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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70659879 No.70659879[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>keep fighting the good fight
Did he basically admit that he knows he can and he will mobilize and weaponize his fanbase?

>> No.70660400

what happened now?

>> No.70660491

>Nijilawyers on suicide watch
Seriously what the fuck was he even thinking?! This can literally get you jailed for stochastic terrorism if the fans do something stupid.
You know, we have a scale for how stupid a declaration can be. "Incitement" is literally the extreme of that scale. Only thing dumber than that would be to just go an say:
>"Also I want to declare that I, [insert real name here] killed [inside name of victim here] on [insert date] and buried their body in [insert location] along with the murder weapon that I know has my fingerprints on it."
That's the only dumber thing I can think of by this point.

>> No.70660632

That Elira's Dragussy made him do it

>> No.70660638

Vox appeared on a collab, celebrated his "triumphant" return, and told his crazy ass fujoshit nijisisters to "keep fighting the good fight".
No. Really. That's why we've been getting raided since 3 days ago collab was on the 2nd. He's deadass told a bunch of easily influenced crazy ass chinese buggirls to fight for him. AND HE SOMEHOW HASN'T REALIZED HOW HE NOW HAS "LIABILITY" WRITTEN ALL OVER HIS FOREHEAD IN NEON LETTERS.

>> No.70660669

Does anyone actually have a screencap of him saying it?

>> No.70660777
File: 96 KB, 1700x930, GFtMlKHWcAAUgo0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They clogged up /haha/ for like 4 hours with wojaks and fuwamoco shitposts. It got all cleared out but it was really annoying to report all of them. Bless the meidos who eventually woke up and did their jobs.

>> No.70660785

Honestly the fact the dramatubers have not caught that and assblasted him is proof of how insignificant that stream was. They even tried to create fake engagement on twitter but it got submerged by the expo incident.

>> No.70660863

I remember hearing a timestamp of about 5:13 or something but I can't be assed to watch it to check myself.

>> No.70660903

Even if this doesn't end up having legal consequences, isn't this more than enough to get blacklisted by the whole industry?
No company would want to have a living PR nightmare like him in their roster

>> No.70660974

No “normal” company. But a company that doesn’t care all he gets is an army of menhera fans ready to die for him? He has numbers.

>> No.70660984

Did you basically admit to being ESL?

>> No.70661088

Holy shit, you faggots are schizophrenic. "Fighting the good fight" just means to be a good person. You fuckers really are /vt/rannies. He could have said "see you guys later" and you glue sniffers would have assumed he was meeting his fans in private and banging them for money

>> No.70661097

Ah yes the feared terrorist vox le retard vaginaburper

>> No.70661136
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None of his fans are good people.

>> No.70661203

He will just weasel out and say
>I was saying it to the streamers playing smash :c
Because the guy is a manlet rat who wears suits to feel sophisticated but doesnt care enough to get a proper haircut. How the fuck are you shorter than Nina or implied shorter than Mysta my nigga. Use that wealth to buy some stilts and hire a stylist for fucks sake.

>> No.70661272

His audience is ESL menheras, anon. If he couldn't predict the coming misunderstanding, it just proves he's really le retard.

>> No.70661487

Is there a timestamp or clip of this? I definitely believe he did it since I watched /HAHA/ get shit up by sisters after it ended

>> No.70661688

>look! it one of the voxtrannies

>> No.70661757

Yeah I was there. Man their tactics were really too damned blatant.
No GOOD company would, he's probably blacklisted anywhere outside of Niji and a couple genuine black companies.
But yknow, I'm pretty sure he already was after the discord YAB.
For those not in the know, there's been many rumors (and I think I've seen screengrabs at least once but dunno if they were edited) of him asking for nude pics from his fans... fans who are overwhelmingly underage. Fans which if the rumor is true were indeed 12 at the time.
>Hence why we call him Vox "If her Age's on the Clock she's Ready for the Cock" Akuma.
Yknow if they hadn't crissed him out then the company's probably already pretty damn bad.
But I'd still be surprised if Niji doesn't freak out internally about this. I mean... This is a radioactive yab.

>> No.70661990

>army of chinese sisters fighting a war against a western audience
goodluck, retard

>> No.70662064

The company won't do shit. They don't even know what each liver is doing generally. None of this shit gets back to the wigs who'd actually care.
Vox will continue to yab until eventually he does a uki and yabs hard enough it breaks containment. Management is ignorant and don't give a shit about changing that.

