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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75001292 No.75001292 [Reply] [Original]

Hololive gets an EDF collab, the very next day Helldivers 2 kills itself. God truly is a Holochad.

>> No.75001381

this shit should be illegal, i cant even liknk to psn in my country ffs

>> No.75001396
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dont be a /v/ermin, op

>> No.75001433


>> No.75001438

What happened to Helldivers?

>> No.75001467

Yagoo has some Nostradamus Level of clairvoyance for him to time this perfectly. He knows exactly when to announce and drop major shit to maximize effects.

>> No.75001486

>Helldivers 2 kills itself

>> No.75001501

PC players are mandated to create and link a PSN account or they won't be able to play their game

>> No.75001522


>> No.75001523

You are REQUIRED to login to your PSN account to play Helldiver 2, on Steam.

>> No.75001531

There's no way sony are retarded enough to keep that right?

>> No.75001548

>no way sony are retarded enough

>> No.75001550
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For weeks antis have been making fun of hololive due to lack of helldiver 2 perm.
Now, shit happen to helldiver 2?
Seriously, it feels like hololive literally have God on their side.

>> No.75001569

Who knows anon. It's amazing how EDF6 announce Hololive collaboration the day before this news drops.

>> No.75001611
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Sou. Desu. Ne

>> No.75001612

That's a bug.

>> No.75001655

They have the mandate of heaven anonski

>> No.75001678

can I have an unbiased opinion on which game is better gameplay wise?

>> No.75001711
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It's intentional, they only implemented it now but they claim it was always the policy

>> No.75001739

Oh well good thing I didn't buy into the hype.

>> No.75001740

Both are about shooting damage sponge bugs.
They're the same to me.

>> No.75001758

lmao I thought it would be a legitimate reason but it's just so they can ban you if you're not nice, what a farce

>> No.75001787

>"it's for security!"
>"btw it's easy to create a psn account!"

>> No.75001811

I don't play or follow the game.
Is the game that toxic? Or it's the usual online game voice chat?

>> No.75001819


>> No.75001848

Good timing at least. Fuck PSN network.

>> No.75001856

you still don't have to pay though right?

>> No.75001870

EDF's gameplay is more fun for me. You can't even dream of shit like this in Helldiver, and this is just 1 class.

>> No.75001878

No idea, I don't buy games anymore and this is exactly the reason why. Instead of investing time to make games better they look for reasons to take away your games from you

>> No.75001895

Well most popular games are prone to toxicity

>> No.75001929

You fight human-like enemies in EDF

>> No.75001952

Isn't the point of this game to roleplay as facist cannon fodder?
Wouldn't playing nice ruin the game?

>> No.75001962

>PSN thing was always intentional
>Proceeds to sell HD2 to countries without PSN access.
This is illegal shit right here.

>> No.75001981

Between this and the censorship, is Sony losing its mind?

>> No.75001988

I don't consider french human-like.

>> No.75001992

too goofy for normies, also lack of purpose to keep playing

>> No.75002005

>also lack of purpose to keep playing
You get bigger guns.

>> No.75002106
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No Helldivers for you, pagpag eaters

>> No.75002171

For now

>> No.75002229
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>pagpagsisters make fun of hololive because of no perm
>this happen
Jesus Christ...

>> No.75002287

I'm gonna say it, helldivers 2 needs the moderation. Anyone that has tried to play in random groups knows the frustration of playing for 40 minutes, collecting every sample on the map just to have the asshole leader decide it's funny to kick everyone from the game at the last second. It's a weird kind of toxicity because it's not like typical league or fps games of voice chat slurs and shit, it's just wasting a significant amount of people's time for no reason. Anyone that gets filtered by a psn login doesn't deserve to play anyway (barring actual bullshit like not available in your area, I'm with you on that)

>> No.75002359


>> No.75002383

mmmmm more snoyslop please

>> No.75002386

just get actual friends to play with bro. Just hop on discord and start socializing!

>> No.75002396
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>> No.75002415

>the asshole leader decide it's funny to kick everyone from the game at the last second.
You can kick people in the middle of the game without any reason or vote?
Wait, how is this a thing?
That is just stupid mechanic.

>> No.75002436

/vt/ is an EDF board

>> No.75002500

Normalfags need a battlepass system to have a reason to keep playing a game like helldivers.
If it didn't have a battlepass it'd be a lot less popular.

