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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66802914 No.66802914 [Reply] [Original]

Hold on, so I just remembered how a while back there was all that drama when there was a big off collab in Japan and they didn't wait for Pomu to arrive even though she would be there literally the next day, so she was the only one left out. Which led to a lot of speculation that it was because she was going to graduate. But people were insistent it was a nothingburger and eventually I forgot about it. But now that we know she actually is graduating, is it possible it was a somethingburger after all and Pomu was already planning to graduate even back then?

>> No.66802970


>> No.66803292

There was that other thing where she was not listed on some merch thing that had IIRC literally every other nijiEN on it and people thought that was a flag back then as well.

It's pretty funny when people scream meds until their throats fucking bleed at things that basically any neutral party would agree at the very least, don't look promising. I think however that back then it was an instinctual protective mechanism to try to stick their heads in the sand and shout lalala at any signs of problems because they themselves could not contemplate what it'd mean for the branch if one of the big names graduated. Now however, notably not a lot of people are strongly debating that it looks like Selen is on the outs too and this was even before the Pomu bomb. The past year it seems many of the ardent NIDF either have OD'ed on copium and died, or have accepted that nijiEN is indeed mortal, anyone can leave, and no there is not some fake big happy family cringe shit where they all just love Nijisanji just so much, you guys. That certainly fucking isn't the case, Nina and Mysta and Zaion all made that fucking clear.

>> No.66803632

>Pomu is a hardcore fan of Niji! She will never leave!
>Pomu was a whore anyway! She is a traitor!

>> No.66803722

samefag meds

>> No.66803735

Pomu was probably planning on leaving for a while now. It's up to you to decide what was the final straw; her Home3D still not being fixed, some projects she was invested just falling through due to incompetent management, or not being part of the off-collab.

>> No.66803828

The truth is however I feel at a given time. I am not an NPC, I am the protagonist.

>> No.66803917
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>"she's a nijisanji otaku!!! she's an OG fan, you wouldn't understand!!! mito is her oshi!!!!! there is no way anyone can say something to look good and fit in better at a new workplace, THAT NEVER HAPPENS"
>"she'll never ever ever ever give you BRONY HOLOBROOONIES the time of day she will be nijiEN for the rest of time!"
>probably is going to join Vshojo
>very likely we will hear her spill tea about things that went wrong with nijiEN like nina, mysta, zaion etc all did

Ahhhh. Delicious.

>> No.66803923

>there were signs Pomu would leave Nijisanji
>she leaves Nijisanji
Looks like you need meds

>> No.66803943

I’ve already read this
Literal bot post

>> No.66803951

Honestly the gauntlet was thrown down with the secret GC stream, creating a huge schism between livers who treated NijiEN as a cult and ones that didn't. You'll notice the ones that have been graduating are all ones that we know for a fact didn't participate in that stream.

>> No.66804016

you're a flipflopping corpo ass licker

>> No.66804056

Sure you have. But you don't feel the need to reply to it until it's in the catalog, huh? Maybe next time you'll learn your lesson.

>> No.66804099

You're trying to relate events in hindsight based on your own headcanon. It's silly.

>> No.66804105

Damn, how did I not fucking realize that. So the nijiEN clique are fucking idiots who shit their pants seething at criticism no matter how petty all day and are obsessed with trying to own le incel unicorns at the expense of their entire branch. That literally seems to be the case. Selen, Mysta, Nina Pomu.. who else do we know wasn't in that. Rosemi right. Rosemi was also one of the ones people have been kind of beating around the bush going "you know, she probably would have an in at Phase Connect because Dizzy, just sayin'"

>> No.66804228

Pomu admitted to being in it, but she backed out once it got "too real". Which basically was when they publicly shat on her 3D debut, something that everyone loved, even those /here/...but not those NijiEN livers apparently.

>> No.66804230

Pomu was part of that IIRC, but regretted it instantly

>> No.66804250

Unironically I always thought Nina and Mysta were shitbags so I didn't think much of them leaving because they're the kind of people who love to stir up drama over anything. But now that Pomu is out I'm finally willing to admit that something bad is going on in Nijisanji. Amazing what a difference it makes when it's a member with an actual good reputation.

