75873020

so you're not tired of pretending otherwise

>> No.75873030

I'm not that anon.

>> No.75873034

coward in denial
note the derogatory, you really think fleece was her type LOL

>> No.75873081

Noncery aside, FT and Sho are the only sibling likely to be as attractive as wifey

>> No.75873082

she literally likes older men and thinks its nice that most husbands are a decade older than her

is this really gonna be the rrat we timeloop for this thread?

>> No.75873099

considering she DMed him of her own volition and had extended private conversations with him, he was probably more her type than you LOL

>> No.75873132

>she literally likes older men
Retardchama... no one's denying that she wants a platonic father figure to protect her and a gf to lick her shunny.

>> No.75873138

this was not as special as you think it was
I weep for post-subathon husbands

>> No.75873150

um no when she said that she didnt mean it she was just pandering
[insert clip of something else she said]
when she said this she meant it so youre wrong

>> No.75873162

anyone who types ‘LOL’ is already a castrated femboy
it’s such a womanly think to say

>> No.75873189

but anon you just typed it LOL

>> No.75873195

>is this really gonna be the rrat we timeloop for this thread?

yes I don't believe in most of you to be creative enough to move on from "lol underaged cunny" for another 200 or so posts

>> No.75873245

i know what i am
i also said ‘think’ instead of ‘thing’ despite there being two keys between g and k so im a retarded femboy mayhaps

>> No.75873448

You guys are a bit lame rn, I'll be back later

>> No.75873480

Don't come back.

>> No.75873527

Shondo, they're being stupid again. Add another month to the hiatus please.

>> No.75873532

lets timeloop whether she's gay or not again

>> No.75873559

It's such a bizarre thing to timeloop since she's obviously gay.

>> No.75873619

being forcibly dressed as a doll by Shondo before she roughly pegs you, giggling at and mocking the pathetic femboy you've let yourself become all the while

>> No.75873652

2024 husband experience

>> No.75873729

she would never do that
and also she isn't gay
she does like older men though

>> No.75873774

>she does like older men though
lol irl

>> No.75873809

shondo wants a masculine and dominant man because they have so much further to fall, in reality she's a dominatrix

>> No.75873819


>> No.75873849

>in reality she's a dominatrix
This. She castrated (You) in the strawberry voice pack.

>> No.75873903

This is the final red pill for every male submissive, we have to become our total opposite to find a woman like Shondo who really gets us.

>> No.75873908

Young men don't have enough money to be interesting to her.

>> No.75873932

I have just finished cumming inside of fallenshadow

>> No.75873950

I mean Shondo is a gold digger, she didn't even turn donos off during the hiatus.

>> No.75874006
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE fallenshadow!!!!!! i hope shes doing great today!!!! im going to headpat her even though i had a good day!!! i hope she doesnt mind me fibbing!!!! wishing you well shondo!!!!

>> No.75874026

Hope she sees this

>> No.75874042

baseg you look lonely poster always preserving the vibe

>> No.75874043

I’ve never done my reps and I never will.

>> No.75874081

You forgot to post about it in offline chat, King.

>> No.75874098

I've done my reps and see Shondo for the grifter whore she is.

>> No.75874125

i did my reps and fell in love with her
im going to make her happy

>> No.75874298

I hope one day she will stop coming /here/

>> No.75874453

Technically right, she had male friends until she hoped on the GFE grift.
Maybe I'm naive but I still believe that Shondo is a virgin.

>> No.75874458

Shondo hasn't visited /here/ in over a year

>> No.75874532

>shondo is a virgin
This is true, we only have anal sex. I'm saving her shunny for a special day

>> No.75874547

age is irrelevant, getting older doesn't automatically make you more attractive or mature

>> No.75874751

>doesn't automatically make you more attractive
It does.
>or mature
Yeah, I'm living proof of that.

