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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44100325 No.44100325 [Reply] [Original]

Bros I'm scared.. What if she graduates too?

>> No.44100371

She is

>> No.44100385


>> No.44100485

Her Past life is active on her yt

>> No.44100492

Goes back to Twitch.

>> No.44100509

She's 99% out of the door, only the announcement left and it probably is gonna get delayed because of Pikamee's.

>> No.44100643
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First time?

>> No.44100765
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I can't handle that.

>> No.44100841

She's probably already fired and they're just waiting for something that'll drown out the news. Wouldn't be surprised if they renounce the concert (with just luxiem, not the girls) and then drop the graduation announcement.

>> No.44101065

Nice, you jinxed it shithead, she's gonna play Genshit and only genshit with her roommate now

>> No.44101164

Gamers gen, it'll drown out the male fans who are mourning and they'll be called incels, rapists for even bringing her up in their all time high with their new boytoys

>> No.44101205

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised. She already had haters before the antisemitism due to liking shota.

>> No.44101400

Who is this ugly ass mofo people keep posting?

>> No.44101470

How many times do I have to tell you zaionists that every time Anycolor make a public suspension notice it lasts for a WHOLE ENTIRE MONTH

At least wait until then to spam threads

>> No.44101551

She changed her PL bio. It's over.

>> No.44101555

What if Zaion and Pika join E3?

>> No.44101794
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>> No.44101823
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so she really is going her own way

>> No.44102022

God I hope so. The salty posts on 5ch when it turned out Luna had left the "perfect number one company" for "black company" Hololive were fucking hilarious.
It would be extra hilarious because the NijiEN thread would have a meltdown too.

>> No.44102083

Yikes anycolor, that's 2 out now for their EN branch, no wonder they've been striking Drama channels, can't spread this like wildfire when it's announced

>> No.44102443

to be fair, losing 2 isnt that big of a deal and might be benefitial for the next waves
we know they have 2 waves in the waiting atm, the GAMERS wave and the second mixed gender audition they held, and who knows if these 2 compliment eachother or if we are getting 2 gens from each one, meaning we'll get like 4 gen debuts this year.

>> No.44102613

Lol no one in the NijiEN thread cares about Zaion except for bored holofag shitposters. You can take her.

>> No.44102623

everyone is assuming nijien is doing a gamers wave when they just said they wanted male gamers to filter out all the luxiemchinks flooding with worthless applications

>> No.44102641

I didn't see that until now. Fair enough. She un-liked all of her Zaion tweets too

>> No.44102696

Shindo Raito, that one Niji chuuba that got fired literally after his debut day cause he bullied people

>> No.44102752
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Shindo Raito

>> No.44102864
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>> No.44102887

hope so, that way they can be reeducated by omegaltare
and pika can finally transition into the boy he was meant to be

>> No.44103072
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can keep the troons out of your mind I see, you naughty obsessed boy

>> No.44103351

thats retarded since they had applications earlier this year that had no restrictions or "theme", just regular open applications.
I think the GAMERS wave is supposed to get into the niche of E-Sports and/or Speedrunning and stuff like that. They even asked for placements in tourneys, I think they're gonna try to push out a team.

>> No.44103383

He got into NijiJP just to dox and harass the other talents. One of the fastest hirings and firings.

>> No.44103436

What do you mean if

>> No.44103558

I'll be glad She's leaving that shithole. Not worth staying at all.

>> No.44103649

What if I graduate instead?

>> No.44104020

Man Vtubing is fucking crazy in EN.
No wonder everyone here is addicted to drama.
It's quiet for 2 days? Unleash the next big stirups.
I hate to see Zaion go but it's likely the best for her. Sucks her wave already loses a mate though.

>> No.44104322

Good, she deserves better than that shithole of a branch

>> No.44104458

I will support you wherever you go Zaion.

>> No.44105182 [DELETED] 

Is she lgbt?

>> No.44105279 [DELETED] 

yes she's a pozzed cali cuck who couldn't make it in the VA industry like her Genshin Impact VA friends, she's also extremely well used goods

>> No.44105307

Who's gonna tell him...

