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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9873007 No.9873007 [Reply] [Original]

What's the weirdest dream you've had that involved a Vtuber?

>> No.9873144

I had a dream that WotLK classic was released and the Holo girls were raiding Ulduar together

>> No.9873239

I had a dream where Kiara was in my home. It was the weirdest fucking dream, it was annoying and humiliating and I don't even care about Kiara.

>> No.9873318

I had multiple dreams about haachama, but the worst of them was when she was gouging my insides and I literally woke up in a cold sweat

>> No.9873388

I had a dream where Ame was streaming and got really excited about an Ame cosplayer she'd seen. She even went so far as to pause the game she was playing and was like 'look guys, look!' and showed a clip of an admittedly really good cosplayer doing some cute poses.
She starts gloating 'ah, so cool!' and as she's talking the video fades in/out and switches to a scene of the same 'cosplayer' riding a big dragon dildo while Ame's freaking out, desperately trying to close the video in the background.
When I woke up I actually had to check that it wasn't real.

>> No.9873390

About a month ago I had a dream about Ame and Gura. But all I remember is that there was a lot of saliva involved

>> No.9873438
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In my dream, Kanata was my girlfriend. I laid down my head right on her soft thighs, essentially using them as pillows as she caressed my hair with her feminine fingers and long colorful nails. Monsters attacked and after a long fought battle. We had the sweatiest of ANGEL SEX known to man. I woke up and in my mind that was the best shit that I have ever dreamt. Then I realized that I actually don't remember like 90% of what happened said dream. The only thing I remember remembering was that it was a good dream and Kanata was in it somehow. Then I realized that Kanata isn't even in my top ten holos nor is she my Oshi.

>> No.9873527

Her design is super sexy in a cute way and her personality matches it very well. She's not in my top ten for viewership but she's definitely top five for my dick.

>> No.9873580

It was like a movie.
I was buying snacks at the 7/11 at night, and the power goes out city wide. The cashier panics because that day was fruits day and the fruits would spoil, so he goes outside to the ice box to get ice to put on the fruits. I had a fruitcake in my hand so I thought, lemme just walk out he won't notice. I leave the store and wander onto the street to see a bunch of helicopters flying around in the sky, except they had no lights. People are in the streets yelling at them to turn their lights on before they crash, and then a guy in the helicopter says into a megaphone, that all light sources in the world got snuffed out so we have to survive on our own. Everyone starts panicking and I'm holding my cake wondering where I could find a fork, so I walk back into the 7/11. Then I get tackled by a looter and the store owner is also tackled, and I'm on the floor with the cake in front of me. And then, a shoe steps on the cake and I look up and it's Shien flanked by a bunch of men in suits. In the dream he's also wearing a suit and speaking Japanese and I don't know Japanese so somehow the dream audio got garbled (like radio static when he talked). From my POV I see a small needle extend from the sole of his shoe and pick up a piece of cake and fold back into thr shoe like a robot. I say "wakarimasen" and he makes a disgusted face and leaves and the suits tie me and the store owner up with rope, and we're leaning against the fridge, and I get annoyed at how cold and wet my back is, and I'm watching chaos unfold outside the 7/11 as people start crashing their cars for some reason, while completely dark ambulances speed by the store. Then all of a sudden the ground shakes and a chasm opens up in the floor tiles, and I think "fucking retards crashing theie cars" and I wake up because of the falling sensation

>> No.9873639
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Well anon. Seeing as you'll forever remain a virgin for the rest of your pathetic life. Why not make the best and Only sex you'll ever experience in your life be a dream. GET GFE. GET SAVED

>> No.9873799

One time I had a dream I was driving a car to a laundromat and I stopped at a crosswalk and Ayame just stood there infront of my car preventing me from going and when I asked her to move she just said "Fuck off"

No, I didn't run her over

>> No.9873821

i was roberu and had to run away from hoards of screaming fangirls

>> No.9873883

My dream was about Mori's roommate being my girlfriend, i forgot most of it,but the morning after i felt joy for the first time in months
And i don't even watch her

>> No.9874009

I dreamt that Aqua got stabbed irl by some anti. It felt so real, I remember seeing a news article of it in my dream

>> No.9874104
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Never had, never will. I don't know how you faggots do it, but I'm jealous as a fuck
For some reason my retarded brain doesn't let me be happy so I never had a single dream involving anything I'm even remotely interested in. Can't even find happiness in my dreams.

>> No.9874420

I had a dream once that Ina and I cuddled under a blanket and watched Nausicaa. It was nice. I don't really watch her often but I've always thought her streams were extra comfy.

>> No.9874628

The scene itself wasn't weird, but it interrupted another dream. I was biking to work, then the scene changed and I was fucking Mio in her black/white sweater in some generic room for a bit, then I was back on my bike.

>> No.9874796

I had a dream about dating Lamy.

>> No.9874897
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I had exactly the same thing happen. I had a wet dream about aqua and woke up to my balls emptying a fountain in my underwear and felt it was the best dream ever. then 5 seconds later I realized I couldn't even remember the details of having sex with her. And I don't even watch Aqua.

