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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9781181 No.9781181 [Reply] [Original]

>Ina doesn't want another Iofi incident.
>Asks management for help.
>Omega volunteers.
>Gura's autism is too much.
>Asks A-chan for backup.
>Now A-chan and Omega have to babysit Gura.

>> No.9781248

I can't believe I have to watch a shitty EN collab for my oshi. Please go back to ghosting the EN branch after this Marine, I don't want to watch them.

>> No.9781279

Gura is not even the most autistic one in that pic

>> No.9781310

I'm stuck between really wanting to watch my oshi and really not wanting to watch Gura

>> No.9781340

marine is vshojo whore stfu

>> No.9781365
File: 49 KB, 319x505, 1621794768752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua deserves the support, regardless of how you feel about the others. Do it for her anon.

>> No.9781370

Based I like Marine and Gura so this should be fun

>> No.9781388

The most autistic one doesn't throw fits like a toddler and let's their fans harass other members.

>> No.9781412

>vshojo whore
>chink queen
>reddit shark
I can't believe I have to watch this collab for my oshi

>> No.9781452

Let's be real here. Everybody wants a piece of the shark cunny

>> No.9781468

Ina is the most inoffensive vtuber ever and Gura is just a farm girl that liked vocaloid too much and wanted to be like Miku. They are the most weeaboo friendly EN vtubers out there.

>> No.9781483

Lol are people really getting upset about anime girls playing a nintendo game together?

>> No.9781487

>ina is your oshi

>> No.9781513
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H-how did you know?

>> No.9781516

I thought he was aqua crew...

>> No.9781530

shitposters will always shitpost, even if it is the most retarded thing you've ever read

>> No.9781542

Whats the Lofi incident? I took a few month break from hololive

>> No.9781554

Getting mad in this board is the only exciting thing they are doing everyday

>> No.9781568

iofi incident?

>> No.9781583

No you don't get it, the one I like is the best and the rest are whores that don't deserve it. And I spend the best years of my life on an anime forum letting people know about how much I dislike those that are not my favorite.

>> No.9781589

Aqua was the second person he mentioned.
Big holo en/jp/id collab, very few multilingual people (kiara and Iofi mainly), Kiara was killed and Iofi wasn't able to translate very wll due to 8 people talking at the same time during a 60 second mid-round timer.

Autists on twitter bullied her until she was really sad about it.

>> No.9781601

They put a Lofi music stream in the background of an Among Us collab and Gura's worries that it would be copyright claimed were ignored

>> No.9781637

Are all aqua fans like this?

>> No.9781657

just baiting, bro

>> No.9781671

Aqua will walk into the collab, thinking she can make a sperg friend just to find out Gura is a plain old introvert.
Of course she can count on me.

>> No.9781685

oh I remember that, stream was still fun but I bet it felt like shit for the talents.

>> No.9781707

Its takodachis

>> No.9781709

Iofi sucks and can't really into english

>> No.9781716

iofi was a bitch to gura in a amongus collab, constantly saying she's a stupid shark and preying on her insecurities. chumbuds don't forgive so they anally raped her on twitter

>> No.9781717

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.9781749

I hate EN but I will watch for AquaMarine

>> No.9781758

good bait, have a (you)

>> No.9781761

How is that Gura's fault though?
You expect her to tard wrangle her entire fanbase?

>> No.9781766

Implying a streamer has control over autistic simps.

>> No.9781792

Wow. This collab brought out a ton of oshi schizos. You're taking a fun collab way more seriously than the girls involved. Why don't you get a real job, reexamine your life and make a conscious effort to be a better person than you currently are because you sure need it.

>> No.9781793

>The most autistic one doesn't <...> let their fans harass other members.
Her fans harassed Coco for more than half a year, though?

>> No.9781797

it's always takodachis, these fuckers always get away despite being falseflaggers

>> No.9781816

It isn't. People just kept spamming iofi with "YOU LET GURA DOWN! IT'S YOUR FAULT SHE DIED IN A VIDEO GAME!!" And dumb shit like that. Iofi seemed really upset about it, I think mainly because of the volume of dickheads who were bullying her.

>> No.9781819

you don't eve watch hololive

>> No.9781847

Yes. At least saying something in defense of Iofi in public, like "Sure, I was salty, but that wasn't any other members' fault. Stop fucking harass my friends, faggots" would help a bit

>> No.9781861

who said omega is attending?

>> No.9781876

when is it?

>> No.9781921

Can you retards at least wait until the stream starts before going full schizo? No? Ofcourse not.

>> No.9781942
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Iofi went retard.
The actual incident was Iofi being assblasted because of 1 (one) comment.

>> No.9781946

I have a job, i'm just bored bro. let me be a gossipy highschool girl in the only place i can

>> No.9781966

no one but it works for their rrat

>> No.9781970

I've seen mention that A-chan will be there but nothing on omega.

>> No.9782007

and that one guy is more of a holoID follower, but those anons are just ignoring all this on purpose

>> No.9782008

omegatranny himself

>> No.9782014

This is him btw

>> No.9782048

> random indog gets butthurt at iofi
> chumbuds get blamed

>> No.9782058

Neat, it's late at night for me but I'll check out the VOD, should be fun. Thanks OP.