>> No.75002580

>There are EU countries with no PSN access
Oh it is

>> No.75002678


>> No.75002694

F, seems like sony decided that 2024 was the year to finally commit sudoku

>> No.75002970

>For the players protection
lmao yeah right
"April 2011: Hackers Access Personal Data of 77 Million Sony PlayStation Network Users
May 2011: Personal Details on 25 Million Sony Online Entertainment Customers Stolen
June 2011: Sony Pictures Website Hacked, Exposing One Million Accounts
November 2014: Hackers Steal 100 Terabytes of Data from Sony Pictures
August 2017: Hacker Group Accesses Sony Social Media Accounts
September 2023: Sony Investigates Alleged Hack
October 2023: Sony Notifies Employees of Data Breach"
Sony's record is awful for protecting data, this account linking decision is terrible.

>> No.75002997
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But even if they look just like human beings they're giants! They could just squash us like a bug!

That said EDF EDF EDF

Even the jank can get hilarious as fuck

>> No.75003008
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>safety and security...

>> No.75003016

>Helldivers 2 kills itself
what happened?

>> No.75003087

Requires a psn login now, which the game has mentioned when you first play from day 1. Take that as you will.

>> No.75003167

Yet they allowed the game to be sold in countries that does not have access to PSN (lol sony is about to get fucked by europe)

>> No.75003243

ahh i see, that kinda sucks tho

>> No.75003361

Which European Union countries do not have PSN access?

>> No.75003414

The Nordics, reportedly

>> No.75003427

That's fine, EDF had way bigger robots anyway

>> No.75003551

There's a difference between game-specific banter and playing around and straight up griefing

>> No.75003678

Every time playstation almost has a game they ruin it, it must be deliberate at this point

>> No.75003739

Doesn't this shit have a super intrusive anti-cheat too?
Red flags have been up since launch really.

>> No.75003805

They censored Stellar Blade as well as an artbook for Tsukihime: A Piece of Blue Glass Moon. Even when they have an easy win they find a way to screw it up.

>> No.75003847

based retards, no wonder they invested in nijisanji too

>> No.75003871

>easy win
They need those esg money.
Which is stupid because at the end of the day, they have to pay back those money.
Money from fanbase they screwed.

>> No.75003929

It sounds more like you don't have friends. Why not? What's wrong with you? Why are you invading our multiplayer game hobby, it isn't for you.

>> No.75003951

Why should there be a vote to kick people out of my game? Are you some kind of communist?

>> No.75003993

It was skippable
And PC players prefer to disable crossplay

>> No.75004004
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>> No.75004020

Sony is just trying to beef up the number of PSN accounts.
The days of the Playstation is numbered because of their own stupidity and they're lowkey panicking.

>> No.75004110

That is just stupid.
Why not just entice them with in-game item if they connect to psn account?
Like, rainbow ps logo cape.

>> No.75004122

The Baltics. They are the only EU countries still excluded by PSN for some reason.

>> No.75004130

>the values of safety and security provided on Playstation
Pretty sure I remember PSN account information leaking multiple times and each time it was found that none of the user info was encrypted at all.

>> No.75004178

As far as I know only Denmark are Sweden are in the EU, so if it's not those two then it won't be as bad for Sony.

>> No.75004225

So it’s literally just because some trannoids want to thought police the game?

>> No.75004269

>some trannoids
Yes, sony's trannoids.

>> No.75004397


>> No.75004443

>Fire all your successful profitable smaller studios or force them to become support teams for AAA, killing iconic playstation affiliated brands like Wipeout
>Spend hundreds of millions on AAA puff pieces for Druckmann and Hulst that dont make back their budget
>invest billions into 15 live service games
>none of them even release, let alone become successful
>drive third parties away to other platforms with censorship
>Port exclusives to other platforms to try and make them break even, destroying your closed garden just so Druckmann et al can try to pad their CV a little more before they bail out of the smoldering wreck of playstation

It's amazing how much they've fucked everything up when they almost had a monopoly a shirt while ago

>> No.75004498

reminds me of a certain corpo they're investors in

>> No.75004558

Are there actually people that think that recent Sony first party AAA titles don't make back their budget?

>> No.75004670

Proof that they make back their budget?

>> No.75004724

Next the fags are gonna force the HD2 devs to add those tranny capes and armor ain't they?

>> No.75004938

Is there any chance we can buy the holoJP ones too? I like Kiara Irys and Gura but they dont look as cute as Fubu Mio and Ayame in the game :(

>> No.75004977

I hope so but it doesn't seem that way.

>> No.75005032

They literally leaked their documents showing they dont

>> No.75005272

Spider-man 2 had a budget of ~300 million dollars and has sold over 10 million copies in less than a year. I trust that you can do the mental math?

