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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42845296 No.42845296 [Reply] [Original]

He's running away. What a bitch.

>> No.42845350

family matters gotta stop streaming
Internet connection issues gotta stop streaming


>> No.42845403


>> No.42845546


>> No.42845616

Female brain, please understand

>> No.42845620

what a fucking weakling

>> No.42845679

Forgot my tampons, can't stream.

>> No.42845721


>> No.42845743

> Concert cancelled due to "COVID"

>> No.42846088

I'm still genuinely surprised one of the most drama-free members of NijiEN joined in on the >>>>>>"covid" tweeting, makes me really curious what the real reason was

>> No.42846418

That's it NijiEN is finished all the Drama seekers are Convicted drama seekers

>> No.42846568

Anons.. Kyo is with internet problems for weeks

>> No.42846655

>makes me really curious what the real reason was
I don't know, maybe he was just slightly pissed off, just a tad bit

>> No.42846865

logical explanation is a scheduling fuck up
they needed to fly and record at least obysidia, ethyria and noctyx if we assume lazulight did their recordings during their stay for the 3d debuts
They clearly wanted to push as fast as possible without even having everyone recorded for the event
>simply pulling the plug due to Covid to hide the truith: incompetency

>> No.42847299

This sort of shit could blow Nijisanji apart. I don't think Kyo realizes what he is doing when he tries to foist attention to himself during every crisis. He looks like the common denominator.

>> No.42847874


>> No.42847987

If only his connection could have dropped when he was shitting on his branchmate

>> No.42850498

I would've respected him if he just outright admitted what he did. Take the suspension like a man instead of being a little bitch and backing out the second it starts looking ugly.

>> No.42850699

No anon, it cant. maybe nijien but not nijisanji

>> No.42850757

You overreacting to the nigga agreeing with a random indie on his rm account
Kyo could be fired tomorrow and after 1~2weeks people would have already moved on

No single member existence has enough interference to topple the entire branch
Pomu, Elira, Selen could be fired an shit would move on, any Luxiem could be fired and shit would move on

>> No.42850867
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Internet was good enough to access twitter.

>> No.42851042

>sending a tweet is the same as streaming uninterrupted

>> No.42851133

What an absolute pussy, truly as much of a bitch as his model looks like. Stirs up all this drama and shit talk then runs and hides when he gets caught. I fucking hate this guy so much.

>> No.42851659
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Warcrime time baby

>> No.42851855

>s-sorry internet problems hehe
That's kind of brilliant, actually

>> No.42852356
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>> No.42853070

yeah his pet rating stream ended abruptly

>> No.42853950
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>> No.42854193

it was originally their concert but management decided to delay it and extended it to everyone in nijien, just to cancel it later, I would be fumming too

>> No.42854560

He wasn't suspended anon, a two day break isn't suspension.

>> No.42854717

internet people is code word for bodyguard, he is getting hunted, have fun dying you wigger faggot, soeharto sends his regards

>> No.42854983

is all of nijien going to use family hort now
this is the 8th one

>> No.42855583

I don't watch Niji, explain the drama he started pls.

>> No.42855950

I missed it. What happened?

>> No.42856724

Used his roommate's twitter to join an sjw dogpile targetting zaion that devolved into full dox, then deleted it when people started responding to the tweet with pictures of his vtuber model and asking what the fuck he was doing.

>> No.42864331

Did you make this? Good job if so.

>> No.42864962

So this is what a "nigga with female brain" look like

>> No.42866019

I don't understand how the fucking vtubers always have problems with their internet every fucking month.
I live in a small mexican town and my 100MB optic fiber only stopped working for a day when i forgot to pay the service.

Nigga, most of the tubers live in 1st world countries and somehow they get shittier internet than me.

>> No.42866097

what is a twitterspace

>> No.42866627

Because no one cares about your shitty board drama.

>> No.42866921

>both of those can't actually happen.
But yes, there's a big conspiracy going on behind the scenes, and somehow this board knows everything that's going on based on a couple tweets.

>> No.42867356

i care

>> No.42867752

Internet companies have vested interests in keeping our internet shitty. A town tried to bring in their own internet and they got sued.

>> No.42869008

Do you stream? constant upload is different from daily internet surfing and youtube
also muricans get garbage for the "biggest country" in the world
I pay peanuts for 200down/60up fiber in SA
while these dumbasses on the country of freedom paymore and have limited data

>> No.42869518

>yep, that's right. People deserve to get bullied out of streaming for playing a children's game. Stop being such a bigot!

>> No.42869640

Who are you quoting?

>> No.42869672

nijiEN management seems like it's only barely-able to restrain themselves from clapping back mocking these hiatuses, but hey they did put out that notice of "pls stop le trolling you're hurting le talents' feelings we'll sue you (if you live in Japan)"

>> No.42869726

Hey bitch nigga, come back, bitch nigga. We're not done with you, bitch nigga.

>> No.42869981

i stream like 3 to 4 days a week while i play with my friends. Never really had a problem.
I also seed a shit ton of torrents and my ISP has never throttled my speed.

>> No.42870470

Who are you talking to?

>> No.42870726

Kyo. I want the flame the living shit out that bitch nigga.