>> No.9782063

>1 (one) comment.
And what makes it funnier is that comment is from a moonafag

>> No.9782112

> please speak english Moona-sama

>> No.9782132

Shitting on chumbuds whenever possible is vt tradition anon.
Hell I'm pretty sure no one enjoys a Gura-bullying session more than chumbuds.

>> No.9782136

>someone cherrypicks one comment from an indog out of all the chumbuds harassing Iofi
>"Why are chumbuds being blamed? We didndu nuffin!"

>> No.9782173

You didnt watch Aqua stfu
And still anons eat the bait

>> No.9782178

show all this chumbuds cause there were not really a case of spamming

>> No.9782230

why did Aqua completely ignore Coco for months?

>> No.9782264

I vividly remember plenty of EOP cumbuds talking shit about Iofi at the time. I didn't save any screenshots or anything because I didn't think I'd have to argue with chumbuds denying the past in a few months.

>> No.9782299

>out of all the chumbuds harassing Iofi
The only people who would have any reason to be mad at Iofi are people who read her tweet about how she would be translating during the stream.

Chumbuds aren't the ones reading ID tweets.

>> No.9782324

the archive is still there, but whatever

>> No.9782344

She didn't and even played apex on taiwan servers in the chineses arc, now kys faggot

>> No.9782354

I really don't care enough to dig through the archives from half a year ago just to prove a point

>> No.9782372

kek that Zhang really got to her, especially when he mentioned Kiara.

>> No.9782408

because she doesn't want to get involved and anger schizos that would make her life worse? not everyone is a brave warrior archetype

>> No.9782440

I'm sorry for asking about the drama anons this poor thread.

>> No.9782447

>someone cherrypicks one comment from an indog out of all the chumbuds harassing Iofi
Isn't that you fags cherry pick that image yourself then call them chumbud?

>> No.9782511

>She didn't
>because she doesn't want to get involved
two different answers. so which is it... did Aqua ignore Coco for months or did she interact with her like she did any other member?

>> No.9782527

regardless of chumsharts spamming Iofi, the fact that Iofi seethereplied to 1 random zhang on her comment section will eternally be stupidly funny to me

>> No.9782545

The ironic...

>> No.9782554

english learn

>> No.9782584

Well I guess you have to do your fucking reps for once.

>> No.9782639

> do your reps
> i don't have arguments

>> No.9782679

What was Aqua supposed to do? Was the most autistic member of hololive supposed to heroicly show her support for Coco and get harassed by hordes of zhangs?

>> No.9782705

actually Aqua ignored Coco, and Korone ignores Aqua, and Korone ignores Pekora, and Pekora ignoes Risu. I am sure of this because they almost never collabed, that's the only reason. You see how stupid this sounds?

>> No.9782771
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I always love to see barracudas trying to shit Gura and chumbuds using the same old narratives, it will be a nothingburger and the true fans will gladly enjoy the collab while haters will keep waiting for the next yab. Season 2 is very promising

>> No.9782779

why are tatsunoko like this

>> No.9782809

Too bad. Aqua is Guras oshi too

>> No.9782834
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>No Kiara in sight
Ah so this is what a good EN/JP collab looks like thank GOD.

>> No.9782837

That Shizo obviously never watched Coco or Aqua.
Save your time.

>> No.9782843

She dint ignore or ghosting Coco, she still met IRL, she leave bilibili and her fanbase chinese, she play in taiwan apex servers (ironically a Taiwanese apex fag started harassing her), she make a tweet about Coco Graduation
Now stfo if you dont watch streams

>> No.9782850

We need more threads like this, anon. Keep doing God's work.

>> No.9782890

>Ina is the most inoffensive vtuber ever
Ina is responsible for the abomination that is Council. She single handily doomed to an entire gen to irrelevance.

>> No.9782901

> barracudas
is this a leddit meme?

>> No.9782948

Holy newfag

>> No.9782961

It was made by chumbuds so yes

>> No.9782968

yes newIP-chama, this is how you bait

>> No.9782998

>There are people in this thread right now that dislike Marine for being a whore


>> No.9783026

No. It's actually an oldfaggot 4channel meme insulting people that like the song Barracuda by Heart.

>> No.9783038

Hopefully this collab will make Gura only do EN Myth and Anya collabs.

>> No.9783041

Hopefully this will fill the JP-EN quota for some time and Cover will leave senchou alone afterwards. She's too kino for this obviously forced collab.

How they even got Aqua into this mess is beyond imagination.

>> No.9783044

It doesn't even sound like her retard, quit posting tired old rrats

>> No.9783067

It's amazing how much seethe Gura generates just by existing.

>> No.9783093

> dislike Marine for being a whore
yes, she is a whore getting her pussy turned inside out every stream but get away because muh japanese

>> No.9783098

Why are antis so bitter about this collab happening???

