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75518793 No.75518793 [Reply] [Original]

Kirsche is banned from Offkai and blacklisted.

Pippa's friend was banned by Offkai

>> No.75518853 [SPOILER] 
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>Kirsche going on a rant about Offkai volunteers disallowing her a panel and now going to actually be blacklisted
based or cringe or...?

>> No.75518961

To be fair Kirsche is just too political. And that invites other people with political opinions and before you know it vtubing is full of the usual culture/political war that killed every other form of entertainment in the West and it becomes too American to tolerate or even like.

Vtubing should stay away from such things. Only failed forms of culture have to rely on outrage and drama.

>> No.75519080

>Kirsche doesn't understand why a kiwifarms sympathizer would be treated like walking trash

>> No.75519168

>Rants about how based and blackpilled she is
>Posts all day on Twitter about political topics
>Loves to jump into drama slapfights
>Fosters a fanbase that backs her up unconditionally on all this
Gee I wonder why she's been blacklisted

>> No.75519197

>newfag doesn't realize Pippa Connect is sponsoring offkai

>> No.75519315

Why don't they ban Pippa if she is the queen of ch*ds?

>> No.75519324


>> No.75519345

There's Pippa's occasional slightly-right-of-center hot take and then there's Kirsche's "DESPITE BEING 13% OF THE POPULATION" ranting.

>> No.75519350

No shit, she's a /pol/tuber. Her main content is covering drama and political shit.
Fishman bans her from going too far, that's why she's not election season baiting.

>> No.75519367

What did kirche do to be banned from offkai is it because of political views or something if so that's a petty reason to ban somebody.

>> No.75519467

One of these people follows null on twitter and simps for him in his comments every time. One of them doesn't.

>> No.75519489

lmao i never seen her. does she really? whats her opinion on small hats?

>> No.75519583
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We'll all be wondering until they tell us why she's banned. Actually, she isn't banned because they said so. What makes you think she's banned, anyway? Staff just isn't comfortable with someone "like her" attending and have removed her from the event. I don't know what you're talking about, nobody is banned, they just can't attend the event. And we don't know why that is, so this conversation is pointless.

Why are you slandering Offkai (brought to you by Phase Connect) on the internet? They don't ban people from their events for any of the reasons you listed, or at all.

>> No.75519658
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>> No.75519660

Just when I thought Offkai couldn't get more based

>> No.75519748

>And Pippa isn't it?
I was membered to her and adored her for two years. No.

Kirsche's entire content is just her reading articles or commenting this or that event, movement, fucked up thing that's going on in the world. It has next to nothing with vtubing, and while I'm willing to concede that there's an audience for that as well it is also pure poison for vtubing and shouldn't be encouraged. Likewise, her attempt at spinning this against Offkai reflects poorly on her and is clearly an attempt to create drama, as well as a display of unwillingness to be what she set out to be. You can't have your cake and eat it too, no matter your gut capacity. If you went down the political road then you also have to accept you're outside the scope of genuine vtubing and that you'll naturally be outside of the usual circles and cons and so on.

In other words Kirsche seems to be too American in her outlook and assumes the rest of the world (vtuber audience) should or wants to give a damn about the typical US left-right grifter wars that don't even make sense to the rest of us. Paradoxically she's a part of the problem that destroyed Western entertainment by reacting to it, and more than that she doesn't seem to understand that as an anime girl her cultural expressions should be based on Japanese principles, not American ones. I don't think Kirsche is a bad person or have anything against her, but this is a typical Karen situation. The fact she's probably blissfully unaware of it makes it funny.

>> No.75519754

based on both sides

her for fighting for her rights
and the event for putting a woman in place.

>> No.75519775

Be it as it may, let's not pretend there isn't a double standard. If they'd be regularly banning feminists and people who watch MSNBC then they'd get a pass, but as it is it just seems petty.

>> No.75519842

>banning feminists
name a vtuber feminist who is extreme enough to be banned from offkai.

>> No.75519854

She's full of shit when she says she doesn't understand, she's been on that outrage bait train for a while she knows what she's doing.
That said Offkai has decided that the best way to not cause issues so close to the convention was stoking the fire directly, they are profoundly retarded and they deserve all the shit they're gonna get because of this, what the fuck did they think was gonna happen?

>> No.75519870


>> No.75519947

Offkai did nothing wrong here
You can't be a political vtuber and expect doors not to close opportunity wise, why did Kirsche post this thinking shes being wronged?

>> No.75520036

>extreme enough
Weird that you put that arbitrary requirement, like you're just going to go "not extreme enough" no matter who I list.
For starters, everyone who bitched about Roe v. Wade being overturned. Unlimited unrestricted baby murder is still looked down upon most of the civilized world as far as I remember.

>> No.75520071

Maybe Kirsche need to learn to behave like pippa, at least she know how hard she need to falsely bait the /pol/fags while still being hard left to not be cancelled from participate in these kind of cons

>> No.75520103

Just watch she's gonna start saying its a woke convention and people should boycott

>> No.75520182

Why doesn't she just get enough volunteers from her chat to replace the ones that leave? Is she stupid?

>> No.75520229

I need a Nodoka/A-chan edit of this.

>> No.75520237

It's the shit sandwich. You didn't do anything wrong, we're all friends here. You are banned for life you disgusting cow, and everyone on staff agrees you're not welcome. Please, feel free to buy a ticket and let's make this another great year!

>> No.75520277
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>Unlimited unrestricted baby murder is still looked down upon most of the civilized world as far as I remember.

you got a bad memory then.

>> No.75520292

they accept their extremists until they start tanking events rates whenever they show up

>> No.75520322

>there's not a double standard
>I bet you can't even name one person on the other side who is being persecuted for their beliefs

>> No.75520351

>literal /pol/nigger shit
Can't you fags go bitch about Stellar Blade or something?

>> No.75520378

>have mentally ill trannies as your main work force
>trannies don't want to be near you if you don't have their twitter brain disease (pronoums on bio, trans flag, palestine flag, you also canno't criticize "minorities" and you need to ashamed of being white)
Makes sense desu

>> No.75520395

Pippa will defend Kirsche or throw her under the bus.

>> No.75520421

She’s not really blacklisted, that would be if she isn’t even allowed to attend the convention at all. But it’s obvious why there are people weary about hosting her because she can’t keep her mouth shut about Twittershit that’s ultimately irrelevant to vtubing.

>> No.75520449

I explicitly asked that anon to name the vtuber they think is an extreme enough feminist that they should be banned from events for being 'too political' and instead of naming one they proceeded to sperg out about abortion.

>> No.75520458

It's going to be so fucking funny watching grifters seethe when Pippa drops Kirsche.

>> No.75520482

There is no even remotely popular vtuber who is the leftist equivalent of Kirsche. The worst they might get is throwing out retarded tweets every so often. Meanwhile, being political constantly is what Kirsche does, political commentary in and of itself is her stream content.
I don't doubt that some equally retarded lefties haven't tried doing the same thing over time, but as far as I know nobody of the sort has broken into any real numbers. Suggesting that they were successfully gatekept.

>> No.75520525

No she isn't, her panel was just canceled.
You Disingenuous Double Digger (triple D, just like Kirsche has)

>> No.75520533

ey knew from the beginning that she is political streamer and had no problems with that whatsoever. Only removing her because some people don't like her opinions and jokes. This is why it's unfair and hypocritical treatment of Kir and horrible look for offkai.

