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38404324 No.38404324 [Reply] [Original]

Why did you faggots spoil the game at the literal start of it, i was actually kinda looking forward to watching it.

>> No.38404379

saplings are reaching the kronie stage of parasocialism, where negative attention is still attention and they'll hurt their oshi just to get noticed

>> No.38405287

What did he mean by this? As far as I can tell, I don't think Kronies have outright spoiled the end of any games for her so far.

>> No.38405814

every community is mostly made up of normalfags and they don't use their brains, and the bigger the community the more retards who spoiler

>> No.38406500


This but without the 4chan words.

She's popular enough where idiots come out of the woodwork who can't behave - everyone has to get their emotes and mememe comments in in the hopes that streamer will notice them.

>> No.38406634 [DELETED] 

Case in point, all the r*ddit-tier coomer newfags spamming Tofu to IRyS making her self conscious of her model.
>hey attractive woman, do you know your nipples are showing!
Dude shut the fuck up, have you no chill?
It’s like they are breaking their backs to prove why women don’t like them.

>> No.38406713

She didn't even realize chat had been spoiling it when the would you kindly reveal happened. I think she only realized during superchat reading.

>> No.38406749 [DELETED] 

This reply was meant for the post below.

>> No.38406918 [DELETED] 

They crave attention, and get more of a dopamine response with negative attention. They think it’s like teasing the girl you like because they are retarded. In reality it’s just spamming shit they don’t like to get any reaction at all. If the talent ignored it completely they wouldn’t get the response they crave and would stop, acknowledging it is rewarded bad behavior. Chat only does thing that get attention, so just don’t give it attention.

>> No.38406950
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It was just a bit, sorry for spoiling the game

>> No.38407064

Her playthrough pissed me off.
>hurr watching the girls for the games
nevertheless, I could forgive the fact that she plays stuff like this badly, and never learns despite so many repeated mistakes, but the fact that she played a lore-heavy game and ignored every single audio diary etc., was too annoying.
She should've stuck with pokemon or splatoon or something.

>> No.38407125

>and ignored every single audio diary
You didn't watch her stream. The thing she mostly ignored was the tutorials, and she got better in the second half of the first stream and even admitted to having streamer brain and fucking up by the second and improved herself.

>> No.38408624

Watched the first stream.
Skimmed the second. Seemed more of the same breezing through oblivious because she ignored everything.
Tried watching the finale but again it seemed to be just more of the same.
No thanks. Disappointing stream desu.
I like some of Fauna's other stuff but this wasn't it.

>> No.38408797

The same happened with Bae Persona 5 stream....all the spoilers and "trigger warnings" were so annoying.

>> No.38409063

You didn't play the game if you think she got the full experience. Stream kiddies please stop.

>> No.38411434

I hate chat. I wish SC didn't force them to read it. I would close it, but then when odd things happen you wonder if it because of chat.

>> No.38411471

timestamp of the moment?

>> No.38411643

Where is he...

>> No.38411902

>Oh is this something really important chat?
>yeah it is
>you guys know that you don't have to answer me, please read my mind

I don't get why she starts asking a lot of things compulsively if she knows that someone is gonna answer, and why she looks at the chat if she knows that she doesn't want an answer. Her excuse is that she was talking to herself, then she can go and close stream and play by herself or play without looking at the chat every second

>> No.38412250

Ame did that when I was watching her. I wonder... and then didn't want answers. Stop asking then.

>> No.38412253

>I don't get why
she's a woman
that's all you need to know to answer any question about her inconsistencies

>> No.38412865

They made the coolest pokemon in Dodongo and Tatsugiri but locked double battles behind a single gym

>> No.38412963

are you having a stroke rn?

>> No.38413435

No no he's got a point

>> No.38413848

>should've stuck with pokemon or splatoon or something
Agreed, bioshock sucks. It's a boring, tedious game
>I don't get why
You have autism

>> No.38413904

I bet you don't watch Kronii, queen of dead air because she does the opposite, she will never ask shit or even tell what's on her mind while playing. It sucks. And I would assume that's why Fauna does ask questions that don't need answers from chat.