>> No.9783117
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>newfags still fall for this

>> No.9783134

only neckbeards care about what happened to Iofi. Iofi herself stopped giving a shit about it and Gura doesn't care much about anything in Hololive. You gossip like women and care more than the vtubers themselves. Gossip trannies

>> No.9783137

Why is there so much piss baby autism in here? if you dont like who your fav holo is colabing with then don't watch it

>> No.9783148

oh boy, is this collab going to trigger /jp/

>> No.9783157

>has been referred to as sololive because of how little she interacts with other members
>seems to have rarely interacted much with coco even before the yab
>did she interact like she did any other member
That seems like a fairly solid yes

>> No.9783163 [SPOILER] 
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Those are rookie numbers.

>> No.9783170

you don't watch Aqua if you don't know she is trying her best to overcome her shyness

>> No.9783174

Thi s isn't an Artia collab, anon, Artia was replaced by the CCP

>> No.9783184

Because they hate Gura.

>> No.9783238

Gura is unironically permabanned from reddit, nigger.

>> No.9783282

Did you retards miss the DBD collab with Robo involved? There was no translating except for Risu giving out basic Japanese terms that relate to DBD. It was a great collab and Gura was fine interacting with Robo with no one translating. I guess you also missed the Summer Festival where Gura had a great time and no one was directly translating for her. Btfo'd

>> No.9783283

Orange hate only happened for a few months and only had that one dedicated shitposter. Gura had an actual semi-big youtuber that had a following make documentary style videos on her and if you were around during her birthday, Gura had just as many anti threads as Kiara. Not a day goes by without anti-Gura threads. Chicken hate is exaggerated as fuck, people mostly don't care, even moreso nowadays.

>> No.9783298

Show me on the doll where the rrat is slain

>> No.9783310

I'll bite your bait: people feel like this is a forced collab by management between two branches more popular holomems. There is a huge enough language barrier where a translator (A-chan) has to be brought in. PEople are expecting this to be a trainwreck based on who is there and what other options are available.

>> No.9783344
File: 281 KB, 400x400, omegatranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura despises management
>being a conservative girl, she hates trannies too
>launches a new collab, forcing omega alpha to take care of translating some of it
>she knows that the collab will go to shit and all hell will break loose
>omega literally on suicide watch T-4 hours
Captcha: GAY48

>> No.9783356

You mean something that happened 10 and 11 months ago? That's how far back you gotta go? And it was 1 chink in iofi's comment section. Grey's are not fans.

>> No.9783390

You made a thread about this a couple days ago. You can at least pretend to not be so obsessed. You look like an idiot showing a random JAV clip off like it means anything.

>> No.9783394

Ina sucks but vshojo whore seems a bit much

>> No.9783414

Based on A-chans and Omegas tweets I suspect there to be more to it. If I set my imagination, not expectations however, on overdrive, because there is a logo that is not just initials and all, it might be a collab original song.

>> No.9783416


>> No.9783427

you see, I don't have time to watch vtubers (just my oshi) I just read what other anons say here

>> No.9783428
File: 999 KB, 278x496, 1617468685675.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commit rope

>> No.9783453

It's nice of you to give us a break after 8+ months of continuous shizoposting, but you'll never hatch and stay an egg.

>> No.9783468
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Bend over jealous antis. Futa Gura is back

>> No.9783478

Fucking hell this is one whitey collab, imagine out of four people aqua is the best one.
Can you imagine that? Are you deeping this anons??
Let me say this again, out of four fucking people shitty aqua is the best one.
I can't believe they're even letting this happen

>> No.9783481

>image of aqua
>is supposed to sound like marine?
>went to jav.guru ,hit the random button and recorded 1 minute of it
This is the lowest effort rrat I've ever seen

>> No.9783494

it isn't its literally the chinese's fault and IDfags at that

>> No.9783501

Many girls are "conservative" until you look at their private messages.

>> No.9783557
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Ina is he only good holomyth and her demeanor is of classic seiso Japanese girl aka she is perfect
cope more

>> No.9783589

I'm the one who looked in the first place hence my posts in that picture, I could literally only find that comment, not even the tweets where iofi bitched had people complaining to her

>> No.9783630

>A whore, 2 retards and the world's greatest cure for insomnia doing a collab
This is what followed up the one year anniversary? Talking about murdering momentum.

>> No.9783660 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 785x731, 174493252_953056662133920_6420556885434269623_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>A whore, 2 retards and the world's greatest cure for insomnia doing a collab
> This is what followed up the one year anniversary? Talking about murdering momentum.

>> No.9783681

Also Gura's oshi is literally Aqua and if nothing else I'm sure at this point she knows and even commented on her anniversary post, fucking Aqua of all people

>> No.9783684

Man, if only the collages had more than one Indog that according to that chat archive site never even posted in a Gura stream bitching at Iofi and not just reactions to a supposed complete mental breakdown of Guras fanbase, am I right? There was so much yet no one ever took a screenshot, yet we have screenshots of literally every Kiara tweet ever made

>> No.9783688

Where are the screenshots that supposedly prove it's not Aqua. Why did so many people take a random faggot at face value?