>> No.44105327

you have to admit that's some dedication

>> No.44105609

Based Holospy.

>> No.44106414


>> No.44106467

Please no, I haven't even gotten to watch her yet... I only found out about her after the threads on here since I don't watch much stuff anymore but she seems like my dream girl.

>> No.44107290

RIP this amazing model.......

>> No.44108016


>> No.44108038

Guarantee you it's just 1 retard spamming

>> No.44108235

C'mon they are not going to graduate her for something so minor. They already got her model, scenes, transition screens and all that other stuff, now they can profit. Graduating her would make literally no sense and only bring them long term problems. Letting Zion go would be like the 3rd most retarded shit they could do with her.

>> No.44108513

>she's EXTREMELY well used goods
by me

>> No.44108748

Yea it's a major shame, i really loved her model she was cute and very expressive. I'm hoping she will return but it isn't looking good zaimons...

>> No.44108845

Can someone tell me what she did so bad that she's forced to graduate whilst the rest of her branch seem to pull worse shit every other day?

>> No.44109092

Do your reps. You forget that Niji isn't the only party that makes that decision. The writing is on the wall at this point.

>> No.44109115

If we are going by what anycolor says she was combative to management and didn't play nice. But, we all know what massive faggots these corpos usually are so who knows. There has been a lot of rrats about it.

>> No.44109296

Wasn't part of the Elira clique and basically refused to let them shit all over her
That's all it takes to be forced out by your 'family'

>> No.44109409

nothing of value is lost

>> No.44109434

>combative to management and didn't play nice.
that's normal for EN though, why single her out?

>> No.44109449

IMO nothing and I don't think she was forced out of the company, just got tired of their bullshit and quit. Zaion made a few edgy jokes, made jokes about liking Shota and had to private a few VoDs. Niji suspended her most likely for privating too many VoDs but also mentioned she had made inappropriate jokes on stream, not clarifying which. Twitter ran with this and started spreading a clip of her nearly making a rape joke before stopping herself and made up a bunch of claims like she had modded FF14 on stream. Kyo liked and commented on a twitter thread that was hating on Zaion using his other account and was forced to apologize. Zaion probably would have to apologize for her jokes if she returned, suppress her on personality on stream and deal with the fact Kyo and the clique are shutting on her behind the scenes. Probably figured it was better to go Indie rather than go back to a company that enabled people to slander her.

>> No.44109509

She isn't part of the clique

>> No.44109545

NijiEN really are pure scum huh?

>> No.44109667
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As if the secret gc stream didn't make that clear enough

>> No.44109768

She made an off-colour joke about rape during one of her streams and thin-skinned fags latched onto it, which would be my guess for one of the major catalysts for the punishment

>> No.44109989

Well, the good news is regardless of where she's going she'll likely continue streaming

>> No.44110442

Hardly anyone even cared or was talking about it until after the announcement. I don't know if it wasn't done out of malice or sheer incompetence (knowing Nijisanji, it could easily be either), but management were the ones that essentially sabotaged her by drawing attention to it and signal boosting it.

>> No.44110541

My bet is that she wasn't consulting management for anything, a lot of the dumb shit she did wouldn't ever happened if she checked first, like using her personal account which we already knew isn't allowed because Aia mentioned in her first genshin stream, although she did get permission after some time, people here like to shitpost about nijien a lot but all of them are at the very least professional behind the scenes, they may act butthurt at management for not allowing something but that's because they already checked beforehand, Zaion don't know how to act as a corpo vtuber and if she graduates is because she wasn't willing to learn

>> No.44110689

And i am going to agree with you, it was mentioned already but in terms of niji she was pretty damn tame in what she would say in stream

>> No.44110748

She was really good at utilizing its eye and facial expressions, hilarious that's it's all going up in flames like months after debut. Hard to believe anycolor lets people in without making sure they can get at least six months out of them.