>> No.75520541

I kind of ludicrous to think that kirsche is remotely "extreme"

>> No.75520605

lmao, deserved

>> No.75520652

That's why they have a Code of conduct on their events? If kirche breaks it then ban her for life but is she doesn't and she behaves professionally what's the fucking problem? Banning her without even giving her a chance to see if she would play ball is fucking petty and a very leftfield thing to do and is even more ironic considering phase is sponsoring the event and they are fucking /pol/ panderers themselves. By offkai very own logic they shouldn't be conducting business with phase either but because they're getting paid they're willing to look the other way. Why are you shitting on kirche only but not the /pol/ pandering corpo.

>> No.75520669

She knows damn well that she is fucking poison and she is just stirring up drama because that is what a grifter like her live on

>> No.75520685

Oh wow, who would have thought leaning into the political sphere of YouTube would have consequences?

>> No.75520689

They're mandating masks for the maid cafe. This troonfest will have a higher concentration of mental illness than a psyche ward.

>> No.75520701

>ey knew from the beginning that she is political streamer and had no problems with that whatsoever
Their initial decision was retarded, that much I can agree with

>> No.75520708

Considering that vtubing is an industry that actively attempts to expel all politics when it can by contrast she absolutely is.

>> No.75520718


>> No.75520719

Masks are sexy

>> No.75520748

Pippa introduced me to Kirsche and MariMari_1xspeed and now I prefer them to her

>> No.75520768

Odd, I live in one of those green countries and it's definitely looked down upon at least in a social sense. It's not being bragged about as a virtue at the very least. I've also heard EU countries are more strict compared to the US.

>> No.75520792

Pippa shills for the CCP and praises California. She's just an autist who hasn't fully grown out of the edgy humor she grew up with on 4chan.

Kirsche unironically gets her opinions from /pol/.

>> No.75520820

>That's why they have a Code of conduct on their events
private company, they can do whatever they want without having to justify it with some kind of rule. you do not need rules to justify not letting a flaming bag shit into your convention

>> No.75520921

>/pol/ pandering corpo.
Have you never watched streams or what?

>> No.75521021

Oh no no unichuds what will we do next?

>> No.75521043

>they proceeded to sperg out about abortion
So I gave you an example of a left-wing extremist opinion that some vtubers virtue signaled for and you proceeded to ignore it because it out of convenience. That's called being a coward. I already called you out for being arbitrary so I shouldn't have expected anything else.

>> No.75521113

If you scroll through her Twitter, you can see why they would be weary about giving her a chance, because she actually cannot stop getting into political ramblings about nothing. If this is what she’s like on Twitter, would you take the risk when you already have tons of other less political, safer vtubers to work with?

>> No.75521114

>lefty afraid of freedom of expression and speech agreeing with commie like tactics.
And you people think you're better than kirche? If politics are the concern then like I told you before by their very own logic they should not be conducting business with Fishman.

>> No.75521142

>some vtubers
name one you fucking faggot. You can't

>> No.75521215

>kirsche confused cons about blacklisting Pippa
>offkai confirmed same thing happened
Damn, offkai volunteers threatened to quit if Pippa showed up but company power stopped it from happening so the volunteers actually had to quit. Actually funny.

>> No.75521263

baffling post

>> No.75521299
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>phase are fucking /pol/ panderers
Why would you go around telling this paper-thin lie lmao

>> No.75521332

She wasn't blacklisted, chud! She was just banned in any official capacity! She can still attend and give Offkai money! This is totally different!

>> No.75521343

Kirsche has stated multiple times that she wouldn't be surprised if she got banned on twitch. There's no way she'd actually be shocked about being disallowed a presence at a con.

>> No.75521345
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>Kirsche banned
He won

>> No.75521373

If Pippa were indie they would have canceled her too... Indeed, she got the guy to admit they once wanted to ban Pippa as well.

>> No.75521389

Why are you surprised that a con sponsored by Blacked Connect would ban Kirsche?

>> No.75521403
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>Kirsche banned from Offkai
Doesn't that mean she is essentially the right wing version of Nijisanji because they were also banned from offkai?

>> No.75521419

my buddy even fucking Pikamee has gone on rants about lgbt rights.

>> No.75521463
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I do not want that whore Kirsche at my con
Ban her and blame it on... virtue signalers yeah - blame those guys. Fuck'em

>> No.75521493

I told you faggots this con is run by literal retards but nooooooooooo le hecking con owned nijisanji, no refunds by the way :)

>> No.75521517

Isn't offkai staff 90% phase connect discord anyways. They really hate kische in there. This might be True

>> No.75521544

Except kirche hasn't bullied anybody to death their issue with her is that she is too conservative for them and they're afraid of her going political. While pippa gets a pass because Fishman paid them big bucks. One is being banned for being bullies piece of shit the other is ban because they don't agree with her opinions.

>> No.75521580

Pippa and Kirsche are pretty damn close. Pippa may walk out because of this.

...and if Pippa walks how, who all do you think is going to walk out with her?

>> No.75521617
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>fat American whore whose content is reading conservative tranny ragebait articles
>We're supposed to love her and defend her because she dons a shitty vtuber avatar

KWAB IMHO, she has about as much vtuber spirit as Hasan Piker

>> No.75521619

Pippa is like a decrepit ship that kept on sailing well past her warranty, with no repairs being done and even the country she was made in no longer exists. Upon such a vessel many barnacles formed, and those weird fish with suckers for mouths. At the beginning it seemed that this was merely a temporary condition since the decrepit ship was sure to go under, and it welcomed many a barnacle, sucker and parasite on its hull because it was all going to end soon anyway. But the ship was miraculously kept afloat and sailed towards the sunset bathed in golden light, even as large moray eels entered and passed through it freely, to my great displeasure (I am but a speck on the horizon at this point). Thus, SS Pippa now has a shitload of hangers on she made during her beginning that without her having anything to do with it became these weird unrelated creatures that have nothing to do with her.

Pippa was too friendly and never discriminated against people that approached her. That's her problem and that problem is now evident in the corpulent form of Kirsche. She must escape her gravitational pull and so must /pcg/. This whole thing has nothing to do with us.

>> No.75521678

you already posted that

>> No.75521705

maybe she should stop having wrong opinions if she wants to be welcome in cons ;)

>> No.75521728

Did Kirsche say anything bad about the Chinese?

>> No.75521738

Kirsche is a person, not a company though

>> No.75521751

>lgbt rights
Ah Yes an extreme position of returning to the historical opinion people had of gays (accepting them as people). It isn't 1953 anymore.

>> No.75521777

You present a good argument pekoposter. But the difference is that Kirsche did collabs and cybersex with Proctor Zakarov, the head of a vtuber gossip forum that raids /vt/ for fun and profit and in this case the raid is for-profit

>> No.75521783

Pippa not doing shit she going to be a good girl and do as Fishman says. She would throw kirche under the bus before she does the right thing taking stance against their obvious left wing bias

>> No.75521818

Right wing politics is the entirety of her content, she's basically a trojan whorse

>> No.75521846

Honestly, this is true of all of Phase Connect's "livers" (really just Twitch react streamers)

>> No.75521865

>MY politics aren't political...
Dishonest rats, the lot of you

>> No.75521873

Isn't it discrimination due to different points of view?

>> No.75521883

Hey, Shiina does stuff (I'm stuff)

>> No.75521902

>Pippa may walk out
lol yeah and i'm sure all holo en vtubers are also right wing too huh?

>> No.75521935

>Erm hecking she didn't say trans rights so she should be banned from life?!
loony troons can't hide

>> No.75521985

I just want you guys to know that Kirsche unironically watches TheQuartering

>> No.75521987
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>> No.75522015

Why do you defend censorship against a vtuber????

