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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 166 KB, 1280x720, Mythia Batford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16882035 No.16882035 [Reply] [Original]

The Moona Killer.

>> No.16882061 [DELETED] 

Moons is already irrelevant on her own

>> No.16882081


What is she going to do with her "Extra Hand?"

>> No.16882111

>cute model
>looks like seegs, lemme check her out
>is indoog
No thanks

>> No.16882114

What does she have to do with Moona? She looks more themed after bats.

>> No.16882160
File: 695 KB, 1080x1846, IMG_20220118_161643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mogg Moona Indogs Audiences

>> No.16882175

Doesn't look autist enough to stole Moona audience.

>> No.16882225

Can she sing better than her though? That’s the only way she can truly kill Moona.

>> No.16882663

Found the song cover playlist on her channel.

>> No.16882701

Voice of an angel compared to Moona. No wonder she's mogging her.

>> No.16882772

an indog that actually speaks ID?
color me surprised!

>> No.16882807

coomer and underage weebs bait, yikes, more like Indogs v-shojou

>> No.16882834

>Also an indog
>Even covered the same songs as Moona

>> No.16882862

>doesn't watch Moona
They all speak majority Indonesian, clipfags.

>> No.16882905

Actually better than I expected. Her accent when singing in English is pretty thick though, even Moona has less of an accent.

>> No.16882986

>on hiatus
Yeah, she’s not killing Moona anytime soon

>> No.16883073
File: 73 KB, 666x666, 1642162840324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona is the most subbed ID VTuber in the world, try again kid

>> No.16883144

>Shilling his oshi
>Pinning on against holoid(moona) because Holo more popular than niji in id
>Hoping his oshi get more attention by EOP in this board because his oshi surpassed Holo
>Shilling an indog in a board that don't give a fck about indog (except dramafags)

Stupid retard

>> No.16883145

indog towa
looks like a kid of moona mel and towa

>> No.16883220

Moona mogs her in Minecraft

>> No.16883249

>sudah pulang master?
holy shit, the cringe..

>> No.16883356

Nah she's a combination Uto+Vshojo

>As an indie using tag : Hololive , Nijisanji , MC community , Muse (yt account that legally provide an anime) that have 5mill+ sub , etc
>Coomerbait like moaning , take off clothes after certain amount of dono etc
>Pandering middle schooler tiktok user

>> No.16883424

sure but i meant her design

>> No.16883506
File: 76 KB, 600x722, 1642595503572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is growing faster than even Gura, who was growing faster than anyone else before now.

>> No.16883548

she is like Moona but knows how to stream and entertain the audience

>> No.16883564

We should call her gura killer then.

>> No.16883580


>> No.16883627

She got 20k subs while on hiatus in 3 days
She will overtake Moona and kill HoloID this year

>> No.16883640

Gura killer

>> No.16883769

Cannot wait for her to hit the wall after the Honeymoon phase, or someone else from Indonesia takes her place as the new hot shit

>> No.16883898

There was already a thread that did that.

>> No.16883923 [DELETED] 

I mean, it's all part of the grind bro. Also
>Pandering middle schooler tiktok user
is fucking nothing, children are the most exploitable and massive market you can get. They make unicorns look like ants, nobody can do anything about your oshi collabing with males if their money comes from millions of kids demanding their parents buy memberships and merchandise and leave all their videos running on their tablet with ads on.

>> No.16884020

While you Indons are here, what's your opinion on Luthfi Halimawan? He should tone down commenting on random chuubas while bringing his huge-ass fans, it's disruptive and could be a dangerous precedent.

>> No.16884082

400K is impressive but it's over for her ID3 will be launched

>> No.16884111

Why do indos like to bait each other so hard? kek

>> No.16884122

Is he like a Nagzz or something?

>> No.16884153

ID3 is a thing.

>> No.16884201

>ID Vtuber
Yes and thus irrelevant.

>> No.16884280

Kinda? He's mainly a Let's Play YouTuber but started out reaching to Indo chuubas months ago and also reacted to VTubers clips and videos. He frequently commented in chuubas livechat and his fans came along with him.

It's not that bad as a VTuber. After all, you get thousands of new people coming to your streams. For a fan, however, it's your worst nightmare.

