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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9813525 No.9813525 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think vtubing is a sustainable career?

>> No.9813628

Sustainable? No. Get nig and manage your money is it a viable career path? Yes. But you need to learn to be content and give up grand desires like bugaatiis every year and 40 room mansions. Only a handful of celebs last longer than 5 years without some type of fall off, and even then you have to keep adapting to a changing landscape.

>> No.9813633

Assuming you're not one of the bottom Holo JPs or IDs. You could easily ride this out for as long as possible and invest the money to retire for life assuming you lead a middle class lifestyle.
If you're an indie you're fucked though.

>> No.9813698

umm no.. just like most college players never become pros surely it would be the same for vtubing. only a handful can sustain it long term.

>> No.9813790

No, there's a reason Rushia is milking as much superchats as possible with her yandere GFW baiting.

>> No.9813794

I wonder how many are actually investing instead of just focusing on entertainment

>> No.9814136

yes but they support themselves with everything and that includes ofpako.

>> No.9814702

Sure, in a 'don't quit your day job' sort of way.Not saying you won't "make it," but no one who "makes it" ever thinks they'll "make it" until they do.
Also, I (re-)watched a video called "Frameworthless" recently, and that with EATEOT is putting me in a weird place.

>> No.9814743

If you're an actor or actress or something probably. You need extremely high charisma to make much of it and keep an audience after the fad fades.

>> No.9814759

depends what you mean. if you're famous, yes. if not, no. someone in hololive is probably set for a while, an indie has no chance.

>> No.9814819

Do you think streaming is a sustainable career?

>> No.9814841

If youre not a vtuber then yes

>> No.9814857
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No, you're one yab away from losing your job.

>> No.9814991

For the talents that gets like 5-10k concurrent viewers yes. For everyone else, no. Which is why most of them have second jobs.

>> No.9815043

I fucking hate seeing dark ass shit like this with cute girls.

>> No.9815096

Life is worse than fiction. If you cant stomach even that youd hate to see the reality.

>> No.9815125

it sorta feels like yabs only affect you if you let them. I mean pewdiepie said nigger but basically faced no issues from it, Same as towa and the voice yab, although it did lower her numbers. The only losing move is not to stream

>> No.9815182

Maybe for a handful of people but generally no.

>> No.9815219

It's about as sustainable as any other job in the entertainment world.

>> No.9815238

Yeah. I'd rather live blissfully ignorant.
I'm mostly only a concernfag for Ame, because she was poor before Hololive and I want her to live a happy life.

>> No.9815273

If you're in HoloEN shit is easy mode to early retirement if they aren't dumb. Save a bunch of this loot and invest it, do this for 3 years, done.

>> No.9815282
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I don't know, and that goes for regular youtubers too. So far it's only been like 15 years, and monetization wasn't a thing for some time.
A career lasts 30 to 40 years. The world changed too much, I don't think it's possible to predict what will stay and be gone in 40 years.
Even the oldest successful vtuber has only been active for 5 years so far.

>> No.9815345

>pewdiepie said nigger but basically faced no issues from it
Yeah, because he has 'fuck-you' clout, as far as being an "influencer" goes.

>> No.9815354

Yeah, mostly because vtubers are variety streamers.
The kind of streamers who end up getting fucked, are the ones who are known to play only one game, like League of Legend streamers. They end up hating the game and only play because that's the only way they can sustain their channel.
Or even worse, their one trick game suddenly lose popularity and that causes their channel to die. I remember there was a CS streamer I watched and he would get like 3-4k concurrent viewers and he was growing at a decent pace.
Then CS suddenly lost popularity and he dropped down to like 100-200 viewers, and even to this day with CS's popularity bouncing back, he's only at 500 viewers.

>> No.9815390

as an addendum to this:
If you aren't in Hololive and are vtubing, it may be a nice job but you aren't making life-changing money unless your name is Kuzuha. So have a backup plan because this won't set you for life.

>> No.9815524

idk it feels like as long as you keep streaming and dont end up in jail or dead you're career is basically fine, if a little lower

>> No.9816003

In a worse case scenario the Hololive girls can be turned into spokespeople selling anime goods. The lady voicing Goku is old enough to have voiced Charlie Brown when it was localized in Japan and she's still doing fine.

>> No.9816174

Assuming WW3 doesn't happen I expect at least some of the vtubers to still be vtubing well after you'd expect them to stop, like how people still know who pewdiepie is and probably will know for the next 30 years like how there are old rockers.

>> No.9816462

Again, if you have 'fuck-you' levels of clout. YouTube can nuke videos and entire channels because "suck our lizard-robot dicks," usually coinciding with an unwelcome (to put it as kindly as possible) change to the ToS. In theory, given YouTube's long-standing policy of banned creators not being allowed to re-join (except when they can, because remember, lizard-robot dicks), a roommate getting ex-post-facto'd by a rule change could spell disaster for a vtuber.

