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40920393 No.40920393 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for 潤羽るしあ, みけねこ and 飴宮なずな

Previous: >>40832263

>> No.40920435
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/95rn16
Fanbox: https://mikenekoko.fanbox.cc/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC54JqsuIbMw_d1Ieb4hjKoQ
Twitcasting: https://twitcasting.tv/95rn16
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeneko.x/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@minyan84
Nekoko Store: https://nekoko.shop/

>Nazuna Amemiya
Profile: https://www.vshojo.com/talent/nazuna
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5gs8EbpwbfQvrhizJx60TA
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amemiyanazuna
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmemiyaNazuna

>> No.40920442

I'm still annoyed at you, Nazuna. Why would you hurt us?

>> No.40920487

You knew you would hurt overseas fans, and yet you still did it?
Is that all we really meant to you in the end?

>> No.40920549

I love you, Mikenyan. Please don't go somewhere far away from me.

>> No.40920567

My next payment for funbox and twitcast should be next week, so I'll wait for the explanation till then
honestly not keeping my hopes up though

>> No.40920598

You broke your own promises. You said you wouldn't, but that you would at least ask if you did.
You didn't ask us.

>> No.40920616

Why even make this thread? Take the hint and leave it dead for a while.

>> No.40920674

She'll have a manic sperg-out, then a week or so later she'll feel bad and backtrack a little to placate us, then a couple months later she'll do it again and we'll be right back where we started

>> No.40920792
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this random 2 view laughing at her tits is more important than her promises.

>> No.40920811

Yeah well, that's why I said I don't have my hopes up.

>> No.40920859

liars are the worst

>> No.40921165

Realistically speaking, what explanation would suffice?

>> No.40921237

Riajuu are laughing at us and at her.
They're bragging that she'll be happier without us

>> No.40921240

please kill yourselves, none of you actually care about her

>> No.40921242

Suddenly I seem pretty reasonable in hindsight for dropping her when she became Nazuna, eh? I told you guys it would happen and you didn't believe me

>> No.40921248
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>> No.40921292

none, she joined mid stream so there was no way for her to be unaware that there's males there

>> No.40921365

Well, no shit. She watched the entire stream beforehand
If she just forgot how much people hate it, that's fine. But she needs to explain herself

>> No.40921459

How could she forget? even playing with males off stream got people angry, if she really thought that people would be ok with it because there were only two males then she's much more retarded than I thought

>> No.40921542

are you smiley?

>> No.40921565

She is unbelievably retarded. She's incredibly stupid.
One of the dumbest people I've ever seen and with some of the worst communication issues possible. That's why there is a chance that she's just being retarded instead of malicious

>> No.40921601

No, he's the Misumifag

>> No.40921642

I really hope she was just being even more stupid than usual

>> No.40921682


>> No.40921734


>> No.40921794

>They're bragging that she'll be happier without us
and they're wrong, for some reason they think all her issues come from the people that don't want her interacting with guys
collabing with guys won't get rid of her issues with antis, matome sites or lower viewership/income compared to her Rushia days
She'll just lose the few gachis she has left for no reason

>> No.40921844

I know they're wrong, anon. And I hope she realises that before it's too late
If she keeps doing things to purge her gachi, she'll have none left. And then what happens to her?

>> No.40921897

How many times do you need to fuck up for it to become malice though?
At this point she HAS to know we weren't going to like this. Her promises may have not been on the mind at the time, but there's no way she thought we would be okay.

>> No.40921947

They seem to be willing to make themselves believe that she didn't "know" somehow.
If they go that far they'll go to any length, whatever it takes to not give up on her.

>> No.40922005

If you can post a single JP nekofami who publicly said they hated the collab, please do
I'm being serious. I got randomly DMed for being opposed publicly to it for "potentially hurting her". All she hears are yesmen

>> No.40922012

That's my wife.....my cute retarded wife

>> No.40922132

I don't think there's a single JP nekofami left that's willing to publicly oppose a decision she made

>> No.40922245

I know. That's why it's not entirely her fault
When she was Rushia, everyone would publicly oppose male collabs. Now they celebrate the idea of making male friends publicly. They are actual cancer
I hope some of you retards are actually posting publicly about this. I did

>> No.40922334

Mikeneko asked yesterday in her Mario Kart stream how she could get her viewers to stay and watch her and love her forever
It certainly isn't by collabing with men, no consistent streams, complaining in all the twitcasts, fighting with viewers, breaking promises, etc.
Being like Rushia was would be a good start to having fans stay.

>> No.40922412

The worst part is that her Japanese fans would be happy if she acted like Rushia. They're too afraid to complain so they'll slowly leave her alone without telling her

>> No.40922470

Maybe she deserves it for doing this then, have you considered that or is it too early to acknowledge that she's at fault here?