>> No.75522023


>> No.75522025

I like how this is OK but interacting with Flayon is akin to supporting the Israeli government

>> No.75522026

ok have fun donating to her twinkie and deep fried oreo fund I guess

>> No.75522030

Phase will not pull out over Pippa’s friend. They’ll tell her they don’t care, and she’ll either stay at Phase or leave.

>> No.75522056

Based tell it like it strawb

>> No.75522058

Just reading that sent a cringe shiver down my spine, thats almost worse than watching shadiversity

>> No.75522081

>Kiki is banned from every convention for 4+ years
>Nobody cares
>Kirsche gets banned once
.Retards screeching
That's the difference between pandering to /vt/ and pandering to kiwifarms. The kiwis are stronger

>> No.75522090

Lmao, enjoying charting that hair line recession at the rate of your gut expanding, freak

>> No.75522144

There have been more gay historical figures who have contributed more to the world than you ever will.

>> No.75522168

>It isn't 1953 anymore.
My dude, it is 2024 not 2150. The gay matrimony debate can be started when gay couples can produce viable offspring.

>> No.75522175

getting banned by twitch is very easy, destiny lets other men fuck his wife and even he got banned by twitch because the trannies hate him

>> No.75522182

>my politics aren't political because post-modern magical thinking means if we scream enough reality will bend to our wills
I'm sorry you were raised to think this way, anon. Mental gymnastics is a time consuming and difficult career path to follow.

>> No.75522207

>Banning her without even giving her a chance to see if she would play ball is fucking petty and a very leftfield thing to do
This isn't about whether she is suited to perform the role or not. If your entire identity is wrapped up in political advocacy, everything you do becomes inherently political. Including association. It's poison. The last thing vtubing needs is political garbage, we have enough run-ins with troons on twitter as it is. Only the biggest of fucking retards would give Kirsche a platform that can then be spun into something that ropes in every other vtuber there. Are you insane?

>> No.75522210

Big words coming from someone whose greatest contribution to the world will be his suicide

>> No.75522218

>We'll all be wondering until they tell us why she's banned.
The reason they gave her is that her political beliefs make the volunteer staff uncomfortable.

She's effectively banned because she's not going to fly all the way over there just to visit a convention that kicked her out of her panel. Whether she's also blacklisted will depend on how the next convention she tries to host at reacts, but, unless there's some major repercussions, Offkai has basically made banning people for political beliefs standard fare.

>> No.75522249

>acts like the second coming of Alex Jones
>is surprised that she's treated like him as well


>> No.75522254

They aren't going to kick pippa out. Pippa is the reason they're even on people radar and if they do kick her out since she moved to Japan I could totally see mori nepohiring her and debuting on en4 along mint.

>> No.75522295

It's their convention, how is that "disgusting"
If you're going to be blatantly political you have to accept certain risks

>> No.75522327

>political beliefs
Wrong, this was never said. You are making things up. Also, she is not banned.

>> No.75522333

How do people even come up with this shit.

>> No.75522336

>post-modern magical thinking
Yes the post modern magical thinking of ancient Greece and Rome and every society that wasn't protestant America. You don't even realize how retarded you sound and that's the saddest part.

>> No.75522353

Who are these gay historical people please name as many as you can remember without googling it

>> No.75522394

Alan Turing

>> No.75522421

...sister your doing it again

>> No.75522494
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>> No.75522493

>they should not be conducting business with Fishman
The difference is that Fishman holds the keys to Pippa. AKA he can vouch for his ability to reign her in. That extends to the opinions she is allowed to express on stream as Pippa.

>> No.75522497

>one of their biggest sponsors is Phase
>kicks out possibly the most well-known Phase friend
bold move

>> No.75522512

Great, hate should not be allowed in any community, I'm glad the hateful guys are banned

>> No.75522556

Nobody cared about phase connect until pippa put them on the map. I know the truth is harsh so take it easy.

>> No.75522560

They made it very clear that she is not being kicked out. Can't you read?

>> No.75522602

have you ever heard of the overton window?

>> No.75522610

We love companies who force vtubers to abide by strict rules that limit what they are allowed to say or do here actually. Women are retarded

>> No.75522638

Isn't that censoring of free speech? Why are you people against free speech am I debating with chinese?

>> No.75522643

Kirsche is unironically more schizo than the average pol tard.

>> No.75522664

i agree, ban the hateful gays

>> No.75522720


>> No.75522780

Doesn't covercorp have 4 to 5 holostars who are unabashed leftist? Besides that offkai was built and maintained by vtubers who's audience is right leaning?

>> No.75522794

Women don't deserve free speech, much like non-whites and alphabet people

>> No.75522797

>wah wah deplatforming
Their statement was very clear, don't be a baby about it. Where is this even coming from? She can still attend the con.

>> No.75522812

>No politics on stream!!!!!
>..... Except for Kirsche because she's on our side
Pathetic. Literally right wing HamasAbi.

>> No.75522813

Kirsche could embrace a "Too Hot for Offkai" message and promote herself with it but crying oppression just makes her look weak and her fans, rabid

>> No.75522857

That's exactly what was said. He even provided clips that the staff found politically offensive. She kept the receipts.

She can't host a panel and has no other reason to go to a place that clearly doesn't want her, so she's effectively banned.

>> No.75522871

Too many twiitter tourists ITT

>> No.75522893

She is banned from being in the panel but they aren't totally against her coming in to give them money. So let me get this straight. So no for a panel because of right-wing views but they're willing to take money from her if she decides to visit? The fuck backward logic is this. You banned her from participating in a vtuber panel but you're willing to take money from someone who's political views disgust you? The fuck is this man? How the fuck do any of that makes sense

>> No.75522906

The 5k predebut vtweeters that can't Garner an audience, not due to gatekeeping but because that lefty audience is purely performative and won't actually spend time or money supporting their own values

>> No.75522953

who're you quoting?

>> No.75522956


>> No.75522962

She is not banned, as the leaks clearly show. Why would you leak DMs from someone anyway if you supposedly want to attend their event? Kirsche is just picking a fight where there isn't one and I won't be surprised if she gets banned for real.

>> No.75522982

Everyone here defending her.

>> No.75523001

/here/ drama poisoned your brain. Occasional retarded statements once in a blue moon don't compare to somebody who makes their entire thing politics. That's the crux of the issue here.

>> No.75523024

It's standard commie tatics, we hate you and wish to destroy you but give us money please. Shockingly it works.

>> No.75523067
File: 681 KB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20240510_180321_com.google.android.youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They tried

>> No.75523084

you can still attend of course just for a low low fee of $150+ tax

>> No.75523086

99% of all vtubers are lefties, but some people in this thread might spontaneously combust if they think too hard about it.

>> No.75523089

She's banned from hosting a panel, and has no other reason to go. And she was kind enough to tell them she was going to go public with anything he said if they went through with the ban.

>> No.75523156

Bit more like she had her movie pulled from theaters for its political statements.

>> No.75523173

The only genuine problem is that they invited a woman talking about politics in the first place.

>> No.75523194

>not due to gatekeeping
Retard. This hobby has spent literal years making sure politics slop never took hold here while the rest of the world burns down over it. And thank fucking God it did that too lest it become another hell scorched battleground for thr faggots who infest everything else.

>> No.75523246

And yet there was no ban... Curious.

>> No.75523283
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literally kirsche's stream right now

>> No.75523285

>99% of all vtubers are lefties
99% of vtubers don't make their leftism our problem.

>> No.75523335

wow i wonder why they dont want her on a panel

>> No.75523334

I wonder how many people here read the actual explanation for what happened

>> No.75523391

I don't think Pippa will walk out
It would be super funny if Pippa rebelled and snuck Kirsche into a panel, though.

>> No.75523392

because of a famous ww2 meme about the american forces being good?

