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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 736 KB, 1969x3464, FEOfSOJagAAQCUn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14589672 No.14589672 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about vtubers that play a lot of FPS and/or compete in FPS tournaments (Vspo, Merise, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (CR, KNR, 芸人旅団, etc.) is also on topic.

VSpo previous projects (watch them if you haven't):
VSpo Autumn Sudden Test

VSpo Remote Bistro Queen Showdown
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VJcvKJvaWs (MC only, no cooking process)
https://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv334451629 (main stream, but you need to be a member to watch the whole thing)

Upcoming events:
12/17 VSpo Ideal Christmas Date Show

1/16 CR Cup #8

Previous thread: >>14442918

>> No.14589791
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>> No.14590375

Hinano didn't reach master. But at least Beni placed decently in Valorant.

>> No.14590949

is today the split? if not, how many days do they have left?

>> No.14591161

Gorilla and Hinano cancelled their sleep to accompany the lonely Kamito in Valorant.

>> No.14591254
File: 58 KB, 723x723, sig2828-1469723334355333120-FGWBlTIVcAYkFhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinako vs. bob feat. kawase
Cooking Battle

pic unrelated

>> No.14591419

Another 8 days to go I think

>> No.14592408


>> No.14592448

sad they got matched with 2 retards that suck dick so much they decide to grief

>> No.14593036

I wish I was worse than them at VALORANT so that the viewing experience isn't cringe as fuck... I'm going to try to watch anyway since I love Kamito

>> No.14593079

How bad are they? And how would you rank the vspo+friends players at valorant?

>> No.14593772
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12/25 - CR Secret Event

put this in the next op pls thanks

>> No.14594125

Well shorty, the ranks they have now are deserved.

>> No.14594536

I'd put Kamito at high silver or mid silver and Hinano at low gold, Kamito's still used to looking at the floor for loot from APEX. He also doesn't really know where to put his crosshair most of the time. They're going to get real good real fast though I think. Aim and crosshair placement is the easiest thing to improve. The hardest thing to improve in VALORANT for me is confidence and gamesense, which I think are more important than aim. And I think VSpo+Friends will have no trouble on that aspect.

>> No.14595328

Runa said to wait longer for memberships, from what I can gather.

>> No.14596059

artist name?

>> No.14596159


>> No.14596693
File: 673 KB, 2710x3121, muuun251-1465961051883638786-FFgjyAnVEAA6bDj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a choice but to record bistro queen since yt-dlp can't get it.
If anyone has less painful alternatives I'm all ears.

>> No.14596728

I thought you could archive niconico with yt-dlp?

>> No.14596771

Not live archives.

>> No.14597706

oh yeah, it's fucked. had a look at just getting the m3u8 from the page and giving that to yt-dlp but it requests a new m3u8 for each 20 s chunk. probably relatively simple for someone who knows what they're doing to write a script to automate getting each new playlist but i don't lol

>> No.14598226


>> No.14598308

or alternatively streamlink might do it

>> No.14598937

What's kamito and hinano talking about right now? something about orap

If anyone watching right now

>> No.14598942

Kamito and Hinano are talking about The Code for OreApo ship

>> No.14598994

It's the way shipfags hide their oreapo arts from Kamito and Hinano. Orap is the ship code

>> No.14599189

I think now he's talking about how the viewers always push them to rank together or with particular streamers. Kamito said that each streamers have their own rules for their stream, like how Hinano doesn't want them to put unrelated streamer names if they weren't there.

>> No.14599481

IF OreApo are not fucking then what even a point in all of this...

>> No.14599838

not the original anon but good stuff, thanks

>> No.14599990

I think it would be hilarious at this point if they were legitimately just good friends.

>> No.14600011

Just two non-romantically involved friends of the opposite sex playing games together every single night into the early hours of the morning.

>> No.14600060


>> No.14600097

Hey, Hinano actually slept after her stream earlier this time.

