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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.15257158


>> No.15257326

its shit.
i love it

>> No.15257441

FIVE GOOOOOOOOLDEEEEN... Wait wrong thread

>> No.15257502

Amazing. Simply amazing.

>> No.15257711

Splendid, beautiful, avant-garde.

>> No.15257744

wow, not a single person has a voice worth listening to. congrats on the cringekino

>> No.15257807

Merry Chistmas prodanon and fellow """""singers""""", and a Happy New Year.

>> No.15257900

>is she getting her boyfriend's Christmas cock? I wish I had Christmas cock

>> No.15258049

Great job everyone. Cringing very hard at my own voice rn

>> No.15258077

Same desu

>> No.15258509
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>> No.15258688

Hey, I recognize her voice now

>> No.15259245

absolutely terrible, merry christmas

>> No.15259275


>> No.15259326

merry christmas!

>> No.15259822

right thread

>> No.15260149
File: 277 KB, 301x382, 1625137395823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15261024

Bumped for KINO.

>> No.15263125


>> No.15264988

So when the next one?

>> No.15267561

in a few months

>> No.15270540

(User was SOVLKINO for this post)

>> No.15272825

pure kino, good work as always prodanon

>> No.15273248

Love you faggots
Great job everyone!

>> No.15274133
File: 334 KB, 500x500, cce[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7nsqzq.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good work everyone, i'm happy with the way this turned out. only 2 db of limiting on the master, and it's just catching the transients.

christmas is almost over, but i hope everyone, except the anon who called me a deadbeat last week, had a good time alone or with family, blood or chosen
if you need anything from me, the email is open, and i'm always lurking every thread and the archives
prodanon@protonmail<span class="fortune" style="color:#aad001">

Your fortune: You're on the naughty list!</span>

>> No.15275659
File: 437 KB, 576x538, 341194649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until our time has come once again to save, you will have our bumps.

>> No.15276244


>> No.15277623
File: 840 KB, 1920x1080, 1639880719946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are a couple pieces of art that I don't have attribution for. If youre still lurking, please contact me at vtsingsofficial@gmail.com so I can make sure you're credited

>> No.15279532
File: 96 KB, 1024x576, AAAABZRRK2WxIpCr_E8HF46e5uLMQ3WwznvC7Nez4aU3R-g7gqcelHdRV2pQP7Tfzl4Dz1QhjFLnEmK-w0yzJ2dXINHqlHpf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The /jp/ ones say we anons are descended from the rratman himself

>Bold OP gives testament to our bloodline

>His thread is long and kino

>> No.15280087

My King

>> No.15283266

she was in this?

>> No.15284993
File: 228 KB, 850x1247, __usada_pekora_hololive_drawn_by_furuki_ayaginutaira__sample-90e19870ebfec0bbd43081276b6a2c96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry rratmas everyone! This one turned out great. These are always super fun to participate in, I look forward to the next one.

>> No.15287400

Unsung hero who kept the project alive

>> No.15287468

Didn't even know this was a thing, nice, good work anons.

>> No.15289607

what would give these threads more visibility?

>> No.15290010
File: 64 KB, 560x560, congratulations.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent job everyone. Can't stop listening to this
Thank you to prodanon, vidanon, and all of the writers, singers, musicians and fellow artists who helped make this happen
You guys help make this shithole somewhat bearable

>> No.15290108


>> No.15290645

I liked it. Thanks for the song anons

>> No.15291017

I love that animation

>> No.15292005

Maybe “/sings/“ as the general handle

>> No.15293713

merry rratmas!

>> No.15293982

Good job guys, it turned out pure SOVL.

>> No.15297399
File: 176 KB, 1904x761, Screenshot_20211225-211823_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My OP it was an honor to have sung in your thread

>It was an honor to have heard your voice

>> No.15297508

Cmon its not that bad

>> No.15297543

wtf I love Kiki now

>> No.15297620

I can recognize some vtubers in there

>> No.15297686
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>> No.15301120
File: 133 KB, 800x414, Untitled-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>My artists

>My anons

>> No.15301220

Masterfully done. Great job prodanon and staff.

>> No.15304219

Can't let this KINO die just yet.

>> No.15306660

Based prodanon
Based singers
Based artists
Based screenshot collectors
Based /vt/ brothers and sisters
Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.

>> No.15308877

Merry Christmas, you mad man!

>> No.15310716

question to the people who participate in these things: Would you rather be singing vtuber/frequently covered vtuber songs, or would you rather do more OC projects like this?

>> No.15310899
File: 71 KB, 149x199, gosling2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definition of SOVL. Woeful singing from everyone involved.. it's absolutely perfect.
Happy Christmas, brothers.

>> No.15312396
File: 1.12 MB, 480x278, 598812864387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, an OC project would feel more rewarding in the end, especially when you help come up with lyrics and the backing track. Vtuber songs are fun, but I feel like it would have to happen at the right moment, like singing a vtuber's song for milestone/big event, or something like that. In general, OC projects for UNITY, and Vtuber songs for anon's oshi

>> No.15313632

I’ve been in since Ussewa, and the most fun I’ve had has been in Judgement and this one. I agree with this anon >>15312396 that maybe we could do vtuber songs for big moments, and OC songs for everything else.