>> No.16884305

Because that's how you get dead subs. This specific type of popularity explosion never last long, and what audience you get from it are never loyal. I mean, just from a quick glance at her Playboard statistic, the very fact that her CCV remains low means that the majority of views she gets are just VOD viewers.

>> No.16884391

Worse , flirting on chuba stream or attention whore
And make a content out of it drawing more underage normalfags

>> No.16884421
File: 433 KB, 1480x697, mythia batford.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16884509

SEO basics = leeching?

>> No.16884524

she learn from the best

>> No.16884611

That's Towa

>> No.16884625

ehmm yes I guess?

>> No.16884828

having tags like that may help a channel being recommended by the algorithm and it was nice for an indie like her. for some of you, that is leeching. for me, it's normal

>> No.16884866

Is this an astroturfing campaign?

>> No.16885069

I would agree if she doesn't use corporate V-tuber tags, it's just cloutchasing with extra steps, yes I saw clippernigger use this meta tag as well, but she's an indie, guess she on brake cause people found this out.

>> No.16885161

Indogs are natural schizos and easy to pit
That's why Dutch colonized them for over 300 years

>> No.16885169

she died tho,,, but rumor said that she will be moona's kouhai

>> No.16885281

Most indogs on this board are underage coming from facebook.

>> No.16885309

Who did that before?

>> No.16885358

Not really clout chasing since people can't see the tags normally.

>> No.16885363
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x1162, 1600309506028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's surpassed Gura in growth? Release ID Gen 3.

>> No.16885369

And he also planning to make his own vtuber agency (based on his Instagram story). Never know why this guy is such a deal in the vtuber ID community aside from reacting contents.

>> No.16885389

Something to ignite moona competitive side is always a good thing, ollie can only do so much by herself.
Frankly, it'll be more weird if there was no imitators for the biggest vtuber in indonesia

>> No.16885438

No, it doesn't help. Seriously. You're actually better off asking for help or outright paying a decently subbed clipper than doing this shit, because adding big corpo's tags will only put a black mark on you when people inevitably find out.
For example, even now Uto is still called a leech and there's some who swore off of watching her entirely just because she used Hololive tags in the past.

>> No.16885449

Uto and early Hololive.

>> No.16885634

So the big VTuber companies in ID right now are Hololive ID, MAHA5 and Nijisanji ID?

>> No.16885666

And what does that mean when the nips apologized and started to watch her, and everyone outside of hololive loves and collabs with her? It really sounds like a seething holo problem.

>> No.16885697

Good. Now she will be irrelevant by next week

>> No.16885705


>> No.16885758

Therefore, the argument that she's a leech is not really true since YouTube tags doesn't really do shit.
I know he got the money to kickstart a small VTuber agency, but that's just weird as hell.

>> No.16885766

>nips apologized and started to watch her
I wasn't talking about the nips.

>> No.16885839

Moona never gets competitive when it comes to numbers.

>> No.16885848

Indogs only watch clips please understand.

>> No.16885914

>is a drama queen and attention whore
yep OP is one of them indogs called "bocil"

>> No.16885995

/Vt/ schizos don't matter.

>> No.16886076

Don't be a pedantic faggot. Just because she chose a leeching method that's proven to be ineffective, doesn't change the fact that she still tried to leech. >>16885995
Wasn't talking about /vt/ schizos either. What, did you think ALL chuubas watchers congregate in thus shithole or something? Fucking retard.

>> No.16886080

I'm guessing he's just jumping on the bandwagon and just see if his attempt works out.

>> No.16886175

You certainly brought up a lot of people who abandoned her and still being angry, NOT. Maybe it's only you who are still seething about a big nothing.

>> No.16886332

>moona get numbers by literally not trying

Moona is obviously the protagonist at this point; batford is just this season villain

>> No.16886382

are you joking? she's not gonna kill anything with that hideous fucking design and IRyS-tier face

>> No.16886680


And yet everyone is still "literally who?" ing her.
Doesnt look promising...

>> No.16887384

Nah, and I only found out about her yesterday when someone made the fastest sub growth Gura Killer thread. I just felt like making another one of those "X Killer" /vt/ meme threads.

>> No.16887461

Has anyone else tried jumping in like this before? How did those go, if any?