>> No.44110942

Funny enough, i unironically don't like niji or holo, i like some of their talents but the majority of the time i like watching 2views because it just feels more comfy. I just happened to vibe with zaion's style of humour so i enjoyed her content

>> No.44111054

people were going to question it regardless, this already happens when they do the vague suspension, hell we have people digging possible reasons for yugo's termination to this day, she did all that shit on stream and people would eventually find it after she was suspended, the only possible action would be to maybe suspend her and not announce it, which some speculate they already did right after her debut, zaion wasn't winning any fans with management

>> No.44111115

Such a good and expressive model. And we had an expressive person piloting the model too...

>> No.44111119

the real answer is that niji made an example out of her to keep the real money-makes (luxiem) in their lane and remind them that they can get fired at any point if they keep doing bullshit like tweeting about "covid"

>> No.44111264

Zaion strikes me as the kind of person that prefers doing what she wants despite (or in spite) of anyone telling her different, so i csn absolutely see mangement having taken umbrage with that

>> No.44111321

>Millie's retarded owning da haterz stream that hurt NijiEN's reputation
>Silent 1 week(?) suspension
>Zaion makes no no jokes
>Public suspension and possibly graduation
Explain this

>> No.44111348

This is exactly why I don't see her coming back to NijiEN. Even if they didn't fire her, I think she'd just quit.

>> No.44111406

One is part of the clique the other isn't
Frankly I've gone from a day 1 Lazulight fan to a complete Nijianti besides Pomu

>> No.44111462

This, except for me it's Kotoka.

>> No.44111601

Millie did one dumb stream, was probably educated in private and lowered her head, she also wasn't suspended she just had some shit happen in her personal life, in zaion's case the suspension letter gave me the impression that her worst crime was the repeated offenses

>> No.44111639

As many anons have already pointed out in this thread, Zaion was clearly butting heads with management a lot. Nips don't take kindly to insubordination. You either bow your head like a good cog in the machine or you get the boot. That is likely the real issue.

>> No.44111735

>Wasn't suspended
>Was radio silent until she used her pl account to tweet the same thing as Enna

>> No.44111957

I never watched the other genmates i just liked zaion. I don't watch niji or holo really

>> No.44112029

actually if you want to believe she was suspended then let's go with this, it's still not the same situation as zaion, zaion's case was if Millie did a secret gc stream every week and kept privating it after

>> No.44112359

I honestly believe the other anon earlier about how she wasn't part of the "cool kids table" and got thrown under the bus by everyone

>> No.44116330

It’s not too unbelievable since she didn’t really interact a lot with some of the other livers. And Nijisanji EN is like 30 some people, it’s only natural that it eventually turn into cliques and that not everyone is huge friends with one another. Granted she got along fine with Maria and especially Finana, but I’m pretty sure she was probably having doubts about whether it was really worth it after a while.
I think her having to be suspended, tarred and feathered by her own management, having a coworker publicly agree with your punishment was the breaking point. The secret GC stream showed that some members weren’t above shit talking each other, whose to say this shit doesn’t happen behind the scenes as well.

>> No.44116820

What's this GC stream everyone is going on about?

>> No.44117204

Do your archive reps, newfriend. It was spammed all over the catalog for weeks.

>> No.44117323

It’s just as easy to find out by typing Secret GC stream into YouTube and clicking on the vod by Yon-chan.
Tl;dw Millie and NijiEN in all their infinite wisdom decided to make a stream to “own the haters”, with one person (likely Enna) flat out starting the stream with “hi 4channers she is /here/“. From there the stream devolved into shittalking each other, probably to recreate threads here but coming up with complaints/insults nobody here had like FLOPSOLEIL.
Members like Pomu left immediately and basically said the stream wasn’t as promised. Millie tried to damage control saying “she wasn’t responsible for what the other talents said” but then apologized for making other members uncomfortable. Basically a shitshow that showed this fucking board lives in their heads.

>> No.44118439

>Millie gets a slap on the wrist for this
>Zaion gets lynched for a joke

>> No.44119176

what was the joke

>> No.44119200

Quit being stupid

>> No.44119372

A graduation this quick doesn't happen due to some simple mistake, but ill will between the talent and the corpo. 99% chance that they had a scuffed relationship right out the gate, and Japanese companies being the way they are, they had no clue how to handle it and started seething so they gave her the axe.