>> No.14600165

They are practically living together without actually living in the same space

>> No.14600300

Well Kamito is supposed to be moving soon, so

>> No.14600491

This stream is a crime against humanity

>> No.14601133

https://clips.twitch.tv/RepleteTsundereJaguarPupper-dYdl6WxyHNkQ2V2x - funi clip

dude is doing a stream doesnt end until solo master challenge

>> No.14603407
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>> No.14604360
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Where is the gahaha poster?

>> No.14606572

the cooking streams are cultural heritage anon

>> No.14606636

STILL can't wash a knife after cutting meat then moving onto other things, I'm triggered

>> No.14607372

I got the first 17 minutes by just passing the master.m3u8 to ffmpeg.

>> No.14608147
File: 515 KB, 2048x2048, natuuu__o-1466057572826238979-FFh7liNagAMTCcK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, another no-tagger catalogued and listed.

>> No.14610391

>Daruma came back just to do Fortnite

>> No.14611045

Everyone is playing Valorant together, but Noahs playing alone...

>> No.14611646


>> No.14611889

Nazuna's gonna play Splatoon later

>> No.14611983


>> No.14612236

My dog just yelped at that note

>> No.14613392

Cute shoujo rei!

>> No.14613547
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Shit I fell asleep near the end and I missed them playing Smash at 6am?!
Nose was right all along; they're definitely fucking.

>> No.14620375


>> No.14621181
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Here's the clip of that, although watching the battle in its entirety is better.

>> No.14621272

Reid's streaming on milfdom again...
I hate this goddamn site so much.

>> No.14622138

it's a collab with noah, lisa, and runa

>> No.14622210

Noahdoomposter btfo!

>> No.14622720 [DELETED] 

Just viewers in the comments being disgusting, and not the "geez" kind, but the "yikes" kind.
Like Hinano said before, you're free to imagine but keep it to yourself.

>> No.14622804

what a whore.

>> No.14623437

Just chat being disgusting, and not the "geez" kind, but the "yikes" kind.
Like Hinano said before, you're free to imagine but keep it out of their sight.
They told viewers to vent their creepy delusions using "orap" so that it doesn't get caught up with other normal tweets when they egosurf.

>> No.14623590

Shipfags will never learn

>> No.14624201

They're playing together now.

>> No.14624233


>> No.14624669

You gotta coax that fuck outta hiding, like this. Runa membership どこ。。。
He better be preparing his naked dogeza

>> No.14624737

You are like a menhera girl
I sleep at that time

>> No.14626045

I have this headcanon that Kanae just booty calls Noah whenever he wants to fuck and Noah just has to do it

>> No.14626077


>> No.14626179

This is wrong. I'm Kanae's booty call.

>> No.14626751



>> No.14628156
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Speaking of creepy delusions, anons, out with it. Confess your creepy delusions like this guy >>14626045

Mama Beni will forgive your sins.

>> No.14628537

Beni spoke with Haseshin yesterday.
Maybe that means a warzone collab soon.

>> No.14628572

My delusion is Sappy and Kinako did not get food poisoning and that certainly isn't why they both said no stream today after waking up near afternoon

>> No.14628819

When does VSPO milfdom contract end?

>> No.14628873

A fan just recognized them in game

>> No.14629016

hi uruha

>> No.14629093

Given that they basically had to teach them common shipfag etiquette, I think oreapo shipfags are just new to it.

>> No.14629232

Ema has had 3 collabs in the last 3 weeks.

>> No.14629555

I thought it has already ended?

>> No.14629709

it ended for everyone other than nose, noah and i think sumire too

>> No.14629810



>> No.14629840
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>> No.14630496

My delusion is that one day I will hold Sena's hand.

>> No.14630510

qpi playing tarkov with listeners

>> No.14630650

lol, lasted all of 51s before qpi died first

>> No.14630766

Nazuchan and friends getting rolled by a single sniper...

>> No.14631075

Even Runa?

>> No.14631147



>> No.14631192

so do you need to have vspo niconico membership first to download the full stream? or does this bypass that?

