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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55038916 No.55038916 [Reply] [Original]

And people will claim Hololive doesn't pay its talents well

>> No.55038969

No one claims that in good faith.

>> No.55039046

Nobody claimed that.

>> No.55039048

Holojp is pretty much making big bucks over there with all Thier Sponsorships they get

>> No.55039062

Basex Flare

>> No.55039104

Stop shitposting with my farming wife.

>> No.55039144

Flare is one of the highest superchatted of course she's making money

>> No.55039196

If Flare makes that much imagine the others.

>> No.55039312

>They probably didn't consider the price after yen conversions
>It's still a lot after yen conversions
fuck, why doesn't this bitch just by a vineyard?

>> No.55039315

Wasn't she recently playing a farming game or something?

>> No.55039353

Only Nijisisters will claim that whenever the 2% is brought up.

>> No.55039384

threadreading retards don't realize she's talking about Ranch Simulator

>> No.55039412

the income is ingame you retard
she is not talking about herself but her farm in game

>> No.55039431

is flare high tier or low tier in jpland because thats $278,000 UDS

>> No.55039502

there's no way flare makes that much

>> No.55039505

Flare will never experience being a homesteading trad wife :(

>> No.55039544

Incredible, someone that watches Flare! What are you guys called?

>> No.55039654

Noel and Flare are living good

>> No.55039668

Coal burners

>> No.55039764

She's my wife anon, take your meds

>> No.55039787

That's like 300,000 dollars a year. Pretty gud.

>> No.55039796
File: 181 KB, 400x400, 1669347117030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40 Million
Elfriends have betrayed the forest and rape the land with their oil rigs.
What would uncle Ted think?

>> No.55040183

This job is basically commission, they're selling entertainment to failed normalfags who won't shut the fuck up about their ex-girlfriend and nerds who just want to watch anime.

>> No.55040223

It’s true it’s true! Flare was flexing her solid gold pro controller in a members stream the other day. She probably could hire a second maid by next year

>> No.55040234

You got me, I only listen to her sing now since any translation of her is basically depicts her as a killjoy that denies all the cool perceptions of her character and stamping out jokes that begin to form around her, like coffee elf, killing NoeFurare or just refusing to play into the idea of people saying she's cool (not out of humility but because she wants to be called cute instead).
People come up with silly reasons as to why everyone else in her gen but her exploded, but the real reason I've come to realize is because they all played into the silly things their chat builds up around them or uses the flustered denial to establish banter. I've never seen Flare do that, to this day nobody has anything to identify her with other than she changed costumes that one time.

>> No.55040239

The last time I took those meds I stopped being able to see Flare and our kids turned into cushions. Not falling for that trick twice buddy.

>> No.55040503

Who claims that? Roboco was able to buy a house. All Holos are well paid and well off.

>> No.55040863

There's a reason the talents don't leave after all.

>> No.55040993

Reminder they won't settle for a man with a lower income.
Well, in Flare's case she probably won't settle for a man at all.

>> No.55041074

i can save her

>> No.55042399

You can't even save yourself anon chama

>> No.55042924

how did this escape the number thread? surely there had to be at least a single person with 80+ iq ready to point out your mistake

>> No.55044754

>he doesn't know

>> No.55045197

to be fair houses in japan ain't worth THAT much

>> No.55045832

>Almost 280grand
>This is what's considered mid tier Holo member
I wonder how much Miko and Roboco earned. I remember Suisei said she's so comfortable buying a lot of high brand clothing in one go the shop employee blurted "You're so rich"

>> No.55045881 [SPOILER] 
File: 222 KB, 1280x720, Jesus Christ Flare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just in the game.
She makes way more irl.

>> No.55046131
File: 6 KB, 152x250, FureaThicc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop eating, woman.

>> No.55046149

I'll admit it, I fell for the bait...

>> No.55046229

Actually.... someone did.
A nijisister claim that in a catalogue thread. He even put two videos as "evidences"
Even the evidences were very weak lol. One was Axel saying that he received less merch share than akasupa (Holostars get less? shocking!) and Fauna saying the big merch cut is for their birthday merch (when most merchs came out during their birthday lol)

>> No.55046241

>Doesn't understand the accomplishment of doing something yourself

>> No.55046250

>I will never live with a dark elf on a farm

>> No.55046267

Thread readers don't even both reading the thread anymore

>> No.55046320

She is? Wow, I'm actually surprised.
No offense to Flare's fans, but I think her design is pretty basic. But I guess she won personality wise

>> No.55046466

Buying a vineyard or a ranch is a huge commitment, anon.
Sure, land in rural Japan is cheap (or even free), but like farms/ranches/Vineyards all over the world she needs to employ people to run it.
She maybe rich, but she's not rich enough to run a large business right now.