>> No.75005355

you're the kind of retard who thinks they get $70 when they sell a game for $70 arent you?

>> No.75005402

If they buy it off of PSN, yes. Otherwise there's a small cut to the middle-man/retailer.

>> No.75005416

He probably thinks that marketing is free too.

>> No.75005422

So why is this a big deal anyways? ain't people already forced to login on secondary accounts for shit like EA Origin, Ubisoft Connect and so on?

>> No.75005488

Well, people hate having to make extra accounts in general. If you've been playing a game just fine for months and suddenly you need to make an account for "safety" BS reasons on a service which has had data breaches, it looks bad.

>> No.75005508

Griefing? By saying nono-words?

>> No.75005552

rot in hell wokedivers

>> No.75005590

They dont, not even off psn retard, read the actual leaked documents, they have to pay a massive percentage to disney

>> No.75005612

Steam has a chance to do something really funny right now

>> No.75005623

People will revolt for a couple days, but once the mandatory login screen shows up they will just sign up, freedom is not a choice

>> No.75005788

Holy shit american education everyone

>> No.75005807

People are just going to go play EDF or something else instead. You're on the 20th layer of "People will just put up with Sony's bullshit, what are they gonna do? Not buy PS5s? not buy games on playstation?"

>> No.75005841

Alright, so a base 700 million USD
Take 25%, 175 million and give that to Disney, leaves 525 million USD.
Game is currently ~200 million USD over the budget. What else ya got?

>> No.75005949

This is just a precaution so they can easily send any players who object to the gulags when they eventually do insert lgbt pedo propaganda things like that.

>> No.75006123

>force the HD2 devs
he doesn't know

>> No.75006233

If PSN isn't available in your country, you can't make a PSN account, so you'll be locked out of HD2 unless you go through the hoops with a VPN.

>> No.75006309

Hololive had an EDF collab before anybody even knew Helldivers existed. Of course this board is full of newfags who don’t know shit though.

>> No.75006375

>Alright, so a base 700 million USD
They didnt all sell full price either genius and the percentage is applied to entire bundles where it is bundled with a PS5, again, actually fucking read the documents

>> No.75006438

The game has friendly fire.

>> No.75006559

>full price
Anon, I didn't even include the deluxe edition (10 dollars more) nor the collector's edition (150 dollars more). At least attempt to not be fucking retarded.

>> No.75006631

why would you need a console peasant account if you're a pc master race god gamer
that has to be fake, i'm not buying it, that would be the single most retarded thing i've heard in literally decades
no shot........
had wishlisted helldivers for a while, good i didn't fall for the hype

>> No.75006676

Sir... it's on the Steam News page. I'm sorry

Still love the EDF 5 one where Okayu was just going full Fencer and embracing the ability to mess with Korone who was NOT having a good time at all unless Non-Bugs were on screen then she was going Rambo

>> No.75006719

So shitholes and 4th worlders? Based.

>> No.75006754

go to /v/ if you want to cope about the dying company

>> No.75006820

You're quitting already? But we didn't even get to talk about DLC revenue? I wanted to laugh at your idioicy some more, damn.

>> No.75007019

It’s not. If people actually enjoy the game they’ll jump through the minimal barrier to entry to play.
T. Ausfag who had to jump through hoops to play Gundam Evo

>> No.75007025

They have something like a 1:5 ratio of players on PS5 to PC
Some exec somewhere is asking, "why the fuck do we have this IP just so filthy PC players can play it? How can I tell the shareholders we pulled more people onto our platform?"

And then you get this

>> No.75007067

>muh minimal barrier
>doxxing yourself to 5 unrelated companies is minimal
kys consoooomer

>> No.75007078

I hope an asteroid hits your miserable continent and kills you and your entire family.

>> No.75007144

Yeah bro, I’m sure you’re completely off the grid and aren’t just larping.

>> No.75007212

Zeon please.

>> No.75007226

everyone is laughing at you and questioning your education, you unironically made the argument they got the full $70 and outed yourself as a drooling mong

>> No.75007306

this will be interesting

>> No.75007316
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They have a choice, leave the game and play something better. But it turns out you only need 5 minutes to create an account

>> No.75007358

Hilarious if you cannot play it in Sweden now because the developers are swedish

>> No.75007403

That would actually be smart and it would need Sony to not be stingy motherfuckers.

>> No.75007696
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No Mio no buy
Don't need any ENfarts ruining my ayy slaying

>> No.75007697

As someone who watches PRISM chuubas, the more I read here the more I realize how much worse things could have gone

>> No.75007958
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Okay, sony shill.
Tell me, can i make multiple psn accounts?
Or at very least, can i make a psn account with face info?

