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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 172 KB, 720x768, 【SECRET GC】 Millie Parfait【NIJISANJI EN】 0-21 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69085003 No.69085003 [Reply] [Original]

REMINDER that Selen was streaming at the same time as the Secret GC stream and is one of the few people who definitely wasn't involved

>> No.69085162

Thanks for the insight, sherlock.

>> No.69085351

>she was streaming during a prerecorded vod priemier so couldn't have been in it
Are you retarded?

>> No.69085505

this is the stupidest post i've read on this whole fucking website

>> No.69085727

it wasn't prerecorded, it was live

>> No.69085899

Pomu left after realising what this was and streamed for time reference that she opposed this. It was live.

>> No.69085915

Imagine getting triggered because a fake anime girl called you a dweeb lol

>> No.69085975

Selen was supposed to be involved but was busy having sex with her boyfriend (me). Not showing up for Millie's event was actually what started all of the bullying in the first place.

>> No.69085988

It will always be crazy to me a stream where they pretend to be from 4chan is what killed their branch irrevocably and had real life consequences on the stock market lmao.

>> No.69086082

Sisters, is this your best warrior?

>> No.69086126

Is there anything about her not related to drama?

>> No.69086228

I might just be retarded but I never really get what the problem of this stream is. It was cringe at worst but I can't believe this shit is still reposted again and again.

>> No.69086654 [DELETED] 
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>NDF trying to smear Selen by implicating her in Clique trash NDF should support

Very symptomatic of a fandom's terminal death throes

>> No.69088808

The people you are posting on /vt/ with and treat some teasing from the streamer they like to watch as if it were a personal betrayal from a trusted friend.

>> No.69089074
File: 507 KB, 1039x1545, 1707731188268175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone involved in this stream is terminally /here/
nigger etc

>> No.69089150

nice revisionism

>> No.69089238
File: 439 KB, 1000x1000, 1695098054279789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REMINDER that shitposting shitstirring catalog dramasisters like OP are retarded, have no coherent point to make, are wasting catalog space that could be used by (You)r oshi's general instead, and deserve the rope.

>> No.69089670

It was pretty damning evidence that certain livers let this place live rent-free, which while not a big deal, reflects poorly on their character. Even worse is that they just made up new narratives and started shitting on their coworkers, which only works if everyone is in on the joke, which they weren't, and even so, the fact that everyone was anonymous means you have people guessing and spreading rumors about who was involved, kind of like the Selen bullying self-indictment in a way. Mysta was fucking pissed when he found out and it caused a menhera episode, so it's not like you can write it off as completely harmless either. Millie may or may not have gotten a stealth suspension because of it, too.
Saying something like this isn't a problem is like saying the March 2022 discord leak isn't a problem. Ramifications are minor, but everyone comes out of it looking like a complete asshat, which is perfect fodder for /vt/'s finest.

>> No.69090899

>the Secret GC stream
qrd? I haven't seen these screenshots in their entirety and the whole thing almost reads like AI with names like "Waggish Plonker"

>> No.69091262

full stream here:

>> No.69091328

We live rent-free in the livers' mind, bros...

>> No.69091389

Also Mysta and "Flopsoleil"

>> No.69091431

You guys really can't get over this one huh? Forever offended by a little filipino girl making fun of you?

>> No.69091961

It shows that /vt/ has more influence over these chuubas than people are led to believe. This allows schizos, who already have a vendetta against some of these talents, to continue running rampant with their shitposting. As if getting caught being /here/ isn't enough, there is already several cases where a chuuba gets one guy'd because someone sent a supa, or posted a rrat that only /vt/ knows about in chat.

>> No.69092023

What's the context? Are these nijien tubers? Members? Randos?

>> No.69092166

You still don't get it, Millie? You're the joke.

>> No.69092179

they're pretending to be 4chnners

>> No.69092264

Totally normal to make up an entire stream where you shit talk your coworkers to own le haters

>> No.69092403

Maybe niji numbers should fuck off from Phase and Holo generals then.

>> No.69092486

Okay Millie, now back to gossiping.

>> No.69092981

Sorry if you got triggered when anons repost this. But it was funny as shit seeing some members shittalked the other nijimembers on stream. When Millie realized that she fucked up, she threw whoever involved under the bus.
Also, FLOPSOLEIL originated from that stream.

>> No.69093282


>> No.69093751

Makes me wonder how much they have been reading the last few weeks. And how many are realizing they are fucked

>> No.69094251

Everyone should already know that though.
Containment breakers get like a million subscribers and thousands of followers on Twitter.
You also had Mori release an entire album under a different name basically "firing back" at /vt/ before this stream even was thought about.

This board is pretty much just an extension of twitter at this point

>> No.69094507

Yeah no, you're just schizoid.
Mori is stronger than Millie "Negativity doesn't affect me" Parfait.

