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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18311022 No.18311022 [Reply] [Original]

These guys are useless. Seriously what do they do? It seems like their performers are the ones who do all the work like actual prostitutes. They are literally Machinima 2.0

>> No.18311480

they do plenty of things, didn't you see their announcement of them opening up a service to become Upd8 2.0?

>> No.18311573


>> No.18312071

What do the managers even do?

>> No.18312082

Mostly technical and legal stuff.
What do you expect them to do in this situation, suspend Rushia? Whenever they tried it in the past it didn't work that good and they actually got more backlash for that.

>> No.18312154

they say yes and stay in fear of being fired if they look at thee girlss the wrong way

>> No.18312173

what service, i wanna laugh

>> No.18312230

make Rushia's model bald for a year

>> No.18312280

I had no idea you needed a team of lawyers and programmers to stream on YouTube

>> No.18312287

They're making a game.

>> No.18312308

I mean the talents make their schedules, their thumbnails, organize collabs and filter troll SC.

>> No.18312318
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Working behind the scene.
Believe the plan.

>> No.18312343 [DELETED] 
File: 2.45 MB, 4933x4108, 1644777659288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about answer me this nijisister? What did holo/cover do to you to change you into a subhuman tribalfaggots aside from already be a 3rdworlder seamonkey you already are ofc

>From picrel


Seriously, why are you nigger like this?

>> No.18312368

True. They should put all their workers at a leash. Why the fuck don't they check their PC before streaming so settings like this do not happen? Remote connection is popular now because of the pandemic. There's absolutely no reason for them to not have known such a technology exists!

>> No.18312375

kys holobrony

>> No.18312381

Stop talent from yabs, the couple days mori's manager was gone was when she had a meltdown
This is why vshojo is a vshitshow, no managers, all of them are constantly banding together and lynching people on twitter despite having 0 info

>> No.18312422

ngl this looks like shit

>> No.18312500

Looks like an even worse Craftopia.

>> No.18312546

It's literally all brand power and marketing. Find yourself the most uncharismatic, lazy, mean spirited 2view and she'll still become popular because of the brand she's in. You guys hate to hear it but C*nner was right.

>> No.18312563
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Is this even a big deal outside of /vt/? It seems like her fans have already accepted it and anyone who's known Rushia for long enough knows that it isn't her first yab at all.

>> No.18312581

who asked for a hololive game?

>> No.18313021
File: 57 KB, 350x405, 1626557772469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see
>sexual assault and blackmail
>not doing proper background checks on talents
>not moderating social media posts
>forgetting to obtain permissions for stream material
>having permission for certain things but not telling the respective talent
>not telling talents about upcoming collabs, meetings, and projects
>only emailing talents once and then never attempting to contact them again if there isn't a response
>not checking if their talents are using emulators
>not acquiring methods of moderating chat
>not keeping tabs on Discord conversations
>not making sure possibly controversial things are picked up by microphones or cameras
>flatout denying ideas suggested by talents
>not reprimanding talents for not streaming
>reprimanding talents for streaming too much
>reprimanding talents they told to rest for not working while resting
>wiping months of work instead of making uploads private during copyright issues
>straight up not being there as a talent goes on a drunken, drugged tirade
>not making sure talents have separated personal accounts from Holo ones

>> No.18313126

>Stop talent from yabs
doing a real shit job at that

>> No.18313136

Me, I'm happy.

>> No.18313304

kek, true idol corp

>> No.18313415

t. nuxfag

>> No.18313474

you forgot
>turning chink spammers into chat mods

>> No.18313552

>and letting the talent fix the mess afterwards

>> No.18313582

If they do so little they should take a smaller cut.

>> No.18313746
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you forgot

>blaming Susan and other unavoidable fuckups on their talents

>> No.18313820

>Talent does something stupid
>It's the company's fault

>> No.18313856

>filter troll SC
That reminds me of a time when one Holo, I think it was Lamy, was doing her own stream at the same time as moderating the chat of another Holo who was streaming at the same time.

>> No.18313862
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>hand off
>hands on
decide anon-kun

>> No.18313995

it is considering its literally their job to make sure the talent doesn't do anything stupid. if a manager was watching rushia's stream before the yab happened they could've let her know to turn off notifications, preventing all of this

>> No.18314393

those things are details in the grand scheme of things, and routine kills diligence, i don't wanna shill for Cover and their managers, but in case of Rushia's yab, she is at fault, you don't accidentally uncheck button that is automatically checked on OBS(turn off notifications while streaming/recording) unless you do it often for whatever reason, and if you do, it's your personal responsibility to be aware if it is checked or not.

>> No.18314495

>the person you are responsible for needs to fix your mistakes because you're too incompetent to do your job. Also when the talent fucks up needs to personally dogeza to everyone and publiclly announce the punishment, but the higherup gets an anonimously written message about what happened and the talent has to go "well it happens whoopsie tee-hee pero"

>> No.18314538

Both OBS and Discord are known to have really shit coding, sometimes they flat out don't detect eachother.
I know at least 1 person that streams that had the same issue, "streamer mode" was checked/enabled yet they still had a discord notif pop up because it didnt actually detect OBS running for some reason.