>> No.15316014

that was a blast!

>> No.15318326

Both are fun

>> No.15320352


>> No.15322194

Happy Christmas, brother!

>> No.15323564

I think OC would be good for special occasions like holidays or something and vtuber songs for normal /vt/ sings

>> No.15324373

the duality of man

>> No.15326936

Good job anons, I wish I saw the thread

>> No.15327042

How does a budding anon join the ranks of these legends?

>> No.15327179
File: 28 KB, 341x341, 1639288306404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post a submission when a /vt/ sings thread pops up

>> No.15328300

vt sings happen every few months or so. We will probably have one late February/early March. when the song is chosen, you record your submission and post it in the thread, or email it to prodanon.

>> No.15329176

Is /vt sings/ the only place that uses clover unironically

>> No.15329398

Bump the thread

>> No.15330860

someone had to claim her

>> No.15333484

My King

>> No.15338930

new years song

>> No.15339070


>> No.15340878

I will not let this SOVL go into then night just yet

>> No.15341477

Who? I would be surprised if anyone recognized me

>> No.15341513
File: 17 KB, 320x240, 403A51B0-4B86-4283-9055-21F9EC6F73F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping because I’m at work on a crapper

>> No.15341665

are you one of the chuubas listed on the channel?

>> No.15341871

No but I'm friends with many of them. Technically siblings of two of them

>> No.15342442 [DELETED] 

I bet you're in this picture somewhere

>> No.15342510
File: 309 KB, 576x326, picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you're in this picture somewhere
I feel like I recognized a dude's voice

Tomoe is another option for whoever Christmas cock girl was

>> No.15342921

Lumi you know cyber dosent want you affiliated with this place

>> No.15345807

too soon

>> No.15348284

Yes I'm in this picture. But i only recodnized 2 guys. I might be shit at recodnizing voices though.
Not her. I am girl (female) though
Sorry i didn't mean to ask for credit or anything. I'm just a little curious which threads people in this project normally visit?

>> No.15357012


>> No.15358981

I’d imagine most are from /hlg/
Maybe some /asp/ and /wvt/

>> No.15362300

What’s the marketing info for, sales-chan

>> No.15364477

Antropa or ladybug

>> No.15369295
File: 873 KB, 1816x894, 1608536148495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish you could have made it, anon. One of the hurdles of coordinating everything on an ant peddlers trade forum. We don't have enough subs to have a community tab to make announcements. Maybe a twitter to make announcements would be helpful to make sure anons who love participating can know things in advance. Who knows
Did you want to add your name to the Unity list? I like shilling others from /here/ that do things related to vtubing.

>> No.15370811

Twitter would be a good thing, even though site itself is abysmal.

>> No.15372661

Thank you for the info
I just like data
Unity is based and I would love to

>> No.15373667

contact vtsingsofficial@gmail.com
same goes for anyone about any other inquiries

>> No.15376650

Damn I wish I knew we were doing this
Good stuff

>> No.15380089

you'll get the next one

>> No.15384504

>that 2view footage

I’ll save them all, I swear

>> No.15387118


>> No.15387814

I heard Tomoe's voice in the pile

>> No.15388694

I didn't know Kiki made mycology videos. Great, another chuuba that I need to add to my watch list

>> No.15389070

Thank you, prodanon!
these are one of the only threads worth coming to

I hope your christmas was good as well

>> No.15390678

the only vtubers that are in there that I can hear are Zal and Kiki. There has to be others considering there were a couple voices that didn't completely suck

>> No.15393138

wait how do i get involved with the next /vt sings?

>> No.15394612

in a couple months, there will be a thread with a list of songs. Anons vote on the one they most want to sing. The voting sometimes goes onto a second round. After that vote, a thread is created which lists the lyrics. anons post in the thread or email prodanon if their shy(its encouraged to post in the thread because it inspires other anons and gives them a bit of courage)
art is typically created by the resident drawfags, and prodanon mixes our voices alongside the instrumental of the song. vidanon edits the video together, and then we get as thread like this to celebrate a job well done

>> No.15396579

If you want to save them, you wouldnt be posting on 4chan

>> No.15397434

the original plan for that shot was going to be worse

>> No.15398307

Are you an artist or something?

>> No.15399175

This is a ruse

>> No.15403717


>> No.15404252

no but i made a couple of shitty hololive raps and doing a vt sings sounds fun

>> No.15408442


>> No.15411999

She’s actually pretty good as far as /here/ chuubas go, but her fans are the worst on this board

>> No.15416871

Cringe. Good job

>> No.15418809


>> No.15422000

You guys did a great!

>> No.15422150

Really? They're not really pestering anyone unlike the obvious shitposters from larger companies as far as I'm aware of

>> No.15425136

/pyon/ is newfag general