>> No.9816486

You're mentally ill if you want your oshi to keep streaming more than 4 years without putting effort towards finding a real job

>> No.9816660

Maybe, depends on what type of media is being consumed without even taking into account the sort of content that would be created in the future. Let's Plays and streaming is still fairly new. It's difficult to tell but other anons here have a point with how the income compares to vtubers who are not making as much. Maybe if they are smart with their money and have safety net they would be able to move into other forms of popular media.

>> No.9816781

Living in Indonesia is dirt cheap, they're definitely in the middle class bracket. Not sure about the 2views JP chuubas though.

>> No.9817068

If you live in the boonies and have a solid garden, your living expenses can be lower.
But that doesn't really bode well with reliable internet.

>> No.9817574
File: 420 KB, 674x675, 1596626775620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your oshi WILL graduate
Your oshi WILL work the minimum wage retail job
Your oshi WILL live in the ghetto
Your oshi WILL be a victim of violent crime
Your oshi WILL be woken up every 5 minutes by dogs barking, gunshots, babies crying, bass boosted rap, and domestic violence
Your oshi WILL commit suicide
Your oshi WILL be better off dead

>> No.9817667

Hey, that sounds like my life. Is my oshi going to marry me?
I really want to kill those dogs.

>> No.9817684

>because she was poor before Hololive and I want her to live a happy life.
If she sets aside half her SC money every month she is going to be able to live off that money even if all retirement systems in the US collapse.
If she doesn't se deserves it.
>I wonder how many are actually investing instead of just focusing on entertainment
Not enough. From what I've seen they have an athlete's/rapper's (i.e nigger's) approach to money more often than not.

>> No.9817772
File: 286 KB, 587x595, 1629447820789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9817855

God tier entertainers last their whole lives.

Do I think any current vtuber has reached that level? I don't know. I don't think even youtubers do. Pewdiepie isn't even all that funny but he's been doing it for 10 years and makes it work.

>> No.9817861

Nah, no fad lasts for long. Give it a few years. Who knows what the next big thing will be.

>> No.9817868

as long as pekora doesn't lose her magic I could see her being an entertainer her whole life, she has that magic

>> No.9817890

That's true.

It's definitely a niche at this point.

>> No.9817897

I think Gura could manage to do this forever if she wanted in some form. But she'd have to find the will to rebuild when Hololive is over.

>> No.9817902 [DELETED] 

just go full autism and make the ground out of slabs

>> No.9817941

I really really doubt any female vtuber above 50 views lives like that, especially ones who aren't endurance streamers.

>> No.9818025

Yeah but you have to think about the sheer number of streamers who can't even break 5 views. For every 50 view chuuba, you've probably got hundreds that are literal 2views

>> No.9818145

Not if I marry her

>> No.9818176

No, but if you get big enough you can earn enough to invest it all and never have to work a real job for the rest of your life.

>> No.9818300

My oshi is from South Korea. Your burgerland taunts hold no power over her.

>> No.9818400

This just hurts

>> No.9818409

>South Korea
She has my condolences.

>> No.9818508

Who? Nabi?

>> No.9818603

sustainable: yes
sustainable without any effort to adapt: no

>> No.9818611

And we wonder why vtubers themselves form parasocial relationships with their viewers

>> No.9818794

If you can make it, possibly. But, the entertainment industry has never been a sustainable career choice. Might as well work at
McDonalds and trade crypto.

>> No.9818929

Who do you think is going to be the first holomem to go Bo, take a hiatus, spend that time documenting their mental breakdown through their avatar and upload the end result for all to see as a Premiere?
>"It's not gonna be a normal stream, because there's no chat---that I can see, anyway---and there's no Management. Just me and my avatar, and you and your screen, the way that Best Girl intended..."

>> No.9821802

>tfw we'll never have a based chuuba that trades cryptos, sells nfts of herself and works as a system analyst

>> No.9821921

we are on the verge of an intellectual evolutionary boom, vtubing will be one of the last remnants of what will be known as the dumb age. So no, it is not sustainable

>> No.9821965

Which vtubers are this image?

>> No.9821985

Vtubing carries the same challenges as being a "face" eceleb. You have to keep yourself interesting and relevant to your audience and grow with them. People like Markiplier, for example, haven't managed to stay at the top by stagnating and only doing one thing for years. Eventually you'll reach a peak, sure, but if you can capture a wide enough audience and keep most of them there, then you can sit comfortably for a long time.

>> No.9822110

Despite that markiplier still gets 1-3m views a video which is good. Not to mention merch sales and movie roles he seems to be fairing rather well for a YouTuber

>> No.9822193

See the definition of "yab" is so broad though. A tirade of racial slurs or something is one thing, but forcing graduation because they let one "fuck" slip is just too much.

>> No.9822198

It's a career in which you amass as much money as you can before the bubble bursts.

>> No.9822255

>we are on the verge of an intellectual evolutionary boom
Zoomers and little kids are even more retarded than millenials.