>> No.40922676

Some of the reasons for why they are like this aren't her fault

>> No.40922847

The Nazuna public Discord server is muting anyone who voices displeasure with male collabs

>> No.40922939

That's her new fanbase, to which she is welcoming with open arms.

>> No.40922984


>> No.40922990

no dissent allowed

>> No.40923032

I dislkike male collabs, but i would prefer everyone to not be a sperg about it. I'm more worried in general about her.

>> No.40923086

I hate male collabs and I know that she will literally be walking to her grave if she actually continues down this road

>> No.40923157

I think we did good at not making a thread for a while. I'm even surprised it happened.
I'm one of the very few that bumped the thread in calm hours and I invite the others to let it die when possible. It feels like a bizarre pseudo-strike.

>> No.40923175

It sucks that now, when there is a legitimate reason to sperg, it's touchy to do so.

>> No.40923185

What's the best way to encourage more collabs with men?

>> No.40923209

I made sure to let her know earlier her thread was dead :)
you guys ruined what I was doing but it's okay ;)
you'll find out soon enough

>> No.40923233

Holding a gun to your brain and pulling the trigger

>> No.40923303

What reason did you give her?
If it's because we were pissed off at her, then you've actually done us a favour

>> No.40923443

There's nothing "touchy" about it.

>> No.40923457

I see the overton window has moved to "I mean she didn't flirt so it's okay"

>> No.40923493

are JP nekofami actually saying that?

>> No.40923533

Yes. And I@m not the first anon

>> No.40923583

He made it then made multiple posts sperging on cooldown. He made it because he's a piece of shit.

>> No.40923618

Actually, I'm the anon who was sperging at the beginning
I didn't make the thread

>> No.40923627

jesus christ

>> No.40923691

Someone said that to me and I called him a coward and a fake gachikoi

>> No.40923700

5ch is encouraging her to do more male collabs and get rid of her bothersome unicorns.

>> No.40923725

yeah no shit, there's no fans left in 5ch

>> No.40923751

that's shitposting retard

>> No.40923800

Twitter is as well

>> No.40923825

yeah no shit, there's no JP gachis left in Twitter

>> No.40923863

Even from a cold outsider business perspective I don't know if losing the GFE aspect of her that characterized her personality and make her the superchat queen is a good idea.

>> No.40923938

from a business perspective getting rid of some of your most loyal fans when you're already struggling to get more viewers is 100% an awful idea

>> No.40923951

Anything to get rid of your toxic fanbase is a good idea, anon. Look at this thread. Would you want anyone here to be your fan?

>> No.40923974

Anyone pushing for it doesn't care about her finances or her image or her need for gachikoi love
They all might as well be antis. All of them

>> No.40924060

>her need for gachikoi love
She never cared about it. It was always about the money which will make her come crawling back when her income takes another hit.

>> No.40924199
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I knew that her not doing ASMR's was a redflag. Luckily I never fully committed because of this. I genuinely mean this bros, but stay strong.

>> No.40924213

Especially when they're the only ones left.

>> No.40924227

I love her.

>> No.40924232

I wish we could go back to Rushia. Why did everything have to end up this way

>> No.40924384

ASMR is for when her heart fully heals. With each dumb choice she makes, we stray further and further away.

>> No.40924401

Her bad decisions made everything the way it is right now

>> No.40924453

I haven't made any posts between this and the links.

>> No.40924486

And I love her too anon, despite the pain...

>> No.40924487

Why did you make a new thread anyways?

>> No.40924550

You mean you wish you could go back to not having to know what she's really like?

>> No.40924573

I make it whenever I feel like it.

>> No.40924675

Whatever happens as long as orca stays there will be hope

>> No.40924739

I would rather live in bliss like that than what we have now

>> No.40925027

Orca was the smart one getting away with having another semi-gfe oshi as an spare

>> No.40925071

I don't think he ever really cared about that kind of stuff in the first place.

>> No.40925087

I love her, I'm worried about her and I promise that I won't be mad.

>> No.40925141

Why do vshojofags care if a vshojo girl collabs with a male?

>> No.40925258

going to possibly regret this. But she needed to see it. It might be over for me though. The rest is up to you guys

>> No.40925306

See what?

>> No.40925314

uh, you're not killing yourself or anything, right?

>> No.40925523

男コラボ、愚痴配信、 視聴者と戦ってるみけちゃん誰も見たくない。だから視聴者減るし投げ銭減るし新規は来ない。るーちゃんらしく楽しく配信したらいいのに。

>> No.40925764

Sending a DM is just going to make her mood worse

>> No.40925879

lol @ getting an intuition like "hmm, this is probably a bad idea" and just doing it anyway like a clueless horror movie protagonist.