>> No.44119491

I’d be mad as fuck because she usually streams after I get off work.

>> No.44119549

I didn't watch her much, but I tuned in once and was not really into it. I know y'all niggas like her, but I can't say I get it.

>> No.44119596

I hope she doesn't.

>> No.44119712

Nobody here actually watches her, all she streamed was literally Genshit and FFXIV. She only gets threads made about her because it's an easy dunk on Niji. Once she gets fired and goes back to being an indie streaming dogshit snoozefest games she will be forgotten in a couple days at most.

>> No.44120056

I liked her Genshin streams

>> No.44120314

>sees girl who just got raped
>wow, look how she is dressed. she was asking for i- never mind
this is the "joke" that got her suspended.

>> No.44120416

zaion had fans here. they even tried, and failed , to get a general for her going. to pretend nobody cared is just you being disingenuous.

>> No.44120433

The dumbest part about it was that it was over a fictional character in a fucking shitty Chilla's Art game.
The most worthless "horror" games in existence.

>> No.44120541

i don't really care at this point. whether the suspension was justified or not, completely disappearing without a peep and maintaining absolute radio silence after your suspension period is pretty unprofessional and indicative of what kind of a person she really is and her attitude towards her fans.

she can stream again or fuck off, it would make no difference to me anymore

>> No.44120601

>maintaining absolute radio silence after your suspension period
she is still suspended, what are you talking about?

>> No.44120978 [DELETED] 

The trannies won.

>> No.44121157

Last week I used to think it was impossible but now I'm 95% sure they are getting rid of her and just waiting for the current nijidrama wave to die down and announce it at an appropriate time.

>> No.44121177

People still care about NijiEN?

>> No.44121377

Never confirmed.

>> No.44121511

This board is so fucking retarded.
Didn't even know it existed until today.

>> No.44121589

Are you the fag who always posts Zaion in /dng/? If so then fucking kill yourself nigger, pick a better girl to shitpost with.

>> No.44121628 [DELETED] 

She didn't even word it REMOTELY like that. That would've at least been a little sociopathic.
It was more like:
>wow, look how she is dressed. I could see why someone woul- never mind

>> No.44121688

She didn't even word it REMOTELY like that. That would've at least been a little sociopathic.
It was more like:
>wow, she's hot. I could see why someone woul- never mind

>> No.44121719

>after your suspension period
since you apparently work at anycolor you mind letting us know when her suspension ended? you """"accidentally"""" left that bit of information out of the announcement.

>> No.44121758

You're psychotic, don't know what you're talking about.
Came here from pol because some nigger posted a thread about some Picklemee anime loli "graduating", whatever that means.
Wanted to know what this board is about.
Fucking weird.
Never gonna come here again, bye.

>> No.44121791

There was a clip.
I think on FalseEyeD's video.

>> No.44121824

Didn't mean to self reply, anyways, I'm out.

>> No.44121833

kek. maybe it's Kyo again.

>> No.44121838


>> No.44121990

How do I get into the secret channel?

>> No.44122228
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Don't worry guys, sources tell me she will be back. She already applied to a corpo where she can get away with saying anything she wants.

>> No.44122336

>sad girl company
>marine in the window

>> No.44122503

When is Pippa playing hogwarts legacy

>> No.44122516

>Niji suspended her most likely for privating too many VoDs
Nobody gives a fuck about that. VODs don't bring in any revenue. Twitch doesn't even save VODs.

>> No.44122526

I thought she already did lol

>> No.44122594

wtf I just got back from a 1months business trip and I heard pikamee graduating so I came here to search for information and zion is graduating too? wtf? can someone give me qrd about zion and pikamee?

>> No.44122772

Pikamee got bullied off the internet for daring to play Hogwarts legacy
Zaion nothing confirmed yet, but it seems that the bullying on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg2XZDyi7Vs about "flopsoleil" and other shit was the last straw for her. Her graduation/termination isn't confirmed she just became active on her old PL account and she put "rebirth soon..." in her twitter bio

>> No.44122864

imagine still coping that she isn't graduating when there's another thread up about PL restarting

>> No.44122949

fuck so we lost to a bunch of trannies screaming on Twitter?