>> No.66804445

Exactly the point. She was invited but she didn't like what she saw. She and Mysta were the only two people who actually spoke out against that stream before everyone decided to sweep it under the rug and pretend it didn't happen. Nina was of course exonerated by the fact she was streaming at the time. As was Selen, as >>66804105 mentioned. Guess who's speculated to graduate next?

>> No.66804662

I saw the NDA leaks. it's actually over for Selen already

>> No.66804755

I think she's going to get in Hololive. The only reason she stayed in NijiEN is because they had MGS permissions and Hololive didn't, but now Hololive has those too.
>But Hololive never makes new gens!
It's fucking Pomu. They would absolutely debut a new gen if it meant getting her.

>> No.66806294

unlikely because that will make things pretty awkward between them unlike luna where holo was still an ant compared to niji that time
i still want to see it because the shitshow will be amazing, not even kuro and matara dropping yab receipts can compare to that

>> No.66806679

Realistically what would that change? They hardly collab with Holo as it is. It's just like what they do with VShojo, they continue to collab with them but ignore certain members and never interact.

>> No.66806772

Almost everything you said is wrong. She is not going to join another JP corpo where she has to run everything she does through a byzantine bureaucracy only to get turned down.

>> No.66806954

Looking at Shiori's streams, it's clear that Hololive has much more freedom than Nijisanji these days. That didn't used to be the case, but it is now.

>> No.66807445

>It's fucking Pomu. They would absolutely debut a new gen if it meant getting her.

You don't know that.

>> No.66807621

Yeah, just like I didn't know Pomu was going to graduate. Keep telling me what I don't know, it's worked out great for you so far.

>> No.66810437

While I agree that Dizzy would welcome Rosemi with open arms, Rosemi would be a painfully bad fit for Phase seeing as how she never swears.

>> No.66810500


>> No.66810591

Did this motherfucker just post "LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL" on 4chan? What's next, "rofl xD"? "Epic win"?

>> No.66810981

t. Zoomer

>> No.66811607

But like, we can look at patterns. The branch was heading to the dogs management-wise all 2023, big graduations are expected if you’re not coping. Big 2 corpo poaching hasn’t been a thing since Luna in what, 2019? And they were way smaller then.

Also in terms of money I feel like after everything that’s happened there’s a lot to be said about earning 100k in complete freedom vs earning 130k working for the Japanese again, even if management isn’t as rotten.

>> No.66812673

She's gonna go to hololive just to participate in the MGS Master Collection vol. 2 hololive collab.

>> No.66814256

I absolutely don't think hololive would make a new EN gen so soon after advent even for Pomu, they have sustainable growth plans and don't just mass spam gens like niji. But I desperately hope it does happen because it would be the funniest thing to happen in the industry in years, even if they just solo scouted her and added her to advent as the 5th member (FuwaMoco counts as one)

>> No.66816828

Learn to fucking read my post you idiot.

>> No.66817213

Airi never swears as well and she fits in fine with the rest of phase.

>> No.66817791

judging from Mika and Pomu's conversation in the former's graduation stream and the other hints that have been dropped, they're almost certainly going to the same place and it's VShojo

>> No.66818228

I would really like it if Pomu got into hololive. She's the only Niji I've ever watched and she's a treasure. Plus she'd finally fit in, she always stuck out like a sore thumb in Niji.

>> No.66818367

The clique wanted a treehouse to hang out in that got them more money than their indie roots. They got what they wanted, but they're losing everyone who isn't part of their friend group and also making the EN branch look like shit while doing it.

>> No.66819356

In retrospect it should have been one of the first signs that there was trouble in paradise, the way Pomu immediately panicked and started a Minecraft stream during the GC stream because she had to distance herself from it as quickly as possible. She seemed really nervous during that stream, like she was being held at gunpoint not to say too much. I feel bad for her, she's endured such abuse for joining Nijisanji, and it's not like it's her fault. She didn't know what it was going to become. She just loves being a vtuber and was presented with what seemed like a great opportunity at the time. Think how different things could have been if Hololive hadn't glossed over her.

>> No.66819518

Outside of being older as well as being the only person in her wave that still had an actual job at early on, I thought Pomu fit in decently well with the rest of early NijiEN. It's just that the branch has strayed so far from what made the first two waves great in terms of members and content, and it's worth stressing that this was still with they did collabs with NijiID/JP/KR males.
Regardless, it'd be nice because she's already good friends with Kiara, it'd make it more interesting to see how she'd get along with other lesbos like Nerissa.

