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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.71 MB, 1203x673, 1662839217635115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
36953094 No.36953094 [Reply] [Original]

It has been 49 days since the last ASMR stream.

>> No.36954496

I really hope Rindo does ASMR this weekend. Been having a shitty week and she'd cheer me up.

>> No.36957241

She's not going to do any ASMR while people are making condom edits of her pictures.

>> No.36957598
File: 41 KB, 400x352, heaven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36960879
File: 909 KB, 1024x1024, purring fox[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fs6fkvi.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36961420

yea, rindo is only for unprotected baby-making sex!

>> No.36961622
File: 183 KB, 1536x2048, FhKjavvWYAILp1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rindo's future design

>> No.36961735

rindo make a design that is entirely your own

>> No.36961778

very cute

>> No.36963624

underage girls are HOT

>> No.36965567
File: 184 KB, 598x762, Screenshot 2022-11-11 at 19-54-14 Gura 🔱 holovaxx !! on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is simping for the leprechaun girl in IdolEN, kinda weird she's not going for the gura clone

>> No.36965800
File: 1.78 MB, 2400x2800, smt142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda feel like she's baiting artists to draw it for her
I was making a fanart for her before she post that, but now idk if I should finish this or change this to her design or just don't do anything at all..

what should I do?

>> No.36966015

She's a schizo and doesn't know what she wants to do
Just draw whatever you want and I'm sure it'll make her happy. I can't see her actually getting/making a new model when she's streaming barely twice a month.

>> No.36966630

Post it to her, she liked the other ones you did alot.

>> No.36966839

She's a teenager. She doesn't know what she wants.
Just do whatever makes you feel best.

>> No.36966953

Haven't seen anything rindo in what feels like months.
She actually underaged or did anything new come out?

>> No.36967114

>Just draw whatever you want and I'm sure it'll make her happy
one would think that, yet >>36957241 did not make her very happy

>> No.36967210

Rindo a cute

>> No.36969191

condom edits?

>> No.36969504
File: 133 KB, 600x856, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36969663

The guy apologized and deleted it so at least he realizes he fucked up.

>> No.36969675

ahhh I see

>> No.36970033

Besides her uploading art recently what I want to know is she just not active on twitter that much anymore or does she only tweet to her twitter circle

>> No.36970142

no more online school

>> No.36970209

she thinks lily hooper is fuyo, I shit you not

>> No.36970239

didnt she block lily?

>> No.36970283

yeah she was seething in these threads about it but at some point she was unblocked since lily hooper is following rindo again

>> No.36970355

gura stream's over.
hopechads how we feeling?

>> No.36970508

ohhh that's what that was lmfao

>> No.36970547

okay i've been waiting for a rindo thread to ask this.
finnqwert, I know you're here.. wtf do you guys know about the irish girl debuting in idol that we don't??

>> No.36970692

do you really think he'd blow his cover if he knew something?

>> No.36970939

I don't get why him and rindo are suddenly following the irish cunny only and why rindo is creating vaxx accounts, drawing art for her etc. lmfao

>> No.36971060

You guys are still following this child with no personality?

>> No.36971083


>> No.36971163
File: 329 KB, 990x1146, 1643465504605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36971195

no shot she streams, rindo please spite me

>> No.36971812

Choke on a cactus, Kiki.

>> No.36971841

i dont know who that is

>> No.36971863

yea, me

>> No.36972021

There's no way a single one of you actually watches her for any reason other than her being a Gura fan and sounding like Gura. She has never said a funny thing, she is not creative or clever. She is not personable or interesting. She doesn't stream or make content. She is not old enough to have developed a personality beyond imitating her internet friends. Why would you watch her?

>> No.36972110

stop seething over young girls, roastie

>> No.36972152

i dont know what that is

>> No.36972222

because she is cute and funny, literally

>> No.36972241

She's not funny.