>> No.44123305

>and the clique are shutting on her behind the scenes.
probably because she's married and those pieces of shit are not while getting closer to expiring

>> No.44123649

She doesn't like harry potter and she's not going to play it just to piss people off, that would be petty and beneath her.
She only plays whatever she wants to play.

>> No.44125258

She literally told us she had an extremely traumatic family emergency happen in addition to her childhood dog dying. She then came back prepped fully for her own concert.
She was not suspended and its pretty fucking retarded to think she was at this point

>> No.44125582
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>leave shit company for another shit company

>> No.44129598

She's literally next in line for termination. And this hurt me to say!

>> No.44129876

How is it even possible to piss off th niji managment? Vox literally talks about cum, piss, bloody, rape bitch bastard all the time. Finana - while I like her - is pretty dummy.

You would have to do some really cray shit...

>> No.44130205

Does anyone have the audio of her moaning that sounds like she's masturbating?

>> No.44130305

You know what they say about tragedies come in 3's.

>> No.44133770 [DELETED] 


>> No.44136389

Genuinely one of the most expressive models I've ever seen without feeling too clunky.

>> No.44137764

who says that

>> No.44137801

Phase is an unironic upgrade over the shithole that is NijiEN and really the best place that someone based like Zaion can flourish

>> No.44138543

No they just have double standards.

>> No.44138588

going indie is way better than submitting herself to more cuck managers

>> No.44138986

I hate nijisanji with a passion now.
Can't stand the current state of the company. Can't stand most of its talents.
Uki, Enna, Kyo, Luca, Millie, Elira, Reimu, Finana.
All LGBTQ+ apologists. All faggot enablers. All tranny enablers.
I despise the lot of them. The only niji's who I occasionally are Pomu, Rosemi and Zaion. Zaion was a breath of fresh air. Great model, very fucking entertaining, played her character well. I don't even like genshit. I'm one of the people who sees genshin on the debut streams and thinks ">genshit" but I could watch Zaion playing that shit because she is so emotive and fun to listen to.

Now that amazing model is going to go to waste, and while that pisses me off badly, I'll still watch Zaion whenever she reincarnates, even though it's hard to accept the loss of the Zaion model...

Fuck nijisanji. Dogshit company being hard carried by the likes of pomu, selen and rosemi since they're axing zaion.

>> No.44139005

I have something better

>> No.44139209

nta but what wasn't confirmed was that it was the reason. It's likely part of the reason but idiots like to assert that it was the sole reason or that it was reason enough to suspend her.

>> No.44139296


checkmate anon, that felt really weird to read, it could be another rrrratt though but it's very clear from the gc stream that nijiEN has this board live rent-free LOL

>> No.44139351

ah yes you hate nijisanji, when all you talk about is njien
>Fuck nijisanji. Dogshit company being hard carried by the likes of pomu, selen and rosemi since they're axing zaion.
lmao none of that is nijisanji you imbecile, thats nijien branch. nijisanji is nijijp

>> No.44139413

the statement has 3 reasons given but you fags really act like its only one thing. even when its explained its hard for you to understand

>> No.44139454

If they were they would've announced it yesterday when everyone was distracted with pikamee news

>> No.44139654


>> No.44139764

What's with you being triggered over semantics? Obviously there's a nijiJP branch and he's only referring to NijiEN talents but the context of this thread is NijiEN anyways faggot lmfao

>> No.44140105

Why is this so erotic....

>> No.44140298

it's an old saying or superstition that claims that death comes in 3, 1 dies 2 should soon follow.
I can say just based on empirical knowledge it does happen, but it's because we tend to find what we look for, basically confirmation bias.

>> No.44140385
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>Join company
>Say some mild as fuck things which would never warrant a suspension (Try to imagine Enna is in Zaion's shoes, you think she's gonna get suspended? You're delusion if you do, she /LITERALLY/ compared Kyo to a watermelon, kfc eating nigger and NOTHING happened because she's untouchable)
>Not only do you get 0 support from your fellow co-workers who are radio silent on the matter, but they are even spitefully agreeing with the twittertranny mob that you should be lynched

She honestly has 0 incentive to stay. I wouldn't. Her co-workers are cowardly cunts, you'd expect a few of them to say something in her defense but no, not one of them did. They are too worried about upsetting twittertrannies than they are supporting their own kind.
Embarrassing and pathetic.