>> No.16887502


>> No.16887635
File: 147 KB, 821x1447, IMG_20211225_135021~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona Unarchived Karaoke. RIGHT NOW!

>> No.16887726


>> No.16887736

What accent?

>> No.16888004

you get dead subs if you're Gura. not if you focus efforts to cater to that kind of audiences. that actually works. caveat is you get shit fanbase and chat who only care about seggs and not about you, which means you can get burnt out and disconnected from your fans

>> No.16888137

yeah now post donation and Scs stats

>> No.16888173

In ID scene? None, as far as I know.

>> No.16888224

I already says this in the last thread, but there's no such a thing, you expected underage indogs coomer to donate shit?

>> No.16888404

last time I saw him is here. pretty cool dude afaic
he's who you should look for if you wanna know about ID market

>> No.16888794

mostly moona viewers are 18- 35yo, unlike her with a child audience.
she's gura killer rather than moona killer.

>> No.16888944

Holy shit, I forgot I watched this video. I mean he's cool there, but what he is doing right now is dangerous. A VTuber may responds to him in a less than desirable manner or someone "big" speaks out against him. Again, he should tone down with the comments.

>> No.16888969

What's the point of growing fast when they always reach a limit? The amazing part of Gura is that she can take it easy for like days and boom 40k more subs

>> No.16889011
File: 5 KB, 226x223, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wancok mantap wkwkwkwkwkwk

>> No.16889472

Eh, a discourse is better than just fans seething like Holo fans vs TT boys.
What is actually dangerous then?

>> No.16890987

cok asw w kira gua doank dimari

>> No.16891426

Please use English here guys

Kena ban moderator cok, ngomong indo disini. Belum lagi di rasis mr burger

>> No.16892622

sntuy w cma gemes pen bales tu orang, soalny kekny dari fb.
nb. gw udh sring kena ban di /a/

>> No.16893106

Well, you're not wrong. Perhaps I'm being too paranoid here.

>> No.16897032

>Most subbed ID
>Still doesn't have enough funds to pay for school
What's the point of being an Indonesian vtuber?

>> No.16897239

Her community is literally filled with horny TikTok kids. Numbers are numbers you might say? Yes, as a Moonafic Moona might get logged in subs soon(she'll never get to her level music-wise or relation-wise with her community though), but go check out her comment section. How the fuck can a streamer stay sane after gathering that kind of maggots?

>> No.16897296

If only her name was Bratford

>> No.16897428

>Still doesn't have enough funds to pay for school
im pretty sure she's lying, she earns 50 million rupiah monthly from superchat and membership alone not including sponsorship streams, merch and ads + vtuber doesn't gets taxed because indonesia doesn't consider it a real job.
moona is insanely rich for indo standard.

>> No.16897710

That's because she never said it

>> No.16898779

>Extra Hand

>> No.16900485

The numbers say everything, that's why I'm calling her the Moona killer, because her sub growth is faster than even Gura, who used to be the fastest previously, so she's set to pass Moona in subscribers to replace her as the number 1 ID VTuber.

>> No.16900542

What about overall? Has someone tried it?

>> No.16900594

She's still gonna pass her as the most subscribed ID VTuber, though. That's why I called her the Moona Killer.

>> No.16900689

She's like moona except 'better' because she has it set up so she can also leech from niji ID and other indonesian groups besides holo ID. She is, literally, El Uto de Indonigeria. Apparently she was something of a fan of moona but now is slowly trying to replace her in the indonesian vtubing scene, like a horror movie where one woman literally tries to become the other one.

Her earliest models were basically kawaii uguu but now she's going for the vast numbers of teenage boys in Jakarta who want to cum but the nature of indonesian families is such that it's hard to get a private room to jerk off without your dad asking you if you're winning, so she's like how in South Korea all the idols are fapbait because most porn is banned.

>> No.16900811

There's nothing inherently 'wrong' with it, except that this kind of thing will probably create a fuckton of Uto de latinamaerica or Mythia de Canada copycat vtubers who do the same. I have no idea what the longterm result would be in this case, maybe the market would fragment, maybe it would grow. But Uto and Mythia have basically shown the way for Indies to succeed is to leech hard from someone stronger.