>> No.70662228

I have to remind myself that this man is in his early 20s because despite his voice, he absolutely acts like it.

>> No.70662347

Didn't not-shinri also chokeslam him from the top of the cage recently too? Over the leaks about the underage fan interactions mostly iirc.

>> No.70662407

Link for the notShinri thing?

>> No.70662539

>>Hence why we call him Vox "If her Age's on the Clock she's Ready for the Cock" Akuma
The primary reason is a tumblr post that was spread around talking about his PL - in that he supposedly had a 'relationship' with a 12 year old when he was a young adult.

>> No.70662561


>> No.70662752 [DELETED] 

>nijisisters using fuwamoco for shitposting

>> No.70662769

Whose stream was that?

>> No.70662825

>nijisisters using fuwamoco for shitposting
fucking disgusting vermin

>> No.70662908

They're eternally seething at Fuwamoco's success while their branch self immolates rumao

>> No.70662932

>Le retard de Vox

>> No.70662934

They've been doing this shit for 7 months now.
/baubau/ becomes extremely unusable sometimes during certain hours.

>> No.70662962

Trying to find this shit now is difficult since it was those weirdos at KF who found it. Might not have been related to kids though but instead the dubious legality of admitting to everyone you read potential sensitive documents not meant for you.

>> No.70663021

He knew what he was doing.

>> No.70663049

>radioactive yab in Niji
So, it's a day that ends in Y?

>> No.70663167

Well, that's kinda shit weapon lol.

>> No.70663216

I know that well, didn't know the fuckers were taking it to other generals too

>> No.70663460

>implying they are good for anything else

>> No.70663504

Kill yourself nijifag

>> No.70663542

Sis please leave, I can smell your rotting cunt from all the way over here

>> No.70664429

>"Fighting the good fight" just means to be a good person.
No it fucking doesnt. No one uses this phrase unless they intend the person hearing it to go/keep doing something. Do you even know English?

>> No.70664450
File: 360 KB, 1280x400, 1708186981900546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are faggots who can't grab fact, that fucking dogs and their fans are annoying as hell.

>> No.70664653

Report it to Youtube.
Inciting your fanbase to take action against other creators on the platform is against TOS, and right now Dokibird is a darling in CC circles; they'll back her up over Vox any day of the week, and youtube knows it.

>> No.70665114

Everyone knows when it's you niji roasties falseflagging you know. You look like scummy pathetic cowards. Miload isn't gonna fuck you for it unless you're underage and if you are you shouldn't be here.

>> No.70665202
File: 236 KB, 512x512, 1708052661289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i'm ESL but calling me niji landwhale actually offensive.

>> No.70665410

I'm in my early 20s and I don't sic terminally online women to spam internet forums. Give us zoomers some credit. He's acting like a middle schooler.

>> No.70665515 [DELETED] 

Literally muslim terrorist argument.
>No guys I was talking about the internal Jihad against my imperfect self not the external Jihad against the infidels.

>> No.70665623

ESL. It's a phrase from the bible where it tells people to endure hardship and live righteously. It basically is used in common everyday language to mean "keep being a good person". No one hears that and assumes they mean to shank the nearest minority they see on the street

>> No.70665689

The buggirl is ESL, give her a break.

>> No.70665801

Clip it on streamable first so it can be waved in front of wandering JP yahoo investor tourists. Wouldn't want cool evidence getting nuked.

>> No.70665872

It also gets used when instructing armed militia forces and revolutionary armies to fight to the last man

>> No.70665927

So this board has finally resorted to using the SJW flowchart the second public starts treating them like they're respectable. This board has fallen if this Tumblrina shit is actually acceptable

>> No.70665963
File: 25 KB, 110x110, 1709417868747123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck? Vox is fucking BRITISH. That's as far away from ESL as you can get.

>> No.70665972

You know war movies aren't real, right?

>> No.70666000
File: 666 KB, 2200x1836, 1709542765746540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi nearly fucking died. I don't care if I have to use Anthrax to take down Niji.

>> No.70666085

Whether or not they're real is completely fucking irrelevant. What matters is it's the common usage of the phrase. If anything the fact it gets used in war movies makes it more relevant to the current situation than if it got used in real conflicts. This comment is so fucking retarded.

>> No.70666112

Woah there Super Satan...

We don't need too when information is far more deadly.