>> No.40926170

You always regret whatever you're doing anon

>> No.40926337

what happened????

>> No.40926521

I'm disappointed not angry, really thought we were past this.

>> No.40926579

Still love her

>> No.40926778

>Riajuu are laughing at us and at her.
The riajuu don't even know who you are.

>> No.40926836
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Just let her have some fun if you don't like the door is right there

>> No.40926880
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I'm happy she put herself out there and met 8 girls

>> No.40926889

Hello, Discord!

>> No.40926971

Which Hololive girls refuse to acknowledge men at all?
If she ends up abandoning us, I might as well find a vtuber who actually cares about her fans

>> No.40927043

I won't offer zero resistance to my wife engaging in self-destructive acts.
She does care about us. She won't abandon us. I believe in her.

>> No.40927045


>> No.40927050

I hear Chloe is pretty good. Orca approved enough to make the switch, anyway.

>> No.40927105

I'm waiting for her response, but I might as well think about this, right?
I can put up with a lot of her menhera as long as she loves us and keeps her promises, but if she can't, why would I?

>> No.40927116

If she wasn't friend of Kson nothing of this would've happened

>> No.40927171

You just reminded me Kson tried to invite her to an RPR collab back in September too

>> No.40927222

She's perfectly free to "have some fun" however she likes and no one should ban her from it.
But actions have consequences and the same she's entitled to do this some of the audience is entitled to have on opinion on it or even abandon her for whatever the reason.
Also, if it was only girls no one would be complaining here

>> No.40927242

This also wouldn't have happened if she cared about her promises

>> No.40927403

well, it's too late now, Kson already invaded her mind

>> No.40927609

at least she's not willing to collab with a male if Kson isn't there

>> No.40927646

>the bug that harasses her tries to raise shit against kson again

>> No.40927709

I think she actually did do egosa today
I have an engagement and profile visit on a Twitter circle tweet that only included her accounts

>> No.40927787
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>> No.40927991

The only thing I'll say is it's odd for her to join that collab considering all the mental gynamstics she went through awhile ago as nazuna to pretend that guy didn't exist.

>> No.40928057

As i said earlier i'm not planning to leave her because i love her and i promised her to "support her forever" so i want to make good in my promise unless things change radically.
But staying here open a painful pandora's box of questions if she's planning to make this the new normal.
If she going to do male collabs rarely so one day 3 months from now i wake up and surprise motherfucker, male collab; or is going to be a thing i have to skip frequently?
Do i really want to start schizoing scrapping through every conversation to see if the dude starts flirting with her or not?
What kind of dudes will be in these collabs? Because she's capable of doing them with random 2-views that end up being awful people because she didn't check and we get extra drama.
Will there always be in groups or she will say finally fuck it completely and do one-on-ones (and then i'm 1000% leaving)? Do i have to start fearing her presenting a new boyfriend or another mi-chan incident on stream?
What her "don't cheat on me" means now?
Do i have to start to question if the GF-ish/intimate moments in stream to be meaningless fanservice just to keep the gachikoi strolling around or just to not make them too mad like the holos that collab with men with some frequency do? Like let's say doing an ASMR just after a couple of male collabs days?
It's so painful...

>> No.40928129

Back in new year’s eve holos were doing a watchalong for the concert they held and when holostars showed up both koyori and flare completely ignored it, like, I believe one of them even started doing her nails or at least talked about it. Also Kanata is super schizo about males. Most of holos are like that, just like rushia was when she was there.

>> No.40928161

i'm not him sorry, i was just thinking that it would be good for you all if she stops some collabs with her, i know that Kson helped her most of times but she trying to be close to Kson means that she will meet Kson's friends too, and like every time she will trip and make her fans mad, she can do a 1on1 collab with her fine but not when there's a big group collab

>> No.40928679

>>40928057 (me)
Oh god, i'm even getting her (as the word for calico cat) in my anki review. What a timing

>> No.40928690

Just let the thread die

>> No.40928746

Oh hey I'm getting Nekofami in my DMs too

>> No.40928750

Keep it up for a few hours

>> No.40928859

Why did she do it bros?

>> No.40928887

Don't blame kson for any of this. She was always like this.

>> No.40929102

JP nekofami coping by saying it's just like talking to a girl at work is hilarious.
I don't get to pick who I work with, she gets to pick her collab partners.

>> No.40929263

Call me when she do a solo male collab or a group collab with a male when there is no kson.