>> No.75008360
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>> No.75008566 [SPOILER] 
File: 15 KB, 275x314, 1712157704120897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon you're not allowed to have multiple account because the big gubment hates it and will kill you on the spot if they find out. Of course you can you retard just add another 2 extra minutes for trash mail accounts

>> No.75008597

holy shit, I never would have guessed a niche thing like EDF would come even close to gachaslop buttfest Nikke.

>> No.75008617

Call me superficial but my main takeaway from watching that is
and it's driving me the fuck insane just from that short video alone

>> No.75008626

is sony the nijisanji of gaming?

>> No.75008710

>admits holoslop gets sponsored by niche garbage no one cares about

>> No.75008730

Yeah, it's like comparing kamen rider to mcu.

>> No.75008739

this is some sad cope

>> No.75008827

>seething vshojocucks
Face it, your whores suck and bring no new player to the gachaslop.

>> No.75008842

Sony Music Entertainment and Sony Interactive Entertainment might as well be a different entity

>> No.75008890


>> No.75008935

That's where they get the other part of the great deal, their TOS says you should provide real info while creating your account
Which obviously won't really matter, up until one of the data breaches gets you locked out of your account, you get banned wrongfully and need to appeal, etc, whereupon they can go 'oh so sad unfortunately we can't help you with this'

>> No.75008971
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>> No.75008988

dont worry, its free. just cough up your info. whats 1 more megacorp keeping your data.

>> No.75009037

>real info
>trash mail accounts
So which one is true?

>> No.75009038

i remember doing this in borderlands 2

>> No.75009063

>Not using mods to add her back in

>> No.75009076

EDF has goofy ass weapons and is surprisingly tactical despite looking like a brainless TPS game.
Also one of the classes has airstrikes as his weapons, its entirely possible to be equipped with nothing but carpet bombing callouts. Your biggest bomber call-in can bomb half the map, and its still not enough to kill all the bugs

>> No.75009144

Neither is wrong, you can totally create throwaway accounts. But don't expect any help from customer service if something happens to the account. This has happened to people who VPN to create PSN accounts living in countries which don't support it

>> No.75009155

>Pre-order a game nearly 3 months away from release
>Special stream for a popular game coming in a few days
It's no contest.

>> No.75009275
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>tried to use my google email to use bing.com/create
>immediately got banned temporary for violating some terms
>need to use phone number to fix the issue
Not today, bill gates.

>> No.75009306
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I love credibility so i made 2 different account just now

>> No.75009537

If this had been enforced from day 1, it wouldn't be an issue. As you say, it's not unprecedented to require a secondary log-in. But springing it on people months after release is scummy.

>> No.75009659

Helldivers is asking for a PSN account to play. Not only a lot of people don’t like the idea, but it’s even impossible in some countries.
Add to that the fact that this may made a Xbox version almost impossible, and people got REALLY pissed of.
It’s cery likely people will jump into EDF looking for similar games, so Holo won a bet here.

>> No.75009705

Yeah, since before Nijisanji.
Nintendo/Holo is the hypertraditionalist one, while Microsoft/Vshojo is gaijin company.

>> No.75009818



>> No.75010016

>likely people will jump into EDF
I love EDF but it won't happen. It's just way too different of a game especially in the design department. Bugs > weird ayylmaos

>> No.75010038

Ah yes the famous sony self-owny

>> No.75010246

That’s cuz you know it, people will get the withdrawn and be suggested EDF to give it a try. New players will flood for a while and a part of it will stick.
Classic rebounce, even Fortnite was born this way.

>> No.75010412

>Bugs > weird ayylmaos
Bugs are the most common enemies in EDF, the real difference is that enemies in EDF are all gigantic.

>> No.75010825

>I love EDF
> Bugs > weird ayylmaos
You haven't played EDF, have you?
The most common enemies in EDF is giant insects.

>> No.75010830

And they wouldn't like it i can already hear the complaints
Could have worded it better
Cool alien bugs > my backyard + kaijus

>> No.75011008

I see your point now, Helldivers' Starship Troopers-ish aesthetic is more appealing to westerners than EDF's 50s' inspired indie jank look.

>> No.75011089

Oh EDF fully understands and embraces the 50s B Movie vibe. Also will fight along NPCs which often are pretty damn effective allies if you keep them alive and keeping a critical mass

>> No.75011104

Garbage Japanese slop