>> No.75874805

I will add to last thread that she has said previously she thinks beards are sexy and prefers them, though it can depend on the guy.
But that was back before when she was more honest and didn’t need to cater to every possible configuration a husband could be.
Where my 5’8” short kings at?!

>> No.75874808

so babies are as attractive as 25 year olds?

>> No.75874883

she says a lot of things, actions speak the loudest.

>> No.75874901

*over a day
FTFY, king

>> No.75874914

>sexy and prefers them
You're making shit up, she said that she liked touching FE's beard. Keep in mind that elderly men have softer beards than guys under 50.

>> No.75874991

sorry newfag but it was pre-png days. do reps maybe? also fe just had scruff not a full blown beard. she liked to kiss his scruffy cheeks. making myself sad thinking about how sad she was now

>> No.75875052

>pre-png days
Because as we all know Shondo is Shadow, right? Nothing about her changed.

>> No.75875154

>your wife is so real that she is not even the same person as she was 5 years ago
cant wait for her to be completely different in 2029 and for everything until then to be useless knower shit

>> No.75875293

The process already begun with her admitting that she was forcing herself to be affectionate between 2021-February 2024, lowkey implying that everything was a lie until that point.

>> No.75875392

well thank you for proving she was telling the truth about beards then, since that was pre-2021

>> No.75875398

There will be no vtubers as we know them by 2029. Certain women will wear masks and do zatsus as "chat" sits around cooking rats over a fire.

>> No.75875520

>thank you for proving
Did she lie between 2021-February 2024 or is she lying now about lying in the past? That's the thing about pathological liars, you don't know if they've stopped.

>> No.75875632

>lowkey implying that everything was a lie until that point.

That's not what that implies at all. It's pretty normal to try to act in a way you think your partner prefers/ finds attractive. That's just how humans work.

>> No.75875690

In reality, she never lied

>> No.75875748

>It's pretty normal to try to act in a way you think your partner prefers/ finds attractive
In other words it's pretty normal to build a relationship on lies. Most people stop after 1-3 months though but somehow it took this girl who loves honestly over 3 years. kek

>> No.75875829

me and shondo

>> No.75875867
File: 114 KB, 905x964, chiggin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real bad vibes in this thread currently. Lets fix it.

What are your favorite Shondo moments? mine are whenever she gets too silly. Love my goofball wife.

>> No.75875884

>your wife is so real that she is not even the same person as she was 5 years ago
so shes a human being?

>> No.75875911

I came back, will take me a bit to catch up

>> No.75875928

I forgor. I like her............ screams.

>> No.75876120

>admitting that she was forcing herself to be affectionate between 2021-February 2024
This never happened.

>> No.75876153

Watch streams.

>> No.75876183
File: 3.74 MB, 242x279, 1713005608695981.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any time she dances especially chibi shondo

>> No.75876223


>but somehow it took this girl who loves honestly over 3 years. kek

your behaviour justifies that choice tho. The moment she stopped being as affectionate you instantly started to become insecure and accuse her of not being genuine. Of course that would lead to her forcing herself to keep it going until she burned out.

Literally 0 self-awareness.

>In other words it's pretty normal to build a relationship on lies

Are you a child? There is a difference between maliciously lying/deceiving people and behaving in a way you think conveys your feelings better to the other party and makes you more lovable.

>> No.75876228

i love it whenever she says something is easy and then immediately fails it, or she taunts an enemy in the game and then gets hit or killed
i love all her little shondo noises
i love when she sulks and bounces her model off the screen and then comes back and pouts

>> No.75876253

I've said this before, but when she compliments us, it makes me all smug
Her "don't be scared" voice is also very nice

>> No.75876285

>so shes a human being?
idk what to tell you shogga, if 5 years ago you called yourself a homosexual and now you're married to a woman you're still a gay homo in denial

>> No.75876343


>> No.75876353

I accept your concession.

