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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75080597 No.75080597 [Reply] [Original]

Has your oshi ever noticed (you) before?

>> No.75080633

She doesn’t know about
>whore (affectionate)

>> No.75080685

What's up with all these random indies breaking containment to address some low efforr bait like it matters?
Sayu did the exact some thing a few months ago, along with some other pillow 2view.

>> No.75080703

What a Whore

>> No.75080745

/vt/ is like a gravity well, you can’t escape it

>> No.75080781
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Imagine how many of them think hag is an insult.

>> No.75080818

Umm based? Fuck this whore
Just the other day I saw her speaking to like 5 guys

>> No.75080842

Those five guys? Me and my four penises.

>> No.75080858

is this girl retarded?

>> No.75080860
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Are you upset that she didn't notice you like she did this anon?

>> No.75080902

That would be tragic...

>> No.75080921
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I usually use slut if I'm being positive about it. Picrel, I love this slut.

>> No.75080945

Cuz it might make them more popular... thats it really, attention.

>> No.75080964
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The replies cracked me the fuck up because its easily the tamest thing I posted that thread
That is my post though

>> No.75081015

Is this the girl who does gfe while openly having a bf?

>> No.75081059

If she is being called a whore is rather appropriate, so what's her problem?

>> No.75081079

>Sayu broke containment because of an anti
QRD on this?

>> No.75081119

one of my posts defending my oshi got spread around and last I checked the tweet someone had uploaded of it had like 600k views, so I'm sure she saw it.

>> No.75081180

Can't tell if shameless pitybait or genuinely lacking media competency

>> No.75081189

That she got banned is bitching about it.

>> No.75081256

>so what's her problem?
She is mad about getting banned, not being called a whore retard.

>> No.75081285

Well, how did that happen?

>> No.75081286
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>gets a whore model with insane boob jiggle because sex appeal
>jokes about getting banned while removing more clothes
>actually gets banned
This is just one big grift
She's getting 10x engagement on her tweets from this and a 1 day ban is inconsequential

>> No.75081342

Bae got the WITNESS ME from me

>> No.75081351

I think maybe they're talking about the big tweet she made addressing a ton of rrats about her.

>> No.75081389

>unjustly targeted by reporting
oh yes, it was le ebin 4chins hate raid, of course!
lmao what a retard

>> No.75081465
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Not exactly relevant, but I used to play mahjong soul with some other random capipis on /pcg/ during dead hours. For context this was long before any phase talent was streaming the game.
A small part of me wants to think that pippa saw the rooms we posted ITT and decided to try the game as a stream,rest is history.

>> No.75081472

She knew about that from mad max before she even joined hololive, what are you on about?

>> No.75081529

It's just WITNESS in the movie you fag

>> No.75081606

No it wasn’t you fucking stupid nigger

>> No.75081705

kek, anon utterly BTFO

>> No.75081743

Well fuck you faggot, I am not apologizing
Fuck you too

>> No.75081813


>> No.75081900
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not either anon but fair enough

>> No.75081907

cute retard!

>> No.75081955

She played majsoul because they got sponsored faggot.

>> No.75081984

I get my chats noticed sometimes but I feel like I'm forever in shadows. Noticed in the same way a breeze is and forgotten the next moment.

>> No.75082059

Nigger where in my post did I even imply the sponsor stream was her first time playing MS? I'm talking about months before that, if you werent a newfag you'd know /pcg/ had jong rooms well before anyone was streaming MS.

>> No.75082319

i’ve suggested it while she was creating her chuuni line

>> No.75082494

Why is she doing gfe? Is he not loving or supportive enough?

>> No.75083262


>> No.75083851

Twitch is a softcore porn site. Tits abound. What did this chick do different, just being a cartoon?

>> No.75084153

She had extreme boob jiggle on and zoomed in on her tits while removing the mesh
Quite literally begging to be suspended so she could cry on twitter for attention

>> No.75084232

Twitch staff hate chuubas. The only ones that are off-limits are in Vshojo, but even they have had issues with that before.

>> No.75084324

Man that new model is really shit also
>Normally we'll keep it on but if we find the right time maybe we can take it off

>> No.75084363

Why don't these vtubers just go to youtube? There's tons of youtube videos with straight up IRL nudity and softcore porn.

>> No.75084476

She streams on both simultaneously
And obviously the vod there is still up

>> No.75084955

Man, if youtube didn’t chimp out at anime tiddies, HoloSummer could actually make a real comeback.

>> No.75085286

YT doesnt ban or take shit down all they do is lower or remove the ads running on it
Not an issue if you arent some autistic corporation thats ultra anal about profits but still doesnt dare open a fucking patreon or something
Youtube restricts them on every end but they still tie themselves to it
Its just japanese culture to bend over and get railed I guess

>> No.75085704

Those boobs have a mind of their own.

>> No.75085811

>or take shit down
Yes they do retard, many of my ASMR whores have to larp as Jesus several times already.

>> No.75085947

>larp as Jesus

>> No.75086045

>getting upset over a word on 4chan
talk about dramatic
is this new gen this sensitive? wouldnt have lasted a day 10 years ago here kek

>> No.75086543
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Yeah man I wonder why she got banned they didnt even explain anything!
Fucking minefield out there wow so unfair.
Idk what kind of retards you are subbed to but as long as they arent going full JOI they should get away with a simple yellow dollar even if they throat the mic
Shes just grifting
Look at the views and likes
This is a hit tweet for her

>> No.75086763

because /vt/ is unironically one of the largest vtuber forums in existence and a lot of the anons are willing too spend money on them

>> No.75086865

>Idk what kind of retards you are subbed to but as long as they arent going full JOI they should get away with a simple yellow dollar even if they throat the mic
JK girl getting kidnapped and imprisoned by oji-san rp. With a lot of moaning.