>> No.40929272

it's literally kson's fault

>> No.40929570

So since she broke her promise about male collabs how can we trust any of her promises
What's to say tomorrow she won't just get a boyfriend without telling us

>> No.40929679
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>> No.40929705

I don't believe you

>> No.40929728
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>> No.40929839

She's awake

>> No.40929921

>i'm not planning to leave her because i love her and i promised her to "support her forever"
In my experience, this kind of promise can only lead to resentment. I know it's hard to walk those kinds of feelings back, but you will be much happier if you can watch her and know that you'll be able to accept whatever happens. It's better than feeling like you lost years of your life and wanting a to get lobotomy so you don't have to remember her anymore.

>> No.40929966

how do you know?

>> No.40930046

brace yourselves for the shitstorm

>> No.40930078

from the antis, the shitposters or the fans?

>> No.40930098


>> No.40930140

why can't we just have a normal week

>> No.40930158

Deleted Tweets

>> No.40930161

all of the above

>> No.40930236

She deleted her QRT of the stream.
That could be a good sign

>> No.40930301

A whole lot more than that was deleted.

>> No.40930339

Such as?

>> No.40930361

I'm aware
Are there any other Tweets deleted? Just tweets?

>> No.40930371

See, the reason jp nekofami don't care is because they already believe her a liar. 信じている means I'll pretend what you said is true. 愛している is just a stock phrase to end tweets with to mean they like her. They neither love nor believe her. That's why they don't care about her breaking a promise to play with males.

>> No.40930586

just dont collab with males why is that so hard

>> No.40930628

Not that i haven't told you a hundred times to never DM her schizo shit before, but i think at this point you should just stop sending her anything at all. Not sending DMs or replying to twitter posts (if you're relevant enough), not stream chatting and so on. That's a better message to send.

>> No.40930684

>That's a better message to send.

>> No.40930770

No, I think a better message is to tell her that we're just listeners and she's just a streamer and that everything we've been telling her about loving her all this time had no real meaning behind it. That will surely protect her feelings!

>> No.40930817

Honorary JP Nekofami

>> No.40930899

Then she'll have no idea why your angry/leaving, also she told us to let her know if we have an issue.

>> No.40930902

This is 4chan sir, 5chan is over there.

>> No.40930960

You're basically dissapearing without ever saying why. If you have ever been ghosted you will know the feel when you realize it. Only works if you're noticeable enough for her of course.

>> No.40931008

I tried to warn you about vshojo
You called me a schizo

>> No.40931055

Ghosting works better in a one on one relationship
She'll only notice people leaving quietly after a few weeks
The anons mentioning that Fanbox actually sends a notification for cancellation are more on the money. Although I'm holding on for a bit longer to see what she does now

>> No.40931120

She can put two and two together, i'm sure.
You do have a point on that but neither of the past times someone let her know has ended up well (because they're schizos) so there's that.

>> No.40931201

I've told her multiple times now, I'm also pretty tired at the moment

>> No.40931261

that's why it was super important to keep the thread dead but you guys ruined it by making a new one. She almost obsessively stalks the thread every now and then. If she can no longer find it and then sees minor complaints online followed by silence from her hardcore gachis then she will undoubtedly connect two and two together and realize she's been ghosted.

>> No.40931277

You lose literally nothing by cancelling Fanbox because you will still keep access for the rest of the month anyways.

>> No.40931301

Fuck all of you
down drain goes the Elden Ring/Doom stream

>> No.40931353

Or she'll think there's no problem.

>> No.40931453

Nazuna/Mike leave this thread it's just full of antis

>> No.40931456

I thought the point of keeping the thread dead was to make her realise her gachi's will abandon her if she does this
Now that the thread is up, might as well fill it with legitimate complaints. I don't have any sympathy for her on this one, she dug this grave herself

>> No.40931479

Did she say something?
Yeah, it's a great loss; I was really looking forward to DOOM

>> No.40931521

only reason I didn't make the thread was because I was too angry to care
not sure if other people felt the same or if there was an agreement somewhere else

>> No.40931557

Mike I love you so much and I promised to never leave you but you make it kinda hard and painful sometimes...

>> No.40931592

The antis have long gone. I can tell from their typing style
Everyone complaining right now is a fan

>> No.40931678

all her sabs are gone. Expect a horrible public meltdown. I actually don't feel so good about this.

>> No.40931726

Same shit, to be honest

>> No.40931734


>> No.40931797

She hated hololive and her coworkers. It was a fine decision.

>> No.40931807

I mean do you think she's going to stream any time soon after today

>> No.40931833

No, it isn't. It really isn't.
She won't have a breakdown over antis in this thread. She will have a breakdown over kaigai gachikoi leaving her
She already said she'd quit streaming if she lost her kaigai fans, you know

>> No.40931838

I never was an anti
I told you honestly that she was going to kill you like how she almost killed me
Maybe she meant it in the past, I don't know

>> No.40931855

Yeah because complaining about what you don't like is being an anti, how about you got back to your discord you fucking faggot.