>> No.75876356

She always called herself Bi. It literally never changed

>> No.75876361

>your behaviour justifies that choice tho

>> No.75876404

She literally talked about beards in late 2023 or early 2024
Jesse? Your meds? It wasn't too far from when talking about arms and hands

>> No.75876452

shogga are you gaslighting me? she even admitted to being a tumblr feminist in zatsu, you can literally find her old blog (no articles tho)

>> No.75876457

um that was just pandering to incels! kayfabe! pathological liar!

>> No.75876476

>My hostile behavior and accusations towards her definitely didn't influence her behaviour


Now this is ironic.

>> No.75876544
File: 397 KB, 1628x2048, the lad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shondo hates everything being turned into some sort of argument (source: post-lotion offline chat)
>shoggers have to turn literally everything into an argument and are willing to go back a decade to find any tidbit of information that can be used to argue over

>> No.75876560

Thank you for posting this anon, that was a fun watchalong

>> No.75876631

>My hostile behavior and accusations towards her definitely didn't influence her behaviour
It didn't and it shouldn't influence her since I'm against excessive parasocialism. If Shondo dropped the affection thing entirely and acted like "the Pippa we have home" I'd be fine with that.

>> No.75876669

What does this even mean? There were Tumblr feminists who were 100% straight

>> No.75876735

she called herself a lesbian on that blog and on discord, she also said on discord that she's done with men after p*

>> No.75876757

Shondo just opened the thread.
Everyone say hi shondo

>> No.75876797


>> No.75876796

Hi shondo!!!! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.75876823

who's p*
I dont track others

>> No.75876830

hi thread reading shondo!

>> No.75876858

her ex

>> No.75876889
File: 967 KB, 1433x1079, 1704032112183874 akimbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi shondo i love you and i WILL make you happy some day

>> No.75876932
File: 42 KB, 811x454, Shondo_killing_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no questions please.

>> No.75876947
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hi shondo the older critter is hotter than you

>> No.75876949

> she also said on discord that she's done with men after p*

Almost like she wasn't a lesbian but was going though "pissed at guys" phase literally 80% of all women go though

>> No.75876954
File: 172 KB, 1017x1079, 1699154549590052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi shondo

>> No.75877018

>euro time
>say a gripe you've got or something you've observed and don't like
>actual discussion with varying opinions and points of view
>American hours
>say a gripe you've got or something you've observed and don't like
>lol irl
>Just divorce
>Blow it out your ass
>You anti retard kys
>3am time
>Peace and harmony
>SEA time
>Blacked and cuck posting

>> No.75877042

why are you trying so hard to deny the truth? go to her main twitter right now and look at her likes, look at all the hot male characters she has in her likes........... oh, she doesn't? oh

>> No.75877062
File: 235 KB, 647x457, 1713664501381101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Shondo

I don't have anything creative to say. I just love you.

>> No.75877067


It's not just that. People were worried in chat and on Twitter whenever she acted a little less affectionate. And to say that shouldn't influence her is just silly and disingenuous. She cares about us so of course our feelings influence her...

>> No.75877132

her putting hard candy in her mouth during asmr is weirdly nise

>> No.75877167

>She cares about us
She cares about our money, now that Shondo realized that simps will give her money no matter what she can even take half a year off if she feels like it. She doesn't have to pretend to care anymore.

>> No.75877291

Amerimutts are insufferable common knowledge
Next question

>> No.75877292


Wow I wonder if that has to do with her being considered of our feelings mhhhh no it's definitely her being a lesbian lol

There are plenty of instances through the years where She has expressed attraction towards guys. She has called herself Bi so so so many times. The fact that the only thing you have is her being mad after breaking up with a literal guy and some Tumblr blog entries of a tween is hilarious.