>> No.75523398
File: 56 KB, 602x415, main-qimg-dd3bb846d6614815969d98464d7e82a5-pjlq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting the original if anyone's interested

>> No.75523401 [DELETED] 

I'm banned just for having an opinion!
>What is your opinion?
Fuck niggers and trannies

>> No.75523419

That's even more hilarious when you put it into perspective because it tells you the people running the event would sell their own beliefs for money.

>> No.75523431

They actually wanted to do just that, as Lysander revealed in the leaked conversation. Plus Pippa's boss is funding a large part of the event, in addition to PC being a major draw.

She's right, since she's an indie, she's negligible.

...Unless Pippa walks...

>> No.75523486

She was banned from hosting a panel.

>> No.75523523

based desu

>> No.75523522
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not original enough

>> No.75523538

I'm really glad she's banned and banned from everything.

>> No.75523545

Her panel *application* was merely rejected. She's the one blowing this out of proportion and making it into a ban. And you know what, she'll probably get banned for her trouble.

>> No.75523555

is Kiki actually banned from every convention? Why? She seems sweet.

>> No.75523605
File: 211 KB, 1538x864, 1699511432036445-1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never forget that altare said support the cause and then cover went and found that person's channel and copyright flagged it also cover is deep into esg

>> No.75523608

Of course not. Most convention organizers probably haven't even heard of her.

>> No.75523612

Her pikamee levels are too high, they're worried she might steal all the boys

>> No.75523614

No, we're past the application stage, she was already scheduled to be on a panel.

They banned her from that panel.

>> No.75523616

Vtubing has only remained relatively apolitical for the time being because it's dominated by asian companies and weebs, who skew more centrist. It will absolutely be explicitly left-wing in a few years. You can't "stop politics from taking hold" in the same way that you can't keep water out of your bedroom when your house is at the bottom of a lake.

>> No.75523625

They can't even give her a reason as to why she's banned from the panel. Here's a what happened offkai hired a bunch of troons said troons did their reps on kirche and basically flex their is her or us mentality. Offkai to avoid a scandal within the rainbow warrior community gave into demands.

>> No.75523628

Woah man that's too fucking far.
Apologize. Now.

>> No.75523663

I find it funny whenever a vtubers has a "no politics" rule but always at least goes on at least one political rant per-stream and everyone is allowed to join in or start political shit, as long as they hold the vtuber's politics.

That's because vtubers make sure their opinion is the only one allowed

>> No.75523669

If she's not blacklisted now, she'll probably be blacklisted from here on out for causing drama and not being professional.

>> No.75523677

You really have no idea how a convention works, do you? Maybe you should try to get out more and stop listening only to what Kirsche says.

>> No.75523687

>It will absolutely be explicitly left-wing in a few years
Yet every vtuber I see being political are right wing with the exception of one

>> No.75523722

Weebs have been political for a long, long time now. Tumblr war flashbacks, it was awful.

>> No.75523729

its always fun to see censorship-loving faggots come out of the woods. i hope you all get extremely painful splinters in a hard to reach place between your toes.

>> No.75523772

>a vtubers has a "no politics" rule but always at least goes on at least one political rant per-stream and everyone is allowed to join in or start political shit
Sounds awful, which vtuber are you talking about?

>> No.75523773

Reminder that both hololive and nijisanji work with the ccp to put thier shit into China and ccp is actively genociding and neither of these countries flags who you poster exist anymore

>> No.75523783

Do you honestly believe kirsche is the only panel they rejected?

>> No.75523837

Well, in Offkai's defense, they are trying to run a show on the edge of the fucking left wing gay Mecca orgy that is San Francisco.

>> No.75523846

>its always fun to see censorship-loving faggots come out of the woods
its vtubing, one of the main draws was that they stayed out of politics retard

>> No.75523860

Why are there so many seething women/leftists on this board in particular?

>> No.75523863

>It will absolutely be explicitly left-wing in a few years.
Not as long as it's
>for the time being ... dominated by asian companies and weebs
which it literally always will be, unless you're fearmongering about some indie grifters who don't affect anything that matters

>> No.75523869

damn, coping so hard that it hurt me...

>> No.75523898

Weebs are incredibly political, especially in modern times. The only things that have kept it apolitical are company policies and east asian (not born/raised elsewhere) tendency to avoid politics

>> No.75523903

This bitch has the fattest voice imaginable. I don't care what happens to her but I do have the urge to call her a fat fuck and that is why I am here.

>> No.75523904

>no one wants the fat, grifter chud around
Gee, what a surprise.

>> No.75523917
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Gatekeeping political grifters is good.

>> No.75523951

what about that dude who harassed people over wizard game and showed naked model to kid until twitch undid the nudity policy?

>> No.75524006

Wouldn't blacked connect like that?

>> No.75524022

>You can't "stop politics from taking hold"
I'll murder both you and the fucking troops both before I let you into the only escape from you and your fags eternal slapfight, 41% yourself

>> No.75524029

Cover also had a well known Chinese racist against white people collab with two of the homos while altare while running moderation. Magni and Daph were saying bigot shit and magni even called puertoricans Mexican which triggered some puertorican in his chat by calling magni a stupid fuck whom then proceeded to get shadowbanned by altare. Is almost as if the japs still hate the US for dropping two nukes on them after they attacked our bases unprovoked.

>> No.75524047

>ethyria blacklisted from offkai for doing literally nothing
>some second-rate /pol/tuber whose main content is seething at left-wing tweets blacklisted from offkai

>> No.75524069

>actually it wasn't political
They literally explained the reasons in the DMs

>> No.75524073

The funny part is that in all likelihood, it was Nyaru's hentai panel that she was banned from. She wasn't even going to be political, it was just going to be goofy coomer shit.

>> No.75524081

yes phase niggers are retarded and by far the worst thing that has ever happened to vtubing
thanks for noticing

>> No.75524095

spbp honestly

>> No.75524129

In the same sense that anime certainly isn't left-wing, but its western fanbase is rabidly so. It will be the same way

>> No.75524134

Nobody gives a fuck about your sexual orientation if you contributed to the world in some meaningful way. Nobody goes "remember Henry Ford? Yeah +1 for the straight folk there"

>> No.75524138

is this true?

>> No.75524162

this, whenever you see a vtuber watcher being a retard on twitter its almost always a phase enjoyer

>> No.75524177

Phase Connect is a political vtuber company, they should be banned for promoting hate

>> No.75524199

you didn't answer the question you dribbler

>> No.75524208

>Why would you leak DMs from someone anyway if you supposedly want to attend their event?
She literally opened her dialogue with Offkai's staff saying that she planned to post their dialogue should they not come to an agreement. At least actually watch for context, you stupid motherfucker.

>> No.75524219

It's like you people didn't see what happened to the other entertainment industries. First they ban the far right, then the right, then the center right, then the center.

>> No.75524251

Honestly, Nyaru should graduate from a bridge and phase out

>> No.75524284

they want to fuck niggers they're not saying fuck niggers anon.

>> No.75524288

Why the fuck should I care? I don't watch vtubers for politics.

>> No.75524302

>Kirsche's brand is just as radioactive as Ethyria's
This is definitely insulting to one of them but I'm not sure which.

>> No.75524310

Your implication was clear unless you mean that they banned many vtubers for mean tweets

>> No.75524314
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>if I blackmail them they'll surely change their mind

>> No.75524328

>She literally opened her dialogue with Offkai's staff saying that she planned to post their dialogue should they not come to an agreement
This should get her blacklisted everywhere lmao what a fucking retarded woman
Why do phasenigs like this shit

>> No.75524371 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.09 MB, 900x900, 1687243449349025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah, no one has ever caused drama over something offkai related huh? I hope they ban anyone who ever causes them drama that has them act on a moments notice

>> No.75524375

Visa blacklisted doing business with Nico Nico recently and all you retards are still going all in on the no politics angle. What will it take for you to change your mind on this ? Maybe when they start mass demonetising Vtubers because they are "problematic" ?