>> No.18314598

>expected to do your job
>fuck it up
>expected to fix your fuck up

>> No.18314656

>It seems like their performers are the ones who do all the work like actual prostitutes
You do realize that prostitutes invented the whole "girlfriend experience", right?

>> No.18314675

>expecting discord, which has such shitty code that the 2FA can be easily bypassed, to actually work as it says it will.

>> No.18314766

Hands OFF the content, hands ON the delicious bodies of the talents is the way to go

>> No.18314777

Corpo management are pimps.
There's no reason to join a corp besides name recognition. You're paying your "employer" to use their branding for views.

>> No.18314871

>>not checking if their talents are using emulators
>not keeping tabs on Discord conversations
They already do this. Got them the biggest numbers in vtubing history. Pretty good achievement.
>not making sure talents have separated personal accounts from Holo ones
Imagine having to buy 50+ Minecraft accounts. It adds up really quick the more games you buy. Not practical. For social media, they already do. YouTube,Twitter, Discord are all company accounts.

>> No.18314977

Mel's manager really knows what's up

>> No.18315441

And so does Mel, considering she can now do whatever she wants in the company and no one call tell her no

>> No.18315938

I don't know but people who lick covers boots are the worst of the worst. That's all the opinions I have on Cover Corp.

>> No.18316013

>stupid girl does stupid shit on fucking Discord
>it's management's fault
What the fuck do you want them to do? Treat the girls like they're still in elementary school by double checking everything they do?
Their only fuck up here was to hire a woman that still has the mentality of a teenager despite being double that age.

>> No.18316221

It's too bad she's in the forgotten group.

>> No.18316311

he's taking about mio streaming ghost trick which led to the holocaust

>> No.18316335

They make sure to use all the money the girls make and waste it on video games no one will buy and sharts no one watches.

>> No.18316572

>Stop talent from yabs

>> No.18316613

desu it feels like en and id girls are just zombies at this point no one is excited and happy to be streaming anymore the spark they had when they started is gone i don't even watch them anymore just watch the short clip things people post

>> No.18316784

how do i know indies are not men?

>> No.18316851

The chicken and the rat are practically carrying the entire branch at the moment.

>> No.18317147

cail tries to have fun but when she dose people lose there shit and she gos back to being a zombie

>> No.18317221

i sense your sarcasm but you honestly do

>> No.18317295

its painful to watch gura she tries so hard to stay in her lane that she forgets to be entertaining

>> No.18317326

I know >we only watch EN and like the top 3 JPs but there's like 40 other talents whos biggest yabs have been sleeping late. So maybe try and watch some of the other girls some times guys

>> No.18317541

Kiara is trending

>> No.18317677

I don't watch the Japanese

>> No.18317683

Have any of you guys ever worked in a company? They do all the boring finance and expanding shit, i'd thought the same of the company i work with, you never hear from the upper side until suddenly they say shit like "oh yeah we bought a new building in another state, this is the newest office" and you just see a ton of people getting hired. I never knew about it because my job is making all the digital branding so why the fuck would i need to know there's new people in another part of the country.

In the specific case of Cover we just got an official shop with integrated international shipping that reduced the costs of all merch by 50% and got me my plushie in 4 days. That's boring shit the talents nor us had any idea they were working on. For all we know they're looking for a warehouse in NA to keep merch or shit like that.

>> No.18317701

Honestly this could be funny enough that everyone will just forget the entire situation. Give her a bald model for one stream, make her do a blatantly fake apology and then declare it canon that she's streaming with a wig for the rest of the year.

>> No.18317727

really? I've only recently watched moona and she seemed as autistic as usual
for EN its >>18316851

>> No.18317871

anonchama, he's referencing this event

>> No.18317890

indo branch but ya kfp and rat are droping content left and right cail and gura are down for medical reasons and not sure whats up with cron and ina

>> No.18318184

the owl trys to put out content and sana blows of work to play video games and anime from what people say

>> No.18319377

Let's play Guess the Holo
>streaming without permissions
>doxxing own father
>stalked and forced to move
>threatened with takedowns during a charity stream
>had antis made into chat mods
>illegal R18 Gundam fanwork
>underage prostitution
>male voices in background
>antis harassing family
>had to kick out papa from server
>apple airtags found on fan gifts
>injured neck
>replying to antis while admitting you're drunk and high
>apologize for misleading clipper uploads painting management in a bad light
>demonetized due to YouTube algorithm and had to file own appeals
>unable to discuss original works

>> No.18319545

all of them are Ollie

>> No.18319747

? miko jav rrat?
a bunch of them
IDs or Aqua?

>> No.18322421

>legal shit
>coordinating larger group projects
>funding avatars/etc
hm, what indeed.
>talent does nothing of note
>talent does something of note
>literally nothing happens at all
no, schizos like (you) invented "girlfriend experience". meds, now.