>> No.40931881

I'm not surprised, also you have no one else to blame but yourself.

>> No.40931941

I still remember Rushia

>> No.40931946

Not again, it's so painful for her...
Even if she broke an important promise I don't want her to go through this again.
We love you over anything Mike...

>> No.40931983

Don't worry, there's plenty of kaigai non-gachikoi who are ready and waiting to not respond to anything she actually says and just repeat the same line of "We will always support you." over and over, or how about the ones who always respond with "Not wife, friend" when she tries to do her wife skit? Classic. Real keepers, those ones!

>> No.40932077

My faggotsan she put herself into this situation. Everything that's happened is of her own doing at this point.

>> No.40932111

You get what you fucking deserve!

>> No.40932120

I told you japanese unicorns didn't exist and they were just making fun of us...

>> No.40932171

How do we convince her to leave vshojo. She was doing way better without them

>> No.40932182

How long until she becomes an heroin?

>> No.40932228

Yeah, we know the japs are faggots.

>> No.40932237
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>> No.40932251

she never will. she has too much tolerance from ods and won't do the other method

>> No.40932264

For her maybe not anymore but in general there's still plenty.

>> No.40932302

Showing how quick they were to abandon any pretense of actually caring about her might be good in the long run.

>> No.40932331

I'm sure she'd find some way to fuck that up too lmao

>> No.40932386

With no jps, she is a washed up niconico streamer

>> No.40932468

She sure as hell seems keen to destroy the overseas gachikoi that have been with her through everything and believed in her all the time as well.

>> No.40932541

Heh, i think you overestimating your own importance

>> No.40932570

You can't read her Fanbox, so naturally you'd think that, retard

>> No.40932631

by the love of all that is holy, just let the thread die
it's absolutely unsalvageable, never have I seen such bullshit before

>> No.40932726

The only person who can salvage it is her

>> No.40932807

And we all know that won't happen, so just let this shit hole die already

>> No.40932889

She needs to see the thread like this.
This is the only place people will actually speak their mind

>> No.40932894

This is way too fucking funny.
You insisted that all the things that became apparent last year were just "mistranslations" and now suddenly there are no JP gachikoi left.

>> No.40932905

>die die die! Leave!
spoken like a true anti

>> No.40932917

I think the main problem is kson doesn't have someone who tells her when she's being dumb, she's had people up her ass for years at this point telling her how great she is. mike is aware she's lacking but is also guilty of brown nosing her friend

>> No.40932957

Her JP fans are retarded, what's new?
They're saviourfags. A saviourfag acts differently from a gachikoi

>> No.40932973

>the main problem is kson
Just this part.

>> No.40933030

You guys are funny I told you all as a vsj guy that it will get worse and you should jump off the ship now. But no you didnt listen. Its your own fault now. This is what talent freedom is.

>> No.40933033

>you're an anti!!
spoken like a true anti

>> No.40933036

They're like that because they see what she's really like.
You've been misled by the "translators" who refuse to explain what any of what she said about mfmf meant.

>> No.40933065

The main problem is herself. If she could get rid of "Mikeneko" and be "Rushia" instead everything would be fine.

>> No.40933090

Get out of our thread, faggot

>> No.40933166

Keep burying your head in the sand.

>> No.40933194

You fucks never take responsibility for your actions. All you do is blame it on her. Yet you’d cannot see that YOU constantly making issues can lead to her changing her mind on things. She made it clear that she’ll do things to get rid of people (I disagree with that, but it’s what she does) and constantly at every corner someone sends her some shit accusing her of lying or whatever, usually when she’s already mentally tired from unavoidable things. I wouldnt wish your kind on anyone. This is directed at no particular person.

>> No.40933266

Personally I'd get rid of you first

>> No.40933339

How tf is this any of our fault, this one particular issue that is. We didn't force her to join that collab.

>> No.40933429

Have you not been listening to her for the last two weeks. This isn’t some sudden turn.

>> No.40933432

it's not our fault for her lying

>> No.40933433

I will absolutely concede she was lead to not care anymore due to the previous schizo DMs incident, I said it then than this is how it could end up being.

>> No.40933501

I’m not one to turn anti on her at a moments notice. I tell her if she does something wrong, but I will never add to her mental burden.

>> No.40933506

Visiting from /vsj+/ where some dipshit started bringing whatever's going on in here in there. You bros ok?

>> No.40933546


>> No.40933564


>> No.40933590

>All you do is blame it on her.
Because it's her fault.

>> No.40933607

We were never okay

>> No.40933612

I am 100 percent concerned for her mental well being, beyond any personal distaste I have. So no, I am not ok.