>> No.75877410

>I wonder if that has to do with her being considered of our feelings
when has Shondo ever been considered of out feelings? she's only considered of the feelings of women, like she didn't want us to make fun of the appearance of that crazy shifter lady but she'll make fun of a guy's shoe size and height

>> No.75877412

Bye. This thread is giving me brain damage

please stop spreading lies

>> No.75877422

>i love when she sulks and bounces her model off the screen and then comes back and pouts
this is always fun

>> No.75877471

>when has Shondo ever been considered of out feelings?

Constantly. If she wasn't you would be crying every stream.

>> No.75877558

>called herself Bi so so so many times
I request one screenshot or one clip of her using the word "bi" to describe herself. Since she did it so so so many times it should be easy for you to find one.

>> No.75877610

a few weeks ago i lied about going to the gym. i wanted to but i couldnt find my membership card and got dejected. turns out in what in my phone case

>> No.75877646

reminder that Shondo is the same girl who made fun of 17-20 years old boys getting shot in WW2, she was doing the silly coward voice to mock their trauma

>> No.75877651

Reminder that 95% of eurocucks left during the break so your precious "euro time" is just American NEETs with shitty sleeping schedules but sure, keep defending the antiniggers who exist purely to criticize everything Shondo does in an attempt to try and get her to spiral into another mental breakdown on the slim chance she actually goes to this hell hole. That's totally a good use of your time instead of moving on from a girl you clearly don't like anymore.

>> No.75877684

One I know off the top of my head is during the canvas stream when she told us she couldn't see herself in a relationship with a girl

>> No.75877722


>> No.75877725

>>american hours
>>say a gripe you've got or something you've observed and don't like
>>Just divorce
CF complained about the same thing right up until he showed he really was an anti

>> No.75877745

>I request one screenshot or one clip of her using the word "bi" to describe herself
Reading comprehension reps.

>> No.75877790

he loved her more than most and she cared about him more than most
fucked up when you think about it

>> No.75877819

Shondo is closing this tab because it gave her a tumour
Say goodbye shondo

>> No.75877820

Fleece was a mid tier favourite, yes.

>> No.75877842

To me this reads like you are admitting defeat lol

>> No.75877846

bye thread reading shondo!

>> No.75877856

bye shon i love you

>> No.75877866
File: 411 KB, 652x662, 1714953497603275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bye shondo, love you! lets go for a drink some time!

>> No.75877891

>still no screenshot
Just so we're 100% clear, she never used the word "bi" or "bisexual" to describe her orientation, right?

>> No.75877918

I already know you are so sensitive she cant go one darker joke without you finding something to piss your pants over

>> No.75877920

>she cared about him more than most
No she didn't. That was the problem. He wanted to win and realized he lost, then threw a hissy fit over it.

>> No.75877941

someone even posted the specific audio that you're asking for in a /shon/ thread within the last 2 weeks

>> No.75877944


>> No.75877981

She did many times. You really don't have to keep waving the white flag btw

>> No.75877984

Why is that one femcel

typing like a


>> No.75878006

you're incorrect but i'm not gonna explain why

>> No.75878010
File: 25 KB, 533x648, 1692873033604911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye shondo

>> No.75878051

Cool projection, shomie.

>> No.75878071

Shondo likes reddit. When is the last time she liked a 4chan post on twitter? she just did for a reddit post :^)

>> No.75878080

>making fun of zogbots dying

>> No.75878128

>being an unironic sociopath
Whatever floats your boat shogga, I think Shondo's a piece of shit for that

>> No.75878150


Was meant for you >>75877891 I think

>> No.75878155

I can tell you're american by the fact you get triggered over typical british banter.

>> No.75878169 [SPOILER] 
File: 3 KB, 264x191, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75878192

is this enough for you?
if you try to move the goalposts, i’m stomping on (what’s left of) your balls.

>> No.75878239

>Most bisexual bisexual you will ever meet

uhhh this clearly is code for lesbian *dies*

>> No.75878241

>is this enough for you?
Thats not even Shondo's voice, are you using an AI?