>> No.9783730 [DELETED] 
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>Man, if only the collages had more than one Indog that according to that chat archive site never even posted in a Gura stream bitching at Iofi and not just reactions to a supposed complete mental breakdown of Guras fanbase, am I right? There was so much yet no one ever took a screenshot, yet we have screenshots of literally every Kiara tweet ever made

>> No.9783752


>> No.9783766

There doesn't need to be any proof. This rrat is the equivalent of me taking a clip of gay porn and claiming one of them is Aqua and then demanding proof that they aren't.

>> No.9783772 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9783795 [DELETED] 
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>There doesn't need to be any proof. This rrat is the equivalent of me taking a clip of gay porn and claiming one of them is Aqua and then demanding proof that they aren't.

>> No.9783822 [DELETED] 

>Wojaknigger appeared
This thread is officially shit

>> No.9783847

It sounds and looks exactly like her. You're just in some bizarre denial. If faggots can hate on Matsuri and Ollie with the exact same evidence or even less, why are you denying your chink queen is a whore?

>> No.9783880

kek the guy was savage though.

>> No.9783886
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I'm actually excited for the collab.

>> No.9783909

And the collab isn't even started yet lmao

>> No.9783956

why are tatsunoko so mentally ill?

>> No.9783960

As am I. Even if only Marine and Ina talk and Aqua and Gura make noises it'll be fun

>> No.9783992

Yeah, I want to see Marine sexually harassing Ina

>> No.9784003

>it looks
The video is a picture of her live3d over some random jav audio, you actually crazy.

>> No.9784004

Takokeks actually believe this.

>> No.9784085

what do you mean

>> No.9784087

Yeah, ok newfag


>> No.9784119

You're convincing yourself that it's Aqua despite the fact that it doesn't even sound like her. Even in the "first Aqua JAV" girl doesn't sound like her either and there's no way to say they look the same when Aqua has barely ever shown her face and the girls face in the video is censored. I don't know why I even have to argue with you about this, the idea alone of hololive's biggest autist doing a JAV is so absurd that any sane person would dismiss it immediately.

>> No.9784123

... why

>> No.9784176

why is gura "banned" from other collabs?

>> No.9784186

You don't need to take a part in a transvestite of a collab to overcome shyness.

>> No.9784229

Do you believe in the tooth fairy?

>> No.9784275

>believing anything that chinese whore has to say

>> No.9784296

I love seeing how collabs with significant language barriers play out, awkwardness and all. Though having A-Chan may neutralize that a lot.

>> No.9784326

again you don't watch Aqua, she is trying to take these "big steps" whenever she has the chance

>> No.9784328
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yes and?

>> No.9784340

Most girls are easily manipulated by anyone around them, so it's hard to consider a girl either conservative or liberal since they will just try to mimic their environment to blend in.

>> No.9784415

easily manipulated when they are 14 or just plain dumb

>> No.9784446


>> No.9784454


>> No.9784458

>trusting mea shitalk

>> No.9784497

alright, I chuckled, have a (You)

>> No.9784559

> or just plain dumb

Exactly my point. It's hard to find a woman with actual convictions and beliefs of her own, beyond if those are good or wrong.

>> No.9784569


keep in mind that Ina is always at the top of most liked holoEN by japanese fans

>> No.9784608

So she's participating in this out of her own volition. Yeah, right. Makes sense.

>> No.9784640

Ina is literally the only member of EN who has never had a yab.

>> No.9784655

I dunno, I mean it is possible that there are Gura fans who bitched, but it surely wasn't as big of a shitshow as people say it was, Iofi is also known to be a thin skinned person who looks for things rather than someone who gets harassed

>> No.9784685

and why is that a bad thing?

>> No.9784773

What yabs did the others have?

>> No.9784889

Didn't draw coco?

>> No.9784906

Archive reps anon

>> No.9784931 [DELETED] 

> didn't draw coco
coco fuckin graduated, but ina chink cock sucker couldn't take 1 day of her life to draw coco before she was gone forever

>> No.9784965

Would you risk your secure art career just to draw a picture of someone who's leaving the company you work for on the side?

>> No.9784981

so you are saying she drew EVERYONE in hololive but no Coco. Is that right?

>> No.9785046

grow a spine

>> No.9785047
File: 87 KB, 1280x853, 1618507843109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for enjoying Chinese owned vtubers. Please continue supporting Ninomae Ina'nis for the glory of China and the CCP.

>> No.9785086

Ina is korean, but a zhang at heart kek

>> No.9785095

>is always at the top of most liked holoEN by japanese fans

>> No.9785109

Wait, did Goora ever have a yab?

>> No.9785146

She said the r word

>> No.9785250

>Cares about virtue signaling over his career
Kill yourself

>> No.9785266

Reminder that Gura antis are actually indonesian iofifags. instead of discord like egg, they have facebook group to post rrats while masturbating to OC iofi art

>> No.9785344

grow a brain, stop simping for Taiwan

>> No.9785351

So takoshitters was behind all the rrat huh? As expected from the most tribalist fanbase.

>> No.9785389


>> No.9785433

this can't be true since Iofi doesn't have any fans

>> No.9785456
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I mean streamers are usually able to get their chat under SOME level of control, but that's because streamers don't normally get half a milllion subs in just 2 weeks. Gura got thrown into the deep end with no fucking clue what she should do, and obviously nobody in Hololive could help her with this, because this had never happened before. By the time it became apparent that her chat actually needed wrangling, it was already WAY too late for her to do so.