>> No.9822487


No. Streaming, much like youtube, is neither a stable career or a real job. You are a rightless user of an uncaring megacorporation. Your livelihood can get terminated at any point due to political censorship. Technical problems or fraud. For every channel that gets a semnlance of recognition tens of thousands of people never make it out of obscurity. And even if you get s foot in the door. At best you have a couple short years ahead of you before you burn out or become a lolcow.
Its stressful, shortlived, unstable and may hold negative consequences for future employment. In short, only some deperately insane would ever try his seriously.

>> No.9823066

Burgerland? More like ARS

>> No.9823205

Unless you're successful at the start, not really. That's the same for making streaming your job.

>> No.9825505

Remember when many people want to become the next pewdiepie? How many has succeeded?

>> No.9826631

Hope you are prepared for an angry TikTok from a festering fistula.

>> No.9831603

The same as a normal streamer just with a lot of extra steps.

>> No.9832359

Once you make it big like Hololive girls, even if you graduate you still will have a sizeable fanbase and a bunch of connections, your fans would be ready to jump into your future endeavors if you maintain the same passion, just like when a mangaka ends their manga to start a new one, fans will follow, and even if everything goes wrong, you could just date a rich fan.

>> No.9832499

Kanata when she first moved.
She didn't have light bulbs and her room is a fucking mess.

>> No.9832898

That sounds pretty cool actually, especially if Management doesn't get their hands on it at all

>> No.9834116

>could just date a rich fan

>> No.9835283

no career as an entertainer is sustainable, your popularity can only last until the next big fad comes and you get left behind, you're always one faux-pas away from becoming jobless, and on top of that most people are super shit at managing their finances and burn it away without properly setting some aside for the future

>> No.9835388

Pikamee outright states she eats bad and sleeps like shit, and she's not a high earner so she has to do so much just to stay above water.

>> No.9835905

It´s only sustainable if you´re on top, just like every entertainment carrer be it music,drawing,etc you either follow the latest trends or find a good niche and even then you still need to have a following to back you up, you can make it but chances are low and requiere a lot of effort, also it´s fickel as shit a little changes in rules and you´re boned, so if you can make connections while vtubing or invest into something you´ll probably stream for a few years and then change carrers

>> No.9837365

Gura and Watson.

>> No.9839135
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Not even close, but some of them have made more money in 2 years than I'll probably see in my entire life, and without half of the backpain or injury.

>> No.9840621


>> No.9840692

No, any of this online shit should only be seen as a hobby or a side gig. Even for the fuckers that make millions and own mansions off of this shit. It. will. not. last.

>> No.9845064

I don't really get people who think online entertainment is some sort of fad. This shit is already replacing cable for entire generations. If you make it as a successful YouTube channel and keep your content relatively fresh, you can do this for a decade+. We have examples of that. Yeah, if you're some little baby channel making $100 in adsense revenue per month, it's probably not a sustainable job. But if you hit critical mass and do the bare minimum to mix it up, why exactly would it just randomly end?

>> No.9845176

They will marry the biggest CEO paypig they could grab when they retire. You dn't have to worry for their fates.

>> No.9845360

>From what I've seen they have an athlete's/rapper's (i.e nigger's) approach to money more often than not.
But most of the big athletes and rappers are investing and starting businesses. Kanye West isn't worth a billion dollars off of music alone.

>> No.9845705

Same anon same... I just want that cute little dork to be happy

>> No.9845884

In today's climate virtually nothing is sustainable.
We're all picking the meat off the bones of a dying civilization. Enjoy the show while you have it.

>> No.9845923
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>Do you think vtubing is a sustainable career?


>> No.9846166

I can see girls with actual talents like Ina making it a good career, however for variety streamers not so much unless you are a third worlder.

>> No.9846324

sure. some jp chuubas are gonna be 40 soon.

>> No.9846345

Everyone will tell you no. I will tell you this. Are normal women trash and refusing to improve?

>> No.9846402

What's your point? That as long w*men keep being trashy and men feel alienated and have no desire to get involved with 3dpd, vtubing will still be relevant?

>> No.9846466

Like effectively every creative/media/sports based job, it’s only sustainable if you’re at the top.
Everyone in Hololive, right down to the Holostars?
They’re gonna be fine. 99% of unaffiliated indies? It’s always going to be just a hobby.

>> No.9850534

If you're already popular and just want money out of it, yeah. I imagine you could live off the earnings for a while if you're frugal enough.

>> No.9852675

Yes and no.

Yes in that if you get popular enough you can make a full time living or better off of it.

No in the sense that it can take years before you make even minimum wage.

Best thing you can do is do it as a side thing and when it becomes big enough to replace your full time job then go ahead and switch to vtubing as your main career.

>> No.9858600

>But most of the big athletes and rappers are investing and starting businesses. Kanye West isn't worth a billion dollars off of music alone.
For every Kanye West there are 15 Snoop Dogg's who are broke into their 40s and 50s despite having had everything handed to them.