When Holo and niji were getting 3views as the norm and 4views was toptier. Hololive leeching chinkrainbowcorp has very little to do with the current ceiling for holo being at 6views.

>> No.16900877

>Growing faster than Gura when she's been on break for a week, and is low energy this week.
Not much of a victory if you ask me. Also, 13 million lifetime views so far and you can tell where she recently got popular 3 months ago. She's spamming shorts most of the time than actual real streams.

>> No.16900952

>Growing faster than Gura when she's been on break for a week, and is low energy this week
Sheesh, imagine how much faster she would be if she was active.

>> No.16900954
File: 132 KB, 1200x530, Schizophrenics by country.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because SEAnigs quite literally are genetically more likely to be schizos, like anglos/jews are more likely to form large shading banking organizations, Russians are more likely to be thieves and black people are more likely to be rapists.

>> No.16901592

>/Moon/ realizes they like mythia more than moona
>Not famous among EOPs
>Still proceed to make threads about her in /vt/
>tried to bait with hololive ID
>flop threads, because no one cares for the ID branch except Indonesians, no Hololive ID general in /vt/
>tried to bait with moona
>succeed, because of their fanbase overlap
Fucking kek
I always knew you guys are the most cancerous and problematic in the HoloID fanbase. I hate thots but i hope mythia takes all of moona's fanbase here and replaces her.

>> No.16901863

You're trying too hard

>> No.16901991

Thats because it is a literal who
Go look at the tags she uses for her streams
Surprise, she uses hololive nijisanji minecraft

>> No.16903074

Did you get autocorrected from "shady"?

>> No.16903127

>hololive nijisanji minecraft
I wish there was a Hololive Nijisanji Minecraft collab.

>> No.16903154


>> No.16906879


>> No.16907145

you know how these schizo test are conducted?
they ask you "do you believe in ghost?" and if you answer "yes" they stamp you as schizo, literally that's it and since indonesia is muslim majority country and literally one of the five pillars of islam is to believe in the unseen. with this context that numbers suddenly make sense.

>> No.16907278

sauce or I ganyang your ass

>> No.16907290

>Only 13 million lifetime views after over a year and recently popular boost over 3 months ago.
You know top vtubers get that amount in like a month. Maybe 1 month 1/2th if they didn't stream that much that week or played mostly kusoge games. This is a pretty pitiful showing for a new hot vtuber.

>> No.16907293

>still can't post donation number

>> No.16907584

so more like nux than naggz I guess

>> No.16907662

She'll get passed by Ollie any day now.

>> No.16909873

Decent analogy if you juxtapose the cultural differences between American and Indonesian entertainment scene

>> No.16913509 [DELETED] 

Moona = leech

>> No.16915263

>moona killer
>cant sing
>not autistic enough
>pander to ecelebs
more like ollie killer for me, zomrade should worried

>> No.16916352

the thing that ollie tried for several months by do a lot of collabs here and there internationally and shes still losing by her own countrygirl by simply pandering their local ecelebs for a month sure leave that bitter taste in her mouth

>> No.16917216

Why should she? She is still richer than her by a large margin and by her own words she hates stupid kids who can't speak englisb and spam OOT stuffs in chat. If Mythia wants that kind of audiences then i will thank her with all my heart because she took all bad audience from ID market.

>> No.16917330

Doesn't explain the other ones in proximity, which are also abnormally high.

>> No.16917383

People literally posted the proof that she's leeching in this thread, faggot.

>> No.16918812

all you overseas EOPs are lucky that you couldn’t understand indonesian at all.
mythia’s choice of words are the most abhorrent, nausea-inducing, normalfag-dumpster lingo that will make any self-respecting indonesian (excluding obvious normalfaggots and niggers in general) vomit just by reading.
I hate every sentence that I read from that title

>> No.16918921
File: 43 KB, 540x540, 9210BEFD-FF1D-4536-B849-C8F79C303935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ciee kangen gak

>> No.16919356

>Average chuba
Okaeri Goshujin-sama
>Chad Chuba
Selamat datang master

After read this
You can kill yourself right?