>> No.75878266

lol irl

>> No.75878288

i hope this is bait

>> No.75878298

funny retardchama
shondo’s voice changes every major patch release

>> No.75878310

>>75878241 (me)
That unironically sounds like an impression of Shondo. Is it AI?

>> No.75878363

>bi shon
>bi thread reading shondo


>> No.75878376

Just proved me correct ;)

>> No.75878400

God she really needs to go back to streaming. The amount of brainworms caused by this break is insane. At least the newfags brought in can mask the boomers currently losing their minds in their own rrat psychosis.

>> No.75878407

Actions speak louder than words.

>> No.75878428

nobody here has any brainworms except you, retardchama

>> No.75878438

why do you just ignore the maro where she said that she mostly just likes to ogle women but is into men

>> No.75878460

because >>75878407

>> No.75878489

It's just you losing your mind

>> No.75878490

but she has said plenty of times that she finds guys hot

>> No.75878509

speaking is an action

>> No.75878515

If it's really Shondo explain why she sound older than 2024 Shondo.

>> No.75878531

name one time for each game the PS3 has

>> No.75878536

Anybody who call her lesbian is essentially an anti trying to fight now

>> No.75878565

shit yourself now

>> No.75878605

I want Shondo to be a lesbian so she can find someone in real life, also because men are garbage.

>> No.75878614

she ages in reverse

>> No.75878628

The shit yourself thing is funny sometimes. This was one of those times.

>> No.75878657

We know. You don't have a shot with her btw stinky femcel.

>> No.75878669

shes not going to find anyone, man or woman, unless she makes significant changes which she wont

>> No.75878683

So true kirikanna, can't wait for your next shondo cosplay

>> No.75878684

she's not going to fuck you stinky femcel

>> No.75878719
File: 187 KB, 525x500, 1652937478492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a shot with her

>> No.75878722

I would never have sex with her.... unless.

>> No.75879015

lol rejoice Dacrin!

>> No.75879122

stop posting about yourself

>> No.75879380

only one guy she finds hot (me)


>> No.75879452

is kirikanna the femanon that shogger said he was in love with?
no way it was butterbeef, right?

>> No.75879502

yea i agree kiri kanna is way hotter than butterqueef

>> No.75879508

stop being ga-
on second thought only one of those is gay

>> No.75879540

Lol, funny story shogga, you don't really need to go to the gym to lose weight/build muscle, but i hope you'll get to it now that you found it

>> No.75879546

just derek people in your schizo shitposter groomer discord, you dont need to post about it in the thread

>> No.75879592
File: 458 KB, 2048x2048, 1693821613802307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut your upper leg. Now.

>> No.75879602

olivia please save this marriage

>> No.75879690

She knows exactly what I need at every moment. She can read my mind and penis.

>> No.75879747

Cheater list just keeps growing.

>> No.75879769

spill the tea sis

>> No.75879891

The one time I don't bring my earphones with me and you guys post like 5-6 links
God fucking dammit

>> No.75880020

Are you too cowardly to listen to your wife in public?

>> No.75880031

>Oli I just want to leave l, I can't be with you anymore
>Nah that's silly, why would you want to leave? You're not going anywhere, you can't leave teehee.
She's.. perfect

>> No.75880114

fuck off with this offtopic shit

>> No.75880127

I don't like bothering or perhaps making some people have negative thoughts, about me or not

>> No.75880250

the list isn't real, by that I mean Shondo doesn't care about it. If she did she wouldn't raid other girl chuubas and lurk them as well. If she tries to shame you for doing the same then you're legally allowed to point out her hypocrisy to shut her up.