>> No.75087052

this is the girl that defended The Completionist because he is my friend and he was always nice to me. Into the trash she goes.

>> No.75087955

Fushi has been on /vt/ since the start and has selfposted herself here multiple times and exited multiple times when things got too hot for her. She definitely is using this oppurtunity to get more views on her.

>> No.75088097
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Bitch nigger

>> No.75088336

I started a meme among a few vtubers, oshi included, but no one will ever know because I'm anonymous and committed to anonymity

>> No.75088848


>> No.75088943

my oshi once called me a whore on 2ch, though I admit the sentiment might have been lost in translation

>> No.75088997

considering i watch small corpo and indie exclusively, yes. i've been noticed a lot. i don't know how people enjoy holo slop to be honest.

>> No.75089047

can confirm
>t. 3rd penis' left testicle

>> No.75089307

Better question is why should they give a shit about "breaking containment", its a meme not sn actual rule.

Shes not wrong about it being bs tho, there are literal bikini streams on twitch

>> No.75089400

Sayu likes the stuff I draw and called me by name, so yes

>> No.75089435

I love you fushi please do joi asmr some day

>> No.75089499

Anon im a 32 year old hispanic man, not fushi.

>> No.75089543

Dont forget to tweet this thread as well to fuel the narrative

>> No.75089692

Don't care still gonna cum to your voice

>> No.75089762
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Fucking grifter psychos stick together I guess, into the trash she goes.

>> No.75089883

>Pander to anons and then pull back once you get big enough
It’s been a tried and true strategy for like 15 years, probably more. Every bitch who grew up browsing 4chan as a middle schooler knows the game and how to play it.


>> No.75090154

So not supportive enough

>> No.75090307

My oshi once read my SC and said "haven't seen you in a while." Feels bad. I'm always around, I just don't always have money to blow irresponsibly on vtubers...

>> No.75090440

Do you comment regularly?

>> No.75091481

I do but she's a 4view so I really only get noticed if I pay up. I was surprised she remembered me by name, though.

>> No.75092015

>i learned nothing, idk what i did wrong!
she is such a massive whore that she no longer even perceives it as something bad.

>> No.75092423

That's just Coveracting overly cautious after YT's automatic content moderation kept fucking them over during the pandemic for even a pixel of cleavage. YT-kun is no longer this eager to BAN content, but the Jap suits aren't going to risk.it.

>> No.75095750

It's impressive how much the new model is a costume design downgrade.

>> No.75096433

This is why you write HAG LOVE, never forget the LOVE.

>> No.75096815

I like to think Dizzy's stream about her fighting her anti(herself) was thanks to me commenting she was her biggest anti in a previous stream, since she read it aloud.

>> No.75097727
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for sure

>> No.75098856

My oshi just recently expressed gratitude that we didn't call her a hag early in her career because she thought it was a bad thing then.

>> No.75099006

From cute to slutty. This is the fate of all twitch chuubas. Even Grimmi 'upgraded' to big tits.

>> No.75099181
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I suggested the fan name IRyStocrats during IRyS's debut

>> No.75099431
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She liked a doodle I made, but I wasn't the one that posted it so I'm still in the clear.
Verification not required.

>> No.75099558
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I suggested OnlyFauns for Fauna

>> No.75099629

I just dont get it
If you need fat tits ok whatever go pump them up
But why do you have to ruin the entire design while you are at it
What is this mushroom shit? The yggdrasil logo was cool
The new face looks like down syndrome shit too
Also going from shoe hating autist to the most generic slides a person could draw is tragic in of itself

>> No.75099661

I came up with Sora-tomo for Tokino Sora fans. I'm pretty amazing, y'know.

>> No.75099764

Thankfully, my oshi knows that mean hate when women change.

>> No.75100215

Its just sad
The first design was made for fun
The second out of necessity

>> No.75100472

I always wonder what happens to when someone in chat gets called out by a vtuber for doing something they don't like, or triggers some kind of rant. Like, what do you do if the first time your oshi interacts with you is to chew you out? Do you just go kill yourself?

>> No.75100783

You send apology supas

>> No.75100902 [DELETED] 

>Has your oshi ever noticed (you) before?
Yes. I was there when she debuted, through the post-debut debuff into being a 1view and her climb into becoming a low 3view. She's seen my face through a camera at a meet and greet event she was in. She even noticed when I stopped showing up as often to her streams after wanting to take her her content and stream style in a completely different direction and bitched about me by name in membership.
Not my oshi but a comment I made in a stream chats been directly referred to in a Twitter post by another small corpo vtuber

>> No.75101144

It's not even good slutty. It just looks bad. You can have a good design AND be slutty.

>> No.75101157


>> No.75101277

If I had to pay money every time I upset a woman I'd be homeless

>> No.75101490

I hang out with my oshi and play games with her all the time. Very comfy.

>> No.75102932
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MissFushi is a troon

>> No.75103189

check vods

>> No.75103376

small corpos are the literal worst. once they acknowledge, you need to gunshot noise to face

>> No.75104470
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With some chuubas that's part of the fun