>> No.40933641

Lol no.

>> No.40933665

I can see that.

>> No.40933692

>unavoidable things
An ounce of professionalism would have avoided literally all of her problems she's ever had.

>> No.40933696


>> No.40933711

We have never been ok

>> No.40933724

No. But even if you guys don't give a single rrat's ass about what's happening here, you guys can go ahead and tell dramafaggots like that to fuck off.

>> No.40933881

"Rushia" can only exist in the presence of management that she hates.

>> No.40933894

I have no idea what's going on. I'm just here to laugh at Fancucks. Again.

>> No.40933928

Hello I am the dramafaggot I am very happy for nazuna that she slowly is learning. I hope she can escape the prison you mentaly Ill gachikois build for her :)

>> No.40933982

We're going to get another thread right after this one, aren't we?
Because they're not going to leave

>> No.40933992

Oh we do, usually. While a lot of us in there like Nazuna there has always been a distance between us liking her and you guys liking her which has kept most discussion of her to a minimum there. So it is very obvious when some twat is coming in baiting, which is why I thought to drop by and check on y'all.

Anything an outsider can help with?

>> No.40934046

and once shes out of that "prison" she'll realize nobody cares for her anymore, and then she'll kill herself.

>> No.40934081

>and then she'll kill herself

>> No.40934096

She was the one offering this in the first place retard

>> No.40934152

we're the mentally ill ones huh

>> No.40934192

Tell your thread that her mental health is atrocious and it's coming up to her birthday and she probably hates herself, and that if they try to push her into doing retarded things, they'll be pushing her to an early grave.
I know you weren't here for her last birthday, but the things she said around that time were haunting

>> No.40934202

if you fags want the thread dead so bad just let the dramafags and antis make it. then you can fuck off to whichever secret club you faggots made this time

>> No.40934205

There's absolutely nothing you can do. Schizos will just throw stones at you. I fucking wish you could do something, but there's no convincing this lot; good faith isn't exactly in good supply here. Thanks for the consideration, though.

Not one single month without retarded shit happening. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.40934210

Was that after the schizo emails and twitter dm's or before that anon?

>> No.40934231

She can't kill herself.

>> No.40934263

Not really, outside of just not engaging with people trying to bait you into saying something inflammatory.

>> No.40934294

You faggots are like an abused spouse. You know it's going to happen again but you keep going back because "she didn't mean it" or "things will be different this time".

>> No.40934297

I am 90% sure nobody in /vsj+/ has pushed her into anything. Like I said, our interest in her daily activities is a lot less than yours is. I leave 10% because you never know what some anons are up to breaking containment.


>> No.40934343

The whole GF concept anon and she re-affirmated it many times

>> No.40934426

You girlfriends cant have male friends? Anon... Did you ever have a girlfriend? A real one?

>> No.40934550
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>her mental health is atrocious
>she probably hates herself
>pushing her to an early grave

>> No.40934552

Huh, so the reason of this thread is because it's an anti's den that wants her off?

>> No.40934603

They can, but that's not what this situation is you retarded outsider.
If your girlfriend promises she wouldn't go to some guys house, and then goes anyway wouldn't you be mad?

>> No.40934612

Half fans pissed about male collabs
Half antis wanting her to die
Shouldn't be hard to tell the posts apart

>> No.40934696

Yeah but your "girlfriend" played gartic phone anon... In a big friendgroup...

>> No.40934700

>pissed about male collabs
I have never understood this mindset.

>> No.40934741

after promising she wouldn't do that

>> No.40934763

Froot just said she wants to learn enough Japanese to play with Nazuna without a translator. Not sure why I felt the need to share that here with you guys, but thought maybe some positive news and desires would help.

>> No.40934781

Let the thread just fucking die comeback tomorrow or the day after

>> No.40934822

Yes and did she promise that after the schizo emails and dms or before that?

>> No.40934878

Anon, you were saying the narrative of the "oh, poor streamer that has been manipulated and imprisoned by her rabid fans who were trying her to make her pander only to them"
I replied that she was the one who firstly look to do this, make it part of her character and promote it for a long time. Not only time but she has actually hold by this and even apologize when she realized she crossed the line. Calling it a prison is historical revionism.
Don't try to change topics or do and hominems that I know you well already.

>> No.40934888

>schizo emails
No one has ever sent emails but okay......also before.

>> No.40934891

lmao how fucking new are you

>> No.40934966

People like you are the problem, she can have guy friends doesn't mean she's fucking them behind the scenes, you treat her like an abuser would saying if she does anything like this she wouldn't have anyone which isn't the case you're just keeping her chained down to never heal or move on

>> No.40934990

Guys I even wrote I am the dramafag... Why do you take the bait? You all have a lot to learn.