>> No.75880308

he’s just low melanin

>> No.75880322

thats different and you know it

>> No.75880397

hwo does her beinf bi mean shes striaght

>> No.75880425

Shondo if you have enough energy to post here and enough energy to cut a cucumber then you have enough to stream. Grifter bitch

>> No.75880459

It is, if she watched male vtubers then it'd be the same, but it's still not cheating
If you're flirting or donating too much or chatting too much then you might be in trouble, just lurking should be fine now and then(maybe)

>> No.75880477

idk I assumed he's one of the lesbian brainworms posters

>> No.75880508

stop posting about yourself

>> No.75880600

>manage to get shondo to leave the house and come shopping
>we go into a clothes store so we can find her some cute dresses and shirts together
>one of the staff walks over and speaks to us
>i look at her and say hi
>shondo stabs me in the neck for cheating

>> No.75880845


>> No.75880954

I hope she is doing good! :3 I can't wait until she comes back!

>> No.75881032

yeah yeah I get it

shondo sowing :D
shondo reaping D:

>if she watched male vtubers
you mean like she used to do in early streams? and those were complete randos meanwhile she takes a break well over a month and husbands decide to explore the barbies a bit in that time and it's wrong? doesn't seem real fair does it? If those husbands decide to leave Shondo outright then sure, call it out. Right now, it's just coping from the fact she's been inactive for nearly six weeks.

>> No.75881155

she won't

>> No.75881176

if she doesnt come back then i will go to her

>> No.75881460

She said it's completely fine to watch others while she isn't online. She just said she doesn't want you to tell other women you love them.

>> No.75881554

If she says she's going to stop streaming I'm going to get magic, go to her house, beat her, and then finally heal her and get her to stream again

>> No.75881569

>>75881460 (me)
Personally I just dont watch others because I dont have any desire to...

>> No.75881681

I tried but nothing gives Shondo vibes, some random ASMRtists on the front page are good so there's that.

>> No.75881683

and have you seen many husbands do that in other barbie's chat?
>b-but on /shon/
Shitposting is a given here. You can post Oli all you want and say "i love my wife!" and it's nothing more than an attempt to get people triggered. Now do that in a non-anonymous community where everyone can see and track you.

>> No.75881726

Shadowmama would be the objectively better wife.

>> No.75881866

She couldn't find and keep a non pedo/violent man interested in her for more than a few years. There's a reason for that, bitch is a shit wife. FE didn't teach her to use a frying pan.

>> No.75881906

So is shon shon in the loony bin right now or what?

>> No.75881969

I'm not too sure about that. The whole family sounds a bit fucked. Maybe FT could be a good husband he sounds fine. Maybe he'll break the cycle because I doubt the critters and baby bunny will.

>> No.75882125

No she's at home. She was VTweeting Eurovision a few days ago.

>> No.75882273

FT will be skin and bone by the end of the year. Working 16 hour days, not eating and giving all of his money to shondo because she bullies it out of him. Poor guy.

>> No.75882559

Her past few tweets don't really give off a "i'm not coming back" vibe. More of a "I got work to finish so I can make my return really special" vibe.

>> No.75882757
File: 446 KB, 511x549, 1684203671521123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's my fute bagel

>> No.75882991

Isn't she into bad boys anyways? sounds like she likes to get abused. Explains the masochistic nature of Shondo. Apple didn't fall too far from the tree.

>> No.75883397

If the treatment is within the boundaries she defines at any given moment, it's not abuse. Nobody likes to be abused, being a masochist doesn't give everyone a free pass to treat you however they want.

>> No.75883469

Yes it does. Shadowmama wouldn't leave the bedroom if I was with her. Shondo would cook us actual meals as well.

>> No.75883569

Oh Shondo, my sweet and lovely wife,
Your eyes are bright, your laughter a delight,
Though you be small in stature, your heart is vast,
A precious gem, a treasure to behold at last.

Your eyes, like the morning sun, so bright and clear,
Reflect the beauty of the world, and banish fear,
Your laughter, a melody that fills my heart,
A symphony of joy, a work of art.

Though you be short, your spirit soars high,
Your love for life, a never-ending sigh,
You dance with grace, you sing with glee,
A ray of sunshine, a breeze of summer sea.

