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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41658006 No.41658006 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.41658188

Dropped Rosemi and Elira because of this collab desu.

>> No.41658275

Yurifags BTFO.

>> No.41658320

took you this long to drop Elira?

>> No.41658416

So you insist that the boys should kiss the girls. Very based. Vesper x Kronii is my favorite ship.

>> No.41658495

All girls must kiss me.

>> No.41658966

cool it with the lesbianophobia

>> No.41663474

lesbians are scared of me though

>> No.41668707


>> No.41670957

The Niji girls were KISSING one another in the Canadian off collab today.

>> No.41671312
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Come here and shut up.

>> No.41672003

Enna you'll be happier when you come to except that you are a massive lesbian who wants to fuck her best friend

>> No.41672296

Fucking hot

>> No.41672367

>they cant do it seriously

>> No.41672513
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I liked how rosemi was just in absolute fucking utter shock
> its not normal desu rosemi, you dont have to
shoutout to nina for admitting its not normal and not pressuring her though

>> No.41672713
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>he doesn't kiss the homies

>> No.41673005

I still don't understand why people were upset about a collab where girls were kissing each other and massaging each others' tits.

>> No.41673979

they should be kissing ME and massaging MY ti- I mean, I should be massaging THEIR tits

>> No.41674015

who? where are these people upset?
everyone enjoys women kissing each other

>> No.41674044


>> No.41674198

he's fat

>> No.41674330

All this proves is that Millie and Enna have experience, as if it wasn't obvious already
>Elira and Nina
Whoever didn't think those women were normalfags from day 1 are, in twitter lingo, tripping

>> No.41674401

Remember nina larp'd as a communist before so she was always the wild card

>> No.41674501

Millie and Enna have been kissing for years, you dont have a friend as big as a faggot as Millie and not give it up once in over a decade, it's always been a LARP

>> No.41675233
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>> No.41676407

it's no longer 2010 and we aren't frat boys

>> No.41677419
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I don't

>> No.41677520

I thought Enna hated the gays?
Anyway, I don't see how this can be used as trolling material. Most people here openly mock business yuri but would awtually pay to see the girls french kiss each others.

>> No.41677550

>holoEN is trying hard to be nijiEN while nijiEN comes back to pander to unicorn
We are living in madness world

>> No.41680510

Stange OP choice

>> No.41680661

You're right. We're a sorority house with how much drama and bullshit gossip is spread here.

>> No.41680758

There's a big difference between business yuri and paid sexual yuri. Business yuri has no sex and the shipping is annoying, but sexual yuri is all about the action and it's hot.

>> No.41684154

Word. Of The Emperor.

>> No.41687012

they most certainly can

>> No.41690166

Everybody has a price, even Enna

>> No.41690283

That makes it hotter somehow.

>> No.41690702

To have an opinion changed because of money? I personally don't find that hot but you do you

>> No.41690920

She cucked her fans with Kyo offcollab and has been doing damage control every since. Her goal is to filter unicorns so now she's pretending to be lesbian. Even though she said on stream many times she is only attracted to men.

>> No.41691732

Even a non-unicorn like me could've seen where things would go after that stream. It was like they were testing the waters before going public with their relationship. The idiots who are defending Enna's actions either have never been in a relationship or are in a relationship but are being cheated on and they have no idea.

>> No.41695250
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Not really upset but it did feel awkward, in the previous offcollab they were just singing and talking about how cute they looked while this one felt like they were always one step away from a full blown orgy and Millie was constantly asking about their male coworker's dicks before getting tard wrangled by Nina. Like, this wasn't the CGDCT of the previous stream, this was more like the watching drunk college bitches do stupid things experience. It's a novelty when you're a horny teenager, but as an adult with refined tastes it just doesn't carry the same charm. You start to see it as it is; young people playing around and being stupid.

>> No.41695384

I have a corruption fetish.

>> No.41695609

Ennas been a faggot in denial for years and her only piece of ass she could have is Millie which in turn doesn't make turning gay all that worth it
Now that shes in a circle of girls who will just throw themselves on each other who cares anymore
Also shes chinese its easier to believe she had chinese brainworms and that the prospect of her being a fag was impossible

>> No.41695708

Whats wrong with Elira? Elira is great

>> No.41696055

This collab got low numbers for an offcollab so they all started whoring it up. Taking off their shirts and pants and touching nipples and poking each other's cameltoes and stuff.

Elira revealed more about being a party girl in high school. I don't know how the fuck she still has gachis at this point.
Rosemi, should really not be attending these sort of collabs. When your entire persona is being "cute and seiso" and you're touching nipples and participating in dick conversations it doesn't play well.
Enna was mostly quiet the whole time but talked about her shits a bit.
Millie was an absolute disaster. Constantly pushing the conversation to be about dicks, calling out every male coworker in chat and questioning them about their penis. Literally tried to call Vox and ask him about his dick but was stopped by Nina. She's just a disaster honestly. She's been desperately scrambling for numbers trying to ship herself with various Luxiem members and it's really fucking annoying at this point. Everything she does is just annoying..
Nina was the mom of the group and tried to reign them in. According to them she completely towered over the rest of them because she's actually a white woman among a group of short little asian people.