>> No.70666150

>Playing the game by the rules against people who refuse to learn any of the rules is cheating!
No. TumblrSJW bullshit is trying to leverage the court of public opinion to supercede the established rules of society and law. This is the exact opposite.
I know that laws in China are only enforced by those with the money to convince people to enforce them on others, so a bug wouldn't understand civilization or law. However, the flaws of your upbringing do not shelter you from the reality of the world outside.

>> No.70666283

I don't want a nuclear war.
I don't want my country to launch nuclear weapons
I don't want other countries to use nuclear weapons
If my country is attacked by nuclear weapons, I want it to launch its own nuclear weapons

None of this reasoning is contradictory, nijisis. If an enemy resorts to dirty tactics then I'm perfectly okay with stooping to their low. I don't believe in all that "be the better person" shit.

>> No.70666320

The people that say ESL at everything are likely people projecting. You should know this by now.

>> No.70666355

The only real reason I want the receipts is because I fucking know in a week's time these bugs are going to be pretending this never happened and I want something to shove in their face and show everyone how much of a retarded ESL bug they are.

>> No.70666464

It would be better to denote neutron bombs on the entirety of SEA. Then we could solve both the issue of monkeys online and free up area to solve the housing crisis in many Western countries.

>> No.70666543

I don't even care about this situation, but Imagine thinking this argument will convince anyone on fucking 4chan of all places.

>> No.70666567

also checked

>> No.70666606

The Tumblrina flowchart:
>Claim made with little or no evidence
>Assume everything is true while also making shit up to make it look even worse
>Look for anything that can be used against them to confirm. Take things said in the worst possible way and use the interpretation as evidence as evil
>Harass people into hiding
>Spam the person's workplace until they lose their source of income after no legal action is taken

This board has went to condemning containment breakers and dramafags to acting like they're heroes. Tragic

>> No.70666619
File: 27 KB, 429x251, Notshinri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He means this. It's also what landed him on the niji hit list. Not sure if they tried to do anything to him but he vague tweeted about being "safe and okay" a couple days afterwards

>> No.70666629

And you fags will do nothing about it. God you're such cowards

>> No.70666650

Are you both retarded? I was calling the anon ESL. Are all of you just SEAfags larping ?

>> No.70666673

I've seen it used both to mean "Continue being a good person" and "Continue doing what you're doing because it's a good thing". I see no reason to think that it's exclusively one or the other.

>> No.70666707

Why is this corpo so loyal?

>> No.70666743

Vox has a big enough vocabulary and has always been careful with his word choices. He knows exactly what he fucking meant.

>> No.70666752

Because no one will take him in after looking at his legal record.

>> No.70666822

You're clearly a sister or a newfag. /b/, /vg/ and /pol/ have never had any issues using the tactics of their enemies against them.

>> No.70666926

I meant the phrase itself, I haven't watched the clip so I don't have the context to judge Vox's usage of it.

>> No.70667286

Then stop acting like one

>> No.70667331

No one is gonna sue anyone, that's why he doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.70667339 [DELETED] 
File: 205 KB, 1000x1000, 20230605_183315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya know I've been dealing with this shit for 10 years now and it's always the same.

Wizardbros we are so fucking back.

>> No.70667458

Checked as fuck and also THIS.

>> No.70667510 [DELETED] 

Alright, I've always wanted to test this out

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.70667517

checked and ultra based

>> No.70667583

What sponsors did Doki lose because of the NDF?

>> No.70667676


>> No.70667735

Are you fucking joking? Did you see what happened to Zaion? She was so fucking radioactive the only people she could collab with anymore was Depressed Nousagi and FalseEyeD. Nijisanji tried to do that to the best networker they ever fucking had. Thank fuck that it backfired.

>> No.70667745

yeah, seeing these kinds of people squirm when you use their own shit against them is just poetic

>> No.70667763

Vox is the kwisatz haderach of EN VTubing. A holy war will get started in his name.

>> No.70667795

>[Intelligence] You fight the Good Fight by streaming as an anime boy on the internet.

>> No.70668064

>Did you see what happened to Zaion?

Yeah, I saw her get sponsored by genshin. Now answer the question. What sponsors did Doki lose?

>> No.70668207

Holy fucking shit, you can't be serious. She EARNED that Genshin ad DESPITE the harassment. She worked tooth and nail through your slimy cult's godawful brainwashed troglodytes to snatch back whatever fucking reputation she could find. Do I need to go back and bring up the fucking dox? All of the breakdowns from her early streams where we worried if she'd actually fucking end it all in front of us? Grow a fucking heart and stop pretending like you didn't nearly fucking kill TWO women.