>> No.36972249
File: 97 KB, 720x720, 1651123409761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36972256


>> No.36972291

she is funny looking

>> No.36972306

then why does she make me laugh

>> No.36972332

just for fun I went and read some twitter threads she's involved in, as well as this thread
it's clear that every single person who is her fan, wants to get in her DMs without anyone else knowing they're in her DMs
this is kinda funny, keep going

>> No.36972380

im in her dms still and i dont care if people know

>> No.36972418

hey same

>> No.36972496

same! did she also send you that weird riddle? how am i supposed to know what goes on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?

>> No.36972511

yes this is 4chan where everyone is anonymous you daft cunts

>> No.36972534

its a human anon! the four legs refers to a baby crawling, the two leg refers to an adult and the three legs refers to an old man with a walking cane

>> No.36972630

OH! sasuga rindo, you cheeky cunt, your treasure is as good as mine!

>> No.36972704

oh I get it, you guys aren't funny either

>> No.36972734

post tits

>> No.36972756

Well if you think your funny, how about you tell a joke

>> No.36973066 [DELETED] 
File: 924 KB, 1615x2048, 1655752960553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki if you're really here, I left you because you were harrassing Rindo. The thought of you being such a dick towards a literal child didn't sit right with me. If you don't want more people to leave you, stop harrassing people just because you feel intimidated by them you fucking menhera.
Proof I am an Ex-Champ: I know who Sewerboy and Nars Diggins are

>> No.36973123

>Kiki if you're really here, I left you because you were harrassing Rindo.

>> No.36973286

I wish I could prove to you guys you're right. The Fairyguts account basically tried to scare her off by throwing 4chan uohposter lolicons under the bus as actual dangerous pedos and linked a bunch of people that died as a result of '4chan'.

>> No.36973674

ok fine im kiki are you guys gonna respond more seriously now

>> No.36973726

tits or gtfo

>> No.36974036

so you guys dont talk about rindo in here you just talk about kiki

>> No.36974218

who this bitch, some new corpo?

>> No.36974289

Random indie posted to /ggg/ a few months ago when Gura was on an extended hiatus, she was using a Gura png and kind of larping as her so chumbuds used it to cope.

>> No.36974291

a literal child and a wannabe

>> No.36974304

come home catposter we miss you nigga

>> No.36974329
File: 339 KB, 800x1132, smt150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys I'm drawing her rn but her design is a bit retard
would she feel bad If I modify her cloth a bit?

>> No.36974332

Why does she think that?

>> No.36974345

What did one T-Rex say to the other?
Nothing because dinosaur’s are extinct

>> No.36974367
File: 991 KB, 1181x1177, 1665637149015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here was her reference

>> No.36974375

I'm sure if you draw her in a cute way she won't mind.

>> No.36974474

thanks. that's really help


>> No.36974741

Okay. I'm taking a drive come February. See you then. Happy birthday.

>> No.36974807

ok AT

>> No.36974816

no she wasnt lol

>> No.36974843

ok lily

>> No.36974863

ok bjorn

>> No.36974881

ok fuyo cloverleaf

>> No.36974896

rindo this is what happens when you don't stream
please save us from the schizophrenia

>> No.36974919

ok rindo

>> No.36975129

>noo I'm not a real pedo I'm a lolicon it's different
this lie/cope only lasted until a real child showed up, huh

>> No.36975166

teenagers aren't children, mutt

>> No.36975214

hmmm I have a plan to get her to join my circle

>> No.36975250

too late bitch

>> No.36975319 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 1026x520, 1620643350001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm I have a plan to get her to join my rhombus

>> No.36975348

only good post all thread

>> No.36975368

not really? ill just tell her to start posting her streams on guracord

>> No.36975397


>> No.36975449

your obsession with kiki is really bizarre
as a gura fan and a temporary rindo fan, there is literally no similarity so I don't know why you even mention her, she's completely unrelated to anything and yet she lives in your head rent free

>> No.36975452

ok blue

>> No.36975518

You disingenuous nigger haven't changed your way of posting since the last times.

>> No.36975540

Dont you mention her fucking name to me
I still dont forgive her for leaving us as soon as she got popular

>> No.36975552

She was the only /vt/ vtuber until Rindo. So of course she attacked her. What more proof do you need?