>> No.14631323

You'll need the membership

>> No.14631538

Oops, I looked away in the middle of the match so I'm not sure if they won but Runa is talkative and laughing in the collab therefore she's having fun even if starred players were kicking their asses a bit.
Runa was using a sniper and she is good at it but League matches are tough, they lost their last one and the enemy was basically in their base at points

>> No.14631588
File: 1.04 MB, 1378x2039, E31yuj7VUAEAQ37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this one delusion I always indulge in before falling asleep.
>be me
>a streamer who's too good at games but refuses to go pro
>joins a casual fps tourney aka blind dating
>gets teamed up with kamito
>he's nervous at first but you hit it off
>exchange contacts afterwards
>he spams you on LINE to play games with him
>you humor him every time
>become best friends
>one day you casually reveal that you can transform into a girl
>however you still act like a bro towards him
>he's confused but tries to do the same
>sexual tension causes him to clam up
>he begins developing feelings for you
>satiate his need for camaraderie (male)
>have rough sex with him (female)
>shipfags work their magic
>切り抜きチャンネル clips every single interaction you have with him
>hinano is asked to comment on this by her viewers
>says she doesn't really care
>wets her pillow every night
>regrets thinking that he will forever be bitchless
>oreapo is history

>> No.14631843

Kamitofag who wants Oreapo to die and Hinanofag who wants Kamito to die should kiss

>> No.14632026

There are actually Kamito/Hinano fans that don't like the pairing?
How do they cope with that?

>> No.14632113

The pairing is fine, I just also want to fuck Hinano.

>> No.14632673
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>> No.14632799


Ren and Qpi, with Kishi & Yue (the coaches during the valorant girls party) Valo in 1 hour

>> No.14632821

I sometimes daydream about the VSPO girls all living in a house like those tv shows. And sometimes other people would visit too and that's how they do collabs.

>> No.14633033

knr pilgrimage to the apex shrine

>> No.14633102

Which one is the guy with the random jpeg on his knee?

>> No.14633178

hal possibly? don't think it's gorilla

>> No.14633250

Has Hal shown his face before, I'm starting to realize it's Kinako because a)retarded fashion b)red streak in his hair

>> No.14633251

It's BobSappAim.

>> No.14633401

noah english

>> No.14633428

Nice maskuikemen

>> No.14633438

ah, yeah. i forgot it was a wig he was wearing in the stream he did a while back

>> No.14633489

and Reid is the comic relief character locked in the sex dungeon?

>> No.14633969

Why are Admin, Kinako, and BobSappAim signatures so cute?

On the other hand, Gorilla's signature is just V.G.

>> No.14633974

where's my kawase...

>> No.14634083

he's not in the pic, but definitely there. although he signed his name with silver marker that I almost missed it.

>> No.14634166

Dumb question?
What is OreApo?
Who is Ore?
Who is Apo?

>> No.14634212
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>> No.14634223
File: 211 KB, 1727x1727, E0OOkxCUYAMTJOH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OreApo is a duo/ship name for Kamito (indie) and Tachibana Hinano (VSpo). OreApo means Oreo and Apollo. They are called that way because of their hair color are the same like the sweets

>> No.14634240

Qpi plays with old men

>> No.14634286
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t. gib main

>> No.14634396


no revive pokemon league challenge part 2

>> No.14634418
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>> No.14634679

Oh I see.
Out of curiosity, I've always sensed that Hinano doesn't seem as friendly or approachable.

This is a sharp contrast over someone who is more open such as:

>> No.14634986
File: 306 KB, 1152x2048, E4E6P5oUcAE1qkz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not good with overly friendly strangers. And she's really good at drawing the line with her viewers. If they are out of the line, she will definitely say it (and harshly, at that). She definitely doesn't pull her punches or sugarcoat her words.

But she's very caring and even sometimes come across as motherly to her members (specifically to Noah, Nazuna, and Runa). And everyone around her (and her viewers) know she's just a tsundere, so every time she says 'urusai!' or 'darui!' or other harsh words, the others just replied "but you don't hate it, right?" or "but you like us, right?" and she won't be able to say anything back.