>> No.70668364

Fuck the sponsors, she nearly lost her fucking LIFE.

>> No.70668494


"the good fight" for the Niji clique is literally trying to make a girl kill herself for being the bullying victim that got away.

you cannot make this dumb shit up. i think we should take every suspect Niji streamer currently and throw them into volcanoes

>> No.70668506

Nijisanji very clearly attempted to assassinate Doki and her character. The issue is that Doki is an excellent Networker and a good girl so when that was released the sponsors Doki worked directly with as Selen backed her maybe if Nijisanji had proper managers that level of connection never would have formed.
This strategy is now retroactively backfiring with Sayu because she just revealed that Nijisanji is essentially black mailing talents into signing gag orders that only apply if you are in Japan anyway.

Asking how many sponsors Doki lost is retarded because you are just baiting into a circular argument you slutty woman. Niji tried to kill any chance of sponsors due to her being toxic but again it horribly backfired and in turn lost Nijisanji sponsors.

Now go have sex or so help me the rape correction will be prescribed for your barron womb!

>> No.70668886

Elira being bene gesserit makes so much sense

>> No.70669106

What stream was it? Can I still watch it?

>> No.70669421

There was also the part after? I think where he named Vox's PL after a short sentence about maybe needing to DM him. Pretty sure he deleted it by now because of all the sisters malding. Based not-shinri.

>> No.70669458

That's what I thought. 0 sponsors lost. You trannies are just screaming "they did it first" like children without even being able to prove it to defend your SJW tactics

>> No.70669569

>ndf harassment pushed them to near suicide
>but they got sponsors though so who cares

nijikikes gotta kike

>> No.70669600

>ok yeah i emptied my magazine at you but failed to hit and shot myself in the foot but that doesnt give you the right to shoot back.
lol, this wont work on 4chan buddy, there are no idologues here sweetheart

>> No.70669721


Now they're back to the flowchart starting at step one. Let's see the play by play of them checking all the boxes

>> No.70669948

Why is this so hard to understand. Niji retards did extreme damage to their oshi no matter what form it had and that made them very angry. Now they are angry to the point that all bets are off. Don't expect principles or honor. That would be very naive of you. It's almost like an all out war if you will.

>> No.70669955

Bratty shitposters like you need rape correction.

>> No.70669970

I am annoyed
Please list the flowchart so we can share a reference.
Convo so far:
> waah u are using sjw tactics
> yes and you started it
> but our sjw tactics are ineffective so its unfair
> doesnt matter you deserve it
> waah you are using sjw tactics
> yes and you started it

>> No.70670067
File: 2.80 MB, 1600x2880, 20230819_152351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my schizo shitposter anon is here senselessly defending Nijisanji again
Mark my words I will not rest until you are my wife! You will bear my children and you will be happy!

>> No.70670248

Checked and affirmed based. Never capitulate.

>> No.70670356

You have bad taste.

>> No.70670432

Because the significant enemy is Nijisanji rather than NDF, whichever sponsors she lost by being fired

>> No.70670451

Point to where the NDF caused Doki to lose a sponsor or a big source of income. Wasn't the first sponsor lost the PC collab with Rosemi? So much for them casting the first stone that makes it morally excusable to act like SJWs

>> No.70670663
File: 1.85 MB, 1920x1080, to NDF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Employment. NDF are Niji since they have no agency of their own and the former is incited by the latter. picrel answer: employee (or in this case, unpaid worker)

>> No.70670696

The hell? I thought /baubau/ was meant to be a refuge of positivity in this hellscape.

>> No.70670837

Now you retards can't decide if Nijisanji was robbing their members blind and leaving them broke or if they're a big source of income. Keep going, this is fun

>> No.70670941

Success breeds jealousy, which is why /baubau/ is one of the worst raided threads on the board.

>> No.70670972

Anon please explain what you are arguing exactly for us less intelligent posters. You sound crazy like you are fighting ghosts. Are you okay? I'm just worried anon. Every anon is precious to me especially you.

>> No.70671049
File: 984 KB, 1242x691, 1708131484189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I think Fuwamoco SUCKS!

>> No.70671318

strawman aside, employment also meant Niji sponsors, whether ignored out of bad faith or retardation

>> No.70671942

They tried, They failed.
It doesnt matter that they failed.