>> No.75524399

Most phasefags hate her too, it's just pippa's dogshit audience that likes her.

>> No.75524403

Kirsche did nothing wrong. Yeah she's political. Yeah she's conservative in her outlook.

But offkai is in the wrong. They should have let Kirsche be on a panel. If people don't like her takes they can leave, and spend their money elsewhere. That'd be the mature response.

But no someone (probably with they/them pronouns and a Ukraine flag in their Twitter handle) had too much sand up their butt and complained and sperged about it and offkai capitulated.

In the end Offkai will lose here. I hope they reverse course.

>> No.75524414
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Come what may, hololive is literally untouchable by both sides of you cretins, so I genuinely don't give a shit about what happens to (You) and your safe-space. Should've done your reps.

>> No.75524426

The same people agreeing with offkai also agree with tiktok being banned giving the government more power over the internet. Yes tiktok is shit but people failed to see the bigger picture. If they can shut down tiktok in the US now they have power to even banned free porn sites thanks to that.

>> No.75524429
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>Why do phasenigs like this shit
Most of us don't.

>> No.75524431
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>> No.75524439

You sound like the "just want to grill" guys who now happily watch land acknowledgements before NFL games or whatever. "Least I still got my sports, brother"

>> No.75524463

Said the political grifter spamming subpar canned lines thought up by the obese "think" tank back on the activist discord.

>> No.75524465

Ethyria got booted because they are part of a company that drove a woman to suicide, tried to cover it up, then publicly attacked said popular suicide victim, twice, driving a suicidal girl trying to play NeoPets off the air the second time around.

Nijisanji is thus so justly and widely hated that the odds of someone trying to smash their screens at the convention and attempt to harass the staff, rather ruining the overall atmosphere, is quite high.

Granted, the same can be said of Kirsche, given that the event is being held in San Francisco.

>> No.75524467

Are you being dense on purpose? Remember when vtubers were harassed for playing Hogwarts Legacy

>> No.75524470

kirsche's not in phase, and we've wanted her to fuck off for the past year instead of her fanbase pretending to be our friends whenever it suits them
so happy that this fat bitch is finally putting her foot in her mouth enough that the girls have started to take the distance from her they needed

>> No.75524504

They get loans via esg so they do have a side

>> No.75524518

I literally don't believe in civil rights for women and I still don't want Kirsche to end up fucking over my entertainment with her radioactive retardation
Literal nigger behavior honestly

>> No.75524525

You twitter invaders can't help but expose yourselves

>> No.75524526
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What does any of these even mean?

>> No.75524558

If the market keeps growing, western money will want in and will likely be irresistible.

>> No.75524564

>kirsche's not in phase
no shit you stupid nigger
but they spam her more than most phase talents in pcg and she has an entire doxsite dedicated to her worshiping her that she posts on packed with phase niggers

>> No.75524566


>> No.75524586

Your brain shut off to protect your programming. Don't worry about it, Champ

>> No.75524597

It's horse's mouth. They didn't have a problem until they started discussing the panel schedule with volunteer staff.

>> No.75524603

Based strawb I don't know who you are but good for you standing against leftwing bias.

>> No.75524606

Okay, that's bad too? I don't know what your point is.

>> No.75524655
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If they didn't want in in 2020, what makes you think they're going to not only change their mind, but go all the way in now or anytime in the future?

>> No.75524669

For everyone, Pippa fans do not represent Phase, at Phase we hate Pippa fans because they turn the thread into political shit.
Imagine sharing a thread with Pippa fans and seeing all the political shit they write, it really is insufferable.

>> No.75524697

If you don't care you wouldn't be here speniding your time alive actively working to shut it down, you disingenuous cretin

>> No.75524708

Well, you're a horse's mouth. See? I can do ad hominems too, but I had *hoped* for a higher level of dialogue.

>> No.75524710

WIthout Pippa there is no way Phase would have survived.

>> No.75524724

>weed smoker
Never dropped someone this quick in my life

>> No.75524733

What are the "canned lines"? Who is the "obese think tank"? What "activist discord"?

>> No.75524734

Kirsche should do a panel here instead

>> No.75524736

>when they start mass demonetising Vtubers because they are "problematic" ?
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but they already do that. You should see the list of words that will get you instantly demonetized on Youtube, half of which will get you banned from Twitch as well.

>> No.75524740
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We've been grilling for 6 years and you'll never, ever be invited

>> No.75524751

She is the dramafaq Rev says desu RL wife

>> No.75524752

oh NOOOO, please not the strawb(?)
lmao, who??????

>> No.75524757

sadly pipnigs do represent you all because nobody in the phase fanbase or talent pool will openly condemn their actions or behaviors
i really do love pretty much every phase fanbase other than them and the arguably worse Lumi niggers

>> No.75524790

fuck you capippi, no one loves you not even your mother

>> No.75524805

I don't give a fuck what I sound like or what you think. Unlike you room temp IQ faggots I have a soul which means I have no interest in defining my existence around being a political foot soldier, much less doing that within my fucking hobbies
I watch vtubers for fun retard, your culture wars aren't fucking fun. Go back

>> No.75524809


>> No.75524818

...and it begins...

>> No.75524819

For everyone, twitter troons do not represent 4chan, at 4chan we hate twitter troons because they turn the thread into amateur political propaganda.
>Imagine sharing a thread with twitter troons and seeing all the political shit they write and then pretend to be a-political, it really is insufferable.

>> No.75524821

How about you find some rope and Phase out.

>> No.75524844

But pippa is the reason why phase is even on the map so you all should shut the fuck up and be grateful otherwise phase without pippa would've been prism or tsunderia by now

>> No.75524851

I've said this about a lot of groups, but Pippafags are the most deserving of "the lepers of /vt/ (and vtubing in general)" title

>> No.75524884

Come on man, nobody believes even you are THAT stupid. This dishonesty is shameful.

>> No.75524910

reminder for the newfags like (you)
tenma was bigger and growing faster than pippa before pippa kicked off.

>> No.75524919

Answer the questions, coward.

>> No.75524920

>But offkai is in the wrong. They should have let Kirsche be on a panel. If people don't like her takes they can leave, and spend their money elsewhere. That'd be the mature response.
>mature responses
>in 2024
the only meaningful way of avoiding the culture war nowadays is to make sure it never takes root in the first place. Once it does, it's over.

>> No.75524921

Everything you like can be considered political by a deranged lefty, and can be banned

>> No.75524927

That's what I mean. I put this whole con thing into the same category. Concerning over people feeling safe because of someone's speech should never be entertained.

>> No.75524943

Is Rev the dude with the Troon avatar?

>> No.75524969

I see colloquialisms go over your head. By 'horse's mouth' I mean the lead event organizer.

>> No.75524987

I don't see the right acting any better, they just don't have power. If they did they would do the same. Fuck you both.

>> No.75525019

Sure she was. Why do you hate pippa so much what did she do to you

>> No.75525031

As drama is the biggest buff that exist for vtubers,.this will probably make her the biggest thing in vtubing outside of Hololive for a month or two. Congratulations to her and her fans!

>> No.75525055

>muh horseshoe
>so just ignore the boot on our throat because IMAGINARY OTHER BOOT

>> No.75525068


>> No.75525126

Yep that's him.

