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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44011213 No.44011213 [Reply] [Original]

Laplus' comeback stream

>> No.44011234
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>> No.44011265
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i look forward to watching
the threads here

>> No.44011276

It was time already to collect the money

>> No.44011319

Nah, I can't imagine Laplus graduating first in HoloX

>> No.44011359

Today's a good day.

>> No.44011381

Man, Hololive is healing. Next is Sana comeback stream right? right? ;_;

>> No.44011419

she was gone?

>> No.44011513

Honestly the only thing thing she's good for is generating drama by either lying or messing around with males.
It will be fun to see the board's state.

>> No.44011523

Sana is too deep in chink pocket

>> No.44011776

You don't even hate her...

>> No.44011802

lmao, hell no.
She's too much of a pussy to give up on that chinkcha money in case Cover crashes. (which is still a possibility)
It was a hard position to be in to be fair.
Of course some /pol/teen will come in and go "reee bugs fuck bugs", but they are neets and have no concept of making ends meet so should be ignored.

>> No.44011953

A world where Laplus is successful and happy is good for everyone else in the vtuber sphere. It's a metaphysical causality that ripples outward. Like that jewish esoteric myth thing where there's these random people who are anchors of reality. Even if they're not good people, their existence is like a piece holding the rest of existence upright. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.44012021

oof, only 40k for the return stream when nene is getting like 17k for a Minecraft stream is kinda sad

>> No.44012063

You are the worst poster on this board

>> No.44012090

keep in mind a decent portion of those people are either antis trying to get new shit or non regulars who are just curious.

>> No.44012099

You are the best poster on this board.

>> No.44012100

Who are the bigger cucks, Gura or Laplus fans?

>> No.44012106

We used to have a dedicated Laplus anti. He vanished at some point during her break. This is just him coming back to sperg out more.

>> No.44012145

To put it simply, it's better to have no obvious problem children when your shtick is being a nice and united friendly group

>> No.44012147

There will be no graduations before the Fes. After that you can start following their PLs.

>> No.44012149

Yagoo has poured too much money into HoloX to have it fail. Our dark lord has been re-educated and now knows that imageboards are not anonymous.

>> No.44012183

>It's one guy! Laplus is beloved!
I saw those debates with people arguing Laplus screwed up big time before anon, and they made good arguments.
You are the KFP of the JP branch.

>> No.44012235

It's true there is one dedicated schizo, and the board wouldn't care as much about the Laplus if he wasn't there

>> No.44012239
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>almost 2K dislikes already

Based JP bros

>> No.44012266

I've been called anti by a schizo fan she has here only because I don't like her based on all the shit she has done.
The word "anti" in this board mostly means not being a blindfolded enabler. It honestly means nothing nowadays.

>> No.44012312

People are going to argue this isn't a real number and is based on her previous videos getting dislikes.
Which,....only proves how unpopular she is.

>> No.44012346

>Reached 30 mins and then just clocked out

>> No.44012347

next is Kronii's graduation, she wouldn't even bother to meet Council in Japan.

>> No.44012377


>> No.44012435

I mean Laplus must feel like she wants to be a holo, if she keeps making problems it will be bad for everyone.

>> No.44012452

Great argument cuck.

>> No.44012497

>I mean Laplus must feel like she wants to be a holo,
No, Laplus tried to form a singing group and that failed. She is simply out of options.

>> No.44012598

pretty sure it also extrapolates based on the speed the dislikes come in, so if it gets 10 dislikes as soon as it's posted then it assumes that trend will continue. you shouldn't trust shitty apps without access to the api any more than you should random doxx blogs, it's all guesswork.

>> No.44012710

Can someone give me a rundown? Why do people hate her or don't?

>> No.44012733

At this point is beyond impossible to even suggest she ever wanted to really be a holo. She wanted money, that's clear (who doesn't?) but if she really wanted to be a holo she wouldn't have started a new streaming group right after joining hololive or created that insanely expensive fantia when she barely makes any content as any persona she has.
Being a holo (in the jp sense, foreign branches are more so streamers with anime avatars) entails a lot of things and commitments Laplus never showed any hints she wanted to go along with.

>> No.44013164
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>> No.44013299

Lap-sama... why do you have to make this so hard...

>> No.44013468


>> No.44013497


>> No.44013504

Based on other anons: She tried to pull a Mori but was unsuccessful. Streamed for a bit on her acc, stopped, streamed for way longer on her RM afterwards. Didn't/Couldn't collab but played offstream Valo with Kobo and others. There was drama because she joined some Rust server (where the jp ecelebs or some shit plays? guys? idk) and probably some more issues. But most ppl just said she doesn't care about hololive and dislike her for that.

>> No.44013526

I guess nothing's changed. I'll give her a couple streams to see if she'll try this time

>> No.44013569

Holobronies are annoying everywhere, it seems.

>> No.44013812

the rust thing was especially annoying because she only played on the holo server twice afterwards. she could at least be less blatant about it

>> No.44013815

She comes and leaves the scene very often. rn I don't watch her at all, but when I did, she was infamous for putting very low effort and doing almost only Zatsudan streams one after another.
She is in stark contrast to every other Hololive member, becuse Laplus does not value her job, imo.