>> No.9785468

t.seething takofag

>> No.9785481
File: 33 KB, 727x422, 8493939484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> moshi moshi, ninomae'inanis est trop exempt de yabs, opération de démarrage... inondez-le de rrats

>> No.9785544

u think ur funny

>> No.9785554 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9785586

People like to pretend Gura never told her chat the rules because the vod was privated due to the emote incident

>> No.9785597

>r word
n word, t word, f word

Why are american like this?

>> No.9785632

She had no way of controlling what that one guy on Twitter did

>> No.9785651

She said pic a couple of times, Iofi Incident, killed Aqua in Minecraft a few times.

>> No.9785794 [DELETED] 

>job security and career prospects bad

>> No.9785873

Senchou loves EN. She's afraid of being hated by them the most.

>> No.9785988

They were all playing survivors there's no difficult things to translate.
>Summer festival
There was nothing to translate it's Minecraft.

>> No.9786058

>have to watch autistic onion, vshojo reject and IryS clone for my Oishi's sake

Why is EN like this?

>> No.9786110
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>> No.9786158

No retard. You still have to communicate in DBD as a survivor and Gura was talking with Robo just fine. Minecraft? She was talking and interacting with the JP's fine there too. How is Mario party any different?

>> No.9786277

Iofi incident? Gura didn't direct anyone to complain and it was 1 chink in iofi's comments that she felt so butthurt by that she had to respond. How is that a Gura yab?

>> No.9786339

>Killed Aqua in MC
That was an accident and literally no one cared, not even Aqua herself. How is that a yab? LOL

>> No.9786399

It's a game where she can lose and you know how much of baby she becomes when she loses. She's not playing in her safe space with her viewers. She's playing with people who while not playing seriously might win against her.

>> No.9786436

Its not a competition retard
They are playing for fun

>> No.9786489

>how much of baby she becomes when she loses
Man you must have had an aneurism when Aqua cried over Mario cart or Pekora fell in Jump King

>> No.9786540

>game about competing for most stars
>it's not a competition
Competing can be fun, anon. Just don't be a sore loser.

>> No.9786588

DBD is a game where you can lose and she was fine. What does it winning or losing have to do anything with translation? Watch streams instead of shitposting and repeating shit you see here from people who also don't watch streams and just repeat shit they see here. At least you outed yourself as a Gura anti.

>> No.9786599

The "iofi incident" is ridiculous bait that people have been biting all year. 99.99% of gura's fanbase has never checked Iofi's twitter, and most of them probably don't even remember who she is right now. Obviously Gura's actual fans aren't the ones mad that Iofi made a promise to translate that she wasn't able to keep. How would they even know about it?

>> No.9786629

here's your daily clip for "people are allowed to feel emotions over videogames"

>> No.9786677

can you guess how we know you are a friendless virgin
stop projecting your pathetic life on to others

>> No.9786728

LOL Now that's a lie. You never see them talk about her as much as they do Gura, Callia and Ame.

>> No.9786757

His Anoose.

>> No.9786805

Marine is scared that she'll say something that can be seen as rude if she tries speaking english. Hopefully this collab will help to build her confidence a bit once she realizes that neither Gura or Ina are actually bothered by it, and that Gura is probably just as worried as she is.

>> No.9786833

Glad you're the one telling me what I'm projecting, that's totally how a projection works.

Cute Aqua

>> No.9786877 [DELETED] 

just visit any any japanese imageboard during JPxEN collab, elevens gush over Ina constantly. Her and Gura even appear in adds most commonly in Nihon land out if all.EN

>> No.9786917

there is a really easy way to make her do a Yab, but why truly hurt someone who has done no harm to anyone? Like seriously 1 usd is all it takes to fuck anyone in hololive, but you won't see me abusing it because is shitty

>> No.9787179

With all the hype, the loser gets graduated.

>> No.9787598

Filthy EOPs will fall for this

>> No.9787846


>> No.9787868

Of course they will. Do you genuinely believe that people here watch Tamaki

>> No.9788174

Incredible, have people actually fallen for this? Oh man you can fuck with so many EOP with this.

>> No.9788258 [DELETED] 

>less than an hour to go
>6k in
This is getting nutty.

>> No.9788506

Council is great.

>> No.9788537

I can't imagine marine being capable - not even so much as being capable - of offending gura.
Gura's pretty chill with everything.
Ina i don't know. I don't watch her.

>> No.9788565

Marine is an M and Ina is an S though.

>> No.9788574

I think it's a meme that grew out of one of Gura's shark game streams

>> No.9788722
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>Omega has to babysit Gura

>> No.9788818


>> No.9789039

>All of HoloJP has been captivated by Gura's cuteness
>During the collab on the main channel where Holomems were to choose other Holomems to be their classmates sitting next to them in the classroom, Marine chose and fought Nene over Ina (though she'd probably prefer a drawing stream rather than MariPa)
>Gura has said that Aqua was one of the Holomems she watched the most, and also her oshi (don't remember this part exactly)
Where exactly is the problem? Aqua and Ina may be only appearing because they are invited, but it's not like they wouldn't want to be there. You faggots need to calm your rrats

>> No.9789557

I still can't believe people were retarded enough to expect somebody to act as a dedicated translator in fucking Among Us.

