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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22096940 No.22096940 [Reply] [Original]

Holobronies been pretty unhinged ever since Luxiem was announced.
Mass reporting their channels for botted subs, spamming the catalog with shitpost threads, raiding the various Nijisanji threads, trying to mass report any possible yabs to Anykara to get people in trouble, etc.
It's transparently pathetic how mindbroken they are that EN male vtubers succeeded. Overnight they went from pretending to respect NijiJP as friends of Hololive to trying to destroy the entire company because they're terrified of their meme shark losing to males.

>> No.22096959

feels like an all out war

>> No.22097028

No anon, this is all somehow a conspiracy of falseflaggers from anycolor who want to harm themselves for some bizarre reason. It is merely a coincidence that anything the bronies post in their numbers thread shows up in the catalog almost immediately. And yes, bronies actually believe this nonsense.

>> No.22097034

Someone post the selen image bait template

>> No.22097600

Cyberlive meltdown deflection thread

>> No.22097702

>losing to males
Nice bait dude

>> No.22097992

Who are these "bronies"? They have their own board in /mlp/

>> No.22098156

Who is Nijisanji and why are you posting about him on a Holo board?

>> No.22098890
File: 26 KB, 536x810, 1620020641642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's me. I am Mr. Nijisanji

>> No.22098927

How do you deflect from something that no one gives a shit about other than 20 discord faggots?

>> No.22098994
File: 229 KB, 316x331, 1612322042589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright Nijifags, In this board you have to provide citation/links and evidence that there were Mass reporting attempts by /#/.

>> No.22099109

Cyberlive deflection thread

>> No.22099300
File: 304 KB, 1500x1835, FK5BwE1aMAIAx9k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay thread but a bunch of newfag EOPs and ESLs getting chastised for acting retarded by a bunch of /jp/sies and then conflating that angst to blame everything on Nijiniggers for years, only for it to come full circle and for ENfags to start shitting on Bronies on their own board has been a very funny development.

>> No.22100724
File: 2.54 MB, 2894x2472, 93456364_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up seanigger schizo

>> No.22100989


>> No.22102720

Who cares

>> No.22102749

Seems like an all out war to me.

>> No.22106258

a (you) problem

>> No.22107079

Reminder this schizo only uses Selen as an image to foment controversy. Remember to sage when you inevitably reply

>> No.22107345
File: 168 KB, 1200x593, 1647492912977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22108721

>Overnight they went from pretending to respect NijiJP as friends of Hololive
What? When?

>> No.22108804

Nijiniggers aren't 4chan Anons, they can't handle calling us Holofaggots so they have to borrow 'bronies' from /mlp/ to try and claim some kind of 'own'.