>> No.44013924

Should've graduated lazy bitches like her instead of Rushia & Coco

>> No.44014084

>I saw those debates with people arguing Laplus screwed up big time before anon, and they made good arguments
>Implying eggs ever made good argumemts

>> No.44014135

>Based on other anons
stopped reading. other anons are gossipy faggots pushing chinese whispers. you might as well read TMZ

>> No.44014267

HOLY shieet. I didn't realise her comeback stream was whopping 30 MINUTES long.

Just a joke. She is a joke.

>> No.44014294

It peaked at 45k?and it was a 30 min stream? Also look at the time? It's nowhere near close to jp peak hours

>> No.44014416

don't worry anons, she's a greater person than any of you

>> No.44014535

JP fans must hate her
She'd probably have the most antis here if she was EN

>> No.44014593

What's the QRD of this stream anyway?

>> No.44014629

You mean a greater person than Marine and Rushia right?

>> No.44014660

She still lied to her fans and lost the trust of many.

>> No.44014704

Ayame, Shion and Gura should kneel to this waste of money
I can believe that even Ayame, Shion and Gura care about their fanbases more than herpes-chan.

>> No.44014732

Rushia is just a liar but Marine is really shitty.

>> No.44015346

>>Ayame, Shion and Gura should kneel to this waste of money
Hitomi Chris:

>> No.44015510

Lablus :DDD

>> No.44015987

She was the most hated hololive vtuber of 2022 based on a matome site and the top 4 of the whole thing. Yes, she's fairly hated there

>> No.44016082

I'm so over this girl I don't even watch clips from her. I'm 100% done with her. I just want her as far away from my oshi.
Whatever happens to her I don't care, just please stay away from the girls who actually want to do their job properly and are still trying to achieve their dreams.

>> No.44016172

she did a ton of shit for official channel

>> No.44016201


>> No.44016236

Yes, matome. A japanese site where japanese antis vote. So yes, a matome. Where do you want to get information on who the antis hate the most? Hololive's subreddit?

>> No.44016323

Who's your oshi? And mind to explain why?

>> No.44016348

Very reliable, I'm sure. We should also do a poal.me to see which vtubers /vt/ hates the most. The results will surely be totally impartial

>> No.44016457

>a poll of who's the most hated vtuber done on a site where all the haters and antis assemble is somehow not a reliable source to know who's the vtuber haters and antis hates the most.
Are you for real?

>> No.44016495

Okay so why do you think Marine is shitty? Because she sued her antis and therefore she threatens le freedumb of speech?

>> No.44016572

This is also with the added context of her views being shit. Didn’t Pekora beat her *comeback stream* with a normal stream just now? So if antis hate her, and non-antis don’t watch her, then does that not mean that relative to other HoloJP members, she’s one of the least popular

>> No.44016660

Unlike burger or the other company that pick on past history and use it to demean other into graduation, holo will forgive if they show sincerity and integrate them rqther than isolated and waiting for them to quit like the other company currently doing.

>> No.44016693


>> No.44016704

She's still got more than Gura's comeback. Does that mean that Gura is one of the least popular as well? Retard.

>> No.44016706

It's about her fans, not the company here.

>> No.44016811


>> No.44016818

matome is a website catch those the most discuss (>>) threads in major anonymous forums (especially 5ch), therefore thrends on matome are tend to be controversial and doesn't mean she gets that much of hated

>> No.44016922

en is dying and that's a good thing

>> No.44017101

JP and EN numbers are not directly comparable. You’re on /vt/ and still don’t know that JP and EN vtubers aren’t the same and have barely anything to do with each other?

>> No.44017345

This. Laplus did nothing wrong and never lost fans.

>> No.44019918

Concession accepted

>> No.44020050

Nice going, admitting that you assume all praise towards Laplus is sarcastic. That’s not the own you think it is.

>> No.44020138

An obviously sarcastic comment isn't praise. But if that's what you need to do to make Laplus look worse, then she probably isn't that bad

>> No.44020719

That is pretty shitty.

>> No.44028061

Based. Fuck doing extra work

>> No.44031517


>> No.44031565

Slander is not protected speak chuds, go call a cop a nigger and see how he reacts

>> No.44031642

That should only apply if the bigger ACTUALLY did slander to an identifiable PERSON aka not a person hiding behind an anime avatar

>> No.44031715

Don't forget Pekora sued an anti too.

>> No.44034299


>> No.44035821 [DELETED] 

>Of course some /pol/teen will come in and go "reee bugs fuck bugs", but they are neets and have no concept of making ends meet so should be ignored.
No one in the world likes china, you obnoxious chinkcel.

>> No.44042050


>> No.44042454

holy fuck you people are sensitive

>> No.44043132

inb4 it's bait to get anti's to go after her so she can sue their ass and their balls

>> No.44043336

She had surgery!

>> No.44045557

I don't think she's that smart. I don't think cover is either

>> No.44050977

good times

>> No.44055018

Who asked?