>> No.9789614

Not everyone can be like Matsuri and say who they don't like. They know if anyone of them says anything bad about Gura even if it's a joke they'll be harassed by the autism army.

>> No.9789637

Has there ever been a collab this panned here? It hasn't even started yet. Maybe this will be good. And I'm a Takodachi saying this.

>> No.9789826

didn't kiara sort of do that though? without tweeting about it.

>> No.9789847

yeah i feel like omega will be there too for backup. A-chan on her own can't help gura and ina at the same time.

>> No.9789991

Bitch, you call her your oshinyet know nothing about her, she fucking loves the shark.

>> No.9790039

For the millionth time. Omega is EN2 and not a fucking manager, shes a fucking producer for music.

>> No.9790057
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>> No.9790068

that anon is a falseflagger begging for (you)s

>> No.9790099

that doesn't exactly mean they can't help with translations.

>> No.9790139
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I can smell our own

>> No.9790378

Every big collab has had its share of TORtanic-larpers. Did you miss the EN anniversary like 2 days ago?

>> No.9790469

>Big holo en/jp/id collab, very few multilingual people (kiara and Iofi mainly),
Amnesiachama, Kiara was not in that stream. It was Among Us collab before that, without Iofi (EN1 + JP5).
People expected Iofi to act as a translator, because chicken was doing it just fine before that.
Ofc it's not an easy job, it's incredibly hard (especially when you're not just a spectator), you don't automatically have skill to live translate even if you fluent in language.

>> No.9790525

poor girl just wants to have fun with the EN/ID crew

>> No.9790629

HAHAHAHAHHAHA you stupid EOP faggot. I can't actually believe this entire time we've been arguing with someone so retarded. Actually, wait. I can totally believe that. What I can't believe is you outed yourself this badly.

>> No.9790648
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ask me how I know you're new here

>> No.9790652

someone should tell her to use "boobs" instead of "tits".

>> No.9790669

language barrier means quiet Gura. I hate when Gura is quiet.

>> No.9790724

Oh jesus christ
she's gonna be there on-call. real time translation.

>> No.9790725


>> No.9790752

They could have asked fucking kiara for translations. Hell if they really wanted to throw fans for a loop they would ask Kson to come as a fucking guest.

>> No.9790956

There's a reason why Kiara is a debuff in collab anon, her voice filter people now inviting her to this mega collab? But she will find a way to make this collab about her on Twitter

>> No.9791431

Marine organized the collab and A-chan offered to help with the language barrier.
Marine is more engaged with management than any Holo not named Fubuki.

>> No.9792471

I am going to cum so hard to this tonight

>> No.9792598

holy hell im filtered hard, theres too many people on the mics and gura clearly has 0 clue wtf is going on and they are translating random shit in the game and the rules instead of giving her context to the conversation

>> No.9792770

You niggers blew the among us collab out of proportion. Gura wasn't even mad, you shitters still went after people.

>> No.9792786

>>Ina doesn't want another Iofi incident.
I'll do my reps, but what happened?

>> No.9792883

nvm I just remembered the Among Us stream. I thought OP was mentioning some other Mario Party yab instead of the Among Us one

>> No.9792903

here >>9781942

>> No.9792997

From what i heard, chumbuds are attacking iofi because she was not doing a good job at translating during the among us collab and making gura lose as a result.

>> No.9793002

Calli had to tell her she wasn't muted and people could hear her whining.

>> No.9793003

Kiara already has a Pekora collab and Sora HoloTalk, this board would fucking implode if Kiara is in a third fucking JP collab this week.

>> No.9793125

And? That is just a mistake, not an indication of anger.

>> No.9793237

this collab was a mistake

>> No.9793279

I love the girls but I seriously despise Super Mario Party as a collab game, is so boring and uneventful compared to the rest of the series. The new Mario Party can't come soon enough.

>> No.9793369

Kuriboh is fast

>> No.9793509

what does pot of greed do?

>> No.9793542

I don't think this was Iofi being thin skinned but rather the Indonesian in her coming out. Indonesian women stand up for themselves, all the ID girls, even Reine, have laid the smack down on their own chats at least once.

>> No.9793572

Keep telling yourself that cumbud.

>> No.9793619

Well, when you put it like that it sounds quite silly.

>> No.9793642

this x1000
so fucking boring on one small board where you do circles. bring back the huge ass maps and the maps where you're moving towards an end goal.

>> No.9793672

This, even the remake Mario Party will be loads better then the sterile version that is SMP

>> No.9793902

You guys act like Gura was a seething woman child having a temper tantrum. She was fine.

>> No.9793938

Gura should've done it with Haachama and Subaru first (it'll help her build confidence talking to JPs) before having collab with Aqua and Marine. This collab is so awkward to watch. Or even Shion is the better first JP Collab for her.

