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3498861 No.3498861[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3498960


>> No.3499026


>> No.3499043

Nigger. Yes, you can say nigger on this site, we're not reddit.

>> No.3499048


>> No.3499197

>the only site offended by her saying it is fucking 4chan
You seriously can't make it up.

>> No.3499327

Only we're allowed to say that word

>> No.3499330


>> No.3499335

You're silly if you think people are actually offended by that. It's just another reason to shitpost.

>> No.3499338

4chan is dead
4channel is reddit

>> No.3499380

I don't think anyone here will accept that reddit is unironically better at this point

>> No.3499424

It's a nice hugbox for sensitive fans like kfps.

>> No.3499433


>> No.3499477

don't think anyone on reddit gave a fuck, but here?

>> No.3499507

its just a fucking word. The far left have turned nigger into a mythical word of power by accident and its hilarious. Yes, it's a mean thing to say, but destroying people for saying it is psychotic.

>> No.3499537
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>> No.3499625

so what's next for kiara?

>> No.3499700

niggeri nii

>> No.3499704

declaration of the 4th reich and catgirl sturmtruppen

>> No.3499724
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Posting these in a bunch of places to avoid killing a thread for one of many of chikmen's.
I want a head count of Kiara antis/KFPs.

>> No.3499734

You wouldn't even be allowed to start a thread with that clip on Reddit.

>> No.3499804

Ok now I'm sure that she's better than Ollie

>> No.3499874

1 million subs and a successful vtuber career that will outlive Hololive. Chicken love!

>> No.3499895
File: 135 KB, 1000x1000, mexican pecola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trying to prove the antis are all seanigger schizos? It's p obvious at this point and kinda unnecessary to do.
I dont like Kiara at all, cause I cant watch her for longer than 20 seconds without cringing, but I dont really care about her otherwise. Her inserting herself in every convo is also a bit weird, but a common thing at this point.

>> No.3499952

lmao what is this

>> No.3499999

go back

>> No.3500000


what? when did Kiara say it?

>> No.3500027

>far left
doesn't exist

>> No.3500069

Face it, she obviously said it to take some heat away from Gura.

>> No.3500071

wasted AGAIN

>> No.3500077

You're right the window has moved so far left that people crying out to behead white people because their grandfathers were racist are seen as centrist

>> No.3500089

fuck you

>> No.3500091
File: 342 KB, 1600x1244, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could this board reasonably get her suspended for this? Ollie was suspended after attention was brought back to the moaning yab and it was spammed, don't see why not

>> No.3500117
File: 106 KB, 1340x1113, 1620484818561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't watch Kiara at all myself or any of EN in general, but I do want to know who the Kiara anti demographic is and why they're doing it. A ton of threads are made dedicated to hating her on the daily and this yab has made her an even more popular subject.
I'm aware that polls aren't foolproof and KPFs/Unityfags can easily falseflag (people have the freedom to muddy the results in general) but I at least want a solid rrat.

>> No.3500158

>this is your brain on Fox News
go outside for once gramps

>> No.3500176
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>> No.3500191

>implying I'm even a burger
Nigga have you seen european politics lately? Every party is calling for extreme censorship and surveillance under the guise of fighting "far right extremism"

>> No.3500192

quints means you have to post it

>> No.3500255

Both use same tactics. Fuck politics!

>> No.3500280
File: 128 KB, 1330x544, 9BBF6EF7-A58E-4B28-B1A9-EE4376898C22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um kiara bros do we have mental illness

>> No.3500304

>THIS gets her graduated
Honestly, it's so tiring. You've been here for so long and yet you still forget the fact that the Japanese will never support Amerika's retarded mindset that (((RACISM))) is bad.
They would never fire/kick/delete/kill a person over a word. THAT is the difference between cuckerism and niggerism.

>> No.3500406

What obsessed antis think: Full disavowing by EN girls, punishment by Cover, lengthy suspension, and only returning to streaming to apologize for being European and thus racist, then graduation.
Reality: Hitting 1 million subs, 1 million views on Heart Challenger, continued fun with her fans and genmates.

>> No.3500514

Checked. Reddit niggers BTFO

>> No.3500545

But he’s right though, retard

>> No.3500562

>Hitting 1m Subs
Yeah in like 8 months
>1m views on Heart Challenger
Maybe soon, depending on if KFP keeps viewbotting it. It's only got 10k views left.
>continued fun with her fans and genmates
God I hope so.
I don't even like Kiara and I think she overblows herself, but the obsessed antis on this board are ridiculous. Almost makes me miss hardcore idolfags. Almost.