>> No.41696278

Because it's nijisanji

>> No.41696314

Didn't watch but heard the guys popped into vc or something part way through?

>> No.41696370

They didn't, some showed up at the chat but that's it, if males were in vc the catalog wouldn't have waited this long to start baiting

>> No.41696442

Love these funny face Enna OP threads and how they without fail get some /#/ faggot who has never watched nijiEN writing a thesis about how betrayed he felt

>> No.41696460

I guess I am supposed to care about that, but since I am not a virgin, I don't care? If the girls don't have a relationship right now, thats all I could ask for.

>> No.41696496

No they didn't go into VC, but they did show up in chat, and responded immediately to the first discord ping. So the girls were chatting with them in chat asking them about their penises and stuff. Kyo, Luca, Shu, Uki....probably a few others too. They almost called Vox to ask him about his boner but Nina stopped them

>> No.41696521

Being lesbians for the content, sasuga nijisanji

>> No.41696546

They finally learned something with hololive

>> No.41696644
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Enna said that Kyo probably can't get it up due to all the medication he is on.

>> No.41696910

This kind of shit is why any corpo with a male branch is unwatchable. They will always show up in streams or be talked about without exception.

>> No.41697018

Get the FUCK out, you fucking UNVIRGIN

>> No.41698344

Well they did sing the first three waves songs this collab as well. They would sing a word and pass it off to the next person.

>> No.41699810

Tsundream has males but theres such a lack of unity there that pretty much no one ever talks about each other or does collabs except for forced merch or some other rare event

>> No.41701281

It's kinda sad honestly. Tsundream seems a lot more disjointed compared to Tsunquest.

>> No.41704299

QRD? Who kissed who? Enna is actually straight?

>> No.41704402

she would know

>> No.41704489
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>> No.41704702

Why didn't Millie stick more to her PL style?
I know being Niji makes you more unhinged but holy shit it's like a completely different person than the queen of indies.

>> No.41704744

slow week

>> No.41704939

I dunno man after being familiar with many different chuubas who have jumped ship to either become corpo or from corpo to indie I only know of like two who's content or personality didn't drastically change. Combination of various factors like time naturally changing people or having different coworkers and expectation pressures or gaining a different fan base.

>> No.41705269

They should've all kissed eachother.
On the butthole.
With tongue.
On stream.
Sloppy with lots of noise.
With lots of swapping around, ass to ass.
Then they should've all french kissed eachother and mingled the flavors.

>> No.41705436

because women dont exist outside the social validation and chat shapes the streamer just as much as the streamer shapes the chat

>> No.41705689

She's with her friends and drinking. She has known Enna and Elira well before Nijisanji.

>> No.41706104

Did you not hear/watch her lesbian sleep over story?

>> No.41706379

girls can sex

>> No.41706498

none hates gays in this bussiness, idiot. enna is just a straight girl getting /DYKED/
in fact, all of those ones are, basically the straightest nijien girls collab (minus elira i guess) and turn it into gayshit, literal /DYKED/

>> No.41707102

Schizopost except for the Millie part, she absolutely reeks of desperation and as soon as she noticed that her haha dicks xD antics got attention she has run that joke to the ground so hard it's become insuferable.

>> No.41707998

>as an adult with refined tastes
Faggot you post about vtubers on 4chan

>> No.41709393

>sexual yuri is all about the action and it's hot.
I hate to agree with you.
>the shipping is annoying
Oh my fucking god, yes you are right. To give you an idea, a couple of years ago, I saw an abridged of a magical girl series(not exacly magical) whose official series already ended, with the protagonist and her best friend literally being confirmed as togueter.
In the abriged series, one of the recurring jokes is the friend`s yandere, almost psychopathic obssesion with the protagonist, a twist from their relationship in the 1st season of the official series.
Anyways, it was meant to be taken for laughs, specially for veterans of the series, but then, there was this stupid /u/ faggot who keep throwing passive-aggresive comments about how the creator of the abridged "was putting at risk" the relationship between those two...and I will stop right there.
Fuck /u/fags. With a knife in their buttholes, for being one of the most annoying people in this world. If they can`t avert their eyes from the sacrilege, may as well they commit non-alive.

>> No.41712098

>there was this stupid /u/ faggot who keep throwing passive-aggresive comments about how the creator of the abridged "was putting at risk" the relationship between those two
Some people who get super into shipping fandoms think it's real.

>> No.41715117

Anime IS real, vtuber ARE real.

>> No.41719486

Nigga thats rancid

>> No.41719511

Het is what god intended, these women will pay for their crimes in hell.

>> No.41719850

>t. thinks a guy who hung out with 12 dudes and kissed them is straight