>> No.66819607

>secret GC stream

>> No.66819685

Actually, you're the one that's silly.

>> No.66820125

So about a year ago Millie did this stream where she just streamed a discord people and a bunch of people with anonymous names (obviously the livers themselves, but nobody knows who was who) were talking about Nijisanji livers. The thing was they very clearly used /vt/ slang and talking points, so while in theory it was meant to be "mocking the haters", in reality all it accomplished was showing that Millie and probably a handful of other livers are obsessed with the criticism they've been receiving on /vt/. Which just made things on this board ten times worse because now we know they're listening.

Obviously management didn't like this very much and Millie didn't stream for a few weeks. It is believed this is where they introduced the concept of "silent suspensions", i.e. suspending a talent without announcing it in an attempt to minimize drama.

It really is a fucked up stream you should see for yourself, so here's a reupload for your perusal. It's not too long to watch, especially if you put the video on 2x speed

>> No.66820214

Oh fuck yeah. I always wanted to see what some loser vtuber thinks of people like me. This should be fun.

>> No.66820398

For every post that says unicorns don't matter and /vt/ cant affect anything, remember this stream. Those stupid fucking chuds are always not far from their minds.

>> No.66820490

It's actually worse, they were saying things that were either never post or gained any traction /here/ which meant those were things they genuinely thought about each other.

>> No.66820738

I will say that I don't think /vt/ really has any effect on anything Hololive does and the reason /vt/ is on Nijisanji's minds is because it's so much smaller. The Nijisanji subreddit is basically completely dead, while the Hololive one is one of the most active ones on the entire site. So if you want to talk Nijisanji, 4chan is your only choice. This is even more true for smaller corpos, of course, but it's definitely also true for Nijisanji.

>> No.66820960

That stream was just bizarre, from what I heard it was based on some NijiID stream idea that I just can't seem to find on Youtube, where it was just a more harmless "Guess Who" type of stream. But with NijiEN it just went off the rails immediately, the first post was literally
>hi guys she is /here/
and it was probably posted by Enna because of her negative personality. And it wasn't like it was a satire, it really felt like the talents just throwing shade at each other under the guise of anonymity.

In hindsight, Ethyria really was the end for NijiEN. The vibes barely felt right like they did compared to early on in collabs like this during Lazusydia.
There were just moments of what could have been like when Elira drunkenly crashed Petra and Reimu's date.

>> No.66820984

It varies from person to person, some of them had no idea what they were doing, but externalhollow (who I suspect is Hex Haywire) was clearly very familiar with /vt/ lingo.

>> No.66821153
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>mito is her oshi!!!!!
that's a top kek material, her actual oshi is actually in VShojo right now. pic related of course

>> No.66821179

Not just "hi guys" but "hi 4channers." 4channers is a word we like to use instead of "anons" to annoy people because it makes them think of reddit. So right off the bat we knew what this stream was going to be.

>> No.66821399

Isn't that partially cause Millie kept saying that she and Luca were dating? Also they were shitting on her 3D stream.

>> No.66821671

It's just such an obvious "I don't know anything about this company so I pulled a name off the wiki" filler answer, because Mito was the first ever liver in Nijisanji. It's like saying Tokino Sora is your Hololive, or Elira Pendora is your NijiEN oshi. Just a safe pick that everyone will probably like and nobody will criticize you for liking.

One of the more recent livers joked that Suzuka Utako was their oshi, prefacing it with "Which one was the big fujoshi? Yeah that one" to make it clear that they didn't actually watch her and were just making a funny joke by picking someone famously unhinged as their oshi. I liked that, at least they were honest.

>> No.66821924

She spammed it over and over in the chat. It was
over and over again. I think that was another reason why Pomu bailed from that stream, it just led her to relive the stress all over again.