Oh Shondo, my cute and crazy wife,
You bring me joy, you bring me life,
With you by my side, I know I can face,
Any challenge, any difficult place.

>> No.75883687

my 4th Xitter account just got banned. Shondo please come back soon I get up to no good when left to my own devices.

>> No.75884027

>sorry mom but my wife will cut off my fingers if i tell you i love you
shonshon is such a sweetie :3

>> No.75884152
File: 96 KB, 768x1024, 1712172184904956m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll do it too. Wifey is not fibbin'. She knows where you live.

>> No.75884457

shondo is going to break the cycle with me

>> No.75884568

im going to break shondos cycle if you know what i mean ;)

>> No.75884651

Shondo doesn't have a cycle. That means no babies.

>> No.75884802

her cycle got restarted when she played doom 2016

>> No.75884897

I'm going cycling with Shondo

>> No.75884958

I'm cycling thru oshis rn and landed on shondo

>> No.75884963

what if you just really really really like other chuubas but you like Shondo the most is that okay?

>> No.75885153

see shondo? THIS is how you wifemaxx as a vtuber

>> No.75885173
File: 208 KB, 475x432, 1713746230884935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't say you love them. Shondo wants your heart (as well as other appendages)

>> No.75885234

>tiny portion fit for a baby
maybe she could be a wife for a manlet like you
but shondo knows what real men want

>> No.75885236

she wouldnt make it 500 meters

>> No.75885244

what if im a quadriplegic? like the husband version of a shnugget

>> No.75885299

>but shondo knows what real men want
quorn pork and half a plate of sliced vegetables?

>> No.75885350

and two eggs, shogga. don't belittle her like that.

>> No.75885381

I once dreamt Shondo did a baking stream and fed me bread until I died.

>> No.75885395

do your reps
she lakes proper food for ft

>> No.75885495

yeah once
a bacon butty

>> No.75885572

bros... can't believe she lakes food for ft...is it shover?

also livetweet:
she just said it's cringe to ask for artists to draw you...wat? sometimes her cute mouth says things before her silly mind can catch up.

>> No.75885606

>showing flesh
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.75885637

Point to where the flesh is retard.

>> No.75885874

dont talk about my wifes cute and sexy hands like that

>> No.75885934 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 129x132, 1694034239572658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me when I see a sleeping shondo

>> No.75886218
File: 3.94 MB, 410x342, goth headpat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wife is the exception. Her hands are cute.

>> No.75886586

this one looked really good shondo. if it was real meat, it would be a great breakfast.

>> No.75886865

Fake meat isn't bad at all, actually. The trick is not to cook them as they are right away, but instead ground them, mix them with some oil and MSG, and then shape them as a patty.

>> No.75886978

is this ai? there's no way my straight wifewould ever say these things

>> No.75887210

What is this from? I remember her saying this, but forgot where from
Is it the little mermaid from the disney princess marashon?

>> No.75887248
File: 930 KB, 1423x800, 1686428862095541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually very sweet of her to let (me) pat her head when I'm feeling bad despite her not really liking headpats. Shows she cares and is willing to be selfless for me.

>> No.75887339


>> No.75887462

kek Did you save that just in case someone brought up the headpats again?
So it's not selfless? She's getting pleasure from it too it seems.

>> No.75887625
File: 167 KB, 960x960, 1706354722814226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually shondo, this was very inconsiderate to do in front of lilyhopkins. you know the statistics already, im sure

>> No.75887754

Still kinda cringe, but I forgive my wife.