>> No.40935028

What does this have to do with male collabs

>> No.40935049

I think as long there is 1-2 people interested on keeping it going it's going to be impossible. We're not getting this luck again until a day or 2 after depending on how quiet things are.

>> No.40935050

I'm all for being upset but wanting the person we love to die is too much even for our regulars here. Fucking shame on you. I will not be apart of this.

>> No.40935107

Those are the antis

>> No.40935121

nobody genuine is saying that

>> No.40935145

I'll believe it when I see it. everyone says they want to learn eigo/japanese then give up almost immediately

>> No.40935163

I'm not so sure about that

>> No.40935174

>thinking it's regulars that want her to die
Shame on you for not recognizing posting styles.

>> No.40935222

Nobody wants that, they just want to make her feel so horrible that she wish she was dead for lying

>> No.40935253

Actually a few of us were (reluctantly) ok with her playing games with her old time friends off-stream. But this on stream and with complete random chuubas.
We're not ok with full on stream male collabs and there's a point we have to draw a red line. And I think this is fair for most relationships.

>> No.40935352

Last time you retards wanted to draw a line was when she started to join minecraft servers with males. Keep the cope going until the 1 on 1 collabs happen.

>> No.40935447

it just seems such a stupid thing to do. Even Kson who collabs with men with no problem only does it maybe once or twice a month right. Even if she was able to get to the point she could collab with men without issue she would only be doing it every so often. It just seems to be diminishing returns for her

>> No.40935449

Sadly true. Thankfully they also have Kson who can help with any English / Japanese confusion to help teach. I am sure Kson will responsibly teach her Japanese friends proper good English with no naughty words at all and her English friends proper good Japanese with no crass slang. Surely.

>> No.40935491

As long as she dies. That's all I'm after.

>> No.40935594

You guys are so petty. You don't want her to succeed and move on. You're just antis trying to justify your actions against her. Disgusting. Why do you even keep making this anti thread?

>> No.40935601

I sent her an email once

>> No.40935609

Always has been. Antis are good at hiding, many antis don't even know they are antis.

>> No.40935690

>You don't want her to succeed and move on.
I absolutely would love for her to succeed, that doesn't mean I want her to collab with males, now get out faggot.

>> No.40935719

Male collabs will kill her numbers and her earnings

>> No.40935736

>keyfag from the future.

>> No.40935792

Nah. It already happened after the Totsu

>> No.40935848

>what is the aftermath from the totsu

>> No.40935916

It's funny how you want Mike to be a miserable pile of garbage, i get it, it's easier to control her that way.

>> No.40935942

A few keyfags in this thread will seethe the rest will not care.

>> No.40935982

No, you fucking retard. You don't watch her streams
She talked about this

>> No.40936046

I mean, that's how you control someone, with fear

>> No.40936090

Here is one of the few people seething.

>> No.40936106

>not wanting her to collab with males means we want to make her miserable
Holy retarded

>> No.40936162

Here is a tourist who came here to shitpost and doesn't know the slightest thing about her or her past streams
Captcha: NNTAA

>> No.40936196

>Not allowing her to do what she wants to do means she will be miserable.

I fixed that for you my friend. The problems for you is not that she is collabing with males but that you are losing control of her.
And you still eat it up :)

>> No.40936422

>not wanting her to collab with the other girls and maybe make more friends to collab with
yeah, sure you don't make her miserable, but of course i wouldn't know that she loves 100% her fans and hates to collab with other girls because i'm just a fucking tourist.

>> No.40936468

Not really anon, the main problem for me is that she's collabing with males. Couldn't care otherwise, if no males where in the stream I wouldn't be caring, nor would this thread be caring.

>> No.40936479

Yesterday she played with a man and seemed to have the most fun. She couldn't live without a man.

>> No.40936543

So you do want to control what she does.

>> No.40936593

>I'm gonna ignore that the main problem you people had with the stream was that there where males in it because I want to create a narrative

>> No.40936633

that man is called Kson

>> No.40936772

Anon we all know she had the most fun and was there for Kson, we just hate that there where men in the stream.

>> No.40936849

>I dont want to control her but I want to tell her who she can collab with and who she cant collab with.

>> No.40936968

And you want to control us, you fucking hypocrite

>> No.40937034

That is some impressive mental gymnastics my friend.

>> No.40937103

Takes one to know one

>> No.40937360

This is a standard she herself made, none of us are forcing it on her

>> No.40937440

With fans like these who needs antis

>> No.40937528

So if she makes the standard herself she can change it herself right?