>> No.36975584

>She was the only /vt/ vtuber until Rindo
far from true

>> No.36975635

Right. You think I care about any of that. I don't give a shit.
yoU hAven"t ChASngED shut the fuck up dumb retard I am literally typing a stream of consciousness into the post box and you are projecting some bogeyman in your mind onto me

>> No.36975647

Not relevant because they didn't attack Rindo

>> No.36975677

Well, there may be no Rindo stream tonight, but watching schizos argue about meaningless bullshit is fun in its own way too.

>> No.36975702

Judging by this thread, how long until Kiki gets another meltdown?

>> No.36975753

I don't know what your play is but it's making you look silly.

>> No.36975754

She already had one today because everyone left her LMAO

>> No.36975768

why is kiki mad at the retarded child?

>> No.36975787

You know how women are.

>> No.36975871

She's old and used up. She never dared to say anything bad publicly either. Coward.

>> No.36975895

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

>> No.36975901

Kek, just checked that. Now it all makes sense.

>> No.36975910

These are your fans Rindo. Come to Gura's Gawrdians. They have a non-holo-vtubers channel that you can literally shill yourself to hundreds of people in. And they're not gonna try to isolate you from your friends.

>> No.36975983

and here we observe an actual genuine groomer in the wild

>> No.36976004

Shut the fuck up Kiki

>> No.36976003 [DELETED] 

You will hang, pedophile.

>> No.36976007

if he's a groomer then what is this thread full of?

>> No.36976021

wow dude nice double adjective

>> No.36976086

You keep using the exact same tactics and arguments, almost verbatim. You aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.36976103

Stop vagueposting

>> No.36976133


>> No.36976140

Look at how quickly they fell into a panic, at the thought of losing their precious Rindo to anyone else. These people are sick, you cannot build a fanbase on 4chan users alone. You will always be infested with real pedos. You need to find a nice public discord(or several, no need to stick to one place) and shill yourself there. You have the talent and the drive, I know it.

>> No.36976167

she fucking left that server after i told her about what someone in this thread said about their groomer admins + they got on her for using the goth loli wallpaper as pfp
fuck off

>> No.36976191 [DELETED] 

>>>36976003 (Dead)
Sorry I replied to the wrong person

>> No.36976205

there's a greekchama here?

>> No.36976223

i know youre baiting but ill bait
oh yea the public hololive discord cabal ran by genuine groomers that got nudes from an underage artist vs anonymous retards on 4chan.
the former is better how again?

>> No.36976224

yeah yeah, I get told that in like every general I frequent
people are so certain that I'm someone else when in reality I just leave so little of an impression that other people easily project their most hated users onto me
it's amazing to see

>> No.36976233

Kiki this is pathetic

>> No.36976238


>> No.36976270

People unironically tried to groom her there, she left a long time ago

>> No.36976298

that's incredible that you would admit to using the same scare tactics that Rindo's antis were using about 4chan

>> No.36976313

>anonymous retards on 4chan
Yeah, me.

>> No.36976320

You will hang, pedophile.

>> No.36976324

I've always looked at it like this: the posters on this site can be creeps and uohpost, but that's literally it. To go further than that they HAVE to take it to another site like discord, that's the nature of anonymity.

>> No.36976333

>scare tatics
the difference is that it is true

>> No.36976348
File: 2.16 MB, 2408x3232, greekchama tale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizo reminder

>> No.36976367

Actually kill yourself, you fucking pedophile.

>> No.36976393

id rather her not talk to adult men on the internet at all, but rather on stream and on an anonymous imageboard than in a discord ran by confirmed groomers. now fuck off

>> No.36976435

Smells like pryon disease here.

>> No.36976462

Yeah, me.

>> No.36976490

Wow still rent free and fighting
nice general

>> No.36976539

Rindo pls stream. These threads are actually pretty cool when you stream.

>> No.36976546

Hi Kiki

>> No.36976571

Keep seething, pedotroon.

>> No.36976575

this is why she stopped streaming

>> No.36976576

So the real takeaway here is, Rindo is STILL being gaslit, daily, by so many fucking different people. I honestly just feel so bad for this girl, I wish her parents fucking cared even a little bit. But I had the same parents, they really loved me but they just did not care at all about what I was up to.