>> No.14635030

that was a nice qpi noise

>> No.14635107
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I can see it...Chrstmas Date OreApo ITT.

>> No.14635151


>> No.14635184

It Takes Two, a co-op game about marriage therapy (in a sense)

>> No.14635549

オーバくん? オーバァァァくん

>> No.14636055

Lisa is a fucking machine gun reading superchat and members, elmao

>> No.14636234

and now it's heavy SEX breathing...

>> No.14636498
File: 2.60 MB, 2560x1440, image_2021-12-15_014728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss original Senasex.

>> No.14636887

I remember trying to find the original image of the Vspo members in that artstyle but it was futile.
Seems like it was commissioned for their own use and was never released to the public.
This is the artist btw -> https://twitter.com/ixy/

Sena's armpit is indeed sex.

>> No.14636935

stream was absolutely kino. I'm awaiting for round 3 with his new roster

>> No.14636972

meant to reply to this sry

>> No.14637547

Very interesting.
Is she just tsundere as a character?
Or is she really like that irl?

Tbh, I didn't know such a personality exists irl...

>> No.14638431

She lets loose around the Ryodan members, especially Hanalisa / Girukun / Kamito.
From their interactions you can see that she really is like that irl.
Kamito's first impression of her was: scary, can't cook, hates kids
But she turned out to be the complete opposite.

Also relevant clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hquaABjsPZY

>> No.14638916

>But she turned out to be the complete opposite.
Good, she will be a great mother to our children.

>> No.14639401

Qpi is still going? But she stopped streaming.

>> No.14639607

yeah, i was just playing back the end of her stream. i think she was too embarrassed by her performance or something and told people to go to ren's stream? also in her tweet she said it might be no archive - i guess for the same reason

>> No.14639816

Can someone tell her that server mute is a thing?

>> No.14640283

All my DMs.

>> No.14641564

nazu valo soon

>> No.14642940

wouldn't even be surprised if Kamito has a gf

>> No.14642943
File: 8 KB, 521x93, g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qpi is attracting goslings

>> No.14643005

Kamito ditched the It takes Two stream to go on a date with his real gf. Gil

>> No.14643032

yes. me.

>> No.14643104

gil is /here/

>> No.14643226


>> No.14643669


>> No.14643942


>> No.14644109

kinda triggering that she's having an unrelated conversation while playing ranked

>> No.14644131


>> No.14644158

It's just the game, this discord call 100times better

>> No.14644283

Wtf Haseshin was all this time playing on consol?
kinda impressive

>> No.14644290
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>> No.14644316

There's a clip where Hinano was reading a kusomaro (I can't find the clip anymore tho) and the kirinuki channel said in the pinned comment that they got a dm by someone claiming to be Kamito's gf, asking them to stop clipping oreapo because "kamito wants to stop doing oreapo". And Kamito replied to that comment, saying "I don't want to stop doing OreApo, and I don't even have a gf. I'm going to cry..."

>> No.14644345

I sent that DM, and I lied about being Kamito's gf. I'm actually Hinano's husband.

>> No.14644355


Hinano's 4am zatsudan/playing whatever

>> No.14644422


>> No.14644719

Who's the girl with Haseshin?

>> No.14644871

Ulara, the Rush CEO

>> No.14644985

She's in the US
But she is getting awfully familiar, calling him "shin-chan"

>> No.14645028


>> No.14645177

Side bitch. Like, look at his hair. Dude regularly fucks.

>> No.14645184

He got in there only by sleeping with her, so dont worry

>> No.14645780
File: 451 KB, 750x750, FF_SBVoakAEDKuj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't realize rush was doing all this vspo content

>> No.14646301

man, ulara's talk power is almost haseshin level

>> No.14646426


As this tweet said, Rush staff supports VSpo xD

>> No.14646508

Hinano is trying to get people to cut back on people calling her and Kamito husband and wife.