>> No.42870798

Zaion is the pussy bitch ass nigga though

>> No.42871155

>I want the flame the living shit out that bitch nigga.
You need to get some actual friends m8.

>> No.42871678

I would 10000% believe that it was originally just supposed to just be Lazulight and Luxiem since Lazulight would've just debuted their outfits and Luxiem is Luxiem

>> No.42872590

Shut the fuck up Kyo, you bitch nigga. Running away from streaming like a bitch nigga.

>> No.42872870

>small mexican town
here's your answer, the so called first world has unironically worst internet

>> No.42876406

If Zaion was as "based" as you people claim she is she would tweet with her account despite the suspension

>> No.42878617

Neck yourself Kyo, you're just a pathetic little faggot.

>> No.42878917

Anon…do you know how different it is to stream vs log into Twitter

>> No.42879033

Kinda offtopic but is funny how Japan has 800mb/s free wifi on the streets of Tokyo, but you can also buy those 3G wifi modems 2mb/s and they charge you for that.

>> No.42879106

I’m always here for drama, sisters but I don’t think kyo is smart enough to plan this in advance https://www.youtube.com/live/LnQuqndVwBY?feature=share

>> No.42879892

Every streams graph of his for the past week is weird af, probably actual internet issue

>> No.42880279

it's the opposite retard, the fact that they keep answering/writing something mean they are afraid.

>> No.42880762


>> No.42880906


>> No.42881173

Wow nijiEN is like a real family

>> No.42884392

He'll be safe

>> No.42884440

Sigh, the same ol dance
See y'all in the next yab I guess.

>> No.42886221

The rrat I like is that they rushed it in order to counterprogram holoenconnect but they couldn't make it in time so that's why they had to cancel

>> No.42886858

this is the black wigger right? what a wimp

>> No.42887144

The generally accepted rrat is that they fucked up scheduling because trying to record 3 waves worth of shit in such a small time is very difficult on top of the JP shit that they were also doing.
It's also plausible that one or two of the en staff members got COVID since Japan just recently had another spike in COVID cases but ultimately the decisive factor wasn't the COVID itself but the "other factors"

Unfortunately we'll never know

>> No.42887472
File: 1.46 MB, 880x1968, last4streams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual internet issues
>Seething Zionist use it for more drama

>> No.42887603

>soft a
Tits or gtfo

>> No.42888194

let him

>> No.42888275

These types of graphs are pretty normal for a Niji.

>> No.42888819

The implosion of NijiEN
>Yugo graduated
Yugo was hired for her huge PL numbers, but wanted to debut in the more popular male wave using a male model. She was really dumb, lazy, and worst of all couldn't even speak english. Yugo was frustrated with her manager and leaked discord messages of her getting grilled for her terrible numbers. Later she was graduated for being insolent to management. The first graduation in NijiEN.
>the cuckening
Kyo and Enna decided to hold a 1 on 1 offcollab in her bedroom. They held hands on stream, flipped off her fans, and laughed about them being cucks. Enna accumulated significant antis.
>AR Live cancelled
They had an AR Live concert planned, where everyone would be getting 3D models. Likely it was originally for Luxiem-only, they took nearly a month off filming it in Japan. But the other members felt that it should go in debut-order rather than preferring the most popular wave, so they probably demanded that everyone get 3D. This was too much to ask so the concert was cancelled 10 days after being announced. They all scheduled breaks to film for the concert, and when it was cancelled they took their breaks anyway as a form of protest. Because of this, right now NijiEN has almost nobody streaming.
>Secret GC stream
Millie invited about 9-12 other NijiEN members to banter in an anonymous discord that was being filmed for stream. "Slumsaint" (almost certainly Enna) called out 4chan, and the entire stream became about mocking 4channers sounding incredibly asshurt the whole time. Later Millie said that people took the stream off the rails because they didn't read the rules. She took a break and hasn't streamed for 2 weeks now, she appears to be suspended.
>zaion suspended
The flagship talent of NijiEN's new XSoleil wave, she kept making yab moments on stream like joking about rape, endorsing piracy and not listening to management. She was suspended indefinitely and there's a huge uproar about it right now. Twitter is calling for her to be cancelled, while /pol/ is calling her based.
>Kyo runs away
He agreed with the anti-zaion haters and has been getting flamed for it, so now he's having ""internet issues"" and can't stream.
>Elira parasocial incident
It's a more minor drama, but NijiEN has been dealing with the issue of "parasocial fans" ever since the Kyo/Enna cucking. Enna repeatedly states that fans should not be parasocial with the streamer, a ridiculous concept. Elira copied her talking points and it caused a big outrage with her fans. This whole discussion about "parasocial fans" is weighing down NijiEN a lot.
>Vox doxxed
He is now suspending his streaming indefinitely and fleeing for his life from angry fans. Who knows when he'll return if he even does.
>Holo auditions
The only light at the end of the tunnel for NijiEN is that maybe some of them can transfer to Hololive. Unfortunately Anycolor has brutal non-compete contracts that might prevent them from doing this.

>> No.42891052

kek a true faggot

>> No.42892126

This faggot can’t help getting into shit, all by his own doing btw, and then has the gall to back out and hide like a little bitch. He should just go all in on the brain damage excuse desu.