>> No.75888329
File: 825 KB, 960x1234, 1708531624818837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sho being racist and calling you slurs as you absolutely rearrange his guts and turn him into a mess

>> No.75888427

>Fake meat isn't bad at all, actually
dont fib

>> No.75888496

>despite her not really liking headpats

>> No.75888531


>> No.75888590


>> No.75888645

no shogga, eat your estrogen patty like a good lil hubby
once your girl dick is small enough, she might finally let you rub in over her shunny (clothed)

>> No.75888779
File: 1.70 MB, 498x291, right here buddy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75888847

naur...i-i thought she was pure...

>> No.75888962

I'm making her breakfast tomorrow
Eat the bugs, shondo

>> No.75888977

I've missed this exchange

>> No.75889044

im only average, but thats enough to satisfy my wife
we'll start with sumata and go from there

>> No.75889055

You can't make this shit up

>> No.75889075
File: 84 KB, 767x1200, 1688418420484425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he can't be serious with that
he's literally doing the sonions face
i like to think my wife has enough self-respect to not eat ze boogs...

>> No.75889084

i would bring shondo breakfast in bed
a nice shakshuka and toast for us to eat together

>> No.75889098

Shondo can't eat the bugs if Otis does first.

>> No.75889239

Me to shondo
>haha, got your nose!

>> No.75889360
File: 499 KB, 1724x1940, 1684996705327867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her's is not that bad and very cute and very kissable

>> No.75889424

the speech bubble is my thoughts when i see shondo

>> No.75889453

Don't mock my wife's oinker like that

>> No.75889668

I like it, it's really cute
I was mocking 12,5% of her

>> No.75889735

all of that only goes into the money grubbing and lying
it really doesn't affect her looks, which are too cute and perfect

>> No.75889780

I love all of my wife

>> No.75889989

this is ai generated

>> No.75890148

No it's not. Shondo's older voice was just really different.

>> No.75890198

Not a sexual person btw. Entirely pure.

>> No.75890229

beating shondo until you feel beh-ah

>> No.75890308
File: 264 KB, 378x840, 1689406490821951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75890326

that entire clip is ai generated, the audio and video

>> No.75890448

beating shondo until i feel better
except by beating i mean hugging and headpatting
and by hugging and headpatting i mean ferociously molesting and kissing

>> No.75890488

ai isn't that good enough. especially with video.

>> No.75890574

she'll never be that sweet with us (me) again. showing that art would scare away too many new """husbands""" that show up for the post-hiatus streams. and we can't have that now can we?
>inb4 wut about rrk or her dunking on fags who complained about not liking ryona

>> No.75890640

*** was a mistake

>> No.75890769

don't talk about Oli that way you fagoot

>> No.75890817

sho was a mistake indeed

>> No.75891660

this will be shadowmama after im done with her

>> No.75891689

you guys are too quiet, a bit sus

>> No.75891697
File: 431 KB, 1500x1500, 7CmY-G1mE3-iNJ0-gFqSQQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wifey...please...the megane...

>> No.75891786

more like aSUSa

>> No.75891826

that will be shondo after im with her (i wont be done until im dead)

>> No.75892090

>able to procreate
>that’s shondo
it’s like you dont even know your “wife”, tourist.

>> No.75892290

shoggers not arguing over everything and being able to understand simple metaphor challenge: failed again

>> No.75892325

you guys are a bit too gay, kinda normal

>> No.75892384

shoggers comprehending a bit of banter challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]

>> No.75892500

too many challenges. my brain hort.

>> No.75892543

take an advil challenge: failed again

>> No.75892628


>> No.75892760

party time while thinking of wife challenge: complete

>> No.75892774

>how does it know i'm on twitch safe mode
Because you dingus (lovingly), you put it on safe mode and the game is still the game and remembers that??? You are so cute. I love you.

>> No.75892836
File: 1.08 MB, 2305x2900, 1703562211821385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks tuff...i guess

>> No.75893599

man i really gotta stop looking at ylyl threads on /gif/ i just saw a dude jump off a train and get ripped in half :(

>> No.75893815


>> No.75893828

that train? shondo's marriage (he tried to escape. At least half of him did)