>> No.14646531

Kamito's real gf got to her...

>> No.14646562

Gil has been hiding in plain sight this whole time

She has to be, otherwise it would just be him speaking.

>> No.14646590

>Really good at drawing the line
>Doesn't pull her punches or sugarcoated her words

Case in point. Right now in her zatsudan, she's basically scolding her viewers who were out of the line with their shipping. Lol some people sent superchats to say sorry.

>> No.14646649

She's way more likely to have an actual bf than Kamito.
Of course it'll bother her more. Kamito ignores the vast majority of those comments.
I understand her position though, it's got to be annoying as streamer to be constantly shipped and see gross comments everyday.

>> No.14647157
File: 188 KB, 1423x1075, EgGLRaoVoAAv6a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazuna love Mimi...

>> No.14647318

Hinano is going to play valorant with qpi,kamito, lisa

>> No.14647343

Looks like Beni is playing offstream

>> No.14647867

Shipfags will always have Nazuna and Haseshin.
She answered "I want kids" while they were on the topic of what they desire.

>> No.14648861

DO they have some special Rito accounts or they just simply buy all skins?

>> No.14649450


>> No.14649490

Hinano said she can never do OreApo if she has a real bf though. And they're still playing ITT which means she's single.

>> No.14650403

doyoureallybelieb.jpg yes i do (small voice)

>> No.14651008

Nazuna still awake whoa

>> No.14651791

OreApobros... We can still have hope...

>> No.14651970

Reid is taken out for onahole usage on occassion and Met throws rocks at Nose's window when she's hibernating

>> No.14652909

qpi will never shout うますぎぃ~ to you

>> No.14654486

Beni went for drinks with a few (most?) of the girls the other day, and they stayed together at a hotel.
That's where Hinano saying Beni is erotic even in her sleep comes from.

>> No.14657213

Nazuna archive gone...
I wasn't focused so I didn't get most of it, but she said stuff like "how about I send you some lewd pics for christmas?"
Not sure if she's usually like this or if that was pushing the limits more than usual.

>> No.14657281

she's a sex-starved virgin, anon.

>> No.14657282

Things like this make me want to archive every video, just in case.

>> No.14657895

>but she said stuff like "how about I send you some lewd pics for christmas?"
If you mean when they were talking about Christmas presents for Haseshin, I heard her say “How about I send you some ero videos?”. Pretty sure she wasn’t referring to videos of herself.
I only watched up to that part so I don’t know anything that happened after that.

>> No.14658463

It was ero videos as in porn, still pushing the limit a bit but everyone's getting horny around these times

>> No.14659380

On multiple occassions, the first thing she does after waking up is join a VC with only Kamito in it.
Therefore, her boyfriend IS Kamito.

>> No.14659427

In fact after getting woken up by the quake she went straight to Kamito's VC

>> No.14663014


>> No.14665026

I feel like if either of them were in a relationship with anyone else it would be incredibly awkward, and there would be a lot of questions as to why they’re spending 90% if their free time with some over girl/guy. Either they’re actually fucking, or they’re just legitimately really good friends who happen to be of the opposite sex.

>> No.14668202

ema and beni at the same time

>> No.14669384

Haseshin told that he has no sex drive so Nazu-chyan wanted to give him ecchi video as a present.
Plus they talked about making R18 radio/talk stream before year end.

>> No.14669509

He's on a stream with anime women and says he has no sex drive... how do we save the men of that country?

>> No.14670947

>Having no sex-drive with Nazuna and Beni around
Guys I think Haseshin might be gay.

>> No.14671693


>> No.14671744

He's already had his fill and is bored now

>> No.14672367

she can eat my okashi if you know what I mean ;)

>> No.14672900

With how much Ema sounds like Met when she starts getting loud I really want to have a threesome with Ema and Met.

>> No.14674866

So what do you think KNR is going to announce, they were hyping up an announcement

>> No.14676229
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9pm jst

>> No.14677917

His urges are only satisfied by CoD.