>> No.69094590

Nijiniggs and history revisionism, clasic duo

>> No.69095013

if da wose ends up being one of the meangirls I will not rest until Niji is completely removed from this earth.

>> No.69095451

It proved that these retards browsed this place and that shitposts were pushing their buttons. You don't reply to trolls. Replying just gives them info about what sets you off. See "condom money for Connor" for the best example of why.
/vt/ won when that stream happened.

>> No.69095877

All this stream did was drag the members down to the level of filth of 4chan. There was no coming back from this. Pandora's box was open. The dominoes kept falling and here we are now. You reap what you sow nigga

>> No.69096206

I think it's funny you guys still think that entire EP was about you

>> No.69096842

/vt/ lost in the long run, it wanted Mori out of Holo but the events that occurred just ended more firmly establishing her in the company

>> No.69097253
File: 23 KB, 1023x158, activatedalmonds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69097350

>Пo вceм извecтным зaкoнaм
why would Nina expose herself like that

>> No.69097509


>> No.69097856

nice post, 4channer

>> No.69098688

At the time I had the take that this was an awful idea because it showed a lack of judgement by the talents, to feed the trolls and CRITICALLY it showed a failure of management not to shut this down at the pitching stage, since it would only cause problems for talents.

A year on and the same ineptitude in management manages to tank their brand value. Other people would be smart to draw the lessons from this, that managerial and structural failings on small issues means there's no guard rail against a crisis either.

>> No.69099533

The current rrat is they ARE the management.

>> No.69099967

The inmates are running the asylum?

>> No.69100813

Love how that was another self-report. “FLOPSOLEIL” must’ve been one, too.

>> No.69101071

OK, from what I've gathered, members of the clique accidentally leaked this on a stream. The screenshot is about a private discord server where they pretend to post as if they were on 4ch. And from what was revealed, they were trash talking their coworkers, specifically those who aren't in the clique.
That about right?

>> No.69101225

NDF are really not sending their brightest.

>> No.69101263

that was the stream retard

>> No.69101357

You are correct except for the part where you think they accidentally leaked this on a stream. They didn't. It was planned collab content, they were tweeting to their fans that they were going to do a stream like this.

>> No.69101367

Worse yet, it wasn’t a leak. This was a real, official stream done on Millie’s channel where they “simulated” chat, except it was a clear knock at /vt/.

>> No.69101463


>> No.69101492

hi mori
love ur fat tits

>> No.69101523

>Slumsaint is Enna
>Waggish is Nina
>Externalhollow is Finana
Am i getting this right? Who are the others?

>> No.69101613

Aged like fine wine, brings tears to my eyes

>> No.69101708

With multiple people saying this, it must be true, but I'm having a difficult time actually believing it. How the fuck did anyone think this was a good idea?

>> No.69101728

this stream really was one of their biggest blunders

>> No.69101787

they're all retarded, that's how

>> No.69101804

>retarded obscure Soviet memes
Yup it's Nina, can't even blame this on guguru translate

>> No.69101828

Water is wet, more at six

>> No.69101830


>> No.69101845

Millie was dropped on her head as a kid and her stupidity infects those that spend too long around her (i.e. Elira and Enna)

>> No.69101887

it was a self report stream.

>> No.69101918

"How the fuck did anyone think this was a good idea?" has been the phrase of the week. You really shouldn't be surprised at this point.

>> No.69101952

We didn't see it because we were blind.

>> No.69101985

Pretty much everyone's reaction at the time, Pomu was a participant but went WHAT THE FUCK when they started shitting on their coworkers and left to stream and save herself from the backslash, which has pretty much instant. Many livers claimed to not know about the stream at all, untill Millie threw EVERYONE under the bus and tweeted that she tagged EVERYONE qhen she ecplained the stream. So, yeah.

>> No.69102243

Same thing with the doki character assassination stream tied with her playing neopets.
They aren't exacty the brightest tools in the shed, just the sharpest.

>> No.69103323

Basically they showed the trolls that their trolling got to them, which is never good.

>> No.69103407

Yes. They barely had any staff to run en so the JP speaking chuubas helped out. Which eventually turned into Elira and other speaking JP going behind the real managers backs to influence things to be better for the clique. Some people say it's bull and that there are managers, but why have the people who complained about managers say that none of them speak English. Doki on her return stream talked about finally being glad to get emails in English. But people like Elira and her clique were doing ok because they had her, Reimu and Petra and shu who could translate from JP offices. Obviously it's all speculation.

>> No.69103523

Isn't it just bee movie copypasta start?

>> No.69103582

Millie ate pag pag and she has a worms in her head eating away at grey matter. Like that business man who loved super fresh sushi and started getting headaches, and when Dr.s got in there, it was filled with parasites.

