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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50530327 No.50530327 [Reply] [Original]

Let this be a lesson for whoever that is going to be in EN3 (I know you lurk here)
>Just stream, don't break immersion.

Everyone knew who Fauna was before debut and still gave her a chance despite that (no dox shit).
She inclined by having 5 days of streams per week which is pretty rare for the EN branch. Those are pretty simple streams with as safe of a content as you can imagine: minecraft, ASMR, and flavor of the month game, which is borderline... boring. Due to not having many choices people eventually went to her stream and stick around even though there is nothing particular about her streams.

And then she threw it all away just because she felt like lecturing her own audiences. Pic related showing the decline in numbers. She can get to 10k viewers consistently with solo Minecraft but not anymore after the yab.
I am surprised but most of them still don't understand that watching vtubers is a form of escapism. "Maidenless" by Kronii or in this case, "we cannot be friends" by Fauna is absolutely unnecessary. Those are the things that they should not impose upon their viewers. The fans KNOW all these stuffs, but choose to keep the illusion because real life is enough for them, they just want to relax and watch and interact with some cute anime girls behind a screen in their free time. If even the anime girls are starting to shame them for not conforming to the norm, is there a reason to even watch them anymore?
So EN3, please, give us streams, and none of these bullshits.

>> No.50530379


>> No.50530456

Seething about a nothing burger. Have you unicorn considered suicide? I think the vtubbing industry would be in a better place if all you just neck yourselves.

>> No.50530489

Lize and Ange graduation deflection thread.
Uki ruining another female collab deflection thread.

>> No.50530525

How much of an autistic nigger do you have to be to type out all that shit, how much of an inbred retard do you have to be to think what she said qualify as a yab
i have the answer for you
an autistic inbred nijinigger who should go back to his shitty troon discord

>> No.50530685

Holy schizo still trying to push this shit. Neck yourself if you dont have anything better to do

>> No.50530763

>10k viewers consistently with solo Minecraft but not anymore after the yab
damn i thought you were just shitposting

>> No.50530772

Wait qrd on Lize and Ange

>> No.50530867

I beg to differ Mr normalfag, the real question is, why don't you watch flesh tubers? I assure you will have more fun with them, this is obviously not the place for you.

>> No.50531138
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Both the streams you've showed there had overlap. The minecraft stream had overlap with Ina, who is #2 EN but she also got worse numbers(~6k-7k). And other Holos also have also reclined in the same way.

>> No.50531172

>Lize and Ange graduation

>> No.50531252

this is just a stealthy numberfag, you're so worried about the incline that you forgot these girls were already banned playing outlast trials by their management

>> No.50531262

Previous Minecrafts all have overlaps, and the overlap she had she started the earliest if you don't include the totk stream.

>> No.50531289

>ange brings her nnd friends to hololive

>> No.50531303

Hate to agree with the schizo, but he's right in this instance. The reason to watch vtubers is for the illusion.

Otherwise theres might as well just watch a regular roastie stream, which is something I dont do since women are not that entertaining, which is why all of them have their tits out for views.

>> No.50531305
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>the retarded fagoon STILL trying to force this nothingburger
how fucking desperate, this moron has been seething at Fauna for months

>> No.50531322
File: 49 KB, 500x500, 1685360214962326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will you learn that vtubbers aren't your personal concubines unicorn-san. If anything you should be beheaded like this poor fella.

>> No.50531338

what a fucking snowflake

>> No.50531358

What is this debut fauna yab I keep hearing about

>> No.50531390

>the mention of tits
and you wonder why fauna can't be friends with you...

>> No.50531909

A lot of angry chuds itt

>> No.50532220

Lurk Moar

>> No.50532360

I mean, we cannot be friends if she's our mommy, right?

>> No.50532427
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explain this

>> No.50532466
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>rules for radicals, #4
>"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
It is funny watching how screeching leftist/homobeggars/redditards/nijiniggers try to use “Rules for Radicals” to hold others to a standard they don’t even adhere to? Pretending to be what they hate, to undermine others by holding them to be a more extreme version of their enemy’s standards. They aren’t unicorns or even fans of Hololive, it’s just a bunch of bucket crabs seething.

>> No.50532558

You can stop replying to yourself sister. Everyone knows that Discord troons have been seething nonstop at Fauna for ignoring the homoshits and now they are trying to astroturf this retarded drama.

>> No.50532567

>these stuffs
Fucking Indonesia needs to be nuked.

>> No.50532629
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>> No.50532660

Holy shit is this real?
How long has this fag been doing this? I'm finding posts from fucking 2021 saying the exact same shit.

>> No.50532720
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>> No.50532762
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>> No.50532793


>> No.50532813
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>> No.50532848

The shitposts getting deleted is real, but it is not the selenposter if you know him well enough. That post at the top not deleted is the evidence. I looked into the archive, someone is spamming this image they made in every thread to make it look like all shitposters are selenposters.

>> No.50532850
File: 214 KB, 1280x720, tldr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 words or less

>> No.50532903

EN3, please don't break illusion, don't be a whore, and stream.

>> No.50532907

t. Selenfag deflecting, unironically. We can read dates you retard.