>> No.9874952

I've had none, surprisingly (at least that I can remember)

>> No.9874963

I had a nightmare where i was chained to the ground on all 4, then Korone out of nowhere came out, saying that i have been a bad boy and she decided to punish me for it, then she sit on my chest and started to strangle me, when i was about to out of breath, she released her grip with a smile on her face, saying that i will be here forever and she will continue to do this everyday, then she continued to strangle me and again and again. Then i woke up in the middle of the night sweating my ass out, i don't even like that kind of thing wtf.

>> No.9874982

I don't have dreams about vtubers, but I have dreams about /vt/.

>> No.9874998

I'm sorry.

>> No.9875089

One morning, I was half-awake and tried masturbating to fantasies of diapered anthro skunks (as you do) when I dozed off mid-stroke into a dream about holoEN playing Minecraft, but it looked like an N64 de-make of it.

>> No.9875471
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Had a dream a few days ago where EN Gen 1 and I went to a minor league baseball game. We spent most of the time just exploring the stadium. They were all 3D avatars except for Kiara, who was her roommate. I worked up the nerves to ask her on a date. She agreed and then we went home. We started smooching on the couch. As she was about to give me a blowjob I woke up. Huh.

>> No.9876602

I had a dream where I walked in on futa Polka fucking Lamy

>> No.9876671

Dream i was dating guras roomate and moved with her

>> No.9878125

I had a dream that i somehow super into Matsuri. I watched every of her streams, read every of her tweets and attended every of her events. I loved her so much that in one stream she become a real human (by my schizo mind). She talks a lot about how lonely she is and how much she want a partner. But then, on the door handbar, Lyger's hand appear for a couple seconds then close the door. Then i woke up.

>> No.9881666

I was at grocery store with Pekora and my middle school bullies started sperging all around and I just beat em up with stuff I picked all around the store.

All while Pekora just silently walked through the store and seemed uninterested what was happening behind her.

>> No.9881855

I've only had one dream about a vtuber. I dreamt Mori Calliope announced on stream that she'd got married to a German man. She then told everyone his full legal name. I thought it was weird she'd dox herself like that, then I woke up.

>> No.9882020
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The only dream I had about vtubers was one where I was fucking the shit out of Suisei and then went out on a date with her. The only semi-weird part about that though is that I rarely even watch Suisei.

>> No.9882280

ogey rrat

>> No.9882368

Like a true /vt/ schizo. Now you need to make it into a thread!

>> No.9882385

I had a sex dream with ironmouse and ollie once. Can't say much more, my dreams generally don't last in my memory longer than the seconds I take to leave the bed.

>> No.9882421

Holy shit ignored by women even in your dreams

>> No.9882502

I just recently had a dream where I was on one of those dumb TV dating shows, and to my shock, I saw Rushia there (the character, at that, not her roommate)
Through every round, I saw her getting progressively more sad as other girls were picked over her.
When it came to my turn, I said Rushia. The instant I did, the way she stared at me was powerful. She just sat there staring at me for the rest of the show as if I had just saved her life.
Just as I was about to go on a date with her, I woke up because of a loud car. I forgot to shut my window last night. Fucking cockblocked by a car.

>> No.9882551

I had a dream gura was my gf and I beat her and she was very badly beaten, with one of her eyes popped out. the weird part is, I don’t even like gura!!

>> No.9882554

Don't know man it did feel like going shopping with my wife +some crazy shit happening and wife being autistic fuck

>> No.9882784
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I had a dream that i was married to Mikoto aka blue oni and we had a happy relationship. Which was strange because i hardly watch niji girls. I was subscribed to her but did not see content of hers for months at the time.
i was not particularly attracted to her either. This might be the only vtubing related dreams i can even remember. I was happy tho. Maybe this is the universes way of telling me to sell my soul to a demon girl.

>> No.9882851

Had a dream where Rushia was murdered by a stalker. I wasn't the stalker.

>> No.9883274

I had a dream where I somehow got into NijiEN despite not having the equipment to even stream at all. I would dread the day of my debut every day that passed and feel guilty while talking to the other members on Discord knowing that this shit would get me graduated immediately. Thankfully I woke up before the day of my debut came because it felt too fucking real and believed it was happening for a couple of seconds.

>> No.9883322

What's it like to have a dream?
I haven't had any in such along time I've forgotten what it's like

>> No.9883642

Rushia riding me hard, pulling herself up and then peeing on my lap. I woke up rock hard.

>> No.9883651

I tried to drown Ina. Now I feel to guilty to watch any of her streams

>> No.9883680

For me dreams feel extremely real where things that probably won't happen which I would like to happen become true

Few days ago I saw a dream where I had a nice weekend with my old friends that I haven't seen for a while and probably will not see them ever again.

I haven't been as happy for over a year

>> No.9883687

I had a weird dream where I was lying on moona's lap and she was stroking my hair. It was very peaceful and relaxing.