>> No.69103690

something about soviet planes, i assume; never heard it before but that's where my mind's going

>> No.69103837

>Pagpag is the Tagalog term for leftover food from restaurants (usually from fast food restaurants) scavenged from garbage sites and dumps.
say sike

>> No.69103955

well they also shit talked pomu's 3D when the worst thing said here was teasing about her white girl dance moves

>> No.69104211
File: 47 KB, 600x600, 1657308045587340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69104561

well, she literally said
>According to all known laws of aviation

>> No.69104597

And all of her stupid decision later on made her a low view runt.

>> No.69104660

lmao it actually is. It's just dumb enough for a Soviet boomer facebook milf (e.g. Nina) to like and quote

>> No.69104694

Hi besties!

>> No.69105023

Where can I find myself soviet boomer facebook milf..

>> No.69105386


>> No.69106503

There's a bunch in Europe and Central Asia if you don't mind gold diggers, though Nina looks 10 years younger than her counterparts

>> No.69106700

brother.. she absolutely is.

>> No.69107126

It's literally "According to all known laws of aviation" in Russian. Nothing that some basic google translate can't do. I don't know why that retard thinks it's some obscure soviet meme or about soviet aircraft

>> No.69107272

>Пo вceм извecтным зaкoнaм aвиaции
What did he/she mean by this?

>> No.69107837

Oh, I didn't read the thread.

>> No.69108105

>it was there for all to see

>> No.69112323

Very interesting

>> No.69114511


>> No.69114786

Enna Alouette of Nijisanji. You disgust me. Unsympathic narcissist. The only reason you share an existence on this earth is because your parents made a mistake, and it's a shame you inherited that same behavioural mistake. I don't want to see your sorry excuse of trying to be human on my YouTube recommendations ever again. Get out. The only time I want to hear your voice is when you're asphyxiating. Because you don't deserve to breathe the same air I breathe. You're going to tell me to touch grass; I'm touching grass more than you ever will with you being strung up so high. The audacity. I cannot believe your impotence. If there was bug spray for me to hand out to every individual on this planet, I would buy out the entire bug spray economy just so I'd know that my and others' houses were bug free. And don't think that others won't turn on you, either. Your mind is so rotted you think your way of life is acceptable. You expect others to be with you through thick and thin, at the expense of their own well-being? What a terrible joke. Unbelievable. Awaiting my copyright strike

>> No.69115614

This should be reposted ad infinitum, got it

>> No.69115740

The point is
All the INSULT in this shit never appear on 4chan before and no one here use it
This is Niji talent talking shit about their own coworker and blame it on 4chan

>> No.69115814


>> No.69117965

Currently watching at 20x speed and trying to find anything significant for GURRAT.

>> No.69120115

Nice try sister

>> No.69120886

NDF not watching stream..? *shock

>> No.69121073

This entire stream was an uinironic self report

>> No.69121344

>This is your brain in /#/

>> No.69121598
File: 273 KB, 1080x568, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never thought I’d be posting this in this context…

>> No.69122287

Only the most retarded of female confidence can do something like this, and I believe it. You know she was feeling smug stating that in the smugness that she could be telling the truth but everyone will still worship the lie.

And the worst part is that it isn't a fucking rarity for dumb fucks to do this when they grow complacent with their power position. Let's be glad we didn't have a competent backstabber.

>> No.69122549

Millie is the same person who took discord thirsting about other livers and used it as content for a stream. She is not smart.

>> No.69122675

It would be so funny if someone did a complete analysis video of this stream. It reveals so much.

>> No.69123107

I would but I don't have a youtube. I'd probably run it through an image to text program first to save time. Don't have all the time in the world to analyze every detail when I'm busy reading 50 dramathreads kek

>> No.69123327


>> No.69123363

This better be in the GURRAT

>> No.69123834

They've been posting here A LOT. I don't think they fully realize how bad it is yet because they're incompetent and never introspective. I'm surprised if Riku has even talked to them or if he simply removed access to their accounts while he rubs his own two braincells together to plan a way forward. He's probably trying to think of a way to keep profiting from them.

>> No.69123840

It is true
The average flip poster with internet access probably doesn't eat pagpag but the mere mention of it summons them so it still works as an insult

>> No.69123968

Who has the link to the full stream? I have a short version reupload

>> No.69124059

Add this to the GURRAT holy shit

>> No.69124076



>> No.69124212

>How the fuck did anyone think this was a good idea?

I have uttered this phrase nearly daily about NijiEN since 02/05/24 and I see no end in sight

>> No.69124317

>How the fuck did anyone think this was a good idea?