I bet you Pekora and Miko are the next ones she'll collab, imagine how awkward it is

>> No.9793944

>Captcha: GAY48

>> No.9794088

She's just trying really hard to speak Japanese for some reason, she should have some short, natural back-and-forth with Ina in English, and let Ina/A-chan translate naturally if anything funny happens

>> No.9794128

She is STILL pissed and bitches about among us cause of that collab.
She was on top of the world during the first one, especially during the Botan round, she couldn't act that way in the 2nd one and she never forgot.
She's a genuine woman child, I almost hope that council/myth collab Kiara wants to do doesn't pan out, they're playing among us and I don't chumfucks hararrsing a gen 2 girl over it.

>> No.9794146

The most hated EN is a sephiroth lookalike LMAO

>> No.9794208

I been watching this, listening to their words and reactions. Is Gura genuinely on the spectrum? I don't see her live but the way she talks has a certain twinge that reminds me of some autistic kid I knew. It matches her child appearance

>> No.9794262

Its a company collab all about numbers anyway so I don't think they had much input on who to collab with.
I definitely agree if gura isn't an absolute retard she would've done it with haachama and Subaru, hell even azki.
But NOOOO muh views

>> No.9794273

wow this is fucking bad lmao

>> No.9794339

Anon I am sorry to tell you this, but a lot of the hololive girls exaggerate their personalities to be more entertaining.

>> No.9794360

just have something like holohouse where they immerse with each other.
jp's want better english and en's want better japanese. usually the issue is finding someone who speaks your target language, wants to learn your language, and likes you enough to live with you. all of that is supplied by being in hololive.

it's worth remembering these girls have a common bond through their experience, one the vast majority of people can't and won't ever have. they and a select few others know what it's like to be a v-tuber, both the good and bad, and are uniquely suited towards understanding and supporting eachother.

>> No.9794485

Autism is a prerequisite to join hololive

>> No.9794487

This collab is fine. What is with /vt/ constantly wanting drama. Just enjoy faggots

>> No.9794527

I can see that too. Pretending to be dumb is normal for girls. I love aqua for it

>> No.9794583

I highly doubt Cover would throw the investment to bring all the EN girls to japan for a year to make them interact more with the JP girls, as nice as it would be for everyone, but to be honest, is not like much would change considering Mori who lives in Japan doesn't really interact much with the other girls.

>> No.9794587

A-Chan is just cool as always.

>> No.9794628


>> No.9794941
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goddamn gura learn your fucking nipponese, this is the most disjointed attempt at group discussion i've ever seen

>> No.9794977

That's because Mori is your typical gaijin who sticks to the expat community and never ends up learning the language.

>> No.9795020

Uh, maybe because it IS bad you fucking faggot?
You know what ENfags, I'll be diplomatic. One, give me just one fucking reason to not automatically scream internally
anytime I am misfortunate enough to have to look at your "idols" through my screen.

>> No.9795041

They should learn English if they want to communicate with the BIGGEST VTUBER IN THE WORLD

Japanese only peasants need to get with the program

>> No.9795071

Why would they learn english to speak to Pekora?

>> No.9795137

Good idea to have a JP-EN Collab with the worst Japanese speaker in EN and the worst English speaker in JP.

I mean, the collab is okay, but would've been more entertaining with people like Haachama, Subaru, Roboco or even Towa

>> No.9795143

The collab is ok, the choice of game is terrible, it gives few options to properly break language barrier. See the EN vs Gen5 Among Us collab, that one was filled with so many good moments regardless of the language barrier and how it forced everyone to interact, but Super Mario Party is a fucking bore to watch.

>> No.9795149

Nah everyone here just has no life and hates on random things in attempts to cure their crippling depression

>> No.9795210

holy cope, batman

>> No.9795227

You know. Good point anon. They should literally just do a pure zatsudan and see what happens. Reaction streams where they have zero time to put their language reps into actual use is probably putting too much stress on their brains

>> No.9795316

Thats not how it works anon, you pagans always have to learn OUR language. There is a reason english is #1, we run this shit, you bend to our will.

>> No.9795327

it's not as big an investment as you think. housing prices are probably better in japan than america, especially in a shared apartment.
only question i'd have is if cover should finance or oversee it -- and if so, how can we determine the en's determination?

also i meant both ways. some jp want to go to america -- let em. i think they'd be disappointed though. not even necessarily because people can be rude but rather because so much of the country is rural.

where would be a good place for the jp's anyway? i think new england would drive them crazy maybe, or maybe they'd love it. i think nyc is no go due to crazy people. maybe somewhere like kansas.

>> No.9795334
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>anytime I am misfortunate enough to have to look at your "idols" through my screen.

Listen here Chud, maybe you should have sex and stop hating women. Imagine actually supporting idol culture or saying that a girl is worthless because she is a "whore" despite every single hololive member having their moments

Go outside and touch grass, shave your neckbeard and change your shirt you have been wearing for 6 weeks you disgusting mongrel

>> No.9795358

go back

>> No.9795465

A-chan is pure SEX

>> No.9795526

send them to Florida for the full America experience.

>> No.9795528

yeah thats what I thought bitch

>> No.9795551

based 4chad
go back to /r/eddit or facebook, either you're a failed redditor teenager who hasn't been bullied enough or a dumbass boomer.