>> No.75525132

i don't hate pippa i just showed up to this thread you fucking mongoloid

>> No.75525142

Lmao amazing backpedaling

>> No.75525158

No offkai gave into the pressure placed by troons who were filtered by kirche opinions. They were basically bullied into doing what LGBT wants. LGBT always do this and offkai isn't the first place they flex their bullshit in.

>> No.75525164

It's a Palestine flag now, get with the times

>> No.75525175

You're probably just too young to remember when the right were the censorious ones.

>> No.75525186

nta but fuck every single alarmist, mouthbreathing culture war fag
(you) are the problem

>> No.75525213

What? I spent my time shitting on troons during the hogwarts faggotry. I spent my time here shitting on the occasional flare-ups against loli vtubers by the armies of people with pronouns in their bio. And I'll spend my time here shitting on you too. Get your fucking political goyslop out of my fucking leisure time. Both of you go the fuck back. Chimps.

>> No.75525218

Why did microsoft wait until 2001 to make a video game console? The industry got bigger

>> No.75525297
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He just canceled too.

>> No.75525298

Yeah, and that sure worked out well

>> No.75525326

So you approve of censorship?

>> No.75525354

>just close your eyes and ignore the activists trying to ban people they consider problematic

>> No.75525360

Stfu faggot troon

>> No.75525366


>> No.75525370

It truly begins.

>> No.75525393

"There's been more gay historical people than you"
Apt comparison anon.

>> No.75525415

lol what are you getting mad at me for

>> No.75525431

Oh no, another dramafag gone, how terrible.

Of people I don't like, yes.

>> No.75525444

And what censorship did they actually accomplish, anon? Putting warning labels on albums? Ratings boards like the ESRB? At worst comics code shit which is a whole other issue with the way comics were managed as a market.

>> No.75525471

You are not supposed to say the quiet part out loud.

>> No.75525503

>Hecking my sealioning needs you to cooperate hecking you can't hecking do this to me the script doesn't explain what to do if you don't REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.75525502

Offkai is in deep shit now lol. Despite being a dramatuber, rev has pretty big ties in the industry. No way they can sweep this under the rug now. Either they accept all ideologies or none. Simple as.

>> No.75525509
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I guess you probably think I care about the "state of western vtubing" or some shit
I don't. I'm in this thread because I think it's funny. You're all ants, screaming that the sky is falling.

>> No.75525512

holy phasebeggar

>> No.75525519

The left has been doing this since the 90's, and I sincerely doubt you're older than that, faggot.

>> No.75525545

wife of RevSaysDesu.
If you don’t know who rev is you’re definitely a newfag

>> No.75525559

I don't give a fuck why unless they are stupid enough to actually make a public statement explicitly mentioning a political stance. If they end up doing something openly political like kirsche does I'd be shitting on them and honestly I'd probably go even farther than just complaining on social media if that happened because I'd every single vtuber and corpo I watch to pull out of that shit for their own sake. But they're not retarded enough to do that(I assume) so I don't care. Shut the fuck up about politics. End of

>> No.75525561

>she's crying
>open stream
>she is talking about pussy and masturbating

>> No.75525570

Yeah, like that right winger Tipper Gore (wife of Al Gore)

>> No.75525572

This is your brain on politics

>> No.75525576

A dramafag grifter?

>> No.75525587

Uh oh, /pol/ Connect melty

>> No.75525607

>makes shit up as he goes
>internet "debate" words
>acts intellectual?
Are you underage?

>> No.75525620

No Reva and his Wife
This con keeps getting better and better

>> No.75525627

My 600lbs right wing queen. I will defend you my pig princess!

>> No.75525634

This albeit

>> No.75525641

Are you?

>> No.75525666
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>> No.75525668

Of course this homobegging faggot would do this

>> No.75525673

So... You're fine with them banning people for political views, so long as they don't publicly announce they are doing so?

>> No.75525674

>not even on the guest list or the meet and greet list
Literal who

>> No.75525682

Huge OffKai W. All the retards filtering themselves because they banned a nazi

>> No.75525700

> You can't "stop politics from taking hold"
yes I can, it's called gatekeeping.

>> No.75525701

hi cupcake I guess you were tired of getting bodied in 2 discords so you came here

>> No.75525716

damn, this cancellation just made offkai even better

>> No.75525748

Actually, you spent your time trying to get tubers fire during the Hogwarts shit, try to ban loli v-tubers, and demand anyone that makes fun of your hefty list of pronouns. This post has as much weight behind it as your damage control trying to put the mask back on.

>> No.75525753

Wait Rev was scheduled for Offkai? How did he get past the supposed troon volunteer filter?

>> No.75525771

A homobegging dramatuber faggot who openly signal boosted hololive antis? We know of him. Unfortunately.

>> No.75525785

>retards showing themselves the door
based. Offkai made the correct choice

>> No.75525802
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What a fucking shock
I can't IMAGINE why Kirsche of all people would make people uncomfortable or feel like her presence could cause issues!

>> No.75525807

>pol shit
>pol shit
Thanks God for making me a holochad.

>> No.75525830

I hope you are going to feel the same way in next 48 hours. My prediction is they will start receiving requests for ticket refunds.

>> No.75525838

kek I can't wait for his video crying about this and asking people to boycott with him

>> No.75525855
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Remember, no refunds, chuds.

>> No.75525868

He isn't even on the schedule

>> No.75525874

lol good luck

>> No.75525884

He was never listed. Was he scheduling a fancord meetup or something?

>> No.75525901

As if the Hologirls aren't leftists keep their traps shut for donos. Go back troon.

>> No.75525918

>Implying right wing politics is what have been killing hobbies, not the left wing grasshoppers
Nice try, revisionist. Any more homo collabs to push?

>> No.75525932


>> No.75525935

>Homobeggar out
Is this supposed to be bad?

>> No.75525946
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Based, get fucked Kirsche retard gang. No refunds LMAO!

>> No.75525962

Lefties tried to cancel holos several times

>> No.75525981


>> No.75525998

And people wonder why anti threads get posted /here/ every time any non-who talks about political bullshit.

>> No.75526004

(they) cripple and ban everything (they) can't control.

>> No.75526011

Rev is just one of those faggots who fights for lolicons' honor online, and supports big anime boobs, etc., he's an ironic weeb who doesn't realize he's a fan of a bastardization of a fanbase that used to exist. Kirsche acts like female Tim Pool and probably has binders full of racial IQ charts.

>> No.75526015

HUGE Offkai W

>> No.75526036

Actually she said that was the only understandable part

>> No.75526066

then get her kicked out of phase.

>> No.75526068

>24/7 drumbeat of leftoid political nonsense
>someone calls bullshit
Nobody is still falling for this playbook in 2024, right?

>> No.75526072

No. He's not even on the list

>> No.75526077

Yes? And? We should invite politics in to let them do it more often? Kill yourself

>> No.75526138

If you want to treat the symptoms, you need to address the cancer.

>> No.75526163

/pol/fags are all underage

>> No.75526177

>acts like female Tim Pool
but enough about pippa.

>> No.75526181

FalseEyed or Khyo will talk about this?

>> No.75526182

>24/7 drumbeat of leftoid political nonsense
In vtubing? Where you fucking nigger, point to it

>> No.75526222

Khyo's retarded enough to do so. False will probably stay away.

>> No.75526234

Literally who?

>> No.75526251

(You) are the cancer and so are they. You aren't welcome, kill each other elsewhere, go back

>> No.75526260

thanks kek

>> No.75526298
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>> No.75526306

Do anyone care about dramatubers in a vtuber con?

>> No.75526305

Neither but Homosexual Mindset will.