>> No.14677962

He keeps me around to keep Nazuna satisfied.

>> No.14679178

Valorant collab in 4 hours
Noah: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz8bVO-tZx0
Sumire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBQSs2Vy5_A

It says full-party, but I don't know who the other three will be.

>> No.14679199

Noah doomposter is really getting BTFO'd right now.

>> No.14679232

Noah doomposter was actually her friends venting their frustration and she finally got the picture and see, now they're all playing together more often.

>> No.14679255

Also looks like the other three are Senasex, Hendysex and Kamito.

>> No.14679345


>> No.14679350
File: 101 KB, 700x1064, FGc-945VUAIyGJz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kamito not sex

>> No.14679450

So far chat guesses are
>new member as if this is an official esports org

>> No.14679891

Christmas idol live

>> No.14679904

Hal is graduating.

>> No.14680265

>graduates Upd8
>graduates indie life
>now is gonna graduate from Merise
Man the life of an FPS player is tough.

Meanwhile CR valorant division just let go of 2 members Zepher (think he was in streaming division?) and Munchkin. Never understood why the hell a Valorant division needed so many people. But, he's a strong player. CRbros...

>> No.14680302

Was zepher affected by the smurfing debacle?

>> No.14680372

Yes, him, Ojiji, Rion, and Francisco

>> No.14680392

All me.

>> No.14680618

Forwarding in case anyone interested

>> No.14680664

That's so little for Tokyo...

>> No.14680673

>280k yen a year...
>Under $3,500 AUD
I make more than that in a month... Where do I sign up?

>> No.14680708

maybe it's a part-time job?

>> No.14680721

The last time Suu-chan collab'd with Kamito was the femdom Apex with Beni. Should be interesting.

>> No.14680731

If it's not a typo you'd want it to be part time.

>> No.14680756

OP said they fucked up and it's monthly, not annual.

>> No.14680780

I fail to see how that's relevant for anyone here. It's a Tokyo job.

>> No.14680807

so? since some people here frequent 2ch, there might be japanese people or people living in japan who frequent /here/

>> No.14680808

So it at least covers the average cost of living in Tokyo plus a bit extra on top, not that bad then.

>> No.14680851


Toto valo. Toto is pretty good in valo, I don't understand why she never participated in valo events (except that time when she substituted for Beni) like the valo girls party.


Beni pokemon

>> No.14680861

>2ch browsers being an indicator of anything
Regardless, I know anons who have posted pictures of living in Japan currently and it still doesn't apply because no one posting here is fit to be staff.

>> No.14680887

Sena: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPA91eckOjw

>> No.14680911

lmao, I guess that's true, when you put it like that

>> No.14680915


>> No.14681096
File: 1.28 MB, 2000x3800, EdNSpCDU8AM7Iyj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totocchi is basically Netflix and chill of VSPO. She likes focusing on the game with downtime being quiet spectator mode or interacting with her viewers rather than bantering with other members.
IDK if she just prefers the regular rank climb over tournament achievements but it doesn't seem like she wants any further glory but her streams are very comfy with the most viewer engagement outside of zatsudan streams.

OG pajama 2.0 update when....

>> No.14681870

seems like Noah and Hendy will only play for 2 hours then, since they would be watching Bachelor with Lisa later today

>> No.14681940

Anyone have any luck on finding a link for us overseas cucks? Squid game watchalong was fun and I want more.

>> No.14681971

Need Lisa producing more gold from watchalongs in general.

>> No.14682051
File: 435 KB, 2000x2400, FGUDlDAVQAEIBR5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which season are they watching again? 3?

>> No.14682078

Yes s3

>> No.14682095

Is Ren a giant or is Uruca tiny?

>> No.14682207

Uruca is a manlet.

>> No.14682392

knr 重大事 announcement on literally nothing now

>> No.14682433
File: 23 KB, 401x514, clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chat spamming gib main

>> No.14682521

Ren is 165 cm, Runa is 147 cm. Even if we don't know Uruca's height, I think the artist just messed up the proportion.