>> No.66822104

I will say that these are both things that were said on /vt/ a lot. Luca collabed with Pomu a lot so that was a common refrain (he collabs with everyone a lot though, he's one of the few livers that doesn't seem scared of unicorns at all). And even before the 3D stream people were worried that something was going to be wrong with the rigging because they... didn't thank the rigger or something? I forget what the exact situation was, but the fears were proven true because parts of her rigging were clearly not working correctly. So the idea that "no one" on /vt/ was criticizing Pomu's 3D is laughable, it's just that she did such a great job that we were willing to overlook the rigging issues.

>> No.66822239

And think of how nice of a person Pomu is that she's still pleasant with NijiEN. No wonder she's so well connected with vtubers from all over and even real life idols.
0% chance it will happen but I'm not against her joining Hololive just so she knows what it's like. People like Polka mentioned they watched Pomu so I'm sure a number of Holomem would love some time with her.

>> No.66822331

I'm watching the GC stream now to refresh my memory on what was said, and man, they really shit on Nina hard and she wasn't even there, didn't seem like it was just banter in good fun either. I am really not surprised she was the first graduation. You just know there's a few people in NijiEN who started feeling unwelcome after that stream and didn't know who they could trust anymore. So what's the point staying around?

>> No.66822620

If anything it shows how good and hardworking a person that Pomu is in general. Despite having plans to leave the company in 2023, even despite enduring coworkers that probably still talk shit about her behind her back, she still stuck it out until now and involved them all in so many unity-tier projects for them to try to repair their image and be left with a good base to work with.

>> No.66822777

Yeah, the only people that seem to have liked her at all in Niji were Mysta, Mika, Pomu and Oliver

>> No.66823187

She had some good friends in the later waves like Sonny and Kotoka, and Aia considered Nina her oshi, and Doppio called her based. But yeah, it seems like everyone in the early waves except Pomu just circled the wagons and shut her out.

>> No.66823979

>It's fucking Pomu. They would absolutely debut a new gen if it meant getting her.
Are you dumb? Each holoEN member pull bigger numbers than her. They absolutely dont need her.

>> No.66823991
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>It's fucking Pomu. They would absolutely debut a new gen if it meant getting her.

>> No.66824097

>It's fucking Pomu. They would absolutely debut a new gen if it meant getting her.
she's as close as i'm ever going to get to a kamioshi and even i'm not delusional enough to believe this

>> No.66824267

Even the now beloved dogs were Mint tier, too.
She can easily hold her own with the blue dorito buff. She's also a very consistent streamer only missing during some work trips as I imagine it's not as convenient to stream from Antarctica as it is in Japan.

>> No.66824356

tbf, having the rainbow pacman logo by your name is a pretty big debuff

>> No.66824408

Which means she is nothing special. Sorry but unless you are a second incarnation of gura, no talent is a must have.

>> No.66824445

It is fucked up actually trying to talk with them about this in /nijien/. I'm legitimately interested in having a discussion but they just ignore all posts relating to Pomu. It's like they've got so many livers that when they lose one they just move right along to the next one, even if it's someone big like Pomu.

>> No.66824506

Three fucking posts within a minute replying to that statement with disdain. Let me guess, this thread got linked in /#/? You're not as clever as you think.

>> No.66824584

Look, Pomu's my kamioshi, but please don't try and sell her to tribalistic dramafaggots

>> No.66824630

Hololive doesn't care about numbers. They hire talented people and make them more popular with the Hololive name. And Pomu is very talented. I'm sorry that you're so blinded by Niji hate that you can't see that.

>> No.66824682

Stalinsanji is not a joke

>> No.66824930

Look, I am not saying it is impossible, or that there is no supporting evidence. She's very into Idol stuff, MGS perms, Kiara is there, etc.
But you're kidding yourself if you think Hololive would be a better move for her than Vshojo; she knows way more people there, including her oshii, and she's more likely to have control of her model (and she will retain control of it if she leaves afterwards). Pomu likes enacting large and strange projects, which is the main reason she ended up leaving Niji, and Hololive really isn't the place for that.

>> No.66825215

>It’s fucking Pomu

>> No.66825273

No, she said her oshi is Pikamee, and that's not Pikamee.

>> No.66825305

I will be happy for the Hololive fans who legitimately want Pomu in Hololive that will be genuinely joyful to see her join, but I'm also looking forward to seeing the immediate cope from the people who treat Hololive as an exclusive club and are so confident that she doesn't "deserve" to get in. It will be funny to watch those people who were shitting on her up till then forced immediately turn around and start praising her out of brand loyalty instead of genuine love. When you start doing that, just remember, I'll see right through you.