>> No.55046471
File: 42 KB, 428x527, JESAS OH JESAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55046501

40 million yen is nothing

>> No.55046521

Who is they?

>> No.55046560

>Who is Flare
god i hate this board

>> No.55046629

Axel probably doesn't make that much money but he also isn't in Hololive.

>> No.55046641

Don't blame me, anon. OP being vague and not everyone watch Flare.
Also I thought this is a positive thread where Flare is happy because he can reach her dream
Well, she's still happy. Playing games she loves and getting good income from Akasupa and merchs.

>> No.55046699

anon thats not even 3 million usd

>> No.55046734

I did, I don't watch chubas by the way.

>> No.55046824

Yeah, because she is my wife already.

>> No.55046826

He get less money because of obvious reasons:
>He has a penis
>He doesn't coombait the fujos or trauma dumping

>> No.55046845

>he can't even answer
yeah :/

>> No.55046941

I didn't know Flare is into gardening; either that, or she's just playing into her elf kayfabe.

>> No.55046998


>> No.55047083

flare doesn't have the explosive personality of pekora or marine, but she provides the realistic good end gfe, so her gachikois are strong

>> No.55047240
File: 256 KB, 900x900, ChamaShitbricks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody watched Flare today and knows she's talking about Ranch Simulator

>> No.55047313

Don't worry I did, her ranch sim streams have been great

>> No.55047393

nah someone posted a members-only post with like 2k likes. He's making plenty of money.

>> No.55047510
File: 82 KB, 661x612, 1691012868822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only make 70k

>> No.55047580

fuck these rich bitches man
i'm out here earning 50k a year and working like a dog
rich people aren't human

>> No.55047707
File: 65 KB, 658x551, Flare Darling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She would never move out of our dream farm!

>> No.55047763

That actually admirable. Too bad her design not to my taste even when I frequent /choc/
I like my girl chocolate and delicious, but in tomboy package.

>> No.55047915

Anon, she started from the bottom just like you do. She gained that aka and merch money because people love her as an entertainer. Please keep your green eyed monster on a leash.

>> No.55048066

Roboco can buy a fucking house
House in Tokyo super expensive

>> No.55048216

>she is not talking about herself but her farm in game
Honestly unless they are getting paid it doesn't make sense why some people constantly promote Cover as "good".

Hololive talents are likely well paid for vtubers but Cover isn't running a charity. The contract terms for the merch split are under NDA and they have to pay 400 employees. Axel implied that generic merch is the worst way to support a talent. Fauna implied that you can tell how much they get from merch by how much they promote it. Kson hinted that she didn't have as much money as people would guess. The reason the vtuber corpos own the character designs, models, and channels is to have leverage over their employees.

>> No.55048301

>find someone that has a greenhouse

>> No.55048299

U should starting invest something and get better job
> Don't work too hard, work smart

>> No.55048584

Don't worry anon, a lot of people fell for it and are continuing to fall for it.

>> No.55049364

>Kson hinted that she didn't have as much money as people would guess
$9000 bed

>> No.55050243

>A nijisister claim that in a catalogue thread
>claim that in a catalogue
Dare i say beyond retarded, retarded cause she's talking about a game and beyond for taking anything in catalogue seriously

>> No.55050456

anon, you underestimate how much merch sales and memberships makes for these girls
everyone talks about superchats, and superchats are only like 1/3rd to 1/5th of their income based on their interaction level

>> No.55050989

she doesn't, read the entire first part, it's about a game

>> No.55051439

neither hard work nor intelligence necessarily equal money. anyone who thinks they do is likely to end up very disappointed. sometimes being cute and charming is all it really takes, nothing to be mad about. the post is about a video game though.

>> No.55051631

I make 3.5k dollars a year. Cry more.

>> No.55052198
File: 40 KB, 360x202, flare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people somehow missed this thumbnail

>> No.55052844

Nah fuck you I'll be jealous if I want retard.
Rich people can get bent. One of the only perks of not having money is you can shit on rich people with no remorse.

>> No.55053420

i mean sure there are alot of rich people who deserve the rope but i wouldn't count vtubers among them and just blanket shitting on the concept of wealth is bizarre.

>> No.55054659

her ranch sim stuff is great. she really likes the game and it is entertaining.

>> No.55054737

Flare is a honest woman, running her ranch with love and care

>> No.55056730

I do not hold it against her personally. But knowing a chuuba I like is unironically rich upsets me.
Fuck rich people.

>> No.55060806

Only jealous nijiniggers claim that