>> No.14682679

[Happy News] BSA and KNPP announced their healthy marriage

>> No.14683070

>KNR popup store
Well that sure is... news
Cute animation

>> No.14683072

>pop up store

>> No.14683184

Lucky people in Japan get to take secret creepshots of Kinako while they're there. Lucky motherfuckers

>> No.14683816

i used to vtube quake champions but the only people that watched were quake fans that already knew me before i started vtubing...
didnt feel great

>> No.14684367

That means you need to gather new audience. Stream other games for a while, get those audience. And if they like you enough they will also watch you when you stream quake champions again. Don't give up yet!

>> No.14684479

im autismatic and dont like other games :D

>> No.14684884

frankly i'd understand a lot of other games, but quake champions? sorry, but come on, that game was a shitshow.

>> No.14684975

its the only quake game with population

>> No.14684986

artist sauce?

>> No.14685012
File: 241 KB, 1600x1200, 1625603806089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Met sex

>> No.14685110


>> No.14685565

poor guy, didnt get any response on a clip where her got juked hard T_T

>> No.14685679

Sena: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPA91eckOjw
Kamito: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLGaPpI3UQU
Hendy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJlo23whgBw

>> No.14685725

has she never touched this game before?

>> No.14685733

Ren tarkov with Arisaka, Vanilla, and Totomi
Ren: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjfkyW-2AvM

>> No.14685852

What an unusual combination

>> No.14686457
File: 121 KB, 1500x500, knr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just want to correct you that the person with red ombre was admin not kinako.

>> No.14686495

Bunch of twinks, a Gorilla, and Megaman's lost brother.

>> No.14686536

Huh there were people that thought that was Kinako?
I don't even watch Adomin but I knew it was him from the piercings.

>> No.14686736

did he post Adomin's full 2D design before he even 'debut'ed?

>> No.14686779
File: 92 KB, 1024x582, E0O4C6EVkAEMHht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Noah, Hendy, Lisa Bachelor Japan S3 watchalong in 45 minutes. Also, I still can't find links to watch it for us non-Japanese. If someone find the link, please share.

pic unrelated

>> No.14686810

Lmao I got that pic from KNR banner. I guess they leaked it first.

>> No.14686901

Is Beni incontinent? She's been to the toilet 3-4 times in the last 2.5 hours.

>> No.14686929

That anon was talking about the jpeg knee guy (Aim).
In つまり, you're both retar.

>> No.14686979


>> No.14686997

ah, sorry. I guess I misunderstood because I don't see 'red streak' in BobSappAim (the one with jpeg on his knee) pic, so I assumed he meant the third pic.

>> No.14687134
File: 135 KB, 260x271, shitstain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very subtle, only done by those who don't wanna go full-autist by dying their entire head neon.

>> No.14687320

uoooh old hag erotic! UTI and hemmorrhoids erotic!

>> No.14687352
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>> No.14687799


Hinano valo. Guess she will replace Noah when she stops playing. Bet Giruru will replace Hendy.

>> No.14688214 [DELETED] 

Girukun's life is a comedy.

>> No.14688267
File: 104 KB, 675x900, giru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His life is a comedy.

>> No.14688403

aaaa this makes me want to watch it even more ; ;

>> No.14688458
File: 10 KB, 398x141, kirinuki yakkai channel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of what Hinano said yesterday, they changed their channel name for this week only lol

>> No.14688598
File: 365 KB, 747x455, 88306293_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wrong. She's trying solo this time. Also, her tension is as high as during apex matsuri solo round lmao cute

>> No.14688833

What did Hinano say?

>> No.14689226

Basically, because this channel always clips OreApo, there are even more fanatic shippers. She's grateful, of course, that they got the exposure because of this channel. But still, she called this channel 切り抜き厄介チャネル (fanatic kirinuki channel).

>> No.14689360

got wiped by one guy...

>> No.14689577

That was a 50 second trip to the toilet. Beni is pretty quick.