>> No.75526310

Have I got the biggest bridge to sell you, anon

>> No.75526320

Get that ass banned. No refunds!

>> No.75526331

Surely banning people for political views isn't going to escalate until the people I like get banned

>> No.75526367

Well, I saw this twitter screencap of some irrelevant 0view vtweeter with 50 flags and pronouns in their bio say something leftist once. Does that count?

>> No.75526375

Dramatubers like Nousagui depressed and parrot4chin, all dramatubers are Phase and Pippa's friends

>> No.75526385

Enjoy the class action

>> No.75526392
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>> No.75526393
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Reminder offkai had no problem with the likes of VTRainbow there (featuring Marina who was a huge cheer leader of the Hogwarts harassment alongside Froot) but Kirsche is a no no.

>> No.75526404

Probably not, because most vtubers don't make their political views an intrinsic part of their identity. The vast majority refrain from such things outright

>> No.75526413

Why would they ok her to join in the first place if they were going to ban her from doing panels later? Do they not research the people they get on board before they invite them and ok them?

>> No.75526431

nah he was totally the sole reason people where going

>> No.75526448

Anybody vtuber that expresses a political opinion of any kind should be drawn and quartered publicly

>> No.75526467

Based retard. You're not getting your money back. Are you mad?

>> No.75526486
File: 36 KB, 400x400, 1686736810723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you seriously just copy and paste my post word for word from /pcg/ to use in a bait thread? >>75517316

Catalog fags are reaching new lows by the day, jesas christ man.

>> No.75526494

But MY politics aren't political..

>> No.75526497

Silence is violence

>> No.75526505

>Whore Twitch Nobody Gets Blacklisted
What a fucking waste of a thread.

>> No.75526508

I like zero vtubers that talk about politics that that means I'm safe.

>> No.75526511

For what. Neither kirsche or Rev were even advertised

>> No.75526516

you know something is an important controversy when the main characters are those political and culture warrior accounts you only occasionally see inserted in your twitter feed

>> No.75526521
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The absolute state

>> No.75526527

if Pippa says anything about this, Muumi will destroy the rest of her teeth and make hariness watch.

>> No.75526532

Probably because it took some time for people to complain.

>> No.75526555

Wasn't that retard basically ostracized by the wider indie community ages ago

>> No.75526569

Hololive isn't political so it's fine.

>> No.75526571

no refunds :)

>> No.75526594

Maybe you should have become part of the volunteer staff and complained about it then
Do you even know what this is about?

>> No.75526611

If only we had examples of lefties infiltrating industries and banning everyone who's not a lefty

>> No.75526622

You say that like fishman isn’t desperate to have someone else be the face of Phase

>> No.75526631

Proven time and time again not to be a fallacy.

>> No.75526632

This is why everybody normal hates you

>> No.75526652

Fans of dramafags probably have the same hyperinflated sense of self-importance as dramafags

>> No.75526656

They already ruled on this. No refunds. Kirsche should have thought of that before getting herself banned LMAO!

>> No.75526657

Increasing the chances of Asmongold talking about it.

>> No.75526659

>give them an inch and they'll take a mile
they've been doing this since 2013

>> No.75526695

Kek that's sad

>> No.75526706

I mean you can just call your bank and tell them to chargeback them, that hurts the company more than a refund

>> No.75526713

Silence is violence. Refusing to take a stance to support the left makes you a nazi

>> No.75526716

>The "slippery slope is a fallacy" fallacy
>Also known as "Events can't influence future events, they happen at complete random" fallacy or the "Stop paying attention" fallacy

>> No.75526771

I watch Holo of course I'm a nazi.

>> No.75526811

I'm pretty sure breaking a business contract on a whim because said business was mean to your friend is a good way to get fired from the business you represent. So, by all means, I also hope Pippa walks.

>> No.75526865

>Austrian painter v-tuber
You literally are supporting hitler

>> No.75526879


>> No.75526941

I dunno of the PC contract specifies she has to attend cons...

...and she is an ornery little bitch.

>> No.75526944

You twitter troons can't help but use exposing offsite vocab

>> No.75527003
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>B-but aren't you afraid of them calling you a nazi!??! You have to rise up now or they'll come after you next!!!

>> No.75527025

Why are both of them pretending they are guests?

>> No.75527101
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>not scheduled in any events
Wow this means nothing whatsoever, what a loss.
Phase Connect has put so much time and money into Offkai over the years, that I can't even imagine anything but Sakana telling Pippa to fucking deal with it and have everything go as planned.

>> No.75527135

They have events through vendors that bought space not the main organizers so they had no say, but said they would have blacklisted them if they had known.

>> No.75527162

She's not even part of offkai this year

>> No.75527167

>...and if Pippa walks how, who all do you think is going to walk out with her?
Imagine if no one walk out with her, I hope that happen so she have another mindbreak, she was getting really happy lately since her travel to japan, she is stream better content when she's depressed.

>> No.75527182
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Agreements between businesses (OffKai and Phase, as it were) are a case-by-case basis. I'm not specifically talking about Pippa's personal contract with Phase, but if she were to hypothetically make a massive liability of herself by suddenly dropping when she is, as you say, a big asset and draw for a lot of people, losing OffKai a bunch of money and harming their working relationship with Phase as a result, that could also potentially be at risk.

>> No.75527189

I don't see any mention of this people from offkai account. Are they okay?

>> No.75527196

First they came for the vtubers, and I did not speak out - because I was not a /pol/tard...

>> No.75527203

holy fanfic dude, you better pass that shit for the rest of us

>> No.75527241

Can't you just ignore her panel? Why everything has to be a safe space?

>> No.75527289

The hell? Coulda sworn she was. My bad.

>> No.75527298


>> No.75527353
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>intended for certain audiences
truer words have never been posted on twitch before

>> No.75527381

It's over.

>> No.75527405

>keep their traps shut for donos
they leak their opinions all the fucking time, most holofans are just too ESL/JSL to notice

>> No.75527425

I can picture the smoke coming out of your ears

>> No.75527465

>421 post for a literal who
not raided btw

>> No.75527466

Someone create a new thread so everyone can see why there should be bans in the vtuber community

>> No.75527467

>alongside Froot
She never said a word of support towards the harassment over that game

Regardless, even Marina doesn't center her content around farming drama and controversy and constantly talking politics.

Here's a gem from Kirsche's recent Twitter activity.
>well why don't I just go full mask-off extremist then, huh??
>implies that her beliefs are entirely reactionary and not principled in any way
Why, oh WHY, wouldn't you want someone like this around?

>> No.75527476

Funny that you think posting a literally jewish poem helps your case.

>> No.75527483

>slippery slope
>when they banned kirsche over claims her jokes and content can lead to real world violence
Slippery slope for thee but not for me.

>> No.75527486

She mentioned that she was going to be on an 18+ panel with another vtuber.
She doesn't mention what the panel was specifically going to be, nor who it was going to be with.
She got pulled from the panel, but its still going ahead.

Any ideas which panel it was?

>> No.75527506
File: 86 KB, 322x307, 1000007330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rev backing out doesnt matter for shit.
Fillian is a good friend if Kirsche's though, if she decides to back in solarity that's when I'll start to believe this will amount to anything.

>> No.75527563

if your curriculum is "rev wife", then offkai is not losing shit, they can literally fill with anyone else. Let's see if rev's wife will walk out.

>> No.75527602

OffKai is in bed with Cover now, so it wouldn't matter how many people they'd lose

>> No.75527622
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>> No.75527642
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Forgot the damn image

>> No.75527656

>Kirsche's recent Twitter activity
Vagueposting about this exact situation, since there was no solid reason given for being pulled, other than "people ascribing thoughts or positions to her based on their own head-canon".