>> No.66825498

Let's be real here, we don't actually know what Pomu likes and what was just her trying to fit in with Nijisanji culture. It's entirely possible she doesn't care about those projects if it means getting into Hololive.

>> No.66825731
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>t. certified retard

>> No.66825786
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>Pomu likes enacting large and strange projects
>Hololive really isn't the place for that
I know they clamped down hard on Asacoco and Haachama's shenanigans but they seem more open again recently even restarting their Bilibili channels
But I agree, she definitely wants more creative control and I doubt she wants to start yet another identity whenever she decides to cut it with Cover for any reason
It's just kind of a shame. I think she would do INCREDIBLY WELL with more JP exposure. Even in 2434 Elira was often the Lazu representative since she's more fluent. Vsj won't help her get noticed in Japan and she may not be able to secure the same opportunities than if she was with a Japanese company.

Also I forget how kson is kind of an island so she won't be able to naturally interact with Pomu as much and kson is the one who would have the connections unlike Henya who is an actual asocial hikki.

>> No.66825988
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/#/ has always been hypocrites.

>> No.66826150


>> No.66826314

And also, as far as permissions go, the only actual important game that Hololive can't touch is Genshin Impact, and frankly as much as I like that game I don't enjoy watching people play it because they play it wrong and it pisses me off. So I'm not exactly bothered that none of them are cluttering their channels with dozens of Genshin streams. Plus in Pomu's case she played it one time and then never touched it again so she clearly doesn't like it anyway, to which I say, fair enough. Other than that, I've never seen Hololive have trouble getting game permissions.

>> No.66826712
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keep seething

>> No.66826766

Did... did they play Lethal Company because it's an anagram of Left 4 Dead?

>> No.66826958

To this day EN still can't touch Hogwarts Legacy (which is whatever in the end)
Their Pokémon perms are also limited
They could play RE4 Remake but only with Japanese dub
They only got Metal Gear perms again recently
Things like that
EN has separate permissions from JP and ID so even if anyone from OKFAMS or Luna is enjoying retro vidya, there's 0 guarantee Pomu can do it either
So just like Niji only FOTM like Re:find or something along the lines of Chilla's is safe material
Since no one has played the JP horror games Pomu wants to play like Fatal Frame, that means they likely don't have perms for that either (and Niji only secured the perms for Fulgur)

Yeah I really doubt Pomu wants to deal with JP perms shit again

>> No.66826975

Three times is a pattern.
Whenever those 4 collab, at least one of them is about to graduate.

>> No.66827083

yes, this is how we Henyafags "knew" back then

>> No.66827426

>To this day EN still can't touch Hogwarts Legacy
Which is a choice they made rather than a permission issue. And it's the same in NijiEN and VShojo, since you'll notice Henya still hasn't played it.
>(which is whatever in the end)
Finally found out about Sirona Ryan, huh?

>> No.66828147

There's going to be 3 more waves by March so they don't care

>> No.66828630

Oh shit, I just saw the Mel thread. I knew creating this thread was bad karma. This is the first time I've given in and shat on Nijisanji in years, and now look what happens. I also opened a fortune cookie today that said "A thrilling time is in your immediate future."

>> No.66828723

Damn lucky motherfucker, you get to be the one to comfort Mel.
I wish I was you from the bottom of my heart.
I love that vampire. She was the first 3D I ever watched.

>> No.66829218

She's specifically leaving niji because of jap corpo autism. Vshojo is the only western corpo that wouldn't be a huge downgrade for her. If she's not in vshojo then she only has left the option of going back to indie.

>> No.66829343

I regret not watching her more, I'm a big fan of vampires and vampire stuff in general so design wise she was right up my alley, but there's only so much time for vtubers. What a sad situation.

>> No.66830691

>you'll notice Henya still hasn't played it.
and she never will, in case you forgot what happened last time.

>> No.66833650

After the events of the last two hours Holobronies be like "Ummm actually now that we think about it we want Pomu now"

>> No.66833751

holobronies don't deserve to be capitalized.

>> No.66834175
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Holy shit, speaking of meds.