>> No.69124751

Livers pretending to be a /vt/ super secret discord

>> No.69124868
File: 530 KB, 467x628, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I scare myself

>> No.69125182

It might shock you but it's possible to stream videos live.

>> No.69125225

Jesus Christ it keeps happening

>> No.69125838

Unironically I bet they have 4chan watch parties where they browse /vt/ together to bait and laugh at us.
Well not rn because their yacht is sinking. But before they all went on suicide watch I'm sure they did. And probably will in the future.

>> No.69126092

And look who got the last laugh in the end

>> No.69126180

They laugh at us, we laugh at them, equivalent exchange

>> No.69126274

It was pretty obvious they did that before in /nijien/.

>> No.69126358

This was part of an official skit on the NijiEN channel by the way

>> No.69126647

That sounds like a miserable experience desu.

>> No.69126923

>has no idea you can use OBS to "live" stream pre-recorded stuff

>> No.69127033

Filipinos love drama and are uncontrollably attracted to it, especially if it involves themselves or close friends. Unfortunately they don't realize by engaging with 4chan in any way you drag yourself down to their level.

>> No.69127081

little? you're a fat bitch lmfaooooo

>> No.69127226

>just an extension of twatter
I'll take offense to that, I never used that shithole site
Verification not required.

>> No.69127636

I thought NDF was a meme, but they really are out there destroying evidence left and right wtf.

>> No.69127834

this is why archival is important

>> No.69128288

I looked it up once and nearly puked despite not eating anything that day.
>t. picky European

>> No.69131314

They absolutely are real. You can see them in action in every thread, as they type similarly to one another all the time.

>> No.69131603

>showed a failure of management not to shut this down at the pitching stage
>pitching stage
you don't get it anon, THEY ARE THE MANAGEMENT

>> No.69131918

Seriously. Why else would this be allowed?

>> No.69132718

>haha no way
>checked the lyrics for take the bait
Holyshit no way

>> No.69134663

This? Pretty sure this is the entire stream, just sped up

>> No.69134754
File: 240 KB, 463x454, 1704247347438962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think they'd make another stream like this as a distraction from the yachtfire that is going on right now?

>> No.69135118
File: 44 KB, 1024x600, 1657272413172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weaponized autism = MOAB.
We're too strong for our own good.

>> No.69135133
File: 1.50 MB, 1920x1080, MoomLook2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The GURRAT becomes more plausible every minute

>> No.69135233

Not on their lives, unless they want to commit seppuku on-air in the eyes of their company.

>> No.69135380

but who is slumsaint?

>> No.69135466


>> No.69135644

REMINDER that the millie GC stream were all shitting on pomu and her live while 4chan was actually enjoying it.

>> No.69135950
File: 71 KB, 1554x860, pomu on live stream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism always wins
Lying sack of shit

>> No.69136121

Really gets that dang old noggin joggin'.

>> No.69136336

Members busy during the stream:
>shu (mental illness break)
Well well well

>> No.69136475
File: 152 KB, 427x381, 1612740450531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was always there, right in front of our noses. Hidden in plain sight, reality disguising itself as a parody.

>> No.69136770

>Better than the darkest dungeon arc
Who is this referring to?

>> No.69136810

So was Elira kek

>> No.69137282

Mysta was sleeping during the stream too.

>> No.69137351


>> No.69137927

No, the stream was on her channel

>> No.69138013

Quoted the wrong person, meant for >>69136770

>> No.69140265

total generalfag death

>> No.69140373

What if it was just a prerecorded video though? It's not like they were reading chat.

>> No.69140967

his tweet about waking up to questions about the stream was funny and made me feel sorry for him

>> No.69141595

Then Pomu was lying about when she said that she was thinking of participating but then backed out because "it felt too real"

>> No.69141741

Not necessarily if they recorded it earlier. It didn't have to be live.

>> No.69142192

I assure you anon it isn't really an insult to flips, they get summoned by mere mention of any tagalog words instead

>> No.69142252

raised by spanovelas for decades

>> No.69142386

Why did they ever even want to out themselves as an anon? it's literally the worst thing to be one

>> No.69142492

They're insecure
Imagine getting hurt by anons' posts they come up with shit that none of us have even thought of at the time like FLOPSOLEIL

>> No.69142689

it wasn't about outing themselves as from here it was about clapping back at shitposts from here. what makes it funnier is them deviating from that to shitting on pomu and the newest waves

>> No.69143456
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>> No.69143542

jesas, how they fuck would anyone think it was a good idea to take part in this?

>> No.69144412

that's how braindead the participants are. very filipino of millie to think and do this stream. this shit is what you see in their streaming culture.

am filipino btw. i know shit when i see one.

>> No.69144642

Huffed their own hot air too frequently and too abundantly. They really thought it was a funny idea to reveal that their whole branch effectively lives on /vt/.