>> No.16919510

im talking about this one

>> No.16920501

That's irrelevant, this thread is about numbers, and her being the Moona Killer is because she's going fast and is set to pass Moona in subs.
I told you before, I only found out about her the other day when I saw someone else make a "Gura Killer" thread with her, since Gura was growing the fastest before but Mythia overtook her. I'm not even Indonesian and I don't even watch her.

>> No.16920569

Who did Nux flirt with?

>> No.16920862
File: 31 KB, 806x327, ollie vs shion vs moona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ollie is gaining a little, but very slowly. What's more likely is for Ollie to pass Shion and for the 2 Indonesians to get to 1 million subs first before her.

>> No.16922207

zombie got like around 9k last month, got yt and holo cut, so around 3.1 grand, 44is indo million, its decreasing every month if you noticed

mythia 25 mil last month, all for herself and its increasing this month

>> No.16922830

Including Streamlabs and Sociabuzz?

>> No.16924573

of course not but the fact you cant ignore that she gained faster subs and pander almost the same as ollies market, there will be not long for some foreign clout chaser will invite her to have a collabs once she passed 500k and sky rocket her subs more, while zombos by all stats seems decreasing month by month, views and sc's

>> No.16925274

Donation is also numbers you Retard.
you just can't deliver them cause she barely had any.

>> No.16925365

>I see you next month.

>> No.16926873

The thread is about subscriber numbers, retard. I'm calling her the Moona Killer because Moona is the ID VTuber with the most subs, just like people kept calling other VTubers the "Gura Killer" since Gura had the most subs.

>> No.16927144

>Pander almost the same as ollie's market.
In what category? Beside being Indonesian?

>> No.16927679

No, I don't think Nux flirts...

>> No.16927842

Zoomer and E-celeb shit, from what I've read in threads.

>> No.16928567

Mythia and Ollie panders to different zoomers. Ollie panders to zoomers in general, while Mythia attracts Indonesian Only Peasant zoomers and coomer zoomers (both of those group overlaps).

>> No.16932517

You're racist

>> No.16933051

and I ask for donation stats and never ask about subcount you dumb nigger,
and you can't show it cause it never exist, goddamn Seanigg

>> No.16933244

yo leave the kid alone dude, and stop bumping this thread you shithead.

>> No.16936110

Implying 4ch user aint racist

>> No.16946707


>> No.16950912

I was being unironically serious.

>> No.16951096

I already told you I'm not even subscribed to her, so of course I'm not membered or have ever donated.
I'm just using her to post an "X Killer" thread because it's a /vt/ meme. People say "Gura Killer" all the time for channels that grow subscribers fast since Gura is the most subscribed VTuber. I made a thread calling her the "Moona Killer" because Moona is the most subscribed Indonesian VTuber and Mythia has the fastest sub growth of any VTuber right now, and she happened to be Indonesian.

>> No.16952540

Cool, But I didn't ask, and you are still a nigger.

>> No.16953362

I'm still right about the thread calling her a "Moona Killer" being about her and Moona's sub counts, though.
Memberships and donations still have absolutely nothing to do with it.

>> No.16955682

chloe syndrome
only the current vtuber viewing pool will sub to her, rather than bring in a whole new audience like gura
meaning: she will gain subs quickly, and the growth will taper off very fast.
check out chloe's growth now...

>> No.16956194

It's not as far to Moona as it is to Gura, and Indonesia is a different market, so she may have a chance.

>> No.16956806

same market niche, she gonna beat ollie first, like that anon said shes ollie killer

>> No.16957248

what's important is can she pull it as good as moona on live singing?

>> No.16957417

>being about her and Moona's sub counts

If that's the case, this makes Moona a:
>Shion killer
>Towa killer
>Mio killer
>Sora killer
>Lamy killer
>Polka killer
>Nene killer
>Flare killer
>Choco killer
>Roboco killer
>Luna killer
>Mel killer
>Aki killer
>AZKi killer

>> No.16957538

She can't be a killer of those since she's already ahead. /vt/ only memes "X Killer"s as VTubers that that can surpass bigger VTubers.

>> No.16960021


>> No.16960043

not really

>> No.16960830

The thing is, if you wanna filter your audience from indog zoomer coomer maggots are, the easiest way is use english. If you wanna number then yes, use coomer zoomer drama shit. As for my opinion as an indog, if i ever be streamer i would never use indonesian if not necessary.