>> No.40937661


>> No.40937742

And yet she hasn't said a single word
If she turns around tomorrow, says she was being retarded, and promises never to do it again, you'll attack us again. I know what your type is like. Vultures and dogs

>> No.40937843

I will attack you guys for believing her a third time? NOOOOOO WAYYYYYY

>> No.40937890

And there are his true colours

>> No.40938021

why should I care what this fag or any of the weak jap men think?

>> No.40938030

Actually yes, but she never said she is. If she really felt she wanted to go down this path she needs to talk about that.
What she's doing now is lying.

>> No.40939065

Fuck I feel sick, I'm actually fucking worried about her. Please Mike-chan it's not that big of a deal but it did hurt a little bit even if it wasn't intentional.
I know you didn't mean it.

>> No.40939140

I'm being serious. What if she did.
What if that retarded anon who thinks this is an intentional attempt to purge us is right?

>> No.40939413

You know full well she didn't intend to. Especially after what we've been through this week. Can't believe it took me nearly 12 hours of heraruing to realize it. fuck fuck fuck
I'm so fucking worried about her right now.
Is there a way to do a wellness check on her?

>> No.40939467
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He's right bros, she never really loved us D:

>> No.40939491

Wait, tell me what your heraru achieved. Tell me.
I need to fucking know anon

>> No.40940081

It achieved fucking nothing and now that I'm mentally stable enough to realize I fucked up badly I regret this so much that it's making me actually nauseous. Why didn't I stop myself. She fucking trusted me....FUCK

>> No.40940249

Alright, fucking tell me what you did and what realization you came to that proves she doesn't want to get rid of us.
It will make me feel a lot better. Ther'es only so much I can take from her shitty JP fans

>> No.40941170

What did you do? DM her?

>> No.40941647

her sab was proof of her trust in us. Proof that she wanted to keep this wonderful bond between us. It's fucking gone. Do you not realize that all of it being gone means she no longer trusts us. How many schizo DMs did you all send her today? it broke her. I fully believe she didn't intend to hurt anyone. It's not in her nature. She didn't realize it would escalate to this.

>> No.40941871

I'm probably one of the most schizo posters in this thread and I made several tweets about it, but I didn't DM her.
The usual schizo who DMed her a lot didn't either

>> No.40942172

>I feel like shit after the thing I've done so I have to justify my actions
You can't take it back, live with it faggot.

>> No.40942218

if you're the schizo who I think it is or if you're talking about the schizo that I'm thinking of I just want to say thank you for not DMing this time. I truly believe she didn't mean it and the more oxygen goes back into my body the more I realize this topic just needed some time in the oven before I could think properly on it.

>> No.40942429

i'm not the usual schizo, don't thank me. I believe I'm talking about the one you know, though. But his mental state is horrible, naturally

>> No.40942489

Was the lesson learned?
Don't go fucking nuclear over every single thing. What would you ever expect it to achieve, honestly? Did it pay off being this relentlessly aggressive?
Did you ever stop to consider that this antagonistic behavior would only escalate things for the worse?

>> No.40942646

regardless, tell him I thank him for holding it in this time. I think it would have been way worse if he got involved again. We'll see. She still hasn't reacted to it publicly but I know it got to her. Who knows how many other shizo dms she got on her new sab from other people

>> No.40943159

I seriously fucking hate you guys for making this shit worse with your schizo behavior

>> No.40943376

And if nobody here reacted, what would stop her from doing more male collabs? After all, if nobody complains, she wont know
She literally said herself that she's dumb and that she assumes things until someone proves her wrong

>> No.40944243

>nazuna thinking that it will be nice to do a collab with kson and her friends
>her fans turning it into a "she is doing a collab with a man"
wow, nice fucking job

>> No.40944281

Let me put it this way.
How in the unholy fuck is acting almost like an anti going to help in any way, instead of being civilized about the issue? How does a thread-shitting freakout contribute to anything except splitting the fanbase ever further?

>> No.40944410

I don't have a problem with people complaining or being unhappy with the Collab but if she's having fun then what's the problem, I get she promised not to Collab with men but if she's happy and being probably in a better mental must you go overboard to the point she fucking regrets it and feels like shit for it

>> No.40944504

She was watching the stream since the start, anon
She was there for what, half an hour, an hour, watching? She knew there were men there. She still joined
Why are the Japanese fans treating this as a male collab issue if that's not what this is?

>> No.40944645

Perhaps people should feel horrible for breaking promises?

>> No.40944806

I can excuse being a sad schizo when she does something you don't like but what most of you did today was pure anti behavior. In your manner of speech, the way you typed.

>> No.40944851

Breaking promises is ok if it makes you happy.
If she wants to collab with whoever she wants then just say so, instead of lying for no reason.

>> No.40945073

She did one of the few things to actually hurt nearly every regular user on this board
You'll forgive them if they weren't acting rationally.