Rindo, I truly hope you can find help, get away from the people who are constantly gaslighting and grooming you and just live a normal teenage life. You are not cut out for this. You are so easily swayed by literally everyone you talk to. You are too dumb, immature and trusting to be a vtuber. You literally learned nothing from Gura except how to act cute as fuck.

>> No.36976605

>literally spammers spamming right above you
>rent free

>> No.36976615 [SPOILER] 
File: 241 KB, 1440x1440, Fg6zxm0WAAEwuP_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did this poor dog do to you?

>> No.36976654

Reminder that the concern logposter a few posts above me is far more dangerous than anyone openly uohposting

>> No.36976748

but what if im just larping tehe

>> No.36976767

if you are vagueposting about >>36976605 I didn't mean *right above* but I didn't want to count how many posts away they were

>> No.36976769


>> No.36976804

Rindorks get the oven

>> No.36976879
File: 2.19 MB, 1280x720, Rind Mad[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmpcpsc.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36976878
File: 166 KB, 1280x1280, media_FfufCPwXwAA75oo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36976882

>the owners/admins of the largest gura fanserver are groomers/pedos who got nudes from a teenager
and you believed this? Rindo pls...

>> No.36976913

Don't threaten me with a good time.

>> No.36976965

Sauce on the reference?

>> No.36976975

>no stream
>no tweet
what the fuck are you talking about, what happened now, what gaslighting?

>> No.36976983

its a man

>> No.36977030


>> No.36977035

gaslighting her into streaming again by making a thread of course

>> No.36977072

I kneel...

>> No.36977151

ok so you guys made me go check out the kiki thread...
those guys are dumb
like sock full of rocks dumb

>> No.36977261

This is a thread about rindo, not Kiki drama
holy shit

>> No.36977273

>k*ki and /py*n/ are finally taking a toll on my mental health
>decide to leave
>see the first rindo thread in weeks
>looking at the cute things she's been drawing makes me happy
>suddenly people start taking about k*k*
>"yeah fuck that bitch"
>people keep talking about her
>this is now a /p*on/ branch
please I just want to talk about rindo

>> No.36977296

Like their oshi>>36977151

>> No.36977317

I mean /pyon/ is obviously raiding us right now so...

>> No.36977326

>please I just want to talk about rindo
Well, she made that Geddan thing.

>> No.36977361

Yes pyon would be raiding and shitting on Kiki?
that logic makes no sense

>> No.36977406

Why'd you leave

>> No.36977508

They are so obvious about it too. Does the same thing to /vrt/ daily

>> No.36977535
File: 376 KB, 713x718, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will post a rindo eating borgar i doodled a while ago to underail (rerail?) the thread

>> No.36977569
File: 462 KB, 800x1132, smt150-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried, It ain't fucking work..


>> No.36977582

It's looking good anon!

>> No.36977644

very cute
looks awesome anon

>> No.36977709

Holy based

>> No.36977738

Thank you. It is cute.

>> No.36977752

isn't this new design just blue fubuki?

>> No.36977809

anything is [Color] [Famous Vtuber] at this point anon

>> No.36977820

my rindo

>> No.36977828

Keep seething Kiki

>> No.36977932

can u guys tell me about the kiki drama /pyon/ won't spill the beans

>> No.36977955

well this isnt a kiki thread so no, go do archive reps

>> No.36977972

but spoonfeeding is the new norm on this board

>> No.36977995

kiki is an old hag pretending to be a little girl and seethes that rindo is actually a little girl

>> No.36977999

Everyone started leaving Kiki for Rindo so she tried to ruin her.
>inb4 WheRE's tHE PrOof?

>> No.36978025

That's actually very hot

>> No.36978037

that was great, how come old memes keep reaching young people

>> No.36978058

it's funny that when the "drama" happened people just said "oh ok" and moved on, but somehow we're still talking about kiki every thread

>> No.36978082

Knowing Rindo she probably saw another vtuber talk about it so she looked it up.