>> No.14690297

did you hear hew peeing?

>> No.14691188

I did, but that's because I'm her live in fuck toy.

>> No.14691327


>> No.14691596


>> No.14691892

I love the cute little whimper Hinaano does when the randoms ignore her greeting.

>> No.14692452

Of all the places you'd hear fucking Mariah Carey, I didn't expect to hear it from Hinano's stream.

>> No.14692637

japs take strangest shit from burgers holidays... so im not surprised

>> No.14692680

Meanwhile half the Christmas songs that get belted on repeat in Australia include snow and shit... While Christmas is in fucking summer.

>> No.14693441

Noah joins Hinano... Guys I'm scared Noah doomposter might hurt themselves with the constant loses he keeps taking.

>> No.14693551

There is going to be full vspo party, elmao
rip doomposter

>> No.14693557

Ren, Mimi, and Qpi join too

>> No.14693606

have to wait for the next minecraft/ark arc or whatever for the doomposting to ramp up again

>> No.14693678
File: 2.07 MB, 1920x1080, RUNA LOVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On that note, dose anyone know what servers are close to japan in valorant?
Looks like Runa lives in different place if you can judge it by ping.
Ren also has different ping to other servers.

>> No.14693748
File: 101 KB, 768x614, E6QyeyAVIAclEPm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14693777

FPS chuubas and streaming at ungodly hours.
It's impossible to keep up unless you're unemployed.

>> No.14693792
File: 313 KB, 1400x1056, Efd88uDUcAEfGy0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14693808

I work afternoons into the night, so it actually works out well for me.

>> No.14693826
File: 350 KB, 2048x1536, E_ZkjoJUYAUY8X_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14693952

Sorry Qpi 10 min late we had passionate sex after dinner

>> No.14693962

I made this post.

>> No.14693967

tokyo server. i don't think you read that much into location based on ping as it often varies a lot just based on isp/network conditions or whatever. like earlier today when kamito/sumire/hendy etc were playing sumire's ping was 70 ms where everyone else's was in the single digits: https://youtu.be/BLGaPpI3UQU?t=2639 (that said, noah's is a bit higher cause she lives in kansai i think)

>> No.14694030
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>> No.14694133

I'll be back! Doom is ever-present!
But also I think I've exhausted my Noah quality images and they're not as funny as the Nazuna, Sumire, Ichinose ones. I'm saving the Ichinose spam for when/if room reveal.

>> No.14694163
File: 980 KB, 1317x931, 88489314_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my image. It's been a while.

>> No.14694243
File: 219 KB, 962x641, sdadsadsada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm saving the Ichinose spam for when/if room reveal.
I got you senpai, took this photo last time I had sex with her.

>> No.14694361

>i don't think you read that much into location based on ping
it's just for fun, but knowing where qpi is located while looking at her servers i assume it's pretty safe to say that Ren is also from Kansai
While Runa is probably from Tohoku if not Hokkaido

>> No.14694511

woke up at 3am just to play APEX RANK. Uruca really woke them up and forced them to have this life rhythm

>> No.14695845

I think playing with VSpo members is a debuff for Hinano lol

>> No.14695949

question: do we need to put /fps/ or /vspo/ or something like that on the subject like other generals?

>> No.14695987


>> No.14696077
File: 520 KB, 1412x1412, soramick_-1469319009309184010-FGQRkReVcAE6ijT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They actually do wake each other up to play rank.
We don't need to.

>> No.14698241

Everyone's playing Valo, are you sure this upcoming CR cup isn't Valorant cup and not Apex cup

>> No.14698527
File: 142 KB, 1170x919, FGiev7iVgAYKwih.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cpt niichan got rank 16 out of 50 on top utattemita of november. move him to CR utaite division
nope, keep it this way
also >>14593772 for next thread

>> No.14698576

Any chuuba in the 100k Samsung Apex tournament?

>> No.14698654

Looking it up there isn't even a main POV and everyone talking about it is talking in English. So I don't think so

>> No.14701484