>> No.9795573

It is not a big investment, but is an investment overall and we all know how horribly stingy Cover has always been. And when it comes to JP going to an EN country, I'd rather keep them away from the clown country that is the US, but I'm not sure if England or Australia would be any better.

>> No.9795671

do we really want another warcrime against japanese people in our history? florida is a no go.

>> No.9795739
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What the fuck is someone like you even doing here?

>> No.9795804

america's only 'bad' because of covid and tremendous uncertainty/instability. once things calm down it will be back to being a good place to visit and enjoy.

>> No.9795831

your oshi is a whore and you should go back

>> No.9795838

>comes to thread
>sees >9795334
>leaves thread
Absolute heaping shitpile of a thread, you should all be ashamed

>> No.9795873

My views on things change entirely depending on who I am trolling. I'll be idol purityposting later tonight I'm sure

>> No.9795882

T. Chudditor election tourist
Hang yourself.

>> No.9795966

>your oshi is a whore and you should go back
My oshi is Korone and I don't care if she is a whore if she is entertaining then I'll stay a fan

>> No.9796007

you're gay, you're jewish, you're cringe, and you aren't even funny

>> No.9796057
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A-chan rabu

>> No.9796064

>he says quoting Nick the spic
and he is calling other people redditors lmao

>> No.9796081

Is Gura going to actually learn some Japanese at some point?

>> No.9796089

>where would be a good place for the jp's anyway?
keep them the fuck away from the cities. maine and new hampshire are pretty kino, state fairs are fun. there's plenty to do in the U.S. outside of the cities

>> No.9796125

Bro your on 4chan board dedicated to vtubers. You are part of the club bud!

>> No.9796139

why would the biggest vtuber in the world need to learn another language

>> No.9796174

Is doing great with her chad energy as usual
Is doing okay, probably sitting on several towels by now with how hard Marine is going after her
Is trying, but no jap is really hurting
Shit at translating but funny comments every once in a while
Is also in the collab

>> No.9796222

> 17 Season 4.

Damn! A-chan killed Senchou

>> No.9796227

>Sana kills Gura right at the beginning of the first game.
>Chumfucks get mad.
>Raid Sana's chat calling her a nigger.
>Gura hasn't been imposter once.
>Last game she's still not imposter.
>Snaps and throws a big tantrum.
>They have to keep resetting the game until she's imposter.
>She's finally imposter.
>Someone calls an emergency meeting.
>Gura obviously being an imposter gets ejected instantly.
>Chumfucks get mad because "Muh Apex Predator!".
>The harass who ever called the emergency meeting.
>Both girls get harassed on twitter and in their chat for days.
>Gura say nothing until management gets involved.

>> No.9796264

Gura is going to have the cumbuddies go after everyone involved of this abomination of a collab.

>> No.9796269

>Iofi says 'welp'
I love this fucking alien even more.

>> No.9796323

Maybe so she doesn't just make random noises whenever she collabs with a JP?

>> No.9796346

Because JP-simps are built differently

>> No.9796351

>creates fantasies in his own head about Gura
rent free faggot

>> No.9796761

The dramanigger wet dream I see

>> No.9796921

Nah just make it a 5v5 Moba session. irys can spectste.

>> No.9796980

Oh, chat time

>> No.9797044

Does Ina win every game she plays?

>> No.9797123

She is legit the only one in EN that is good at games.

>> No.9797307

Fucking based

>> No.9797422

What does /vt/ think of this new Umisea group?

>> No.9797469

Holy shit they're pushing this. I like the 4 but damn that language barrier.

>> No.9797528

another collab FUCKING KEK see you all in 2 days?
2 JP, 1 Japanese speaker and an EOP go to a bar.

>> No.9797558

Sounds pretty corporate, idk we'll see I guess

>> No.9797601

Ina is the only one that can actually talk in english and japanese.

>> No.9797609

Why build a group around a dumb gimmick instead of chemistry?

>> No.9797731

it is, but can act as a getaway for future EN-JP collabs that are actually well thought out. this is testing the waters with a "common sea theme" see how it does.

>> No.9797781

even her japanese is limited

>> No.9797962

I thought Aqua was just being her autistic self during collab as per usual, but now I have to think twice because she might not be comfortable if this goes too corpo.

>> No.9798044

She's part of every corpo grouping so far.

>> No.9798057

Ina's a real gamer despite her appearances.

>> No.9798117

yeah let's sea how it does

>> No.9798133

I like the gimmick but hard to have chemistry when you can't really bounce off each other.

>> No.9798215

E-sports genes

>> No.9798399

Yeah she's there when they need someone to shill shits, but that didn't involve EN, she's most likely gonna stay socially autistic for the next collab too.

>> No.9798606

Yes. What's surprising to me is that she didn't play games until she bought her WiiU. In my own experience girls who never played games before are fucking awful. But she BTFO's everyone at gaming in general despite everyone else having played games as a child. She's literally wired different.

>> No.9798620

Damn, I want a korean gamer gf now

>> No.9798699

replace gura or ina with irys

>> No.9798807

... I think a holoEN might be among us but I'm not sure...

>> No.9799147
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