>> No.36978110

Its like a few people wanting to keep the drama going

>> No.36978133

it's because she has at least 2 very dedicated schizo antis who do nothing but anti her 24/7 on every platform she ever set foot on. it has been a well known problem over at /pyon/ and also on /vrt/ which features kiki for months now. just don't respond to them and let them samefag until they get bored.

>> No.36978147

Are you saying that Kiki is self advertising here through fake outrage? Sounds about right lol

>> No.36978161

>tried to ruin her
you gotta give me more than that if you expect me to even care
please for the love of all things explain to me how I came in here with some questions and all the retards called me kiki

>> No.36978201
File: 234 KB, 372x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the kind words.
I will try to redesign her outfit a bit tho. I don't think her santa+miko fusion will work well enough, she seems to copy gura's kimono too much

>> No.36978215

lmao pyoncucks are riding us again

>> No.36978239

go wild. now stop shitting up the thread further.

>> No.36978337

NTA but that is true though

>> No.36978365

wow what a dumb cunt even im smrt enough to use an account that cant be linked to me

>> No.36978393

this dude posts like the dude who usually shits up /ggg/

>> No.36978524

what do you mean by usually, like give me a more specific time frame please

>> No.36978575

lmao you guys in with the rindo account or vax

>> No.36978579

don't worry too much about keeping her exact design (unless she requests it), I'm sure it's still in an early experimental stage and any new interpretation will help to shape the final design

>> No.36978637

No she's just a dumb little girl, whatever you draw for her will be the final design, she won't change anything

>> No.36978650

Kiki is so darn dumb. Inb4 cuckyons beg for photo evidence

>> No.36978692
File: 361 KB, 680x394, 1640582256221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like cuck/p**n/s are too busy trying to damage control their whore oshi's yabs and actions towards the rest of the indie vtubing space.

>> No.36978728

you guys make it so obvious...

>> No.36978752

Just ignore them

>> No.36978777

no I need to tell them how dumb and obvious they are so they can improve themselves

>> No.36978805
File: 116 KB, 428x866, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36978846
File: 209 KB, 652x1368, 1647102787075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, cuck/p**n/. Now get back to your whore oshi containment thread and fucking stay there.

>> No.36978874

it can go both ways so I try to be careful here.
If she's just a normal vtuber I wouldn't worry this much


>> No.36978881

like 18 hours a day generally

>> No.36978883

first im kiki
now im a kiki fan
please stop mislabeling me thats a hate crime

>> No.36978899

Doesn't she realize IdolEN is jewish? Someone let her know please. Hey Rindo, don't watch Idol, they're jewish. They suck blood and mutilate baby penises.

>> No.36978925

damn i gotta up my game

>> No.36978942

I though I was Kiki...

>> No.36978944

Hooper isnt jewish riiiight?

>> No.36978969

she is going to infiltrate them and get them in the oven

>> No.36978986

Fuck I feel bad for her now

>> No.36979004

Dont confuse american jews and isreal jews
Isreal jews are mostly incompetent

>> No.36979005

dunno, but as a tranny he's a jewish golem. Anyway, supporting them literally sends money to israel.

>> No.36979051

God, that's adorable.

>> No.36979066

yeah their average IQ is really low. The dumb ones fell for the zionist meme, and the smart one run our media and government.

>> No.36979127
File: 57 KB, 380x742, Screenshot 2022-11-12 at 00-55-37 geddan 1 braincell version.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36979257

Holy based, Rindo.

>> No.36979345

Same, But kiki never liked me anyway. I fucked up in her chat and her first impression of me lasted. I knew none of her GFE affection was for me. But now seeing her true colours, I'm glad I got outta there. Still disappointing though. Anti-lolicon while RPing as a literal loli for lolicon men on the internet. Misleading two faced hypocritical cunt.

>> No.36979502

holy shit i cant believe you guys would bully some literal 1view

>> No.36979508

Good that you got out of there. Anyone that still follows that r9k cumdump is mentally handicapped lol

>> No.36979603

How did she got one of the most schizo fanbase?