>> No.75527679


>> No.75527678

It's on days like this where I thank the God almighty for making sure that almost all English vtuber branches are owned by Japanese companies. I can support my indies just fine too. Basically, get fucked.

>> No.75527689

>thought policing
Kill yourself.

>> No.75527719

>doing anything that doesn't directly benefit her

>> No.75527732

I really hope they do and walk out, that will make offkai even better.

>> No.75527734

>Capipis are ESLs who don't want their oshi to be happy
Why am I not surprised

>> No.75527741
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>fictious head canon

>> No.75527742

Ok. But instead of crying fully lean in, her audience would like that I think.

>> No.75527750

HAHAHAHHAHA...Filian backing Kirsche, HAHAHAHAHAHA
Please stop this sad cope

>> No.75527755

That's not exactly fair because with kirshce it isnt a fallacy. kirsche's statements WILL inevitably lead to someone getting angry enough that they attempt to knock over a statue of abraham lincoln "because he didnt free the slaves fast enough" and getting killed by the statue falling on them. This isnt a 'what if', it is only a matter of when.

>> No.75527770

Nah Cover isn't going to actually get tangled up with westoid slop, they're just there for the con

>> No.75527807


>> No.75527826

Filian would stab a bitch if she got paid enough

>> No.75527835

She's free to have whatever thoughts she wants
But when she makes intentionally contentious, transgressive and controversial content, she shouldn't be surprised that some people won't want to be associated with her.

>> No.75527892

Filian's influence is nowhere near as obnoxious as the massive influx of seething cunts that gen 3 brought in. It's hilarious that any of them think they have a chance because Eimi got in, but christ is the petulant bitching over every little thing a blight on the threads.

>> No.75527896

Perfect mirror of leftoid grifters. He doesn't care about opinions, he just wants to stir shit up.

>> No.75527992

honestly its a coinflip on this offkai being a fucking unmitigated disaster. first offkai was okay but last years was filled with issues and was barely held together by ducktape and paper mache. this year is *supposed* to be better and they are *supposed* to have solved all of the problems but we all know how far these promises go from profit-seeking western companies in the tech sphere.

There's serious odds filian smells a rat and decides this is her chance to step away from the titanic before it leaves port.

>> No.75528046

What is this supposed to prove isn't head canon?

>> No.75528063

Idk anon I found his stance entirely consistent with everything he was advocating for over the years. If he was a grifter there would be some discord leaks calling lolicons pedos somewhere by now no ?

>> No.75528078

Fillian isn't even involved with it this year

>> No.75528098


>> No.75528156

Saying edgy words sometimes doesnt automatically mean she's based enough to risk her brand by throwing herself into a controversy, along with burning vtuber connections.

>> No.75528160

If your vtuber says
>I watched a video from The Quartering
This is the signal to walk away

>> No.75528174
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These fucks really are just a bunch of grifters

>> No.75528187

>oh you don't like politics? how about I politics harder!
I was already ignoring you and will continue to ignore you, how is this a threat

>> No.75528205

Girl, you are literally ranting against anti-discrimination measures and organizations like ESG and Bridges on the daily. There's no "fictitious head cannon" to be had here. You've somehow forgotten that San Franciscans are generally advocates for things like ESG and Bridges. To them you might not be a literal Nazi but you're certainly Nazi adjacent, and it's not a matter of their imagination, but what you actually do.

Not that I condone banning people for their political beliefs, but be real here.

>> No.75528240

>I am supposed to
>waiting for confirmation

>> No.75528301
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>this punishment to your fans
Does he knows nobody is going to offkai to see Rev and his wife? What fans is he talking about

>> No.75528335

what the fuck even is TheQuartering

>> No.75528370

It's amazing how we go from "this doesn't exist" to "we ban you for complaining about it"

>> No.75528378

i swear every time this /pol/ whore is posted on /pcg/, either everyone tell them to fuck off, or post fat people jokes.

>> No.75528385

>we held back on telling people and are fans were totally gonna buy tickets for the con that has already sold out

>> No.75528415
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>> No.75528432

I know the quartering is shit but are you actually disputing the existence of dei

>> No.75528434

>I was going to
>we never mentioned it

>> No.75528449
File: 119 KB, 960x473, 1708453622485492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand thing and it makes me angry when I hear people talking about thing.
It's okay.

>> No.75528470

New thread

>> No.75528481

Nobody who talks about DEI, on either side of the coin, is worth paying attention to

>> No.75528505

Fucking lmao, they really believe they have some kind of traction in this community

>> No.75528538

Which part of his stance was siding with people anti'ing FWMC consistent with?

>> No.75528539

You don't care about DEI, you'll go to Offkai anyway. No refunds LOL!

>> No.75528544

>be mtg content creator
>like artist who makes good art for angels
>turns out she is a lesbian who likes girls
>okay, and?
>wizards bans her from ever making art for them again because she is a lesbian who likes girls and doesnt like men
>say this is stupid
>you are now the reincarnation of hitler and gobbles
>fast foreward to today

>> No.75528566

Probably an extension of q anon

>> No.75528591

Excuse me sir I believe you dropped your tiny hat.

>> No.75528619
File: 397 KB, 800x800, 1701128093222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godamn, is it his wife forcing Rev to act this way, or are both of them equally fucking retarded?
Why hold off on telling fans when the con's already sold out and weeks away?

>> No.75528618

I don't think anyone has ever denied the existence of political nanny groups throwing money and political power around to bend media content to their ideologies. Been a thing since well before anyone here was born, save maybe in the video game industry.

>> No.75528679
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embodiment of onions

>> No.75528690

smug panko poster what are you doing outside of pcg
go back
you scare me

>> No.75528726
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>> No.75528735

That's what I'm saying. Whoever drops if they drop is irrelevant because they can recoup any losses instantly with holofan money

>> No.75528810

I don't know what that means
I'm assuming it's some meme in the terminally online politisphere
I disengaged from that trash heap years ago for my own mental health, I suggest you do the same

>> No.75528827

i all know is that he once peed on his floor on stream

>> No.75528839

dont forget him outing several judges at MtG tournaments as peods and getting banned from events by WotC and roundly condemned by some MtG tubers for it

>> No.75528900

He's calling you a kike, Mosche.

>> No.75528929

bro is having a field day

>> No.75528943

It's a physical venue so technically speaking if this became a big retarded political affair extending beyond the vtuber community it could involve shit that even money can't solve unfortunately

>> No.75528963
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>> No.75529015

this and every yab after the Nielsen yab happened because he was already hitler from the Nielsen yab. and hitler is bad, and anything hitler does is bad, so hitler [exposing pedophiles] is bad.

>> No.75529029

what's so great about Offkai, anyway?

>> No.75529046

Oh, I thought there was somehow some movement of people wearing smaller versions of regular hats that got associated with politics in some stupid way

>> No.75529050

>OffKai banning Kirsche
probably reactionary
>Rev's wife backing out in solidarity
definitely reactionary
>Rev says yes dear
(You) are here

>> No.75529054

You can offpako with all the twitch thots you want

>> No.75529080

you get to fuck the chubas

>> No.75529091

western meetcute. you go there to pretend to be a clipper and then fuck desperate 2views

>> No.75529140

Who the fuck let the pankoposter out into the catalog?!

>> No.75529172

you moved the goalposts.

>> No.75529200

I remember when cons in general were an object of mockery for the stupid weeaboo(actual wapanese meaning) shit that went on at them. Unsurprisingly, /vt/ has high crossover with the /cgl/ landwhale crowd that takes them seriously.