>> No.9883697

If being a VTuber was a thing in the 80s this would for sure have been like a teen comedy movie plot.
>"My dad says I need a summer job and I don't even know what the fuck a 'MineCart' is!"

>> No.9883767

You might just have bad sleep hygiene. As an experiment, try making your room as dark as possible before bed, limiting exposure to blue light (so no phone or computer usage) and taking a magnesium supplement

>> No.9883790
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The only dream I had involving vtubers was a dream where I was back in high school and the Lazulight girls were my friends. Don't remember the details. I felt really pathetic afterwards. I need friends.

>> No.9884285
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i watched that clip and then dreamed with Fubuki, she was small, and had her ears down

>> No.9884575

I had a dream where my oishi shit on my face and drowned my face in her piss, it was hot, steamy delicious dream i ever have and i start o have massive boner just thinking about it since then.

>> No.9884777

A hololive's guild raiding sounds pretty based

>> No.9885026

Gura and I wanted to kill Rikka, so we were accomplices. In the dream, we got along well as friends, but she was a TERRIBLE murder accomplice and made me do all the work.

>> No.9885156

Being Jackie Chan sounds fun though, I’d consider that a good dream even without Pekora content.

>> No.9885360

Not really weird, but a bit odd I'd say.

I once had a dream of a big green field and a clear sky and in front of me was Okayu eating an onigiri while also sitting on a big onigiri looking cushion, she invited me to sit next to her but by the time I got close the dream ended, pretty convenient that I had an Okayu dream while I fell asleep watching one of her streams.

>> No.9885974

i was isekai'd to hololive minecraft saba

>> No.9886298

This one is really weird and also the only time I had a dream about vtubers. Matsuri was my gf.

It's weird because I haven't watch her for like 1-2 years, maybe a clip or two once in a while or when she collab with those who I watch. I think it's a mix of knowing her roommate face and how strong her GFE was, especially on twitcast

I think this is a good indicator of how much pissed off matsurisu were about her hand drama. She appears in the dream of someone who doesn't care about her, I can't imagine how someone who loved her felt.

I wish I dreamed about Lamy

>> No.9887391

There's only so dark you can do when you're sleeping during the day. Also like how many hours do you need to get dreams to happen again?
Almost 8 years of doing this

>> No.9891020

I once dreamt that I found a book which identified Marine as some obscure Orthodox saint.

>> No.9891187

I had a dream that Gura was captured by the government and was operated and experimented on in a CIA bunker. She died on the operating table. It was really disturbing.

>> No.9891330

Who's your oshi?

>> No.9892751

I was picking someone(or something doesnt matter) from school when I suddenly walk past Minato Aqua herself. I am absolutely shook and confused that my absolute number 1 oshi is in my presence. I'm keeping my cool. I pretend that i dont notice her but keep her in the corner of my eye. She goes outside and i follow her. Suddenly she is accompanied by a woman in her 40s with a small child in a stroller. I am pretending i dont care like the tsundere that I am and walk past them. And then I woke up regretting i didnt do more. It may sound basic as fuck but trust me that dream left an impression on me. Seeing my oshi in person was magical. I wish I had talked to her though.

>> No.9892833

I mean they technically involve vtubbers.
For instance, one time I dreamed my oshi was streaming after being gone for a long time.
But just last night I dreamt that someone in chat asked me to change my name because it was offensive.

>> No.9893729
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Was she just a girl, like her avatar? Or did she also have her shark tail, like she does in some watchalongs and stuff? I´m curiois if the tail was what was getting vivisected, because I´d expect it to be. Also, have you tecently watched E.T. or Independece day or some other movie which might´ve put the idea of unusual creatures getting operated on into your head? This is interesting.

>> No.9894346

Had a dream a while ago where some nigger posted Gura's adress on this site, so I then got in my car and drove to her house as fast as possible to protect her from schizos (which doesn't make sense since I don't even live in the US) but when I got there someone had already taken her and her house was completely empty

>> No.9894400

>to protect her
Sure pal

>> No.9894596

i fall asleep to finana vods every night and i have a very vague memory of being in that based pepe wagie meme where the wojak is dancing in the restaurant but instead of pepe it was finana lol

>> No.9896364

yea me

>> No.9901243
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I only had one that I remember.
For some reason I was hanging out with Pekora, Miko, Fubuki, Nenechi, Marine and Korone. We went out to eat and then came back to a studio. Pekora said she wanted to practice a game before the collab, so I decided to keep her company after the other girls left. She was sitting at the edge of a bed while I was sitting further back, resting on some pillows. After a while I hugged her from behind and we stayed like that until we were about to kiss, that's when I woke up.

>> No.9903301

I had a dream I was best friends with IRyS and I wanted to move on from our friend group or something, it was weird as shit but in the end we made sandwiches together

>> No.9903658

>I was a new member in the JP branch as a female talent but I was a male irl.
>There was an off collab at the Holo House and I was in the same room with orange woman, tenshi, and comet.
>They were shocked to find out I was a male.
>I then proceeded to fuck PPT in front of orange woman and comet.
>I woke up with a raging boner and was very confused.

Comet is my oshi.