>> No.36979645

The teamates that raid /ggg/ and fans of /here/chuba combined to make a schizo tupla that haunts these threads

>> No.36979658

By appearing here

>> No.36979661

kiki schizos + other jealous 2views from when she hit 400 viewers and had the fastest thread on the board

>> No.36979682

Suffering from success.

>> No.36979743

why is this just /dramag/ shut up already

>> No.36979767
File: 243 KB, 850x1117, 7897895436123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully she can get a fanbase outside this dumpsterfire
It's a shame, she looks cute but this is just a drama general
I was talking about tribalfags like you schizochama..

>> No.36979930
File: 88 KB, 981x245, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, i dunno who to trust anymore. I just want to groom and fuck a petite flat chested vtuber and make lots of babies. Is that so much to ask?

>> No.36980000

>trusting people
lmao even

>> No.36980033

quads confirm
real men are paranoid schizophrenics

>> No.36980068

Trust this, anon.
*pulls back the slide*
t. Your shelf

>> No.36980094

but yeah then i wonder why every vtuber i get to know turns out to be nasty and mean hearted on the inside. So I leave and go onto the next thing.

>> No.36980180

yeah but then you go fuckin decades without trusting anyone, then you get lonely, then you dare to trust again, get shat on, wonder why, and repeat the process.

>> No.36980201

>then you dare to trust again
skill issue

>> No.36980433

Not sure if this helps, but I think what's going on is kiki finally caught wind that the bear is graduating and it's emboldened her towards her delusions around being the one and only /here/tuber.

>> No.36980455

>what is /wvt/

>> No.36980482

I'm still trying to figure out how she posts while streaming

>> No.36980562

That's a basic vtuber skill. Just mute for a little bit and they'll never know.

>> No.36980629

Proof aside from your schizo ramblings?

>> No.36980630

Wait, bear is graduating?

>> No.36980633

she doesn't, but posting while streaming is easy. Streamers either have a second monitor or they play games on a windowed screen

>> No.36980645


>> No.36980677

>proof that underage girls are hot
nice try, fed

>> No.36980758

that would be difficult, lately I have seen lots of chuubas posting in the retro and uohhh threads (even in some small corpo threads). Maybe the rindo incident made them think that they could openly interact with this site and gain lots of subs and views without being labelled as incelpedoracists

>> No.36980790

dumb nigger, chuubas have been posting here since this board was made, how new are you?

>> No.36980811

>please post nudes of underaged girls
no thanks

>> No.36980839

haha imagine if someone actually did that, it would be horrible

>> No.36980912

just go to the kobo thread, the indonesians there post actual cp all the time

>> No.36980932


>> No.36980943

Yeah, her last two streams are Sunday and Monday morning JP time.

There were many before too, hence it being a delusion on her part.

>> No.36980963

it's not like I want to see that shit, it's just a fact

>> No.36981023

this entire fucking thread. What a fuckin dumpsterfire.

>> No.36981046

Not what I'm asking. I've been following her and these threads before her first deleted youtube asmr and not once did anyone post any proofs and if it's real someone would have shown anons here by now or previously.
Doesn't look like a generic genuine discussion but appear to be manufactured marketing which would make sense since she's leeching off gura's name and gura is a "loli" but the person behind is a hag. None of you really believe fallenshadow is voiced by a little girl right? Same with gura5gnanomachines.

>> No.36981106

the proof exists and was posted on this website but no one's going to reshare it with you. she is absolutely 14-17 and that's all you'll get from me.

>> No.36981122

i would post but she'd get mad

>> No.36981158

no one solicited an artist
not a 4chan happening
viral marketing by her discord simps with fake non damaging rrats

>> No.36981188

??? we are talking about the groomer gawrdians discord not Rindo herself you retard.
If you care go do your reps elsewhere.

>> No.36981193

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.36981215

actual schizo
you're conflating two separate things

>> No.36981228

the fuck are you talking about

>> No.36981230

>conflating two separate things
I'm talking about both
neither of them have proofs

>> No.36981272

Pot calling the kettle black.

This thread is pedo central.

>> No.36981393

Okay pedo groomer

>> No.36981455

>Source: trust me bro