>> No.44140450

Try to tranny up one more tomboy and I will find and kill you, this is both a dire and imminent threat to your life.

>> No.44140606

Such a great model and design to just toss away

>> No.44140832

Enna almost immediately owned up to her comment and apologized herself.
Can we stop treating Zaion's suspension on the same level as all the other nijicanceled instances? I hate that she got suspended for this shit but the notice cited more than just jokes in potential poor taste. Like holy shit, can you faggots actually read?
Whatever problems they had with her was more than just jokes that would trigger the woke crowd.

>> No.44141021

Millie is in a clique with the biggest nijien effectively a union. They can't come down on her as easily without having half the EN rise up or leave.

>> No.44141066

>silent suspension
Never officially announced, for all we know it could’ve been self-imposed.
>Explain this
Maybe Millie’s “yab” was a stupid decision but not really a big deal aside from in the eyes of terminally /here/ sensitive snowflake holobrony hatewatchers?
Maybe for Zaion to have been suspended over a seemingly innocuous joke there might have been a whole lot of behind the scenes context that nobody on this board is even remotely privy to?

Oh, why am I even trying to be reasonable in a bait thread. Clearly the answer is trannies gay sex chinese sisters elira’s clique

>> No.44141111

If she graduates. I will fucking disown Nijisanji EN and come a fucking bronnie. No fucking cap.

>> No.44141150

Hatred will come crashing in to fill the void.

>> No.44142670

I mean some of the xsoleil said something but like waiting for her or stuff like that

>> No.44143667

Fuck off

>> No.44144141

I doubt it.
AC fired Yugo abruptly.
I doubt they would have had her stew for a month just to fire her.

>> No.44144254

Fire=/=Graduate newfag

>> No.44144382

Bro... her PL account is becoming active talking about her rebirth...
She's leaving be it from NijisanjiEN enforcing it, or because they essentially pushed her into leaving. Either way, it's happening.
A 1 month suspension would have done untold amounts of damage to her growth to a new chuba.

>> No.44144416

>people in charge know what they are doing, you just don't know the details, trust the plan
These things never work out like that. If something looks like a trainwreck in the making then it probably is. Running around the internet defending your favorite brand from antis is not reasonable behavior. You are an obviously biased moron and will come up with copes for everything they ever do, happens in every fandom.

>> No.44144421

Wasn't it only Kyo who snaked? I remember everyone else being supportive, while Kyo redirected people to his roommate account to start talking shit about Zaion.

>> No.44144494

Zaion's genmates seemed somewhat supportive, Kyo was the one badmouthing her and the rest of EN was radio silent.

>> No.44144917

Then she would have graduated already like Yugo.
She isn't going to sit there with her thumb up her ass for a month just to "graduate"
If she splits with Nijisanji and graduates, they're not going to indulge her with a farewell stream.

>> No.44145002

Feelsbad to see an absolute sex model wasted

>> No.44145093

>twenty year old woman
>not self-destructing without the steady hand of a manager to guide her and stop her from being retarded
Retard, there's a reason this industry is dominated by corpos.
>it's normal to form cliques if there's six people on an office.
>Why the entry of women into the workforce was a complete disaster: part 68.
This is unironically woman behaviour. No, it is not normal to have cliques in a worksite and spend half your work hours making life hell for everyone around you in highschool social dynamics. Fuck off.
And it is woman behaviour, because I've only seen it in woman-dominated offices.

>> No.44145168

Well Nina mentioned zaion in her Kenji stream like she's still around. Nothing related to her suspension though

>> No.44145657

>thinking about a situation rationally is cope
OK lol.

>> No.44145962

Yeah, we call this common internet scourge rationaleism. Tendency to rationalize why the retarded things you like are objectively the best and always correct. You wouldn't be in this thread in the first place if you weren't doing that.
